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Terence Blake
I was born in Sydney, Australia, in 1954. I majored in philosophy at Sydney University, where I did 5 years of postgraduate work in epistemology and the philosophy of science and taught in the Department of General Philosophy during that time. I worked on the thought of Paul Feyerabend. I tried to synthesize my work on Feyerabend with my study of continental philosophers under the rubric of “pluralism”. I was actively encouraged in this attempt by Alan Chalmers, and George Molnar.. I then discovered the work of Gilles Deleuze and Jean-François Lyotard and taught myself French to be able to read their books. I came to Paris in 1980 to attend their lectures, which were brilliant. After 7 years in Paris I moved South to the French Riviera where I studied linguistics with Jean-Claude Souesme. I obtained the agrégation in 2001 and am now an English teacher in a French senior high school. My two favorite philosophers are Paul Feyerabend and Gilles Deleuze.