NOVA FY 2020 Annual Report

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Empowering Survivors, Promoting Crime Victim Rights, and Creating Safer Communities


Fiscal Year



Network of Victim Assistance (NOVA) supports, counsels, and empowers victims of sexual assault and other serious crimes in Bucks County and works to prevent and eliminate violence in society through advocacy, training, community education, and prevention programs.


NOVA envisions a society free of violence, one that empowers individuals and promotes respect for the privacy, diversity, and dignity of all people.


We believe that all individuals should be empowered to make decisions about their lives, to be secure from violation of their bodies and personal space, and to live in a society free from violence. We further believe that society has a responsibility to educate and support individuals with regard to these rights.


“I have noticed a huge difference in my child’s behaviors and emotions since starting therapy. He is very truthful and is able to express his thoughts and feelings better. I am also better able to manage my thoughts and anxiety since starting therapy and I appreciate NOVA and the amazing staff I have been working with.”




Dear Friends,

Thanks to stakeholders like you, NOVA leadership, staff, and volunteers can continue to strive for excellence. We prepare for the future to ensure that we are here for every child and adult who reaches out to us for help here in Bucks County, even during the pandemic. We had no idea during the first three quarters of Fiscal Year 2020 that we were prepared for what was to come. While many businesses and services had to close temporarily or permanently, NOVA never closed. We continued to save lives. Did our staff have to adjust how we deliver services and programs? Absolutely. But we did not waver from our mission—to support, counsel, and empower victims of sexual assault and other serious crimes in Bucks County and to prevent and eliminate violence in society through advocacy, training, community education, and prevention programs. In the Impact section of this report, we have outlined key accomplishments that we have made during this past year. Looking to the future, we must work to ensure the sustainability of our mission. We remain acutely aware of the challenges faced every day by the children and adults who have found themselves victimized—people in great need whose lives are affected by trauma and who face a long road to healing. We remain mindful of our NOVA staff and the remarkable skill and dedication that they bring to help those victimized by crime. The onset of the pandemic has highlighted the need always to be prepared to serve regardless of circumstances. The increase of divisiveness in our country and community—the prevalence of violence, the escalation of cyberbullying and child pornography, the rise in gun violence, the pervasiveness of sexual abuse—layers over the already challenging and stressful work for staff and healing process for victims. The demand for services and prevention work continues to increase. The NOVA staff are always there for victims and the community at large—serving through education, counseling, and advocacy. NOVA leadership continues to strive for fiscal sustainability to ensure that we continue to provide state-of-the-art services and programs. We thank you for continuing to support us through financial contributions, volunteering, and advocating. For more information, please take a look at our new website Sincerely, Penelope R. Ettinger, MS Executive Director, NOVA

Dorothy Gaboda President, Board of Directors, NOVA

Network of Victim Assistance Annual Report Fiscal Year 2020


Looking to the Future Planning for the Future— Strengthen Infrastructure. Demonstrate Impact. Ensure Long-term Sustainability. We began the fiscal year celebrating the completion of 46 years of victim services and prevention education programs to the Bucks County community. While continuing to provide state-of-the-art victim services, we moved forward with planning for future sustainability of the organization. Then, on March 13th as spring 2020 was emerging, the NOVA staff, like the rest of the world, shut its doors. But we did not close. As an essential service with a mission to serve victims of sexual assault and reduce violence through prevention, our staff pivoted dramatically and we continued to move forward.


Throughout the year, moving from inperson to a virtual platform in spring 2020, we developed and implemented live online personal safety programs in our schools and across our community; continued to advocate for public policy that supports victim rights at the local, state, and federal levels; and continued to provide cutting-edge, evidenceinformed, and evidence-based services to support victims of crime in our community. The direct service staff continued to provide a continuum of forensic, counseling, and victim advocacy services to over 3,600 children, adults, and elderly people who were the

victims or survivors of sexual abuse, homicide, human trafficking, fraud, and other crimes. Our Educators and Facilitators who carry out our prevention education programs presented age-appropriate personal safety programs to over 32,000 children and adults.

Strengthen Infrastructure/ Ensure Sustainability Our substantial growth reflects our commitment to our work—growing to 70+ employees with an operating budget of just over $5 million annually. NOVA leadership and staff understand that if we are to continue to meet the needs of all victims of crime in a growing and diverse community, to reduce the burden on government, and to be lead partners in eradicating violence in our community, then we must plan for the future by strengthening our organizational infrastructure, building evaluation capacity, and ensuring future sustainability. Public funding for infrastructure support is limited and is often “set aside” to offer more services. Like many non-profits, the growth of our organization’s service has outpaced the infrastructure needs. While grant and contract funding provides a significant source of funding for services, public and private funds do not always cover overhead costs.

When the pandemic hit, we paused expansion to focus on the immediate. We ensured remote capability for staff and we secured several COVID-emergency grants from the United Way of Bucks County and Foundations Community Partnership to purchase PPE and technology to ensure continuity of programs and services as we moved to remote and virtual platforms. Highlights of the year included: nsuring Facilities Infrastructure. E NOVA is fortunate to own outright our three office sites that are strategically located in upper, central, and lower Bucks County to be accessible to victims of crime throughout the county. With our growth, we have begun to address the limitation of available office space for our increased staff. • The Board of Directors established a Facilities Committee to address the long-term physical plant needs. Additionally, the Committee began to address the future physical plant needs. • In response to the pandemic, we secured COVID relief funds through the CARES Act to ensure that staff remained employed and we could continue services while ensuring social distancing. These funds were essential to cover diminished revenue due to NOVA Thrift Shop closure during the 3-month lock down and the postponing or cancelling of special fundraising events. • Construction was initiated and completed on our office suite in Fairless Hills to be a model traumainformed interior to support clients in their healing. Increase Access to NOVA—With Particular Focus on Underserved Communities. To meet the needs of and to access underserved and unserved persons, NOVA continues to

expand services throughout Bucks County by taking services to victims. • SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) services have been expanded from one hospital in November 2019 to now providing forensic medical services to six hospitals in Bucks County. Every victim of a sexual assault who presents in the Emergency Department will be ensured this specialized care. Additionally, the Forensic Nursing program initiated the Interpersonal Violence initiative by training SANE nurses and working with community partners to prepare for the care of victims of attempted strangulation. • During the pandemic, our programs moved to virtual platforms to ensure that we could continue to provide direct services. The success of these initiatives has provided us with an additional tool for reaching victims even into the future. Increasing NOVA’s Footprint. A longtime donor who came for a visit this past year said, “NOVA is the best kept secret in Bucks County.” That was not the first time we had heard this and our goal is to educate more people about the work that we do with victims and our larger community. In efforts to continue to increase our visibility we targeted several initiatives including the following. • NOVA initiated the Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Stopper program to the general adult population in Bucks County. With funds for a widespread public marketing campaign, we have increased the number of adults who live, work, or worship in Bucks County who have taken the training on how to prevent and recognize signs of child sexual abuse and how to respond appropriately to children who disclose sexual abuse. Not only are we advancing the initiative of having a safer community for

children but we have increased the recognition of NOVA’s name through the campaign. • NOVA is advancing its social media presence by designating a staff person to planning and promoting NOVA services in online spaces.

Ensure and Demonstrate that Our Services and Programs Have Impact Expand Valuation and Capacity Building Initiative. After completing the Pew Charitable Trusts Evaluation Capacity Building Initiative (ECBI) in the 2019 fiscal year, we have taken steps to strengthen our program evaluation capacity, in turn ensuring that services are producing the outcomes that we intend. We continued to build the functionality of our client database for data-driven quality assurance and demonstration of services’ and programs’ impacts which allows us to accurately measure outcomes.

Ensure Long-term Sustainability It is the annual financial support of donors that allows us to plan for the future while ensuring that we provide exceptional services for victims who need us today. Individuals like you have supported us throughout the years. Whether you—or your company/foundation—have been supporting NOVA for years or you just began this year, you are making the difference. This coming year we will commence a planned giving campaign to build our endowment—in-line with our goal of building sustainability. The NOVA Board of Directors and leadership team are resolute to never compromise the quality of services in order to build bigger. As you read the extensive list of donors, know that we value every single donor and are grateful for your support. Thank you.

Network of Victim Assistance Annual Report Fiscal Year 2020


Prevention is Possible Here at NOVA, we truly believe PREVENTION IS POSSIBLE. Prevention is a cornerstone to our mission, programs, and services. While our focus on prevention is not new, it is always evolving. Our goal this year has been to remain steadfast in our commitment to prevention and to deliver NOVA’s prevention messages through timely and unconventional approaches—meeting people where they are at—which is mostly at home these days. NOVA’s prevention programs started out in-person this fiscal year, but quickly adapted and moved virtual in March, 2020. Violence prevention is a lifelong lesson. NOVA’s violence prevention programs are age and developmentally appropriate and range from preschool personal safety programs, to elementary child sexual abuse prevention programs, to middle and high school healthy relationship and rape prevention education. NOVA also offers a tier of programming on digital citizenship, bullying, cyber bullying and internet safety—the importance of which cannot be overlooked in today’s virtual world.


However, our prevention efforts do not stop there. They can’t stop there. NOVA also trains adults to be informed mandated reporters of child abuse through NOVA’s state approved training and strives to educate the community at large to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child abuse through the Stewards of Children Training and CSA Stoppers campaign. This past fiscal year was different than any other year. We pushed to redesign, reimagine, and reinvent prevention messages. While we

know that 1 out of 10 children will experience child sexual abuse before their 18th birthday1, we also know that during times of crisis, such as during COVID-19, assault and abuse, including the rates and severity of child abuse, upsurge and intensify. Research is already indicating that violence in the home was over double the rate when schools were closed due to the pandemic2.Yet, calls to report child abuse and neglect dropped 50% since social distancing efforts went into effect3, indicating too many children did not get help from adults to stop abuse from happening. While statistics of child sexual assault and abuse can be startling, we still know PREVENTION IS POSSIBLE. This year, NOVA adjusted, quickly and on demand, and delivered child sexual abuse awareness training online through over 80 webinars reaching over 4,000 community members, infused social media with tactical strategies to intervene and disrupt abuse, and continued to work with local school partners to bring prevention programs to students via Zoom and Google Classrooms. NOVA also continues to lead the way in prevention education for adults and youth with developmental disabilities. For over three decades, NOVA has provided abuse prevention and empowerment programs to adults with developmental and physical disabilities designed to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of crime and intervene early if abuse has already occurred or is occurring. In 2007 NOVA launched an innovative and unique personal safety and healthy relationship training for

children with developmental disabilities, particularly those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The program has grown since inception in 2007 when it was designed for ages 7 to 12 to now include full modules for teens ages 13 to 17 years old and young adults ages 18 to 21 years old with ASD. This program has gained international attention and, with local grants, we strive to develop this program into a train-the-trainer model and expand its reach and availability. While the scope and wide reaching efforts have grown and changed through the years, NOVA’s prevention education programs have always played, and will continue to play, an important role in the healthy development of Bucks County children and youth, support the reduction of childhood stress, provide safe environments for children, and promote youth resilience because, here at NOVA, we know PREVENTION IS POSSIBLE. 1. T ownsend, C., & Rheingold, A.A., (2013). Estimating a child sexual abuse prevalence rate for practitioners: studies. Charleston, S.C., Darkness to Light. Retrieved from 2. E dwards, Jes. “Protect a Generation. The Impact of COVID-19 on Children’s Lives.” Save the Children, Save the Children, content/dam/usa/reports/emergency-response/ protect-a-generation-report.pdf. 3. S tewart, Nikita. “Child Abuse Cases Drop 51 Percent. The Authorities Are Very Worried.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 9 June 2020, coronavirus-nyc-child-abuse.html.

Donors NOVA is pleased to acknowledge the following donors for their generosity and support of our programs and services during FY 2020.

President’s Club (Over $5,000)

Syed Kareem Afzal and Nihad Kaiseruddin Jean T. Evans Robert and Elaine Fitt Dorothy Gaboda Becky Shuttleworth Ms. Margaret Yoma Ullman

Founder’s Club ($2,500 - $4,999)

Stephen Albert and Barbara B. Wachter MaryAnn Edwards Christina P. Greenwood Karen M. Kern Andrew and Valerie Kind-Rubin Brian and Louise McLeod Mark and Mimi Worthington

Empowerment Circle ($1,000 - $2,499)

Anonymous (3) Seung Hee Choi and Maneesh Chhabria Curtis and Carolyn Cowgill Morgan and Jason Cooper Dennis K. Dunlap Stanley and Shelli Dunn Dr. Twain Gonzales and John A. Donato Charles and Donna Grezlak Bob Hills and Charlene Rose Cummins Hills Mary Pat Kuchan Neil and Marion M. Kyde Darren and Angela McGettigan Michelle Obetz Susan Plotkin Harriet Rattner Mike Sellers and Lia van Rijswijk Gwendolyn and Erik Sims Geoff and Megan Stricker Tom Thomas Chuck and Pamela Thompson Debbie and Dan Wachspress

Advocates Club ($500 - $999)

Anonymous (3) Ann Brentano Penelope R. Ettinger and Kris F. Bauman Lori and Cliff Fisher David W. and Arden K. Freeman Alfred and Alissa Garrison Chris and Megan Grezlak Kim Gronendahl Emma Hannon Edward and Elizabeth Kohlhepp Sally Laessig Brian and Louise McLeod Fred and Kathleen Schea Stacey Smith Jack and Paula Young

Allies ($250 - $499)

Anonymous (4) Mark and Teresa Ascher Andrew and Ramona Carson Sandy Carvin Christopher and Whitney Chandor

Brian Compas Karen Dawkins Chris Hoffman and Deb Gehan-Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Grater Tine Hansen-Turton Duncan Hartley Hayes Honer Rob and Debbie Hutchison Dafydd Jones Marianne and Darryl Kepler Ray and Patrice Kerr Rick and Lynne LaBerge Eric and Lauren Landamia Kelly A. Lange Mary Lee and Bill Lieser Paul and Nan Luff Colin and Karas Matejka Richard B. Millham Mandy and James Mundy Stuart and Alisa Myles Renee Noel and Wayne Heacock Ann Paris Anna Hamill Perkins Margie Perry Donald and Joan Rapp Chelsea and John Regel Karen Robbins William and Laurie Schutt Dr. Anna M. Shantz and Stephen H. Shantz, Esq. Nancy Vander Zwan Bob and Kathleen Williamson Mary Worthington and Jim Kuhn

Supporters ($100 - $249)

Anonymous (6) Bernice Antonelli Mr. and Mrs. Bill Athas Michael R. Baram Nancy Barch Ken Biehn Nancy and Bill Blethen Christine Bottiglia Pauline Boyle Jessica Burgos Tina M. Burns Ben Ciliberto Joe and Judy Coleman Jennifer and Chad Conicello Suzanne C. Crilley Marisela Cruz Lorel Davis Representative Tina M. Davis Aaron and Lucie Dean Sally Destefano Erika Dunbar Shari Dutkin Alison Embow Ellen and Charles Erickson John and Laura Farrell Charles and Elaine Fettig Erika Flayer Fitz and Jessica Gallagher Janice Gavin Marcy J. Gekoski Peg George Handball Friends of Bill and Marci Goldman Cathleen C. Greeney and Al Qayoom Madison Greiner Linda N. Hagan Kelly Hagenbaugh Linda Hagey Sarah Haimowitz Andrea Hanna Joyce and Steven Hanson Jane Hayden Saunier Steve and Judy Heath David and Susan W. Heckler David Hendricks Jennifer V. Herring Guy and Dana Hilton Jean Hurd and Leon A. Kowalski Ms. Barbara Jacobson Christina Kadri Matthew and Gina Kelly Michael Kelly Lorraine King Jeffrey and Sheila Knerr

Todd Hurley and Sarah Larson Mr. John T. LaSala Virginia G. Lesso Marvin and Merle Levy John and Kaitlin Lindinger Ed and Katie Lipski Dianne C. Magee, Esq. Karen Mann Jillian Mann Sandy and Glenn Marad Kristin McCarthy John and Carol McCaughan Lois F. McClintock Joanne McDonough James and Hester Meckley Susan M. Meo John and Margaret Mertz Jack and Lisa Morrash Bill and Amanda Murphy Debbie Murphy Leon and Karen Novak Deborah and Daniel Nugent Ken Odell Patricia Oschmann Julia Ott Jeneen Overberger Ms. Kathleen G. Platzer Gary and Cathleen Plefka Mr. William Quigley and Ms. Elaine Brick Kristine Quinby Grace Rabano Sally J. Regel Mark Richter Mary Richter Dr. Robert Riesenberger, D.D.S., P.C. Sean and Twyla R. Ryan Nancy Salvador Adam and Marissa Samit Hayden Saunier Mark and Kathleen Schweiker Mary L. Schweiker Gerdelmann Arianne Sellers Mark and Katherine Semisch Phyllis Sexton Roger Sharma Chris Sheehan Scott Sheldon Bryan Shelly Emily Y. Smith Judy Smith Madeline Sosnowski Peter R. and Barbara P. Sperry Marlene Steele Joseph and Perri Lee Stella Eileen C. Stremba Charles and Jane Swartz John and Wendi Thomas Betsy K. Thomas Kelly Thomke Peter and Rebecca Van Dine Robert and Alice Vernon Pat Von Seggern Yonghao Wang Maxine Katz Thuong Wasielewski Dorothy M. Wax and Meryl A. Towarnicki Sara M. Webster Matthew Weintraub Priscilla and Todd Wheeler Tari Zarka Tony and Erin Zezzo

Friend’s Club ($10 - $99)

Anonymous (11) Christa Afflerbach Devon and Rachel Andrew Chloe Ann William and Kate Aquila Nick Arduino Carolyn Bach Hooven Philip Backlund Sue and Jim Barrett Sherman and Debbie Barton Brian and Cathie Beasley Mark and Carol Becker Nancy Bergere Eric Bertoni

Lynne A. Bickta Corinne Bielemeier Josh Bininger Edmund Black Adam and Deirdre Blackburn Meredith Blackman Marcia L. Blackman Linda Bleam Brenda A. Blizzard Bob Boland Grace Borneman Nicole Bowen Sue Bowers Lisa Bradley Alexandra Brady Janet Brady Carol Bremme Cydney Bronstein James Browne Kate Burkart Brian and Dara Burns Kathleen Byrne William and Rosalyn Cahill Robert Camarata Amy Campbell Lorrie Campbell Carla Capriotti William and Claudia Cariss Kathleen Casabona Rhona Case Lisa Catherman Helena Catherwood Jean Cauller Pattie Cavalli Christopher Chestnut Amberly Choi Antonio Cillo Jennifer Cipriano Elizabeth Clark Judith and Robert Clarke Brandi Clyde Jonathon Cobb Kate Conlow Samantha Constable Diana E. Contine Megan and Jamie Coopersmith Christina M. Cortellessa Frank and Patricia Cosner Gwendolyn Coverdale Katherine Craig Emily Crane Renee Criscuolo Samantha Cronce Jennifer Crooke Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Crooks III Amanda Curtis Brian A. Danchak Rita Darragh-Connors Philip Davies James Davis Jim Daymon Nicole DeCicco Matthew Decker Nancy and Randy Decker Ms. Alice Delpizzo Eileen DeLuca Tammy Demone Benjamin and Sarah Derby Elizabeth Desrosiers Olivia Dettore Ilene Deutsch Riegel Mike Dineen Michael Dockeray Steve Doerner Joseph Donato Paul Doody William Dorn Wendy Douris Rich and Debbie Dubin Ms. Lisa Duffner Julia H. Dugery and Gordon Searles Kenny and Kim Duncan Juli Dupiche Maria Duprey Ms. Robin Durand Lorne Durnford Kate Eagles Kris Ehrlich Geoffrey Ehrman



Bruce Elliott Ruth Elton Janet Esler Ellen Faulkner Brandon Fell Ralph and Frances Fergusen Elizabeth Ferrier Andrea Ferrino-McHugh Stephanie Fischer Barbara and Bill Ford Alice Ford-Hutchinson Kim Foster Alan Fox Emily French Nancy Freudenthal Liz Fronzeo Stacey Froystad Marc and Monica Furber Emily Galluppi Ashley Galluppi Aimee Galluppi Danielle Galluppi Mini Galluppi Jacqueline Garcia Lauren Garges Melissa Garretson Jaimie Geddes Byron and Cheryl George Bona Gerhart Pier Giaclone Belinda Gilbert Maureen Gingerich Rezarta Gjeci Jeff and Celina Glaush Howard Goldfine Jillian Goldman Bill and Marci Goldman The Goldstein Family Patricia A. Gordon April Grimes Frank Groome Matt and Sarah Grosik Michele Gunn Phyllis Ann Gwiazdowski Dr. Dawn H. Haaz Adam Hackel Jamie and Michelle Hagenbaugh Jim and Kathy Hagenbaugh Margaret Hamel-Daymon David Hanks Lexi Harrell Curtis Hartranft TC Hatzis Edward and Susan Hausle Nancy J. Heacock Jenn Hen Patricia Hendricks Jeffrey Henne Alicia Herbert Todd Hershey Marie E. Heuer Wassel David Hildebrand Nicole Hillis Jean Holmes Amy Holstein Oxana Holubowsky Herbert and Helen Holweger Tobias Houdshell Roger Howard Robert Howell Michele Hughes Michael Hupp Elizabeth Hurlock-Bruck Pat Hurst Jen Irons Leigh Irvin Susan Jackson Tracy Jenkins Caitlin Johnson Megan Johnson Nicole Jolly Aimee Juliana Robin Kapiloff Jodi Kaplan Kevin and Lois Keller Victoria Kenderdine Meghan Kennedy Karen Kerins Susan A. Kerins

Cindy Killinger Greg and Jane Kim Jennifer King Betsey King Trish Kinney Keith and Debbie Kirkner James Kirkner Terrie Klein Deborah Kline Susan and Matthew Klyman Trish A. Knoll Kate Kohler Roy and Nancy Kolb Deana Krezel Joseph Kristel Sarah Kuethe Mary Kugler-Finney Elizabeth Kurtz Walter and Dolores Kwacz Lynne Laccarino Earl LaFlamme Kara LaRose Richard and Joan Laudeman Jack and Elizabeth LeMay Joel Leon Marie Leopold Traci Lewis Huttenlock Bruno Lorraine Lins Frank Listner Lisa Litovsky Amy Lloyd Daniel and Ellen Loftus Tina Logue Edward Louka Steve Luczak Catherine Lydon

Denise Newberry Kristin Norcross Mary Beth Novack Maria Nye Hannah O’Donnell Kelley O’Leary Michael Ott Dave Owings Brian and Andrea Parks Gloria Patry Harry and Wanda Peirce Semira Perdue Timothy Perkins Andrea Perkins Cathy Perkins Karen Pinzolo Doris A. Pisotti Janna Pitak Kristen Plummer Sabastian Porter Lee-Ann Potter David Powell Jessica Price Donna Prinsen Erica Pursell Marilyn Rafkin Milan Reichbach Josi Ribeiro Sally Risinger Edward Ritvo Agnes Robbie Linda Rohne Alex Rohrer Ed and Susan Romano Alison Rose Mike Rosiak

“I am truly thankful to have been seen at NOVA. My life has been changed. I found it helpful to find ways to cope, manage my feelings, and learn what trauma is.” Morgan Lynn Margaret Mackey Anne Mackey Lyndsey MacNair Maria Mahaffey Jennifer Mahoney Kim Ingham Maloney Jamie Malzman Kenneth and Lois Mammel Wendy Mang Peter Mastromarco Deanna Mattioli Sara Max Elizabeth Maybach Michael Gianella and Colleen McCourt Janeen McCullough Kristin M. McElroy Kelly McGee Joe and Sandy McGinnis Angela McGrath Ellen McKay Kim McKiernan Lorraine and Bruce McMahon Sharon Medina Fiona Melissen Diane Mellon Margo Meriwether-DeSimone Nancy Messick Anne-Marie Mettus Mr. and Mrs. Robert Michniewicz Betty Miller Michael Mirarchi Linda Mirarchi Ginger Monarch Thomas and Melody Moore Monica Mosley Amanda Moyer William Mullen Judith V. Mullen Sarah A. Myers Cindy Nagle Martin Nagle Hank and Karen Naisby Penny Neeld Brittany Neff

Monica E. Rousset Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruhl Ms. Michele Ruhren-Vollmer Lisa A. Ryan and Gaetano Bosco Danielle Sabalusky David Saddlery Stephanie Savastano Jonathan Savrin Hillary Sawyer Robert and Laura Scheithauer Beth Schindele Katie Schmalenberger Joseph Schmitz Stephen and Colleen Schneck Brittany Schrader Kathy Schuster Colleen Schwarz Katie Sellers Atsuko Seto Liz Shockley Kimberly A. Shores Angela Sigmund Rebecca Simmons Stacy Skale Danielle Slaughter Christerfer Smith Mary K. Smithson Tracy Snyder Christina Sprows Ben Sprows Shawn and Kristy Stachel Jamie Sterling Lois Sternberg Adam Sternberg Emilie Stevens Kimberly Strong Jennifer Sullivan Jody Sysler Staci Szymanski Murray and Tina Talansky Joe and Deb Talecki Linda Taormina Gregory Tapler Frank Tome Jim and Ashley Towhey Edward and Ginny Trea

Candice Tremblay Damon Troy Sally Troy-Ryan Andrew and Jaime Valleley Roe Var Jody Vargas Tmax Varrasse Laura Voumard Mary Wagner Bracciale Stanley Waldruff Jane Walker Michele Walsh Pamela Ward Gloria Watkins Robyn Wells Donna Welsh Fely Wermers Ellie Werner Joe Werner Glenn M. Westerlund, Sr. Mary Whartenby Grace Wheeler Amanda Whelan Philip White Stephen J. White Cassidy White Maria White David and Joan Whitmire Leah Whittington Eleanor Wilhelm Ina Williams Caren Williams Tim Williams Maureen Williams Dan Wilson Jack Witzig Harris Wohl Warren and Julia Woldorf Jeremy Wolf Melissa Wolf Jennifer Woollam-Carragher Candace and Jake Yaeger Betsy & Paul Zazow Leanne Zemitis Kate Zern Colleen Zizzi


Bucks County Foundation Doylestown Health Foundation Foundations Community Partnership Independence Foundation La Mel Garden Fund of the Bucks County Foundation Merck Foundation Norman Raab Foundation Penn Community Foundation The Robert and Elaine Fitt Family Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation

Matching Gift Contributors

Abbott Laboratories AbbVie Employee Fund Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Comcast NBC Universal Matching Gift Program Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts Program LPL Financial Charitable Foundation Merck Partnership for Giving Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Principal Financial Group Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program TIAA Charitable Tyco Matching Gifts Program VOYA Financial

Community Partners NOVA deeply appreciates our community partners who have supported us during FY 2020 through their event sponsorships, program ad purchases, in-kind donations and support of prevention education programs. Anonymous (4) 1-800-GOT-JUNK 1812 Productions 5 South 5 Wits 93.3 WMMR AACA Museum Act II Playhouse Action Karate, Jamison Adventure Sports in Hershey African American Museum in Philadelphia Al Qayoom and Cathleen C. Greeney Alera Group Amazon Smile Foundation Ambler Theater American Bread Company American Helicopter Museum & Education Center Anna Nails and Spa Anna P’s Catering Antheil Maslow & MacMinn, LLP Anthony Petsis & Associates, Inc. Anton’s at the Swan Arcadia University Ardana Food & Drink Arden Theatre Co. Art Dept. Studios (Doylestown) Paint N’ Pottery Assured Partners At The Factory In Oaks Auto Magic Car Care, LLC Auto Zone Avalon Golf Club Avalon Links Restaurant Bacco Bistro & Pizza Backyard Beans Coffee Company, LLC Baltimore Museum of Industry Bang It Out Designs Bank of America Matching Gifts Beaded by Sandra Bella Tori at the Mansion Bella’s Boutique Belle Mariposa Salon and Day Spa Bensalem Township Police Department Benstead, Mabon & Mitsch, PC Beth Ferrer Betty Borden’s House of Whacks Bishop Estate Vineyard & Winery Blooming Glen Pork & Catering Blue Violet Flowers and Gifts Bob Hills and Charlene Rose Cummins Hills Bob’s Discount Furniture Charitable Foundation, Inc. Bocelli’s Restaurant Bonefish Grill Boscov’s Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve Bowman’s Tavern Brandywine Ballet Brandywine River Museum of Art Breakthru Beverage Pennsylvania Brian and Louise McLeod Brick House Tavern + Tap Bristol Borough Police Benevolent Association

Bristol Riverside Theater Brittany Ibbotson Broadway Theater of Pitman Buckingham Valley Vineyards Bucks County Children’s Museum Bucks County River Country Bucks County Road Runners Bucks County Running Company Bucks County Symphony Orchestra Bucks County Treasurer’s Office Byers’ Choice Ltd. Cafe Con Leche Caleb’s American Kitchen Cancun Mexican Restaurant Candlewyck Bar and Grill Carroll’s Jewelers Casa Toro, Inc. Central Bucks High School South Boys Lacrosse Team Chanticleer Charities Aid Foundation of America Charles and Donna Grezlak Cherry Crest Adventure Farm Chick-Fil-A, Warrington Choo-Choo Barn Chris Hoffman and Deb GehanHoffman Chuck E. Cheese’s Ciao Bella Salon City Winery, Washington DC Clark’s Flower Shop Colebrookdale Railroad Comcast Spotlight Comedy Cabaret Compass Rose Circle of Women Cornerstone Clubs and Spa Costco Wholesale Club/ W1103 Council Rock School District County Theater Courtyard Philadelphia City Avenue Crafty’s Taproom Crayola Experience Crea Designs Crossroads Bakeshop Dafydd Jones Dairy Queen, Warrington Dance Time Academy Darren and Angela McGettigan David J. Witchell Salon & Spa David Ohlerking David Taylor David W. and Arden K. Freeman Delaware Art Museum Delaware Museum of Natural History Denise and Robert Held DePietto & DePietto, LLC. Diamond Express Car Wash Diana E. Contine Diana Vincent Jewelry Designs Domenic Graziano Flowers Donegal Jewelers Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom Dorothy Gaboda Dot Bunn Dover International Speedway Doylestown Bookshop Doylestown Gold Exchange, LLC Doylestown Health Doylestown Rock Gym Duncan Hartley Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre Eastburn and Gray, PC Eastern State Penitentiary EC Fence and Iron Works, Inc. Ed and Katie Lipski Edible Arrangements of Doylestown Eleanor Wilhelm Elite Island Resorts Emilie Stevens Entertainment Cruises Eric and Lauren Landamia Erini Restaurant Expedition Escape EZ Storage Warrington Faber Distilling Co. Fairless Hills Garden Center Fairways Golf Club Fanny Chapman Pool

Fitlife Performance Training Penelope R. Ettinger and Kris F. Local’s Pizza Flager and Associates, PC. Bauman Longwood Gardens Foundations Community Partnership Lower Southampton Police Penn Community Bank Frog Hollow Farm Bed & Breakfast Penn Engineering & Manufacturing Benevolence Association Furrever Friends Pet Portraits Corp. LSL Brands Garden State Discovery Museum Penn Foundation Luberto’s Brick Oven Pizza George and Emily Thompson Penn Museum & Trattoria Giant Food Store, Roslyn People’s Light and Theater Company Luigi’s Restaurant Giant Food Stores, Souderton Petco Mad Golfer Golf Club Giant Food Stores, Willow Grove Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Madison Greiner Giggleberry Fair Program MaGerks, Fort Washington Giuseppe’s Pizza and Family Philadelphia Chamber Music Society Maggio’s Restaurant Restaurant Philadelphia Eagles Malmark, Inc. Charitable Fund Gloria Watkins Philadelphia Insectarium Marcus Theatres Corporation Go ‘N Bananas Family Fun Center Margie Perry & Butterfly Pavilion Goldsteins’ Rosenberg’s RaphaelMarianne and Darryl Kepler Philadelphia Museum of Art Sacks, Inc. Marie Leopold Philadelphia Rock Gyms Got Wine? Marisela Cruz Philadelphia Theatre Company Grandview Hospital Mark and Teresa Ascher Philadelphia Union Greenwood Gaming and Marshall Grezlak Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens Entertainment, Inc. (Parx Casino) Mary Lou Wilson Phillips & Donovan Architects, LLC Grim’s Orchard & Family Farms Mary Pat Kuchan Phoenix Art Supplies + Framing Growing Smiles in Floral Vale, LLC MBIT Philanthropy Today Club Piccolo Trattoria, Newtown Guru Indian Cuisine McCaffrey’s Market Pina’s Pizzeria Guy and Dana Hilton Mercer Museum and Fonthill Castle Pineville Tavern Hachi Merck Partnership for Giving/ Players Barber Shop Hand and Stone Massage and Pocono Raceway Merck Foundation Poco’s Restaurant Middletown Township Police Facial Spa, Newtown Poke Bros. Benevolent Association Haring Brothers, Inc. Country Portraits by Anne-Marie Mike’s York Street Bar & Grill Butcher Shop Posh Hair Design Miller Symphony Hall Harleysville Savings Bank Princeton Athletics Mohegan Sun Pocono Harmony Clean Princeton University Art Museum Moondog Yoga Harrisburg Area Riverboat Society Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Morey’s Piers Harvest Seasonal Grill & Wine Bar, Pumpernick’s Deli Morris Arboretum of the University Newtown Quaint Oak Insurance of Pennsylvania Hats Galore & More Haven Promise Design Hayes Honer “I have noticed a huge difference in my child’s behaviors and emotions Head Over Heels - Valley Square since starting therapy. He is very truthful and is able to express his Heirloom Acre Honey thoughts and feelings better. I am also better able to manage my Hershey Gardens thoughts and anxiety since starting therapy and I appreciate NOVA Hilton Harrisburg and the amazing staff I have been working with.” Hilton Philadelphia at Penn’s Landing Quintessence Theatre Group Levy Lesser “The environment provided a safe space to process Rachel Rackroom Shoes the event in a unique yet personal way.” Raymer’s Homemade Candies Reading Fightin Phils Refreshing Mountain Retreat & Historic Philadelphia, Inc. Mountain Laurel Spirits, LLC Adventure Center Historic Ships in Baltimore Movie Tavern, Flourtown Renee Noel and Wayne Heacock Holiday House Pet Resort Mt. Cuba Center Richard and Ilene Bomze Holland Ridge Farms Mt. Fuji Restaurant Richard and Johnette Venne Hopkins & Hopkins, Attorneys Munich Re Foundation Mural Arts Philadelphia at Law Robyn Graham Photography, LLC Nail Palaise Hulton Contracting, Inc. Rocco’s At The Brick Nails by Lindsay Independence Foundation Rose Group Management Services, LP Nancy Barch Indian Garden Rotary Club of Doylestown Natalie Searl Iron Abbey Gastropub Saladworks, Newtown National Constitution Center Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant, Sally Laessig Neiman Marcus North Wales Saltability Retreat Wellness Center Neshaminy Valley Golf Club Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant, Sandy Carvin Newtown Athletic Club Philadelphia Sarah Cornwell Jewelry Newtown Bookshop Jake’s Eatery School of Rock Newtown Presbyterian Church Jesse’s Barbecue Scott Matthew Salon Newtown Theatre Joe and Deb Talecki Seasons 52, Cherry Hill Nick’s Deli Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts Seasons 52, King of Prussia Nico’s Pizza of Jamison, Inc. Program Sellers Dorsey Nina’s Waffles & Ice Cream, Joy Chalet Cuisine Shady Brook Farm Markets, Inc. K & K Landscaping, Inc. New Hope Shari Dutkin Kathie Dacey Photography Nordstrom Shaving Grace Barbers KCBA Architects Norman Raab Foundation Simeone Foundation Automotive Kershaw & Fritz Tire Service, Inc. Northampton Township Police Museum Killinger Contracting Benevolent Association Skippack Golf Club Kimmel Center Novique Medical Aesthetics Smoke and Mirrors Magic Theater Kreischer Miller Officer James Browne Somewhere In Time Landis Supermarket Oishi Restaurant Southwest Airlines Lantern Theater Company Old Barracks Museum Speed Raceway Legacy Buxmont Real Estate Inc. On Location Tours St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Lehigh Valley IronPigs On Your Way Up Ballooning Church Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden O’Neil Nissan Stanley and Shelli Dunn Lights, Camera, Acting! Orange Theory Fitness Staples Lily’s Chocolate Paradise Osteria Saporino Star Penn Pool Service Lincoln Caverns & Whisper Rocks P.F. Chang’s, Warrington Stars Salon PA Chapter of Children’s Advocacy of Huntingdon State Farm Insurance - Shawn Velez Centers & MDTs Linden Row Inn Station Tap House Pat Hurst Little Bags. BIG Impact Steele’s Gulf Auto Repair Peace Valley Lavender Farm LIVE! with Kelly and Ryan Stephen Albert and Barbara B. Wachter Peddler’s Village Lizell Office Furniture

Stumpy’s Hatchet House Bucks County Stutz Candy Company Sublime Salon and Spa Sun Dog Yoga Susan Albaugh Sweet Lou Designs Tari Zarka The Amish Farm and House The B&O Railroad Museum The Broadway Comedy Club The Bucks Club The Candy Barn The Capital Grille The Cheesecake Factory The College of Physicians of Philadelphia The Conservatory The Daily Show The First Presbyterian Church of Warminster The Greene Turtle Sports Bar & Grille The Happy Mixer, Chalfont The Happy Mixer, Langhorne The Larder The Lucky Well The Max Challenge The Prancing Peacock The Provident Bank Foundation The Salt Cave The Senate of Pennsylvania The Tea Can Company The Warrington The Wilma Theater Theatre Horizon Thunderbird Bowling Centers Tina Burns Tinicum Park Polo Club TJ Smith’s Town and Country Players Trenton Thunder Turkey Hill Experience Turning Point, Newtown United Way of Bucks County Univest Financial Upper Bucks Sertoma Club UVA Ristorante Italiano, Richboro van Ameringen Foundation Villa Capri Restorante Village Improvement Association of Doylestown Walker Chiropractic Associates Walnut Street Theater Warwick Township Police Benevolent Association Washington House and Sellersville Theater Wawa, Pipersville Waypoint Finanical Wealth Advisory Services, Inc. Wegmans, Warrington Weis Market, Perkasie Whitewater Rafting Adventures, Inc. WHYY, Inc. Windmill Foundation Winterthur Wolf Performing Arts Center Woodmere Art Museum Worth & Company, Inc. WTXF Fox29 Xfinity Live! YMCA of Bucks County

We greatly appreciate each gift given in support of Network of Victim Assistance from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this listing. If you find an error or omission, please accept our apologies and notify Angela McGettigan, Director of Community Relations and Development at 215-343-6543 or We regret any errors.

Network of Victim Assistance Annual Report Fiscal Year 2020


FACT SHEET 24/7 Hotline and Forensic Service


hours of services provided

Victim Services


Victims of homicide, human trafficking, robbery, and other serious crimes*

Prevention Education Programs NOVA provided 1,279 programs in Bucks County schools to 32,154 students, parents, and teachers Prevention program topics: •C hild Sexual Assault •H ealthy Relationships • Sexual Violence •S exual Harassment •B ully-free Classrooms •C yber Safety • Cyberbullying • Your Digital Footprint • “ Encourage Upstanders” Peer Education Programs •S pecialized Programs for Learners with ASD ▪ Safety Matters ▪ SHARE – Smart Healthy Appropriate Relationship Education

Community Programs & Professional Trainings 10


of all victims were boys and men


NOVA Vounteers

• Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse • Trauma Informed Care & Practices •M edia & Sexual Violence • Sexual Harassment in the Workplace • I dentity Theft • Elder Abuse •S exual Assault and Adults/Children with Disabilities • Human Trafficking * Includes family members and significant others


hours of support provided by NOVA volunteers


Sexual assault victims


Forensic interviews provided by the Children’s Advocacy Center

NOVA provided 233 community and professional trainings, reaching 4,956 area residents. Training topics include:


Victims Receiving our Services

•S ANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) Health Services and Evidence collection for victims of sexual assault in Bucks County hospitals •C hildren’s Advocacy Center Multidisciplinary team approach to forensic interviews of child victims of sexual and physical abuse.

• Evidence-based trauma therapies • Trauma-focused therapies for children • Ancillary services including civil legal council • Victim advocacy, support, and accompaniment through the criminal justice system.

Fiscal Year

of sexual assault victims served were under the age of 18

108 SANE exams provided to sexual assault victims in local emergency rooms

Nearly 200 dedicated volunteers provided support to NOVA in FY20. They assisted with: • Answering hotline calls • Providing emergency room accompaniment for victims of sexual assault • Serving on committees to support NOVA’s fundraising events and/or providing volunteer support at events • Being community ambassadors by staffing information tables at local events and fairs and/ or speaking to community groups about NOVA’s programs and services • Assisting with administrative and clerical projects • Being members of NOVA’s Board of Directors and Young Professionals Advisory Board • Serving on one of NOVA’s community committees • Helping with various tasks at NOVA Thrift Shop


VICE PRESIDENT Karen Kern Penn Foundation


SUPPORT & REVENUE $4,496,822




Jillian Goldman Schiller Grounds Care


William Aquila Waypoint Financial, LLC


n n n n n n n


Dorothy Gaboda Community Volunteer

2% 3%



Federal and State Contracts–[$2,642,007 County of Bucks (Children & Youth)–[$383,887 Gifts-in-Kind–[$177,156 Donations and Special Events–[$276,700 Thrift Shop Sales–[$796,584 Corporate and Foundation Grants–[$114,708 Other Revenues–[$105,780



Kareem Afzal PDC Machines, Inc. Stephen Albert Community Volunteer Sueng Hee Choi The College of New Jersey Morgan Cooper Univest Bank & Trust Co. Christina Fogel Bucks County Community College



EXPENSES $4,562,785



Dr. Twain Gonzales Law School Admissions Council in Newtown Robert Hills Community Volunteer Jonathan Kassa Allied Universal Security Services Marianne Kepler Bucks County Community College

n n n n n n

Programs and Services Personnel and Benefits–[$2,628,967 Programs and Services Operating Costs–[$994,278 Administration Personnel and Benefits–[$291,593 Adminstrative Operating Costs–[110,880 Fundraising Personnel and Benefits*–[$391,675 Fundraising Operating Costs*–[$145,392 * Includes operational expenses of the Thrift Shop

Dr. Andrew Kind-Rubin Child Guidance Resource Centers Sarah Larson Furia Rubel Comminications Michelle Obetz Kreischer Miller Karen Robbins USB Wealth Management


Gwendolyn Sims EC Fence & Iron Works, Inc.

NET ASSETS $2,981,182 88%

n W ithout Donor Restrictions–Property & Equipment, Quasi-Endowment, Undesignated–[$2,621,104 n With Donor Restrictions–[$360,078


Hon. Mark S. Schweiker Renmatix 44th Governor Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

9 Penelope R. Ettinger, MS Executive Director

STAFF Joanne Allman Teresa Ascher Tory Baram Courtney Barnes Denise Bauer Mary Beth Bauerle Susan Bizon Deirdre Blackburn Joyce Bojsza (Vernon) Sharon Bromberg Julia Bumbaugh-Shah Meg Burger Susan Cannon Jackie Carnation Sandra Carvin Pattie Cavalli Kerri Ann Coffey Jennifer Cooney Joyce Daracioglu Jenna Davis Linda Donohue Dori Dugan Julie Dugery Erika Dunbar Penelope Ettinger Carol Farris Lori Fisher Erika Flayer Emily French Jaimie Geddes Deb Gehan-Hoffman Kelly Hagenbaugh Susan Harwood Nancy Heacock Denise Held Shelly Henning Madeline Hill Elyse V Hoekstra Elizabeth Hayes Honer Maggie Javitt Alexis Jones Kevin Keller Jane (Yu-Qing) Kim Keith Kirkner Frank Listner Jillian Mann Jenn Maradeo Amanda Mass Nancy Massey Melissa McDermott Angela McGettigan Patricia McGlaughlin Lisa Morrash Mandy Mundy Oana Nechita Debbie Nugent Maria Nye Charity O’Reilly Erin O’Rourke Jamie Osborn Katie Palombo Rachel Pearlman Robyn Potter Colleen Potter Hillary Reehl Mary Richter Susan Romano Alison Rose Robin Saltzman Tarah Sellers Stephanie Shantz-Stiver Rachel Smull Michele Sternberg Denise Stock Donna Welsh Grace Wheeler Maria White Eleanor Wilhelm Mary Worthington Diana Young

*as of 6/30/2020

Network of Victim Assistance Annual Report Fiscal Year 2020


Network of Victim Assistance 2370 York Road, Suite B1 • Jamison, PA 18929 24-Hour Victim Support Hotline: 1.800.675.6900 Office: 215.343.6543 • Fax: 215.343.6260 • Additional offices in Fairless Hills and Perkasie NOVA Thrift Shop 2116 Broad Street • Perkasie, PA 18944 (corner of Broad St. & Route 313) 215.249.8000 Donations accepted daily before 4:30

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