Absence / Presence - A strategic framework and design proposal for Kalvebod Fælled, Naturpark Amager

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Absence / Presence

Cover photo - The shallow sea Naturpark Amager covers an area of 3.500 ha land, but what is remarkable is how more than 2.000 ha actually are reclaimed land. This picture of Amager is taken somewhere between 1922 and 1939, just before the reclamation of Kalvebod FĂŚlled. What you sense here is the shallow sea where Kalveboderne and Nordre klapper pops up as small low-lying islands. Also Svenskeholm is present, not yet as a part of Amager.

Landskab [ˈlanˌsgæˀb] ”Landskab er et sammensat ord, der består af substantivet land og en afledning af verbet at skabe, et lån fra den nedertyske form landschop. I den oldvestnordiske form landskapr fra højmiddelalderen er betydningen “forholdende i et land”. Både land og at skabe er fællesgermanske udtryk, der stammer fra indoeuropæisk, og de betyder henholdsvis åbent land, hede, steppe samt at danne, forme, frembringe og optræde unaturligt. Ud fra denne betragtning er det mest nærliggende at fortolke landskab I betydningen: et område med et (særligt) fysisk udtryk, som er dannet eller formet af mennesket.” (Stenak, 2005, p. 41)

Absence / Presence

A strategic framework and design proposal for Kalvebod Fælled, Naturpark Amager

Absence / Presence A strategic framework and design proposal for Kalvebod FĂŚlled, Naturpark Amager Terese Sofie Hjorth Rasmussen ldm343 30 ECTS points Master thesis in Landscape Architecture June 4th 2019 Faculty of Science, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen Supervisor: Landscape architect MAA mdl and Associate Professor Rikke Munck Petersen

Acknowledgement I wish to thank my supervisor Rikke Munck Petersen for dedicated supervision, motivation and support throughout the process. Thank you to Sara for advice and support in our parallel process. Thank you to Natasja, Nanna, Isa and to everyone in the thesis room for a warm and creative work environment. Also a great thanks to Astrid, for both taking me on my first real trip to Kalvebod FĂŚlled and for letting me use some of your beautiful photos.

Terese Sofie Hjorth Rasmussen June 4th 2019


the Forest Islands

the Coastline

the Nike Islands



The Coastline is a new inland dike, taking its starting point in contour 0. It are to reveal the former coastline and make visible how much of the area is contained land. By a path on top of the new inland dike, it connects two new clusters of islands called the Forest Islands and the Nike Islands. These two new clusters of islands are future main sites in Naturpark Amager.

This thesis takes its starting point in the architectural competition Naturpark Amager – nye muligheder. Naturpark Amager is a new gathering of Amager Fælled, Kalvebod Fælled, Kongelunden and Dragør Sydstrand. To become a nature park, there must be a politically approved nature park plan with visions and long term goals. To meet these visions and goals, the competition was arranged. It ran from June 14th, 2018 until September 13th, 2018 and was held by the stakeholders of Naturpark Amager; Naturstyrelsen, Københavns Kommune, Dragør Kommune, Tårnby Kommune and BY & HAVN.

The Forest Islands are shaped by the former low-lying islands Koklapperne, still present in the landscape. It is a new forest, which are to relate to the main entrance Naturcenter Amager, and invite visitors out into the landscape. By its volume, it helps you measure the distance to Pinseskoven and responds to the challenges of the specific site, while introducing new nature and landscape-based experiences.

The competition focused on the edges of the nature park by asking for new interventions at three appointed main entrances and four appointed blue spots. This thesis is critical towards the functional and nature-based focus of the competition. The site as a whole, along with its cultural history, which is revealed to be the founding base for the landscape existing today, seems to be forgotten in the competition program. Still, the competition opened up for exploring both the whole of the nature park and deeper into Kalvebod Fælled. Through my exploration of Kalvebod Fælled the landscape’s challenges and potentials unfolded, and a strategic framework and design proposal came to be. The new strategy revolves around Kalvebod Fælled’s cultural history, a forever intertwined story of former military use and reclamation of land.

The Nike Islands lifts the potentials around the previous Nike Launch Area ESK 532, Søndre Pumpestation and Kalvebod Dige as future elaborators of the intertwined story enrolled in the strategy. Proposed at this site is a future camp, museum and café at the Nike Launch Area along with a platform, terrace and bridge at Kalvebod Dige. Furthermore, a museum spot at Søndre Pumpestation is introduced along with a new route around the area. The interventions responds to the challenges of the specific site while introducing new nature and landscape-based experiences and new recreational activities.

The story is characterized by a what has happened, why it happened and how it happened. The Sea of Kalveboderne is today absent in Kalvebod Fælled. This can be seen as the what has happened. The former military use as why it happened, and the reclamation of land as how it happened. Traces of these are all present in different landscape layers. Elaboration and communication about this story is, however, still absent.

In relation to the cultural history the Coastline and the Forest Islands seeks to make present the story of the sea being absent, the what has happened. The Nike Islands seeks to make the story about the physical reclamation and former military use present, the how- and why it happened.

Proposed is, a strategic framework, that seeks to make this story present in the future. This happens through three new landscape-based interventions.



Table of Contents












An absent story


Method and process


Strategic Framework


Research question


The Coastline


Structure of thesis


New paths


Future elaboration and communication






Naturpark Amager


Danmarks Naturkanon


The Forest Islands


Naturpark Amager – nye muligheder




Southern bird tower


Development and experience








The Nike Islands


Reclaiming Kalvebod Fælled


The camp, the museum and the café


Søndre Pumpestation


The camp


A changing coastline


The museum




The café


Kalvebod Fælled


Søndre Pumpestation


The platform, the terrace and the bridge




Discussion and reflections


Reference list






Terrain formations


Readings of the terrain


Kalvebod Dige


Presence of the water


01 Introduction

Tjørnekrattet in Kalvebod Fælled is at winter time a beautiful sight with its small frozen ponds with grasses surrounded by the small Crataegus monogyna trees creating a barrier between Tårnby and the open fields of Kalvebod Fælled. To the right you sense the small forest surrounding Naturcenter Amager. Tjørnekrattet is just on the edge of the previous coastal zone.

Naturpark Amager


Motivation My criteria for choosing a project for my master thesis, was in advance, that I wanted to do a design project that had to be of high relevance regarding current and present issues. I wanted to work with an urban context, where the focus would be on preserving and developing the nature of that specific landscape. The overall focus had to be on human experiences. Before spring 2018 when I took the master course Landscape Film run by landscape architect MAA mdl and Associate Professor Rikke Munck Petersen, I had never been to Kalvebod Fælled despite living not too far away. Through this course we explored Ørestad C and each student had to choose an area of interest. I quickly found my area of interest on the border between Ørestaden and Kalvebod Fælled. The site had a new, green wedge dragging in Kalvebod Fælled between the new Royal Arena and Kalvebod Fælled Skole. Opposite to the quality of dragging nature into the urban area, a lack of inviting the residents and users of the area back into the nature was seen as the challenge of the site. Through this focus Kalvebod Fælled started to unfold itself for me, and it was the first stepping-stone for choosing Naturpark Amager as site for my master thesis. At the same time, the architectural competition Naturpark Amager – nye muligheder was announced and due to that I had just taken my first steps into Kalvebod Fælled, I was quite curious what this was all about. Choosing a competition as the starting point for my master thesis made it a relevant project. Present and current issues were stated through the competition and from this, the site had some sort of existing demands. The competition program asked for a design proposal for three new main entrances and four new blue spots mainly situated in Kalvebod Fælled. As I had just been working with Ørestaden and Kalvebod Fælled and the connection between. It seemed like a natural step and a great opportunity to explore this landscape and its challenges and potentials even further. Having Rikke as my supervisor created a great foundation for an even more qualified supervision when choosing this competition as starting point. She has for many years been working with Naturpark Amager and the large preliminary project Naturpark Amager, Muligheder og indsatser, creating the foundation for the competition.


Landscape analysis

Absence / Presence Competiton program

Thesis process

Design proposal

Design process

Competiton program

Drawing Site visits Photography Model building Literary studies


Method and process The competition

Landscape analysis

Overall this master thesis takes its starting point in the competition Naturpark Amager – nye muligheder. This has had an impact in several ways for how this thesis has been made.

The landscape analysis has played an important role in shaping my own project. My approach for experiencing and unfolding the landscape of Naturpark Amager has been with my own body as the medium. It is a phenomenological approach placing experiences of space and elements in focus. It is an understanding of the correlation between the subjective act and its surroundings. Through my landscape architectural knowledge gained through this education, I now have a more qualified and broad understanding of the readings. With my body, I have sensed the whole, and through e.g. photography and drawing I have captured the moments and experiences in frames. Also, morphological studies of e.g. the existing terrain structures have been important to understand the physical formation, for proposing new corelating terrain formations.

I was able to reach out to the competition organizers and was allowed access to all competition material. This means that, besides the actual competition program, I have had access to more than 30 documents about the nature park. From that I have been able to get usable knowledge about the site. In the beginning I wanted to follow the competition program, which requested the design of three new main entrances and four new blue spots for Naturpark Amager. As I got to know the site better, I started questioning the competition program. I realized that the site has much more to offer, than what could be achieved from following the approach of the competition program.

Besides working with photography and drawings, I have been working with model building and design peer through e.g. supervision. I have been diving into different literature, to create further understandings of the place and even further for support of my future proposal. The different working tools are in the process used overlapping, and have as methods been used both separately and in combination to support each other.

This means that the competition has been a starting point making the site relevant for me to work with, while also framing what Naturpark Amager should be, and offer in the future. But I had to put it aside, when I realised that the competition in a functional way, were focused only on smaller interventions at the edges of the nature park. Not that those are not important sites and indeed qualified request, but I realised that there were much more to unfold from the emergence of this young landscape. This was an intertwined story that showed to be the founding base for even having this unique site.

This qualitative method that I have been working with throughout the thesis is also paired with a more quantitative approach. Here I’ve been measuring sizes and calculating the reclamation of Kalvebod Fælled in context of Danish history of reclamation of land. These new measures have given me an understanding of how huge and impressive the reclamation of Kalvebod Fælled is in a greater context.

From that I had to shape my own project, which will be unfolded throughout this thesis. It is a project that forms itself around experiencing the landscape and its different historical traces. In the end I do bring back selected parts of the competition as visions and specific requested functions. These are used to supports my final proposal.

Site visits Through my site visits, I have gotten to know the place through my own bodily experience. I have experienced the open fields with its long views through my eyes and with the occasionally rough wind on my body. I have walked the long distances down e.g. Granatvej and seen the attractive and wondrous terrain formations popping up in the flat


Model building

landscape. I have experienced and wondered about the difference in water levels inwards and outwards when moving along Kalvebod Dige. It is all these things and more, which are experiences nowhere to be found in the competition program. There is a big difference in reading about the area, and experiencing it yourself. Each time I came back from a site visit, I would have more questions for the competition program.

Model building has been a great way to understand the landscape and its terrain too. It has been a working tool to physically and in 3D help visualize and grasp how much of Kalvebod Fælled actually lies beneath the sea level. It has provided me with huge respect for the reclamation of land, which makes Kalvebod Dige alongside the shooting ramparts, stand out so clear in the otherwise flat landscape.

When summer turned into fall and further into winter I could see the absence and presence of the water and from all this, a whole other story emerged from just experiencing the place.

Research Question As explained, the landscape analysis has played an important role in moving away from the competition program. The analysis has made me question if it asks for enough landscape-based interventions and if it forgets the site as a whole and therefore loses its site specificness. I’ve gone from working with the competition, that is focusing on new smaller interventions on the edges of the nature park, to now being focused on the whole of Kalvebod Fælled and the traces of its cultural history. These traces can be found through different landscape layers. The landscape today exists due to man reclaiming this land for military purposes. This means that both traces of the original use of land and the actual reclamation are present, while both the military itself and sea now are absent. It is a unique story, which at first sight can be recognized as two, one connected to military use and one connected to the reclamation of land. But when understanding the cultural history, it is revealed that these two stories are inseparable and forever intertwined. So, therefore, as my thesis turned away from answering the competition program, to working this story of interchanging absence and presence of the cultural history, I’ve created the following research question.

Photography Using photography has been a way of capturing and by that bringing home experiences, wonders, and changes through seasons. Naturpark Amager is enormous and hard to grasp but through photos, I have been able to break down the huge landscape into highlights. It has been one of my main registration tools and it has given me the opportunity to bring Naturpark Amager back home to my desk in the thesis room.

Drawing Drawing is besides experiencing the site perhaps the most important tool. It is both through this medium that I have investigated the site and proposed a future. Both on-site and back home drawing has been an important medium to further unfold the landscape. It has been a way of drawing out different layers of the landscape for a better understanding. This would, for example, be to draw out the contour lines from the different terrain formations to read and understand them even better.

Since Kalvebod Fælled, holds a unique cultural history, how can a future proposal then be formed in a way that will enrich the experiences of the site, and furthermore, make this magnificent history more present in the landscape, through new landscape-based interventions?

Later on drawing is used as a tool to investigate potential design and in the end to visualize the future proposal through plans, sections and visualizations.


Structure of thesis Chapter 07 The Nike Islands unfolds the new southern islands, which are shaped around the former Nike Launch Area ESK 532, Søndre Pumpestation and Kalvebod Dige. The Nike Islands are described through the challenges and potentials of the area as a future main site. The new route around the area, that binds the two new islands together, is introduced along with further unfolding of each of the new site’s interventions in detail. The relation to both the strategic framework in form of the cultural history and the relation to the competition are explained.

Throughout this thesis I will take you from the formation of Naturpark Amager to the competition. I will unfold the landscape, its challenges and potentials and lead you further into a new strategic framework and design proposal.

Chapter 02 Naturpark Amager provides you with a sum up of what this nature park consists of and how it came to be. The four different sub-areas, Amager Fælled, Kalvebod Fælled, Kongelunden and Dragør Sydtstrand are shortly described, and the most important criteria for creating a nature park are explained. The architectural competition Naturpark Amager – nye muligheder is through visions and appointed main entrances and blue spots unfolded.

Chapter 08 Outro wraps up the new proposal for Kalvebod Fælled. The chapter furthermore unfolds a discussion of the strategy and specific design proposal both in relation to the competition program and future development.

Chapter 03 Unfolding the Landscape starts exploring the nature park, and specifically Kalvebod Fælled a little deeper. Through this chapter I start looking at both the past through a timeline and the future too through predictions. I investigate the reclamation of Kalvebod Fælled deeper, which is explained both technically and in relation to the time that it happened. Further the specific and unique nature of the site is explored and a revelation of absence and presence begins.

The thesis moves back and forth in scales to understand the nature park in both bigger contexts and closer experiences. Overall the drawings introduced throughout the thesis varies from 1:100.000, 1:30.000, 1:5.000, 1:1.000 and 1:500. Different photos in form of e.g. chapter spreads let you experience the site even closer than 1.500. This helps you sense for example textures and volumes. Besides bringing the reader closer into the area by visually showing glimpses of what can be experienced at the site, it also states and describes specific areas, challenges or potentials, which later on will be relevant in relation to the new strategy and the specific design proposal.

Chapter 04 Challenges and Potentials investigate the different layers of Kalvebod Fælled which has caught my attention through exploration. The different layers all shows themselves to be traces that relates to the cultural history of the site. The absence and presence of this story leads me to a new strategic framework and design proposal. Chapter 05 Strategic framework unfolds the overall strategy now based on the cultural history of the site. The Coastline is described through new design rules and layout and future experiences from are unfolded. A new proposed board for communicating the cultural history is introduced.

All photos and illustrations are made by the author, unless anything else is stated in references.

Chapter 06 The Forest Islands unfolds the new northern islands. The new forest is described through the challenges it solves, and its relation to both the main entrance Naturcenter Amager and the cultural history enrolled in the new strategy. Both possible and the chosen approaches are described along with the new species introduced at the site. A forest development plan describes two possible outcomes and the future experiences, added by the new forests, are unfolded.



Naturpark Amager Naturpark Amager is a unique nature area right in the centre of the capital of Denmark. And even though you do get lost in the wilderness, the city is often to find somewhere in the horizon as here on Kalvebod FĂŚlled where Ă˜restad Syd with its landmarks of buildings pops up.

Naturpark Amager

55° 36’ 09.3 ”N 12° 33’ 04.6 ”E Amager



Naturpark Amager

Naturpark Amager is located just outside of Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark

Naturpark Amager is only approx. 2 km from Rådhuspladsen, the City Centre of Copenhagen

Naturpark Amager is 3.500 ha. of unique and protected flora and fauna

Naturpark Amager

A little further south we find Kalvebod Fælled, which with its total of 2.377 ha. makes up the largest area of the four. If you look away from the area north of Øresundsmotorvejen, being a golf court and shooting ranges, Kalvebod Fælled is a huge area dominated by nature in form of open meadows and the birch forests Fasanskoven and Pinseskoven. Many bird species, especially wading birds, live in Kalvebod Fælled, which then therefore has a huge bird reserve to protect these. Even though this area is unique for its flora and fauna it also holds many military stories and had a previous use as land for military practice. This can most obviously be discovered through the many manmade shooting ramparts that pop up in the otherwise flat landscape. But other strange landscape elements as big gathering of grenade holes also reveals military and war related tales. Another impressive landscape element, the 12 km long dike Kalvebod Dige, that alongside the complex system of draining canals reveals too what one might not know ‒ that most of Kalvebod Fælled is reclaimed land and therefore that there would be no unique nature if man was not here. In Kalvebod Fælled half of the area is connected to the sea Øresund and the other half connected to Ørestad Syd, Tårnby and in the southernmost end Kongelunden.

Naturpark Amager is a new nature park in the very centre of our capital Copenhagen. Situated only 2 km from Rådhuspladsen the nature park holds a great potential as destination. It is a gathering of the existing nature areas Amager Fælled, Kalvebod Fælled, Kongelunden and Dragør Sydstrand, which already today are physically connected. They are, however, very different from each other and contain many different experiences through a diverse selection of different nature types, most protected by law through Naturbeskyttelsesloven § 3. Also most of the nature park is part of Natura 2000 area 143. Amager Fælled is 223 ha. and is, as the area furthest north, the most urban area. It is surrounded by Islands Brygge, DR-Byen and Sundbyvester as some. This is also in this area where you will find soccer fields, a hostel, the artificial canal Emil Holms Kanal, artificial light and so on. Amager Fælled is half landfill and three manmade landfill hills are to be found here too, the tallest is 9 meters and named Skraldebjerget, in daily speech referred to as Mount Anna. Though it is described as the most urban of the four, the area consists of several lakes, meadows and marsh. Amager Fælled is probably also the most well known area by the common people, both because of it’s central location, but also because of the well known political case of future construction in the area, which as mentioned, is protected by law. The area is today an active area, but holds a history of being used for military practice.

Kongelunden is very well-known for its great oak dominated forest. It was planted in the beginning of the 19th century and today many of the trees are more than 150 years old. The forest was bought by King of Denmark Christian VIII. in 1845 which gave it its name. As both Amager Fælled and Kalvebod


A new nature park The new nature park Naturpark Amager consist of the already existing and connected nature areas Amager Fælled, Kalvebod Fælled, Kongelunden and Dragør Sydstrand.

Amager Fælled

Kalvebod Fælled

Dragør Sydstrand




Naturpark Amager 3.500 ha.

City Centre, Copenhagen 898 ha.

Central Park, N.Y. 341 ha.


JĂŚgersborg Dyrehave 1.100 ha.

Fælled there are military traces still to be found in this area too. Just south of the forest at the end of Kalvebodvej you find Kongelundsfortet. It was built during World War I, and was built to prevent hostile entities from entering the northern part of Køge Bugt. Later it was turned into a radar station and finally closed down. Today Kongelundsfortet is a great historical attraction with public access. The area which are around 724 ha. are connected to both Tårnby, Dragør, Øresund and in the east Dragør Sydstrand.

For an area to become a nature park in Denmark it has to fulfil Friluftsrådets 10 criteria for what a nature park should be able to offer The most interesting and relevant of the ten criteria, in relation to this thesis are the following four listed; ≻ Minimum 50 % of the nature park must be protected nature, preferably as a Natura 2000 sites or protected by Naturbeskyttelsesloven § 3. ≻ The nature park must have a precise geographical boundary. The boundary should naturally follow the landscape borders rather than administrative boundaries.

Dragør Sydstrand is a long coastal landscape at the southern end of Amager. It is a natural landscape of sandy beaches, reefs, salty meadows and lagoons spread on around 176 ha.. Like Kalvebod Fælled, Dragør Sydstrand has a rich birdlife and especially wadding birds are attracted to the area. If you are lucky you might spot a seal here too. The area is a great local nature attraction but many also come from afar to kite- and windsurf. At the eastern end of Dragør Sydstrand you find a military trace in form of the small Dragørfort, which was built just before World War I, today it serves as a restaurant.

≻ There must be a coordinated communication of the nature park for both Danish and foreign visitors. As a minimum there must be a nature park folder. ≻ There must be a politically approved nature park plan with a vision and long term goals.


In total Naturpark Amager covers an area of 3.500 ha. and can be experienced as one cohesive landscape, which connects the dense city with the nature park’s open plains, forests and coastal landscapes. The nature park makes up 1/3 of Amager, is more than 3 times the size of Jægersborg Dyrehave and if you bike along the coast from north to southeast it is a 25 km long trip ‒ by other words Naturpark Amager is an enormous nature area. Inside the park the diverse selection of landscape typologies compliments each other and creates a base for a varied experience with room for many different types of activities. Besides the great flora and fauna the nature park holds many cultural-historical traces, especially many connected to the military and military warfare.

Even though Naturpark Amager is located this close to Copenhagen and offer several great nature and landscape-based experiences and recreational possibilities it is quite an overseen gem. It is therefore stated through the politically approved Naturparkplan 2015-2020 that the future Naturpark Amager must be an important destination both locally and regionally. Today the nature park in total has around 1. mill. visitors a year, but it is the vision that within the next 10-15 years, the number of visitors will increase to approx. 2 mill. per year. To reach this overall vision, nature and city must be tied even closer together in a balance between nature experiences, recreational use of the area and protecting the nature. The awareness of the nature park must be spread even wider, and the nature park must offer even more and better nature experiences and recreational activities. The existing qualities of the nature park, in terms of both nature and cultural-historical traces, must be strengthened and communicated. There must be a better connection between the four areas both physically and through a coherent identity.

Becoming a nature park As mentioned the nature park are linked to both the sea and different parts of Conpenhagen, Tårnby and Dragør. The four different areas are therefore owned partly by Naturstyrelsen and the municipalities of both Copenhagen, Tårnby and Dragør. They joined forces, formed a partnership with By & Havn too and in 2015 they appointed the four areas as one coherent nature park, which we now know as Naturpark Amager.

To meet these visions the partnership in 2018 invited five selected architectural teams to participate in the architectural competition Naturpark Amager – nye muligheder.


Danmarks Narturkanon In 2018 15 unique nature sites where appointed as Danmarks Naturkanon. The 15 sites would be chosen by a jury of eight, but with the help of all of Denmark. The jury would first choose 30 from 1.671 suggested nature sites, suggested by people of Denmark. These sites would be forests, hills, meadows heathland, lakes etc. From the 30 candidates 15 final sites where selected on the basis of a number of politically determined criteria:

≻ The individual site must have e beautiful nature and something special and unique worth visiting. ≻ The site must have a significant biological, geological or special landscape value. ≻ There must be public access to the entire site or to essential areas within it. ≻ There must be at least one specific geographical location that can be easily communicated and be a natural entrance for those who want to visit the nature site. ≻ Within each of Denmark’s five regions, three nature sites must be selected.

The eight members of the jury are; journalist and writer Susanne Sayers, nature guide Sebastian Klein, journalist Dorte Dalgaard, farmer Frank ‘Bonderøven’ Erichsen, biologist Vicky Knudsen, biologist Johan Gotthardt Olsen, president of Danmarks Naturfredningsforening Maria Reumert Gjerding and biologist and botanist Flemming Rune. Most of them are well known by the common people as many share their knowledge and nature enthusiasm through wellknown books, TV-shows, podcasts etc.. One of the 15 appointed nature sites of Denmark’s Naturkanon is ‘Vestamager og Øresund’ also understood as ‘Kalvebod Fælled and Øresund’ - therefore

a huge part of Naturpark Amager. The site is appointed by the jury for its mosaic of lakes, plains, forests and meadows placed just outside of the biggest city in Denmark. The jury highlights both the reclamation of land, the flora and the fauna as unique. Both Pinseskoven, as Denmark’s largest birch forest, the birds and the rare plants are in focus here.

Danmarks Naturkanon is organized by Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet and the concept comes from ”Regeringsgrundlag - Marienborgaftalen 2016”. (Danmarks Naturkanon)


Appointed areas To to make the newly gathered nature park more coherent, attractive and recognizable, the stakeholders through a new competition appointed three new main entrances and five new blue spots to be designed.

Blue spots

Main entrances



Naturpark Amager Nye muligheder Naturpark Amager Nye muligheder

both physically and through a coherent identity. Therefore the competition asks for a proposal for a new recognizable and unifying identity for the nature park.

The architectural competition Naturpark Amager – nye muligheder started June 21th, 2018 and the design proposals from the five invited teams were handed in September 13th, 2018. Janurary 10th, 2019 it was announced that the winning proposal was designed by the team consisting of Møller & Grønborg, ADEPT, ATKINS and BARK.

The new identity can be unfolded as an architectural design and idea, which can be recognizable and experienced as a signature for the nature park. It must be the new ’green thread’ that leads the way through the nature park. And further it must be timeless and scalable for potential future designs. The new identity must be used for both the new main entrances and the new blue spots.

In the competition program Naturpark Amager – nye muligheder it is stated, that the aim of the architectural competition was to get visionary proposals for the development of three new main entrances and four new blue spots. They should all together support the overall experience of Naturpark Amager. The competition was created to contribute in meeting the visions presented, and further, to meet these highlighted ambitions and goals for the development of Naturpark Amager;

Main entrances The competition asks for proposals for three new main entrances to connect the nature park and the city; one at Amager Fælled right next to DR-Byen metro station, one at the not yet build Byens Hus at the end of Asger Jorns Allé and one as and extension of Ørestad Boulevard and Naturcenter Amager. The two last ones both as transitions between Ørestad Syd and Kalvebod Fælled.

≻ The new facilities must be of high architectural quality. There must be robustness in the design, which reflects the location of being in a large city with many users, while the material choice has to reflect upon it being in a nature park.

Each appointed main entrance have an individual selection of functions and facilities demanded, but overall they should all respond to the following;

≻ Naturpark Amager must be an attractive natureand outdoor resource for all ages and population groups. ≻ Naturpark Amager shall be the capital’s largest outdoor classroom.

The new main entrances must be clear guideposts and draw visitors into the nature park. Here they must facilitate the protected nature, without it being harmed by visitors. They must both physically and digitally communicate information about the nature parks protected nature. Each main entrance must be site specific and respond to the area that they are situated in. At the same time they must also respond to the new overall identity. They must serve as gathering points for activities in the nature park and inspire play and learning about the nature. The new main entrances must be designed with robust, sustainable materials, which also should reflect upon being situated in a nature park.

≻ Naturpark Amager must to a greater extent invite and inspire use. The new main entrances must visually, functionally and communicatively invite more visitors and support the nature experiences. ≻ The new blue spots must facilitate nature experiences at the coast and be of high architectural quality. To meet these and more ambitions and goals the competition is divided into three subtasks which are called a new identity, main entrances and blue spots.

Blue spots

A new identity

The competition asks for proposals for five new blue spots; two connected blue spots at Havneslusen, one at the future Byskoven,one at middle bird tower and finally one at the southern bird tower. All shall serve as a connection between the nature park and the sea.

As mentioned, one of the overall visions for Naturpark Amager is, that the four sub-areas, in spite of their individual identities and offerings of experiences, in the future must be better connected,


Naturcenter Amager Stepping out into Kalvebod FĂŚlled from Naturcenter Aamger, which is appointed as one of three main entrances of Naturpark Amager


Reading the competition program

Each appointed blue spot have an individual selection of functions and facilities demanded, but overall they should all respond to the following;

When digging into the competition program it is quite easy to see that the focus is placed on the edge of the nature park, either as a connection to the city or as a connection to the sea. Also it is quite clear to see that the focus areas are Amager Fælled and Kalvebod fælled. And again it is quite clear to see that majority of the focus is placed in Kalvebod Fælled, due to that most of the appointed areas are situated here.

All must they increase the direct access to the sea along the coastline of Naturpark Amager. They must create activities in-, on- and around the water all year around. They must be designed in a way, that takes care of the vulnerable nature, without unnecessary disturbances. They must have robustness in terms of both materials and design, which should be open for change in future use. The blue spots must each serve as a destination and gathering point along the coast. They must be site specific and respond to the area that they are situated in, but at the same time also respond to the new overall identity. The blue spots must all support several population groups by different types and levels of both active- and passive activities.

Also as it can be sensed from the next two pages about the appointed blue spot at the southern bird tower, that the competition asks for very specific designs through a great collection of functions and demands. The areas are pointed out quite clear and all in all they ask for something quite specific. There is not much room for change and creativity. And even though it is stated in the overall visions that the nature park should be both about the nature and the cultural-historical traces, the competition focus is only on the nature. But would there be any unique nature if the areas had not been greatly touched by man? And when the competition only focuses on the edges I start questioning what about the rest? Does this nature park ask for more? It is time to investigate what this is all about.

Economy The eight different appointed areas are in the competition program each distributed a different amount of money for realization. Main entrances: DR-Byen Asger Jorns Allé Naturcenter Amager

10,4 million DKK 6,4 million DKK 6,8 million DKK

Blue spots: Havneslusen (north and south) Byskoven Middle bird tower Southern bird tower

8,6 million DKK 4,3 million DKK 4,3 million DKK 18,0 million DKK

From this it is quite clear that the southern bird tower is placed highly when trying to rank, which appointed area might be more important.


Southern bird tower The southern bird tower is appointed as one of the five blue spots in the competition. The bird tower is placed on the edge of Amager, right where Kalvebod Dige bends its arc, which gives the area some drama alongside with the experience the open view of both the ocean outwards and the open view inwards.

In the competition program Naturpark Amager – nye muligheder it is stated that this new site must be an active destination with relevance both from the seaside and from the landside. It must provide great nature experiences and provide flexible opportunities for both calm and more active activities both on land and in water throughout the year.

The aware explorer senses the sea level being higher than both the surface of the inner lake and the land inwards. This really makes you wonder and then aware of the overwhelming containment of land. The bird tower is placed just on the edge of the bird reserve and is highly used by ornithologists, bird enthusiasts and curious visitors.

The design of the site must accommodate and make it possible for both new users to become familiar with the water, but also support the possibilities for more experienced users to unfold. The site must contain facilities that support learning about protected nature and communication of

the Nature Park and great nature experiences in water. The site should be dimensioned so that a school class of 25 students can use all or parts of the facility. The site must have some sort of board walk or other attractive waterfront facility that allows for both simple stays and creative activities such as dance, theatre etc.. The site should have a bathing- and boat bridge for rowing boats and kayaks. This bridge should accommodate regular bathing, winter bathing, swimming lessons, underwater swimming, fishing, snorkelling and many other experiences. It must provide

direct access to the water by stairs or ramp. Also there must be the possibility that anglers can clean their catch, while other activities can take place. The site must accommodate the existing bird tower or new facilities for bird watchers. The site must facilitate the possibility of observing the protected area and protected bird life. Furthermore, the site must accommodate: changing facilities, sauna, toilets and running water, gear bank, shelter for overnight accommodation and bike parking. (Naturstyrelsen, Københavns Kommune, Türnby Kommune, Dragør Kommune og By & Havn, 2018)


Unfolding the landscape Phragmites australis grows wildly in most of the ditches and canals dug to collect water to drain Kalvebod FĂŚlled. Even though the ditches and canals are present as landscape elements, the overgrowth do somehow make them absent, as they sometimes blur and hide them from the visitor. If not knowing what the grasses hide, you might oversee the canals and therefore oversee the landscape element, which both helps the sea being absent and at the same time makes the story of the containment of land present.

Level of importance for this master thesis 1990


Kalvebod Fælled alongside with Amager Fælled is appointed as protected nature sites by law

From June till September the architectural competition Naturpark Amager – nye muligheder is held

1941-1943 2013-2014

The reclamation of 2.800 ha. land, today Kalvebod Fælled

Preproject Naturpark Amager Muligheder og indsatser describes new potentials regarding the Nature park plan prior to the nature park appointment. The preproject act as the foundation for a funding of 55 million DDK and is the first initiative of the competition

1939 March 23th the law of the reclamation of Kalvebod Fælled is written. It will serve as an employment project due to high unemployment

5.000 BC Denmark takes its current shape. 1/3 of the shape of Amager seen today is covered by the sea

In January Amager Fælled, Kalvebod Fælled, Kongelunden and Dragør Sydstrand was formally appointed as Naturpark Amager

Amager Fælled serves as a landfill and is is filled up with houshold waste

First talk of the reclamation of the shallow sea area between Sealand and Kalvebod Strand

8.000 BC




The last iceage ends and the glaciers melts away



Bird reserve appointed at Kalvebod Fælled

Coastal protection project by strenghtening Kalvebod Dige

1680 Traces of military practices in Amager Fælled already from 1680

2010 The last grenades from 325 years of military practice in the area are removed from Kalvebod Fælled and it is opened up to the public



The Sweeds besieges Copenhagen and the soldiers camp at, what was back then an island, but today an area called Svenskeholm

Kalvebod Fælled is used as military land 1959-1981 1885-1894

A fortification ring was established around the capital to secure it from future conflicts, Kongelundsfortet is part of this ring

During the Cold War period an air defence chain was established. In southern Kalvebod Fælled you find the Nike Launch Area ESK 532

1940-1945 1765-1770 From 1765-1770 Faste Batteri was built in Amager Fælled. From here military practice with all sorts of artilleri found place. In time the artilleri was able to reach further south than just Amager Fælled.

April 9th 1940 Denmark is besieged by the germans during World War II. The siege ended may 5th 1945 Also a german warship demonstrated its power by bombing the not yet drained Kalvebod Fælled, leaving traces behind visible today 2019 Thesis project Absence / Presence


Timeline An intertwined story between military, land reclamation and nature Digging a little deeper into the history of Naturpark Amager it is revealed that both nature- and military history of the areas are very dominant. In previous times military- or war-related happenings are dominant and in more present times nature is in focus in different ways. From the timeline, it is easy to read, that before even most of the land of the nature park existed, the military, either our own, or enemies’, have had an impact on the areas. When the military, through time, started fazing out, nature began to take over through bird reserves and protection by law. But what is key, and the most important part to look back on is, how a connection between nature and military becomes clear around World War II. Since 1850’ies reclamation of the shallow sea between Sealand and the previous Kalvebod strand on the western part of Amager has been discussed. At this time, the original Amager Fælled is laid out as land for military practice and the southern area, today Kalvebod Fælled, is laid out as a safety zone. The purpose of reclaming this land would be for future military practice too. In- and around the 1930’ies the unemployment rate in Denmark reaches a critical number, and at one point it almost reaches 50%. On March 23th, 1939 the law of the reclamation of Kalvebod Fælled is written. At this point, we are on a breaking point of World War II, and on April 9th, 1940 Denmark is besieged by the Germans. To prevent the Germans of sending unemployed Danish workers to Germany to work, the reclamation of Kalvebod Fælled starts and serves as an employment project due to the high unemployment. The reclamation of Kalvebod Fælled lasted from 1941-1943 and put 10.000 Danish workers into work. It is a reclamation of 2.800 ha. land and is one of the greatest reclamations of land in Danish History (Stenak, 2005). It is also this part of history that creates the base for the new nature.

Map of Amager from 1690, more than 250 years before the containment of Kalvebod Fælled and filling of Amager Fælled. Amager is only 2/3 the size of what is seen today.

ing birds. Therefore, in 1952, when still functioning as military land, a big area of Kalvebod Fælled was appointed as the bird reserve we still see today. Besides holding many unique bird species, the area holds many unique plant species too, as the Blue iris. Kalvebod Fælled, along with the now contained Amager Fælled, holds many unique nature types, and was therefore in 1990, appointed protected by law. At that time by Naturfredningsloven §43 and §47, and since 1992 replaced by the new law Natyrbeskyttelsesloven §3. Since 1984 Kalvebod Fælled has been open for the public, and since 2010 when all remaining grenades were removed from the area, most of the site has been accessible for all to visit and explore (Naturpark Amager).

Right after the reclamation of Kalvebod Fælled, the land is used by the military for practice. This use lasts for more than 40 years and throughout all this time, nature starts taking over the drained seabed. A new sort of untouched landscape emerges. More than half of the area is today open flat meadow, and lakes, wetlands and forest covers the rest of the area. This landscape quickly provided home for many bird species, especially many types of wad-

All in all, it can be understood from learning about the past, that much of the unique nature of Naturpark Amager 3.500 ha. land would not be there, if not man, through a military connection had reclaimed the 2.800 ha. land we today know as Kalvebod Fælled. An intertwined story between military use and reclaimed land.


New land 1941 vs. 2019 - It is clear to see how much of Naturpark Amager which is made up of reclaimed land in form of Kalvebod FĂŚlled and contained land in form of Amager FĂŚlled.


Reclaiming Kalvebod Fælled Reclaiming Kalvebod Fælled Reclaiming Kalvebod Fælled is a quite unique story, both in terms of reason why, how it was paid for, its size and how its was done. The typical reason for reclaiming land is for future agricultural use, so that you would have more land to farm, or cultivate in other ways. As maybe one of the only examples in Denmark, Kalvebod Fælled was not reclaimed for agricultural use, but for the military to get more land. This is also why the reclamation of Kalvebod Fælled, as the first, and again almost only example, was paid for fully by the state. Normally the landowner or farmers of the area would pay for the reclamation of land, due to that they were the ones to cultivate the land afterwards.

Planning the new dike Kalvebod Dige. Still frame [1:17] from the film Amager bliver større - Ministeriet for Offentlige Arbejder (1941) about the reclamation of Kalvebod Fælled.

From 1750’ies until 1970 land reclamations are a central part of In Danish Landscape History, and there are defined three time periods in the Danish History of reclamation of land: 1750-1830 - The Pioneer Age, which holds 14% of the reclamations of land, but only 5% of the total reclaimed area. 1830-1890 - The Great Reclamation-Wave, which holds 65% of the reclamations. 33.830 ha. land was reclaimed, this is equivalent to 75% of the total reclaimed area.

Building the new dike Kalvebod Dige. Still frame [5:48] from the film Amager bliver større - Ministeriet for Offentlige Arbejder (1941) about the reclamation of Kalvebod Fælled.

seabed, and as the name reveals, this was a former fjord. Kalvebod Fælled shows itself unique, due to that this was not either a bay or a fjord. Almost the opposite way around, as seen on the still frame above, there had to be built an enormous dike to reclaim the 2.800 ha. of Kalvebod Fælled. To get the soil for building the new dike the existing shipping canal was straightened out, and the soil dug up was used for the new 12,56 km long Kalvebod Dige.

1890-1970 – The Last Face, which includes Kalvebod Fælled, holds 21% of the reclamations. 8.659 ha. land was reclaimed, this is equivalent to 19% of the total reclaimed area. From 1750-1964 a total number of 146 sea areas are reclaimed, with a total area of 45.382 ha. new land. This number is equivalent to 1% of the area of Denmark. The average area is 311 ha. and the median only 85 ha.. Kalvebod Fælled is with its 2.800 ha. reclaimed land equivalent to 6,16% of the total reclaimed area of Denmark. From this historical perspective, it is quite easy to sense how great a reclamation Kalvebod Fælled is.

However, it is not enough, only to build a dike, to keep out the sea. Therefore, a great system of ditches and canals had to be dug in the new bared seabed. This system drains surface water and high groundwater, and leads them to the new pumping station called Søndre Pumpestation. The pumping station is an essential part of reclaiming Kalvebod Fælled, as it is still an on-going process. If the pumping station stopped, the sea would naturally find its way back, due to natural forces, creating a pressure on the dike from the sea outside. This would in time let the sea find its way back under and trough the dike (Stenak, 2005).

Reclaiming land by draining former seabed is one of several types of ways to claim new land, and this type of way is probably the most comprehensive one. Reclaiming land is usually done by cutting off an existing bay or fjord. The greatest example we have in Denmark is the reclamation of Lammefjorden. A reclamation of 5.600 ha. of former


Søndre Pumpestation When you reach Kalvebod Dige at the end of Pinseskoven, just past the former Nike Launch Area ESK 532, you find Søndre Pumpestation. In front of the pumping station is a tiny plaza, with a table and bench set for a quiet stay. On the back is a little platform, as you see in the photo. Many visitors are here fishing in the lake inwards the dike. From here you can also get a straight view towards the southern bird tower. From the pumping station both stairs and a path leads you up on Kalvebod Dige, from where you can explore further along the coast. Even though the pumping station doesn’t seem like much from the outside, it holds the most important function in draining Kalvebod Fælled and is equally important as Kalvebod Dige in stil keeping out the sea.

A changing coastline



1941 - Copenhagen and Amager before both the reclamation of Kalvebod Fælled and containment of Amager Fælled. Amager is only 2/3rds of what is seen today

1941 vs. 2019 - It is clear to see how much of Naturpark Amager which is made up of reclaimed and contained land in form of Kalvebod Fælled and Amager Fælled



1941 - It is almost difficult to recognise our capital from what it used to look like, seen from above. We do though recognise iconic structures as Christianshavns Voldanlæg, Kastellet and the Lakes. This is the latest drawn map of the capital, measured and drawn somewhere between 1901 and 1941, just before the reclamation of Kalvebod Fælled.

1941 vs. 2019 - This map shows the outline of Copenhagen at present day vs. the previous outline. It is clear to see how much has changed due to man, and our reclamation and containment of land. You also see how much of Naturpark Amager consist of a) contained land in form of Amager Fælled, and b) reclaimed in form of Kalvebod Fælled.


a b c

1 m. sea level rise - due to sea level rise it is important to build more dikes to assist the exisiting Kalvebod Dige (Miljøgis, Havstigninger 2016).

1,1 m. sea level rise - if the sea level would rise 1,1 meter the sea would with no new dikes claim back what was once its (Miljøgis, Havstigninger 2016).

Prediction 1,1 meter sea level rise - If the sea level would rise to 1,1 meters above today’s sea level, the ocean would claim back, what was its once and more, if there where not build any protection dikes. Ullerupdiget, which is the new inland dike to be build as an extension to Kalvebod Dige, will prevent the sea to flow around the existing dike.

1 meter sea level rise - Due to climate change, we can expect a rising sea level. If the sea rises 1 meter from today, it will claim the southern part of Kongelunden and Dragør Sydstrand. As you can see here as well, is a) the existing Kalvebod Dige, b) Ullerupdiget, which is under construction, and c) Dragør Diger. Dragør Diger are both existing dikes with planned future strengthening of, and new planned dikes. All these are to protect against storm flods and future sea level rise (Bjørton, 2017; Bjørton, 2018; Dragør Kommune, 2017).

Dikes are, and will be, a well-known landscape element in Naturpark Amage.


Pinseskoven Pinseskoven, in English the Whitsun forest, is the biggest of two forests in Kalvebod FÌlled. The forest started developing in 1950’ies as natural succession and consists primarily of birch trees which can be traced back to Sweden. This forest is Denmark’s biggest birch-forest and is a quite spectacular sight. The story of Pinseskovens name builds on a tale about a previous forester who each year at Whitsun brought his family out here with food and blankets for the annual Whitsun lunch. Later this became the forest official name.

Kalvebod Fælled


c a g d







Royal Golf and shooting ranges






Kalvebod Fælled


Bird reserve





Based on the landscape analysis’ in the report Naturpark Amager, Muligheder og indsatser, Temarapporter by Ole H. Caspersen and Rikke Munck Kalvebod Fælled is divided further into eigth sub-areas


Kalvebod Fælled ”Landskab er et sammensat ord, der består af substantivet land og en afledning af verbet at skabe, et lån fra den nedertyske form landschop. I den oldvestnordiske form landskapr fra højmiddelalderen er betydningen “forholdende i et land”. Både land og at skabe er fællesgermanske udtryk, der stammer fra indoeuropæisk, og de betyder henholdsvis åbent land, hede, steppe samt at danne, forme, frembringe og optræde unaturligt. Ud fra denne betragtning er det mest nærliggende at fortolke landskab I betydningen: et område med et (særligt) fysisk udtryk, som er dannet eller formet af mennesket.” [Landscape is a compound word consisting of the noun country and a derivation of the verb to create, a loan from the Low German form landschop. In the Old-West Nordic form, landscape ,from the high Middle Ages, is the meaning of ”conditions in a country”. Both land and creation are common Germanic terms derived from Indo-European, and they mean open land, heath, steppe, and forming, shaping, producing and acting unnaturally. From this point of view, it is most obvious to interpret landscape in the meaning: an area with a (special) physical expression that is formed or shaped by man.] (Stenak, 2005, p. 41, translated by author)

Naturpark Amager Naturpark Amager covers 3.500 ha which is a gathering of the four existing areas Amager Fælled, Kalvebod Fælled, Kongelunden and Dragør Sydstrand

As this site is reclaimed land and therefore, truly shaped by man, this understanding of the word landscape really outplays its role. But as the site first served as military land, the nature that has evolved since the reclamation, has not been influenced that much by man, as it has not been cultivated. Kalvebod Fælled, with its almost 2.400 ha., now consist of great unique nature, in form of both flora and fauna. The site makes up the largest of the four sub-areas and therefore, it is a central part of Naturpark Amager, which covers a total area of 3.500 ha.. The difference in the 2.800 ha. reclaimed land and the almost 2.400 ha. that today is defined as Kalvebod Fælled, comes from the building of Ørestaden, which has taken some of the new land in the north-eastern corner. Due to the reclamation, the landscape is quite young, less than 80 years. The landscape being reclaimed land also means, that most of the area is below sea level, and therefore the hydrology plays a crucial part. The influence of water is evident throughout the year, and it is clear how important the draining canals are, which identify-, and are to be found throughout the whole landscape.

Kalvebod Fælled Kalvebod Fælled is the largest of the four sub-areas of Naturpark Amager. Kalvebod Fælled is almost 2.400 ha. in total. (2.377 ha.)

Even though the areas have a collection of common


features all around, due to the location in this very special landscape that has emerged within the dike, the area at the same time have distinctive landscape characteristics. Therefore Ole H. Caspersen and Rikke Munck in the report Naturpark Amager. Muligheder og indsatser, Temarapporter have divided Kalvebod Fælled further into eight sub-areas, to describe them better trough their specific landscape characteristics. The eight sub-areas are named Grøften, Royal Golf and shooting ranges, Fasanskoven, Svenskeholm, Kalvebod Fælled, Bird reserve, Tjørnekrattet and Pinseskoven.

Svenskeholm, as a former island in the shallow sea, forms the highest point in the area, as the terrain moves in-between contour 0 and contour 1 m. On the edge to surrounding areas the terrain falls slightly towards contour -1 m and contour -2. This means that Svenskeholm is a little more dry and well drained, than the surrounding areas. This creates a base for bigger volumes of plantings spread in the area, creating smaller spaces, while providing a nice break from the completely open fields of Kalvebod Fælled. The huge fælled is both the largest of the eight sub-areas in Kalvebod Fælled, but also the largest area in the whole nature park. The area is characterized by being a low-lying, flat grass covered surface, creating a great contrast to the surrounding city, in form of especially the dominant Ørestad Syd. The word fælled is the old Danish word for a village’s common grazing area. Today a great number of grazing cattle, sheep and horses strengthen the area’s character of being a very large plain-like grassland. The terrain changes are so weak, that they are difficult to recognize. But by being the former coastal zone, the terrain in northeast moves from contour 1 m, past contour 0 and slopes in the south towards contour -2 m, whereas most of the area is below sea level. This also means that the hydrology has a great impact on the area. A great system of draining canals cuts through the area with 300 meters in-between. Despite draining, the area is still quite affected throughout the year and many areas have visible water levels, or are defined more as wetlands. The area is therefore not that accessible when trying to move away from the existing infrastructure. In Kalvebod Fælled both the former islets Nordre Klapper, in north, and Koklapperne, in east, are to be found, however, they are not that visible in the terrain. But other terrain formations are quite visible. Eight shooting ramparts and an observation hill, up to 6 meters tall, pops up in the landscape and reveals the former military use. Also some odd looking grenade holes east of Granathøj supports the military history as they are made by a German warship during World War II, just before the reclamation.

Grøften is the area that in the future will host the new Byskoven. It is an area, which today is well drained despite it lying beneath the sea level. It is surrounded by Fasanskoven and more or less delimited by Kalvebod Dige and the motorway E20. Besides most of the area, until 2020, being used as material deposit, the landscape today mostly just offer a huge new flower bed in the summer season, as a temporary solution before planting the new 14 ha. forest. The Royal Golf and shooting ranges are the northern most part of Kalvebod Fælled, and is both physically an in functions more detached from the nature park. It is physically delimited from the rest of the nature park by the motorway E20 and the two big roads Vejlands Allé and Center Boulevard. It do though still have a pedestrian and biking path within, to physically connect further south to the rest of the nature park. The landscape is quite neat kept and and has been moulded a lot, due to the creation of the new golf court. But inbetween the different holes, areas of shrubs and smaller trees visually connects the site with the rest of Kalvebod Fælled. Fasanskoven frames Kalvebod Fælled in the northern part below E20. It is a three-sided volume, characterized by a combination of open areas and the light-open birch forest. Along with an extensive undergrowth, consisting of scrubs and different grass species, an expression of a natural forest with free succession is present. In the western part you are able to move around in the forest, but in the northern and eastern end the forest serves more like a back, for moving on the edge to the surrounding open fields. The terrain moves between contour 0 and contour -1 m and therefore, the water is quite present, both in the canals, but also as marsh and wetland. Even though the nature is quite nice, the area is roughly marked by noise impact from the motorway.

The bird reserve is the lowest area of Kalvebod Fælled with the lowest point of -2,6 m. It is half open grass fields and half lake and wetland. The lake is called Klydesøen and many different wading bird species lives here. Since the are was appointed as bird reserve, it has not been accessible for the public. On the edges of the area, a collection of bird


The Royal Golf

Shooting ranges

Kalvebod Miljøcenter



Nordre klapper

Vestamager Metro


Støre Høj

Ørestad Syd Naturcenter Amager






Kalvebod Fælled

Gr an



Villahøj Svenskehøj Granathøj

Bastions Skovhøj Nihøje



Northern bird tower

Nordre Pumpestation Pinseskoven


Bird reserve

Nike Launch Area ESK 532

Middle bird tower


Hejresøen Søndre Pumpestation


Southern bird tower 47


Absence and presence

towers create shelter for bird watchers and other interested visitors, who wants to enjoy the beautiful view you get here.

As mentioned the role of water is crucial at this site. Overall the sea being absent is what allows this nature to exist. But the water is still very much present on site, and the amount of water is what controls, which plants can grow where. Therefore, it is what overall shapes the nature. The sea being absent is mainly due to the presence of both Kalvebod Dige and Søndre Pumpestation. Also, controlling the water through the draining ditches and canals makes the still existing water present here. The canal or ditch, as a landscape element, makes the story of the reclamation present. The water is too present in the many and large wetlands. Also in the huge lakes in the lowest area in the southernmost end, where the pressure from the sea is highest. The old coastline or coastal zone is due to the reclamation absent, but small changes in terrain, combined with wetlands makes previous low-lying islands present. The military use of land, which is the reason for the reclamation in the first place, is now absent. But military traces in form of both the shooting ramparts and the straight infrastructure makes this part of the story present. Many other traces, as the Nike launch Area, reveals this part too. Outside the dike, close to Søndre Pumpestation, changing sea levels present a small island sometimes too. Soon the whole nature park must built new dikes, to protected from not being swallowed by the sea, and by that be absent in the future.

Tjørnekrattet is an almost 3 km long stretch in-between Kalvebod Fælled and a residential area in Tårnby. The area is mostly dominated by Crataegus monogyna as shrubs or small trees, some places more dense than others. As it is the former shore between the former land and shallow sea, most of the terrain moves around contour 1 m. By that, it is more or less, the highest area of the eight. This also results in the area being quite well-drained. Before being laid out as safety zone for military practice in Amager Fælled, the are was used as grazing area by the local farmers. In the northern end the main entrance at Naturcenter Amager is situated, which brings both visitors and many activities to the site. Pinseskoven covers 170 ha., and contains mostly of dense and self-sown birch trees. But birch are light trees, so even though they are closely planted, the forest seem quite light and provides beautiful views between the stems. In great contrast, the forest has a clear cut from forest to open grassland. Inside the forest, a collection of larger clearings are kept free from vegetation. These creates great habitats for rare butterfly species. The whole forest is below sea level. Therefore, the great canals are very important here, even though the birch like it a little wet. The forest is mostly allowed to control it self, despite it is written in the maintenance plan Driftsplan for Kalvebodfælled 2018, that the forest are to be kept as forest development type 41; birch (60-90%) with pine and spruce (<40%) (Bo Larsen, 2005). But no pine or spruce has been spotted. Only an area of around 23 ha. is laid out as oak and lime. The southern end of Pinseksoven has swallowed the previous Nike Launch Area ESK 532, which pops up as a surprise in the landscape. The area is not in function as military launch area anymore, and the site is quite dilapidated.

These thoughts about the absent and present layers reveal the magnificent story, which though somehow, despite many present traces, seems absent. This is a flux and complex collection of thoughts, sometimes hard to grasp, but I sense an importance in working with this theme and therefore I must explore this even further.

Most of the landscape has an untouched expression and truly live up to the expectations of what it means to be a nature park. Unique is the destination too. This huge area is just on the edge of the capital and therefore a great potential destination for the many citizens. What is truly special for this landscape is, however, its history. This beautiful landscape is shaped by man and therefore the only reason why we today have this great nature site.


The ocean is absent, but the water still present through darining canals as this one in Pinseskoven

Outwards Kalvebod Dige sea level changes makes small islands as this one present

Even though the ocean is absent, small changes in terrain makes small previoues islets present

Even though the ocean is absent, the water is still present throgh wetlands. Small changes in terrain makes a huge different 49


Challenges and potentials

The majority of Kalvebod FĂŚlled consists of open and very flat meadow. Only a few Crataegus monogyna pops up here and there, and breaks up the almost never-ending view. This is a beautiful view, but at the same time when there is not much vertically to break the horizon, it is quite easy to loose track of distance. When walking down Granatvej, a 4 km long and completely straight road, it can also get a little tiring when almost nothing happens on the way, until you reach Pinseskoven and the northernmost shooting rampart Granathøj. This is more than 2 km down the road, and almost a 30 minutes walk from Ă˜restad Syd and Amager Naturcenter.


Half way down Granatvej and still a long way to walk just straight with no new experiences but open flat landscape

Long and straight roads rules the site

kilometres that you start sensing Pinseskoven and the shooting rampart, Granathøj, as more that just a background far away. The sharp eye might sense Kalvebod Dige even further away. These long views are a great quality of the site, but the path system might downgrade the experience a little.

The majority of the existing infrastructure was made back when Kalvebod Fælled was functioning as military land. This means that back then, the purpose for the new roads was not to explore the site, but instead it was to get from A to B the quickest. Therefore most of the roads are quite strict and straight in their layout. In the report Naturpark Amager, Muligheder og indsatser, Temarapporter By Ole H. Caspersen and Rikke Munck it is stated, that even though Naturstyrelsen, since the opening up for the public back in 1984, has made new recreational paths, there still seems to be a lack and further need for more.

When you, from the end of Ellevehøjvej, enter Dæmningsvej, the popular road on Kalvebod Dige, you have to walk at least 5 km along the windy coastline, before you are able to walk inland again along Reservatvej. It is quite a long stretch that you have to add on to your route. The dike, as a landscape element, is a crucial part of the story about the reclamation of Kalvebod Fælled. For more visitors to actually go explore the dike, and by that maybe understand it better, a new alternative to the existing accessibility might be needed.

A recreational path could e.g. have some sort of defined focus on either a specific nature experience or cultural-historical traces. Also more curved paths could bring curiosity to the explorers, by not knowing what experiences are to be found around the corner.

Along with the straight design of the roads, the naming of many of the roads actually tells about the former use or military layers of the site. This is for example Granatvej, relating to the nearby grenade holes. It is Ottehøjvej relating to the eight shooting ramparts. Other names as Kanalvej and Dæmningsvej relates to the landscape elements of the reclamation. Some roads also have names, which relates more to the nature experience, but all in all most names tells something about the exact geographical spot.

When exploring Kalvebod Fælled, it is clear that this statement is true. The area has a wide spread and large network of routes. Especially at Ørestad Syd you have to take some quite long routes if you go explore the landscape further, from just moving along the edge. Granatvej, a 4 km long road, is seen as a main road inviting visitors out into the landscape, as it links back into the main entrance Naturcenter Amager and the edge of Ørestad Syd. But you are walking down a straight road in a wide, open and very flat landscape, where not much break the horizon. You loose track of distance and it seems to last forever. It is only when you’ve walked a few

All in all I sense some challenges in the infrastructure, due to maybe too long and straight roads with a lack of smaller routes as alternatives. An existing quality and future potential is the naming of roads and specific sites.









M Ørestad

Kanonve j



ie st




P M VestamagerP

Kalvebod Sti

6 km route





an Gr



ch st ret m 4k










e og




Kanall v



j hø

Gravel path


Asphalt road

+5 vej ehøj Ellev


e str







k Bir


Naturpark Amager



Small track

Motorway / railway



e Ott




n ga

ovv esk

Parking lot

tie P





j ingsve Dæmn

Metro station














Sydmølle +7 m with kalvebod Dige and the middle bird tower in the background, observed from Sydmøllevej

Granathøj +5 m with a little bench on top with Pinseskoven in the background, oberserved from Granatvej

Svenskehøj +4,5 m andthe grazing cows in the foreground and Villahøj +3 m meters in the backrgound. Observed from Granatvej

Store Høj +7 m with a little bench on each side gives great views of the surroinding open landscapes, observed from Kanonvej 54

Terrain formations Traces of the past

In the southern end of Kalvebod Fælled, just at the end of Pinseskoven, you find another military leftover formerly called the Nike Launch Area ESK 532. The site was previously part of the Danish air defence chain. It has an enclosing triangular dike and draining canals inside. Furthermore, three U-shaped bastions can be found too. The area today hosts a shelter site within the dike, and all three terrain formations with their hangars are used for storage of machines and materials, for maintenance of Kalvebod Fælled.

When exploring the flat landscape of Kalvebod Fælled, different terrain formations pop up in great contrast, and the visitors’ curiosity awakens. Not any communication is though present on site about these. If you don’t know the history of the site, and therefore don’t understand the existence of these, you might at first mistake the different shooting ramparts, for the burial mounds you know from other places in Denmark. When unfolding the landscape, it becomes clear that all these terrain formations are to trace back to the intertwined story of land reclamation and military use. The different terrain formations that pop up in the landscape are eight shooting ramparts, one observation hill, four bastions, the Nike Launch Area and Kalvebod Dige.

Surrounding Kalvebod Fælled we see Kalvebod Dige, which is the landscape element containing the landscape and keeping out the sea. The dike frames the horizon and is often to be spotted far away in the open vast landscape.

The eight shooting ramparts are all centrally placed in Kalvebod Fælled. Originally the shooting ramparts were used to hide the targets for shooting practice. Today, when climbing, they offer a unique view of the surrounding landscape. Each shooting rampart has its own name. Most reveal details about the specific place that they are situated, as Skovhøj, in English Forest Hill, which is placed in Pinseskoven. The eight names are; Granathøj, Villahøj, Skovhøj, Mosehøj, Sydmølle, Enghøj, Svenskehøj and Nihøje. And as the last name reveals, a ninth hill is to be found too. This is Store Høj, which previously served as an observation hill. Store Høj is situated a little west of the end of Ørestad Syd.

All these are great constructed, but nature-based landscape elements, making the cultural history of reclamation and military present. But still, an understanding of these is absent, due to a lack of elaboration and communication of their meaning and existence. To change this in the future, an understanding of not only their role in the cultural history is enough. For presenting a new strategic framework and specific new interventions for Naturpark Amager, an investigation of their layout, structure and design is needed too, to fully understand and work further on with the terrain. Illustrated on the following pages is an investigation of all these terrain formations, through both plan, section and their landscape silhouettes, as when seen from a distance. At the same time the area, which is reclaimed land, and the placement of contour 0 is extracted, and a better understanding of the general terrain is gained.

On the very eastern edge of Kalvebod Fælled, between Kanalvej and Tårnby you find four very tall military bastions. These are a little left out from the rest of Kalvebod Fælled, as they have their own little site. In the future, this could be an interesting site to unfold further, potentially as a new greater link between the suburban area and the nature park. But in this thesis, they mainly serve as part of the exploration of the constructed landscape elements, tracing back to the former military use of the land.


Nordre Klapper

Støre Høj

Koklapperne Svenskeholm

Villahøj Svenskehøj


Bastions Skovhøj



Enghøj Sydmølle

Nike Launch Area Esk 532

Terrain model built in 1:10.000 with 1 m contourlines. Contour lines below sea level are dark. Contour line 0 and above are light. The model clearly brings forward the contrast between the flat landscape and the manmade terrain. Too it reveals how much of Kalvebod Fælled, as reclaimed land, is below sea level. Kalvebod Dige


Nordre Klapper

Støre Høj


fold out


Villahøj Svenskehøj


Bastions Skovhøj

0,5 m contour lines



Contour 0


Contours 0< Sydmølle Contours <0 Naturpark Amager Nike Launch Area Esk 532


Kalvebod Dige


Store Høj





1:1.500 58






Nike launch area

fold out

1:1.500 60

fold out


Kalvebod Dige


1:1.500 62




c b d (1:1)


f g


fold out

The average shape of the existing shooting ramparts and dikes are typically one steep side and more gently sloping side. When looking at the shooting ramparts in plan they are typically formed by two parts, either placed in line or with an angle.



Bastions max height +12 m


Kalvebod Dige max height +6 m


Shooting ramparts max height +7 m


Shooting ramparts avarage height +5,2 m


Shooting ramparts min height +3,5 m


Nike Launch Area ESK 532 max height bunker +4 m


Nike Launch Area ESK 532 mak height dike +1,5 m

Readings of the terrain Exploring the terrain, through model building and different drawings, clearly unfolds how the cultural history has shaped and influenced this landscape. First of all, you really get to respect this incredible action of reclamation of land. You understand the importance of Kalvebod Dige. You get to see the strong contrast in the flat natural landscape versus the constructed man-made terrain formations. Besides the surrounding dike at the Nike Launch Area, the landscape elements constructed by man vary in height between +3,5 m and +12 m from their surrounding flat landscape. In plan, if more than one hill is placed, they are often in a straight line or with a maximum 45ยบ angle. The constructions have mainly one steep side and more gently sloping side. By that they almost have a sense of direction, all facing towards the sea. By getting to know their layout, and how they are shaped, creates a base and great potential for working with both the existing structures and creating new ones in the future.


Kalvebod Dige Original dike crown

Existing dike crown



Sea level

Original dike

Outwards the dike

DĂŚmningsvej Paved road

Dike extenstion

Path on top

Intwards the dike

Kalvebod Dige

Kalvebod Dige is maybe the most important of the man-made structures relating to the cultural history, as it is what makes the sea absent today. Neither the other structures, nor the landscape could exist without it. It is also truly at this site, from where you can sense the present sea outwards versus absent sea on the reclaimed land. Just inwards the dike you find the lowest area of Kalvebod FĂŚlled to be -2,6 m.

The original dike built for the reclamation during World War II, was 12.560 meters long and 3,5 meters tall. From 2009-2012 a strengthening of the dike was constructed, as it was needed to protect the land against the predicted sea level rise and future storm floods. Terefore, is the dike seen today around 6 meters tall and some meters wider than the original dike. There is a great potential in unfolding this landscape element even further in the future, so that you might be able to explore the dike in more ways, than what you are able to do today.

Today you can only explore the dike, by moving along it on either the paved road, DĂŚmningsvej, outwards the dike, or on the path, on top of the dike crown.


Existing path outwards, along old dike crown

Existing path along new dike crown

Stairs across dike

Path on the inside of the dike

Construction through the dike, focus outwards

Construction through the dike, focus inwards

Cut along the dike

Cut through the dike

Experience moving out on the sea

Experience moving out from the inside of the dike

Future potential interventions, from where you might be able to explore the construction of the important landscape element that Kalvenod Dige is.


Orthophoto from today, notice how clear the former islands are still very present


Presence of the water The draining ditches and canals also clearly stand out as terrain formations in both the 1 m contour lines model and 0,5 m contour lines plan drawing. Opposite to the other terrain formations, are the diteches and canals downwards going and can by that be overseen in the landscape, at least from a distance. The draining ditches and canals do though make the water present again, by controlling and displaying it. Furthermore, the presence of the story of reclamation can be read from the ditches and canals as landscape elements. Many of these ditches are though blurred by the overgrowth of Phragmites australis, in English Common Reed. Do you on the other hand know, that they grow in the ditches, the grasses make them more present in the landscape, as they provide horizontal volume. What is not that present from investigating the 1 m and 0,5 m contour lines is the very small changes in terrain, which makes the previous low-lying islands, Svenskeholm, Norde Klapper and Koklapperne, present. It is the still present water on site that actually reveals these. Larger areas in Kalvebod FĂŚlled are defined as wetlands and from the right perspective, the old shapes of the former islands come forward. There is a great potential in making these islands more present when exploring the landscape on site, as they hold the story of the previous coastal zone.



Strategic frameworrk

The name Kalvebod Fælled tells a story of the past in itself. The word island in Old Danish language was called bothi and therefore Kalvebod simply means the small calf-like undersea islands. The word fælled is the old Danish word for a village’s common grazing area. This photo is taken just before the reclamation of Kalvebod Fælled, when the area was still just named Kalveboderne. You can here see all the previous, sometimes undersea islands Nordre Klapper, Koklapperne and Svenskeholm.


Nordre Klapper


Bird’s eye of Amager from just before the reclamation of Kalvebod Fælled vs. bird’s eye of how it looks today. You sitll sense the previous islands of Kalvebod Fælled from before the reclamation of land


An absent story Exploring Kalvebod Fælled’s history has helped me extract the site’s cultural past as the forever intertwined story between military use and reclamation of land. This story is shortly described how the sea is now absent due to man, at a breaking point of World War II, started to reclaim the land that is now called Kalvebod Fælled, for future military use. This landscape has been shaped by both the reclamation and by the military use. As the sea, the military is physically no longer present here, but many landscape layers and elements make both the original use of the landscape present, along with the story about it being one of the greatest reclamations of land in Danish History. However, the story is not really staged to be explored by the visitors. Even though many traces are present in the landscape to reveal it, there seems to lack elaboration and higher communication, as the story still seems absent. The nature of this landscape, in form of both flora and fauna, is magnificent and one of a kind. The nature, however, depends on the landscape’s cultural history, as it is the unique story of its creation. Therefore, it has a huge potential for lifting this great nature site even further, from what it is today.


the Forest Islands

the Coastline

the Nike Islands


Strategic framework The Coastline will by its new infrastructure connect to the two new main sites in Kalvebod FĂŚlled, the Forest Islands and the Nike Islands. The Coastline and the Forest Islands are to make present the story of the sea being absent. The Nike Islands are to make the story about the physical reclamation and former militrary use present, the how- and why it happened. Furtermore, the new interventions are to work with existing challenges and potentials of the site, while creating new nature and landscape-based experiences and offer new recreational activities.

From exploring the absent and present landscape layers and elements relating to the cultural history, a new strategic framework and future design proposal has emerged. It builds on how the sea today is absent, which is the what has happened, characterizing this story. The former military use as why it happened, and the reclamation of land as how it happened. The proposed strategy and interventions seeks to frame the cultural-historical traces and mechanisms, being the foundation for the current nature. Future qualities of nature must emerge from new landscape interventions paying attention to the visual historical traces and inscribe spatial actions of the site.

The new proposed design is planned to work in different scales, from an overall perspective through e.g. infrastructure, and down to a more close-up scale, with focus on smaller experiences. Furthermore, the spectrum of interventions varies in design from more nature and landscape-based interventions towards more constructed interventions.

The new design proposed within the frames of the strategy is, first of all, the Coastline, which is a new inland dike. It takes its starting point in contour 0, and is to imitate the old coastal zone. It highlights the huge landscape that is now visibly revealed as the reclaimed land. The presence of the new dike will make the absence of the sea visible. Introducing a new dike into Kalvebod FĂŚlled and overall in Naturpark Amager is not an unfamiliar landscape element. The new inland dike is shaped by understanding the existing constructed landscape elements as Kalvebod Dige and the shooting ramparts, which serves as traces of the cultural history. The existing landscape constructions and the proposed inland dike will now interact with each other by speaking the same language. Furthermore, the dike has a new path on top, and will become part of the infrastructure by creating new routes.

Illustration page 74 – The three new interventions called the Coastline, the Forest Islands and the Nike Islands.


Dikes Dikes are already today a well-known element in the landscape of the southern part of the nature park. They are elements which today are used as protection against storm floods and raising sea levels. Therefore creating new dikes, would be a natural way to work with the landscape when telling the story of the reclamation of land.

Existing: Kalvebod Dige

The coastline new inland dike

Under construction: Ullerupdiget Existing: Nike launch area

Planned strengthening and further creation of Drøger Diger (protruding or retracted version)



The Coastline

Starting point in contour 0 Connect to Starting point existing infrastructure in contour 0

A bigger perspective When looking at the new inland dike as a landscape element, it is already recognizable in Naturpark Amager. Both overall as man-made terrain and specifically as inland dike. The new inland dike Ullerupdiget is being build right now, and further inland dikes are being planned in Dragør Sydstrand at the moment.

Connect to existing infrastructureNew inland dike Being aware of existing canals New inland dike Being aware of existing canals

Furthermore, when looking at the layout of the existing and planned structures of the southern inland dikes in Kongelunden, the new inland dike creates a natural extension of these.

Connect to existing crossings

Connect to existing crossings Moving closer to attractions

The new inland dike Moving closer to attractions

When designing the new inland dike, a set of rules has been made to control and create a defined and clear design.

Diagram of design rules for layout of the new inland dike.

The first main rule is, that the new dike, in plan, must take its starting point in contour 0, which represents where the sea would reach if man had not built Kalvebod Dige. This overall rule will make the inland dike represent the story of reclaiming Kalvebod FĂŚlled, as it clearly makes what is the reclaimed land visible.

fold out

Contour 0 is though a strict line and the past had no strict coastline but more of a coastal zone with a shallow sea. Therefore the following rules, which several places moves the new dike away from contour 0, does not weaken the story, but instead just strengthens the design.

Relate to existing terrain structures

In layout the inland dike is, by its bends, inspired by the existing shooting ramparts, which are often divided into two sections, either in-line or with an angle up to 45Âş. When planning the layout of the dike further, it must then be shaped by existing challenges and potentials in the area. This means, as an example, that taking in where existing canals run and where crossings of these are, is favourable and can change where the dike is placed. When the dike crosses a ditch or canal, pipes are implemented, to prevent blocking the draining from these. Connecting the dike to the existing infrastructure in a logic way, can move the dike away from contour 0. Moving the dike closer to attractions, such as the shooting ramparts or forest clearings, will heighten the number of experiences to offer.

Diagram of design rules for both the layout and horizontal shapRelate to existing ing the new inland dike. To explore this diagram of existing terterrain structures rain structures further go back to page 64.

The design and horizontal shape is directly inspired by existing terrain structures , so that the new and old formations can relate to each other, but also not compete. This means, that the new inland dike will have one steep and one more gently sloping side, as it can be recognized in both the existing shooting ramparts and different dikes of the area. By this shape, the inland dike will face towards the reclaimed land. The new dike will though run through Pinseskoven, and for this stretch, the dike will have two steep sides. This is mainly so that the


+1,5 m


Section a - in the open flat landscape

Inland dike

+1,5 m



Section b - at the edge of the new Forest Islands

Section c - in relation to Granathøj


Inland dike

The Forest Islands


+1,5 m


Inland dike

+1,5 m



Section d - enclosed by Pinseksoven

Inland dike

+1,5 m


Section e - inbetween Pinseskoven and Kanalvej


Inland dike


General inland dike 1,25 km

+ 1,5 m

Total distance: 3,91 km

crown 2,5 m 1:1


base 10 m

Principle section of the general new inland dike. With one steep side and one more gently sloping side, the dike is facing towards the reclaimed land. + 1,5 m

a crown 2 m 1:1



base 5 m

General inland dike 0,84 km

Principle section of the new forest inland dike. With two steep sides, the base is more narrow and by that, it takes up less space and fewer trees have to be cut down. c

base of the dike will be more narrow. By that less trees have to be cut down, when constructing the dike. Moreover, you are enclosed by the forest, and in here there is less effect in facing towards anything, as the view is quite short. Therefore cutting down less trees is more important. Furthermore, the dike will only be as tall, as it then can be experienced as more than a small hill, but not too tall to start competing with existing shooting ramparts, or overrule the long views. The chosen height of +1,5 meters for the inland dike will especially relate to the existing dike containing the Nike Launch Area, which it connects to in the southern end.

Contained land Forest inland dike 1,03 km


The new inland dike is divided into four sections. At every break, there is an interlink with the existing infrastructure, so that you are able to either the leave the Coastline or enter it. The total length of the new dike is almost 4 km. Each section is close to 1 km. The two northernmost, and the southernmost sections are shaped as the general inland dike. The last section is the one running through Pinseskoven, and are therefore the narrow forest version.

General inland dike 0,79 km

Besides making the story about reclamation more present and providing new routes around the area, the land dike offers many new experiences in the landscape. Walking the whole stretch, you will experience the vast open landscape, be on the edge of the Forest Islands, walk past shooting ramparts and experience Pinseskoven both inside and by being on the edge.



New paths Besides being a visible landscape element making the reclaimed land present, the new inland dike is contributing to the existing infrastructure. The new dike creates a new path connecting north-west to south-east. A link, which can be seen missing today in the landscape’s vast and spread infrastructure. Furthermore, by being divided into four sections, the dike creates new possible routes to take. A challenge seen today, is how there might be a lack of smaller routes around the edge of Ørestaden for exploring the nature park. The inland dike creates a new route of 4 km to replace the before 6 km route.

The new inland dike is one of two new introduced path systems at Kalvebod Fælled. The second one is situated in the southern end at the new Nike Islands. An existing challenge in this area is how you have to walk +5 km when first starting exploring Kalvebod Dige on Dæmningsvej. For more visitors to actually go explore the dike a new bridge now connects the dike with the inland, which today is divided by the inner canal. The bridge both connects to an existing path, along with two new proposed paths. The inland paths each connect to one of the three bastions inside the Nike Launch Area ESK 532. Outwards, the new bridge connects to the new platform and terrace proposed at the dike. All in all the new route creates many new possibilities for entering the dike for a shorter stretch of around 0,5 km, without having to turn around or add on +5 km to your existing route.

As an intervention, and as landscape element in this thesis, the new inland dike is named the Coastline. However, the future street name will in Danish be Kyststrækningen. Just as other roads has names, which reveal something about their surroundings, this new name will reveal the former coastal zone, which the dike highlights. The Danish word kyst means in English coast. The Danish word strækningen means in English the stretch and has, in this constellation, a double meaning. It means both the stretch that the path is, but it also refers to the stretch that has formerly been the coastal stretch or former coastal zone. In this way the name Kyststrækningen refers to both the direction you are walking in, and to the surrounding area, that you are situated in.

The 2 km route, pointed out in the diagram, page 81, is connecting the future museum with Søndre Pumpestation, the terrace and the platform in a new loop around the area, created by the new bridge and one of the new proposed inland paths.

The new inland dike is in the northern end connecting to and existing path, which already today follows contour 0. As the path already exist, and to prevent unnecessary construction, it will not be replaced by a new inland dike. Instead the existing path, which today has no name, too will be named Kyststrækningen. This will bind the two paths together and fulfil the stretch, which allows you to walk along the former coastal zone.









M Ørestad

en ng kni træ

ts Kys

Kanonve j


P M Vestamager P

Kalvebod Sti

4 km route


at an






4 km stret

j ingsve Dæmn



Metro station

j jve






e og

Sn +5 km




k Bir

Ellev ehøj

h etc


Motorway / railway



Gravel path

Asphalt road



j hø


Small track

New path / landdike



Parking lot


ovv esk




New parking lot









Naturpark Amager


The Nike Islands


2 km








n ga

Kanall v











The Coastline Sve

Future elaboration and communication

The classic red boards of Naturstyrelsen

The future boards, which are to communicate the cultural-historical history

The new inland dike and two clusters of islands are taking part in visualizing and elaborating the cultural history enrolled in the strategy. They are each shaped by landscape layers and traces related to this story, which in the future will characterize the nature park through these, and possible future interventions.

These new boards take their starting point in the existing boards of Naturstyrelsen, which already can be seen in the nature park. These are the classic boards, made of red painted, round-edged natural wood. The new boards proposed have had a little brush-up, but are still very similar to the existing, and can by that still be recognized as relating to Naturstyrelsen.

Some parts of the story can though not be physically communicated through the new interventions. These can only stage, and let you bodily experience former or future physical layers. However, they can not tell you when the reclamation happened or how it was done, as examples. Therefore boards are needed for, in words, drawings, photos etc., to communicate these type of informations. Therefore a new type of board is proposed, for when it is needed to present the cultural history of the site. Also new signposts can lead you along the new cultural historical routes.

The new boards have a more squared and slim look, and are to be made by corten steel, which at first are red, but in time turn dark. The new boards are only for, when what they communicate, is relating to the cultural history. When it is knowledge about nature, the bird species found on site as an example, it will still be the red classic boards, that will communicate this. By that, it is easy to tell from their look, what you can expect to learn about.


The Royal Golf

Shooting ranges

Kalvebod Miljøcenter


Nordre klapper

Vestamager Metro


Støre Høj

Ørestad Syd Naturcenter Amager

The Coastline





Gr an


The Forest Islands


Tårnby Villahøj Svenskehøj Granathøj


i trækn Kysts

Skovhøj Nihøje



Northern bird tower

Bastions Nordre Pumpestation



Bird reserve

The Coastline Nike Launch Area ESK 532

The Nike Islands Middle bird tower


Hejresøen Kongelunden Søndre Pumpestation


Southern bird tower 85


The Forrest Islands

This photo is taken from 8Tallet at the edge of Ă˜restad Syd and what especially becomes clear when you look at this part of Kalvebod FĂŚlled from above is that this used to be the previous coastal zone. It is quite clear to sense the previous small islands, called Koklapperne from wet and dry land made visible by the vegetation. Only small changes in terrain make the different here. The long straight road you see in the Picture too is Granatvej, which in the future will lead you from Naturcenter Amager through the Forest Islands, shaped by old islands, and further out into the landscape.

The Forest Islands

The Forest Islands Three reasons

There are now three approaches on how to establish the new forest. One is to fence in the sub-areas and let natural succession decide what will grow. This would likely, in a matter of time, be similar to what is already seen in the area through Pinseskoven, which are dominated by the deciduous species birch. It is therefore likely that birch, which is also a pioneer species, will be the one growing here, if natural selection would be the choice. This choice though create a longer time frame and would likely take several years before a great result would appear.

Planting a new forest in Kalvebod Fælled has three main reasons. One which is a reaction to a challenge located in the area, one which takes part in telling the story of the past in relation to the strategy, and one which relates back to the competition program. Starting with the first one; reacting to a problem. When walking down Granatvej from Ørestad Syd and Naturcenter Amager, you are surrounded by vast, open and flat landscape. On this road you loose track of distance until you reach Granathøj and Pinseskoven. The new Forest Islands answers to this problem by introducing a new horizontal volume to the area. It serves as a new destination along the road, while breaking down the 2 km long stretch by new 700 meters of forest.

Second approach could be to speed up this process by planting birch, or a similar deciduous species of a young age. But it might be boring to just chose more of the same. When looking in a greater perspective also Kongelunden is dominated by a deciduous species, oak.

The second main reason to plant the Forest Islands is, as a part of the strategy, to highlight and bring forward some of the old low-lying islands, Koklapperne. Koklapperne, as islands, are absent along with the sea. But still very small changes in terrain reveals the former islands, and they are made present by surrounding wetland. The former islands holds a great potential in revealing the former coastline and the story of reclamation of land. Therefore the Forest Islands take their shape around the great islands, which today are cut through by Granatvej.

Third approach, which is chosen, is to do introduce something new. Proposed is to plant a forest, which as a contrast to the existing forests, will be dominated by evergreen species. Despite contrast, there is still some similarities. Choosen is to plant a forest dominated by Scots pine, which is a light transparent tree, just as the birch. The new forest will contain of a 50%/30%/20% distribution of following three species; Scots pine, Sitka spruce and Downy birch. This combination is directly inspired by forest development type 81 from Skov- og Naturstyrelsen’s catalogue of forest development types in Denmark (Bo Larsen, 2005).

The third reason is seen in relation to the competition program. Naturcenter Amager is both seen as an existing main entrance and appointed for further development in the competition program. The Forest Islands are thought to take part in this main entrance, and as a new close-by destination draw out visitors into the landscape.

Another contrast besides choosing evergreen species, is the new contrast in experience. When now walking down Granatvej you will experience a great contrast in the open fields and the more enclosing forest.

Three approaches

It is in Skov- og Naturstyrelsen’s catalogue of forest development types in Denmark described that if the soil conditions turn out, or develop into, being too wet, it would develop into forest forest development type 41. This means that the birch will take over as the dominant species of the forest, due to that it is the one most pleased of wet conditions. The islands are enclosed by wetland areas, so if it happens to be too wet, the forest would develop into being more similar to the existing forests and be a result similar to the first and second approach.

The decision of highlighting the islands through the volume of a forest is supported by the maintenance plan Driftsplan for Kalvebodfælled 2018. Here it is stated that Naturstyrelsen in the future wants to investigate the opportunity of establishing new 10 ha. forest areas through natural succession. The shape of the Forest Islands covers an area of 13,8 ha. and matches therefore almost, what is already desired for the area. The Forest Islands is by its forest seen as one volume, even though it is actually divided into two smaller islands.


Bird’s eye of Amager just before the reclamation of Kalvebod Fælled. Here you see Koklapperne as low-lying islands in the shallow sea. Bird’s eye of Amager as it looks today. You sitll sense the previous islands of Kalvebod Fælled. What you sere here is Koklapperne, which pops up quite clear.


Kyststrækn in


Towards Fasanskoven


b lve Ka

Towards Svenskeholm

Sti New inland dike

Canals Koklapperne

Open meadow

The Coastline


kn stræ

st Ky en





Towards Pinseskoven

Ørestad Syd

Towards Vestamager Metro

Kalvebod Sti

Ka n

on ve


Gr an at ve


Main entrance Naturcenter Amager

n Fårestie Koklapperne


kes ti




Enclosed by the forest


The Forest Islands

Natural opening


Enclosed by the forest

Canals New inland dike

Entrance from Tårnby


Pinus sylvestris / Scots pine


Picea sitchensis / Sitka spruce

Betula pubescens /Downy birch

Pinus sylvestris / Scots pine

all around the branches and are green on top, but has a blue-green colour underneath with two white stripes. The pine cones are light brown with thin, flexible scales and are around 6-9 cm long. Older trees have a brown-grey thin and scaly bark, flaking off in small, circular plates. Like the Scots pine the Sitka Spruce grows fast in a young age and can reach around 10 m in height in only 10 years. Too the Sitka spruce is both quite tolerant in terms of soil types and is wind resistant.

Pinus sylvestris, commonly known as Scots pine, is an evergreen coniferous tree growing up to around 30 meters in height. The young Scots pine is more cone shaped, but a mature Scots pine is tall with a high placed crown of irregularly placed branches. This open and irregular structure lets down lots of light for potential undergrowth, and if none starts growing the Scots Pine will provide great views between its stems. The stems’ bark is normally in shades of warm grey, but the upper part of a mature trees bark shades from orange to red. As a contrast the needles, which are placed in pairs, has a bluegreen colour and are around 4-8 cm long. Its pine cones are around 5-6 cm long and take up to three years to mature. But the Scots pine, which is a pioneer tree, grows fast when its young and therefore it can also be used as a nursing tree for other species. The tree can grow well in many soils, but are mainly found in poorer sandy soils. It is with is strong roots very wind resistant and grow well in open fields.

Betula pubescens / Downy birch Betula pubescens, commonly known as downy birch, is a deciduous tree growing up to around 15-20 meters. It is a native species. The tree is a pioneer tree, grows very fast as young and is also often used as nursing trees. The growth form is upright, but often irregular and has a opposite to broad ellipsoid cone shaped crown. The Downy birch’s leaf a light green and its harvest colours are yellow. The young leafs are pubescent and therefore very soft, and are also what give the species its name. The foliation often happens end April, which is also when this photo is taken. The tree, which has a light crown, also often develops the very iconic witch brooms. The Downy birch’s bark is iconic in a greyish white with black stripes across, but it do not have a peeling bark like many other birch species do. Again Downy birch pups out from other birch species, due they unlike others like it a little more wet in terms of living conditions.

Picea sitchensis / Sitka spruce Picea sitchensis, commonly known as Sitka spruce, is an evergreen coniferous tree growing up to around 35 meters in height and is by that the tallest kind of spruce. The tree is throughout it lifetime cone shaped. A Sitka spruce’s needles are sharp and pointy and only 1-2,5 cm long, they are placed


fold out

Development and experience

Dry conditions

Year 20 - By now we might have something similar to a full grown and established forest. If the conditions are as expected we will have the result planed for. New trees have started planting themselves.

Year 10 - The forest grows taller. Some trees might have died from natural cause. Others thinned out according to the species distribution.

Outline of the Forest Islands, with section line placed in Granatvej


Year 1 - Planting the forest. The species distributions is 50% Scots pine, 30% Sitka spruce and 20% Downy birch.

Cross-section through the Forest Islands 15 years after planting


Wet conditions

Year 20 - The aim of a more evergreen forest might not be possible, the birch starts taking over and will be the dominant species. The forest will be similar to Fasanskoven and Pinseskoven.

Destribution of species: 50 % Pinus sylvestris / Scots pine 30 % Picea sitchensis / Sitka spruce 20 % Betula pubescens / Downy birch

Experiencing the Forest Island Forest development

10-15 years after the planting of the Forest Island it might look something like the cross-section below. You will be walking through a 700 m long forest of Scots pine, Sitka Spruce and Downy birch. The forest is dominated by the evergreen trees, which therefore then will give the forest volume all year. In the fall the birch will turn from light green to yellow and provide the forest another experience. The forest is planted with light transparent trees and will therefore not be too dark an experience, even with evergreen species. You will be able to get glimpses of the opens fields between the bare stems. Also a natural opening in the forest lets you get the long view.

First young trees of an age of around 4, with a height of approx. 4 meters will be planted. The different species will be spread out in smaller groups between each other. In the beginning the forest will be fenced in, to protect it against the many deer and likely. All species of the new forest are fast growing and will reach about 10 meters in height when ten years have past. Some might though have been removed to thin out the forest to let others grow tall. Some might have died from natural causes. After 20 years we might have something close to a full grown forest with trees as high as maybe 30 meters.

If things doesn’t go as planned and the islands turns out too wet for the pine and spruce to cope well, it might be a more birch-dominated forest and look a little closer to Pinseskoven, but we must wait and see.

When thinning out the forest, the strategy is to try and reach the distribution of species as 50% Pinus sylvestris, Scots pine, 30% Picea sitchensis, Sitka spruce and 20% Betula pubescens, Downy birch.


Year 10 - The forest grows taller. Some pine and spruce might not have made it due to too wet conditions. New birch starts growing as replacements.

Year 1 - Planting the forest. The species distributions is 50% Scots pine, 30% Sitka spruce and 20% Downy birch.

fold out


07 .a The Nike Islands

When the Nike Launch Area ESK 532 was built and then in use from 1959-1981 during the Cold War period the three ramparts in southern Kalvebod FĂŚlled would each hold three 12 m long missiles as part of an air defence chain. The ramparts and the surrounding dike were kept neat and free from unwelcome vegetation. The enclosed U-shapes where kept sharp but today they are covered by small trees and shrubs and the sharp shapes are blurred. The Nike Launch Area ESK 532 pops up as a surprise when exploring the area as it is almost swallowed by Pinseskoven in the northernmost end.

The Nike Islands The Nike Launch Area ESK 532 was built during the Cold War and was functioning from 1959-1981. Through this period nine 12-meter long Nike Hercules missiles would always be placed here, ready to defend Denmark. As the complex site is built on reclaimed land, it contains an enclosing triangular 1-1,5 m dike and draining canals inside. Furthermore, three U-shaped bastions, up to 4 m tall, are placed inside. Each bastion would have one hangar, one launch control bunker and three of the nine missiles placed outside in their courtyards, functioning as the actual launch sites.

and the future maintenance plan must describe to keep the terrain free from this, so that the future will make the past present. The Nike Launch Area is placed right next to Søndre Pumpestation and Kalvebod Dige. This area holds a great potential for new interventions for on-site elaboration and communication of the reclamation side of the story, as these two elements are the most important for keeping out the sea today. Today, when you go explore Kalvebod Dige from the end of Ellevehøj, you have to either walk more than 5 km to get back inland, or turn around and go back. This means that even though Dæmningsvej, the road on top of Kalvebod Dige, is quite popular for especially sports cyclists, some visitors might choose to not go out here, due to the long extra route you have to add on.

Today the Nike Launch Area is dilapidated and the original care taking of the area has gone along with the original use of the site. From military bastion and launch area during the Cold War, to now being used as storage of machines and materials. The three U-shaped terrain formations used to be free from anything but cut grass, but today the sharp shaped formations are blurred by wild growth and all hard surfaces covered by graffiti. When exploring the overall area today, the Nike Launch Area pops up almost as a surprise. Because of shrubs and trees, the terrain is now hidden, and you almost don’t notice the area before standing almost right in it. Also the northern part, where the northernmost bastion is placed, is completely swallowed by Pinseskoven.

Therefore a new infrastructure is created to connect the area in better way, and make is possible to loop around by new routes. In the future, when exploring the new route from the Nike Launch Area, you will, just 500 meters down the road from the museum, meet Søndre Pumpestation. From here new on-site communication of its importance in the original-, and still on-going reclamation of land will be present. Also communication of Kalvebod Dige, which begins in this area, will be present. The new route will lead you further out on the dike through the existing paths, and towards the new platform and terrace. The terrace, from where you can explore inwards the dike and sense the reclaimed land, and the platform, outwards the dike, from where you can explore the sea with its higher water level. From this area you can move around the dike in several ways, and explore the magnificent structure of the containing landscape element. Furthermore, a new bridge leads you across the inner canal, and by that inland again. From here the route unfolds in three paths, by connecting to an existing path, and by creating two new ones. All three leads you through the southernmost part of Pinseksoven and connects back to the Nike Launch Area’s three U-shaped bastions, where the new camp, café and museum are proposed.

A future main site The Nike Launch Area holds a potential for much more than just being a leftover for storage. The terrain formations speaks the same language as Kalvebod Dige and especially as the other existing shooting ramparts as they, a little more directly than Kalvebod Dige, holds an old military purpose too. It is clear that this area holds a great story which needs to be told. It is military stories, which are bound together with the reclamation of land. Due to the former use, the site is much more constructed than the rest of Kalvebod Fælled. This is an advantage and potential, in terms of placing a future camp, a café and a museum to elaborate and communicate the cultural history of this place.

All in all this area, the future Nike Islands, will serve as a main site in Kalvebod Fælled, which as a supplement to the Coastline and the Forest Islands, will help unfolding the history of Kalvebod Fælled.

To strengthen the presence of the area being a former military site, the terrain must be made visible again, so that you clearly can see and understand these landscape structures again. Therefore, the now unwelcome trees and shrubs must be removed,


The two top photos show the Nike Launch Area ESK 532 as it looks today. The area is all overgrown and trashy, and in use for storage of machines and materials. The two buttom photos are taken when the site was still functioning as the Nike Launch Area. Back then the bastions was kept neat and the terrain formations stood out as sharp figures, enclosing the actual launch site, where a total of nine Nike Hercules missiles where placed. The Nike Launch Area ESK 532 is in danish reffered to as; 2. batteri, Flyverdetachement 532, Eskadrille 532 NIKE, ESK Amager: IldstĂĽl, Flyvestation Kongelunden and Launcher Control Area (LCA). The Fire Control Area (FCA) was situated at Kongelundsfortet.



Bird reserve

Open meadow


Southern bird tower 1:5.000





m Dæ

New inland dike Canals

The Coastline


sts Ky k træ

vehø Elle






e Vib

The camp

Crossing canal

Entrance from Tårnby

Parking Parking Through clearings

Crossing canal

Crossing canal

Shelter site

fold out

The museum

Along canal


The café


On the edge of the forrest

Through the forrest

500 m between museum spots 2 km route Existing path

The terrace


Søndre Pumpestation

The bridge The platform



The camp, the museum and the café

Nike Launch Area ESK 532 Keep this page open for overview of section a, b and c placed on the following pages


Sea level


Section A - the camp

Terrace / stage

Kolkwitzia amabilis



b Sea level


Section B - the museum

Outdoor exhibition



Sea level C

Stairs on bastion 1:500

Section C - the café

Kolkwitzia amabilis

Café, rooftop terrace and greenhouse



Three new sites Nike Launch Area ESK 532

The former Nike Launch Area ESK 532 will in the future contain a new camp, café and museum. The new camp offers e.g. school classes to stay for longer periods of time. The new museum offers visitors new knowledge about the cultural history of Naturpark Amager. The new café offers visitors to buy refreshments and take a break to enjoy the great view. These will each be in one of the three existing bastions.

One bastion’s courtyard meassures around 30x60 meters which is therefore a total area of 1.800 m2

One bastion’s courtyard has a size of 1.800 m2 and measures around 30x60 meters. Even though this size seems large, the bastions create an enclosed feeling, and therefore the space can seem a little smaller than expected. The new sites are therefore designed with simple interventions, in an appropriate amount, and not too much new creating new horizontal barriers in the courtyards. The new design focuses especially on the existing surfaces by e.g. using different pavements for zoning. Activation of the bastions as interactive landscape elements, has been in focus too.

Rolighedsvej 23 The square in front of Rolighedsvej 23, Frederiksberg by Schønherr covers the area of 2.040 m2.

Blågaards Plads Blågaards Plads in central Nørrebro, Copenhagen covers the total area of 5.200 m2.



New path - connecting to the bridge, the platform and the terrace at Kalvebod Dige

Bike parking

New building

Connecting south to the museum, the cafÊ and Søndre Pumpestation Courtyard

Bunker Concrete frame

Gravel core Concrete terrace / stage

Kolkwitzia amabilis Wooden stairs / spectator seats

Former hangar renewed


The camp

Sea level


Section a - the camp


Terrace / stage

The new camp is the nature parks first camp. It is to be used by e.g. school classes or other interested groups of visitors. The new camp is situated at the northernmost of the three former launch sites. As this launch site is swallowed by Pinseskoven, and by that enclosed more by the forest, it is the most private of the three sites. Therefore it makes sense that this would be where the camp is, as it is hosting the most private affair of the camp, the museum and the café.

Stairs on bastion

soms in the pre-summer and summer period with bell-shaped light pink flowers, with a dark pink bud. These periods are where the camp is expected to be used the most. Furthermore, a new concrete platform, referred to as the terrace or the stage, rises from the ground bringing zoning into the courtyard. This new terrace or stage could be where dinner might be served or school classes performs a play. The platform develops into a wooden stairway on the bastion, which can be used as seating, while also leading curious users onto the bastion for further exploration of the construction, or simply just for play.

The U-shaped bastion, along with a new building creates a more private, and enclosed courtyard, framing the new camp. The old hangar are to be renewed, and together with the new proposed building, they shall serve functions as kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms etc.. Both the new and the existing building are, in this thesis, not designed in constructed details. But they are in looks meant to be both appropriate for being situated in a nature park and to be of a New Nordic look. A reference could be the new NOMA 2.0, designed by BIG. The same goes for the other buildings proposed further south.

The new camp responds to Naturpark Amager’s vision about being the Capitals largest outdoor classroom. As being a new destination where visitors can camp for a greater period of time, and by that explore the site and what it offers. The camp is by existing paths connected south to the new museum and the café, and further south to Søndre Pumpestation. From here you can now, on-site, learn about the cultural past related to military use and reclamation of land. The camp is, by the new route, connected directly to the new bridge, platform and terrace at Kalvebod Dige. From here many new activities are introduced, which focuses on water-related activities and bird watching. You can imagine users of the new camp, in the early morning, go for a dip in the ocean and later on learn about the specific site and its existence.

The today still existing concrete pavement is renewed at the edges and will frame a new gravel paved core for the courtyard, defined by the buildings. A new plant hole breaks the strict edge, and here shrubs or small trees, in form of Kolkwitzia amabilis, also known as Beauty bush in English, are introduced. Kolkwitzia amabilis is a light shrub that can grow up to around 3 meters tall. It blos-


Connecting north to the the camp

New path - connecting to the bridge, the platform and the terrace at Kalvebod Dige Original Nike missiles

Original concrete pavement renovated Bunker

Outdoor museum

Museum building Former hangar renwed


Connecting south to the cafÊ and Søndre Pumpestation

The museum

Sea level


Section b - the museum

Outdoor exhibition


The new museum is one of two new museum spots proposed in the strategy. Overall they will tell the story of the intertwined cultural history of Naturpark Amager, especially Kalvebod Fælled. This is with a main focus on the story about the reclamation of land and former military use. At the new museum, the overall focus is on the military part of the history. It will more shallowly introduce the containment as the two stories are forever intertwined. It is by the existing infrastructure connected further south to Søndre Pumpestation. Here new on-site communication here has an overall focus on the story of the reclamation of Kalvebod Fælled. The specific site, that the new museum is placed in, is the former military launch site, and by that, it activates and makes this part of the story more present.


In the design and layout the original concrete tiles still today reveals where the Nike missiles were formerly placed. But as they are quite dilapidated, I propose to renovate the pavement, and by that keep the original appearance. I propose to place three old Nike missiles in the courtyard and bring back the original appearance of the site, as when it was still functioning. The courtyard will be an outdoor museum, as new boards, along with the Nike missiles, will communicate the history. The old hangar is proposed renewed, as it too is quite dilapidated. It will in the future host an indoor showroom to communicate the history. At the museum, you will now have a better understanding of Kalvebod Fælled’s many landscape constructions, that can be traced back to former military use of this land. Especially the one you stand right in the middle of. You will understand the straight path system, that maybe led you here. And be amazed about how men, just by few machines and pure manpower, reclaimed this enormous land during World War II.

The museum is situated in the middle bastion where the main road, Vibevej, connects the museum to the existing entrance from Tårnby. Vibevej is a paved road and will in the future be public accessible by car. You will now be able to park close to the museum on new parking lots. In relation to the strategy, the museum is the most important of the three new functions at the former Nike Launch Area, and therefore it is important that this site has the best and most direct access of the three.


Connecting north to the museum and the camp

Connecting to the bridge, the platform and the terrace at Kalvebod Dige

Bike parking

New building Kiosk

Connecting to the primitive camp site

Courtyard Concrete frame Bunker

Gravel core

Kolkwitzia amabilis

Rooftop terrace, greenhouse and cafĂŠ Existing hangar renewed

Wooden stairs / platform



Connecting towards Søndre Pumpestation and Kalvebod Dige

Wooden stairs / platform

The café

Sea level Stairs on bastion 1:500

Section c - the café

Café, rooftop terrace and greenhouse

The new café serves overall as a the new food court. From here you can both quickly buy something in the new kiosk for an on-the-go snack, or you can choose to take a seat at the new café and have a proper meal.



Overall for the new café is, that the concept could be to forage food, made from seasonal ingredients, found in the nature park. This could be chanterelles, which, from July to December, can be found in Kongelunden. Also, the new Pinus sylvestris, planted at the Forets Islands, is known for a great vitamin C tea. At the new greenhouse, on top of the former hangar, home grown supplements for the dishes can be planted.

By having this new type of function introduced at the site, you can expect both more visitors in general, and that they might stay for a longer period of time, as you now are able to buy refreshments. As the new food court is situated at the southernmost of the three bastions, it relates equally to the new museum and camp visitors, as to the visitors of the new interventions at Kalvebod Dige.

Outside the bastion are two new wooden stairways proposed, similar to the one at the camp. These will provide seating for visitors wanting to take a break, and maybe here enjoy the snack bought in the kiosk. Too they provide access to the bastions and by that, you can now explore the construction further, or go have a great view south, similar to the one you can get from the new rooftop terrace.

The new layout for this site is similar to the new camp. A new building, along with the U-shaped bastion, encloses the new courtyard further and by that privatize it more. Also here are the concrete tiles replaced in the frame and a gravel-paved core, defined by the buildings, is introduced. Here a new plant hole is placed in the centre, dividing the kiosk and the café’s outdoor areas. Also here Kolkwitzia amabilis will be the shrub or small tree to blossom. The old hangar is too renewed, as described for Camp Nike. Here is though also a new rooftop terrace and greenhouse proposed. At the new terrace, visitors taking a break at the café, can have a great view south. From here you can see both Kalvebod Dige and the ocean behind, but also Søndre Pumpestation, which is the second museum spot. Therefore a visual connection for the next step into exploring the landscape further is created.

A challenge might be seen in being able to keep the café open all year, due to maybe a lack of visitors in the winter time. But I believe that if the new concept of the café is strong enough, it can instead provide more visitors for the site than seen today. As a reference, you could resemble the new café with several restaurants in Jægersborg Dyrehave, where the unique placement in a great nature site attracts visitors. Also, NOMA 2.0 could be a reference where a great concept still attracts visitors, even when it is situated in a complex site according to accessibility. Otherwise, a seasonal café can be good too.



Søndre Pumpestation Søndre Pumpestation is the second museum spot on the new route around the Nike Islands. In the future, you can from here learn about the function and importance of the pumping station, which today doesn’t seem like much. If you don’t know the cultural history of the site, and by that don’t know much about the reclamation of land, you might oversee the building for what it is, and what it means for the site, when passing by. Therefore it is proposed to place new boards for on-site elaboration and communication of the story about Søndre Pumpestation. Furthermore, the new boards will elaborate and communicate the story of Kalvebod Dige, and as Søndre Pumpestation is placed at the dike, this too will be on-site communication. Both together they will tell the reclamation side of the cultural history of Kalvebod Fælled.

At the new museum spot, you will now have learned about the importance and function of Søndre Pumpestation. You will be told about the draining canals, which you have passed on your way here, and can see running along the dike. You will have learned about both how, why and when Kalvebod Dige was constructed. This an much more will help you understand the existence of Kalvebod Fælled and its unique nature. Furthermore, you can now go further on the route, and by new interventions explore and understand Kalvebod Dige, as the magnificent structure it is.


The platform, the terrace and the bridge The new interventions at Kalvebod Dige are all designed with an overall purpose of exploring the dike in new ways. This is to get a better understanding of the important and magnificent structure, which plays a crucial part of the cultural history of the site.

dentation, along with the new small docking island, frames the new bathing zone. The same island and complete shape of the platform inspires the design of the new terrace, which also follows the same line from the Nike Launch Area. By that, the direction of the terrace, points out the other half of the Nike Islands. Furthermore, the new terrace has a long side facing towards the bird reserve and imitates the view you can get from the bridge. Your are from here able to take a seat up against the dike and enjoy the beautiful view. From here you can observe the birds and other wild animals, in form of e.g. the deers, who lives here too.

Today the dike has both a paved road, running along outwards the dike, and a smaller path, running along on top. The proposed interventions creates new crossings across, from the inside of the dike, to the outside. The new crossings are in the form of both stairs and a ramp. Inwards he dike is a new terrace proposed and outwards the dike a new platform. By that you are now able to stay on each side of the dike, and by that it might enhance the chance of experiencing the sea level versus the much lower reclaimed land.

The platform as a blue spot In the competition, the nearby area around the southern bird tower is appointed as one of the four blue spots for new interventions. This site was distributed the largest amount of money and had a long list of new activities asked for. This blue spot was sensed to be placed highly, when trying to rank, which appointed area might be more important. Besides readings of the landscape, another thought too has played a role for where the new proposed site for interventions are placed, instead of at the appointed blue spot at the southern bird tower. The bird tower is today highly used by both ornithologists and other bird enthusiasts. Watching birds is a quite peaceful affair. Placing this many new active activities at the bird tower, and by that expecting many new visitors, it might interrupt or disturb the peaceful bird watching. Therefore it can be seen as a well thought idea to move the site a little, as proposed.

The design and layout The specific site and layout for the new interventions at Kalvebod Dige come from readings of the landscape. First of all, there is today an existing path inland that stops abruptly at the canal along Kalvebod Dige. From the spot where the path ends, you have a magnificent view of the bird reserve, but it links to nowhere and seems like a dead end. Furthermore, responding to the challenge about the +5 km stretch you have to walk when first entering the dike, it seems natural to create a new bridge. The new bridge lets you cross the canal and by that, it connects the inland with the dike. Therefore it plays a crucial part in the new route around the area, as it is the missing link. In addition, the new bridge is placed so that you walk in contour 0, and by that, it echoes where the sea would reach if it was not for the dike.

The list of new activities, asked for in the competition for the blue spot at the southern bird tower, is in the design for the new platform taken into account. The new platform, which covers an area of 2.430 m2, therefore has a collection of new activities, that are mainly focusing on experiences in-, on- and by the water.

The shape of the new platform is influenced by two readings of the site. First, a triangle is created. The edge of the dike is the first line, cut by a continuing of the line of the bridge as the second. A third line is drawn from a continuing line of the western part of the surrounding dike at the Nike Launch Area. You now have a triangle outside the dike. Second influence is a further inspiration, found in the nearby island that shifts in being absent or present, as the sea level is high or low. This island is previously presented on page 49. This island has a triangular shape with a small indentation. This is how the new platform has gotten a indentation too. This in-


fold out

Connecting to the Nike area

The terrace


Canal between Klydesøen and Hejresøen

New stairs across Kalvebod Dige

New stairs across Kalvebod Dige

The bridge Existing path on top of Kalvebod Dige

Dæmningsvej, existing road outwards Kalvebod Dige

New stairs across Kalvebod Dige

Towards the southern bird tower

The platform

Ramp (1:20)

Basin for beginners

Gear bank, sauna dressing rooms etc.

Fishing zone

Wooden boardwalk for docking

Bathing zone


Docking island

Wooden boardwalk in several levels for bathing


Towards Søndre Pumpetation

Kalvebod Dige

Naturpark Amager island The new platform at Kalvebod Dige, Naturpark Amager covers an area of 2.430 m2.

Absent/present island Aarhus Havnefront The concrete island at Aarhus Habour front by Arkitekt Kristine Jensens Tegnestue covers the area of 4.000 m2.

fold out

Kvæsthusmolen The popular concrete island in the very City Centre of Copenhagen named Kvæsthusmolen is a huge open sqaure of 16.000 m2


Sea level


Section a - crossing the canal and the dike leads you to the big active platform

Edge of Pinseksoven

New bridge, placed in contour 0

New crossing of Kalvebod Dige

New active platform

Small island

Open sea

Sea level


Section b - crossing the dike from the big platform you get to the small terrace


Section c - The active platform offers many new activities

Docking deck

New active platform

Bathing deck

New crossing of Kalvebod Dige

Fishing zone

Stairs towards the terrace


New quiet terrace

Open sea





In the centre of the platform a new smaller basin is designed with the purpose of creating a safe zone for beginners to start explore the water. Also it can be used as the more spa-like basin and anyone who wants, can take a seat a the lower bench inside the basin. Around the basin is a wooden deck, from where you can sit and dip your toes, before jumping into the cold water.

well as a destination for swimmers to reach. At the eastern edge of the platform a fishing zone is defined. Along both this edge and at the edge at the wooden deck for docking, are several benches placed. Furthermore, a new building is introduced. This building will host both a gear bank, sauna, dressing rooms, toilet facilities etc.. As the platform has a certain size, and much space is still left after introducing the new activities, it is quite open for creative use too.

At the eastern indentation the concrete platform develops into two new wooden decks. The western broad deck, designed in three levels, serve as the future bathing spot. From here you can not only bathe in the ocean, but also sunbathing on the three levels can be imagined. The northern, more narrow deck serves as a new docking site for kayaks and smaller boats. Besides serving as the framing element of the bathing zone, the new docking island, detached from the bigger platform, serves as both a pause-station for kayaks and boats, as

All in all the Nike Islands introduces many new recreational activities to the site, both responding to the strategy proposed in the thesis and to the competition program. From this new main site in the nature park, many new visitors can be expected in the future and maybe for longer periods of time. Thereby, it is reaching for the vision about doubling today’s visitor number.


08 Outro

Discussion and reflections To sum up I am proposing a future landscape strategy and design proposal for Kalvebod Fælled, which makes up the largest of the four sub-areas of Naturpark Amager. The new strategy builds on revealing the cultural history of the site, which is extracted as a forever-intertwined story between military use and land reclamation. This story is important, as it is the founding base for the unique nature existing today.

the Forest Islands

The proposal consists of the Coastline, a new inland dike, which physically serves as a supplement to the existing infrastructure, while creating new experiences throughout the site. In a poetic way it resembles the former coastal zone and reveals how much of Kalvebod Fælled is reclaimed land. Its shape and layout is inspired by the existing shooting ramparts and dikes found in the area, and therefore it is an already familiar landscape element of the site. The new inland dike connects two new clusters of islands, which both serves as further elaborators of the cultural history enrolled in the strategy, as well as providing new recreational use through new facilities and activities.

the Coastline

The Forest Islands answers to the challenges presented for the long stretch of Granatvej, a main road into Kalvebod Fælled. It helps you measure the vast site, while breaking down the distance to Pinseksoven. It relates to the main entrance Naturcenter Amager and has the potential of drawing visitors out into the landscape. The new forest creates new experiences in being an enclosing volume, in contrast to the open landscape that dominates Kalvebod Fælled. Poetically, it is previous low-laying islands in the shallow sea that now shape the forest, and by this, the new volumes are to bring forward traces of the past. Along with the Coastline, the Forest Islands makes the today absent sea and former coastal zone become present.

the Nike Islands

In the future you are able to move across Kalvebod Dige in several ways, and explore the magnificent dike, both on the sea side at the new active platform, and inwards on a new quieter terrace, with lower water levels on reclaimed land. Furthermore, the Nike Islands brings back several parts of the competition in form of visions and different new activities introduced both at the platform, the terrace and at the Nike Launch Area.

The Nike Islands, together with the new connecting route around the area, lifts the potentials around the previous Nike Launch Area ESK 532, Søndre Pumpestation and Kalvebod Dige as future elaborators of the intertwined story of military use and reclamation of land. Inside the launch area, a future camp, café and military focused museum are proposed. At Kalvebod Dige a future terrace, platform and future on-site land reclamation museum spot at Søndre Pumpestation are proposed. The new route connects these two islands by the new bridge.

Nature vs. culture Much of the existing cultural-historical traces of the former military use and reclamation of land, are in the landscape visible in form of different moulded terrain formations as dikes, shooting ramparts and bastions, all made up by soil as the building material. Also draining ditches and canals are trac-


es of this story, controlling the drainage of water in the area. The traces are also seen in small changes in terrain as the previous low-lying islands being more or less still present, especially through being shaped by wetland too. All in all, most cultural-historical traces come forward as nature and landscape-based constructions. The competition program had a strong focus on the unique nature experiences of the nature park in a very functional way. I started questioning this focus, when beginning to understand the underlying cultural history that even makes this unique nature exist. However, when going beyond the competition program and changing to a more cultural-historical focus, I did not leave out nature from the bigger picture.

Winner proposal, Pejlemærkerne [the Landmarks] by Møller & FUNKTION Grønborg + ADEPT. Nogle funktioner er defineret og ufleksible, men så ofte som muligt forsøger


både flade og rummet under tagene at skabe et fleksibelt samlingssted, med The new interventions are in form of the new inlandKONSTRUKTION Gennemgående for fladen og funktionerne under tagene vil være synlige fokus på tanken et friluftslaboratorie og Københavns største undervisiningsrum. konstruktioner i naturtræ, der er beskyttet af de store tage. FORMIDLING dike and the new forest also nature and landscapeKonstruktioner og fundamenter indpasses nænsomt i terrænet ved at lave mindst Udover at pejlemærkerne i sig selv formidler et særligt landskab, vil fladerne i fodaftryk og samtidig hæve sig over terrænet således at eksisterende naturtræ gøre det let at integrere simpel formidling, som et kort cnc fræset i et based, even though they, first of all, are designedmulig referred to as Pejlemærkerne in English vegetation kan blive hvor den er. vægelement, or eller en fortælling printet direkte på træet.the HABITAT to reveal the cultural history enrolled in the strat-MATERIALER Landmarks, which you can see on the illustration Tagene udføres i brændt træ, eller karboniseret træ. Brændt træ er en De høje tage designes med naturlige habitater for fugle og flagermuse. Derved der har sine rødder helt tilbage i vikingetiden, men vil de nye bygningsværke styrke mangfoldigheden og trække dyrelivet ind under egy. They are new landscape elements alreadyimprægneringsmetode above. These new structures take from the existsamtidig er et moderne svar på nutidens krav om bæredygtigt byggeri. Det giver tagene, tæt på de besøgende. overflade, der er både smuk og ekstremt vejrbestandig. En overflade der familiar to the site, and in addition to the history,enligesom ing build structures in the nature park, in form of fugletårnene vil skabe en tydeligt og elegant kontrast til landskabets farver. they provide nature and landscape based experi-Fladen udføres i lokalt Naturcenter Amager, and especially the bird townaturtræ som f.eks. Kebony, eller Organowood der ligesom bæredygtig imprægnering af lokalt fyretræ. ences at the site too. The new interventions at thebrændt træ er eners. The new build structures are either pavilions or Nike Islands provide many new nature and landactual enclosed buildings, and when lying on the 13 scape-based experiences, besides communicating edge to the sea, sometimes with an outward going the cultural-historical traces found in this area. deck. The characteristic roofs are designed to be This comes through by the new route as one examhabitats for birds and bats and are to be made by ple. Here you can experience long, vast views when carbonized wood, while the walls are going to be walking inland across the new bridge. When moving made of local natural wood. In Bedømmelsesrapfurther inwards, experiences as being enclosed by-, port, Naturpark Amager - Nye Muligheder, the judgand being on the edge of the forest are incorpoes of the competition compliments and highlights rated from the beginning. The new platform offers the winning proposal for both being significant and many new activities in-, on- and by the water. These gentle, recognizable and accommodating with its are some of many new nature and landscape-based new architecture. I do follow, and agree on these experiences, which come forward through the new compliments, and acknowledge the proposal, esdesign, even though the strategy is built on the culpecially for the thought-in bird- and bat habitats tural history. The cultural-historical based strategy in the roofs. It indeed reflects on the competition FØLGER EN RÆKKE ARKITEKTONISKE PRINCIPPER: is only the framework and by that still base for manyLEDETRÅDENE demands and recommendations of the pre-project KONSTRUKTION FUNKTION OG FORMIDLING Anlæg indpasses nænsomt i terrænet og skaleres således i sin opbygning fra stier Ledetrådene danner af et katalog af inventarelementer, der bliver en ‘rød tråd’ for new introduced nature experiences, just18as the culNaturpark Amager, Muligheder og indsatser. I do fuld bundopbygning og OB overflade, fliser lagt i grus og græs, træsveller de besøgendes naturparkoplevelse og bevægelsen igennem parken. Ledetrådene Naturpark Amagermed - Bedømmelsesrapport i grus og træsveller lagt i græs, og trinforkanter på skråninger som subtile fungerer som praktiske hjælpemidler, såsom skiltning, naturparkinformation, tural history in it self are the founding base of thelagt though reflect upon that the proposal mainly hints af stiforløb i det naturlige terræn. belægninger, riste, sveller, cykelparkering og andetjust inventar, m.m., har en genkendelig identitet, men spiller alligevel naturligt sammen med omgivelserne. MATERIALER nature. introduces new build structures, which are put on Ledetrådende udføres i en afdæmpet palette af materialer som i farve og I enkel form udgør ledetrådene i sig selv et formidlende element, som gør taktilitet indpasser sig helt naturligt i konteksten, men som i kraft af udformning, opmærksom på at ‘denne sti fører til et samlingssted’ eller at ‘dette sted er top oftræderthe There new placering og funktion alligevel frem og existing synliggør sig som netopnature. ‘ledetråde’ noget særligt’.aren’t Derudover kan any ledetrådende suppleres naaf formidling integreret i i landskabet. Ledetrådene er træstolper og store naturtræsveller, betonfliser i en selve elementet; tekst, miniskilte, QR-koder eller lignende teknologi, i tråd med formater som kan lægges samlet og spredt, grusstier og grusflader, Naturparks Amager ønsker om formidlingsindsats. As mentioned the winner of the competition was re-varierede ture or landscape-based initiatives proposed. inventar af naturtræ, små broer og flader af metalriste. Således er de besøgende ikke i tvivl om, at de er på rette vej og kan trygt fortsætte veal January 10th 2019. The winning proposal Iscepå deres vej mod næste Samlingssted. nesættelse af særlige steder I landskabet [Staging It is here that I must bring my own proposal further of special places in the landscape] is made by the into the discussion. As an example, the winning proteam Møller & Grønborg + ADEPT along with ATKINS posal introduce a collection of five new build struc15 and BARK. tures with long bridges outwards Kalvebod Dige. This is where I emphasize the dike, as the new stairs The proposal is characterized by a new identiacross, the ramp, the terrace and the platform all ty, which is played out as new build structures, are designed with a starting point in exploring the


Kendingstal 18018

Kendingstal 18018



Winner proposal, new main entrance at Asger Jorns Allé by Møller & Grønborg + ADEPT

dike, to understand its magnificent structure, existence and role, before introducing other new functions. Too I work with nature and landscape-based interventions through the Coastline and the Forest Islands.

am through my proposal moving away from the specific sites appointed in the competition program. This could have some complications, but here are my thoughts on this. Looking at the new platform, terrace and bridge, the site is not that different from the one appointed at the southern bird tower. Furthermore, the interventions are overall quite similar to the winning proposal. I, therefore, do not see major problems in moving a little more east, and also just a little further away from the bird reserve. Proposing the new interventions at the Nike Launch Area might not be too big of a problem either. The site is already a constructed site with actual buildings. It is quite dilapidated and just used for storage. My proposal, on the other hand, wants to bring forward the potentials of the site and connect it even better to its surroundings. As one site is already almost approved for future build structures, and the other already has build structures, none of these two interventions seems to be intervening too much with the unique nature.

I think this lack of nature and landscape-based interventions, is a lack of landscape architectural focus in the competition program. I think the competition program is too focused on introducing new functions and kind of forget the site as a whole. It seemed, that what was mainly seeked, through the overall task of creating a new identity for the site, was as an architectural design, which could be understood as build structures, especially due to the many indoor related functions demanded. But at the same time the competition program asked for a ‘green thread’, which could lead the way through the nature park, and both blue spots and main entrances need to be site specific and respond to the area that they are situated in. This is where the new proposed inland dike really marks itself. It reveals the cultural history and binds the two new clusters of islands together. Each of these islands is completely shaped by the specific site in the nature park that they are situated in.

Up north, there might a challenge. Both the Coastline and the Forest Islands are intervening the protected nature. Mainly by adding new structures and volumes on top of wetland and open fields, but also by cutting down some trees in Pinseskoven. However, I am proposing a new forest, and by that replacing and planting even more trees. It is too highlighted in the maintenance plan Driftsplan for Kalvebodfælled 2018 that new forest is already desired. This means that the plan already is to create new forest, and through this thesis, I am proposing

I have criticized the competition program for being focused on only the edges of the nature park. This might be related back to, that most of the nature park is protected by law, by Naturbeskyttelsesloven § 3 and as Natura 2000 area 143. This means that there are quite strict rules for changes at the site. I


where to plant it.

land reclamftion equal to the Nike Islands.

An inland dike is already a familiar landscape element in the nature park. Despite piping, when crossing a canal, the new inland will store some water on its outer side facing west. By that it supports the current efforts to make the marsh more wet as a natural march. The nature is thus not untouched but already regulated and shaped by man. Therefore, the new inland dike might be accepted, since it brings further quality to the nature, the plants and animals of a wet marsh. At the same time it make the layers of the military and reclamation history of the site present.

At the Nike Islands, I especially reflect upon the future museum spot at Søndre Pumpestation. In my proposal, I have suggested placing new boards for communicating the story and importance of the site. Today there is already a small little square with a table and bench set in front of the pumping station. As seen on the photo on page 38, the backside too, is already a very active spot, despite it is not planned for any use. From here it also has the great view towards the existing bird tower, the new terrace and bridge. For potential future development it could be interesting to unfold this site even further, and come up with a more elaborated design, to strengthen the importance of this exact spot.

Potential future development

My proposal is mainly focusing on Kalvebod Fælled. But the cultural history about military use and containment of land is clearly an overall story that can be used in the other three sub-areas. Amager Fælled holds a similar, though a little different, story than Kalvebod Fælled. It is too former military land, but is land, created as landfill. Today three different man-made landfill hills are the only dramatic terrain in the otherwise flat landscape, and just as the shooting ramparts in Kalvebod Fælled they reveal the story of how this land came to be. Further south both Kongelunden and Dragør Sydstrand holds military traces as Kongelundsfortet. But what are especially interesting, are all the existing inland dikes being strengthened and new inland dikes being build and planned right now, to prevent sea level rise in these two areas. They relate to this overall story of land reclamation and containment, as they serve as the future part of the story, due to that they are being build to prevent the sea from swallowing the land that is man’s. Amager Fælled and Kalvebod Fælleds serve as the land already contained and reclaimed, and Kongelunden and Dragør Sydstrand serves as the land, which we will protect the sea from claiming in the future.

I have here highlighted my main reflections of my proposal in relation to further development.

The Coastline, representing the old coastal zone, and the reclamation of land, is connecting both physically and by name to an already existing path also following contour 0. But in order to strengthen the new visual story even more, it could be considered to replace the existing northern path with yet another inland dike. The new, and now more complete dike would then visually connect all the way from Fasanskoven, past the Forest Island, through Pinseskoven and in the end reach the Nike Islands, though it physically does that already. The Forest Islands are by its volume solving specific challenges around Granatvej, and by its layout designed with a visual story of being previous islands. Furthermore, it is meant to relate to the main entrance at Naturcenter Amager by serving as an invitation to go explore the landscape further. When reflection upon a further development and potential strengthening of this effect, in relation to reading the winning proposal, I thought about a possible combination. Møller & Grønborg + ADEPT proposes a series of new architectural constructions relating to the existing buildings in Kalvebod Fælled. They propose, amongst others a new bird tower rising above the canopies at the main entrance at Asger Jorns Allé, as seen on the visualization, page 126. If placing such tower, or like, in the new forest it might create an even higher level of destination for the Forest Islands and visually connect it even better to the main entrance, by extending the build structure out into the landscape. Too it might help create an even stronger on-site communication spot for the

All in all the intentions of this thesis has been to propose a strong strategy and proposal, which is meant to enriched the experiences that you can get in Kalvebod Fælled, and help visitors more clearly read the cultural history as foundation of this unique landscape. The project seizes to grasp the enormous landscape and draw out ideas and proposals, from reading the different landscape layers. The project can stand by itself as proposed, but is also open for potentially being build upon for future development in Naturpark Amager.



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Pejlemærkerne by Møller & Grønborg + ADEPT. Avaibale in Miljø- og Fødevareministeriet, Naturstyrelse, Københavns Kommune, By & Havn, Dragør Kommune, Tårnby Kommune (2018) Bedømmelsesrapport_Naturpark Amager - Nye Muligheder.pdf. Illustration found on page 125


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