Alderman Race Portfolio

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Citizens for Beverly D. Rogers...

Cordially Invites You to the

Fundraiser & Kick-off Rally for

August 29, 2010 2pm -5pm

6216 W. North Avenue Chicago, IL 60639 For More information Phone: 773-622-6900

BEV ER LY D. ROGERS ! " # $ % & ' ( $ ) * # + $ , - + . # / * 0


BEV ER LY D. ROGERS ! " # $ % & ' ( $ ) * # + $ , - + . # / * 0

B E V E R LY D. RO G E R S ! " # $ % & ' ( $ ) * # + $ , - + . # / * 0

2011 Paid for by the Citizens for Beverly D. Rogers

6216 W. North Avenue Chicago, IL 60639 For More information Phone: 773-622-6900 E-mail: Website:


B E V E R LY D. RO G E R S ! " # $ % & ' ( $ ) * # + $ , - + . # / * 0

2011 Advocate



She Is Someone Who Cares

Your Next Alderman

Beverly Rogers is someone who cares about the 29th ward. She believes QV X]\\QVO /WL Ã…Z[\ NIUQTa [MKWVL IVL KIZMMZ \PQZL# I UIV\ZI [PM ILWX\ML from Mary Kay Cosmetics. And she has lived that truth for the past three decades. First by being an active member of Christ Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church of Austin for 35 years. She and her husband of 39 years ?aTQM :WOMZ[ ;Z ZIQ[ML \PMQZ [WV ,Z ?aTQM :WOMZ[ 2Z I[ _MTT I[ \_W ILLQ\QWVIT NW[\MZ KPQTLZMV QV \PQ[ KWUU]VQ\a )VL _Q\P aMIZ[ WN [MZ^QKM [PM ZM\QZML NZWU \PM +PQKIOW 8WTQKM ,MXIZ\UMV\ MIZTQMZ \PQ[ aMIZ ;MZ^QVO \PM MV\QZM \QUM QV \PM PMIZ\ WN \PM _IZL QV \PM \P LQ[\ZQK\ +]ZZMV\Ta [PM¼[ I 5IZa 3Ia ,QZMK\WZ IVL PI[ \ZIQVML W^MZ []KKM[[N]T _WUMV MV\ZMXZMVM]Z[ ¹1\¼[ VW\ R][\ IJW]\ TQX[\QKS Q\ Q[ IJW]\ KPIVOQVO TQ^M[º [PM M`XTIQV[ ;PM¼[ [MMV [WUM XZW]L LIa[ PMZM QV \PM !\P _IZL IVL _Q\P aW]Z help believes she will see more.

+]ZZMV\Ta 5Z[ :WOMZ[ Q[ IV IK\Q^M UMUJMZ WN \PM 6))+8 ?M[\[QLM KPIX\MZ IVL JWIZL UMUJMZ NWZ 8TI\W [KPWWT ;PM Q[ IT[W I KMZ\QÃ…ML QV[\Z]K\WZ NWZ \PM 6I\QWVIT 8ZQ[WV .MTTW_[PQX _PQKP TML PMZ \W NW]VL ?WUMV ?Q\P 8]Zpose. A ministry that assists women previously incarcerated to re-enter the _WZS NWZKM _Q\P JI[QK [SQTT[

A Lifelong Servant

) VI\Q^M +PQKIOWIV JWZV IVL ZIQ[ML PMZM WV +PQKIOW¼[ ?M[\[QLM 5Z[ :WOMZ[ earned her degree in Mortuary Science from Chicago City College. Beverly has _WZSML \QZMTM[[Ta I[ I KWUU]VQ\a IL^WKI\M NWZ aW]\P [MVQWZ[ IVL J][QVM[[ W_VMZ[# as she believes that our success lies in the QUXWZ\IVKM WN SVW_QVO _PW IVL _PI\ _M come from. ,]ZQVO PMZ MIZTa aMIZ[ WV \PM NWZKM [PM patrolled the streets of Austin as a beat cop and with a tactical undercover \MIU Ã…OP\QVO KZQUM <PMV QV \PM TI\M [ ! [ *M^MZTa _WZSML _Q\P \PM -`XTWZMZ ;KW]\[ I\ \PM \P ,Q[\ZQK\ +WWZLQVI\QVO []UUMZ KIUX[ SIZI\M KTI[[M[ IVL V]UMZW][ \ZQX[ QVKT]LQVO [M^MZIT \W W]Z VI\QWV[ KIXQ\IT 4I\MZ she transitioned to Community Relations division and dealt directly with residents in the district. These residence voiced their concerns and decided \W LW [WUM\PQVO IJW]\ Q\ IVL VW\ R][\ \ITS ?PQKP Q[ _Pa QV !! 8ZM[QLMV\ Bill Clinton personally recognized Beverly and her colleagues for their success in the Chicago Alternative Policing (C.A.P.S) program. ) XZWOZIU XQTW\ML Ja \PM \P ,Q[\ZQK\

*M^MZTa JMTQM^M[ \PI\ [PM KIV UISM I LQNNMZMVKM QV \PM !\P ?IZL ;PM JMlieves that there are still a lot of great days ahead. If united the community KIV \ISM JIKS W]Z [\ZMM\[ IVL UISM \PMU I [INM XTIKM IOIQV ;PM JMTQM^M[ that everyone should have access to education. And as people are living TWVOMZ W]Z [MVQWZ[ [PW]TL VW\ JM X][PML \W \PM UIZOQV[ J]\ TQ^M IK\Q^M TQ^M[ _Q\P \PM XZQLM LQOVQ\a IVL _Q[LWU \PI\ KWUM _Q\P IOM ;PM ]VLMZ[\IVL[ \PI\ \PM 1TTQVWQ[ RWJTM[[ ZI\M Q[ PQOPMZ \PIV \PM VI\QWVIT I^MZIOM I\ ;PM IT[W ]VLMZ[\IVL[ \PI\ _Q\PW]\ aW]Z PMTX VW _WZS KIV JM LWVM \W UISM the changes needed in the 29th Ward. ;PM PI[ I XZW^MV ZMKWZL WN PIZL _WZS QV \PQ[ KWUU]VQ\a IVL \PI\ Q[ _Pa _M PI^M NIQ\P QV *M^MZTa , :WOMZ[ I[ \PM VM`\ )TLMZUIV QV \PM !\P ?IZL US Bureau of Labor Statistics – July 2010

We believe in Beverly because she believes in the 29th Ward.

Dear Contributor, Your campaign contribution has helped our cause each step of the way. I thank you for your support. During these difficult economic times every dollar counts. My team and I are striving to get value out of every dollar you entrusted to us. Our campaign is built on care. I care about the people in my ward, and I have a strong love for Chicago. As we are on the dawn of a new political day here in the city, I can feel the excitement in the air. I hope that you continue to support my effort toward being the next Alderman for the 29th ward. Please go out and vote on Tuesday February 22, 2011. We have accomplished so much in a short amount of time. We still have one more hurtle to jump and milestones to reach on my road to City Hall. I thank you for helping me get one step closer. Hope to see you at the polls! My Sincerest Thanks,

Beverly D. Rogers For the 29th Ward


Terez Baskin <>

Beverly D. Rogers for the 29th Ward! - Edited Terez Baskin <> To: Sharon Stewart <>

Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 8:54 PM

Dear Family and Friends, As you know I am running for public office in the city of Chicago as (Alderman of the 29th Ward on the Westside). This has been a very exciting seven months, I have had the opportunity to speak and listen to the constituents of my ward and realize the impact I can make in my home town and community. My amazing team of volunteers, staff, friends, church and of course my loving husband Rolland and I have been tirelessly working. We went door to door, met with local church pastors, business leaders, and senior citizens in the ward to get their support to be able to place my name on the ballot for the February 22, 2011 election. We have been met with some challenges. God has helped us overcome them all! Now that the election is almost here. I can see the victory. I am looking to my friends and business partners to help make this a reality. Your donation is the help needed in order for me to succeed in bringing positive change to our community. I have teamed up with the premiere online payment services. Where sending money is safe and secure. Donate By Clicking Here. Please enter my e-mail address: . If you have any questions please contact the campaign office at 773 622- 6900 Thank you for all your love and continued support. With Love, Beverly D. Rogers Note: If you do not already have a paypal account you will need to sign-up for one. (they are free)

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