How Social Media can change your boutique

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CAT EGORIES F ash io n Life How s mall boutiques have the opportunity to level the playing field w ith Soc ial Media. Being s mall means that you c an leverage free s oc ial media tools jus t like the big brands and des igners w ithout hurting your marketing budget. D’babetta s tarted w orking w ith Zaraz Collec tion

PR Clie n ts Ev e n ts

Chic ago on a c ampaign to build brand aw arenes s w ithin the great s hopping c orridor of Wic ker Park, more s pec ific ally Divis ion Street. Identify w hic h tools w ill w ork for you Our plan w as to s tart w ith Fac ebook, c lean up the boutiques w ebs ite, and lead to a more c ons is tant mes s age from the s tore. T erez of

Un cate g o r ize d ARCHIVES Se p te mb e r 2011

D’Babetta w orked direc tly w ith the ow ner Heidy to gain trac tion and build a c ommunity w ith the c urrent Fac ebook fan base. T erez w ould

Au g u st 2011

als o tw eet the updates from fac ebook to her already vas t fas hion

Ju ly 2011

netw ork to further pus h the brand name w ithin the c ity. T he idea of us ing tw itter for the boutique its elf w ould be a very time c ons uming tas k. T w itter is a great amplific ation tool for a brand w ith a built in

Ju n e 2011 M ay 2011

netw ork/c us tomer bas e. T w itter is a tool that has great potential to build engagement w ith a brand, but w ould not w ork for this projec t. So w e dec ided to foc us on Fac ebook. T he s tore had enough fan page likes and c us tomers w ho c ommented pretty frequently on new items . T he boutique w as not us ing this pow erful tool to the bes t of its ability. So D’Babetta took over the fan page and s tarted updating and engaging w ith fans . We pos ted pic tures of new produc ts and inc luded s ome s hort blog pos ts on how to bes t to utilize the boutiques ’ produc ts for the s eas on. T here w as video c reated from Photos taken at the Boutique leading up to our Bridal 101 event. T he better updated photography grabbed more attention on the fan page. Cus tomers w ere c ommenting and liking the new photo albums going up eac h w eek. T his inc reas ed impres s ions 300% over previous months . Why your w ebs ite matters We als o c leaned up their boutiques s plas h page w ebsite. A large part of your boutique is its online pres enc e. It often times bec omes jus t as important as your in s tore pres enc e. You may believe that no one is w atc hing, but the truth is there may people w ho jus t s ee you s ign driving or w alking by and they w ill w ant inves tigate more on w ho and w hat you do. T he s plas h page had out of date information and needed s ome c larity. While building your brand if you aren’t us ing your w ebs ite to c reate c ons tant updates then us ing Fac ebook is a good plac e to s tart building a c ommunity around your produc ts /s ervic es . You don’t w ant to dec lare s omething is “c oming s oon” on your s ite w hen you don’t have a

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dec lare s omething is “c oming s oon” on your s ite w hen you don’t have a c learly defined date of delivery. Cus tomers w ill unders tand you are a s mall brand, but are not be unders tanding if they feel you are being dis hones t about w hat you c an offer. Why offline tools s hould extend online themes T he ow ner Heidy w as als o us ing a plugger to advertis e to c us tomers w ho made purc has es as a bag s tuffer. T he ins ert needed a rew ork. It didn’t have c larity. Heidy is the ow ner of tw o vas tly different boutiques . T he other s tore w as for a c ompletely different c row d. It w as s uburban, it trended younger, and it already had a very dis tinc t voic e and target c us tomer. When s pending money on a tangible printed items you need to make s ure you are us ing the prime real es tate of that printed material w is ely. T he information has to be ins tantly relevant to the reader and reflec tive of your brand perfec tly. T he information for both s tores w as on the ins ert. D’Babetta explained that the c us tomer w anted only the information regarding the s tore they w ere buying from. T he c row d in Wic ker Park w ould not travel to the other s tore in the Southern Suburbs . So the information for this c us tomer w as irrelevant. T he Promotional video for Zaraz Collec tion Chic ago

All Photography taken by T erez Bas kin Recommend

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te re z I a m a l o ver o f f a s h i on a nd l i f e. I a m a Mo m, W r i t er , S t yl i s t , PR p r o , a n d Even t L ea d er . Fo r mo r e a b o u t me ch eck o u t my b i o p a g e.

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