terra Nova News Winter 2013/14
Contents welcome Welcome from the Acting Headmaster, Mark Mitchell
1 School news Fresh food from scratch, TN in Tatler guide to Best UK prep schools, Macmillan coffee morning, New website, Anti-bullying activities, TN Live! gets off to a successful start, Art and DT Exhibition, Terra Nova School besieged by Oompa Loompas! RHS Tatton Flower Show award, Harvest Festival, Nursery Taster Session, Ranger Dan visits Year 1
4 Pre-Prep News Transition to Reception, P4C – ‘Philosophy 4 Children’, New reading scheme for Nursery
Welcome to the Winter edition of Terra Nova News. In my nine years at Terra Nova I have had the good fortune to see the school grow and improve; not only have we invested in the infrastructure and developed the site itself, but a significant amount of work has been going on behind the scenes to maintain and raise academic standards. We have again been recognised as one of the best prep schools in the UK, with our entry into Tatler’s Good Schools Guide. You can read more on page 1. In the last round of assessments, our children in Years 7 and 8 typically performed significantly higher than the national average in Mathematics and English. These assessments are nationally recognised tests and demonstrate the hard work and dedication of the staff and your children.
7 Year 7&8
Our EYFS and Pre-Prep pupils are also exceeding expectations. Results show that the majority of Key Stage 1 pupils achieve standards a year ahead of national targets in English and Mathematics. Most children gain Level 3 in English and Mathematics at the end of Year 2. National standards describe Level 2b as the average attainment. On average, children progress by three sub levels or more in Key Stage 1. These are results to be proud of!
Years 7&8 – a unique and educationally rewarding experience, Jake Reid pips Einstein with 162 IQ
Year 7 pupil Jake Reid has scored 162 in his recent Mensa IQ test, and two points higher than Einstein! Read more on Page 7.
5 prep news Pulling at the harp strings, Singing for their supper, Terra Nova jewellers, Native French speaker, Cyber bullying
8 sport Terra Nova Under 11s are first to National Football final, Under 11 Team play for victory in Foremarke Hall football tournament, TN boys selected for county rugby, Inspiring performance wins TN the Rugby School VIIs tournament, TN riders win big at Belvoir horse trials
staff news Deborah McKenzie, Simon Pickering, My time at TN, Did you know..? cover image: The U11 team celebrate their win. Photo courtesy of ISFA.
Pupils from Reception to Year 8 have been taking part in anti bullying activities this term with puppet shows, workshops and visits from Cheshire East Police, all designed to remind them of the importance of identifying and resolving conflict, both in person and online. See pages 1 and 6 for more detail. TN Live!, our series of presentations aimed at giving parents more information about teaching methods at TN, is being very well received. We’ve already covered phonics, and staying on for Years 7&8, and we will concentrate on Mathematics and moving to Reception in the next presentations. Our biannual Art and DT Exhibition took place in October, with exhibits from Nursery through to Year 8 and beyond with some of our OTNs bringing their work to display. More information can be found on page 2. We are all looking forward to seeing our choirs perform in our many Christmas activities, and the children have all been extremely busy with their preparation. The corridors have been filled with music! I hope that you find this publication informative and entertaining, and that it gives you a taste for the diverse range of activities that are on offer for all of our pupils.
A school however, is not just about statistics and at Terra Nova we pride ourselves on knowing your child and doing our best to cater for their needs, and above all offering them opportunities to be involved, whether that be in sport, drama, music or the arts. The school truly comes into its own when we act together as a cohesive community and work with each other. This I believe is a true strength of the school and one we should all be proud to play our part in.
In the last round of assessments, our children in Years 7 and 8 typically performed significantly higher than the national average in Mathematics and English
Anti-bullying activities
TN in Tatler guide to best UK prep schools
In the run-up to Anti Bullying Week TN pupils took part in a myriad of activities as we highlighted the importance of friendships, conflict and resolution. Pupils received a visit from Jane Commins, Schools Liaison Officer with East Cheshire Police, which revolved around cyber bullying. Our older pupils learned how to stay safe, how to block others from posting on profiles, how to report bullying, and were reminded about giving out personal details to online friends. Our younger pupils learned about friendships, and how to spot bullying behaviour and report it. The anti bullying roadshow’s interactive assemblies looked at different themes for different age groups; Years 2 - 5 were presented with a show about friendships and bullying and Year 6 - 8 pupils were again reminded about cyber bullying and its character and effects. Some of our youngest pupils in Reception and Year 1 took part in an interactive assembly, where they identified bullying behaviour and measures that can be taken to stop it in its tracks. Rachel Cookson, Head of Early Years and Pre-Prep, commented: “It’s part of the children’s every day education and all children need to know how important it is to treat each other with respect, kindness and love. “The principles are the same for children throughout the school. The context and the issues children need to be equipped to deal with are different, and we have to remind them that issues between friends, issues in the classroom and at home can be dealt with in a calm and positive manner.” Mark Mitchell, Acting Headmaster, added: “Part of our job is to educate children to be ready for the outside world, and we take that very seriously. Bullying, and increasingly cyber bullying, can affect any child from any background, and we work hard to make sure we equip pupils with an awareness of the causes and results of such behaviour”.
Terra Nova once again features in the Tatler Schools Guide; a guide to the top prep and independent schools in the UK.
Anti-Bullying Roadshow
Macmillan coffee morning Thank you to all parents who supported the Macmillan Coffee Morning & Pre-Prep cake sale. We raised an astonishing total of £582.52! Well done everybody!
Fresh food from scratch We have recently made some changes to our already wellreceived menus here at TN. The arrival of new Head Chef Gareth Hughes alongside Chef Supervisor Paul Docherty has heralded a new dawn in culinary concoctions! Changes already implemented since last term include the introduction of daily home made bread, individual desserts fruit/yoghurt and jelly, more variety on our salad bar including home made scotch eggs, potted mackerel, pork and vegetable terrine, and hummus. Lisa Gordon, Catering Manager at TN said: “Fresh food from scratch is our consistent daily approach. Over 95% of the dishes that are produced each day are now made using the freshest, most seasonal ingredients we can buy and all from sustainable, accredited sources.”
Here’s what Tatler had to say… “School numbers have exceeded 300; last year’s scholarship haul equalled the school’s record (Uppingham, Ampleforth, Repton), and the rifle-shooting teams scooped top honours at the national prep schools competition (the first VIII are national champions, the second VIII came second – we’re not sure why anyone else bothered turning up). “Years 7 and 8 learn leadership, business and technological skills to sharpen their wits for the competitive outside world; Mr Lewin is also looking at introducing iPads in lessons.”
New website TN now has a new website, which we hope you will agree is aesthetically pleasing as well as functional. Nursery and Reception (EYFS), Pre-Prep, Prep and Years 7&8 have their own dedicated areas of the website, which makes finding information a little easier. There have been changes to the parents’ area too, with the addition of personalised information for parents. Parents have to register, and will be sent personalised log in details to increase security. We hope that in time this area can be used to view all school-related information about your child, such as reports.
Fresh food at TN
TN NEWS WINTER 2013/14 - 1
TN Live! gets off to a successful start
Terra Nova School besieged by Oompa Loompas!
The first TN Live! presentation took place in September, with the theme ‘Understanding Reading’. TN Live! has been developed to give parents an opportunity to find out more about the teaching methods at TN.
Pupils and teachers took part in Roald Dahl day at Terra Nova School in September to accompany the children’s learning about the famous author. The day is a national event, and marks the birthday of the world’s number one storyteller.
The evening provided parents with advice, information, philosophy, action and fun. Parents representing pupils from Nursery to Year 6 attended, and the room was full! Audience participation was required, and parents responded with great gusto!
Each year group is currently studying one of Roald Dahl’s books, from Nursery who are looking at James and the Giant Peach and Reception who are reading and learning about The Enormous Crocodile, through to Year 8 who are looking at Roald Dahl: the man, where he wrote, and his inspiration.
The evening was designed to share the teaching ethos at Terra Nova School regarding Language, Literacy and Communication. The rich and well-structured teaching of phonics, whole words and writing encompassed in the ‘Read Write Inc’ programme was explained and demonstrated. Additional strands of teaching which are embedded in the ‘Creative Curriculum’ at Terra Nova were discussed as well. Parent packs were supplied and post presentation discussions were enjoyed. Head of Early Years and Pre-Prep, Rachel Cookson, co-ordinated the event with Suzy Ward, Head of SEN and Learning Resource Centre Manager, and Jess Ollier, Key Stage 1/dyslexic specialist teacher. Rachel commented: “It was a really successful evening and I have been thanked by many parents already; it’s the ‘extra’ we give that goes such a long way. We are delighted that the first presentation was warmly received and we look forward to running another specialist evening soon”.
Art and DT Exhibition
Art and DT exhibition Terra Nova School opened its bi-annual Art and DT exhibition with a private view in October. The evening was a wonderful showcase of pupils’ work from Nursery children through to Year 8 and beyond, with many scholars’ GCSE, A-level and degree work also on display. Jeremy Bournon, Director of Art & Design at Repton School, opened the exhibition enthusing, “The Art & DT work that takes place here are like precious gems that have to be taken out occasionally and polished. This exhibition is a simply wonderful way of showing off the exemplary work produced here. Someone asked me what my favourite display is and I have to say I am completely torn. The standard of work is just so high and the age of the children is certainly not reflected in their ability – some of the work of these youngsters is of the same quality as that of my older, talented students. Because of this, we are always excited to receive pupils from Terra Nova at Repton School. “Mrs Fontes’ first art scholar’s work is on display here and she is now studying graphic design in Bordeaux. She is currently on a placement year in Denmark and I’m sure you’ll agree when you have the chance to see her work, she has a fantastic career ahead of her.” Headmaster Andrew Lewin added, “The exhibition was truly superb and reflects the hard work and considerable imaginations of both the staff and the children. Our children are fortunate indeed to have such inspiration”.
Toby Conniff as Willy Wonka and Ollie Hancox as an Oompa Loompa
The procession of children as they gathered for Friday assembly was rather different than usual. Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregarde, Willy Wonka, Charlie, the BFG, Miss Trunchbull, Fantastic Mr Fox, Matilda, and the enormous crocodile all arrived for assembly, accompanied by several Oompa Loompas who turned out to be the teaching staff!
Andrew Lewin, Headmaster, added: “What a brilliant way to start the TN Live! series. There was a terrific energy and buzz in the room, and our staff demonstrated their professional brilliance. Here at TN we have such a fountain of professional knowledge and sharing that with our parents is essential”. Since its inception more TN Live! sessions have taken place, including an introduction to the Year 7&8 Experience. TN NEWS WINTER 2013/14 - 2
l-r: Andrew Lewin (Headmaster), Fiona Fontes (Head of Art), Clare Curtis (Head of Design Technology), Jeremy Bournon (Director of Art & Design at Repton School)
Calum Wilson with Fantastic Mr Fox and Thomas Sheil as Charlie Bucket
Blooming marvellous TN Harvest scoops RHS Tatton Festival Flower Show award Pre-Prep wowed us Pupils from the Gardening Club at Terra Nova School have been awarded a Highly Commended prize in this year’s RHS Tatton Flower Show. Our Pre-Prep pupils entered the ‘School Trug’ competition, which can be a trug of fruit and or vegetables, and their hard work was rightly rewarded. Pupils and staff in Pre-Prep, alongside help from some willing Prep School pupil volunteers, began to cultivate the TN vegetable and herb garden during the summer term. Parents kindly donated shrubs and plants, and members of the school’s popular ‘Ground Force’ Pre-Prep club, an after school club, then began to plant and tend the vegetables and herbs. During the summer holidays, Lucy Ellis and Caroline Kirby – both Reception teachers – ran a ‘Little Gardeners’ club, which led to the RHS Tatton Flower Show entry. Lucy Ellis coordinated the school’s entry, even harvesting the fruit and vegetables at the last moment to ensure they were the best they could be. She produced a beautiful entry, full of TN produce including edible flowers, potatoes and strawberries.
with their harvest festival service; Year 2 pupils hosted the morning’s events and all of the children sang some beautiful harvest songs. Children as young as two sang all about beans and entertained us with their amusing impressions of broad beans and chilli beans.
Nursery Taster Session We hold Nursery Taster Sessions each term to allow new families to experience the fantastic facilities in Nursery. In October eleven families came along and were able to chat to teachers, assistants and Head of Early Years and Pre-Prep Rachel Cookson. The morning began with structured play sessions followed by refreshments after which Mrs Cookson spoke to parents about the innovative curriculum and playbased learning within Nursery. If you would like to attend a future session please contact Melanie Machin on 01477 571261.
Ranger Dan visits Year 1 Harvest Festival
Rachel Cookson, Head of Early Years and Pre-Prep, applauded the children and enthused, “Wow.This is what the children have achieved in seven weeks. I’m speechless and that is a first. I feel incredibly, incredibly proud and I’m sure they have given you all some special memories that you will remember forever”. We also had a special guest; Chris Belyavin from the Newlife charity joined the service and talked about the very important work they do supplying support equipment for disabled children, enabling them to significantly improve their quality of life. Donations for the charity were taken at the end of the service and more information about the great work they do is available at newlifecharity. co.uk.
Our Year 1 pupils were visited by Ranger Dan on Monday 3 November, who taught them all about animal habitats. They took part in a bug hunt during which he explained all about each creature they found, and they made a hedgehog home in which they could hibernate. The children then played wildlife games and built a den from branches and leaves. Liz Butters,Year 1 teacher, said: “All the Year 1 children had a fabulous day with Ranger Dan. It was a fun-filled day and they learned a tremendous amount about the habitat of our woods”.
Judging took place on 25 July, and the School received a ‘Highly Commended’ award. Caroline Kirby, Early Years Co-ordinator commented: “I feel so proud – not just for the end result, but for the staff involved. A huge amount of commitment, time and initiative has taken place, and it has given us all ‘food for thought’ for next year”. Martin Hallam, Chair of the Board of Governors, added: “What a marvellous, heart warming story arising out of a great show of initiative and endeavour. It reflects great credit on everyone involved”.
TN exhibit
Ranger Dan and Year 1 pupils
TN NEWS WINTER 2013/14 - 3
transition to Reception For any parent with a pre-school child, the prospect of starting school and your child’s first formal year can be daunting and requires information, guidance and warm support. It can also be enormously exciting! This year, we are looking forward to starting this transition phase earlier with our Upper Nursery families and children. Parents from Nursery will be invited to a presentation evening, hosted by Rachel Cookson, Head of Early Years and PrePrep and the EYFS staff team. A picture of life in the Reception class will be described, combined with updates on the high academic progress our pupils enjoy. This will be underpinned by the strong core set of values we hold dear to every child’s learning – respect, endeavour, ambition and above all, fun!
A date for our Reception presentation evening will be advertised before the end of this term. Parents will also have an opportunity to visit the classroom in action and enjoy a ‘Stay and Play’ session in Pre-Prep. Details to follow soon.
Read Write Inc Our youngest pupils in Nursery have started the autumn term with great gusto and they have been joined by Nursery Deputy, Karen Potts. Mrs Potts is instrumental in leading the teaching with Nursery teacher and Manager, Emma Hargreaves. The teaching of phonics and very early reading are already taking off and all pupils are enjoying the ‘Phonics Fun’ activities woven into each nursery day. Staff are following the acclaimed Read Write Inc scheme, enjoyed from Reception onwards. Terra Nova is a school which promotes opportunities and a nurturing canvas to explore and learn. It is wonderful to see the children in Nursery thrive. TN NEWS WINTER 2013/14 - 4
teaching of phonics and very early reading is already Taking off and pupils are enjoying the ‘Phonics Fun’ activities woven into each nursery day
P4C – ‘Philosophy 4 Children’
New reading scheme for Nursery
This year, Terra Nova School has added a discrete lesson onto the EYFS and Pre-Prep timetable, P4C. Essentially, this lesson serves as a vehicle to enhance thinking skills and every child’s ability to discuss, negotiate, support and find resolution to a problem. Mrs Cookson has led the teaching in Pre-Prep and after whole school training in January, P4C will be flowing through the main veins of the school from Nursery to Year 8.
This term has seen an exciting investment for our youngest pupils. Our celebration and recognition of every pupil, their learning style and over arching abilities has unfolded with huge excitement with the arrival of a new reading scheme for Nursery pupils. A large, progressive set of picture; first word; short sentence and more sophisticated texts have settled into Nursery life. There is no pressure to ‘read’. Our role is merely to inspire, teach with nurture and promote confidence and independence. When a child is ‘ready’, they will show us and it is in response to the wonderful progress of our youngest pupils that we have been able to respond with our own, beautiful scheme for Nursery.
P4C promotes higher order thinking and benefits every pupil. The results and feedback from pupils have been outstanding. This element of teaching serves to underpin the strong and special pastoral muscle at Terra Nova. A special addition to our rich curriculum!
Happy reading to you all!
Pulling at the harp strings Pupils in Years 3 and 4 were treated to a harp workshop this week, delivered by our harp teacher Lauren Scott. Lauren is Chairperson of the United Kingdom Harp Association and an experienced solo, chamber and orchestral musician, and has regularly played with the RLPO, Hallé, BBC Scottish, RSNO, Psappha and Northern Chamber Orchestra. The harp workshop was entitled ‘postcards from around the world’ and was about the different harps and music from China, Russia, India, South America, Africa and Scotland. The children were shown pictures of the ancient harps from Egypt, as well as current world harps, whilst Lauren played pieces from different countries. Pupils then had a chance to play a small lever harp and helped to demonstrate a Chinese piece. Year 7 pupil Artemis Cooper was recently invited to play harp in a special spotlight concert in Sandbach, which also featured Sioned Williams, principal harpist with the BBC Symphony Orchestra. The Sandbach Concert Series is designed to provide performance opportunities for talented young musicians, as well as a chance for Cheshire residents to see renowned musicians perform in an intimate setting. The Series was set up by Lauren, and is now in its fourth season. If you are a parent of a pupil at TN and would like to find out more about harp lessons, please contact Miss Monument, Director of Music.
Charlie Hollingsworth plays the harp
Singing for their supper The Middle Choir took part in the northern premiere of Jonathan Dove’s ‘There was a Child’ in November, which took place at St Michael’s church in Macclesfield. The Year 4 and 5 pupils were asked by the King
Edward Music Society to sing as the children’s chorus for the work. This was the first time the choir had sung with a live orchestra and they rose to the challenge admirably. The concert was a rousing success and the choir was much admired by the audience and even the composer, who was in the audience!
‘There was a Child’ northern premiere
TN NEWS WINTER 2013/14 - 5
Terra Nova Jewellers As part of our £120,000 sponsorship programme with Delcam, we have just received their latest £1,500 3D milling machinery. The sponsorship programme covers the ongoing supply of a whole range of incredibly versatile software, usually only seen in industry. The machine and software enable us to design and cut 3D models in a variety of materials to create anything from jewellery, to candles and chocolates. If you were lucky enough to join us at the Art & DT Exhibition this year you may well have sampled one of the chocolates and seen the incredible range of jewellery on display.
Head of DT, Clare Curtis, has undergone rigorous software and jewellery training workshops over the last two summers and regularly attended training at Sedbergh School, which has been nominated for best newcomer award by the British Jewellers Association.
“TN now offers one of the most comprehensive CAD CAM facilities for preparatory pupils in the country. Pupils are always keen to be a part of this learning experience and many attend after school classes”.
David Stokes, ArtCAM JewelSmith Product Manager at Delcam, enthused: “Clare Curtis has transformed the DT department at Terra Nova School, and pupils are now able to design and make products that many of our industrial customers would be proud of. “Pupils as young as seven are now using ArtCAM JewelSmith CAD CAM for jewellery, chocolate moulds and key rings production.
Our new machinery in action
Cyber bullying As part of PSCHE, visiting speaker Jane Commins, Schools Liaison Officer for East Cheshire Police came to talk to our Year 5 – 8 pupils about cyber bullying. Pupils were reminded how to stay safe online, how to block and report bullying and to understand that they should never give out personal details to online friends.
Native French speaker What better way to practice your conversational French than with a native French speaker? Madame Lea invited Monsieur Vasseux to the school to do just that! So how did the Year 7 and 8s fare? • One pupil talked about her house with only one wall
Parents who had any concerns were also able to come and talk to her and collect information from her stand at our Year 7 and 8 parents’ evening. Jane will be continuing to make frequent visits to the school to talk to all Year 5 - 8 pupils about cyber bullying. If you would like further information, some recommended websites include: thinkuknow.co.uk ceop.gov.uk getnetwise.org parentport.org.uk
• Another improvised when asked what he’d had for breakfast and replied “croissant” when in reality it was sausage and beans (but he couldn’t think of the French) • Most amusingly one of the boys asked Monsieur to marry him, and when he was graciously refused, he asked Madame Lea! Some amusing conversations took place but more importantly the children valued having the opportunity to exercise their French, talking in small groups and asking and answering a wide range of questions, testing their conversational skills to the full. TN NEWS WINTER 2013/14 - 6
Some of our pupils’ work on bullying
years 7&8
Years 7&8 – a unique and educationally rewarding experience TN offers something truly unique with our Year 7&8 Experience. For those interested in a more tailored approach before senior day school or senior boarding school, carrying on until Year 8 could provide the perfect preparation.
In Years 7&8 TN pupils typically perform significantly higher than the national average in Mathematics and English. This is where our small class sizes, specialist teachers and tailored curriculum give our pupils a real advantage.
Will Dearnaley, Director of Studies at TN, said: “Our pupils are normally working somewhere between seven and ten standardised points above the average national performance. This makes a huge difference when applying to highly selective future schools. Furthermore, these levels of achievement are, on average, shared by boys and girls, which is particularly encouraging in English where nationally there is often a gender gap”. Our 2013 pupils have gone on to gain places at some of the best day and boarding senior schools in the country, including Rugby, Harrow, Sedbergh, Uppingham, Manchester Grammar School, Shrewsbury and Repton. Modern, flexible boarding provision enables pupils to enjoy the best of both worlds. They can stay as few or as many nights as they choose during the week and return home for the weekend, enabling them to enjoy the independence of boarding, as well the joys of family life. Boarding is optional, and many of our older pupils never board; the choice is yours. “By staying the extra two years my son enjoyed a completely individual curriculum, which was custom-built. The teaching staff were instrumental in the preparation for his transition and development as a confident, articulate, well mannered individual.” Manchester Grammar School Year 9 parent
Terra Nova pupil pips Einstein and Hawking with IQ of 162 Year 7 pupil Jake Reid, 11, has an IQ higher than that of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, with a score of 162. Jake is now a member of British Mensa, which is open to anyone who can demonstrate an IQ in the top two per cent of the population. Jake received his results on 28 November, after taking the approved IQ test through Mensa. Jake is very pleased about his test, and said: “I enjoyed completing the tests as they were logical questions, and were just up my street. I had to sit two written tests, both with around five sections. When I had finished, and as I was leaving, a lady came to say I was very confident. It turns out she was a scientist from The University of Liverpool, and she has invited me to see some of her research in the future. This is good news as I love science!” Jake’s parents, Jeff and Mignon Reid, added: “Jake was so enthusiastic before the tests, which we travelled to Liverpool to take. He met many like-minded children and adults, and was not daunted by taking the test. “We are very proud of him, and were so excited to tell him about his results.” Mark Mitchell, Acting Headmaster at Terra Nova School, commented: “Jake is clearly a very capable pupil, whose intelligence is without question. He is thriving here at TN, and has already been praised and noted by two of the most prestigious senior schools in the UK: Eton College and Winchester College”.
Jake Reid
TN NEWS WINTER 2013/14 - 7
Under 11 team play for victory in Foremarke Hall football Tournament Terra Nova’s Under 11s are first to national football finals The U11 footballers at Terra Nova School are making a name for themselves after qualifying for the National ISFA (Independent Schools Football Association) finals. All eight teams treated the spectators to some excellent entertainment, with a high standard of football. Both Terra Nova and Prestfelde sailed through winning all three games in their groups stages. The runners up in group A had to be settled by goal difference with both Nottingham High School and Foremarke School finishing on four points apiece, Nottingham clinching second place after a strong battle.
After a tough draw in the group stages TN qualified for the plate, and in the knock out stages managed to beat Dieu Manor 5-1, and Grosvenor School 3-0. Fine individual goals from Thorpe, Sheil and Fosbrook, and a terrific
team move that saw Barry score from close range, were the stand-out moments in front of goal. Sam Rosser was as courageous as ever in defence and Woodward between the sticks was dependable and agile. However it was the impressive no nonsense display at centre half from the Corinthian-like Buddle that saw him awarded the richly deserved player of the tournament for TN.
The semi-finals were close with a 2-0 win by Terra Nova over Old Hall and the second semi-final, between Nottingham High School and Prestfelde, finishing in a 1-1 draw, leading to an exciting penalty shoot out. Both ‘keepers made some great saves, however it was Nottingham who proceeded to the final with a 3-2 win.
Foremarke tournament success
TN boys selected for County Rugby Year 8 pupils Will Fosbrook and Jack Lea Jones have been selected to play for Cheshire East Rugby Club’s U13 squad. The boys were put forward for trials by Terra Nova, which took place in October, where they had to perform in a series of activities to test their
skills and knowledge. Selection was then made based upon assessment drills and coaches’ reports. Cheshire East noted the very high standards in both squads. They will now take part in monthly training sessions as part of the U13/14 development programme, after which they will have an opportunity to play nationally at U15 level. Will and Jack said: “It was a great experience, and we are really happy to have been selected” .
The U11 team celebrate their win. Photo courtesy of ISFA
This set up an exciting final with several goals. However, a clever dribble from Gabriel Thorpe, who rounded the defenders and slotted past the Nottingham goalkeeper, gave Terra Nova a 1-0 lead. Nottingham fought back hard, but Terra Nova’s defence kept them at bay and they were unable to find the net. Terra Nova were crowned the champions and qualify for the National Finals, which will take place on 28 April. TN NEWS WINTER 2013/14 - 8
Jack Lea Jones and Will Fosbrook
TN riders win big at Belvoir horse trials The Belvoir horse trials - a National Schools Equestrian Association show jumping competition - was held at Beaver Hall in Leek during October, and four of our most competent riders took part, winning first place individually and as a team.
l-r: Francesca Harris, Lucy Exley, Freya Berry, Ella Turner
Year 3 pupil Freya Barry rode her horse King Tuck, and secured a welldeserved first place, whilst Year 6 pupil Francesca Harris came third in Class1, riding her horse Pop. The TN team for Class 2 consisted of Lucy Exley (Year 6) riding Ellie, Francesca, Freya and Ella Turner (Year 4) riding Lady. The team came first, with Lucy and Francesca coming 4th and 8th respectively.
Inspiring performance wins TN the Rugby School VIIs Shield The TN under11 rugby team put in an inspiring performance on 24 November, to win the prestigious Rugby School VIIs Shield. The boys played some excellent rugby, and improved as the day progressed. Their victory against Packwood Haugh in the play-offs was a great achievement, with the team playing some cohesive, structured rugby. Nia Linnell, Director of Sport remarked: “It was a very impressive team performance from the boys, and ‘Player of the Match’ goes to the entire team. I must say a big thank you to our supportive parents and mascot”.
l-r: Dan Fosbrook, Gabriel Kinzelmann, Toby Bywater, Oliver Taylor, Oliver Barlow, Will Evans, Tom Sheil, Jake Ball, Oli Hancox
TN NEWS WINTER 2013/14 - 9
staff news
Deborah McKenzie
My time at TN
Deborah returned from maternity leave at the beginning of the autumn term, to resume her role as Marketing Manager (job share).
Sophie Cashel is one of our gap students, and her year at TN comes to an end in December. We asked her to tell us about her favourite moments here, and about what she’s enjoyed about her time in the UK…
Deborah can be contacted on 01477 572 521.
Simon Pickering Simon joined TN at the beginning of term, as Head of Science. He attended Leeds Grammar School, after which he studied Geology at The University of Manchester. After graduating Simon worked for British Petroleum’s Research Centre at Sunbury-on-Thames. He began his teaching career at Winterton Comprehensive School in North Lincolnshire, before moving to Ripon Cathedral Choir School in North Yorkshire, as Head of Science. He enjoys any outdoor pursuit, especially fell walking, and supports Leeds United Football Club and Leeds Rhinos Rugby League Club. Simon is married to Mary and has two children, Alexander (6) and Conor (11).
Simon and his children
Many of my favourite memories of the year involve Friday night boarding duties. They gave us the opportunity to do fun activities with boarders such as laser quest, water fights and going to football or rugby matches. One highlight was going to a Manchester United game at Old Trafford; this was such an amazing opportunity and a memorable part of the year. The family fun afternoon held at the end of last year was great fun as Estelle and I were on sumo suits duty, helping the children into the suits and supervising them as they tried to push each other to the
ground. Then we got to try the sumo suits for ourselves! Over the year I have become close friends with all the other gaps and I am certain we’ll stay in touch! I have also been lucky enough to travel to so many different countries and meet so many new people, who I will be friends with for life. Croatia, Switzerland, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Austria are amongst my favourite countries; however this is only a short list of the 16 countries I have visited this year! I have so many amazing memories from the summer like sailing in Greece and going to the highest point in Europe in Switzerland but without a doubt my best experience has to be paragliding over the Austrian Alps! I have learnt and experienced so much, it’s been awesome! I have been so lucky to work at such a fantastic school.
DID YOU KNOW… Director of Sport, Mrs Linnell, is a qualified bomb disposal officer Head of Early Years and Pre-Prep, Mrs Cookson, was in the top ten ranked swimmers in the country when she was a teenager Head of Science, Mr Pickering, is a fully trained scuba diver Sophie Cashel
Terra Nova School Jodrell Bank, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, CW4 8BT Telephone: 01477 571251 Fax: 01477 571646 Email: tnoffice@terranovaschool.co.uk @TerraNovaSchool