Home Brewery

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==== ==== Brew your own beer http://bit.ly/xR1AVI ==== ====

Have you ever dreamed of owning your own bar or pub? Well how about something a little smaller and maybe build your own home brewery. Now I am not talking about some elaborate thing where you employ people and mass produce thousands of kegs of beer, but rather your own small boutique brewery where you brew different types of beer at home for own consumption and also for your family and friends. Of course you can make it as elaborate as you like. Nowadays you can purchase some fantastic equipment that will turn your little brewery into a scaled back semi professional set up. You can purchase a very nice glass wort and watch your brew fermenting away before your eyes. If you want to brew a number of different beers you can of course purchase a number of worts and brew many beers simultaneously. With the right bottling equipment you can also bottle dozens of beers in under 20 minutes enabling you to have a home production line that would rival any factory. Of course unless you want to start a professional business that brings with it all sorts of license requirements and countless other hassles, your bottling will only be on one day of the week and it's all finished. Your choice of flavour and style of beer is pretty much limitless these days. I have seen a guide that actually has 641 different beer recipes. If you are going to make one beer a month then it would take you over 50 years to get through the recipe book. My home brewery is basically set up in the garage. I start making my beer in the kitchen and then transfer my operations to the garage. I am only in the kitchen for a short time and my wife allows me a little bit of space to complete the first part of the operation. Once in the garage my brewing containers are wrapped in old blankets to maintain a constant temperature and kept away in the corner. I also keep my full bottles there as well wrapped up whilst the fermenting is finishing off. Then it is off to the fridge and a nice frosty glass.

Mathew has a site where you can learn to make your own home brew. Check out the site here. Home Brewery Site

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mathew_Flanagan

==== ==== Brew your own beer http://bit.ly/xR1AVI ==== ====

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