Martial Law In America

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==== ==== Find out how to Survive Martial Law ==== ====

In the absence of civil government during war or occupations Martial law is imposed. In the occurrence of natural calamities also Martial law is imposed on a state or a country. Many states and countries have been ruled by military for example Japan and Germany were ruled by military after the World War II. And now days, countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh has military rule. But what is a questionable issue in the current scenario is 'could Martial law happen in America' even when it's the most powerful country of the world. When we talk about America, the first thing that comes to our mind is power and the brand name 'America' itself. We consider that in America elections take place and they do have a wonderful constitution which checks and balances and prevents the military rule to take over the state. But the truth is quiet bitter. The unfortunate part of the wonder story is that America is not the same nation it used to be years ago. Though they have elections but they are no more free elections. The two parties, the republican and democratic have a strong hold on the political system and anyone who is an outsider can't even vote. So it's more like one party ruling system something similar to what happens in our fellow countries like Russia. And the great constitution which has not been amended for years has no more power to correct the process. According to reports in national papers, American military has also been assigned some duties which are illegal. But in order to stop the imposition of Martial Law in America, the people who have the power don't even turn a finger towards it. In addition to that every sate in America has detention camps. So what are these camps and illegal activities for? In case terrorists attack the US nation with nuclear bombs and suicide bombers then America would have to open up with rehab camps and seal the border. This would lead to imposition of Martial law in state. If Martial Law is imposed then Americans should be prepared for curfew before dark. In this case, if someone is seen outside their home after dark, then army would shoot the person at sight. Further, food and supplies would also be rationed by the army. When Martial Law would be imposed then there won't be any normal jury and trial systems. The fate of a person would then lie in the hands of a couple of army personnel. They would decide whether a person is guilty or not and what punishment should be given. The worse of all would be army would be allowed to put any non citizen to a detention camp they suspect. But all these scary things would happen only and only if Martial Law is imposed. And the big question still remains is 'could Martial law happen in America'. The answer to this debatable question is yes, Martial Law could happen in America but only if things run out of control. Martial

Law in America would only be imposed if the terrorists attack some of the major cities together and if America would not be well prepared for it in advance. With increasing expenditure every year on the US army and the security along with the intelligence bureau, it's very unlikely that America would not be prepared or America is not keeping a track of terrorist activities which may take place in the country. So, if America would be well prepared about all terrorist scenarios, then imposition of Martial Law is unlikely in America.

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==== ==== Find out how to Survive Martial Law ==== ====

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