Sell Crafts from Home

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When you are selling crafts from home you have a few options available to you. You can either sell them offline or online. If you are going to sell your crafts from home offline you actually have quite a few options available to you. You can sell them at flea markets, craft fairs, or even by placing an ad in your local newspaper. What are the benefits of selling your crafts offline? When you sell your crafts in real store or fair settings the customer can actually see, feel and hold what it is that they are considering buying. This allows them to make a more informed decision on whether or not they want to buy it. What it also does is allow their desire to own it take hold and you are more likely to get more impulse buys. You also do not have to worry about shipping the product to the customer. This is really not that big of a deal but if you have never had to ship your product to someone it can be intimidating at first. This is actually a sticking point for a lot of craft makers when they decide to sell their crafts online. So what is the downside of selling offline? The downside of selling offline is that it requires a bit of money to have a booth set up in a craft show or flea market. It is also a lot of working hauling your crafts to and from the show every weekend. You are also limited to when you can sell your crafts to and also to who you can sell your crafts to. The only customers you are going to have are the ones that attend the show or fair. What are the benefits when you sell crafts from home online? One of the benefits of selling your crafts online is that it is often a lot cheaper to set up a store at a place like Etsy then it would be to even place a classified ad in your local paper let alone pay to use a booth at a craft fair or flea market. You are also able to reach a lot more potential customers selling crafts online the you would selling offline. This means you have a much greater chance of selling a lot of crafts. You can also sell your crafts at anytime of the day and you do not have to worry about hauling large quantities of your product around every weekend. What are the disadvantages of selling your crafts online?

One downside of selling your crafts online is that people are not able to actually touch what you are selling. The only thing they have to go by is pictures. As long as you include a lot of pictures and make sure the pictures do your product justice then it's not that big of a deal. You will however, probably not get as many impulse buys. Another downside of selling online is that you have to market your craft store. Without marketing your store you will not get many people visiting your store. When you sell your crafts at fairs and shows part of your registration and booth fees goes towards the companies advertising budget so the marketing is already done for you. Learning how to market your craft store is not that hard to do but it will take you a few month to really get the hang of how to do it. You can also learn how to market your store for about the cost of paying a registration fee for a craft show.

No matter how you decide to sell crafts from home, you should be proud of your accomplishments and always have fun while making your crafts! If you would like to learn more about how to sell crafts or even how to market your craft store [] please feel free to visit Also, if you are interested in selling your crafts at Etsy then feel free to sign up for our free mini course on how to have your own Etsy store set up and running within five days.

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