The Threat of Martial Law

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==== ==== Find out how to Survive Martial Law ==== ====

Martial law is imposed on a state or country during the period of crises like war or natural disaster. With America under a big financial crisis, Americans are facing a direct threat to Martial Law. But with the use of army troops in the streets can this problem be solved. And is the general public only threatened to Martial Law? The answer is no. Even those in house are also scared with the threat of Martial Law which is forcing them to take unwise decision. An example of which is what happened during the month of October where several congressmen were forced to pass a bill of federal bailout related to banks and financial institutions of over $700. They were informed and threaten to a prospect of Martial Law in case they do not pass the bill. So is this just now that suddenly, the threat of Martial Law has cropped. The answer is again no. In the year of October 2006, America's ex president, Bush signed the Military Commission Act. According to the act, the president has the right to station army troops anywhere with in the state and can take control of the National Guard units without any permission or consent from any government authorities in order to control public disorder. Then on October 1, 2008, Bush transferred back around three to four thousand soldiers from Iraq. Here in America, these soldiers would be given training on different circumstances which may occur during Martial law and the working during that. This action clearly states that Ex-President of America already had in this mind that Martial Law could be imposed. His decisions also made it quiet evident for the citizens of America that there is a threat to Martial Law. Now looking at the actions of Bush and the current scenario, one is probably forced to reconsider the situations which would lead to Martial law. With the increase in inflation, the prices of all products would go high which would be out of control. In order to bring down the price, the government would impose price control on food, drinks, energy and other necessary items. This would lead to shortage of products and black markets and thus resulting to civil unrest. The civil unrest might also forces people into looting and rioting and forcing the government to declare Martial Law. Americans are constantly in threat to Martial Law. This may not happen immediately but can take place in a couple of years. But the Americans should be completely prepared. They should be aware what could happen when military rule is applied. There could be curfews where people are not allowed to move out of their house after dark; and if they do they can be put into the prison without any reason. With a threat to Martial Law in their mind, citizens' should also be prepared that the Government would like everyone to work. But for security reasons people won't be allowed to travel to different

cities by car even for work. Not just that the complete law and order decision would go into the hands of the army. They would be solely responsible to decide about the punishments to be given to people who are found guilty where they would also be the decision makers to pronounce any one guilty or not. There would also be many rehab centers and detention camps where any non citizen could be put if the army suspects on the person. There would be no way to proceed with the court and investigate. So with the economic crisis in America, Americans are under a threat to Martial Law. And the threat to Martial Law can only be resolved once the economic crisis can be resolved.

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==== ==== Find out how to Survive Martial Law ==== ====

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