All About Freelance Translation Jobs

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==== ==== Bi-lingual? Translate pdfs, movie subtitles, emails and more and get paid. ==== ====

As a freelance translator you have many options of sources you can get translation jobs from. In the next few paragraphs we are going to show you your options and to expose the hidden secret of the best source for translation jobs for freelance translators like you: 1. Offline translation - Working as a translator for a company which does not work online is not a good option. Translation companies which do not have a good website will always follow other companies. Meaning, you will get less translation jobs and for lower rate compared to the following options. 2. Working for a translation agency - working as a freelance translator for a translation agency has its benefits. You have no commitment and can decide which jobs to take. Yet, building you income on working with an agency only is not a good idea. You will get the lower rates possible because the agency is just a mediator usually taking a high commission of what the client had paid. 3. Working directly with end clients - Working with direct clients as a translator job seems the best options for novice translators. However, it is not so easy finding enough direct clients that will provide you sufficient income for a long term. In addition, you will have to spend a lot of time and money in marketing planning and execution to get these clients. 4. Finding your translator jobs in marketplaces - You could find several online marketplace which will provide you an option to bid for any translation job separately. This seems like the ultimate option where you decide which job to take, when and for which price. Yet, most translators are not aware of the problems they will have in these sites getting the money. You will have no guarantee that you will actually get the money from the client. In addition, you will find yourself spending too much time negotiating with clients and answering their questions whereas in most cases you will not get the job. 5. The last and best option is working as a freelance translator for Tomedes - is a site which lets you enjoy of the benefits of all the above options. You will get an option to place a bid like in a marketplace but Tomedes will manage the bidding process and you will not have to negotiate and talk to clients.

You are invited to visit Tomedes and see for yourself why it is the best option to get translator jobs from. Free registration which takes a couple of minutes will change your life as a translator

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==== ==== Bi-lingual? Translate pdfs, movie subtitles, emails and more and get paid. ==== ====

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