Work at Home for Fun

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==== ==== Do you pay for leads? Even if you've just thought about it check out this system: ==== ====

Working at home may be the answer to a number of stay at home mums or dads but in fact anyone can do it. It may be an idea that you have been thinking about for some time and you just didn't know where to start. The internet has almost unlimited information related to this subject alone. There is a myriad of information on just about any subject you can think of on the net and more importantly about how to start your work at home for fun online business. Working from home doesn't have to be boring. You can have fun working from home and make money as well with almost no experience and little money. There are a number of products or items you can get for nothing and promote them in areas specifically listed for the information or product you want to either giveaway or sell. All you really need is a computer, the internet. You will however need either an information or physical product to start your work at home business. When starting a business online you will need to have discipline, you need to treat it as a real business from day one and as per a business you will need to commit time to the business. I am often asked how I manage to stay disciplined enough to work at home. My answer is always the same. If you want it bad enough you will be disciplined. You will develop your own guidelines and habits that suit you and your family to make your internet business a success. Working at home for fun is what you need to achieve, you make it fun and that's how you remain disciplined. If you don't like it you want do it, after a while you will give up and the idea of a working at home for fun business will be pushed to the back of your mind and almost never see the light of day again. There have been a few people who started, found it difficult and stopped. After a number of months or years it pops back in your mind and they do it again just to fail again. If you want to work at home then you need the right mindset and it has to be FUN. One of the most important things you will need to do is find a quiet place in your home that you can use for your new business. There is no point having the computer in the TV room because you will end up watching TV. No point in having the internet business conducted from the kitchen because there is always someone wanting something to eat and that will disturb you. Your work at home for fun business needs its own quiet space within your home and you will need to set ground rules for your family. These ground rules should contain but not limited to the following: • Discuss with your family what you are trying to achieve. • Make a time schedule that you are not to be disturbed while you are working on your business.

• Put a do not disturb sign on the door just in case the time schedule is not followed • Take in something to eat and drink so you will not need to leave the room unless it is an emergency. • In addition, you've got to manage your-self, your time, your emotions and your energy and these items are just as important as the business itself. These are just some of the issues that you need to put in place so that you can give this working at home for fun business every chance to be a success. The above points are only ideas, you may need to modify the points above or make new ones that work for your family. You will need to make a clear separation between your working hours and your home hours There are some distinct advantages of working from home; you can take off work early whenever you wished. You don't have to work nights, weekends and public holidays. You can spend more time with your family because there is no travel time involved in your business. One of the most important changes you will have get use to is spending more time with your family, and l think that is not a bad thing. Now we can start to talk about how you will be setting up your internet business but before we do, you must remember the most important part of all this is to MAKE IT FUN! I cannot tell you how important this is, but be sure, if you are not having fun there is a greater change your business will fail. Having the desire to start your own home internet business will not work by itself. There are a lot of things that you need to understand before you make any monetary investment in your work at home business. You will need to understand a few things about working on the internet that has its own importance in these endeavours. The following list will help you but l am not going to discuss these individually as they are for another article: • You have to come up with a profitable business idea, this is called a niche. Finding your niche is the first hurdle for many when starting their online presents. There must be a balance between something you have a good deal of knowledge about and how attractive it is to buyers. • Conduct research to see if your idea is popular or not. Don't stress if there are very few people who want to invest in your first few ideas, all you need to do is find another niche. Get your family to help. If you have young children, turn it into a game. (Kids love Games) • Conduct research with Google to see how popular the idea is. All you need to do is open Google, put your idea into the search bar and click it. Have a look what comes up. Have a look how popular it is. (This is a broad search and you will have to narrow the variables once you are happy with your idea for a product). • When you are happy with your selection Google has a place called Google Keyword tool, you can enter your idea in there and it will show you how popular your ides is. Play around and see how it works and take the keywords that have generated and use them when building you web site. • And lastly you will need to buy a domain and have it hosted. One of the best things you can

do is to make your domain name the same as your idea, for example, say l want to sell tennis shoes. Rather than having a domain name like why not find out what the current rage is out there (ask your kids) and have a domain name specific to a product like Make it specific enough so when someone goes looking for that particular tennis shoe they are taken to your site. You don't have to take days or weeks to decide what your niche will be, but you will have to do some research on the topics to make sure it will work and it is popular. Using this method you are providing a product that is popular and you have set up your site to sell these. Please remember these types of sites remain popular until the next fad, so you may have to keep swapping domains to cover for the newest popular products. (This can be a bit expensive but you do make sales. Another way to start your internet empire is by using the long term method. Your product or niche must be something that people will pay you for or has great value that helps them with a problem. Mark yourself as an expert in the subject matter. This will help you create a number of leads or prospects for your business. You must differentiate yourself from the other internet marketers by providing the best e-book on the subject of your choice that is popular and that there is a market for. In this type of business you will need to build a relationship with those that sign ups to your web site. Don't try to sell to these people with your first product. Give them something of value for free. By doing this you will increase your signups which will intern improve your cash flow and enable you to send them more expensive products to buy. (This process is called "building your list". Your list is a group of visitors that have given you their name and email address. By doing this they have given you permission to send them more information or products but beware, if you flood them with paid products there is a good chance that they will unsubscribe from your list. Send the free stuff, if you don't have anything you can get it from the net and then send to your list. By doing this working at home will really be fun. Build your list, enjoy the process and make money. Converting a visitor into a buyer is not difficult but it can take time. The visitor must be able to trust you, if there is no trust then there is no money. Look after your list and they will look after you. Don't abuse them as they are the most important part of your work at home for fun business. Well l hope l have given you some good information and it leads to you starting your own work at home for fun business. Take care and look out for more articles from me which can help you on your way.

To Your Success Steve

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==== ==== Do you pay for leads? Even if you've just thought about it check out this system: ==== ====

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