Special August Edition of Jackson Expose'

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Jac k so n E xpose’ August 2015

Bishop Jeffery Stallworth
















On the Cover Bishop Jeffery Stallworth

District Attorney for Hinds County


Circuit Clerk Candidate

10. KATHY SYKES Legislative Candidate


14. ASHLEE YOUNG The Bella Crush

16. JACKIE BUCHANAN Seam-ing-ly Perfect

18. WHO’S WHO IN JACKSON See Who’s Who inside



Editor’s Note: Jackson Expose’ is honored to have Bishop Jeffery Stallworth and District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith for the July/August issue. I am also happy to feature long-time public servants such as Kathy Sykes and Cedric Morgan, former City Clerk running for Circuit Clerk. As always it is my pleasure to feature entrepreneurs such as Janice Singleton, Ashlee Young, Jackie Buchanan, Dr. Angela Cooley, Bernard Moore, III and The Duchess Jureesa McBride. El Shaddai Bookstore is also featured. See our Photo Gallery featuring the Laces By Lexi models, photographed by Rodney Magee.

Featuring Laces By Lexis Models




Editor Publisher.



STALLWORTH Running for Supervisor District 3 for Hinds County on Tuesday, August 4th


ell us what motivated you to run for office.

I am motivated to seek the office of Hinds County Supervisor in District 3 because I recognize the need for change in order to improve the District. There are millions of dollars that are available for the residents of District 3, but the current supervisor, Peggy Hobson Calhoun, has routed them BISHOP to Byram and Clinton. She doesn’t represent Byram and JEFFERY STALLWORTH Clinton. District 3 is entirely in Jackson. CANDIDATE FOR These funds should stay in Jackson. The SUPERVISOR DISTRICT 3 incumbent has held this office for twenty two years. We should have seen several lenge is having enough time to significant improvements in two visit with voters. decades, but they are not readily visible. What are some of the things you plan to do as Supervisor? What have you found to be some of the challenges in running for I plan to bring the money home office? to District 3. My platform is one of Raising money to get the message economic development. District 3 has sizable resources. For instance, out is a challenge. Another chalHawkins Airport is in the District. 4

With my past experience as one of the Commissioners on the Jackson Municipal Airport Authority, I can help better utilize Hawkins Airport. What do you believe has prepared you for this office? Mayor Chokwe Lumumba, the late great mayor, believed in me. He sent me to the airport board to make a change, which I did.

While there, I appointed the first two minority law firms as board attorney. I also hired the first minority insurance agency--Porter’s Insurance Agency. Things I’ve done include developing Knight Flight 101, a nonprofit organization to promote aviation careers for youth. We have just completed a successful youth summer program. I started, along with Bill Bynum, Hope Community Credit Union, which is now in four states and just expanded in North Mississippi. I relocated Anderson U.M. Church from Page Street to Northside Drive to I-220. It was one of the first mega churches in Jackson. I also started Word and Worship, on I-220, and it is also located on County Cork, Jackson, MS, pastored by Walter Young and in Biloxi, MS, pastored by Bill Stallworth. What areas are included in your district? There are 25 precincts. It includes Black’s Chapel, some of Northside Drive, Medgar Evers, Clinton Blvd., Subdivision #2 in Precinct 88, Precinct 31 which includes Fernwood Drive off Martin Luther King, Precinct 22 which encompasses Michael Clay, JoAnn, Edward Lane, and Linda streets.

STALLWORTH SHARES HIS PLANS AS SUPERVISOR my plans for District 3 if I’m elected. We field calls about various topics. What do you want to say to the readers about getting out to vote? Please vote! It is imperative that everyone votes on August 4, 2015. If you are tired of the way things are, it is time for a change. Twenty two years is too too long! Vote for Jeff Stallworth, Hinds County District 3 Supervisor.

Below: Jeffery Stalworth poses with campaign supporters


Tell us about your radio show. The show is called “Conversation With Stallworth.” Rev. P.J. Williams, pastor of Cornerstone M.B. Church and a wonderful friend, hosts the show with me. It airs on Fridays from 9:00 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. I share 5

Robert Shuler Smith District Attorney For Hinds County Robert Shuler Smith is the first African American male to serve as District Attorney for Hinds County.

Photo Credit: Jay Johnson


“As District Attorney for the citizens of Hinds County, I have been afforded the opportunity to exercise the skill, knowledge and experience gained as prosecuting attorney for the City of Jackson and a public defender to ensure and restore public faith in justice for all.” Robert Shuler’s Motivation for Running for Office: The serious disparity in treatment of poor people. It really bothered me. Whether it was a judge, prosecutor, or advocate. We should make the scales of justice fair for all. How were you able to achieve the tremendous reduction in the case backlog for the D. A’s office?


was actually the first black man since the Reconstruction Era, to run for a State Legislative office. He was one of the most vocal activist during that era who advanced many causes that affected black people in the State of Mississippi. For example he championed the Head Start program for poor children in the state of Mississippi and he is also accredited for being instrumental in the creation of the first black owned television station in the State of Mississippi. That era was a dangerous era to be involved in politics.

What is your vision for the District Attorney’s Office going forward? To join the various law enforcement agencies together by way of training them on the law. We have several classes at JPD attended by Police officers, Public Defenders, and District Attorneys so that we can improve preparation of cases.

Below: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. poses with Rev. R. L. T. Smith, Sr. during the Civil Rights Era. Rev. Smith is pictured center.

Within two and a half years I eliminated the backlog by appointing 2 special prosecutors who tirelessly worked on the backlog until it was eliminated. Tell us about the Deryl Dedmond case. How were you able to procure a victory in that case? For one, I was not afraid to call it a hate crime. In the beginning most people said no to it being called a hate crime because it was unbelievable that someone could be run over by another because of race. Tell us about your family’s background in politics? It started back during the Civil Rights movement. My Grandfather, Rev R. L. T. Smith, Sr.


“Hatred destroys. It is so much more powerful to learn and practice forgiveness than to live and cower in hatred.” Rev. R. L. T. Smith


CEDRIC MORGAN SEEKS CIRCUIT CLERK’S OFFICE Formerly the City Clerk for the City of Jackson.


edric Morgan talks with Jackson Expose’ about his background and his aspirations to be the next Circuit Clerk for Hinds County.

Tell us about your background: I was born in 1963 and grew up in the center of Mississippi in a small community known as Pilgrim Rest located three miles west of the city limits of Carthage, Mississippi. I am proud to say, I’m a product of the Head Start program. I remember those fun days. My mother CEDRIC was a teacher in the Head Start program and I got to go MORGAN SEEKS to work with her everyday! It gave me a good OFFICE OF CIRCUIT CLERK start—not only for basic academics, but for social ON AUGUST 4TH skills too. That early start really attributed to who I am today. It was those skills I learned from Head Start that helped me to You were once the City Clerk, can interact with other people. you tell us about that? I have been really grateful about receiving an academic scholarship I was appointed City Clerk for the City of Jackson in May 2004 by from Jackson State University and the City Council during Mayor a basketball scholarship from a Harvey Johnson’s second term, junior college. However, I chose the academic scholarship. I gradu- and I worked through Frank ated from Jackson State University Melton’s term as well. The clerk’s in 1987 with a degree in Computer office was the interface for citizens of Jackson to have access to city Science. government, and to have access to the city council. I along with the 8

deputy clerks provided administrative support to the seven council members, Mayor’s office, and the other city departments. To sum it up, I considered the Clerk’s job as sort of the heart of the city. What motivated you to run for the Hinds County Circuit Clerk position? My motivation for running is to insure that citizens and stakeholders are receiving the best service by utilizing modern technology to its fullest. I want to use my 30 years

CEDRIC of management and supervision experience in state and municipal government to modernize the office by using technology for electronic filing and retrieval of documents as well as sharing information with the citizens of Hinds County. I am passionate about voter registration and would like to work with state officials to come up with a secure method for citizens to register to vote online and hopefully in the not too distant future to actually allow citizens to cast their vote online. Do you think the new Voter I. D. Law is affecting voter turnout? I think it is too early to see the effects of the Voter I.D. law on voter turnout since it has only recently been implemented. I do believe it is incumbent on the Circuit Clerk and other officials to insure that citizens are not disenfranchised from voting because of this law. We must educate voters on the law and assist them with obtaining one of the acceptable forms of I.D. From my experience and observations, I never heard of any widespread election fraud based on false pretense. This law just adds to the current complexity of voting laws and has the potential to suppress voting by citizens. What are some of the things you think we can do to increase voter registration? As I mentioned earlier, I believe allowing citizens to register to vote online and visiting schools to explain the voter registration process to students is imperative. There was a law passed several years ago that required circuit clerks to go to all high schools and register seniors. After a short period of time, circuit clerks circumvented the intent of the law and begin mailing voter registration applications to the schools without any personal interaction with the students. I strongly believe that there must be personal inter-

TALKS ABOUT IMPORTANT ISSUES action with people in conjunction with utilizing technology. We must motivate citizens to not only register to vote but to also vote in all elections. Huge sacrifices made for our democracy and even the right to select our public officials. In terms of senior citizens, what kinds of things can be done to increase senior citizen access to the polls? We must work with state and county officials to demand that all polling locations are accessible to senior citizens and citizens with disabilities. We must also make sure that seniors are provided demonstrations and education on using the new electronic voting devices that are provided for curbside voting. Appropriate transportation must be provided for citizens who need assistance traveling to the polls. I have found that a large number of seniors prefer going to the polls as an “outing” or “get-away” from their usual environment. This is preferable to many in comparison to absentee balloting or mail-in voting. What about records management of the votes, how can we improve the security and integrity of the votes? It is incumbent on the circuit clerk to insure that absentee ballots are secure and properly given to poll managers in a timely manner to be counted. We must work with the Sheriff to insure that the courthouse is secure from unauthorized access to areas where the integrity of the voting process is maintained. I am of the opinion that the appearance of improprieties adds to voter apathy and causes citizens to question if there vote really counts. Do you think we need a more updated system for voting? If so, please explain? One fact of life that I have learned

is that there is constant change in this world we live in. We must have visionary leadership to grasp the opportunities that result from this constant progression of change. Some may not have accepted that technology is here now and will continue to evolve in the days, months, and years to come. Our youngupcoming generation will demand the capability for online registration and actually voting. Discussions and demonstrations of this technology has been going on for several years on the national level. What is your vision, should you win the election as the Hinds County Circuit Clerk? My vision as the next Hinds County Circuit Clerk is to build upon the foundation laid over the past 31 years by the current circuit clerk, who is not seeking re-election, and to transform the office into a worldclass state of the art office using technology and proven leadership skills to deliver premier customer service to the citizens of Hinds County and other stakeholders who work with this office on a daily basis. This does not necessarily mean that it will be some new invention or development. However, I believe that utilizing a multi-disciplinary approach to technology is the key to empowering full participation in government and making government more efficient and fully accessible to all citizens. Throughout my career, my principal interest has been the design and implementation of technology and management methodologies that undergird and strengthen the tenets of public policy and administration. In essence I will transfer knowledge and methodologies that have proven to increase the efficiency and operations of several offices in state and city government to the Circuit Clerk’s Office. During my first 30 days I will assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the office and work immediately to implement enhancements to the office.



K AT H Y S Y K E S Strong Candidate For Legislative Office! “On August 4th, I ask you to vote for Kathy Sykes as State Representative in District 70� Kathy Sykes

RIGHT Kathy Sykes District 70 Candidate

BELOW Long-time Representative for District 70, Rep. Jim Evans retires and endorses Kathy Sykes for the seat.



Education: Walton Elementary, 5th

& 6th Grade; Powell Middle School; Graduate of Lanier High School; BS Degree and MPPA coursework at Jackson State University; AFL-CIO Organizer’s Institute; Midwest Training Academy; Highlander Center; Real Estate Courses

Membership: Bonner Institutional AME Church; Life Membership in NAACP, Executive Committee, SLLC, MASE/CWA, Local 3570, MAFFANNUAW. Job Experience: Consultant, Mississippi Department of Health, Algebra Project Community Facilitator for Lanier High School, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson State University, and VA Medical Center. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - Job Creation and Enterprise Incentives. - Workforce Training and Education. - Increase in Unemployment and Worker’s Compensation for laid-off and injured workers. - Statewide Seamless Public Transportation System.


-Access to Affordable Healthcare for all through Medicaid Expansion and The Healthcare Insurance Exchange. - Women’s right to make decisions about their bodies. Low Income and Senior Citizens -Raise the State Minimum Wage. -Low Income Entergy and Utilities Assistance. -Affordable Housing Trust Fund. -Senior Citizen Home Repair and Renovations - Early Voting for all Mississippians Education - Superior Universities, Colleges and Research Centers - Full Funding for MAEP/ Better Schools Initiative 42 - End SATP High Stakes Testing - Delay 3rd Grade Retention - Invest in Early Childhood Education Pre-K - Incentives to keep Good Teachers such as Housing Assistance - End Schoolhouse to Jailhouse

ABOVE LEFT Barak Obama poses with Kathy Sykes, Right

ABOVE RIGHT: Kathy Sykes poses with one of the many charitable causes she volunteers for.

“This district is very diverse, we must find common ground to move us forward. Vote Kathy Sykes August 4th”


A TRUE STORY “From Correctional Officer to Inmate”


“A Heart Breaking True Story Of One Woman’s Downfall from Money and Power” Photo Credit: Sterling Photography

Janice Singleton, Author of “Caught” is an entrepreneur who uses her personal autobiography as a business to expose her story to help others.

Ms. Singleton says her business is unique and has been tailored from her individual experiences, transitions, and life’s purpose.

“My motivation is to raise criminal act awareness. Specifically, my mission is to advocate for those battling gambling addiction and raise awareness by sharing my personal experiences with the justice system.”

“I was caught in a unique situation that has forever changed my life and the lives of those around me! Consequently, my uniqueness lies in transitioning from correctional officer to federal inmate.”

Contact Information: Website: caughtmgt.com Business contact: Janice Singleton Phone: 601-813-6314 FB: Janice Singleton/Caught The Book also can be purchased at my webpage, Amazon, and Barnes&Noble.

I was caught in an unique situation that forever changed my life”





“Are you ready to be crushed?” -A. Young The Bella Crush


Ashlee Young The Bella Crush

“What geared me towards starting my own business was my passion for creating a whole new world uniquely for my client and implementing their dreams and creating an overall scene that directly relates to their wishes.” The Bella Crush mission is to share what’s Bella (beautiful) and to create a unique crush (something you seek, want, love, or desire). Our mission is to give others their smile through events and arrangements while enhancing their life with precious classic memories to share. Bella Crush might have a simple mission statement but her overall

goal is to look at everyone and understand their needs. I believe that people sometimes forget to laugh, smile, and have a good time and if I can help at least one person gain their smile and happy back then I have achieved my overall mission.

where I am able to serve those that necessarily never think about hiring an event planner and still want to enjoy a great party for their children, family , and self. That is my give back to them.. A smile.. Finally, my Bella Crush dream is when people attend a Bella Additionally, I am seeking to im- Crush event or see a Bella Crush plement my community devel- arrangement they will know and say now that’s Bella Crush. opment portion of my services





Bridal Alterations Boutique About:

We are more than your average alterations shop. We are a Bridal Alterations Boutique.”

We are more than your “average” alterations shop. We are a Bridal alteration’s boutique with a romantic atmosphere. We offer services unique to our customers needs: such as re-styling, custom wedding designs, wedding planning, wedding accessories, veils, tuxedos and much more. We also offer personalized services and developed rapport for each customer.



Left: Jackie Buchanan, owner of Seam-ing-ly Perfect Bridal Alterations Boutique

As a professional alteration’s specialist coming from the bridal industry, I was able to see first hand the need for specialized services, personalization and designer fashion. Most importantly, I recognized a need for expertise, customer service and a need to deliver a unique bridal experience. Special attention “Must Be” given to the silhouette of each unique figure, the gown, beading, bustline and hemline. The name (Seam-ing-ly Perfect!) illustrates exquisite style and expression of a unique bridal experience. Seam-ing-ly Perfect represents personalization, on-point detailed and skilled services given to each customer. We also offer unique custom fit for prom, special occasion, pageant and evening wear. Contact Information: Seam-ing-ly Perfect! Bridal Alterations Boutique 15 Northtown Drive, Ste. N Jackson, MS 39211


Who’sWhoinJacksonExpose’ Meet some of our local entrepreneurs who have aspirations to serve our community in a big way!

Dr. Angela M. Cooley

Bernard Moore III

CEO of Life Communications. Owner of Moore & Moore Mission: help to develop effective and Sports Management;

The Duchess Jureesa McBride CEO J.S.S Records

Mission: “To do God’s will”

Recording Artist/Songwriter/ Radio Personality. My dream is to create great music and keep our musical culture of Blues and Soul alive through generations to come.

Favorite food: Crab Boil

favorite food: Pasta

favorite food: Fried Catfish

favorite TV Show: “The Voice” pet peeve: “Clutter, disor-

Favorite TV Show: “Martin Lawrence”

favorite TV Show: “Have and Have Nots”

pet peeve: “waiting on people”

pet peeve: “It is irritating to have one to belittle other’s dreams and aspirations”

contact: (601) 260-3509

contact: (601) 218-8696

confident communicators succeed in their journey of life educationally, professionally and socially.

ganization, and poor follow through”

contact: (901) 907-6699 Photo Credit: R Hammeth Photography 18

Photo Credit: Bennie Bolden


El Shaddai Ribbon Cutting El Shaddai bookstore also houses several other enterprises such as a thrift store, catering business and sweets business.

Latrecia, pictured below in the black dress is co-owner of El Shaddai. Her mother and Co-owner Ms. Walker stands behind Latrecia.

Latrecia Walker, along with here mother Pastor Wyvett Walker, recently opened Elshaddai Christian Books & More located at 2570 Bailey Ave. Suite 9. They have other small businesses located inside the location. “We love to say that we are a one stop shop,” says Latrecia, who also proclaims that the vision of Elshaddai was “God given” to Pastor Walker.

Their business venture originally started in 2004 but closed in 2007. Because of that, Ms. Walker says that they have many doubters but also says “what God has for you is for you!” The store is now open and still in progress. “We want the community to be involved therefore we will always have community events and church services.

Latrecia also has a thrift store in that location which she says is a sisterhood ministry of fashionable seconds and thrift clothing. Latrecia’s catering business Catering to Community, is housed there. “Pretti Sweetz & Catering is also a part of my ventures.” Follow us on Instagram: Prettisweetzncatering Cupcakes Cake pops, Candy Apples, Chocolate Berries and more.


Call Us Today

Brilliant Business Directory

(601) 826 - 8304

Smart and Targeted Exposure 5 Qualities of a Brilliant Business • • • • •

Location is in a Developed Area. The location has Attractive Decor Very Clean and well kept Professional and Friendly Staff Offers great Products or Service

Leaps and Bounds 5425 Clinton Blvd Jackson, MS 39209 601.923.0899

EMBB DESIGNS, LLC PO BOX 1563 RIDGELAND, MS 39158 www.embbdesigns.com 1.585.209.EMBB

The Law Office of Margarette Meeks, PLLC 16 Northtown Drive, Suite 200D Jackson, MS 39211 Tel. 601.714.2701 Greenwood Office 227 West Market Street, Suite 2 Greenwood, MS 38930 www.margarettemeekspllc.com





For a Limited Time Only!


Premium Businesses!

Inner Diva Boutique Website: www.innerdivainyou.com Phone: 769-447-8464

RMcGeePhotography 121 Millsaps Street Jackson MS 39202 Website : http://rmcgeephotography.wix.com/rmcgeephotographyjxn 601-260-6129

Nails By Day 5009 Parkway Drive Suite 3 Jackson, MS 39211 601.942.9806

MS Regional Housing Authority IV 2180 Terry Rd. Jackson, MS 39284

Mother Goose Christian School 6543 Watkins Drive Jackson, MS 39213 601.981.4678

MS Regional Housing Partnership 1217 N. West Street Jackson, MS 39225





RODNEY McGEE, Photographer Photo Gallery





RODNEY McGEE, Photographer Photo Gallery



The Prefect Cornbread Muffins • 1-1/2 cups yellow cornmeal • 1-1/2 cups flour • 1 teaspoon salt • 1 teaspoon black pepper • 1 teaspoon baking soda Stir well now add • 4 tablespoon melted butter • 2 eggs • 1 cup milk • 1 cup boiling water • 1/2 cups sugar are less • 1/4 cup finely chopped green onions Pour mixture into light oiled muffin pan Bake @ 350 for 16-18 minutes until muffins are a nice golden brown IT’S THAT EASY AND THEY ARE THAT GOOD! Honey and Friends is on Facebook!


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