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Terveks Eluks Vajalik
"Terveks Eluks Vajalik" on mittetulunduslik rahvakoolitusprogramm, mille käigus toodetakse õppematerjale valdkondade tunnustatud spetsialistide juhendamisel ja koostöös heade partneritega. Loodavad õppeprogrammid tehakse kättesaadavaks erinevate meediumite kaudu kõikidele huvilistele tasuta. Kui teil on huvi koostööks, siis võtke meiega ühendust: info@tervekseluksvajalik.ee. "Have A Fulfilled Life!" is a non-profit public teaching program that produces educational materials with the help of well-known experts and in cooperation with good partners. The mission of the program is to develop the people's skills and knowledge in order to live a safe, healthy, versatile active life. Learning programs in Estonian, Russian and English will be made accessible for a large number of people for free in different forms of media. If you are interested in cooperation, please contact us: info@tervekseluksvajalik.ee.