Tesmec News I, April 2007

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# 01


APRIL 2007

FOCUS: TESMEC TRENCHERS invaded Middle East passing through Qatar Ambrogio Caccia Dominioni Managing Director: «Global markets and innovations, that’s our company mission»

John Welch

Tesmec Chief Engineer: «The new 1475 Bucket Wheel for big pipeline projects can work in extreme weather conditions»


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Tesmec News Periodico semestrale N°1 Aprile 2007


Registrazione Tribunale di Bergamo N° 11 del 20.3.2007

Page 4

Claudio Bonaschi Editore Direttore responsabile: Claudio Bonaschi Redazione: Via Vittorio Veneto, 82A 24040 Bonate Sotto (Bg) Tel./Fax: 035 99 33 36 E-mail: bcommunication@alice.it Progetto grafico e impaginazione: Leonardo Mura Design (Firenze) Stampa: LAC S.r.l., Via del Romito 11/13r, 50134 Firenze Pubblicità: Bonaschi Communication Via Vittorio Veneto, 82A 24040 Bonate Sotto (Bg) Tel./Fax: 035 99 33 36 E-mail: bcommunication@alice.it Hanno collaborato a questo numero: Elisa Aquari, Claudia Arrigoni, Ellida Caccia, Paolo Celeri, Mauro Milli, Paolo Mosconi, Alberto Oscar, Vera Pepitoni, Daniele Reggiani, Angela Turani, Andrea Zamboni. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Scritti e fotografie riportati nella presente pubblicazione non possono essere riprodotti, neppure parzialmente e sotto alcuna formula senza la preventiva autorizzazione scritta dell’editore. L’editore non si assume alcuna responsabilità sulle notizie e sui dati forniti dalle singole aziende. Parimenti, pur assicurando la massima diligenza nella realizzazione, l’editore declina ogni responsabilità per eventuali errori, omissioni o sostituzioni dei dati riportati.

Editorial: “Global markets and innovation, that’s our company mission”

Page 6 Focus. Trencher in Usa: “Tesmec, the world’s leader in trenchers manufacturing”

Page 8 Focus. Stringing equipment division: “The number one in Stringing equipment”

Page 10 Focus. Trenching from Mediterranean Sea to Persian Gulf: “Tesmec Trenchers invaded Middle East passing through Qatar”

Page 12 Focus. Stringing in China: “The China Tesmec 1000 kV Lines” challenge

Page 14 Innovations: John Welch, the father of the new 1475 Bucket Wheel

Page 15 Innovations: Tesmec enters Intellimech, the Consortium for mecchatronic

Il Direttore, Claudio Bonaschi For more informations about Tesmec activity, contact: Tesmec S.p.a. Via Zanica, 17/O 24050 Grassobbio (Bergamo), Italy Phone: +39 035 42 32 911 Fax Management and Administration: +39 035 45 22 444 Fax Stringing Equipment Division: +39 035 45 22 445 Fax Trencher Division: +39 035 33 56 64 E-mail: info@tesmec.it www.tesmec.it Tesmec USA, Inc. 12520 East. FM 917 Alvarado, TX, USA 76009 Phone: 817 473 2233, 800 851 5102 Fax: 817 473 9742 E-mail: info@tesmec.com www.tesmec.com

Page 16 Job Site. Trenchers in the Middle East: “Flexibility of the equipment, the key point”

Page 18 Job Site. Stringing relevant projects: “Equipment for special stringing operations”

Page 20 Tesmec in the World: “Alfredo Gianetti, Tesmec chairman, speaks of a booming future”

Page 22 Women share





// Global markets and innovation, that’s our company mission //


esmec group makes of enthusiasm and wish

spreading of gas and petrol through gas and oil pipelines

to grow a constant in its history. The recent

have no more borderlines and derive from the global vision

expansion, the ability to innovate at 360 degrees,

which has to be more and more involving.

the high professional level achieved by our partners, make

Nowadays Tesmec is a real multinational society with

the challenge attitude towards global markets our real

its three production settlements, two in Italy and one in

company mission, which involves all of us.

the USA. At the same time a commercial and assistance

Since the beginnings Tesmec distinguished itself as a leader in high distance energy transportation, standing out in the international markets thanks to a series of factors

net has been developed, particularly in Russia, Qatar and China. The three competence sectors of Stringing, Trenchers

which have by now entered the firm’s DNA: continuous

and Gallmac, since 2000 up to now underwent moments

innovation, high professionalism of our staff, global vision

of great transformations: our fundamental choice was to

and ability to give prompt and appropriate answers to the

become, from manufacturers of machines for electrical

various international contests.

and fibre optic lines installation, a company able to realize

Tesmec internationalization is a natural consequence

systems for all types of solutions (cables, pipes, services).

of the market logics: both the transportation of electric

This strategy, in a little more than a half-decade, gave

power through air high tension long-distance lines and the

an extremely positive feedback in terms of received orders and sales proceeds, opening horizons till the

Tesmec Italy in Grassobbio (Bergamo)

unexplored and blessing Tesmec as a leader in the world in increasingly strategic and vital energy related sectors. This was possible thanks to an organizational structure which demonstrated a great flexibility, able to adapt itself to the many market opportunities. Through small iperspecialised units, traceability systems and technologic platforms, Tesmec staff developed, also through partnership agreements, the ability to diversify the products, modifying the basic machineries depending on single requirement. Tesmec is preparing to crucial and extraordinary challenges: it is enough to think just of the Chinese market, about which we will talk in this number. If we will be able to match reliability and competence, but above all if we will continue to work as a team, future is going to be full of big exciting news. Ambrogio Caccia Dominioni Managing Director Tesmec Group




Глобальные рынки и новшества - это наша миссия С самого начала компания Тесмек стала лидером в сфере передачи энергии на дальних расстояниях, завоевывая международные рынки, благодаря целому ряду факторов, которые теперь стали составной частью ДНК фирмы: постоянное новшество, высокий профессиональный уровень персонала, глобальное понятие и быстрые, подходящие ответы во всех международных контекстах. Сегодня Тесмек является транснациональой корпорацией с тремя производственными центрами: два в Италии и один в США, с коммерческой сетью и центрами технического обслуживания во всех континентах. Три сектора нашей деятельности: Натяжное оборудование, Траншеекопатели и Галлмак, которые с 2000-го года и до сегодняшнего дня прошли многообразные изменения. Наша основная цель была переходом от простого производства машин для прокладки кабелей (электрических и волоконно-оптических) к компании, выполняющей системные решения для всех видов передачи (кабели, трубы). Эта стратегия, в течение чуть больше пяти лет, принесла компании Тесмек мировое лидерство во всех стратегических и жизненно важных секторах, связанных с энергией. Благодаря маленьким, высокоспециализированным подразделениям, системам последовательности работ и технологическому уровню, персонал Тесмек развил, также посредством договоров о сотрудничестве с другими компаниями, способность производить разнообразное оборудование, модифицируя базовые машины в зависимости от индивидуальных требований клиентов.

-公司的使命:市场全球化及创新成立伊始,泰斯美克公司就以其远距离能源传输领 军者的身份而闻名,并在国际市场上成绩显著。泰斯美 克的成功得益于一系列的因素,这些因素到如今已经成 为公司的核心理念,它们包括:不断创新、高素质的员工 队伍、全球视野和面对各种各样的国际竞争进行快速 适当反应的能力。 现在,泰斯美克已经成为一家名副其实的跨国公 司,在世界范围内拥有三个生产基地,其中两个在意大 利,另外一个在美国,形成了全球范围的商业网络。 自2000年以来,牵张设备、开沟设备和Gallmac 这三个重要部门都经历了巨变:泰斯美克公司的根本 出路是从一个仅仅提供电气和光缆安装设备的的制造 商转变成一个提供各种系统化解决方案(电缆,管道,服 务)的公司。本着这样的策略,经过五、六年的时间,泰 斯美克公司将有望成为全球范围内战略和相关重要能 源领域的领军者。 随着科学技术的小型化和专业化,凭借可追踪系统 及技术平台,泰斯美克公司通过良好的合作关系,逐步具 有了根据单一用户需求对基本机器进行修改并使产品 多样化的能力。





// Tesmec,

the world’s leader

IN Trenchers manufacturing // Tesmec-USA (Texas)


esmec USA Inc. was incorporated in the State of Texas in May 1984. The story began with a tworoom office suite in Arlington, Texas, with month-

With the world’s energy situation, major oil and gas pipeline projects have become a great new market opportunity.

to-month rent. In December of 1984 Tesmec moved into a

Tesmec has positioned itself as a product leader for this

19,000-square-foot assembly facility in Grand Prairie, Texas.

market with the development of today’s leading design

Tesmec delivered its first track trencher in March 1985 to

of bucket wheel trenchers. This market will prosper for a

M.C. Ethridge Construction in New Braunfels, Texas. After

number of years with the most complex and challenging

many years of successful production and more than 1.000

project being the MacKenzie River Project in the northern

units in the field, the capacity of the factory increased so

Artic region of Canada. This project will eclipse the Alyeska

much to move into a bigger plant in Alvarado, Texas.

Oil Line Project of the 70’s. Tesmec USA is currently

The 2006 has been the best year in the history of Tesmec.

manufacturing the first large bucket wheel trencher for artic

By 2007 Tesmec is looking to manufacture a record number

conditions, for one of Canada’s major and leading pipeline

of machines and establish another record year in sales


revenue. Today Tesmec USA represents a solid growing

A key strategy in our success has been the development

company with the most complete and full range of track

of a global dealer organization. This network of dealers

trencher products with the highest degree of innovation in the

continues to grow and develop. Mega dealers have been


established in strategic locations to serve major market

In the 90’s “Tesmec Trenchers” and “Digging Rock” became synonymous. Tesmec’s “rock saw” was the trencher,


networks, agriculture irrigation, road works and quarries.

segments in North America and the Middle East. Every machine model is designed with customer

telecommunication contractors relied on in the construction

satisfaction in mind. Our Tesmec Team incorporates input

of the long distance “backbone” of fiber optic networks.

from industry expertise and selects quality vendors to

Tesmec’s success in this market established them as a

manufacture a product to provide maximum performance in

market leader. With the decrease in the telecommunication

various applications while keeping safety, operating costs

market Tesmec developed a new range of machines, for

and product longevity in mind. Tesmec trenchers maintain

underground utilities oil and gas pipelines, water and sewage

“residual values” that exceed industry standards.


Компания Тесмек, мировой лидер по производству траншеекопателей Компания Тесмек США была создана в Техасе в мае 1984 г. После многолетнего успешного производства и более 1.000 произведенных машин, мощность завода выросла настолько, что стало необходимым переехать в более большой завод в г. Алварадо, так же в Техасе. Прошлый год - 2006, стал наилучшим годом в истории компании Тесмек. В 2007 г. компания Тесмек поставила себе цель - произвести рекордное количество машин и поставить новый рекорд в доходах. В 90-ых годах «Траншеекопатели компании Тесмек» стали синонимом «копания в скале». При сокращении продаж траншеекопателей в телекоммуникационной сфере, компания Тесмек увеличила производство машин новой гаммы - для строительства подземных инфраструктур, газо- нефти-водопроводов, для дренажа воды, для ирригации, для строительства дорог и для карьеров. Учитывая мировое энергетическое положение, главные проекты по строительству нефте- и газопроводов стали большим потенциальным рынком. Компания Тесмек стала лидером на этом рынке, благодаря развитию и проектированию роторных траншеекопателей. Этот рынок будет расти ещё несколько лет и проект на реке МекКензи ( MacKenzie) в северном Арктическом регионе Канады является на сегодняшний день самым главным, интересным и перспективным. В настоящее время компания Тесмек производит для одного из самых важных канадских подрядчиков по строительству нефтепроводов первый крупногабаритный роторный траншеекопатель для работы в арктическом климате.

泰斯美克:世界挖沟设备的领军者 泰斯美克美国公司1984年5月在德克萨斯州成立。多年以来,泰斯美克公司已经成功生产了超过1000台的开沟领 域的机器设备。为了适应不断提高的生产能力,泰斯美克公司已将原工厂迁至德克萨斯州Alvarado的一家规模更大的 工厂。回首2006年,泰斯美克公司取得了空前的成功。展望2007年,泰斯美克公司期待在机器生产量及销售额上再创新 高。自上世纪90年代开始,泰斯美克公司的开沟机就已成为“硬岩挖掘”的代名词。随着电信产业的缩水,泰斯美克公 司面对地下油气管线、水管和污水网、农业灌溉、道路施工以及采石场工程等领域的需求,开发了一系列新型机器。 在当前世界的能源形势下,油气管线工程具有广阔的市场,充满了巨大的商机。泰斯美克公司面对如此巨大的市场,开发 了当前最先进的吊桶式开沟机,并确定了自己在市场中的领导地位。目前,加拿大北部北极圈内的Mackenzie河工程项 目施工极为复杂,各方面都充满着挑战。因此,可以预料在未来的若干年内,该市场都必然处于蓬勃发展的状态。目前,泰 斯美克美国公司正在为加拿大主要管线承包商制造第一台适用于极地工作环境的大型吊桶式开沟机。 A trencher machine at work




Focus: stringing equipment division

// Tesmec,

the number one IN STRINGING EQUIPMENT //


esmec was formed in 1958 in Bergamo Italy when they were asked to design and manufacture stringing equipment for EDISON, the Italian National Grid.


Successful execution of power lines infrastructure project is paramount. National Grids, Utilities and Contractors worldwide

Since then The Tesmec Group has evolved as one of the most

need a partner solution they can count on to get it right. That’s

innovative leaders in their respective fields of expertise. In

how 50 years of experience, technical expertise, on time and

1960 Tesmec saw an opportunity and went into design and

on budget performance pay off for Tesmec clients. The Tesmec

started a large scale production company specialising in

Group has built its reputation worldwide by manufacturing and

transmission hydraulic stringing equipment.

supplying transmission and distribution stringing equipment and railways stringing applications to the customer’s full satisfaction.


Cantamessa S.p.A was founded in 1965 only 50 km away from Tesmec, Bergamo. Cantamessa S.p.A gained immediate

alongside their partners to offer the best solution from stringing

recognition for the performance features of it’s service

equipment, safety, training and an ongoing educational

equipment and hoists. During the early 1980’s Cantamessa


S.p.A expanded its product port folio by offering a complete

From ice-storms to sand-storms, from Siberia to South-

line of innovative hydraulic stringing machinery. In 1996 The

America, from Greenland to Australia, Tesmec develops high-

Tesmec Group integrated its company with Cantamessa

quality stringing equipment that can withstand the elements with

S.p.A. which enabled them to deliver a transmission stringing

the high level of reliability that is needed to get things done time

machinery package that was so innovative, diverse and

and time again.

complete, it would stamp them as market leaders and pioneers

Tesmec’s Supply Chain Management process is

of the current design of hydraulic transmission stringing

unprecedented globally and this is clearly proven time and time


again as specialist product is supplied to every corner of the

Now the new Tesmec Group is the most complete and


When a National Grid, a Utility or a Contractor have a difficult and unique style project, Tesmec immediately begin to work


qualified reference in the fields of stringing equipment and the

Tesmec is well-known as the world leader in innovation and

company is dedicated to a total quality production line and has

therefore provide the best valued equipment for transmission

a company management system certified in accordance with

stringing. To this day some Tesmec equipment is still in service

ISO 9001:2000.

40 years after it’s inception during the 1960’s.



Компания Тесмек была создана в 1958 году в г. Бергамо (Италия), для удовлетворения запроса компании ЭДИЗОН - Итальянская Государственная Энергетическая Система - по проектированию и производству натяжного оборудования. Фирма Кантамесса СпА была создана в 1965 году, всего лишь 50 км от местонахождения компании Тесмек, и сразу получила признание за эффективные результаты в производстве сервисного оборудования. В 1966 году Консорциум Тесмек расширил свое влияние, приняв фирму Кантамесса СпА, и, на сегодняшний день, Консорциум является самым квалифицированным референтом в области натяжного оборудования. Компания полностью подвергается качественной проверки и ее управленческий аппарат соответствует стандартам качества ISO 9001:2000. Государственные Энергетические Системы, предприятия и подрядчики по всему миру нуждаются в партнерских отношениях, на которых можно положиться для достижения желаемых результатов. Таким образом Компания Тесмек СпА, благодаря 50-летнему опыту, техническим навыкам, эффективности соотношения качество – цена и срокам изготовления может полностью отблагодарить своих клиентов. В снежные и песчаные бури, в Сибирь и в Южную Америку, в Гренландию и в Австралию, Компания Тесмек СпА поставляет высококачественное натяжное оборудование, которое выдерживает все условия, гарантируя высокую надежность, необходимую для обеспечения устойчивой работы.

1958年泰斯美克公司创办于意大利贝加莫,并于当 年取得意大利国家电网公司EDISON特权开始设计和 制造牵张设备。1965年,Cantamessa S.p.A在离泰斯 美克公司只有50公里的地方创立,凭借其辅助设备和起 重机的出色性能,创立伊始就得到了用户的一致认可。 1996年泰斯美克公司与Cantamessa S.p.A.合并。 现在泰斯美克集团已经成为牵张设备领域最完整和最 具资格的制造商。公司致力于提供高质量的产品和服 务,其管理系统已经取得权威机构的ISO 9001:2000标 准的认可。世界范围内,无论电网公司、工程业主还是 承包商都需要一个值得信赖的合作伙伴,以保证各种工 程的顺利完成。正是在这样的信赖中,泰斯美克公司凭 借着其近50年的丰富经验、先进技术以及优惠的交货 期和价格,始终如一的回报着客户。从西伯利亚到南 美,从格陵兰岛到澳大利亚,在冰暴、沙暴或任何的天气 条件下,泰斯美克公司开发制造的高质量放线设备都具 备极高的可靠性,保证了一个又一个项目的成功完成。

FOCUS: trenching from Mediterranean Sea to Persian Gulf

// Tesmec trenchers

invaded middle east, passing

through Qatar //

A trencher machine at work in the Arabian Gulf


esmec activity and sales in the area took off

1675. That project in Doha remains as a milestone in the

starting from the year 2002, when the first

Tesmec venture out there: it has been as a break-through

big machine went to Qatar. Before that year

into a difficult market full of opportunities. The news about

few machines were sold in the gulf region and the local

the machines able to cut the hard rock spread out quickly

organization of Tesmec was limited to some local agents.

and trenching started to be considered a viable and cost

The first job site in Doha was a difficult drainage project. The main obstacles were the laying depth of the


efficient method. The mentality changed a lot in the last years and now

pipe network and the excavation of solid limestone and

Tesmec is the market leader in the Gulf area with the

sandstone. the Tesmec trencher 1675 undertook a difficult

largest population of machines and the equipment in the key

task replacing a fleet of 15 excavators with hydraulic

projects of pipeline, telecom, energy, water and sewage.

hammers and trenching rock considered too hard for

This situation and the future potentials convinced Tesmec

trenchers. The machine worked well despite the hard

to create Tesmec Middle East which has just started the

working conditions and the tough ambient with temperatures

activity throught local offices and after-sale organizations in

sometime over 50° C. The machine of the most qualified

Doha, with a large inventory of machines and spare parts

competitor of Tesmec was brought on the same site but

and with strong team of salesmen and technicians lead by

after few months was replaced by the second Tesmec

our local responsible Mr. Mohamed El Taweel.


Через Катар – освоение самого крупного рынка траншеекопателей Ближнего Востока Деятельность компании Тесмек на рынках Востока началась в 2002 году, когда первая, наша самая крупная машина, мод. 1675, была доставленная в Катар. До этого времени только несколько машин были поставлены в данный регион и структура компании Тесмек была ограничена некоторыми местными агентами. Первый проект в Дохе состоял из проведения сложных землеройных работ по дренажу, но он был успешно выполнен и благодаря этому первому шагу, машины Тесмек, мод. 1675, взяли на себя нелёгкую задачу замены парка 15-ти экскаваторов с гидравлическими молотами и проведения работ в скале, которая считалась слишком твёрдой для копания. Машина хорошо себя зарекомендовала несмотря на сложность рабочих и природных условий, с температурой, превышающей 50°. Благодаря этому объекту в Дохе, Тесмек вошла на рынок, с большим потенциалом работ для машины мод. 1675 Траншеекопатели компании Тесмек, копающие грунты категории повышенной твердости, «завоевали» этот рынок и стали считаться экономически выгодным и эффективным способом работы. Сегодня компания Тесмек является лидером на рынке персидского региона с самым большим количеством машин и оборудования в основных проектах по строительству газопроводов, телекоммуникационных инфраструктур, передачи энергии, строительству водопроводов и канализации. Учитывая количество машин, присутствующих в этом регионе и потенциал рынка, компания Тесмек решила создать на месте фирму «Тесмек Миддл Ист» (Tesmec Middle East), которая имеет не только офисы, но и организовало послепродажное обслуживание машин. Директор компании – Г-н Мохамед Ел Тавеел.

泰斯美克开沟机:经过卡塔尔进入中东市场 2002年,泰斯美克公司开始进军中东市场,并于同年向卡塔尔提供了第一台大型机器 。在这之前,开沟机在海湾地区 基本上还没有得到任何应用。同时,泰斯美克公司在海湾地区的机构也仅限于一些当地代理。卡塔尔多哈的排水管道工 程作为泰斯美克公司在海湾地区的第一个工程,充满了困难与挑战。该地区天气条件恶劣,气温时常高于50摄氏度,并且 岩石硬度非常高,一度被认为无法使用开沟机进行作业。泰斯美克公司生产的1675型开沟机面对这样的挑战,出色的完 成了任务,工作能力超过15台配有液压锤的挖掘机。多哈工程的成功为泰斯美克公司打开了中东市场,带来了巨大的商 机。在此工程中立下汗马功劳的1675型开沟机,凭借其面对坚硬岩石时的出色表现,得到了客户的充分认可。如今,泰斯 美克公司已经成为海湾地区相关市场的领军者,市场占有率位列第一,其机器设备遍及管道、电信、能源和水处理等重 要工程。泰斯美克公司已决定在中东地区已有的办公室及售后服务机构的基础上建立泰斯美克中东公司,目前,该地区 业务由Mohamed El Taweel 先生负责。




Focus: stringing in china

// The “China Tesmec 1000Kv lines”

challenge // T

esmec makes business in China since 1985. Over 800 stringing machines – pullers and tensioners – have been exported to China and most of them

successfully complete this new ambitious project. Tesmec is deeply involved even in the Chinese Railways Power Lines, with the most worldwide advanced Electronic Constant

are still working. The 70% of the complete EHV Transmission

Stringing Wagons. Due to the top advanced characteristics of

Power Network in China was built with Tesmec equipment.

these machines, they became the technological reference for

Nowadays in the Transmission Line Business the name of

this kind of equipment for many Chinese Railways Bureau.

Tesmec is popular as well as the main multinational Companies

In the latest years Tesmec become an important actor for

like ABB and Siemens. This is the result of high reputation

the main Chinese contractors in the Pipeline Business with

that Tesmec gained with high reliable products and people

its Trencher machines; they are mainly used for the abroad

operating in the field. Chinese customers are very exigent

projects facing the toughest working conditions. Thanks to this

in term of performance as well and now over 20% of the

important and strategic projects Tesmec increase again his

equipment in Tesmec catalogue has been specifically designed

presence in the entire Energy field in China.

to meet their requests. China already set-up 20.000 km of 500 kV lines and over

Chinese Companies has become every day more strong and competitive in the worldwide “scenario“ and Tesmec offers the

2.000 km of 750 kV lines and is facing the new challenge

best possible service both domestic with its office in Beijing

of 1.000 kV lines; for this specific task Tesmec was invited

and Worldwide with the support of the Head Office. In order

by the State Power Grid of China like a partner to evaluate

to face the high technological content of the projects, of

and propose the best process and technology in order to

the equipment and accessories involved, only Top University graduated personnel are now working in the Tesmec Beijing Office. A new ‘Student Training Program’ was recently set-up in collaboration with the best Chinese Polytechnic University ‘Tsing Hua’ in order to provide the best support to all the new challenges. Tesmec Beijing Office is now an organized structure completely linked to the Head Office with the most advanced electronic system. The history of Tesmec in China for over 20 years benefits the support of local partner loyal to Tesmec who dedicates all energies to develop the market and to establish and maintain the Customer relations. In particular Mrs. Li Huirong has to be mentioned; she has been collaborating with Tesmec Group since 1992.


12 F O C U S : C H I N A S T R I N G I N G

«Вызов» Китая компании Тесмек - «Линия 1000 кВ» Компания Тесмек присутствует в Китае с 1985 года и поставила на этот рынок более 800 натяжных и тормозных машин. Популярность компании Тесмек не уступает таким именам как AББ и Сименс. Машинами компании Tесмек в Китае уже построено около 20.000 км линии 500 кВ и более 2.000 км линии 750 кВ. Теперь перед нами поставлена задача строительства линии 1.000 кВ. Для осуществления этой задачи, компания Тесмек была приглашена Китайской Национальной Электрификационной Компанией в качестве партнера для изучения и разработки наилучших технологических решений и процедур для реализации этого нового, грандиозного плана. Компания Тесмек также глубоко вовлечена в электрификации Китайских Железнодорожных Линий, применяя самые последние мировые новшества в этой сфере – Автоматические ж/д Вагоны монтажа под тяжением. В последние годы компания Тесмек стала также важным партнером, со своими траншеекопателями, для основных китайских подрядных компаний в области строительства трубопроводов. Для того, чтобы быть на уровне высокого технологического содержания различных проектов, оборудования и принадлежностей, в Пекинском офисе компании Тесмек работает только персонал, имеющий диплом высшего образования.

泰斯美克---中国1000kV 输电线路的挑战 自1985年以来,泰斯美克已经向中国供应了800多台牵张设备。 正如ABB和西门子那样,泰斯美克也是一个广为人知的大型跨国公司。 泰斯美克已经在中国架设了长达20.000公里的500kV输电线路和2.000多公里的750kV输电线路,现在正准备迎接 1000kV输电线路带来的新挑战。为了顺利地完成1000kV输电线路这个极具挑战性的项目,国家电网公司特邀请泰斯美 克一起共同探讨和评估最佳的施工方案和当前的最新技术。 泰斯美克拥有全球最先进的电子恒张力架线车,也为中国铁路输电线路做出了巨大贡献。 最近几年,泰斯美克还参与了中国的管道业,其制造的开沟机已成为国内主要承包商的重要选择对象。 面对充满高科技含量的1000kV输电线路项目,为了解决其相关的设备和组件问题,现在在泰斯美克中国代表处工作 的人员都毕业于国内名牌学校。





// trencher no limits //



uilding on the legacy of Rocksaws, Chainsaws, and


The 1475 BW can work in Alaska, Canada and Siberia, where

Drum Cutter Machines,

the soil is frozen in the winter season. In any season, the unit is

Tesmec is continuing their

capabe of working in the Middle East, Africa, India, and across

innovative designs in the

the United States.

form of Bucket Machines for high productivity in adverse


weather conditions.


Tesmec is involved in very complex projects derived from difficult weather conditions in areas where these machines are needed. From the Middle East

season, which then puts the machine at risk for sinking.

and African deserts, to Canada and Russia permafrost, Tesmec

Nevertheless, even on frozen soil, the pressure on the ground

Trenchers work with the main goal to get the job done faster,

was a problem we solved despite the total weight of the

safer, and with the greatest economical value.


John Welch, Tesmec Chief Engineer and his staff, designed one the most innovative Bucket Machines recently introduced to the market place. The new 1475 Bucket Wheel with 466kW (625HP) engine power, is a machine of large size for highly productive trenching requirements for subsequent installation of up to 1.5M pipe. This unit is 14.2M long, 3.7M wide (transport width) and its weight is 105T at a digging configuration of 1.83M width by 3.0M depth for Permafrost trenching. Under any circumstances it is the most productive Bucket Machine in the market today. WHAT MAKES THIS MACHINE INNOVATIVE?

Productivity and reliability is second to none. Our Bucket Machines clear and expose the ditch, where then crews of hundreds to thousands of people are involved in the assembly and laying of the pipe. According to reported jobsite information, our Bucket Machines often have to stop and wait for the rest of the operation crew to catch up. WHAT KIND OF JOB IS THE MACHINE ALLOCATED?

The Bucket Machine’s specific application is big pipeline projects for water, oil, and gas transportation lines.


Some soils, like permafrost, can only be worked on in the winter season due to softening of the soil in the summer

14 I N N O V AT I O N S

The transportation dimensions of the machine is never a problem, however you must be well organized.

Нет пределов для траншеекопателей Инновационный 1475 Ротор Tesmec продолжает вводить новшества в мире траншеекопателей. Траншеекопатели Tesmec работают по всему миру, в экстремальных атмосферных условиях, и обеспечивают самые лучшие результаты экономической эффективности и малого влияния на окружающую среду. Новый траншеекопатель 1475 Ротор, со своим 466 kВт (625 ЛС) двигателем, является самым прибыльным траншеекопателем роторного исполнения, существующим на мировом рынке. «Он такой инновационный, - говорит Джон Велч, главный инженер Tesmec - что производит чистую транщею намного быстрее, чем раньше, и позволяет установление до 1,5м трубопроводов в рекордное время.» Эта невероятная машина была использована для установления газовых, водных и нефтяных трубопроводов. Она может работать при любых атмосферных условиях, как в Аляске так и в России для копания вечной мерзлоты так и в африканской пустыне и, несмотря на её вес, её транспортировка никогда не является проблематичной.

开沟机无极限—革新式产品-- 噬齿型1475 Tesmec公司一直不断地在管道开沟机械的研发中寻找突破和创新。Tesmec 开沟机遍布世界各地,在最恶劣的气 候条件下表现出最佳的工作效果,当然,前提是绝对安全并可获得巨大的经济价值。 新型的噬齿型1475开沟机,带有466 kW (625 Hp) 发动机, 是现有的最大功效开沟机.。<它是技术革命! - John Welch, Tesmec公司总工程师-它可以用较以往更快的速度,清晰的挖开沟渠,并且保持着可以安装最长1.5m的管道的记录 >。 这台不可思议的机器已经应用在天然气、饮用水和石油管道的安装工程了。它可以在任何气候条件下工作,如阿拉斯加 和俄罗斯的永久冻结带,或非洲的沙漠地带,尽管它相对较重,但运输绝对不是问题。

Activated two research projects in the scientific park Kilometro Rosso

TESMEC ENTERS INTELLIMECH, THE CONSORTIUM FOR MECCHATRONIC Intellimec is the name of the new consortium for mechatronic, born within the scientific-technological park Kilometro Rosso, located in Stezzano (Bergamo), and operating since the beginning of 2007. About twenty companies joined the consortium, so did recently also Tesmec Spa. Mechatronic embraces advanced electronic and informatics planning, the design of ICT systems in general and mechanic design, with no application limits in the industrial fields. The Consortium activated, in the new laboratory of the scientific park, two research projects. The first project deals with the control of vibrations and it is aimed at installing devices to reduce the noise, the vibrations and the resonance in rotating or vibrating machines and the development of active suspensions. The second project concerns with diagnostics and telemaintenance, and it has the purpose of creating an integrated platform to give the machines the ability to supervise their performances autonomously, anticipating malfunctioning situations and interacting with the engineering maintenance services. Info. www.kilometrorosso.com





// Flexibility of the equipment: the key point // F lexibility of the equipment to meet the requirements


of different applications, this is the key point of

machines: a fleet of Tesmec 950 chain-trenchers and 1150

Tesmec product line. Quality, performances and after-


sale service are important but do not suffice to explain why the

cutting depth x width: 1,0 – 1,3m x 0,2 – 0,35m

Tesmec machines are almost everywhere.

contractor: Stesa (Thales Group)

Telecom projects, energy cables, water and sewage networks, oil & gas pipelines, irrigation and drainage, utilities, road construction, quarries... what do they have in common? Nothing but the success of Tesmec machines and Tesmec people, everyday out on sites to ensure efficiency and reliability. These facts explain why Tesmec equipment is at work in many important projects in different fields: DRAINAGE AND SEWAGE NETWORK IN DOHA (QATAR)

machines: fleet of no. 3 Tesmec 1675 chain-trencher cutting depth x width: 7,4m x 0,7m-1,5m Contractor: Qatar Building Company


machines: fleet of no. 6 Tesmec 950 with special configuration to work in urban areas cutting depth x width: 0,6m x 0,15m contractor: Nour Communication


machine: Tesmec 750 chain-trencher cutting depth x width: 0,9m x 0,2m contractor: Al Jaber


16 J O B S I T E : T R E N C H E R I N T H E M I D D L E E A S T

Гибкость оборудования: ключевой вопрос Ключевая причина успеха машин компании Тесмек - это гибкость его применения, которое удовлетворяет различные требования. Качество, эффективность и послепродажные услуги очень важны, но этого недостаточно, чтобы объяснить почему машины компании Тесмек находятся почти везде. Проекты по телекоммуникации , линии электропередачи, трубопроводы любого назначения и канализации до строения оросительных каналов, дренажа, подготовки дорожных полос и карьеров... что у них общего? Успех машин и персонала компании Тесмек, всегда лично обеспечивающего исправность и надежность на объектах. Именно поэтому оборудование компании Тесмек является лидером во многих важных проектах, в различных областях.



泰斯美克公司生产线的核心在于以客户的需求为 中心,提供具有高度灵活性的产品。泰斯美克公司的机 器能够畅销全球,其优异的产品质量、性能以及售后服 务固然功不可没,但仅仅如此是不够的。 电信工程、能源电缆,水管和污水网,油气管线、排 水灌溉、水电管线、道路建设、采石场工程......这些有 什么共同之处?那就是泰斯美克公司获得的成功。泰斯 美克的员工每天都坚守在施工现场的机器设备边,充分 保证了施工的效率与可靠性。 这也是在众多不同领域的重要工程中都有泰斯美 克公司的设备在运行的原因。


and next to come...

machines: Tesmec 1150 chain-trencher and 1175 bucket trencher cutting depth x width: 2,4m x 0,7m-1,1m. Contractor: Dodsal


machine: Tesmec 1675-W chain-trencher cutting depth x width: 3,7m x 1,8m contractor: Metal Services



machine: Tesmec 1675 chain-trencher and 1475 bucket trencher

machines: no. 2 Tesmec 1475 chain-trencher

cutting depth x width: 2,5m x 1,4m. Contractor: Spie Capag

cutting depth x width: 2,5m x 1,2m Contractor: Fernas


machines: fleet of no. 6 Tesmec 950 chain-trencher cutting depth x width: 1,2m x 0,25m Contractor: Sirti




JOB SITE: stringing relevant projects

// Tesmec Equipment

for Special Stringing

Operations //


n many years of activity Tesmec manufactured special machines and equipment for the construction of lines different from the international standard. The design and manufacturing of these equipment have been possible thanks to two important features, specific technical needs of each line and Tesmec experience.

Relevant Projects A – NEW LINE CONSTRUCTION – 750 KV – NO. 6




2006, Gansu – China


2002-2006, UK






2004, Russia

2005, USA

18 J O B S I T E : S T R I N G I N G R E L E V A N T P R O J E C T S

Оборудование компании Тесмек для Особых Натяжных Работ В течение своей многолетней деятельности Тесмек изготовила различные специальные машины и оборудование для монтажа проводов на линиях, отличающихся от международного стандарта. Проектирование и производство такого оборудования стало возможно благодаря двум факторам: специфичные технические требования линии и опыт компании Тесмек.

为特殊放线工程量身定做的泰斯美克设备 在多年的实践中,泰斯美克公司为那些非国际标准的施工线路量身定做了特殊的机器和设备。 这些设备的设计与制造都包含两个重要的特点,那就是具体的技术需求和泰斯美克公司的相关经验。


2004, Italy





// ‘Trencher and products flexibility: the card on the third

millennium’ //



master of an ocean-going vessel, a prestigious career,

after that, the American crisis due to the breakout of the new

a challenge accepted for over three half –decade that

economy, implied a new regress which lasted some years.

goes on fascinating: The President Alfredo Gianetti

However, from 2005/2006 we have inverted this trend and

explains the way how the philosophy and the group mission has

now Tesmec U.S.A.is back to excellent levels, together with

changed during the last years and does not hid the fatigue to

the Italian mother Company that has always maintained a more

have taken back the Company in smooth water after even difficult

regular trend.

periods, predicting for the future a phase of further develop.

And, as far the Italian group leader, Mr. Gianetti remembers how it began to get a good reputation from the fifties, the


period of stringing development. Tesmec had the ability, with his proficiency and reliability,


to enter this market that since then has had phases of great


expansion due to the energetic problems worldwide. The brand


fame gained by stringing group, helped Tesmec to enter the

Even then, at the time when Caccia Dominoni family made the

Trenchers market where the ascent is faster and continuous.

buyout of Tesmec group, the Company had a strong stability on

The Internationalization is a process in which we strongly

the financial point of view but one only vocation: stringing. This situation was obviously reflected on the U.S.A. branch that at that time had the Trenchers line little exploited. The first thing we did was to revalue the role and the field in which the American Company was strong.

believe, the President explains, even because nowadays and particularly in fields as energy, the challenge cannot be anything but global. Furthermore, other five years of worldwide development is forecasted and we are going to make the most of them.

Trenchers have had more and more space also at the design

And it is not enough: During these last years, Tesmec, Mr.

stage and great opportunities from the commercial point of view,

Gianetti reminds, has proved the ability that other companies

with a first expansion mainly in the central American market.

couldn’t turn into practice: by his technicians and researches

The new setting of sell strategies, - the President goes on explaining -, took us a record sale of 27 million dollars, but

it succeeded in adapting his products, taking the suitable modifications to the various market exigencies.

Alfredo Gianetti was born on January 22, 1934. Graduated in Economic Sciences at the Catholic University, married with two children, he held, in his long managerial carrier, very prestigious offices in many international companies. For more than a quarter century (1951-1977) Gianetti worked as a manager for the famous confectionary company Motta. At the end of the seventies he becomes Magneti Marelli’s financial director and two years later general director of Saronno’s Foundries and Workshops. In 1981 he passes to Snia Fibre as general director, where he spends ten years. Remaining in the Snia group circle, in 1991 he becomes the managing director of Snia Fibre, which produces threads of cellulose fiber. In 1994 he becomes chairman and managing director of SEA Spa, Milan’s airport company, managing the two scales of Malpensa and Linate, contributing to the launch of Malpensa 2000, which becomes one of the most international hubs. Under his direction Malpensa 2000 was the first Italian and it is the third in Europe airport to obtain the certification for the quality of the provided services and the third in Europe (after Paris and Frankfurt). From 1992 onwards he undertakes the chairman role, which he still covers.


20 T E S M E C I N T H E W O R L D

Траншеекопатели и гибкость оборудования – козыры третьего тысячелетия. Президент компании Тесмек г-н Альфредо Джанетти рассказывает о том, как изменились в последние годы философия и цель группы. Президент, в начале девяностых годов Вы прибыли на фирму Тесмек: что Вы помните о первом периоде? « Во время приобретения группы Тесмек со стороны семьи Качча Доминиони, завод по производству траншеекопателей в США не имел должного внимания. Поэтому, мы решили дать новую оценку его роли в этой отрасли, в которой американское подразделение имело несомненно определенный вес. Траншеекопатели пользуются уже на протяжении нескольких лет больше спросом и возникли большие возможности, особенно на рынке Центральной Америки. После американского кризиса, вызванного эффектом «новой экономики» (new economy), начиная с 2005-2006 гг. мы отметили новое оживление сектора и теперь компания Тесмек США вернулась к оптимальным результатам. Компания Тесмек, благодаря своей компетентности, важный игрок данного рынка, который с тех пор постоянно и быстро растет. Кроме этого, известность бренда Тесмек, в секторе натяжного оборудования, расширила

开沟机及相关产品的多样化-第 三个千年的制胜武器 泰斯美克公司主席Alfredo Gianetti在谈到去年 集团在经营理念和公司使命上的变化时说到。 “Gianetti先生, 您在上个世纪九十年代初进入泰 斯美克:请问您对您刚进入公司的那段时间有什么印 象?” “在初期Caccia Dominioni 家族控制阶段,泰斯 美克位于美国的公司制造的挖沟机还不具备足够的竞 争力。因此,我们对泰斯美克美国公司进行了重新定 位,并确定了其领域优势。从商业的角度,自首次登陆美 国中部市场开始,开沟机行业必将面对越来越大的发展 空间和巨大的商机。在美国安全度过经济危机,新经济 逐渐繁荣的时期,我们在2005/2006年注册了全新的泰 斯美克美国公司。现今,泰斯美克美国公司已重新回到 世界一流公司的行列。凭借公司的高效管理及技术等 方面的可靠性,泰斯美克公司完全有实力进入开沟机市 场,并不断进行拓展。泰斯美克公司在牵张设备领域赢 得的威望,有力的推动了泰斯美克公司进入开沟机市场 的进程。” 泰斯美克公司主席说,“国际化是‘我们都深信不 疑’的过程。在诸如能源这样的领域里,挑战决不会来 自于全球化。此外,在人们所能预见到的下个五年的全 球发展中,我们将抓住大部分的机会。近几年来,泰斯美 克公司优秀的技术人员和研究人员表明:泰斯美克公司 完全可以成功地对其产品进行合理的修改,以适应多种 多样的市场需求。”

ей присутствие на рынке траншеекопателей.» Интернационализация – это процесс, «в котором мы все глубоко верим» – объясняет Президент – «в таких областях, как энергия, вызов является только глобальным. Впрочем, ожидаются ещё 5 лет развития на мировом рынке, которые мы намерены использовать как можно лучше. В последние годы компания Тесмек доказала большую способность: благодаря своими техникам и конструкторам она смогла приспособить свою продукцию, внеся подходящие модификации, к разным требованиям рынка».

Tesmec Headquarter in Grassobbio, Bergamo (Italy)






he Tesmec Group Female Staff is composed by

cooperates also with the Sales Department for instance to

25 employees working in various departments of

verify and prepare the necessary documents for payments

the Company. As reported by many people of the

and the amortization plans.

female staff,“ in fields like stringing, trenching equipment

“I am very pleased to work in this company which growth

and civil machines, where typically there is a male presence,

I closely saw in these last 20 years. Tesmec gave me the

women help to better coordinate the communication between

possibility to have flexible timetables and, therefore, to

the different departments and the employees.”

dedicate a lot of time to my 2 children. The women working in Tesmec succeed in being listened


by many men facilitating human relationship inside the


company”. Angela says to be determined, spiteful, direct in

Vera Pepitoni is a Tesmec

communication and solar.

Area Manager who works for stringing and trenching


equipments in countries like


former-Ussr and North Europe (Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark). Vera was born in Moscow where has been living for 16 years. She graduated in International Languages in Milan and after

Inessa Kisin was born in Kharkov, Ukraine (former USSR). She currently lives in Fort Worth, TX, USA. She has three kids. After having

having worked for14 years in the agriculture field for an

completed the high school

import-export company, started working at Tesmec in 2002.

studies in Kharkov, she

Vera is a career woman always on the run: her business is

enrolled in Kharkov Institute of

to find new customers and keep the consolidated customers

Transport Engineers majoring in Mechanical Engineering,

portfolio in the whole area of former-Ussr, where Tesmec is

focusing her studies on Road Constructions and Loading/

well known for the high quality of machines and products.

Unloading machinery. She ended the University Studies with

“As proved by the interest for our machines from an

honors in 1984. After graduation, she started working as

Uzbekistan customer, in the former-Ussr countries there

an engineer for a big plant in Rezekne, Latvia , an industry

are excellent prospects of growths for trenchers – says

that manufactures electrical hand tools. When she arrived

Vera Pepitoni – a field where women are often considered

in the United States, Inessa took courses at the Tarrant

with distrust. The experience I have in stringing and

County College in computer drafting and programming

trenching technologies, beside the knowledge of the Russian

and completed them with a 4.0 GPA. In order to gain

Language, helps me to win the male skepticism. Three words

work experience in America, she worked for a consulting

to describe myself: tenacious, spiteful and ironic”.

engineering company called Leonard Technical Services as a drafter/designer. In 1994, she joined the Tesmec team


where she is still working. “I am a Project Engineer and my duties are designing trenching equipments, drawing parts


Angela Turani is an

for manufacturing, and giving engineering support throught

important reference for

the whole process of a machine production. Currently, I am

the Export & Finance

working on the preparation for the production of the 750

Administration Department

model in the United States, which includes: installing a new

in Tesmec S.p.a. After the

generation engine, Cummins QSB 6.7 Tier 3, and changing

Diploma in Accounting on

the drawings from the metric system to the English system.

September 1985 she began

My best professional satisfaction is the fact that we produce

her career in Tesmec in

the best trenching equipments on the market and this is due

the Shipping Department. Now she manages the logistic

to many wonderful employees that work in the company.

organization and the transport of the machines (the 90%

Their intelligence and experience is what keeps our

must be delivered abroad!). Furthermore Angela manages the

company performing at its best. I would describe myself as

Cash-in and all the relationships with the Banks. She often

hard-working, dependable and devoted.”

22 W O M E N S H A R E

Stringing Equipment: Electricity flows with Tesmec

The Tesmec Group is a very experienced and reliable technical partner to the most important transmission lines construction companies, contractors and national power grids all over the world. Over the years many of the major powerlines worldwide have been erected with the help of our Stringing Equipment. Our products are suitable for high and very high voltage transmission lines, medium voltage distribution lines, fibre optic lines (OPGW-ADSS), underground cables and overhead railways power cables.

TESMEC S.p.A. 24050 Grassobbio (BG) ITALY • via Zanica 17/0 ph +39.035.4232911 • fax +39.035.4522445 info@tesmec.it • www.tesmec.it


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