In Voyage Autour de mon Jardin (A Tour around my Garden) French author Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr writes “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses.” Despite the challenges of this year,
when among the been easy, there’s still
We’ve developed new skills, learnt zoom etiquette (“you’re still on mute!”), and mastered working and learning from home. We’ve been adaptive and creative, finding ways to connect with friends and family, running quizzes and events, adapting and innovating. We’ve read more books, dusted off old board games, got out the cards and had much more quality family time.
has remained high while our work-life balance has improved. We’ve gone for more walks, and have connected much more with nature. We’ve discovered new parts of our neighbourhood, and connected more with our neighbours. We’ve wasted less money and been more discerning in our spending, consuming far less, growing far more and focussing much more on sustainability.
Here at Mahurangi College we’ve tried to be agile and responsive to the challenges thrown up by covid. We’ve introduced hybrid teaching, allowing students to continue learning regardless of their circumstances. Our prefects have run fun events to keep engagement and morale high. And with the support of our BOT we’ve run a mini creche for staff, allowing them the flexibility to continue working on site to support our students. The students have been fantastic, taking every twist and turn in their stride.
Issue 07 2021
Psychologist Dr Amanda Gummer says the pandemic lockdown has given families more quality time together. “Never before, in modern history, have so many parents spent so much time in one place with their children. The simple pleasures in life are being rediscovered too - a family walk has become a precious time of the day that everyone looks forward to, something many families may never have enjoyed before. These are all things that would not have happened in the usual hustle and bustle of pre-lockdown life.” Yes, we’ve learnt to slow down, take our time, potter about and contemplate. We’ve simplified many aspects of our lives, and in doing so rediscovered balance and the importance of perspective. Our commutes have lessened, and there’s been far less traffic around. The air seems cleaner. We’re no longer wasting hours sitting stressed in a car, and we feel better because of it. Our productivity
we step back and reflect we can find many roses thorns that have tested us. It certainly hasn’t and while we’ve all been scratched a few times, plenty of roses to pick if we look hard enough.
Holding on to these benefits post pandemic will be important. While we all look forward to an easing of restrictions, let’s strive to maintain some of those benefits we’ve all accrued. Film director Taika Waititi has said, “I love heroes that really go through ordeals and then come out the other end completely changed.” I ‘borrowed’ these words in acknowledging students who have achieved “through” the “ordeals”. All our Cultural, Maori and Pasifika, Sports and
Senior Academic award winners and Blues recipients can be viewed on our website. Of all years, these awards are testimony to hard work, dedication, talent and skill. As always, this success also recognises the support of community, family, friends and whānau. Our Prefects for 2022 have been selected. Welcome to Head Prefects, Amelia Burton and James Webb, and to Deputy Heads, Rachel McGuire and Finn Stevenson. Our thanks to this years Prefects for your enthusiasm, mindfulness and genuine care of your whānau. I wish all our leavers the very best for your next journey. Take care, enjoy the Christmas holidays, and always look on the bright side of life! A massive thank you for all your efforts to help us get there. Tony Giles - PRINCIPAL
Thank you! Mahurangi College Staff and Students would like to thank our Sponsors who donate the many prizes and Scholarships for our Annual Prize Giving. Please support the businesses that support the young people in our community.