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Head Girl & Boy Peer Support Grants/Friends of Mahu Student Exec School Life Student Leaders Class of 2017 Then & Now Senior Ball Kapa Haka Pacifika Student Learning Centre International Students Houses Interhouse Events Camps A Week in Rotovegas Tongariro National Park Loverly - A My Fair Lady Story Year 10 English Trip Junior Disco Powerchair Football Transition Young Acheivers/Yr 8 Expo Market Day/Business Camp Summerset Visit Mahu Bands Academic Academy Shave for a Cure Performing Arts/Dance Piano Players/Harmony Technology & Graphics Hospitality & Food Tech Textiles & Fashion Morris & James Competition Homework Club Our Library Art Showcase Athletics Cross Country Year 7 & 8 Zone Days Sports Academy Football Hockey Netball Rugby Basketball Motocross/Swimming Sailing Archery/Equestrian Underwater Hockey AIMS Games Prize Giving Staff
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KIA ORA KOUTOU - WELCOME TO THE 2017 MAHURANGI COLLEGE YEARBOOK. I AM SURE YOU WILL ENJOY READING THROUGH AND REMINDING YOURSELF OF SOME OF THE FUN EVENTS AND PEOPLE HERE AT MAHU THIS YEAR. LAST YEAR'S NCEA RESULTS WERE AGAIN WELL ABOVE THE NATIONAL DECILE 7 PASS RATES, AND IT WAS PLEASING TO BE ABLE TO AWARD A RECORD 80 ACADEMIC BLUES THIS YEAR FOR STUDENTS WHO GAINED LEVEL ENDORSEMENTS IN NCEA LAST YEAR AT EXCELLENCE LEVEL (ie. 50 OR MORE CREDITS AT EXCELLENCE). At the Cultural Blues evening 15 Blues were awarded to students who had achieved outstandingly well this year in the Arts. The top award in Visual Arts went to Aidan Burridge; Drama to Zach Pickett; Dance to Cade Hansen and Jasmine Donaldson; Singing to Caoimhe Lane and Eloise Mart and Performing Arts Person of the Year was Sara Jones. A special Hall of Fame award was presented to Xavier Garneau-Roughan for having a lead role in three school productions. Xavier’s performance as Henry Higgins in this year’s performance of “Loverly”, based on the “My Fair Lady” story, was superb, as was Eloise Mart’s performance in her leading role of Eliza Doolittle. A past student from our school, Becky Wood, spoke at our Sporting Blues awards of her journey into the Black Ferns women’s rugby team, which won the World Cup this
year. 88 Blues were awarded to students who had gained Regional representation or better in their sport and 6 Achiever awards to those who gained National recognition. Sportswoman of the Year was shared between Heather Nicolls and Marianna Winiana. Heather had many sporting accomplishments, including winning a National title in Stand Up Paddleboarding. Mariana was a Captain of several teams and a National Representative in Touch. Elliott Snedden was Sportsman of the Year and as captain of our Team of the Year, the Senior Underwater Hockey Team, as well as a member of the NZ U20 Underwater Hockey Team which won silver at the World Championships.
86 Shara Waugh. I would like to thank all our student leaders for their great role modelling and leadership this year, and in particular our Head and Deputy Head Prefects: Hannah Powell, Zane Illingworth, Carrie Wooller and Jacob Bindon. I would also like to take this opportunity to say a special thank you to Mrs Newlove, who is retiring at the end of this year after 40 years at Mahu, during which time she has, amongst many other things, overseen 25 school balls! You will be greatly missed and we wish you well in your retirement Marilyn. To all our Year 13 students, we have enjoyed having you here at Mahurangi College and we wish you every success as you move on to the next stage in your lives. David Macleod - Principal
The Inter-house competition was won this year by Green and Purple houses which were well led by Bayley Webb, Carrie Wooller, Jacob Bindon and
Head Girl NOW THAT THE YEAR IS COMING TO A CLOSE, I am extremely grateful for all the events that I was able to contribute to and be a part of. At the end of 2016 I attended Year 9 camp which was only the start to many exciting opportunities and when 2017 rolled around, we had four terms full of activities like the inter-house events, ANZAC day ceremonies, prize givings, ball planning and school sports exchanges. I would not have been able to manage without three special people by my side, Zane Illingworth our Head Boy, Jacob Bindon our Deputy Head Boy and Carrie Wooller our Deputy Head Girl. I could always count on Zane to be organised, reliable and I trusted him completely when it came to getting jobs done. He definitely carried the team when it came to a pun competition against our deputies and I’m forever thankful for that! Jacob always brought humour and bright ideas to the team and he was confident when meeting new people with his friendly persona. Carrie was one of my go to girls this year, she understood the list of things to do and was always happy to help. She was so hard working and was able to problem solve anything that we came across. While we all worked hard and got the job done, we made sure we had fun along the way, which made the year much more memorable. I would also like to make a special mention to Mrs Newlove, without her guidance throughout the year we would have been completely lost. She would always look out for the four of us and make sure that everything was running smoothly. Thank you Mrs Newlove for all the hard work that you put in behind the scenes, this year would not have been such a success without you. Hannah Powell
Head Boy
WHAT A YEAR! IT HAS BEEN AN ADVENTURE filled with everything from excitement to worry but I can gladly say I’ve made it out alive and well. From inter-house events to Year 13 Camp, it’s been one massive journey, one which will definitely stick with me in the years to come. Year 9 camp was the ideal start to the role - having four sisters had prepared me well for attempting to control mobs of hyperactive 13 year olds. Following this Year 13 Camp seemed a breeze; from almost tipping the ferry trying to glimpse dolphins, to a dodgily judged skit competition, it was an awesome way to bring the year group together. Everyday of being Head Boy there seemed to be a new challenge, ranging from organising a prefect synchronised swimming performance to inventing some clever puns so that Hannah and I could beat Carrie and Jacob in our pun competition. There was never a dull moment and I’ve definitely made some memories I won’t ever forget. The highlight of the year has to be the ball. After sorting everything from buses to table-cloth colours it was awesome to see the culmination of hours of hard work turn out so brilliantly. I would like to thank Mrs Searle for her dedication to the prefect dance (which looked great considering most of our dancing abilities). On that note I would also like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Newlove; I honestly don’t know what we would have done without her years of experience and I wish her the best with the future. To the Prefect team, Student Exec and Class of 2017, you guys are legends! This year wouldn’t have been the same without you, from the memes to the fierce house competition, and I know that you’ll all do great in the coming years. Lastly, I’d like to make a special mention to Hannah, Carrie and Jacob. Working alongside you has been absolutely incredible and I definitely won’t forget all the jokes, banter and iced animals we’ve shared. I couldn’t have done it without you, and good luck with the future! Zane Illingworth
Peer Support KEEPING OUR SCHOOL SAFE AND POSITIVE Peer Mediation is a program that has students helping resolve disagreements between a couple of students, or in small groups of them. This year, 23 Year 12 students helped Juniors solve their disputes and form relationships. Every year, along with doing their duties and visiting Year 7 classes, the Peer Mediators coordinate events for Peace Week, which promotes peaceful practices in the school. The events this year included Jump Jam, chalk doodles, pizza, compliment boxes and in-class colouring-in competitions in the Junior school. Below are some of the mediators' reviews of their events. “Originally we thought Jump Jam was not going to be popular, it ended up being a great success. We had a great mix of Juniors and Seniors getting together for a groovy jam. Everyone had a good time and did not want to stop at the end of lunch. - Eden, Alix and Ella” ”Solomon, Millie, Niamh and Kian did Chalk during Peace Week, which fell on Thursday. It was really fun and there was a lot of participation from the Junior students.” “The compliment box was a huge success throughout Peace Week. We processed way more than we’d expected, which was really positive. We would like to thank all the students who participated. You wrote wonderful compliments. It was lovely to see that many students engaging with Peace Week and the ideas behind it. We ran out of compliments, despite printing over a thousand! It was undoubtedly one of the highlights of our year as Peer Mediators. From Mackenzie, Julia, Summer and Kelsey ” It’s been great working alongside these hard working and awesome Peer Mediators as well as Mr Dowling and Miss Muir, who are both equally as dedicated to this as we are. Good luck to next year’s reps! Aidan Burridge
Friends of Mahu Grants OVER THE LAST 2 YEARS, WE HAVE RECEIVED close to $95,000 in external grant funding to help support student learning and engagement at Mahurangi. From PAA Dance workshops to sports uniforms and equipment, annual horse riding programs, vocal lessons, outdoor portable staging, LEGO EV3 robotics equipment, to our very own Baby Grand piano, outdoor concrete table tennis tables, floor to ceiling mirrors for our new Dance studio and most recently, $40,000 to help towards
IT HAS BEEN A PLEASURE this year to be the Friends Of Mahu Student Representative. This year so many things have been done in positively supporting the school. We have got the new outside concrete ping pong table and the shade sails around the junior school. As well as fundraising and catering at different events throughout the year. The Unicycle project, which resells second hand uniforms for the students has been a great success with a $450 profit being put back into the 'Make it Happen' Fund. There was also various guest speakers such as NetSafe who came into school and informed kids and parents about the importance of keeping digital safety, Success Integrated talked about Parenting Strategies for Teen Success and Kylie Ryan who talked about ‘The Tough Stuff.’
covering the cost of replacing our 20-year-old astroturf.
These events all had a considerable amount of parents and students involved and many people in the community have enjoyed and committed to coming into school and taking part in these informative talks.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank our supporters – Pub Charity, NZ Community Trust, Oxford Foundation, Lotteries Community Facilities, Blue Sky Community Trust, iSport Foundation, First Sovereign Trust, Warkworth Lions, Kowhai Youth Trust and Auckland Council Creative Communities.
I have loved my experience in being the student voice of Friends Of Mahu for this year. Being able to be involved with the parents and teachers in the committee has been an honour. I truly felt as though my voice and opinion was heard and considered to be making a difference in our school.
Theressa Butler
Anna Reiff
Student Exec
EVENTS REPS In April we held a talent show at Mahurangi College for everyone to attend and participate in. We had a huge number of auditions, but had to cut the numbers down to only 9 acts in the final. We had a range of acts between Year 7 and 13 that performed to a fully sold out hall and panel of judges. Everything went smoothly as the acts performed a range of song and dance routines, with Cade Hansen taking out first place, closely followed by Brandon Lewis. Overall the day was a complete success; the hall was fully sold out and we raised $250 for the Student Executive team, which went to helping out the Warkworth Town Hall.
BOT REP Being the Board of Trustees rep this year is something that has been very valuable to me. Throughout this year I have attended a number of Board meetings in which I have had the opportunity to put across ideas for changes that our students want to see happen within the school. Working with the Board has provided an interesting look into what goes on behind the scenes at a place where I have spent so much time over the 7 years. In the time that I have been involved, we have discussed a number of changes that we will start seeing in the school within the next few years, and it will be really exciting to come back and be able to see the changes that I have had the opportunity to be involved in. It has been really fun and worthwhile to get involved behind the scenes and I wish the new student member on the board good luck throughout their year in the role! Beth Sanders
JUNIOR COUNCIL REP This year I have been able to spend time with the Junior and Middle School Council, going to their meetings and being able to put forward ideas and motions to the Student Executive and Mr Elder.
SADD REP Mahurangi College was one of the first 5 schools that have raised awareness to SADD, (Students Against Dangerous Driving). Since then, Mahurangi has been strong in raising awareness to students of all ages about the dangers of driving while drinking or distractions, such as texting. This year for SADD we have created awareness around dangerous driving, within the school. We have accomplished this through putting up posters around the school, speaking in assembly and having activities involving students, such as an obstacle course with disorientating goggles and “dead” people walking around symbolising the students that have died due to dangerous driving. Being able to organize these events has been an amazing opportunity and I hope that SADD is continued within this school. Brahm Stables
It has been a great position as I have been able to meet and get to know the future leaders of our school.
YEAR 13 REP This year I’ve been selected to take on the role of Year 13 rep within the Student Executive. The overarching focus of my role has been to maintain a positive, and supportive atmosphere amongst my year group, building from the bonding foundations of Year 13 camp, a true highlight of the Senior year. I act as the liaison between students and senior management, predominantly coordinating with Mr Elder to benefit our final year experience in anyway possible. Most notably, I have organised the opening of the new Senior common room, joined the Head Prefects in design and production of the leavers jerseys, and plan to produce one last communal event for my year group, in absence of prank day.
Rebecca Dobson
Xavier Garneau-Roughan
By doing this I have been able to work closely with them and get a better understanding of what the younger students want to see done in our school. For example, this year’s group are very enthusiastic on the environment and nature and are wanting to put in swan plants in a patch of the school for monarch butterflies.
Caleb and Heather
Year 13's
BLUE HOUSE Hannah Powell & Zane Illingworth
Carrie Wooller & Jacob Bindon
Elliot Snedden & Jessie Porter
Student Leaders
Bayley Webb & Carrie Wooller
STUDENT EXECUTIVE Carrie Wooller & Jacob Binden
Jenna Martin Student Executive Prefect Chair
Alisha McLennan Student Executive Prefect Secretary
Beth Sanders Student Executive Board of Trustees
Xavier Garneau Roughan Student Exec Yr 13 Rep
Isabel Hobson Student Executive Publicity
Aimee Hewett Student Executive Environment
Teaeto Tebutokai Student Executive PasiďŹ ka
Rupert Power Student Executive IT
Rebecca Dobson Student Executive Junior Councils
Aidan Burridge Student Executive Mediation
Sam Cadwallader
Jared Came
Ella Gibb Student Executive Library
Sophie Gradwell Student Executive Int Students
Heather Niccolls Head Sports Prefect
Jaidyn Armstrong
Cade Hansen
Brenton Holdsworth
Zach Pickett & Olivia Stevenson
Jacob Bindon & Shara Waugh
Max Young & Anna Hanley
Ben MacKinnon & Bethany Sanders
Anna Reiff Student Executive Friends of Mahu
Brahm Stables Student Executive SADD
Whanghua Yang Student Executive Mentoring
Harrison-Michael Pene-Bavastro Student Executive Maori Charities
Heather Pearson Student Executive Events
Caleb Wigman Student Executive Events
Rhys Jones
Fleur Pancoust
Jamie-Lee Roberts
Rose Gerrard Student Executive
Caoimhe Lane Cultural Prefect
Matthew Torckler Cultural Prefect
Eloise Mart Cultural Prefect
Sara Jones Cultural Prefect
Rebecca Twhigg
Mariana Winiana
Charities/Health Safety
Ariana Toi
Class of 2017
BACK ROW: Ella Gibb, Marney Edwards, Anna Hanley, Ben MacKinnon, Logan Ross, Jamie Lee-Roberts, Keegan Ayers, 6TH ROW: Connor Proffitt, Teaeto Tebutokai, Wade Davies, Koki Kudo, Boata Taboia, Rose Gerard, Billie Blair, Alisha Dali Allen 5TH ROW: Tessa Huhtala, Gemma Harris, Jasmine Eriksen, Tiri Soppet, Olivia Stevenson, Jessie Porter, Aimee Hewett, Rebecca Twhigg, Briana Julian, Jenna Martin 4TH ROW: Caelan Amiss, Rupert Power, Sam Overton, Harrison Walker, Xavier Garneau-Roughan, Callum Alexander, Luke Hitchcock, William Green, Michael Hubbard, Christian Mason, Zane Panui-Leth 3RD ROW: Alfie Lewis, Jack Gothard, Jared Came, Nathaniel Bedggood, Brahm Stables, Harrison-Michael Pene-Bavastro, Bayley Webb, Callum Rouse, Noah Hallam, Brenton Holdsworth, Zane Canter 2ND ROW: Imiy Hayward, Rebecca Dobson, Fleur Pancoust, Kartarina Giles, Jasmine Donaldson, Heather Pearson, Aruch, Ruby-Rose Whitcher, Wanghua Yang, Ravinta Raikaon, Mrs Newlove (Teacher) FRONT ROW: Ariana Toi, Johnny Pham, Isabel Hobson, Rhys Jones, Nina Mirfin, Matthew Tockler, Carrie Wooller, Mitchell, Cade Hansen, Holly Ross ABSENT: Paris Allinson, Abrahao Amorim, Jaidyn Armstrong, Fabia Baitella, Tyler Ferguson-Yearbury, Estelle Fontaine, Matsuo, Elena John Pedro, Srey Lang Sok, Malakhai Verdonk, Satsuki Watanabe, Mariana Winiana, David Wolfenden,
Eloise Mart McLennan, Dominic Scalabrini, Seng Im Dann, Angel Sturm, Stella Birch, Jack Morgan, Zachariah Gray, James Miller, Aidan Burridge, Madi Clementson, Paula Schwahofer, Anna Rei, Caoimhe Lane, Sara Jones, Bethany Sanders, Alex Crabb-Chisholm, Nicholas Daniels, Siu Hepoto, Oscar Reid-Thompson, Max Young, Joel Gatherer, Elliot Snedden, Cole Lyman, Joshua McDonogh, Jack Yarndley, Levi Langsford, Samuel Cadwallader, Caleb McGlynn, Caleb Wigman, Olivia Freestone, Raven Cain, Eva Rebenschied, Keryn Peddle, Chloe Berger, Hannah Dunn, Tutana Hurbert, Renee Zane Illingworth, Hannah Powell, Jacob Bindon, Shara Waugh, Zach Pickett, Heather Nicolls, Liam Wewege, Caitlin Morgan Frisbee-Jones, Sophie Gradwell, Max Green, Natusmi Hashimoto, Matthew Leydon, Jade Matheson, Haruka Tomoya Yamasaki
Caleb Mcglynn
Ben MacKinnon
Caoimhe Lane
Max Young
Brahm Stables
Elliot Snedden
Billie Blair
Caitlin Mitchell
Chloe Berger
Dali Allen
Gemma Harris
Jasmine Donaldson
Oscar Reid Thompson
Paula Schwahofer
Sophie Gradwell
Nina Mirfin
Matthew Tockler
Rebecca Twhigg
Sara Jones
Carrie Wooller
Shara Waugh
Hannah Powell
Anna Hanley
Xavier Garneau-Roughan
Jamie-Lee Roberts
Marnie Edwards
Eva Rebenschied
Angel Sturm
Rose Gerard
Jessie Porter
Heather Nicolls
Fleur Pancoust
Olivia Stevenson
Tiri Soppet
Isobel Hobson
Zach Pickett
Ella Gibb
Wanghua Yang
Harrison-Michael Pene-Bavastro
Callum Rouse
Anna Reiff
Jenna Martin
Alisha McLennan
Bethany Sanders
Eloise Mart
Ariana Toi
Aimee Hewett
Cade Hansen
Dominic Scalabrini
Jaidyn Armstrong
Keryn Peddle
Jasmine Erikson
Stella Birch
Nicholas Daniels
Olivia Freestone
Renee Aruch
Zane Illingworth
Senior Ball
King and Queen for 2017 went to Jack Yarndley and Sara Jones and the Prince and Princess was Thea Henderson and Elijah Newey.
THE SENIOR BALL WAS HELD at the Crown Plaza in Auckland on the Special mention goes to Mrs Newlove, Zane Illingworth, 5th of August. The theme this year was La Fiesta Mexicana and the Carrie Wooller and Jacob Bindon for all their work behind venue was beautifully decorated with sombreros and fairy lights.The the scenes which made the ball such a success.
Kapa Haka THE KAPA HAKA HAS HAD a great year so far and has welcomed many new students from all over the globe. Sadly we have also said goodbye to a few as they made their way back to their home countries. In Term 1 this year we had a delightful trip up to Bream Bay College for the Te Taitokerau Festival. The Kapa Haka performed twice on two different stages, representing Mahurangi College with pride. In Term 1, the group had a trip to Polyfest. In Term 2 we worked solidly on our programme, learning brand new waiata from scratch and an original hymn composition from Matua Wineana. We performed in school assemblies which helped us to polish our new material. During Term 3, The Kapa Haka helped organise Whaia te iti kahurangi with students having specific jobs that they were in charge of. Mariana Wineana and Tama Hawken lead the evening very well and it was a great success and a lovely evening overall. We had several international members join this term, coming from France, Germany and Spain. It is wonderful to have such keen young people wanting to learn more about Maori culture and performance. They have done very well to perform in assembly after such a short time in the group. In Term 4 we undertook an intensive workshop to polish and refine our programme and create a new programme for Vets Day at the Warkworth RSA. We performed at various engagements including Cultural Blues, RSA Vets Day, Kaipara Festival, Junior Roadshow, and a visit to Blue Gum Hospital. The Kapa Haka strives to develop positive relationships within the group and within the community. You really do feel like part of a whanau when you become a member of this group. The Kapa Haka welcomes new members at any point in the year, if not to perform, just to be part of the Kapa Haka whanau. Matua Winiana and Whaea Muir
OUR FIRST TRIP AS A GROUP was going to the Polyfest. I enjoyed every minute of it watching and experiencing different cultures. Performing at the Warkworth Primary School is probably the highlight of this year as a pasifika rep. But when it comes to dancing in front of the whole school and the parents it even made it more memorable as its my last year performing and being part of the group. We’ve been practicing every Friday lunch and what I like about it is the fact that more juniors are joining and enjoying it than last year. I enjoyed every practice we’ve had as more people decided to join which lead to meeting new people and making new friends. Not to forget, its been a privilege having Mrs Weaver along the way with me, sorting and organising our place to practice in. Teaeto Tebutokai
IT HAS BEEN A privilege to spend another year with our pasifika students. Their enthusiasm and compassion for others never ceases to delight and amaze me. Our Year 12 and 13 students were a part of Aganu’u at Massey University. This was a workshop where the students looked at their motivation for success and set goals for the future. The follow up day saw our students present a slide show portraying their own journey. We were also a part of PILOT (Pacific Island Leaders of Tomorrow) at Auckland University. Our students have been dominant on the sports field and have had many academic successes across all year levels, continuing an upward trend in line with our Pasifika Plan. Carol Weaver
Student Learning Centre THE STUDENT LEARNING CENTRE has enjoyed another productive year supporting our young people. The students have participated with enthusiasm in all the school events and activities throughout the year. These have included Athletics and Swimming Sports, Haka competition and a range of individual Whanau and House events. Inter-school Special Olympic meets and Horse Riding continue to be favourite events. We also enjoyed attending the school shows at both the College and Warkworth Primary School. The SLC played host to a rugby match between players from the Mahurangi College 1st XV and a visiting team from Richmond Special School. Zane PanuiLeth from the SLC joined the Mahurangi team and the after-match function was hosted in the SLC. The spirited game and social event will be long remembered. We enjoyed a trip to Downtown Auckland travelling across the harbour from Devonport by ferry. The students enjoyed viewing some constuction sites and Britomart Train Station. On our return we visited Maungauika/North Head Historic Reserve tunnels and coastal defence site where exploring the tunnels and climbing the hills for magnificent views was a highlight. The students enjoy hosting visitors to the SLC and this year it included some special pets. With careful handling the students were able to enjoy a pet therapy session and enjoy some contact with the animals. Holly and Zane, our two Year 13 students, both enjoyed the 2017 School Ball held at the Crown Plaza Hotel. Both students looked fabulous, enjoyed the dinner, the dancing, the photographs and socialising. The end of year SLC Disco last year was a fun way to finish 2016. Planning for how to celebrate the 2017 year is under way at the time of writing this report. The students and staff of the SLC are grateful for the ongoing support from all those in our school community. In particular we would like to make mention of Mrs Newlove, who has been a strong advocate for all of our students over many years. The SLC wishes her well for her retirement. Penny Bates
International Students
IT HAS BEEN A REWARDING and positive year for the International Department here at Mahurangi College. Personally I believe the year has been beneficial for both Mahurangi and Exchange students as extra curricular experiences have brought togetherness. The International Students were able to ourish in New Zealand's unique cultural learning environment and interact with the students who are undertaking their own pathway through education here at Mahurangi College. The year has been filled with many lively activities that have brought a new dynamic into our learning environment here at College. We have an abundance of programs and sports to offer such as our successful Rugby, Football and Hockey teams. This allowed International sStudents to connect with new found friends. We have also had the privilege to represent and collaborate with these students to produce a prosperous International Food Day which promoted the multiculturalism here at our school. In the future, we look to embrace the growth of our international department through an increase of students from different cultures around the world. I believe that both Exchange and Mahurangi students have made memories with one another and will be able to take these on into the future. Sophie Gradwell
Blue House
Arleigha Armstrong, Corbin Ashford, Vaughn Bolstad , Cole Brown , Marnix Bubbert , Emma Camwell, Jared Clark, Madi Clementson, Lachlan Ferguson, Paris Flynn, Elisabeth Haque, Eria Kaneama, Jack Leaning, Cole Lyman, Jack Miles, Zoe Miller, Taelan Nelson, Reiko Pham, Lochie Piper, Rousseau Rees-Baker, Amali Shore, Macey Stuart, Drue Thomas, Joella Tomkins, Matthew Torckler, Jack Whyman
Ella Bartlett, Laurens Bubbert, Raine Cassid ,Georgia Clark, Mya Dunlop, Jade Freeth, Ethan Guerin, Jacob Hawkings-king, Molly Illingworth, Eden Langsford, Eden Lewin, William Lyttle, Sophia Mateeva, Joshua McDonogh, Ally Melgren, Konrad Morrison, Ben Read, Tatum Robinson, Chontelle Ruthe, Mona Schmidt, Luke Shirley, Ryan Torckler, Ava Ward-Stewart, Hannah White, Luke Wood
Triton Chamberlain-Te-Whui, Elicia Collinson, Benjamin Cooper, Jasmine Donaldson, Lucas Edgerley, Flynn Ferguson, Megan Freeman, Kali Lerou, Arni Lewin, Brandon Lewis, Sam Mason, Rachel McGuire, Chloe Melgren, Katie’Higgins-Thomass, McKenzie O’Sullivan, Molly Ross, Kate Rowe, Elliot Snedden, Connor Stables, Sander Stam, Claudia Stevenson, Cole Teirney, Alex Tunnicliffe, Thomas Wallington, Jack Yarndley
Jasper Ashford, Noah Barclay, Ava Berry, Vance Bolstad, Paige Brown, Wessel Bubbert, Amy Collinson, Ruby Cooper, Thomas Daniels, Matthew Elder, Shelby Glavish, Yardayn Hagger, Tessa Huhtala, Dylan Hunt,Shona Illingworth, Ten Kuwata, Zayde Lee, Eli O’Neill, Zaneanui-Leth, Jessie Porter B, Kassidy Rolfe-Vyson, Pipi Ross, Eliza Rusher, Kyla Ruthe, Hayden Simmons, Ryan Stam, Claudia Sterling, Elise Tomkins, Micaela Tornquist, Amie Tunnicliffe
Aliya Allen, Oliver Corteen, Tegan Crisp, Judah Hagger, Logan Harris, Deagan Heyns, Jessica Leaning, Claire MacDonald, Joseph Martin, Vokil Mateev, Maddie Perry, Johnny Pham, Lucy Read, Bruno Rees-Baker, Savannah Rolfe-Vyson, Eva Sterling, Charlotte Telfer, Jorjia Tomey, Ryutaro Ueno, Ryder Van Reemst, Lexie Van Santen, Sabrina Yarndley
James Collinson, Aran Corteen, Wade Davies, Eria Erika, Sheyne Gibson, Maia Hooper, Zane Illingworth, Tyler Keppler, Tom Mason, Duncan McDonald, Thomas McLaren, Maddie Miles, Nell Rowan, Holly Rusher, Sidney Satterthwaite, Cisco South, Brahm Stables, Chloe Sutherland, Tyler Taffard-Baker, Allie Telfer, Catherine Thatcher, Jordon Thomas ,Aria Tobin, Casper Waller, Grace Webb, Olivia White
Rj Brown, Nicholas Daniels, Rosa Donaldson, Toby Ewing, Katherine Haque, Callum Harnish, Shar Illingworth, Toshitatsu Iwai, Josh Lambert, Mia McCormick,Zeal Mcculloch, Alesha McFarlane, George Miles, Bruno Nola, Sam Overton, Julian Naanui-Leth, Lucy Rowe, Hope Sakey, Eva Satterthwaite, Trace Savage, Nathan Shirley, Marizanne Smit, Cooper Stevens, Isla Ward-Stewart, June Xu
WHAT A YEAR! It’s been such an amazing year filled with such enthusiasm and support for one another that we are so proud to be a part of! A massive thank you to Mr Ganley and the other Whanau Reps for making this year go as smooth and fun filled as possible and thanks to Blue house for all your hard work and spirit. Without you guys we wouldn’t have had such an awesome experience. Getting to know everyone has been a highlight of the year, through the sheer intensity of the competition it has brought us together, as the mighty Blue House. We are both so proud of all of you and what we have achieved! Well done! Good luck to the future leaders and the rest of Blue House next year! Elliot & Jessie
Niamh Browne, Hannah Dunn, Elaine Ebaraima Anatete, Bryn Griffiths, Brooke Harris, Paige Healey, Liam Hooper, Norito Hosoki, Lucee Illingworth, Brooklyn Martin, Brooke Savage, Lachlan Simpson, Benjamin Smith, Finn Stevenson, Josh Stewart, Breila Straka, Nathan Stuart, Brooklyn Tahi Tahi, Jennyvill Tobwara, Jason Tunnicliffe, James Wallington, Connagh Webb, Amy Wood, Wang Yhuaang
Jade Aitken, Campbell Aley, Jaidyn Armstrong, Tom Barnett, Nathaniel Bedggood, Chloe Berger, Harry Clarke, Grace Close, Vanya Dunn, Willow Dysart, Jamie Glassford, Kane Hume, Bree Illingworth, Sage Lee, Max Lyttle, Ameline Makin, Ella Martin, Finlay McDonald, Luke MorrisonHealy, Tim Schuster, Connor Simpson, Reuben Smith, Billie South, Matang Teakin, Nat Ward, Brooklyn Waugh
place 23
Green House 1
Chontel-rose Anderson, Renee Aruch, Maddy Ashe, Cody Bagby, Elouise Balfour, Angelique Boisseau, Keira Burridge, Braiden Bylo, Lewis Calder, Xavier arneau-Roughan, Destiny Harema ,Angus Holland, Tutolu Manumalo, Jack Marshall-Young, Ethan’Neill, Cooper Rodden, Jayme Scott, Brianna Stanners, Anahera Tahere, Finn Tomlinson, Chance Trotter, Daniel Vaotangi, Matthew Watene (Graham), Lola Wech, Jane Wilcock
Jack Anderson, Ruby Bagby, Alex Bindon, Ruby Corry, Zac Crawford, Jasmine Eriksen, Sapphire Harema, Billy-James Hemana-Dawson, Billie Hoggard, Celidena Li, Lara McKenzie, Kate Niccolls, Katy North, Callum’Neill, Joshua Ockleston, Eli Paddison, Ethan Rebenschied, Mikayla Rogers, Dylan Schedewy, Stella Stanley-Hunt, Neve Thornicroft, Lukas Vikstrand, Rachel Wardle, Hayden White, Sky Wongchuen
Jesse Attwood, Yasmin Bishop, Maddi Brooker, Aidan Burridge, Charlie Cheeseman, Bo Corry, Eva Glavish, Oliver Graham, Charlotte Hamer, Tama Hawken, Leo Holder, Zac Lewis, Brody Ludolph, Briannagh Lynch, Kevin McNeil, Callum McNeil, Harrison Pitt, Roman Randle, Ren Shoji, Paige Stone, Emma Stretch, Ariana Toi, Pale Vaotangi, Cody Wech, Caleb Wigman,Samantha WilliamsRobson
Hayley Adamson, Izzy Ashe, Daniel Bagby, Jacob Bindon, Alice Brooker, Aspen Burridge, Tuhirangi Dawson, Sophie Gradwell, Kyla Harema, Joshua Hastings, Oskar Kleinsorge, Alfie Lewis, Jessica Love, Teimaalaima Manumalo, Haruka Matsuo, Isaac Merton, Rhys Niccolls, Rebekah Nicholls, Noah ‘Malley, Riley’Neill, Justine Quintal, Tegan Richards, Leah Sainty, Salesi Vaotangi, Jamey Whitcher, Nicole White, Patrick Whittley-Pegg
Esther Aruch, Gus Berger, Danny Blank, Cristina Costa Leversha, Kyle Cree, Riley Deans, Breeze Donaldson, Andre Farnell, Jackson Gradwell,Lani Hemana, Cody Keoghan, Caitlin Love, Alix McIntosh, Jowan Nute, Lassaragh Rooney, Riley Smith, Briana Stemp, Marchant Thornicroft, Harrison Walker, Shara Waugh, Daniel White, Saskia Wigman, Sandra Wilcock, Gary Zhou
Jade Bickerton, Lucy Butler, Maia Collins Bowman, Dion Corry, Jackson Crawford, Tevalega Feleti, Taylah Ferris, Tabitha leeson, Noah Hallam, Cade Hansen, Sean James-Johns, Eunete Kiataake, Dre Knight, Jenna Martin, Sam McNeil, Emma North, Fin Paddison, Jonathan Richards, Bridie Sattler, Brooke Stafford, Mitchell Sterling, Shane Stone, Abiatara Tepulolo, Asini Thilakarathna
ONE TO REMEMBER 2017 has been another ripper of a year for Green House! Packed full of fun times and good vibes, and many intense Interhouse events getting us all sweating. James Baker, Sommer Bell, Benjamin Bliss, Svenja Bulheller, Terrayne Collins-Maginley, Willow Courtenay, Grifin Crawford, Joel Glavish, Zale Godfrey, Rosa Keskic, Sakura Ludolph, Ava Manumalo, Alice Marshall-Young, Heather Niccolls, Thomas Ockleston, Paige Paddison, Fleur Pancoust, Harrison Sterling, Jessie Stone, Liam Tomlinson, Lineni Vaotangi, Cameron Walters,Dylan Wech, Maddison Wech, Erin Whittley-Pegg
You’ve all been working hard, shown through winning 4 out of 7 events so far, and we’re incredibly proud. There have been a few times our House has felt like the boy who fell out of a tree; we just weren't in it, but in the end the mighty Green would always pull through. I guess we’ve gotta give the other Houses a taste of winning. The proverbial icing on this cake of a year for us would have to be winning the Haka Competition, you all showed a level of mana that was completely unopposed. We couldn't have had such a fun year if it wasn't for each and everyone of you, the most raucous and excitable bunch. No House beat us in heart and numbers come game day - like seagulls to chips. We came into this year with a legacy to uphold and in 2017 Green House has smashed it out of the park. We can see the line now, just gotta pin our ears back and hopefully end up bagging the trophy in the end. Jacob and Shara
Summer Alcock, James Barry, Malie Biremon, Jess Borg, Skye Collins-Maginley, Kristel Davies, Luke Dryland, Lapi Feleti, Polly Games, Tobi Higginson, Kenzie Jackson, Daniel Love, Robbie McFarlane, Keighly McNeil, Dylan Miche,l Jason Paddison, Keryn Peddle, Grace Richards, Kaia Stafford, Anthony Tahere, Finian Taylor, Willa Thompson-Ahern, Ryan Wech, Ruby-Rose Whitcher, Millie Worsfol
Beeba Amuera, Calvin Boshoff, Flynn Calder, Noah Clayton-Macintyre, TJ Farr, Caprice Gifford, Capri sh Gadfrey, Lewis Guld, Lily Groenhart, Eli Hallam, Chrysanthe Hawken, Benjamin Holland, Lynita Holloway, Connor Michel, Kane ldham, Taryn Peddle, Cole Phillips, Eva Rebenschied, Kayde Schedewy, Sophie Stretch, Nikoya Tahere, Sara Taylor, Blake Toi, Andrew Trotter Oliver WhittleyPegg, Chelsea Wilson
qual e t 25
Orange House 1
Rene Adams, Dante Adams, Kirrah-Lea Armstrong, Talia Bentley, Caleb Brown, Ashley Came, Ty Connolly, Isobelle Ferreira, Troy Healey, Scarlett Hughes, Carl Knutson, Richard Lim, Gina Mazzon, Declan Middleton, Billy O’Reilly, Anna Pallister, Ethan Reif,f Tioti Robertson, Logan Ross, Oliver Shandilya, Lara Sutton, Uriel Teo, Reiwai Travan, George Williams-Mart
2 2
Cody Allison, Aborina Arawatau, Caleb Beardsley, Chloe Billington, Jedd Blennerhassett, Cortney Broadhurst-Phillips, Jayden Earley, Jackson Gravatt, Teneale Guy, Thea Henderson, Jared Lambert, Caoimhe Lane, Danika McKenzie, Jackson O’Reilly, Harrison-Michaelene-Bavastro, Cleo Penman, Myerl Phillips, Lakshmi Ranju, Tan Robertson, Zach Smith, Kayla Sutton, John Taylor, Lucian Teo, Louie Tickle, Ewan Waddell, Moana Williamson
Francesca Bennett, Carla Brandenburg, Mackenzie Butler, Flynn Christian, Yonna Clist, Lizara Cuthell, Stephanie Earley, Brooklyn Fraider, Lewis Gravatt, Jordan Heron, Isabel Hobson, Hannah MacLachlan, Storm Mckenzie, Siena McKenzie - Smith, Maxwell Meale, Ryan Membery, Isaac Munro, William Paterson, Danielle Phillips, Austin Puckett, Holly Ross, Allyson Sheffield, Anna Sollitt, Cole Sussock ,Hutch Teina,Alec Webb, Max Young
Oliver Adams, Meredyth Bailey, Anais Bentley, Curran Blanchette-Burton, Sarah Boundy, Jack Bremner, Jessie Chapman, Connor Crisp, Cole Davis, Kyle Fireson, Ruby Geurts, Charlotte Greenwood, Amber He, Aya Horie, Lexx Meale, Jared Membery, Violetta Paprotskaya, Jaykelon Parker, Benjamin Paterson, Alexie Smith, Regan Swensson, Yash Topiwala, Rebecca Twhigg, Willow Whitham, David Wolfenden
Keegan Ayers, Stella Birch, Max Boundy, Sophie Boyle, Ava Bravenboer, Candice Brewer, Nathan Butler, Joshua Clarkson, Eden Connolly, Billy Holman, Dana Huisman, Danielle Johanson, Erin Lane, Jack Merton-McCafferty, Jessica Mitchell,Samuel Munro, Ryan’Connor, Rupert Power, Jamie Spence, Cory Stubbs, Juliette Twhigg, James Webb, Nikki Wood, Tomoya Yamasaki
Monty Anderson, Nartis Brennan, Phoenix Burke, Grady Collis, Savanna Conradie, Alex Craig, Cadence Davis, Emerson Fraider, Ethan Grice, Olivia Hamilton,Camille Harris, Natsumi Hashimoto, William Healey, Sophie Joblin, Ocean Morrison, Gemma Norton, Charles Pallister, Connor Passingham, Safia Price, Raphael Staddon-Ward, James Strude, Kayleigh Stubbs, Ethan Whitham, Eloise Mart
Abrahao Amorim, Poppy Billington, Ashlie Bissett, Oscar Bond, Flynn Burke, Charlotte Cassidy, Bowen Clist, Quinn Collings, Cameron Davey, Libby Elstone, Estelle Fontaine, Rizza Gracio, Zachariah Gray, Josephine Greenwood, Nick Healey, Nathan Heron, Harri Mills, Elijah Newey, Boedi Parker, Alex Paule, Anna Reiff, Kaitati Robertson,Tom Robson, Tangitang Takabwebwe, Sophia Torresan, Ritang Tumoa, Dan Wenzlick, Jack Young
BEING A PART OF ORANGE HOUSE family throughout our school lives has been an absolute highlight. We have thoroughly enjoyed the time spent at Mahurangi College, being a part of a Whanau has really improved the social environment here at school. Orange House has been well known for our incredible enthusiasm and this year has been no exception! Kids young and old could always be counted on to turn up to all of the events with amazing passion and allow so many of us to have so much fun! We want to thank all of the Whanau Teachers and Mrs Rhodes for all of their hard work and encouragement this year, we couldn't be the positive and enjoyable Orange House without them.
Letia Arawatau, Sam Ashton, Hoani Birch, Petra Blanchette-Burton, Kody Bolstad, Dean Brewer, Leticia Brown, Shakiya Davy, Rebecca Dobson, Vanessa Healey, Liam Jensen, Koki Kudo, Taegyn Lambert, Noah Magnusson, Kelly McKnight, Holly Olsen, Zoe Spence, Lyall Sutton, Maya Tarran,t Guy van Egmond, Malakhai Verdonk, Cameron Waddell, Toby Webb, Kyal Wells, Jade Wood
Best of luck with your future endeavours Lots of Love Anna & Max
Cormac Blennerhassett, Lauren Brebner-Fox ,Charlie Budgen, Jared Came, Sila Colman, Luca Cornege-Kjaer, Jayden Gatherer,Aimee Goddard, Regan Grice, Reefe Hale,Anna Hanley, Shannon Harris, Sahara Hawili, Matthew Healey, Megan Maclachlan, Jamie Noyer, Charlotte’O’connor, Fletch Ostling, Catherine Paterson, Catalina Porter, Kaea Puhi, Tionee Robertson, Rudy Skilton, Brayden Strong, Elena Torresan, Samuel Twhigg
We want to leave you with one last message, you may hear this every year, but take every opportunity that comes to you while you are here! EVERY amazing memory we have had while being here has involved doing something that is outside of the curriculum, sports teams, house leaders, house events, and school shows, these are among some of the greatest experiences of our lives. You hear it all the time but your time is SO short here! Honestly make the most of it!
Place 27
Purple House 1
Dali Allen, Coco Bone, Ryan Broughton-Johnson, Sophia Brown, Marcus Brummel, Jack Campbell, Megan Darch, Indiana Durrant, Sam Garratt, Anakin Harris, Riley Hathaway, Imiy Hayward, Blake Ion, Caitlin Johnson, Taiga Koike, Lily Marcroft Anderson, Caitlin Mitchell, Liam Monadjem, Christopher Moon, Sean Nicholson, Reed Pitcher, Madison Pullar, Rikuto Suzuki, Gabriel Tahitahi, Zali Taylor, Dayne Tohu, Satoru Usui, Abbie Wade, Jack Willis.
Jethro Allen, Eric Beenata, Billie Blair, Beau Bone, Luke Brown, Moana Courtenay, Jerome Cunningham, Tegan Davies, Jamie Farrell, Phoebe McCraken, James Miller, Mia Morrison, Seth Olive, Grace Oliver, Hannah Perkins, Josh Perkinson, Izzy Rhodes, Logan Scarth, Jaden Shaw, Logan Smith, Sinead Spurr, Teato Tebutokai, Will Turner, Harley Wade, Fayte Woodcock
Broady Amiss, Rebecca Boyce, Dominic Courtenay, Emmy Cowan, Victor Dodiarto, Reuben Evans, Triniti Goffin, Roman Hardie-Lyne, Bayley Hudson, Christian Mason, Cameron McCracken, Lexie McGillivray, Jack Morgan, Ruby Oliver, Priyal Patel, Matte Perrin, Chad Pollen, Abby Sceats, Jack Sowten, Korotaake Tebutokai, Grace Thompson, Jordan Vegar, Carrie Wooller
Liam Anderson, Codey Belsham-Partridge ,Aranga Brown, Brady Coleman, Coco Dowling, Gala Emmerton, Sam Farrell, Calista Goffin, Tahlia Graham, Sean Greene, Ambrosia Hardie, Blake Heaven, Charlie Iversen, HyeBin Jung, Damian Monadjem, Sara Newcomb, Perry Pitcher, Caitlin Rouse, Paula Schwahofer, Jayden Smith, Edward Suckling, Thomas Vegar, Sean Willcox, Tamatea Winiana
Maria Dodiarto, Kupe Emmerton, Cathan Guildord,Odessa Hardie-Lyne, Tolstoy Hardie, John Haurua, Elena Hawes, Mitchell Heaven, Olivia Jones, Zoe Knapp Spens-Black, Geoffrey Larsen, Benjamin Lawton, Asha Liberts, Sophia Murray, Rebecca Parkinson, Riley Popham, Ravinta Raikaon, Annabelle Robertson, Sarah Ruestow, Murdoch Rutherford, Fletcher Sceats, Declan Shaw, Liam Spurr, Theo Steens, Nathaniel Vernadakis, Mariana Winiana
Ella Anderson, Jamie Cameron, Robbie Ennis, Morgan Griffin, Caspian Hardie, Luke Hawes, Carmen Jury, James Kumerich, Izaak Lees, Jordan Liberts, Nicholas Lowdon, Chloe Macfarlane, Peter McHale, Annabel Milburn, Alister Mortensen, Nina Robertson, Athena Rodd, Ruby Taylor, Paris Toomey, Michelle Trotter, Jessica Walker, Oliver Warden, Molly Willis
3 IT'S BEEN A CRACKER OF A YEAR!!! We've loved spending every minute with all you snazzy purpletonians. A massive thank you to every single one of you who have been involved and participated in Interhouse events this year, you all deserve a massive pat on the back - you've done Purple proud!!
Martin Bernabe, Alisha Campbell, Abby Charlton, Tehina Courtenay, Cicely Driver, Joel Evans, Melissa Hart, Riley James, Kotua Kotua, Jade Matheson, Bella McCormick, Andrew Miller, Davey Newcomb, Zaria Newrick, Makayla Paganini, Heather Pearson, Lizzy Perkins, Danie Perkinson, Heath Rigby, Alex Rouse, Jayden Shrubb, Maia Smith, Bwaroko Tebutokai, Stephanie Walsh, Devon Warden
Also a big thank you to Mr McLagan who's spent his ďŹ rst year at Mahu jumping straight in as House Dean. He picked up the reins pretty quick and has led Purple House to one of our best years yet! He's done a wonderful job as house dean, and been an amazing mentor to all us Purple kids! We'd just like to say another thank you to all the super rad Whanau Reps of 2017- you guys have been pretty grape (hehe)! And to the Purple House leaders of 2018, we wish you the best of luck, you're in for a goodie!! Good luck to you all for the rest of your time at school, keep up the purple pride!!! Your fav Tellytubbys, Carrie and Bayley XXX
Helena Anderson, Zane Canter, Zoe Gabriel, Charkana Green-McLeod, Accalia Guilford, Barnaby Hayward, Aimee Hewett, Katerina Hoffmann, Indy Jackson, Jean Letoa, Bailey Mason, Rani Mason, Jess McCormick, Zachary Morrison, Jacob O’Flaherty, Aaron Pearson, Katie Rhodes, Stacy Roberts, Anne Santos, Kadyn Sinclair-Underwood, Bayley Webb, Eleni Webber, Matthew Wilmot
Asher Beagley-Stee,l Hannah Bernstein, George Bogue, Kelsey Broughton-Johnson, Texas Dowling, Dennis Garrat,t Samantha Hall, Beatrix Hardie-Lyne, Dylan Hathaway, Ruby Hayward, David Kira, Harriet Law, Cuba Leef, Xarie Manwaring, Molly Marshall, Max Mason, Annabelle McKenzie, Gretel Michels, Liam Pollen, Michael Pushenko, Nik Redwood, Jamie-Lee Roberts, Callum Rouse, Kyron Smith
qual e t 29
Callum Alexander, Diondre Anderson, Nathan Barber, Robin-Lee Brummer, Brody Buer, Mackenzie Buick, Brianna Cadwallader, Annalise Dawson, Jade Fussell, Dale Garlick, Sarah Goodhue, Jade Gregory, Gemma Harris, Vincent Howell, Quinn Jacob, Cameron Keats, Jean Keet, Davina Leafa, Jacob Mathers, Gracie Maeickett, Flynn Powell, Jethro Saleupolu, Logan Sykes, Samuel Thompson, Solomon Waterhouse, Eva Wilkinson
Keetan Anderson, Ethan Bayer, Jessica Benwell, Ademe Breedt, Amelia Burton, Jak Carden, Zac Cooper, Louise Daum, Hannah Dick, Kyle Goodhue, Jaymee Hoddle, Bethany Hudson, Oliver Johnson, Blake Lambert, Helen Ly, Flynn Medland, Sigi Merrick, Quinn Morley, Malina Oliver, Zach Pickett, Sam Poolman, Kaitlyn Repia, Jeremiah Saleupolu, Kye Williamson, Jessica Young
Len Donnell, Niqisha Epiha, Eliza Eyre, Emma Foote, Tristan Frandsen, Callum Hall, Siu Hepoto, Isla Holt, Josiah Joyce, Jessica Macgillivray, Corban Martin, Nasia McLennan, Alex Medland, Hayley Nathan, Bronson Norton,Taj Oliver, Ronak Patel, Joe Rickwood, Aaron Skipper, Sebastian Smith, Liana Sykes, Jade Tomas, Courtney Vaissiere, Sapphire Vuletich, Mason Wenham, Tae Wyatt
Toubee Airam, Tekarara Airam, Sam Bayer, Ayesha Bhandari,Tula Brumby, Rowan Buick, Teitiata Bura, Samuel Burton, Ruby Gordon, Jack Hart, Rachael Hughes, Danielle Keats, George Knight, Taine Mahue, Antoinette Newbold, Malachi Osbourne, Indigo Parker, Renee Perris, Samuel Rickwood, Anna Schollum, Andy Schollum, Maria Shimosaka, Srey Lang Sok, Olivia Stevenson, Yuki Tateishi, Naumi Teinabo, Alix Tobin, Ella Tunnard, Kayla Wenham
Kade Banks, Charl Brummer, Stella Clark, Alex Crabb-Chisholm, Faithe Crane-Lima, Seng Im Dann, Elyse Ettritch, Daniel Foote, Alexandra Gordon, Scott Hamilton, Ally Holt, Sarah Hughes, Alexia Humphries, Tom Hunter, Tyrin Lipsey-Maclean, Levi Maynard, Michaela McDonald, Jesse Medland, Kayla Olsen, Dylan Roberts, Lucas Smith, Ysabella Stevenson, Nathan Strong, Scott van Bakel, Lachie Williams, Lydia Wyatt
Mats Beckmann, Samuel Chitty, Tui Collier, Kiara Coulthard, Dontaye Davis, Zac Geary, Joshua Giles, Ashley Houniet, Thomas Hutchinson, Finley Lawlor-Mendez, Alisha McLennan, Jessica McNaughten, Scott Monteith, Taylah Neale, Jaden Olsen, Maddison Pittard, Liam Price, Oscar Reid-Thompson, Nicholas Schollum, Jamie Sinclair, Carey Skinner, Tobey Sykes, Isabella Titcomb, Eli Waterhouse, Masatooshikoshi
Fabia Baitella, Filippa Baldvinsson, Sam Banks, Jayden Barber, Titera Bura, Samuel Cadwallader, Daniel Cameron, Marney Edwards, Abby Ettritch, Charlie Eyre, Bianca Frandsen, Darcy Garner, Tayla Glover, Alicia Graham, Brenton Holdsworth, Jonathan Keet, Sammie Le Bas, Dalton Lord, Ashton Macintyre, Cole Mathers, Briar Minson, Bianca Moore, Anthony Ngakuru, Keyarajapati, Alla-Joye Reeves, Daman Roberts, Trinity Sylva-Popham, Malia Tomas, Liam Wewege
THIS YEAR HAS BEEN AN EXPERIENCE and a half for both of us. We are so privleged to have been given the opportunity to lead Red House! We have enjoyed every moment from the highs to the lows. Keeping our spirits high as a house and encouraging and supporting each other, as we work together. It is amazing how much family vibes that can come from one House. Boy have we loved it. We were always ‘in it to win it’ but at the end of the day we can truly say that we had FUN! Who would have thought that in our last year, that both of us would make so many new friends and unforgettable memories with so many people! We are getting closer to the hardest part of the year as House Leaders, the passing on of the Red House badges to the future leaders of 2018. We know for sure that next year’s leaders will be amazing and hope they share the same experiences we have. Finally a massive thank you to Mr Howson and all the support that he gave us and the House. Best of luck to all of the Red House leavers of 2017! Much love from both of us, Zach and Olivia.
Kimberley Allen, Reuben Benwell, Kyle Campbell, Joseph Chisholm, Abergail Coleman, Ioanna Corrie, Sam Darby, Jacob Garner, Jesse Gregory, Elizabeth Hepoto, Abby Higgins, Pippa Hutchinson, Zara Innes, Emma James, Maddison Jane-Rashleigh, Drew Janssen, Kahn Lawrie, Anthony Moore, Phoenix Newbold, Taylor Perris, Christian Poland, De-Ja Stewart, Hamish Tanner, Claire WerneckDavison, Alice Williams
James Barnett, Kaspa Edmonds, Olivia Freestone, Rose Gerard, Riley Gibbs, Yazmin Gillespie, Luke Gray, Bella-Lucia Griffin, Olivia Hay, Luke Hitchcock, Grace Jamieson, Summer JaneRashleigh, Marty Johnston, Nicholas Kent, Jamison Lawrence, Ranelle Le Bas, Kian Marsh-Goudie, Finn Massey, Tamzyn-Rose Mcenaney, Kororia Murray, Karloland, Rosaleigh Roberts, Louisa Vaissiere, Elisha Wyatt
Place 31
Yellow House 2
Jamie Bassett, Barabei Baukie, Georgia Bowden, Charlotte Bradshaw, Marlan Dewage, Trent Eagle, Ella Gibb, Portia Goldsbury, Carlin Greenwood, Adriana Harant, Kaea Heke, Alex Hunt, Tutana Hurbert, Madeline Martin, Jared Mcdonnell, Levi McGlynn, Momi Nawaia, Theo Neumann, Matthew North, Cory Palmer, Holly Ripley, Angel Sturm, Toby Swann-Mckay, KhyZa Tatira, Grace Whiting
Caleb Atkins, Seb Bailey, Taliea Burdett-Rhodes, Julia Caulfield ,Sasha Curin,George D'UrbanBurgess, Aaron Heald, Jack Hewitt, Lizzie Houston, Eden Hunt, Genevieve Jensen,Luke Mackinnon, Caleb McGlynn, Malia McLellan, Ben McMurtrie, Bella Moore, Draco Pareta, Samara Paxton-Penman, Connor Proffitt, Luka Rissman, Emy Roberts, Jack Rodgers, Carla Sanders
Elena Cooper, Naia Doak, Liam Donoghue, Marlon Fa'ale, Zac Farmiloe, Saffy Flaherty, Michael Franckin, Alyssa Gore, Michael Gregson, Maria Hardy, Logan Jones, Joseph Kearns, Bianca Millar, Stella Mirfin, Stephanie Owen, Emily Patterson, Linita Rataro, Dominic Scalabrini, Xanthe Scandrett Teue Sika Tulua, Carissa Smith, Brenna Sullivan, Serge Sweeney, Cam Taylor, Satomi Yanagawa
Katie Blyth, Nick Cooper, Daniel D'Urban-Burgess, Rose Dugdale-Martin, Leroy Eru, Cayle Farmiloe, Katy Gothard, Ethan Heald, Emily Mahady, Jayden Mather, Nina Mirfin, Rosie Muirhead, Tonga Nawaia, Kate Powell, Daniel Russell, Bethany Sanders, Rhianna Schedewy, Dillon Smith, Poppy Stenbeck, Nicolas Sturm, Shenaye Sullivan, Jessica Telfer, River Usmar, Emma Veer, Harrison Watts
Logan Aitken, Olas Barreras, Aleicha Burdett-Rhodes, Intuane Fa'ale, David Georgetti, Megan Heald, Sara Jones, Paige Jones, Reuben Jordan, Atangibuti Kamarie, Zahli Lethbridge, Sophie Mahady, Alex Max, James McMurtrie, Morgen Meredith, Brooke Mirfin, Danika Morris, Caleb Ripley, Tahjai Ryder, Rayner Sandford, Saffron Schedewy-Johnson, Kiki Shalley, Kahn Thompson, Jozef Ujdur, Freedom Walsh
Chloe Bailey, Joshua Burgess, Khadija Clarke, Dayna Edwards, Ana Fine, Matthew Eorgetti, Frazer Rant, Rhys Jones, Davina Jones, Leilani Jones, Kieran Kearns, Grace Lewis, Samara Melling, Luci Millar, Claudia Munro-Boga, Lockie O'Neill, Jess Pallmer, Thomas Peacock, Aleksandar Rex, Alexander Rutherford, Harry Sharpe, Jodie Shaw, Tiri Soppet, Boata Taboia, Mitchell Whale
3 WOW! THIS YEAR HAS BEEN a bit of a rollercoaster for Yellow, but we have loved the ride. We started off with the year with Swimming which was a huge success, second place was awesome! This event honestly continues to be one of the favorites… Every year it is such a blast, and this year was no different. It is always fantastic to see so many people dressed in yellow, yelling as much as possible. Gemma Ashton, Sachin Austin, Jonathan Bassett, Otetika Baukie, Ben Blair, Kartini Clarke, Jenna Farrell, Santana Fletcher, Reuben Hood, Michael Hubbard, Neleta Lanyon, Thomas MulockHouwer, Bianca Munro, Brennan Nicholls, Nation Pareta, Hanna Howell, Evodia Rataro, Ethan Scalabrini, Summer Sweeney, Samuel Telfer, Flynn Van Gemmert, Anna Veer, Satsuki Watanabe, Jasmine Whale
Next up was Interhouse Athletics where we may not have placed quite as well as we did in Swimming but seeing the amount of effort you guys put in as a house was all we could ask for! Not to mention, this is another one of the events where we absolutely see some of the best costumes. While these events were our personal standouts this year, doing all of the other Interhouse events have been a blast - Haka, Turbo Touch… Basketball.... Futsal.. And everything else in between! We could not have got through this year without the participation of you all as a house, and a massive shout-out to those familiar faces that we saw at as many of the events as they could go to. We may not have placed as well as we wanted this year, but we had heaps of fun doing it! We wish all of our luck onto Yellow in 2018, and are expecting big things! Beth and Ben
Jake Baldwin, Charlotte Bowden, Daisy Flavell, Matty Flavell, Tenaija Fletcher, Lucy Re, Eva Harvey, Portia Houston, Briana Julian, Jack Lanyon, Levi Lonsdale, Ben MacKinnon, Nuhaka Maitai, Emily Martin, Kaitlyn Monti-Ellery, Kaleigh Morris, Lyndon Morris, Nicholas MulockHouwer, Tekaretaake Nawaia, Zambia Neely, Ben Owell, Shunichi Suetsugu, Anjelina Ujdur, Patric Korke
Trinity Beardmore, Zhanie Burdett-Rhodes, Jamie Dalzell, William Green, Case Green, Tamsin Greenwood, Jonathan Gregson, Aniwa Heke, Rachel Hubbard, Leah Jones, Eunice Lanyon, Jordan Lonsdale, Patrick Mackinnon, Tristan Melling, Mia Mills, Addison Morris, Deja Pareta, Anna Pashley, Seb Pearce, Takimoana Phillips, Nadia Schedewy, Kyuss Scott, Ren Shannon, Fletcher Shaw, Ashton Werner
Place 33
Interhouse Swimming GREEN HOUSE WIN Congratulations to Green House on winning the Mahurangi College Interhouse Swimming 2017. After nearly being postponed due to the weather, it turned out to be a good day. Well done to everyone who attended and a big thank you to all of the students and teachers who ran the event!
Interhouse Athletics
Another great Interhouse Athletics was held in March. All the students joined into the event enthusiastically with Purple coming out the eventual winners in a close tussle with Blue House. Orange came next followed by Yellow, Green, Red. Well done everyone. Thanks to all the prefects for organising everything. Best dressed overall was Mr Bostock with a glittery blue beard. Rose and Olivia as watermelons deserve special mention.
Interhouse Haka GREEN HOUSE WIN The Haka competition was an intensely fought battle by all 6 houses with all presentations of a high standard. The judges awarded the top prize for 2017 to Green House, followed by Blue and then Purple Houses. The senior pupils performed their Haka and after the awarding of the prize, Green performed their Haka again with all the other houses joining in to produce a stirring sound to close out another great afternoon's House competition in brilliant sunshine after the gloomy weather of the past week.
Interhouse Turbo Touch
GREEN HOUSE WIN Turbo Touch - a new highly popular sport was introduced to the Interhouse competitions this term. It was a fun, fast paced, exciting game, played in both gyms over three lunchtimes in Term 2. Congratulations to Green House for taking out the title.
Interhouse Artrt Challenge PURPLE HOUSE WINS
The Interhouse Art Challenge this year was in the form of 3D street art, with chalk as the medium. Houses were able to pre plan and design their work prior to the day, on which they were judged for the best replication and 3D effect. Congratulations to Junior winners, Red House (Rubrik's Cube) and Senior winners Purple House (Gruffalo).
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Interhouse Futsal
ORANGE HOUSE WIN. Interhouse Futsal was a new inclusion this year to the Interhouse activities and it was tightly contested across all year groups. Some great talent was showcased with classy footwork and ball skills. Congratulations to Orange for taking out the maximum points. Purple were close behind, followed by Green, Blue, Yellow then Red.
During Week 4, over 200 students stayed a night at Moirs Point Christian Centre in Mangawhai; but not all at once! Two classes at a time spent two days there enjoying a mixture of fun activities on day one, followed by a beach trip on the second day. Activities included kayaking, archery, an amazingly long waterslide and an exhilarating ying fox. The sun shone, the sunscreen was applied liberally and hungry tummies were filled with lasagne, ice-cream and a hearty breakfast. Amid the screams of delight, students learnt about teamwork, resilience, friendship and even table manners. After dark everyone followed the Burma Trail through the trees and the screams could be heard in Wellsford! At the beach a team of Surf Lifesavers taught them about rips, water safety and rescue techniques. The Lifesavers and the big waves combined to provide lots of thrills and laughs. None of this could have happened without the fantastic help of parents who gave up their time to volunteer enthusiastically and muck in with whatever needed doing. It is rumoured that parents and staff had even more fun in the sea than the children but this is emphatically denied by all concerned! Peter Ennis
OUR ANNUAL YEAR 8 CAMP to Tawharanui coincided with a weather bomb, causing an evacuation of four classes, and a cancellation for the rest of our Year 8 students. Despite the dramatic end, our Year 8’s had a great time, with the wet weather seemingly adding to their enjoyment. Photos Karen Grice.
Karangahake Gorge
163 YEAR 9 STUDENTS, 25 year 12 students, 25 staff and 20 parents took part in an epic week of adventures in the beautiful Karangahake Gorge, Dickey Flats Adventure Camp just outside of Waihi.There was sunshine, laughter, adventures, camping, cooking, mud, sweat and even a few tears. The test of spending a full week in the outdoors taking part in challenging outdoor activities left many students feeling exhausted but exhilarated and extremely proud at the same time. We took part in many activities from abseiling, bush craft and
bivouacking to tramping and rafting. The outdoor adventure offers a real 'kiwi camping' experience with everyone camping in tents and cooking their own meals. This year the weather was kind to us for the beginning of the week with only a few showers and drizzle later in the week. However this did not slow us down and activities took place as planned. Organiser Ms Christina Merrick, believes the camp builds character and resilience at a time in the students lives when they need to learn how far they can push themselves. The learning opportunities on this camp are endless.
Great Barrier Island Perfect weather for Year 13 camp
THE SCHOOL YEAR STARTED EARLY for 82 Year 13 students, 7 teachers and 13 parents. From early Sunday 29th January, through till late Thursday 2nd February, the group was lost in the remote wilds of Great Barrier Island. The group was split into five parties and each tramped through a series of tracks to campsites in the northern part of the island. We had five days of perfect weather, which made for hard and fast going. It meant the highlight of each day was arriving at each campsite late afternoon, and heading straight for the beach, river or pool to cool down and wash off the day’s grime and sweat. Organising a feed and your campsite became the next priority – with plenty of socialising in between. Although the schedule is punishing both physically and
mentally, young bodies are quick to recover and once settled into a campsite games of soccer, frisbee and touch rugby were soon underway, much to the amazement of the oldies, slumped under the shade of some tree. All groups had a rest day at the Claris Sports Club to undertake the ‘Peer Support’ programme under the guidance of Mrs Cath Johnston. These sessions not only helped bond the group but will also be put to good use helping induct the Year 7’s, as the programme is rolled out in Term 1. The group having passed the test with flying colours are now ready for the rigors of the school year ahead. Russell Stirling
Three Days in Rotovegas ON SUNDAY 28 MAY, the Level 1 Geography students headed to the Wairoa River to carry out their geographic research. They observed, measured and recorded a variety of data about the environments of the upper and middle courses of the river. Engaged and motivated, with smiles despite wet feet, the students showed their enthusiasm for learning outside the classroom.
geothermal area in Te Puia, Kuirau Park and Tarewa Road where residents houses are at risk, the students were able to think about how we manage geothermal activity in urban tourist areas.
Afterwards the group travelled to Rotorua to learn more about the geothermal environment and how it inuences tourism and the local people. With visits to the Whakarewarewa
A special thank you goes to Mr Blyth and Ms Moncrie who supported the students for the three days.
A quick ride on the gondola gave everyone a great view of the whole Rotorua environment and a chance to challenge each other to a race on the luge!
Tongariro National Park Problem solving and resilience to the rain were needed on the Level 2 Geo trip
FROM 22-25 MARCH 2017, the Level 2 Geography students headed to the Tongariro National Park to carry out their geographic research. After a long drive we arrived and went straight to Mt Ruapehu to get to grips with the equipment and data collection in this environment. Mr Callachan enthusiastically detailed the key characteristics of the volcanic landscape then each group observed, measured, took photos and sketched. Collaboration, problem solving, and resilience to the rain led to some excellent learning, and enthusiasm to get to our accommodation! We woke up the next day and had breakfast at 6.30am. This was the day we were to walk the Tongariro Crossing. A 19 km walk from the Mangatepopo Valley to the Ketetahi Springs taking in Mt Ngauruhoe, the Red Crater and the Emerald Lakes. We needed to eat, pack and get started. The weather was incredible, clear blue skies and no rain. We got started, excited and nervous. The walk was challenging in parts, but there were plenty of photo and food stops to rest and soak up the views in this other-worldly place. We saw how glaciation, volcanic
processes and tourism can all shape an environment. We learnt to keep going up the Devil’s Staircase, how to survive a scree slope and how amazing it felt to complete this challenge. The next day was a day to collect more data for the research projects. The Rangipo Desert and podocarp forest provided contrasting environments for us to think about why one location can develop so differently to another. We were more accurate and proficient collecting data and were confident we now had what we needed. So time to head back to our accommodation and get ready for dinner at the Chateau….. Going for dinner at Chateau Tongariro meant we could all get dressed up, take photos and celebrate our achievements. Mr Callachan even wore trousers! A great way to end a great trip. A huge thanks goes to Ms Jensen and our parent supporter Rob Earley. We had the dream team and without you these trips don’t happen!
Loverly A My Fair Lady Story
IN JUNE, LOVERLY, a My Fair Lady story, opened with a matinee performance for primary school students and senior citizens. After entertaining audiences during three matinees and three evening shows, our students celebrated their success with a well deserved weekend off. In Loverly, phonetics professor Henry Higgins attempts to transform a cockney working-class girl into a cultured member of high society. He selects Eliza Doolittle as his subject. Higgins and Eliza clash, then form an unlikely bond. The well known and beloved musical
has been sensitively updated by ex-pupil Lane (Mrs Pearce) also shone. The Ascot Mitchell Houlbrooke who also arranged Race Day costumes caused an audible the updated music for the show. gasp from delighted audiences. Although a team effort from well over 100 cast and crew members, standout performances were given by leads Eloise Mart (Eliza Doolittle) and Xavier GarneauRoughan (Henry Higgins). Both Eloise and Xavier shone with their beautiful, effortless singing, considerable acting ability and energy that lit up the whole stage.
Director, costume and set designer, Wendy Sutherland, had been working on the show in the background since the beginning of the year. “It has been a joy working with such a talented, dedicated group of young people. They brought such a high level of maturity and professionalism to the whole show process. Our students stole the show, both on and off stage. Despite the number of shows I have been privileged to be a part Jacob Bindon (Colonel Pickering), Zach of, this was one I won't ever forget.” Pickett (Alfred Doolittle) and Caoimhe
Yr 10 English Trip
MONDAY 28TH OF AUGUST, didn’t start as a normal school day, as around 200 Year 10 students headed off to Auckland on a Year 10 English writing trip. In groups of about 50, students travelled by bus to four exciting locations seeking inspiration and a writing stimulus.
The first group drove through Auckland to Mt. Wellington where they visited the bustling Sylvia Park. Here students were given independence and the chance to go off and do their own thing before they headed to a Buddhist temple in Silverdale. This offered them a day of contrast as students learnt about Buddhist culture and met many new and
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knowledgeable people.
The second group drove into central Auckland to visit an art gallery, arriving to find an amazing three story building. Indoors, students split up in groups of 10 to explore each area and there was something for everyone. After a relaxing morning admiring art, the group were allowed to roam Queen Street, explore Albert Park, check out the fashionable shops or fill their bellies. The third and fourth groups set out to do something a little more active. One headed to Jump and the other to Clip‘n’Climb,
both located on Auckland’s North Shore. These exciting places of play saw students step out of their comfort zones while, at the same time, having lots of fun and overcoming their fears. At Jump people showed off with their amazing flips and tricks, while at Clip‘n’Climb they were provided with a large number of different climbing walls to test all abilities. All of these trips provided the Year 10's with many different personal experiences to write about. It could have been the chatter filled bus ride, the view on the way to the venue, the amazing sights, the experience of new cultures or the adrenaline pumping activities that got our creative juices flowing. It sure was the longest English lesson I’ve ever had, but it was also the best! Lelani Jones, Year 10 student
Junior Disco
THIS YEAR OUR WONDERFUL House Leaders organised a social for the Year 7-10 students. After having to cancel one last year they were pleasantly surprised to have a huge number attend. More than 200 danced the night away while Noah worked the turntables. The photo booth was popular and the tuckshop did a roaring trade. Thank you to those who came along and to the House Leaders who decorated the hall, sold the tickets and supervised the evening with the House Deans and Senior Management. Ben Howson
Powerchair Football SANDRA WILCOCK PLAYS Wheelchair Football for the North Auckland Powerchair Football Club and was selected, for one of two teams from New Zealand, to play in the Australian National Championship held in Sydney. The APFA 2017 MK Battery National Championship was held over 6 days, from the 14th of October, in Sydney at the Kevin Betts Wheelchair Sports NSW Stadium in Mt Druitt. From the two New Zealand teams, one team was then picked to play in the Ditch Cup, which is a three game international challenge between New Zealand and Australia. Sandra was thrilled to be selected to play for one of the two New Zealand teams, invited to play in the Australian National Championships. Currently Sandra plays the game in her ‘all day power chair’ which does the job but would one day like to play in a specifically designed football sport chair. These chairs are very costly so Sandra will have to start fundraising so that she can hopefully have one for next year.
Transition THE LEVEL 2 TRANSITION class recently completed a two day leadership course. Day 1 involved some indoor team building exercises, discussion, theory and writing up the key aspects of developing one’s leadership. The second day involved a practical test of their leadership skills at the ‘Military Arts’ course at Matakana. The group was spilt into two groups who competed against each other over a military style obstacle course. All passed with flying colours, gaining some valuable level 2 NCEA credits plus having a ripper of a day. Russell Stirling
Heritage Week
Market Day MARKET DAY IS ALWAYS A popular event in the college calendar with this year being no exception. This year we decided to open up Market Day for our Year 10 enterprise students as well as our Year 11 and 12, who use this event as part of obtaining one of their NCEA internals. On the day there was a huge range of products on sale from clothing to churros. We
were also delighted to have parents come in and support the students. Many of the students sold out on the day, which made all the hard work that the students had put in with staff and parents all worthwhile. Speaking of worthwhile, we were also able to raise a sizeable donation from the day which was distributed to local charities.
Business Bootcamp TWO OF OUR STUDENT'S exceptional applications have won them a place at Massey Business Boot Camp.  In previous years Mahurangi College has automatically been given two places at the highly respected and valued Business Bootcamp run at Massey University. This year due to its huge success and interest, Massey decided to open up
applications to any school in New Zealand, with only 70 places being available. Students were selected by Massey based on the quality of their personal applications. What is absolutely fantastic is that two of our students were selected to attend the Bootcamp. Congratulations to both Jessie Porter and Aimee Hewett (left).
Summerset Visit THE RESIDENTS FROM Summerset Village visited Mahurangi College on 15th August. The guests went around various classes starting from Hospitality where they were served morning tea by the students, who were practicing what they are learning from Ms Hodder. Principal, Mr Macleod welcomed the residents, some of whom have had very strong connections with the school for a long time. Then a group went to Mr Stirling’s Year 10 Social Studies class and shared some very interesting and pertinent stories about NZ Government and politics in their days, which really succeeded in engaging and entertaining the students. Another group went to Ms Fredrickson Year 7 room and she had this to say "My class loved having the visitors and it was a great way to launch into our topic ‘NZ Heritage’. The visitors shared so much about how life in NZ has changed over the decades, especially in terms of technology and education etc. A wonderful experience for them all.”
happened. Mr Johnston and Mr Stewart showed them around their departments. This was followed by a visit to the Art department, where the top artwork from around the country was on display, along with the art of Mahurangi students. Residents of Summerset found some of the artwork intriguing and very different than what they were used to call as art. The swan song of the visit was aptly in the Music room with Ms Sutherland’s students. Eloise sang her heart out in her performance and later spoke eloquently about her experience at Mahurangi. The residents left with very fond memories of the visit and left the students with some great memories of themselves as well. Manish Tanna - Social Sciences
Two groups visited the International Department and the Graphics class and interacted with the teachers and students there. A lot of sharing between the tomorrows and the yesterdays
Mahu Bands ELENA COOPER AND RILEY POPHAM were chosen among the 20 finalists in the Play It Strange 'Who Loves Who' New Zealand music competition. The competition invites year 9 to 13 students to celebrate New Zealand music by recording their own unique and evocative interpretation of a New Zealand song. Both Elena and Riley will have their rendition of a classic Kiwi song featured on the Who Loves Who competition album. Elena chose to record Fast Times in Tahoe by Elemeno P and Riley, Expecting to Fly by the Headless Chickens. Congratulations to band LiveWire in gaining the most votes to take out the People's Choice Award during the Smokefree RockQuest Northland Regional Finals held last month. Unfortunately they did not make it through to National Finals, but we are very proud of their achievements.
Academic Academy
Photos courtesy of Mahurangi Matters
ON WEDNESDAY, 16 students from the Academic Academy had a full day in Auckland to challenge their thinking and problem solving skills with visits to The Mind Lab and Escapade. At The Mind Lab the students needed to think about urban sustainability and design a home for a small space. Ideas flowed about water recycling, wind generated power and vertical gardens. With the help of newly acquired skills on Sketchup their ideas developed into a 3D model. The 3D model and a virtual reality headset meant the students could walk around and explore their unique homes. A new experience for many. The students then went to Escapade. Escapade is about using observation, communication and problem solving skills to decode a set of clues and escape from a locked room in 60 minutes. The groups had different challenges and all made it out before the 60 minutes was up. One group with 30 seconds to go!. The day, according to the students was "brain teasingly enjoyable"and "the best trip I can remember".
Shave for a Cure
ON THE 30TH OF MAY, nine brave students and one teacher shaved their hair to raise money for Canteen. The students were Harrison-Michael PeneBavastro, Brahm Stables, Heather Pearson, Meredyth Bailey, Oscar Reid-Thompson, Josh Mcdonogh, Flynn Medland, Patrick Mackinnon, Jacob Bindin and Mr Waugh. On the day we had a surprise visit from an ex student Kieran Burgess (in honour of his father that sadly passed away from cancer). Keiran and his good friend Dominic Scalabrini shaved their hair as well. Our goal was $4000 and was raised from many fundraisers. Our overall total was $4075. Rose Gerard
Photo courtesy of
Mahurangi Matters
Performing Arts THE PERFORMING ARTS ACADEMY IS made up of a select group of the top performing artists at Mahurangi College. This program aims to help students grow as artists by providing them with opportunities that they might not have had otherwise.
performance to the residents of Totara Park Retirement Village. We will be sad to see many of our Year 13 members leave next year but are excited to see where their talent and experiences at Mahurangi take them in the future.
This year the students were able to attend workshops led by industry professionals such as Red Leap Theatre Company and Kirstie O’Sullivan (The Voice Practice).
Jonathan Dutton
Students enjoyed attending shows by local and international artists including “Tiki Taane Mahuta” and the intriguing physical theatre show “Horror”, by Dutch director Jakob Ahlbom. The real highlight of this year has been the performances that the students themselves have participated in, with many students performing lead roles in the school production. The Performing Arts Academy also put on its own shows including a lunchtime showcase based on the musical Lala Land, a solo showcase in Term 3 and a
DANCE HAS HAD AN EXCITING START this year at Mahu. Our first project of 2017 was the production, Loverly. A core group of dancers stitched the scenes of the story together with choreography, adding energy and extra colour to the show. The lunchtime Dance Club saw 40+ dancers coming together each Friday in Terms 3 and 4 to experience a range of dance styles. Each week we learnt a range of technique exercises and a short combo taught by Miss Woodfield, Jasmine Donaldson, or Cade Hansen. Jasmine and Cade also represented Mahurangi College at Stand Up Stand Out 2017, an inter-secondary schools dance competition held at the Otara Music and Arts Centre. They worked hard to choreograph a duet that was appreciated by the audience, and acknowledged as brave by the judges at the competition. In Term 3 auditions were held for the newly formed Momentum Dance
Company. There were many talented auditions, and after a very tough decision, 18 dancers were chosen to be in the company. Their debut performance was at the Cultural Blues Evening, in collaboration with the Combo Band.Auditions will be held again early next year for the company. Emily Woodfield
Our Baby Grand
ON THE EVENING OF TUESDAY May 2 the new grand piano had its first official playing. The students in the Year 10 Music option held their solo assessment evening in the foyer of the auditorium and there are a number of pianists in the class. So it was a very special occasion for all of us. The solo assessment evening contributes a significant number of credits to their academic record in Year 10 and it is fantastic that these students have such a beautiful instrument to use so early in their musical careers. Parents and caregivers who attended had the opportunity to see and hear the piano for the first time as well. The Music Department is extremely grateful for the funding that has made this all possible. Present and future students will all benefit from the use of the grand piano for many years to come. Evelyn Dashper
Harmony THE HARMONY GROUP HAS BEEN a part of my life since I was in Year 9. Back then I had no idea of the challenges and awesome experiences that this small group of singers would bring me over the next 5 years. The Harmony Group is a small group of talented singers who are looking to push themselves musically and have the opportunity to perform some beautiful sounding songs as a choir. Being in a choir like this teaches you not only excellent musical skills such as harmony, blending, and timbre but also life skills such as perseverance and teamwork. It taught me leadership when I stepped up last year to take the Harmony Group when our incredible teacher, Anna Leese, unfortunately, had to leave.
last 5 years. I’m so sad that I have to go but so excited for the next generation of ambitious singers to take the stage. Caoimhe Lane
Since then we’ve performed at various end of year prize givings and brought our expertise to the school show. I’ve learned so much from Harmony Group not just in the last year, but in the
Technology 2
4 HARD MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY Where hand crafting and design skills come together Here is just a small selection of the amazing creative work being done by our senior hard materials technology students. 1. Year 12 folding deck chairs 2. Austin Puckett’s Year 12 Project: Wooden sunglasses, stylish and sustainable. 3. Max Young races his teams electric vehicle at the EVolocity Schools Competition in Auckland 4. Year 11 skateboard project 5. Year 11 folding spectator chair project 6. EVolocity entry 7. Year 13 Design Technology Class with Mr. Drummond and the electric vehicles the class made for the EVolocity Schools Electric Vehicle Challenge held at UNITEC – they took home 8 of the 16 top awards.
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L2 DVC - DESIGN & VISUAL COMMUNICATION Level 2 Graphics were given a brief to design and create aesthetically suitable treehouses that could accommodate up to four guests. The design needed to include different features and elements to suit the chosen environment. 8. Theo Neumann - Bedside table lamp 9. Sam Ashton - Engineering 10. Mackenzie Buick - Tree house design 11. Kelsey Broughton-Johnson - Tree house design 12. Sabrina Yarndley - Tree house design working drawings 13. Claudia Munro - Lakeside Treehouse
Hospitality & Food Tech
AS WITH PREVIOUS YEARS, 2017 saw Hospitality students produce a wide range of exquisite meals, prepared and presented to the highest standard. These meals and finger foods have been the highlight of many school events, with students providing professional food service. Through this training, many students have learned the skills required to go on
to work and succeed in the New Zealand hospitality industry.
SEVERAL OF OUR Level 3 Hospitality classes underwent Barista training in our own commercial kitchen, complete with a full espresso training set-up. In addition to our own students, a class from Rodney College came down one day per week to take the L3 course.
In February, they were lucky enough to have Michael Tan, owner of Meebz Coffee in Milford in to demonstrate the fine art of milk frothing and producing a range of espresso beverages. The students have put their training to great use providing both students and staff with coffees and hot chocolates from our very own coffee store. Debbie Hodder
Textiles & Fashion Design
A GREAT YEAR FOR TEXTILES and fashion students! The Junior students created applique bags and mini monsters. Some students tried tie dyeing and learnt to sew a zip so they could create pencil cases from the fabric they designed.
Our International and SLC students produced several projects – from pencil cases and mini monsters to printed hoodies and skirts. They also designed and made applique curtains for our textile room.
Senior students went on some informative trips – Year 11 visited a local knitwear factory to see how the technology process is used in an industry environment. Year 12 students attended Whitecliffe College’s open day and had a tour of NZFashion Tech to learn about some of the tertiary courses available to them. Students have developed their technical and creative skills through a variety of projects, with Year 12 students producing
stunning garments inspired by a piece of art. Year 13 students visited AUT’s Textile and Design lab where they saw their own designs being digitally printed onto fabric. They developed these designs further and their final designs were printed onto a variety of fabrics which were used to create stunning outfits for our end of year Fashion Showcase. Gail Smith
These are the top placing writers in the Morris and James writing competition. These beautifully written short stories, poems and formal writing represent some of the top writing talent at Mahurangi College. Year 7 1st Place - Eva Glavish 2nd Place - Thomas Vegar 3rd Place - Raine Cassidy
Year 9 1st Place - Jessica McNaughten 2nd Place - Amie Tunnicliffe 3rd Place - Ava Berry
Senior Creative 1st Place - Sander Stam 2nd Place - Marney Edwards 3rd Place - Rosa Keskic
Year 8 1st Place - Hayden White 2nd Place - Eliza Eyre 3rd Place - Lucy Butler
Year 10 1st Place - Coco Bone 2nd Place - Reiwai Travan 3rd Place - Ryan Stam
Senior Academic 1st Place - Jackson Crawford 2nd Place - Rupert Power 3rd Place - Eva Rebenschied
Land Ahoy
by Eva Glavish - 1st place, Creative Writing, Year 7
6 October, 1769 "Land Ahoy! Land Ahoy!! Land Ahoy!!!" yells Young Nick from the crow's nest above. I scramble out of my cabin, step tentatively out onto the slippery wooden deck and deeply inhale the salty air. I whip out my telescope and pull it to my left eye. The boy was right! Glistening in the distance I could just make out the shape of what looks to be a little island. I look up and give Nick a wink as if to say 'congratulations, well done boy'. The crew gather round as 'The Endeavour' sails toward the little island. As we inch closer I realise that what I thought was an island is actually a headland of stunning white cliffs. I was tired and exhausted and couldn't wait to set foot on land. As Nick climbed cautiously down the rope ladder, I thought of how he was only twelve and how much he must miss his family. I ponder my promise made before we set sail on the rough uncharted waters. I had declared the first man to sight land would be rewarded with a bottle of fine rum and that the Coast of the said land would be named after him. I elbow my way through the crowd of ninety four excited men and reached a beaming young Nick. I rest my hand on his shoulder and give a him a smile. After departing the shores of Plymouth, England on the 26 of August 1768, I was frankly relieved that land was just out of reach. It had been a long adventure for us all. ..
THE sting fighter
by Hayden White - 1st place, Creative Writing, Year 8
The moonlight shimmered across the glossy black water . My legs dangled off the edge of my board and faded surreptitiously into the darkening depths. A sudden breeze swept over me and summoned goosebumps upon my tan skin. I shivered and looked over at Dean, who looked back at me. His long sandy hair waved in the breeze. He sat on his Billabong surfboard, wearing swimming trunks and a confused expression. I nodded my head in the direction of the next wave. His face split into a grin and said, "You're on". I pulled my legs out of the water, twisted around, and lay stomach first on my board. I turned my head to the ominous wave as it loomed closed, threatening to engulf me in it's gigantuan mass. It hid the moon from view, blocking out our only source of light. Somewhere to my right, I heard Dean's voice came out of the darkness and spoke to me. "Just promise me that you won't cry when I beat you, OK?" "You wish!" I replied, trying to sound bold. It was common knowledge that Dean was better at surfing than I was. But this time I was determined to beat him. He turned away from me and began to paddle towards the wave, his hair whipping in his face and his swimming trunks stuck to his thighs. My left arm stretched out in front of me and ;let it fall into the water as I pulled it back into a stroke. I kept paddling. Left, right, left, right. The rhythmic splashing played dangerously with my ears. The wave was about 10 metres away now, acting as a substitute for earmuffs. 5 more metres. Keep going ... 3 ... just a bit further ... 2 ... Imagine Dean's face when he sees you've beat him. That's your motivation! ... 1. All at once, I knelt up, put my hands on either side of my board and pushed it downwards, slicing into the black currant. Just in time, I managed to shut my eyes and mouth tightly before getting a mouthful of salt water. My whole body shivered and my brain shrieked in protest. If up there, that beautiful world of light above me was silent, then it was nothing compared to below the surface. The darkness was threatening. The oxygen low. And my fear levels soared as a large object brushed past me and headed to my right. I tried to twist around to get a better look, but it was gone. My body emerged out of the Arctic-cold water as I looked quickly to my right. I looked back and closed my eyes. A triumphant grin split across my face. I bet him! I thought. I've finally beat him! The wind whipped at my hair, which was plastered to my face. I looked back to my right as if to see Dean coming out of the water, infuriated that I had beat him, but he didn't.
showcase THE TINSEL ROOM by Coco Bone - 1st place, Year 10 Creative Writing Based on pictures in a contemporary art room in the Auckland Art Gallery. Her Framed by a curtain of aluminium, She stares intently from across the room. Her body, fixed to the walls, torn from the pages of fashion magazines. Surrounded by a glossy facade, She is affluent and adored. An illustration of perfection, lust and desire, alluring to some, appalling to others. Captured by the aroma of secrets, She reflects fame and femininity. Masked by the media, every contour, carved by the camera. Blinded by the limelight, She is enticing and confident, yet exposed. A symbol of sex, superior to most, inferior to none. Conceived by normalities, She is artificial and miserable. Desperate to conceal the conformity that lies, underneath the glass.
THE PAINTED II by Sander Stam - 1st place, Senior Creative I am made of many, a collective, his eye selective. Silk sheets held high, but cover nothing.
ode to highlighters by Jessica McNaughten Year 9 Creative Writing
Held captive, inclosed, yet pellucid. Concealment to become liberated. Share from deep within your fluorescent heart. Contents held until you slowly die out. Like a lion in a circus, ushered carefully and always bewildering. Shining bright. Coruscating light. An explosion, of refined imagination. Contact is made. Exotic colour, bleeding for eternity. Vanishing the purity of my alabaster sheet. Released, true,
Morphed, my nude body undergoing inspection, he stares at my midsection.
Human features flawed. The public point fingers forward,
You are never
fingers of shame, at me in a golden frame. Inanimate figure. Hung on a wall. I am not there, a product of his vanity perhaps insanity. He adds two white doves, as if this picture were about love, No. He didn’t love girls three or four, nor me, when ushered through the backdoor.
lustreless. You make me see. Luminous clouds of definite yellow fog my page. You make me see what you can do.
Jackson Crawford OPI NION PIECEvisit by the school website.
- 1st place, Senior Academic Writing - an exerpt
To read the full piece, please
when he Mr Mantis is preparing his signature cricket soufflé rumble of his The g. listenin left, the to head his cocks and , pauses leaf quaint the of rds oorboa fl the h throug wife’s car dissipating and he smiles. house they had bought together travels up his legs off his apron Popping the soufflé in the oven, Mr Mantis brushes to greet his door front the toward and skitters out of the kitchen door begins wife. He rounds the corner into the foyer just as the to put some to creak open. Making a mental note to ask his wife little hop and grease on the hinges, our friend performs a joyous rushes to greet Mrs Mantis.
society Or, loathe as I am to stop writing about praying mantis the physical and deviate from the metaphor, what if women had a and Louise, advantage over men? What if, like in the film Thelm llynatura gly seemin a of chains the women could shrug off chance in a enforced patriarchal society? What if they stood a of things as one to one fight, entirely unlike the “natural” order they stand in society today?
and The average man is roughly ten centimetres higher , and weighs around ten kilos more than the average woman ting muscle promo for s human in ne hormo main the erone, testost y 100x growth and strength, is found in concentrations roughl digestive Though his face will never be recovered from his wife’s a basic point of view, men from So, . women than men in larger agree all tract, the mantis police officers assigned to the case . If we put Joe Blogs and love of his life are bigger and stronger than women that he would have been mildly surprised to see the times out of ten Joe wins. nine ring, a in Doe Jane nce experie an ly typical stooping down to bite his head off. It is not one detective been that one has the misfortune of going through twice, Logically, this means that women whose heads have if a physical jokes. correctly assembled and affixed will defer to a man e they will lose. No matter ’ murder at the threat comes onto the table, becaus Despite the undeniably serious nature of Mr Mantis summon an extra 20 can’t you are, ant things how strong willed you claws of his wife, the detectives have other, more import man give you something a make to air thin of out etres centim to, home to do. They all have their own husbands to get back can you synthesise an nor you, to it give to want t cant others, oh if he doesn’ though they would never snack on their own signifi back up your reasoning to muscle d extra 20 kilograms of knotte to give to no, and many other important cases to start on. should a man want something that you do not want , dispute every of es outcom the basing him. Archaic though the very real Mantis society typically doesn’t pay any attention to sation on the physicalities of the conver even and , ement disagre ed stuff s, carpet today. issue of spousal cannibalism that rages on under participants may seem, it is still a very real part of society to secret it, that law in drawers, and wherever else the mantises choose a passed ent parliam g, mornin So, what if, tomorrow be helped. out of sight. Most mantises figure that it can’t really weapons to give them a all, so it isn’t as allowed women to carry guns or other after males, than er strong and bigger are s Female men? t agains fair chance though the males have a chance to defend themselves. But what if they did?
Homework Club TE ARA POUTAMA, OUR FRIENDLY and informal homework club, has continued to thrive again this year. We changed the day to Wednesdays, after school, as many people who have regular sports trainings twice a week were missing out and found it easier to attend on this day.
The name for our homework club took its inspiration from Tane’s quest for knowledge and selfenlightenment when he climbed “te ara poutama” (stairway) to the higher realms. It was when he reached the Eleventh Realm that he discovered the three kite of knowledge. He then descended the stairway with this knowledge to give to mankind. We thought Te Ara Poutama was an apt name for our homework club because it is a space in which students are encouraged to strive towards achieving their optimum. Toast and milo is provided for our students, teachers give up their time to individually work with students and we often see students supporting and helping each other. We usually shut up shop around 5pm but sometimes, if students are engaged in completing a task, we can extend the finishing time to 5.30pm. The library staff kindly make computers, photocopiers and printers available to students for these sessions.
IT HAS BEEN A GREAT YEAR for the 22 two students who have come through the library prefect programme. As head library prefect I have thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of organising the roster and making sure there were always prefects on duty. This year we managed to put on a number of events, including our infamous skittles blind taste test competition, where students had to guess the avour of the skittles that they were given. These lunchtime activities were great for the students and have given us the opportunity to learn and develop event management skills. Everyone has done a fantastic job carrying out their duties and bringing positive vibes to the library. Being a library prefect has been an absolute blast. Ella Gibb - Head Library Prefect
Our Library
THROUGH RAIN AND SHINE 15 student librarians assisted in keeping the library open and operating during breaktimes. This experience gives the students admin and PR skills. Besides operating the issues desk and organising the books in the library, this year the student librarians have taken extra tasks including book processing. As head student librarian, I have enjoyed working with all the student librarians and assisting with their training. Renee Aruch - Head Student Librarian STUDENTS ARE THE FOCUS of everything we do. Our library is dynamic and new initiatives are put into place regularly. Students have received instructions on website evaluation. In the world of fake news this is a valuable skill to have. The library webpage connects the students with links related to class inquiry learning and access to our library print and ebook collection. Kids’ Lit is organised by the library staff for Year 7 & 8 students. Two teams were able to compete in the national Kids’ Lit Quiz. During break times students may be found working, reading or taking part in an event. Student staff play a vital part at these times. Our students are extremely fortunate to have such a well-resourced and supported library. Jeanette Cornege-Dill - Library Manager
Art design, painting, photography Leah Sanity - Year 9
Kaitlyn Monti-Ellery - Year 9
Sage Lee - Year 9
Sakura Ludolph - Year 9
Tan Robertson - Year 9
Lelani Jones - Year 10
Kate Rowe - Year 10
Annabelle Mackenzie - Year 10
Petra Blanchett - Year 10
Emma North - Year 10
Anna Pashley - Year 10
Stephanie Walsh - L1 Painting
Pippy Rose - L1 Painting
Jethro Allen - L1 Painting
Emma Stretch - L1 Painting
Ashley Game - L1 Painting
Anna Schollum - L1 Design
Marey Stuart - L1 Design
Summer Sweeny - L1 Design
Caitlin Rouse - L1 Design
Samuel Chitty - L1 Design
Luke Mackinnon - L1 Design
Naia Doak - L1 Design
Ruby Hayward - L2 Photography
Riley Hathaway - L2 Photography
Malina Oliver - L2 Photography
Jonathan Keet - L2 Photography
Soloman Waterhouse - L2 Photography
Abergail Coleman - L2 Photography
Sasha Currin - L2 Photography
James Wallington - L2 Design
Lexie Mcgillivary - L2 Photography
Hayley Adamson - L2 Design
Claudia Munro-Boga - L2 Design
Emma Camwell - L2 Design
Kelsey Broughton-Johnson - L2 Design
Joseph Kearns - L2 Design
Jack Sowten - L2 Design
Karl Poland - L2 Design
Katy North - L2 Painting
Sander Starn - L2 Painting
Cicely Driver - L2 Painting
Sophia Torrenson - L2 Painting
Abergail Coleman - L2 Painting
Patrick Whitley-Pegg - L2 Painting
Ally Holt - L2 Painting
Claudia Munro-Boga - L2 Painting
Tiri Soppett - L3 Design
Anna Reiff - L3 Design
Eva Rebenschied - L3 Design
Shara Waugh - L3 Design
Callum Rouse - L3 Design
Carrie Wooller - L3 Painting
Chloe Berger - L3 Painting
Eva Rebeschied - L3 Painting
Olivia Stevenson - L3 Painting
Aimee Hewett - L3 Painting
Carrie Wooller - L3 Painting
Sara Jones - L3 Painting
Hannah Powell - L3 Photography
Anna Reiff - L3 Photography
Fleur Pancoust - L3 Photography
Aidan Burridge - L3 Photography
Rose Gerard - L3 Photography
Olivia Freestone - L3 Photography
Elliot SneddEn - L3 Photography
Shara Waugh - L3 Photography
Caitlin Mitchell - L3 Design
Chloe Berger - L3 Design
Billie Blair - L3 Design
Tiri Soppett - L3 Photography
ATHLETICS SEASON WAS VERY successful at both school and representitive level. The season started with school athletics day at Shoesmith Domain. The weather was supurb and was matched by some hot competition on the track and field with many school records broken.
School Athletics Day
A big thank you to staff who worked hard all day.
OVERALL INDIVIDUAL CHAMPS: (Highest accumulated points over a maximum of 6 events)
Kahn Thompson - Year 7 Boys Melissa Hart - Year 7 Girls Samuel Darby - Year 8 Boys Maia Collins Bowman - Year 8 Girls Eli Hallam - Junior Boys Alice Williams and Kaleigh Morris - Junior Girls George Durban-Burgess - Intermediate Boys Brianna Cadwallader - Intermediate Girls Luke Hitchcock - Senior Boys Heather Nicolls - Senior Girls
Athletics Champs AUCKLAND CHAMPS:
NORTH HARBOUR CHAMPS: After impressive performances at the 2017 North Harbour Athletics Competition, 20 of our athletes qualified for the Auckland Athletics Championship – our biggest team to qualify at this level. Congratulations to our five, 2017 North Harbour Champions; AliceWilliams, Lucy Rowe, Kaleigh Morris, Sean Wilcox and Luke Hitchcock. There were many other excellent results (see below) with all of our athletes performing well under pressure.
Out of our 20 competing athletes, Alice Williams was our standout performer, winning the Junior Girls 200m and 300m. Silver medals were awarded to Lucy Rowe in the Intermediate Girls 1500m, Brianna Cadwallader in the Intermediate Girls Triple Jump and Robbie McFarlane in the Intermediate Boys Javelin. Leah Jones took home a bronze medal in the Junior Girls Triple Jump. There were some other excellent results with Blake Heaven placing 4th in the Junior Boys 100m, Sam Cadwallader 4th in the Steeplechase, Moana Courtenay 5th in the Senior Girls Long Jump, Kaleigh Morris 5th in the Junior Girls Discus and Kate Rowe 5th in the Intermediate Girls 1500m.
1st Alice Williams - JG, 200m, 300m (4th 100m) Lucy Rowe - IG, 1500m Kaleigh Morris - JG, Discus Sean Wilcox - IB, Long Jump Luke Hitchcock - SB, Javelin
2nd Lucy Rowe - IG 800m Sam Cadwallader - SB, 800m Brianna Cadwallader - IG, Long Jump and Triple Jump Moana Courtenay - SG Long Jump
3rd NEW ZEALAND CHAMPS 2016 Congratulations to the following Mahurangi students who competed at Waitakere Stadium at the end of 2016. All students performed to their best and were very competitive against New Zealand's top athletes. Special mention to Jay Morris and Thea Henderson who both won a bronze medal in their events. Most of these athletes have been selected for our Sports Academy 2017.
Congratulations to: Lewis Arthur: Senior Boys - Long Jump 6th (6.71m), Triple Jump 10th (12.09m) Brianna Cadwallader: Junior Girls - 400m 10th (1:02:26min) Samuel Cadwallader: Senior Boys - 1500m (4.05min) 13th Thea Henderson: Senior Girls Pole Vault – 3rd (3.50m) Jay Morris – Senior Boys Discus – 3rd (46.54m)
Brianna Cadwallader - IG 400m Heather Nicolls - SG 200m (3/3) Shona Illingworth - JG, High Jump Moana Courtennay - SG Discus Eli Hallam - JB Javelin Sean Wilcox - IB High Jump George Durban-Burgess - IB , Triple Jump Robbie Mcfarlane - IB Javelin
Kate Rowe: Junior Girls Road Race – 11th Lucy Rowe: Junior Girls - 800m - 10th (2.21min) Brianna Cadwallader, Kate & Lucy Rowe, Kaighleigh Morris: 4 x 400m Relay – Junior Girls 4th (4.20min)
OTHER TOP 5 Alice Williams - 100m JG 4th Kate Rowe - IG 800m 4th, 1500m 5th Blake Heaven - JB 100m, 4th Leah Jones - JG Triple Jump 4th Shona Illingworth - JG Triple Jump Kaleigh Morris - JG Shot Put 4th Korotaake Tebutokai - IG SP and DT 5th Moana Courtenay - SG Hj 5th Eria Kaneama - IB Jav 5th Pale V - SB SP and DT 5th
Cross Country A battle with the elements
SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY FRIDAY 5TH OF MAY saw over 500 Mahu' students participate in the college’s annual Cross Country running event at the Warkworth Rugby Grounds. Competitors showed great strength and determination in battling the elements to complete the challenging, three paddock, course. Two of our students were successful in setting new records. Maia CollinsBowan and Sam Cadwallader
smashed the previous times set for Year 8 Girls and Senior Boys. This year was the first time the Intermediate and Senior Girls ran two laps of the course; creating new records for these events. Congratulations to everyone who took part and a special thanks to the staff and senior students who helped out on the day.
SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY RESULTS Senior Boys Sam Cadwallader Theo Newmann Zane Illingworth
Place 1st 2nd 3rd
Time 13:58* 16:00* 17:04*
Senior Girls Heather Niccolls Jade Matheson Nicole White
Place 1st 2nd 3rd
Time 19.39* 22:54* 23:01*
Int’ Boys Place George D’Urban B 1st Austin Puckett 2nd Finn Tomlinson 3rd
Time 16:03 16:09 16:43
Int’ Girls Kate Rowe Lucy Rowe Brianna Cadwallader
Place 1st= 1st= 3rd
Time 18:31* 18:31* 20:48*
Junior Boys Josh Lambert Tioti Robinson Sam Burton
Place 1st 2nd 3rd
Time 7:33 8:21 8:22
Junior Girls Alice Williams Kali Leprou Megan Maclachlan
Place 1st 2nd 3rd
Time 8:30 9:05 9:42
Year 8 Boys Daniel D’Urban B Monty Anderson Ty Connolly
Place 1st 2nd 3rd
Time 8:09 8:18 8:35
Year 8 Girls Maia Collins B Amelia Burton Ashlie Bissett
Place 1st 8:33* 2nd 9:16 3rd 9:20
The Auckland Champs was a very tough, muddy course with large numbers of competition. Our runners finished with very credible results as follows:
Year 7 Boys Tom Barnett Seb Bailey Taine Mahu
Place 1st 2nd 3rd
Time 8:28 8:30 8:34
Year 7 Girls Sammie Le Bas Melissa Hart Lucee Illingworth
Place 1st 2nd 3rd
Lucy Rowe 4th (15:22) Intermediate Girls 4km Kate Rowe 5th (15:27) Intermediate Girls 4km Sam Cadwallader 15th (21:55) Senior Boys 6km
Time 9:28 9:33 9:37
In May this year a large team represented us well in the North Western Zone Cross Country Champs. Stand out performances came from Lucy and Kate Rowe, finishing 1st and 2nd respectively in the Intermediate Girls age group, Sam Cadwallader and Alice Williams both finishing 5th in the Senior Boys and Junior Girls age groups and Heather Niccolls 6th in the senior girls. Congratulations to Lucy Rowe, Kate Rowe and Sam Cadwallader who went on to represent at both the Auckland Champs Cross Country and NZ Secondary Schools Cross Country this month.
Year 7 & 8 Zone Days
ONCE AGAIN OUR YEAR 7 and 8 students have represented Mahurangi College while playing at multiple sports days called Zone Days. On average, students have been going out to compete in a wide variety of sports twice a term.
These sport days are a great way to meet new people and try new things.
Some of this years highlights would be having the Year 8 girls Amelia Burton, Ashlie Bissett and Jamie Glassford coming 1st in the triathlon, the football boys coming 4th, hockey boys placed 3rd, 8/1
netball girls placed 5th and MÄ ia CollinsBowman placed 5th in the cross country. Well done to all who participated and also well done to everyone else who went on the other Zone Days. Amelia Burton, Jamie Glassford
Sports Academy DEVELOPING OUR SPORTING ELITE The aim of our Sports Academy is to provide our elite sporting students with an environment where they can excel to reach their full potential. Our Junior Sports Academy is a new initiative this year with the aim of developing better leadership, character and ultimately sporting performance. The year has started well for our Academy students with a highly successful Elite Training Camp with a focus on fitness testing, nutrition and
team building. Our highly knowledgeable new board member Dr Ihirangi Heke also discussed sports psychology. Congratulations to the 11 students who have been selected for our Senior Academy, and the 16 students for our Junior Academy. Several of these students have recently won national recognition, Elliott Snedden in gaining selection for the NZ U19 Underwater Hockey team; Heather Nicholls in Paddle-boarding and Lucy Rowe won the North Harbour Cross
Country event - her sister Kate, placed second. A significant sponsor has been retained who has been impressed with what the Mahurangi College Sports Academy is trying to achieve, and as part of their support this year, kindly gave each participant a new set of shoes. I would like to thank ‘The Brittain Wynyard Founders Trust’ for their continued support for this academy.
Mahurangi College Sports Academy Participants 2017: SENIOR ELITE ACADEMY
While many students experienced great success this year, special mention goes to:
ELLIOTT SNEDDEN NZ U19 UN Hockey Team HEATHER NICHOLLS NZ Open Women’s 8km NZ Paddleboarding Championship LUCY ROWE Winner of the North Harbour Cross Country event KATE ROWE 2nd Place, North Harbour Cross Country Event
Our Mahu Football 1st XI had a bit of a rough start to the season, regarding players and the right formations. We struggled to score goals and win games even with some good players on board. Due to numbers we had to bring in some young players who managed to strengthen the squad, and they did. Our game was lifted and things looked good. We played with confidence and composure, the goals were coming from all over the field. The season was a strange one, the difference between night & day. Looking forward to what next season will bring. Cheers Coach Brian Derby
sports SENIOR GIRLS The Senior Girls' team had a very successful season. A rough start against Mt Roskill in the annual exchange saw the girls lose 7-1. However, their season didn't start until after the exchange, and they won their first game against Orewa Black 7-0. Throughout their season of nine games, they won all but two matches, which were draws. They played a variety of skilled teams within their pool, but Albany Senior High was the toughest competition. Another highlight was the Hauraki Plains Exchange, where the girls won 7-1. Every week at training saw improvements from each player, which showed through their continuous successful games, and is proved by them having gone into the championship round undefeated. Despite some stubborn competition and major injuries, the girls finished with a proud second place in their grade.
TOURNAMENT WEEK The majority of the Mahurangi College Girls 1st XI Football Team headed off to Rotorua in September this year for Tournament Week. Half our travelling team was from Year 9 & 10 and the other half from Year 12 & 13. The “old guard� of the team Gemma, Danika, Heather, Nicole and Steph formed the core of the team and were all incredible examples of how to stand up and fight in tough times without taking a backward step. Maria, Lexi, Riley, Kaia, Coco, Maddie, Katy, Saskia and Bree all fitted around these five and lifted their games to another level with gutsy performances throughout. The team fought hard in all their games and came a way with a mix of wins and losses against some outstanding teams. Final placing at the end of the week was 23rd out of 31 teams. An excellent result taking everything into account. You all made coaches and parents very proud. Nicole, you are a fantastic captain and pulled the team together. Thanks so much to Kortne Snedden for taking the time to make this happen for the team and hopefully this can start an annual attendance at the tournament. The girls have come away much stronger and experienced, knowing now that they can stand up to aggressive play from larger opposition and give it back. Paul Gothard
Girls Hockey Photos courtesy of Mahurangi Matters
1ST XI GIRLS THE 1ST XI HOCKEY GIRLS have had a great season full of fun and laughter, on and off the field. After losing some key players and going into this season with several new girls, we had a relatively fresh and young team. At the very start, we bonded quickly and sealed a convincing win against Mt Roskill to kick off the season. After grading we earned our place in the Supercity II competition. Here we held our own against the strong Harbour and Auckland school teams. We came out of this competition with a well deserved win against Westlake 2nds, placing us 5th. Everyone has had the opportunity to improve over the season by playing against lots of tough competition, where we had to work together as a team. The positive mindset towards each other and the games, meant we went into each game believing in ourselves. This belief lead into Tournament week, our first game started with a roar, beating Carmel 4-2 on Monday, then we stayed strong throughout the week. A 0-0 draw with Paraparaumu had us waiting nervously for the result between Kamo and Carmel, (a win to Kamo would keep us in the top 8). Their game saw us cheering on our former foe Kamo, and the game was 4-4 at full time. Fortunately our goal differential was better than Carmel’s by 1 which put us in the top 8. We beat Avondale 1-0 in the quarter finals putting us
through to the semi finals. In the semis we put up a fight against Sacred Heart Hamilton, who are a well structured and skilled team who have been in the semis 4 years in a row in this tier. We fought hard to the end and only lost 2-0. Having gained promotion last year we finished 4th in the new tier. The girls never gave up and we had a brilliant week. Overall we have had our ups and few downs but finished on an absolute high at Tournament week. I am very proud of everyone, thank you to all the girls for all your hard work throughout the season you have all grown so much as individual players and as a team. Also a big thank you to Nikki Illingworth for all her hard work behind the scenes organising transport, girls and best of all the stunning accommodation. Thank you to Lee-ann for all her efforts in organising, cooking and physio throughout the season. Thank you to Gavin for all his support and knowledge he gave us through this season. To Peter our sponsor thank you - we were looking sharp and kept warm this season so thank you for your kindness. And finally a massive thank you to Mrs Kearins for everything she has taught us. All the girls have learnt lots off you and improved as players because of it. We would never have been able to get as far as we did without you. I especially have learnt so much from the past 5 years being coached by this talented woman. Mariana Winiana
The 2017 Girls 2nd XI team is one to watch in the future. It is a group of young girls who fought their best throughout the whole season, all striving for the same thing - a good game of hockey and I can undoubtedly say that we achieved just that.
The 3rd XI Girls came into this season with an inux of new and old players. We played numerous challenging 2nd XI teams, but the girls constant drive for success, attendance to practices, running to the turf, attitude towards team talks and the help they provided to the 2XI, saw them through to a very successful seasons end, winning multiple games.
Overall the girls kept their heads up and supported each other right throughout the season. They were positive and happy heading into every game. They made themselves proud by playing some good hockey and showing other teams what they're truly made of. The fun and moments shared, by far outweighed the losses and those chilly morning trainings we faced. Carissa Smith
A big mention to Caroline Hawes, who has been the manager this season. I believe these enthusiastic, talented, young ladies all have a bright future in hockey, wherever it may lead them. Shar Illingworth, Kayleigh Morris and Anna Schollum - Coaches
The girls started the season positively making the A grade. We finished 7th at Zone day (only losing to the team that won it). Despite a young team (the majority are Year 7), we continued to challenge the stronger teams in the first round and defensively worked hard to remain in the A grade. The girls have improved hugely in the last round of our competition at North Harbour. Our top goal scorer was Zara Innes, who also made the U13 North Harbour A team. The girls turned up every week with a positive attitude, especially on Wednesday mornings which was always either wet or frosty! Monique Vujcich
As the final whistle blows on another season, it is with mixed emotions that I say goodbye to the team. It was fun and very rewarding to watch them go from ailing bodies running amok on the field to a fairly co-ordinated, ball passing team. Wins and losses have come and gone, friendships were made and laughter shared along the way. In their own way I believe each player experienced the spirit of team work, the joy of victory, the pain of defeat and a desire to consume as much pizza as they could before playing. A big thank you to all the parents involved and a huge thank you to Rachel Waterhouse for her superb coaching. Looking forward to seeing you all next season. Aran Taylor
Boys Hockey
1ST X1 BOYS Our first inter school fixture was against Mt Roskill where we dominated and had a win to start the season off on a positive note. This year we attended the Robyn Bruce trophy and retained the trophy with easy wins over Bream Bay 3-0, Otamatea 6-1 and Rodney 6-0. Against Hauraki Plains, we had a disappointing result; losing in a game where they took their chances and we didn’t. In the North Harbour competition first round, we came 4th in our pool and thus played in the tier 2 Intercity competition, for the second year. We had mixed results; the highlight being beating AGS twice by 5-1 and 6-1. Overall we came 6th. For Tournament Week we travelled to Whanganui where we seemed to start every game on the defensive, then rally to finish the second half strongly. We were never behind at half time. The tone was set in our first game against Marlborough Boys High; we were up 5-4 at half time going on to win 6-5. Unfortunately, we seemed to lose our composure and luck in the second half and leaked too many goals. Once again we missed out on the top eight by a one goal differential. We took our frustration out on Strathallen beating them 5-1 in the next game. However in our last two games the old habit of letting in goals in the second half returned and we lost to Trident in the last 5 minutes. We
also lost to Waimea (without Elliot or Sam) in sudden death drop off. My thanks to the many people who came to help this year, I know it was a sacrifice but hopefully the experience was rewarding. So many thanks to Colin Snedden and Julia Blannerhasset. Sport is not just about winning and losing it is about having fun, gaining friends and the development of character that evolves by consistently doing the right things as required. Leaving us this year are some outstanding young men, who I know will have great futures. Finally I must thank my off sider Geraldine. She first started helping in hockey with her daughter in 2002 as a camp mum, which she did for three years. In 2006 she was official photographer and helper for the boys team for the Johnson cup. She started as manager for boys Ist XI in 2009 until this year. Not only does she do transport draws, she is a financial manager, fundraiser, photographer, driver, cook, personnel manager, liaison contact and IT expert. Geraldine has also been on the Mahurangi College Hockey Club committee since 2011 – 2016 often acting as secretary. A coach and a manager need to be able to work together and Geraldine is so easy to work with. I wish her all the very best in her hockey retirement. Wayne Frost - Coach Boys Hockey 1st XI
This year I had the pleasure of coaching the Mahurangi 2XI Hockey Team. We have had a bit of an up and down year, starting with a bit of a high and then during the middle of the season we had a bit of a lapse in concentration but we turned it around and finished the season off with a high, again taking out 3rd in the 4th Grade. It was amazing to have all the players contributing to the goal scorers column on the score sheet.
The intermediate boys A Hockey Team started the season winning the North Harbour Grading Tournament. Winning 4 games, losing 2 and drawing 1, placed us 3rd and into the next round of top 6.
If there was one thing as the coach I could say, it would be training turn outs; I believe we could have finished higher if we had players at trainings.
INTERMEDIATE BOYS B The beginning of the season saw a series of hotly contested trials with many boys returning for their second year and a fresh faced crop of Year 7s. Once we sorted out our teams, the B team played a grading game which put us in the North Harbour C Grade. Mostly made up of year 7’s, we did well to hold our own in many close encounters, winning well against Marina View School and Ponsonby Intermediate. As the season progressed, we improved our passing
Against tough opposition and losing players to injuries, the boys made the semifinals but lost to Northcross. The play off for 3rd was won convincingly against Belmont. The team proved they can compete and beat the best teams in a top province and that Mahurangi College will continue to be a hockey force into the future.
game and better understood our positions, and our game improved. After the first round of pool play we were put in a sub grade with NorWest, Birkdale and our nemesis team, Northcross. We played some of our best hockey in this round having a number of epic tussles. These games showed us how important fitness was as teams began to tire as the season drew to a close. It was a good season for developing the skills of the game and we look forward to the 2018 season.
Netball SENIOR 1 NETBALL This year the Mahurangi College Senior 1 was a young side, with four Year 10’s players and only 1 Year 13 student. After grading in the North Harbour Open A grade we placed 2nd after the first round, but the next round proved tougher and we placed 5th. The team had two competitive school exchange games against Mt Roskill losing by 1 goal and Hauraki Plains losing by 5. Senior 1 also compete each year for the Matoma cup and they won this after a great game against Otamatea. The girls had a successful week at the UNISS tournament. In this competition there are 32 teams in 4 grades A-D. Mahurangi College were positioned in B grade and the goal was to maintain this position as 5 teams are relegated every year. The girls played 10 games over 5 days against some tough schools and they had some good wins and also some very close loses. They ended up placing 20th in B grade and this was the best result in the past 5 years. 3 players made a North Harbour rep team. Congratulations to these girls; Chrysanthe Hawken-U15 A and Coco Bone and Ranelle Le Bas-U15 B team. This year we farewell our Year 13 player and captain Hannah Powell who has been an outstanding leader for the younger girls in the team. Many thanks to Liana Ruland our manager and our dedicated supporters throughout the season. Maree Drost
SENIOR 2 NETBALL We had an amazing season. We started off in Senior 4 grade and managed to place in Senior 1 Flight grade for the season. I am proud of the girls as we went to finals and we placed 2nd. I hope the girls enjoy their summer break and I look forward to seeing them next season. Gwen Hawken
YEAR 8/1 NETBALL Year 8/1 Netball came 5th in the top Year 8 grade. The girls worked hard all year lifting their game each week. We lost players due to unforeseen circumstances and injury but the remaining seven played each week with heart and with pride. Nearly every game umpires and opposition commented on their sportsmanship and their bond they have on and off the court. These girls show true Mahu pride! I'm extremely proud of all their accomplishments this season. Rachyl Collins
NETBALL PRIZES Congratulations to the following recipients who were recognised for their commitment to netball at this year’s prizegiving. Holdgate Trophy, Yr 7: Melissa Hart Wendy Dunn Trophy Yr 8: Chance Trotter Pixie Jones Trophy, Yr 9: Elena Torresan Pixie Jones Trophy, Yr 10: Renell Le Bas Wendy Dunn Trophy, Senior: Francesca Bennett Kowhai Physio Intermediate: Maia Collins-Bowman Kowhai Physio Senior: Liana Sykes Hawken Trophy: Mariana Winiana Student Coach of the Year: Skye Collins-Maginley
Coach of the Year: Maree Drost Umpire of the Year: Maia Collins-Bowman Services to Netball: Rachyl Collins National Bank Sportsperson of the Year for All Round Excellence: Hannah Powell Ellen Cooper Memorial Award for Most Outstanding Achiever: Hannah Powell The Drost Trophy for the most outstanding player of the year: Chrysanthe Hawken
Rugby Boys 1st XV Rugby Boys 2nd XV Photos curtesy of Mahurangi Matters
THE 1ST XV SEASON got off to a slow start due to a change in coaching from last year. However once the new coaches settled in the team flew off to a powerful start to the season beating Mt Roskill Grammar 1st XV in a tight affair, making us the first team to achieve this in many years. Our next preseason fixture was the Murray Jones Shield challenge and although we didn't get the result, going down 7-0 to the 1A side, the coaches were pleased we were on the right track.
THE 2ND XV HAVE HAD A SUCCESSFUL year finishing in the championship round this year.
The regular season began with a dominant showing from the team, scoring 325 points and only conceding 41. This led to us winning 6, drawing 1 and losing only 1 to move into the 1B championship round in 2nd place. The team showed their hunger for another finals appearance when they came back from 8-0 down to Rosmini to win 8-15 and secure a top two finish. Unfortunately the match against Westlake was lost when they managed to close out the game in the second half winning 29-20. Going down again in the finals was a disappointing end but the season was enjoyed by all members of the 1st XV, many of them agreeing that this was the best team they’ve played in and the most enjoyable season.
With the assistance of coaches, management staff and captaincy, the boys have had the opportunity to develop. Through training and games, players within the team have progressed with 7 players being nominated for representative sides.
The highlight of the season was winning the Hauraki Exchange fixture, becoming the first Mahurangi Team to win this game away, and only the 7th team to beat Hauraki in the exchanges 52 year history. I want to thank the team and our coaches, Terrence Banks and Jon Blyth for all you’ve done for us over the season. Jacob Bindon
They have played some great games beating Rosmini College and getting redemption with a win against a strong Birkenhead side. The team is young with a majority of players still having a few more years of college code ahead of them.
Well done boys, We look forward to seeing you at pre season next year. Jamie McLagan
Girls Rugby THE MAHURANGI GIRL'S Rugby team made the final four of the North Harbour Secondary School Girls' competition.The side won four of its seven round robin matches to qualify in third place for the championship play-off round. Coach Mike Cooper says the side has improved hugely over the course of the season. “Ball retention and defence are both things we're working on to improve our game.” Mike says finishing anywhere in the top four will still be a huge positive for the college team, after the side failed to win a game last season. “This year's result should make the team more attractive to other girls considering playing. “Support for the team is growing and there is a strong group of players coming through from the intermediate bracket.” Some team members are also looking to play at a higher level, with Tenaija Fletcher and Moana Courtenay making the North Harbour U18 Women's wider development squad. Korotaake Tebutoki, Elizabeth Hepoto and Samantha Williams-Robson were all selected to represent North Harbour U15 Women's in a recent tournament. Top photo and text curtesy of Local Matters
7th Grade Boys I HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE PRIVILEGE of being captain of the team; keeping these boys focused and in a positive attitude and to be proud of our accomplishments. We looked forward to our first game against one of Mahu’s biggest rivals, Westlake. Having not many trainings before our first game I was pretty impressed with the boys efforts by having a nail biting win of 20-17. Improving our imperfections we continued to win through the season, beating the other Westlake team, Orewa, Kings, Rosmini and so forth. Leading on the top of the table we were ready for the second to last game of the pool rounds with our heads in high spirits, until the unthinkable happened. Most of the team came down with a bug, so with a team scraped together at the last minute, we only just managed to make it to kick off, to our first defeat. Unfortunately we went down to a disappointing 0-27 to Takapuna. Winning our first game to Orewa, 17-5, and only just winning to Kings, 3-6 and then managing to beat Rosmini 12-5 secured us a place in the final. I would like to thank the boys for supporting one another, to the coaches for giving up their precious time to coach us and shape us into the young men we are and also to the supporters and parents for supporting their children and bringing them to all of the games and the trainings. I am looking forward to the last game against Takapuna before heading to the final against whoever is brave enough to verse the mighty Mahu. I have been so thankful to be named captain so I will lead to boys to victory one last time. Finn Tomlinson
Rugby Awards 1st XV: Team Captain: Jacob Bindon Players' Player: Cole Davis Team Player: Max Young Most Improved Player: Luke Hitchcock Most Valuable Player: Palenapa Vaotangi
5th Grade: Team Captain: Robert McFarlane Players' Player: Robert McFarlane Team Player: Eli Hallam Most Improved Player: Atangibuti Timon Kamarie Most Valuable Player: Fletcher Ostling
2nd XV: Team Captain: Sam Mason Players' Player: Sam Mason Team Player: Sam Ashton Most Improved Player: Intuane Faale Most Valuable Player: Sam Mason
7th Grade: Team Captain: Finn Tomlinson Players' Player: Jayden Mather Team Player: Finn Tomlinson Most Improved Player: Bruno Nola Most Valuable Player: Patrick Mackinnon
4th Grade: Team Captain: George D'Urban Burgess Players' Player: Drew Janssen/Lucas Smith Team Player: Jordan Vegar Most Improved Player: George Bogue Most Valuable Player: Jackson Gravatt
Girls Rugby: Team Captain: Tenaija Fletcher Players' Player: Tenaija Fletcher Team Player: Korotaake Tebutokai Most Improved Player: Samantha Williams-Robson Most Valuable Player: Moana Courtenay
Special Awards: Kicking Trophy: Cooper Rodden Fitzpatrick Cup to “Outstanding Junior Player“: Patrick Mackinnon Rodney Rams Cup for the “Outstanding Rugby Player Across All Grades”: Kade Banks and Jacob Bindon Volunteer of the Year: Kelvin Foote Team of the Year: 7th Grade/1st XV Hawken Cup to "Outstanding Girls Rugby Player of the Year: Moana Courtenay
Basketball THIS YEAR SAW THE SCHOOL fielding seven quads playing in the winter terms. Two teams; the Stormers and the Eagles from Years 7 to 8, played on Monday afternoons at the Stanmore Bay Leisure Centre. Five teams; U15 boys L2, U17 boys L2 & U17B L3, U19B L1 and U19G played in the North Harbour competitions at the North Shore Events Centre. The teams performed with good sportsmanship and played competitively throughout the year. The U15B L2 finished 5th/16, U17B L3 14th/15, U17B L2 7th/29, U19B L1 5th/16 and our best performing team was the U19G team finishing as the runner up.
Unfortunately our results in the interschool exchanges were not so good with the Year 7/8 boys and girls teams well beaten at their respective Zone Day tournaments and the U19B and U19G both losing comprehensively to Mt Roskill and Hauraki Plains. The school extends a special thanks to our community coaches; Bevan Sterling, Matt Tawhiao and staff coaches; Daren King, Michael Winiana, and Russell Stirling for their tireless work with their squads.
Basketball Awards RECOGNISING EXCELLENCE IN BASKETBALL Most Valuable Player Kaitati Robertson Kelly Tawhiao Cisco South Ethan Rebenschied Blake Toi Sam Banks
Yr 7/8 Under 19 girls Under 15 Boys League 2 Under 19 Boys League 1 Under 17 Boys League 2 Under 17 Boys League 3
Most Improved Player Ben Blair Thomas Peacock Tamatea Winiana Ethan Scalabrini Danika McKenzie Riley Hathaway Lachie Williams Jade Matheson
Year 7/8 Under 15 Boys League 2 Under 17 Boys League 3 Under 17 Boys League 2 Under 19 Girls Under 19 Girls Under 19 Boys League 1 Under 19 Girls
Trophy winners Te Kaiamo Trophy for Leadership & Service to Basketball Mitchell Sterling Manuhiri Trophy for Leadership Harry Clarke Bennett Plate for Boy Player of the Year Dean Brewer
Swimming NORTH HARBOUR CHAMPS Seven of Mahurangi's best senior swimmers travelled to the Sir Owen Glenn National Aquatic Centre to compete in the North Harbour Swimming Championships.
THE MAHURANGI COLLEGE TEAM headed to the Rotorua Motocross track for a intense day of racing against the other North Island schools that had entered. Our team consisted of Jack Rodgers, Fin Paddison, Lewis Gravatt, Thomas Ockleston, Eli Paddison, Codey Belsham, Joshua Ockleston and Sam Mason. All our riders rode well and for quite a few of our riders, this was their school team event. Though a trophie eluded them all, our riders placed well in the pack with Mahurangi placing 16th at the end of the day.
The bulkhead false wall provided some drama for our less competition experienced swimmers, but they took on this new environment in classic Mahu give-it-a-go style and performed exceptionally well. It was a jam-packed morning, and we walked away with wellfought finals placings, including Kaia Stafford with a 5th in the Junior Girls 50m Freestyle and a 7th in the Junior Girls 50m Backstroke. Thanks to the parents for transporting us down and timekeeping. It was a great day had by all, and after all of the walking up and down stairs to get to the pool, to our towels, and back, (not to mention the swimming itself) we were ready to call it a day!
RESULTS Liana Sykes - Intermediate - 12th in freestyle, 10th in breaststroke, 15th in backstroke, 13th in butterfly Claudia Stevenson- Intermediate- 15th in freestyle, 11th in breaststroke, 10th in backstroke Logan Sykes- Junior- 21st in freestyle, 22nd in breaststroke, 17th in backstroke Kaia Stafford - Junior- 5th in freestyle, 7th in backstroke Kimberly Allen - Intermediate- 14th in breaststroke Cisco South - Junior- 13th in breaststroke George Bogue - Junior- 19th in backstroke
Congratulations goes to Jack Rodgers who has recently been crowned North Island Junior Motocross Champion. Another impressive title to add to his extensive collection.
90 90
MAHURANGI COLLEGE SAILING BEGAN its season in Term 4 2016 with a goal of maintaining our position in Silver Fleet and possibly challenge for a place in Gold Fleet at the Nationals in 2017. As in previous seasons, we not only had to integrate new sailors into the team as well as teach them the intricacies of team sailing. Over Term 4 2016 and the Year 7-10 Regatta we had successfully integrated our new sailors The North of the Bridge Regatta in Term 1, 2107 gave us the opportunity to achieve our first goal of maintaining our position in Silver Fleet for Nationals. It also gave us an opportunity to develop our upcoming talent by entering a second team. Something we hadn’t been able to do for a number of years. After two days of intense racing against some of the best schools in the country we achieved a top 6 finish. This meant we were graded into Silver Fleet for Nationals. At Nationals we started well, winning enough races to maintain our place in Silver Fleet but as the week went on, sailing conditions began to shift towards light airs. This didn’t deter our team as we were better suited to heavier conditions. This meant we dropped to the bottom of Silver Fleet, resulting in a playoff with the top Bronze Fleet team. Unfortunately we were unsuccessful and were dropped to Bronze Fleet for the final rounds. We were disappointed but gained great satisfaction in dominating the Bronze Fleet over the remaining rounds to eventually win the Bronze Fleet (20th overall). Thank you to all our parents and supporters (especially David and Peter) who have helped out over the season. Without this support we couldn’t do what we enjoy doing. A big thank you to Heather Niccolls and Matthew Leydon who have been with the team for a significant number of years. We hope you both keep sailing. Aran Taylor
Archery ARCHERY CLUB HAS HAD another busy year with many newbies as well as the older enthusiasts, getting together on Friday afternoon in the old gym. Students span a range of ages and with Mr Dowling recovering from a thumb operation for a few months, the help of the older, more experienced archers was much appreciated. Special mention must go to our Year 13 helpers, Aidan Burridge and Matthew Torckler for their regular assistance, helping students new to the sport. Aidan also took the photos for this article.
Equestrian OUR EQUESTRIAN TEAM had an enjoyable day at Waiuku, representing our school with great sportsmanship and a keenness to try hard and learn from the experience. The team finished 16 equal out of 22 - which with 3 Year 9 riders is encouraging for the future. Despite Ysabella having to borrow a horse, she rode really well - riding a much bigger horse than she is used to and for only the 3rd time. She placed 9th in her Level 1 dressage test. Eliza had her first Show Hunter competition and finished 4th in both her 60 & 70cm classes. Grace placed 3rd in her first 60cm showjumping round and an unfortunate rail in her 2nd 70cm showjumping class put her in 5th place. Kaitlyn rode very well in her 80cm showjumping round for a 7th place. Unfortunately their 90cm didn't go quite to plan with her pony taking a few rails. WE HAD AN EXCELLENT DAY at the Auckland Secondary Schools Equestrian Cup. We placed 11th out of the 26 teams competing – a fantastic effort for our team of Year 9 & 10’s! Well done to Grace Webb - 3rd in the 60cm Show Hunter, Grace Thompson - 5th 80cm and 6th in the 90cm Show Hunter, Kaitlyn Monti-Ellery - 8th in the 90cm Showjumping and Harrison Sterling - 10th in 1m Showjumping.
Underwater Hockey
JUNIOR TEAM THE THREE JUNIOR UWH teams - Junior Open A & B and Junior Girls played at the Northern Zone Secondary Schools Regional Championships at Westwave Aquatic Centre over the weekend of 10-11 June. The Junior Open B finished 7th in their grade, the Junior Girls finished 5th in theirs. The New Zealand Secondary Schools National UWH Championships were held in Tauranga in September. The Junior Open A and Junior Girls all attended. Junior Open A placed 6th, Junior Girls 10th. The team are Year 10: Caleb Ripley, Emma North, Juliette Twhigg, Kate Rowe, Jack Campbell and Rowan Buick Year 9: Rudy Skilton, Ryan Broughton-Johnson, Lockie O'Neill and Jayden Mather and they are coached by Elliott Snedden of Year 13.
SENIOR TEAM The Senior Open UWH team were bronze medalists at the regionals tournament which took place from 23-25 June at the Baywave Aquatic Centre in Tauranga and 5th in the Senior Open at the The New Zealand Secondary Schools National UWH Championships were held in Tauranga in September. The team are Elliot Snedden, Rebeca Twhigg, Mats Beckmann, Mackenzie Buick, Ryan O'Connor, Juliana Panui-Leth, Samuel Twhigg, Sabrina Yarndley and Cayle Farmiloe. Elliot, Rebecca, Mackenzie, Ryan, Juliana, Samuel and Cayle were all selected to trial for the Northern Zone U18 Rep Team.
The AIMS Games 2017 SAW THE AIMS GAMES double in size for the Mahu team. After weeks of fundraising the 72 strong Y7 & 8 AIMS team finally hit the road to Tauranga in 6 minivans for a week of tournament Football, Hockey, Netball and Rugby 7’s. The opening ceremony was a highlight with awesome Kiwi talent on display, and really hit home the enormity of the tournament. As the tournament got underway for our teams in trying weather conditions, the
results started to pour in with a good mixed bag. Netball girls continued their winning performance from the winter season, cementing their B grade ranking. Rugby 7’s brought exciting fast paced, try line to try line scores, all within 14min game times. The tough competition landed two injuries for the team - a dislocated elbow for James Barnett and a dislocated shoulder for Jarrod Memberry! Football Girls and Boys showed some classy footwork and ball skills, and the Hockey Girls and Boys faced tough
local opposition. Congratulations to Jordan Thomas who travelled as a Hockey Umpire and was lucky enough to be assigned to officiate quarter and semi final games, as well as the boys final which was an outstanding achievement. A massive thanks to the great team of dedicated coaches and managers, and for the support from all our parents, making the AIMS games a week to remember! Karlie Stanbra
Whaia te iti kahurangi
Whaia te iti kahurangi, ki te tuohu koe me maunga teitei. 'Pursue that which is precious, and do not be deterred by anything less than a lofty mountain'. Whaia te iti kahurangi evening is an opportunity for the Maori community to show their academic, sporting and cultural achievements at Mahurangi College. The evening was MC’ed by Mariana Winiana Year 13 and Tama Hawken Year 12.
Dr Ihirangi Heke delivered an inspirational speech and then joined his daughters Aniwa and Kaea in a beautiful waiata trio.
(Y11) and Sara Jones (Y13) and soloist Dani Perkinson.
Mr Macleod welcomed everyone, and spoke about our Maori student’s achievements and how they measured up to the rest of New Zealand.
We had a large number of Maori students who were recognised for all their sporting achievements, however the evening was really about academic achievement and recognising our tauira.
Throughout the evening we were entertained by five extremely talented performers including two sets of sisters - Aniwa (Y9) and Kaea Heke (Y7), other performers were Davina
Thank you to the Kapa Haka Group, Nga Tumanako, Senior Management, Academic Deans, Miss Muir, Ms Merrick and Mr Macleod for all your support, help and effort.
Academic, Sporting and Cultural Achievements for Maori: NGA TEINA (YR 7-8) TE TOHU PATIKIBen Cooper NGA WAENGANUI (YR 9-11) TE TOHU POUTAMA - Davina Jones NGA TUAKANA (YR 12-13) TE TOHU WHETU Hannah Powell SERVICES TO KAPA HAKA Tama Hawken, Takimoana Phillips and Cleo Penman LONG SERVICES AWARD - Mariana Winiana
YEAR 13, LEVEL 2 MERIT ENDORSEMENT IN YEAR 12 - Ariana Toi, Jared Came, Caleb McGlynn, Ben Mackinnon
Leah Jones: Bronze medal in the Junior Girls Triple Jump Auckland Athletic Secondary Champs.
YEAR 13, LEVEL 2 EXCELLENCE ENDORSEMENT IN YEAR 12 - Anna Hanley, Mariana Winiana, Hannah Powell, Sara Jones
Robbie MacFarlane: Silver Intermediate Boys Javelin Auckland Athletic Champs
Tamatea Winiana. Touch Nth Harb. U14 Boys. Senior Mixed Touch Nats 2016. Senior Mixed 2017 Sam Banks.Touch Nth Harb. Boys U16 Mixed. Senior Mixed 2017
YEAR 7 EFFORT AND ACHIEVEMENT Eva Glavish, Josiah Joyce, Jade Thomas, BillyJames Hemana-Dawson, Leroy Eru, Sammie le Bas, Tegan Richards YEAR 8 EFFORT AND ACHIEVEMENT Deja Pareta, Joel Glavish, Curran BlanchetteBurton, Ben Cooper, Hayley Nathan, Maddison Jane-Rashleigh, Ty Connolly, Josh Perkinson, Maia Collins Bowman, Terrayne Collins-Maginley, Noah Barclay, Grace Lewis YEAR 9 ACHIEVING AT EXCELLENCE Chloe Billington, Benjamin McMurtrie, Poppy Billington YEAR 11, GRADUATED WITH EXCELLENCE IN YEAR 10 - Benjamin Holland, Kate Powell, Eden Connelly, Lily Marcroft Anderson, Luke Mackinnon YEAR 11, GRADUATED WITH DISTINCTION IN YEAR 10 - Davina Jones, Benjamin Holland YEAR 12, LEVEL 1 EXCELLENCE ENDORSEMENT IN YEAR 11 - Boedi Parker, Daniel Foote, Alex Medland
Kade Banks. Senior Mixed Touch Nats 2016. Tama Hawken: Touch NZ U20 Squad. Touch Nth Harb U18 Mixed. Senior Mixed Touch Nats 2016. Senior Mixed 2017 Mariana Winiana: Touch NZ U20 Squad. Touch Nth Harb U18 Mixed. Senior Mixed Touch Nats 2016. Senior Mixed 2017
Maia Collins-Bowman: Mahurangi College Cross Country New Record Grace Lewis: Nth Harb Netball Year 8 “2” Jack Rodgers: Motocross National Title 1st U13 -16 grade Terrayne Collins-Maginley: Auckland U12/13 Rugby League Squad Maddison Jane-Rashleigh: Year 8 Netball Te Raki Pai Whenua Kellie Tawhiao: North Harbour U15 Basketball, North Harbour U19 Girls Runners-up Anna Hanley and Ariana Toi: North Harbour U19 Girls Runners-up
Heath Rigby: Feb 25th - 3rd in kata - 4th in kumite (fighting), Sugihara international karate championship March 12th - 1st kata - 1st kumite, Auckland Classic April 1st 1st kata - 2nd kumite. Counties Shotokan Competition (teenage division) May 7th - 3rd kata - 3rd= kumite, Auckland Secondary Schools Championship September 12th - 1st kata (teenage division), Gassaku Napier September 20th - 1st kata Auckland Open
Eden Connolly: North Harbour U16 Mixed, Senior Mixed Touch 2017
Ranelle Le Bas: Nth Harb Netball U15.
Kaea Heke & Aniwa Heke - Smokefree Rock Quest Regionals Sara Jones - Grade 8 Saxophone 2016 and Grade 8 Classic Flute 2017
Patrick McKinnon: Nth Harb Rugby U14. Kevin McNeill: Nth Harb Rugby U14.
Chrysanthe Hawken: Touch NZ U16 Mixed. Touch Nth Harb. U16 Mixed Senior Mixed Touch Nats 2016. Nth Harb Netball U15. Senior Mixed 2017 Lily Marcroft-Anderson: Pony Nationals MUSICAL/ARTS ACHIEVEMENTS
Recgonising Academic Excellence in 2016
EVERY YEAR MAHURANGI college recognises outstanding academic achievement by awarding our highest achieving students at our Academic Blues evening. Held in February, the awards are given based on the previous year’s achievement, the results of which
are made available in January.
YEAR 11 BLUES RECIPIENTS Outstanding Achievers in 2016
Congratulations to the following students who were awarded with Academic Blues for their outstanding achievements in 2016. Students are listed in order of number of Excellence Credits.
DUNCAN MCDONALD 51 Excellence, 57 Merit.
AVA WARD-STEWART 68 Excellence, 41 Merit.
LOGAN SMITH 52 Excellence, 73 Merit.
REBECCA BOYCE 68 Excellence, 53 Merit.
LEAH WOOD 55 Excellence, 43 Merit.
JORDAN HERON 70 Excellence, 39 Merit.
ALICE MARSHALL-YOUNG 55 Excellence, 49 Merit.
KELSEY BROUGHTON-JOHNSON 71 Excellence, 41 Merit.
MICHAEL RANKIN 56 Excellence, 46 Merit.
SANDER STAM 72 Excellence, 19 Merit.
RILEY HATHAWAY 56 Excellence, 54 Merit.
DANIEL FOOTE 74 Excellence, 44 Merit.
ROSALEIGH ROBERTS 57 Excellence, 57 Merit.
KARL POLAND 75 Excellence, 37 Merit.
PEARL MCCLINTOCK 60 Excellence, 57 Merit.
JEROME CUNNINGHAM 76 Excellence, 42 Merit.
DAMIAN MONADJEM 63 Excellence, 29 Merit.
ALEX MEDLAND 78 Excellence, 43 Merit.
ROUSSEAU REES-BAKER 63 Excellence, 44 Merit.
PIPPA HUTCHINSON 81 Excellence, 60 Merit.
LACHIE WILLIAMS 64 Excellence, 50 Merit.
CLAUDIA MUNROE-BOGA 82 Excellence, 16 Merit.
LUKAS VIKSTRAND 64 Excellence, 55 Merit.
JEDD BLENNERHASSETT 85 Excellence, 27 Merit.
NICOLE WHITE 65 Excellence, 52 Merit.
KATY NORTH 87 Excellence, 34 Merit.
JACKSON CRAWFORD 65 Excellence, 62 Merit.
JULIA CAULFIELD 87 Excellence, 39 Merit.
BRYN GRIFFITHS 66 Excellence, 40 Merit.
CICELY DRIVER 88 Excellence, 27 Merit.
BOEDI PARKER 66 Excellence, 42 Merit.
JUNE XU 88 Excellence, 51 Merit.
Our students have worked hard and been diligent and that has lead to their academic success and we are proud to recognise this by awarding them with our highest honour, an Academic Blue.
LEXIE MCGILLIVRAY 90 Excellence, 32 Merit. ROSA KESKIC 99 Excellence, 20 Merit. SOPHIA TORRESAN 106 Excellence, 21 Merit. MACKENZIE BUICK 110 Excellence, 24 Merit. LIANA SYKES 118 Excellence, 4 Merit. CHRISTIAN POLAND 127 Excellence, 8 Merit. SABRINA YARNDLEY 128 Excellence, 8 Merit.
TOP MIDDLE SCHOOL SCHOLAR DAVINA JONES 98% GPA Middle School Graduation with Distinction. Recipient of the ANZ Bank and Fuji Xerox Middle School Top Scholar Award.
Highest Grade Point Average at L3
Top Subject Scholars Nationally Awarded to only the top students in each subject nationally. Congratulations to the following: ARI MARKOWITZ Mathmatics with Calculus and Physics GABBY BISSETT Photography
CHANTELLE MAHER GPA in her top 100 credits was 400/400 with all credits being gained at excellence level.
Outstanding Achievers in 2016
Outstanding Achievers in 2016 JAIDYN CALDWELL 50 Excellence, 26 Merit.
SAMUEL CADWALLADER 65 Excellence, 51 Merit.
KRYSANA HANLEY 50 Excellence, 19 Merit.
CAITLIN MITCHELL 50 Excellence, 37 Merit.
JACOB BINDON 70 Excellence, 49 Merit.
GABBY BISSETT 50 Excellence, 40 Merit.
ZOE ILLINGWORTH 51 Excellence, 31 Merit.
NATHANIEL BEDGGOOD 76 Excellence, 26 Merit.
IMOGEN DUMVILLE 50 Excellence, 48 Merit.
SARA JONES 51 Excellence, 45 Merit.
MAX YOUNG 76 Excellence, 33 Merit.
LOUISA HUGES 53 Excellence, 31 Merit.
MARIANA WINIANA 52 Excellence, 36 Merit.
EVA REBENSCHIED 78 Excellence, 14 Merit.
LIAM CALDWELL 53 Excellence, 33 Merit.
JAMIE-LEE ROBERTS 58 Excellence, 62 Merit.
NINA MIRFIN 84 Excellence, 19 Merit.
LUCY TWHIGG 61 Excellence, 20 Merit.
REBECCA TWHIGG 61 Excellence, 25 Merit.
CAOIMHE LANE 84 Excellence, 28 Merit.
ARI MARKOWITZ 62 Excellence, 26 Merit.
MARNEY EDWARDS 61 Excellence, 40 Merit.
HANNAH DUNN 85 Excellence, 32 Merit.
EMILY CAMPBELL 62 Excellence, 29 Merit.
MATTHEW TOCKLER 61 Excellence, 48 Merit.
CARRIE WOOLLER 86 Excellence, 24 Merit.
SARAH WILSON 63 Excellence, 39 Merit.
SHARA WAUGH 61 Excellence, 49 Merit.
JACK YARNDLEY 88 Excellence, 27 Merit.
LIAM TEO 66 Excellence, 8 Merit.
TIRI SOPPET 62 Excellence, 30 Merit.
HANNAH POWELL 88 Excellence, 29 Merit.
BROOKE NICHOLLS 80 Excellence, 18 Merit.
XAVIER GARNEAU-ROUGHAN 62 Excellence, 35 Merit.
AIMEE HEWITT 90 Excellence, 18 Merit.
CHANTELLE MAHER 103 Excellence.
WANGHUA YANG 63 Excellence, 46 Merit.
RUPERT POWER 98 Excellence, 20 Merit.
CALEB WIGMAN 64 Excellence, 37 Merit.
THIS YEAR'S CULTURAL Blues awards evening was a feast of student entertainment provided by music, arts, drama and kapahaka groups. Blues awards and special awards were formally presented by our Principal, Mr David Macleod and other invited guests. A well deserved congratulations to all those students in acknowledgement of their
contribution to the cultural life of Mahurangi College over the years. Highlight performances were given by a range of talented students.Overall it was a very enjoyable evening for all involved and for the audience. A huge thanks go to the staff, performers and students involved in making it a success.
Congratulations to the following students who won special cultural awards this year. These awards represent outstanding cultural service and achievement. KATE ROWE & RYAN STAM
Year 10 Up and Coming Award Hungerford Trophy
Basil Kirker Achievement Award for Services to Choral Singing
Anne Dewey Dance Trophy
Spenceley Trophy for Most Dedicated Student to Music and Performing Arts
The Elliott Cup for the Visual Arts Person of the Year
The Atkins Award for Most Talented, Committed and Supportive Drama Student
Dance Makers Cup Senior Award for Performance Arts
SHARA WAUGH Bissett Family Art Cup
XAVIER GARNEAU-ROUGHAN Production Hall of Fame Award
CONNOR SIMPSON Technical Support Cup Diligence and Dedication with Technical Support
SARA JONES Moira Atkinson Trophy for Best Performing Artist
TEAETO TEBUTOKAI Southern Paprika Award
BRODY BUER Dashper Instrumental Music Award for the talented, committed & supportive instrumental musician
AMALI SHORE, SAMMIE LE BAS, CLAUDIA STERLING Junior Cultural Blue Year 7 & 8 Outstanding Students
Congratulations to all the students who won Cultural Blues and Merit awards this year, as well as those who are recognised for their services to culture at the school.
Cultural Blue
Cultural Merit
Service to Cultural Merit
A BLUES AWARD IS A prestigious distinction that is presented to a student who has achieved outstanding success in a sporting activity. 2017 has been another outstanding year of participation and achievement. Blues Award winners are expected to represent Mahurangi College in their particular sport wherever possible. They should have met some of these criteria: represent to at least provincial level
at the highest grade possible - e.g. an Auckland, North Harbour, Northland or NZ representative. Win a provincial title or be in the top six at national competitions. Must show good sportsmanship, attend practices regularly, lead by example and perform outstandingly in their sport during that year. Be selected in a tournament team at a provincial, regional or national championship. Aside from the Blues Awards we also
award students who have provided a service to sport. Every sport needs Coaches, Managers and Referees or Umpires. Services to Sport recognises the efforts of those who volunteer and provide a competent and consistent service for the whole season. Service to Sports Blues winners should complete courses or qualifications for their chosen sports, and provide competent and consistent service for a full season.
ATHLETICS: Maia Collins Bowman, George D’Urban-Burgess, Eli Hallam, Shona Illingworth, Heather Niccolls, Zali Taylor
ATHLETICS: Moana Courtenay, Brianna Cadwallader, Sam Cadwallader, Thea Henderson, Luke Hitchcock, Leah Jones, Robbie McFarlane, Jay Morris, Kaleigh Morris, Kate Rowe, Lucy Rowe, Sean Willcox, Alice Williams, Lewis Arthur.
Robson, Tama Hawken.
CROSS COUNTRY: Lucy Rowe, Samuel Cadwallader.
EQUESTRIAN: Harrison Sterling.
SWIMMING: Kimberley Allen, Laurens Bubbert, Zali Taylor.
BASKETBALL: Ethan Rebenschied CROSS COUNTRY: Kate Rowe EQUESTRIAN: Cicely Driver NETBALL: Elouise Balfour, Maddison Jane-Rashleigh, Ranelle Le Bas, Grace Lewis, Ameline Makin, Coco Bone, Faithe Crane-Lima. RUGBY: Tama Hawken TOUCH: Cam Taylor UWH: Mackenzie Buick, Ryan O'Connor, Rebecca Twhigg SERVICES TO SPORT: Kelsey Broughton-Johnson, Jared Came, Teneale Guy, Cade Hansen, Megan Heald, Eden Hunt, Pippa Hutchinson, Shar Illingworth, Shona Illingworth, Zara Innes, Leah Jones, Summer Jane-Rashleigh, Rhys Jones, Sophie Mahady, Flynn Medland, Kaleigh Morris, Stephanie Owen, Kery Peddle, Jessie Porter, Caleb Ripley, Jamie LeeRoberts, Chloe Sutherland, Lola Wech, Maddison Wech, Kayla Wenham, Fayte Woodcock, Lockie O’Neill.
FOOTBALL: Katy Gothard. HOCKEY: Zara Innes, Kaleigh Morris, Theo Neumann, Jordon Thomas. KARATE: Stephanie Earley, Jayden Earley, Heath Rigby. KICK BOXING: Riley Gibbs. MOTORCROSS: Jack Rodgers, Nicholas Schollum. NETBALL: Amelia Burton, Chrysanthe Hawken. POWER WHEEL CHAIR FOOTBALL: Sandra Wilcock. RUGBY: Moana Courtenay, Tenaija Fletcher, Lewis Gravatt, Eli Hallam, Elizabeth Hepoto, Patrick Mackinnon, Sam Mason, Kevin McNeill, Ryan Membery, Tekaretaake Nawaia, Cooper Rodden, Nicholas Schollum, Cisco South, Cam Taylor, Korotaake Tebutokai, Samantha Williams-
SURF LIFE SAVING: Liana Sykes, Tobey Sykes, Kimberly Allen SOFTBALL: Jamie Glassford
TOUCH: Jaidyn Armstrong, Sam Banks, Tonya Botherway, Eden Connolly, George D'Urban-Burgess, Chrysanthe Hawken, Tama Hawken, Danika McKenzie, Emma North, Ethan Scalabrini, Mariana Winiana, Tamatea Winiana. UWH: Emma North, Elliot Snedden, Samuel Twhigg. SERVICES TO SPORT: Mackenzie Buick, Maia Collins-Bowman, Skye Collins-Maginley, Cayle Familoe, Chrysanthe Hawken, Emily Martin, Heather Niccolls, Emma North, Ryan O'Connor, Holly Ripley, Rhianna Schedewy, Anna Schollum, Liana Sykes, Elliot Snedden, Mitchell Sterling, Harrison Sterling, Jordon Thomas, Rebecca Twhigg, Samuel Twhigg.
Perhaps the most difficult to attain is the NZ Achievers award. This is awarded to students who have performed outstandingly and gained representative honours at a National or International Level, have won a National Title, or have been selected in a National or International Tournament Team. Amazingly we have a range of students who have gained this high honour. Finally, our top awards are for the Sportsman, Sportswoman and Team of the
Year. 2017 saw so many successes it was difficult to choose, but our winners are undoubtedly outstanding in their respective fields.
achieved in their sports or shown they have participated to a high level.
The criteria for these awards are demanding, but we are proud to say that To be eligible for the Sportswoman and many of our students meet these year Sportsman awards we look for a student after year. who has had excellent commitment and Sport is alive and well at Mahurangi sportsmanship, and the right attitude. Nominees need to have been involved in College, and we look forward to seeing what these top performers go on to a wide range of sporting activities both achieve in future. in and out of school, and need to have
TEAM OF THE YEAR Underwater Hockey Senior Open
Underwater Hockey Senior Open Team - High Distinction, 2nd place inter-schools comp, 3rd place Regional Champs, 5th place NZSS UWH National Champs
SPORTSWOMEN OF THE YEAR Heather Niccolls NZ Open Women 6km Paddle Board National Champion, School Cross Country Champion School Swimming Champion, School Athletics, Champion, 3rd 200m SG NH Champs, Sailing Team who placed 1st in the Bronze Fleet, Head Sports Prefect, Qualified Sailing & Swimming Coach
Mariana Winiana NZU19 Touch Mixed Squad - team to be named later this year, NHU18 Mixed Touch Team Senior Mixed Touch Team who placed 5th at NZSS, Touch National Champs, Hockey 1XI Girls team captain, Basketball U19 Girls team, Rugby Open Girls team, Netball Senior 2 team, Sports Prefect, Touch Coach
SPORTSMAN OF THE YEAR Elliot Snedden NZ U19 Worlds team which won Bronze Medal at the World Age Group UWH Championships, Northern Zone U18 A representative team which won Gold at the UWH National Champs, Auckland Open Mens B team which won Bronze at the Open Mens UWH National Champs, Gold in A grade North Island Champs, Top Auckland Schools Senior Boy, Senior Open Tournament Team 2017 NZ Secondary Schools National Champs, Regional & National, Underwater Hockey Umpire, Junior Underwater Hockey Coach, Top Novice Coach 2017 NZ Secondary Schools Nationals,Captain 1XI Boys Hockey
ACHIEVERS OF THE YEAR STAND UP PADDLE BOARDING: Heather Niccolls TOUCH: Chrysanthe Hawken, Tanya Botherway, Tamara Hagger. UWH: Emma North, Elliot Snedden.
Recognising outstanding Mahurangi College student achievement RUPERT POWER & EVA REBENSCHIED - Argyle Manufacturing and OneAgency Hall Property Group Scholarships
HANNAH DUNN - McDonald Adams Optometrists' Scholarship ALISHA MCLENNAN, SHARA WAUGH, MARNEY EDWARDS & JAMIE LEE ROBERTS - Warkworth Community Scholarship NATHANIEL BEDGGOOD - The Bailey Earley Memorial Scholarship SAM MASON - The Full Spectrum Training Facility Aspiring Athletic Scholarship
DUX & PROXIME ACCESSIT Mahurangi College top honours
TUTANA HURBERT - The New Zealand School of Tourism Scholarship MAX YOUNG - David Sheat Memorial Scholarship (Rotary)
ZANE ILLINGWORTH - DUX The Otago University Dux Scholarship The Fuji Xerox Prize Patricia & Alan Schedewy Family Cup for Dux of Mahurangi College
JACK YARNDLEY - PROXIME ACCESSIT Bank of New Zealand and Gubbs Motors Scholarship Alon & Audrey Shaw Award for Proxime Accessit of Mahurangi College
Dolly Wynyard Trust Scholarships
GEMMA HARRIS - The Gladys Partridge Scholarship MATTHEW TORCKLER - The Mike Pero Real Estate Young Person of the Year Scholarship SAMUEL CADWALLADER, AIMEE HEWETT - Massey University Business School Future
Leaders Scholarships
ZANE ILLINGWORTH - University of Otago Academic Excellence Entrance Scholarship WANGHUA YANG - University of Otago New Frontiers Excellence Scholarship JESSIE PORTER & AIMEE HEWETT - Massey University Business School Future Leaders Scholarships
JACK YARNDLEY - The University of Auckland Academic Potential Scholarship XAVIER GARNEAU-ROUGHAN - The University of Auckland Pasifika Scholarship BEN MACKINNON & ARIANA TOI - University of Waikato School Leaver Scholarships
GREEN & PURPLE HOUSES Overall House Competition Winners!
MAX YOUNG - University of Canterbury Undergraduate Entrance Scholarship HEATHER NICCOLLS - University of Canterbury 'Go Canterbury' Scholarship HANNAH POWELL & CAOIMHE LANE - Victoria University Academic Excellence
SARA JONES - Victoria University Academic Achievers Scholarship AIMEE HEWETT - The Auckland University of Technology Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship ZANE ILLINGWORTH - University of Auckland Top Achievers' Award HANNAH POWELL, CARRIE WOOLLER & REBECCA TWHIGG - University of Otago Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarships
JACOB BINDON & ANNA HANLEY - Te Paewai O Te Rangi: The University of Waikato Scholarships for Outstanding Academic Achievement SARA JONES - University of Auckland Maori Academic Excellence Scholarship KERYN PEDDLE - The Hauser-Raspe Foundation Grant
GEORGE D'URBAN-BURGESS Int. Boys’ Athletic Champ
ELLIOT SNEDDEN Keith Edmonds Memorial Cup for Sportsman of the Year
BRIANNA CADWALLADER Int. Girls’ Athletic Champ GEORGE D'URBAN-BURGESS Int. Boys’ Cross Country Champ LUCY ROWE Int. Girls’ Cross Country Champ LUKE HITCHCOCK Senior Boys’ Athletic Champ HEATHER NICCOLLS Senior Girls’ Athletic Champion SAM CADWALLADER Senior Boys’ Cross Country Champ HEATHER NICCOLLS Senior Girls’ Cross Country Champ RIKUTO SUZUKI Intermediate Boys’ Swimming Champ SHAR ILLINGWORTH Intermediate Girls’ Swimming Champ LAURENS BUBBERT Senior Boys’ Swimming Champ
HEATHER NICCOLLS & Frost Plate for Sportswoman of the Year MARIANA WINIANA SARA JONES Moira Atkinson Trophy for the Cultural Person of the Year HANNAH POWELL Tu Mana Maori Trophy for a student who has excelled in Manaakitanga MARIANA WINIANA Wilson Wirihana Memorial Trophy for excellent effort and attitude in all aspects of Maori Culture SARA JONES Moira Atkinson Trophy for the Cultural Person of the Year LINENI VAOTANGI The Outstanding Senior Pasifika Student Award
HEATHER NICCOLLS Senior Girls’ Swimming Champ EUNETE KIATAAKE & JAMES STRUDE Senior Table Tennis Champions
Year 11 & 12
ANNA SCHOLLUM The Price Trophy and Steve Haycock Construction Ltd Prize for perseverance in adversity RIKUTO SUZUKI The Norman Roke Shield and Steve Haycock Contstruction Prize for Innovation in Technology
MACKENZIE BUICK The Anthoni Dudding Cup and Kowhai Physio and Hand Therapy Prize for Science at Level 2
RILEY HATHAWAY The Tawharanui Regional Park Conservation Award and the Mahurangi
Vision Centre Prize for
increasing public awareness of conservation issues
BROOKLYN TAHI TAHI The Paper Plus Prize for Achievement and Diligence in the Pathway Programme
ROSE DUGDALE-MARTIN The Jaycee Award and The Webster Malcom Law Prize for
MARIA HARDY & REED PITCHER The Warkworth Driving Academy Scholarship
Year 13
RHYS JONES The Coresteel Buildings and White Cliffs Timber Ltd Prize for Innovation in Technology HANNAH POWELL The Warkworth Lions Cup and Prize for Excellence in Public Speaking, The Molly Brooking Award and Friends of Mahu Prize for Head Girl, The Year 13 and Noel Leeming Prize for Leadership- donated by Year 13 students of 2010 ZANE ILLINGWORTH The Campbell Award and Matakana Pub Prize for Science and Mathematics, The C L Moore Trophy and Kowhai Surgery Prize for Pure Science, The Friends of Mahu Prize for Head Boy
JACK YARNDLEY The David Wilson Memorial Award and Warkworth Vets Prize for Mathematics JAMES MILLER The Andrew Coombs Memorial Award and Isometrics Prize for diligence in Digital Technology OLIVIA STEVENSON The Quintal Family Cup and Sentinel Homes Prize for diligence in Technology, The Student Executive Cup and the Mahurangi Vision Centre and Coresteel Buildings Prize for Student contribution to the life of the school CHLOE BERGER The Maltby Family Cup and Brick Bay Wines Prize for Senior Art CARRIE WOOLLER The Friends of Mahu Prize for Deputy Head Girl JACOB BINDON The Friends of Mahu Prize for Deputy Head Boy, The Ex-Pupils’ Rose Bowl and The Lions Club of Warkworth and The Warkworth Dental Prize for Best All-Rounder
SARA JONES The Granville Shield and Summerset Falls Retirement Village Prize for Civic Responsibilities XAVIER GARNEAU-ROUGHAN The Rodney Lodge of Freemasons Prize for the senior boy who shows the most initiative, self-reliance and consideration for others
SHARA WAUGH The Matakana Dental Prize for the senior girl who shows the most initiative, self-reliance and consideration for others ZANE PANUI-LETH The Lions Club of Kowhai Coast Shield & Prize for The Student Learning Centre pupil who is diligent and shows a caring and positive attitude.
BILLIE BLAIR The Chocolate Brown Award for creativity and professionalism in Hospitality, Coresteel Buildings Award for Innovation HARRISON WALKER Leggoe Electrical Contractors Award For a student, with dyslexia, displaying perseverance and achievement.
The highest achievers in each subject
Congratulations to the following students who won top in subject awards this year. These awards represent outstanding academic achievement in individual subjects.
1st place in Level 1 Subjects
• Accounting • Mathematics • Spanish
• History
• Hospitality
• Science • Drama
• Business Studies
• Generic Technology
1st place in Level 2 Subjects CLAUDIA MUNROBOGA
• The Coresteel Buildings Prize for Art Design
• Photolife Studios Prize for Art Photography
• The Amstar New Zealand Ltd Prize for Design Technology
• The BK Design Prize for Furniture
• The Warkworh Prize for Drama • The Mahurangi Matters Prize for Media Studies
• The Intimate Apparel Prize for Hospitality
• Health
• Bavage Chapman Chartered Accountants Prize for Science
• Fashion and Design
• Hush Hair and Retail Prize for Fashion and Design
• The Sculptureum - Oak Hill Vineyard Prize for Art Painting
• Design & Visual Com • Geography • 1st Equal in Art Painting
• Warkworth Dental Prize for Chemistry
• 1st Equal in English • 1st Equal in Media
• 1st Equal in English • 1st Equal in Media
• The Warkworth Digital Design and Print Limited Prize for Geography • The Warkworth Sheetmetals Ltd Prize for Mathematics with Statistics • The Briar Rose Florist Prize for Music
• Music
• Physical Education
• The Warkworth Car and Truck Rentals Prize for Te Reo Maori
• Te Reo Maori
• The Adams Driving School Prize for Tourism
• Art Design
• The Amstar New Zealand Ltd & Machinery House Prize for Mechanical Engineering
• 1st Equal in Art Painting
• The New World Warkworth Prize for Spanish
• Digital Technology
• The Kowhai Physio & Hand Therapy Prize for PE
• Food Technology
• The Kowhai Physio and Hand Therapy Prize for Biology • The Dyson Smythe and Gladwell Lawyers Prize for 1st Equal English
• The Southern Paprika Prize for English for Speakers of Other Languages
• The iCater Prize for Food Technology • The Isometrics Solutions for Digital Technology
• The Totalspan Rodney Steel Buildings Prize for Design & Visual Communication • The Kowhai Physio and Hand Therapy Prize for Physics
• The Dyson Smythe and Gladwell Lawyers Prize for 1st Equal English • The SBA Small Business Accounting Prize for Accounting • The Coresteel Buildings Prize for Business Studies • The Withers and Co Ltd Prize for History • The Bavage Chapman Chartered Accountants Prize for Mathematics with Statistics and Calculus
1st place in Level 3 Subjects
ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE Highest grade point average
• The OPC Ltd Prize for Classics
• Hush Hair and Retail Prize for Art Design
• The Design and Landscape Ltd and the Koru Knitwear Prize for 1st Equal in Art Painting
• The Design and Landscape Ltd and the Koru Knitwear Prize for 1st Equal in Art Painting
• The Kowhai Physio and Hand Therapy Prize for Physical Education
Warkworth Surveyors Ltd Prize for Academic Achievement in Level 1 (Highest Grade Point Average in top 100 credits over 6 subjects).
• The OPC Ltd Prize for Geography
• The Withers and Co Ltd Prize for Drama
• The Koru Knitwear Prize for Fashion and Design
• The Amstar New Zealand Ltd Prize for Furniture
• The Paper Plus and Coresteel Buildings Prize for Gateway
• The BK Design Prize for Design & Visual Com
• Chocolate Brown Prize for Hospitality
• The Life Pharmacy Franklin for Music
Webster Malcolm Law Prize for Academic Achievement in Level 2 (Highest Grade Point Average in top 100 credits over 6 subjects).
• The Camera Shop and The Kowhai Physio and Hand Therapy Prize for 1st Equal in Photography
• The Camera Shop and The Kowhai Physio and Hand Therapy Prize for 1st Equal in Photography
• The Rhodes for Roads Contractors Prize for Outdoor Education
• The Matakana Matters Prize for Media Studies
• The Paper Plus Prize for Technology
• The Koru Knitwear Prize for Tourism
• The Matakana Village Markets Prize for Business Studies • The Insight Legal Prize for Mathematics
• The Isometric Solutions Prize for 1st Equal in Digital Technology/Web Design • The Buckton Prize for Mathematics with Calculus
• The Isometric Solutions Prize for 1st Equal in Digital Technology/Web Design • The New Zealand Institute of Physics Prize for Physics • The Dyson Smythe and Gladwell Prize for 1st Equal in English
• The Colin Lee Memorial Award and OPC Ltd Prize for Biology • The Speed Award and the Warkworth Dental Prize for Chemistry • The Dyson Smythe and Gladwell Prize for 1st Equal in English
• The Koru Knitwear Prize for Te Reo Maori
These awards go to the students with the highest grade point average in their top 100 credits. These awards recognise consistently high achievement across a range of subject areas.
For students gaining 5 or more diligence certificates at Y11 or 12 and 4 or more for Y13. • Year 11 - Mahurangi Rotary Prize BENJAMIN HOLLAND • Year 11 - ANZ Partners Prize NICOLE WHITE AND SABRINA YARNDLEY • Year 13 - The Active Plus Prize RAVINTA RAIKAON
Staff 2017 BACK ROW: Marsha Stimpson, Tanya Jensen, Peter Johnston, Caroline Lane, Carla Strachan, Alison Moncrie, Lyn Dashper, Beverley Tennant, Liana Ruland, Maria Marshall, Kelly Hall, Debbie Hodder, Carol Weaver, Claire McMillan, 5TH ROW: Gay Murphy, Helen Elder, Danielle Turrell, Christine Meek, Yvonne Holdgate, Natalie Caldwell, Ruth Chitty, Catherine Campbell, Jody Jordan, Sue O'Reilly, Moira Mason, Kate Lyttle, Simon Yates, Lisa Bissett, Ben Howson, Lynette Hudson 4TH ROW: Santi Carse, Emily WoodďŹ led, Sophie Morrison, Jenni Segedin, Aran Taylor, Patrick Henchie, Kornte Snedden, Mirren Fredickson, Anne Taylor, Vivienne Paterson, Kellie Kennard-Gill, Gareth McNaughten, Wayne Frost, Angela Phillips, Gail Smith, Bonnie Maginley, Tessa Scovell, Heather Edmonds 3RD ROW: Qing Zhang, Jeanette Cornege-Dill, Anna Scadden, Peter Glover, Nicola Betts, Wendy Sutherland, Penny Muir, Debbie Hamer, Peter Ennis, Chrisina Parker, Sally Maday Paula Wood, Nicola Rhodes, Manish Tanna, Russell Stirling, Penny Bates, Karlie Stanbra, Geraldine Healy 2ND ROW: Lewis Bostock, Ian Callachan, Daren King, Jamie McLagan, Grant Waugh, Anthony Koers, Khamal Ganley, Carl Brewer, Johan Schnetler, Adam Dockary, Michael Stewart, Jacob Drummond, Caz Waugh, Jonathan Dutton, Justin Rushmer, Brenden Scott, Rebecca West, Tina Searle FRONT ROW: Grainne Kelly-Wakeman, Maree Drost, Joanna Jessop, Marilyn Newlove, Keith Tennant, Catherine Wynne, Christina Merrick, Alistair Elder, David Macleod, Catherine Johnston, Jonathan Blyth, Jamie Craik, Gerald Walker, Charlotte Gipps, Vern Dempster, Nyree Norrington, Kerrin Jamieson
New Staff TONY BEER I started in Term 2 as Receptionist/ Enrolment Administrator. In this short time I have been working here, I've been made to feel extremely welcome by staff, students and parents, and have really settled in and feel part of an amazing team. I am enjoying meeting and assisting the students, parents, staff and visitors and being part of a busy office where my role is varied and challenging. I have lived in the area for many years and enjoy living and working in this great community.
ANDY GIPPS I have been a Geography and Social Studies teacher in NZ for almost 20 years. For most of that time I have worked at Mount Roskill Grammar School in Auckland, visiting Mahurangi a number of times on sports exchange. Last year I was awarded a Teach NZ study award to complete my Masters in Educational Leadership at Auckland University and moved with my family to Point Wells. We all love life by the beach and I am looking forward to embracing life at my new school.
I have been teaching Science and Chemistry 24 years, 10 years in the UK and the last 14 in New Zealand. I have worked at Mahurangi College for a number of years but have been away for three years working for Team Solutions - the professional learning and development arm of the University of Auckland. My daughter Hannah went to Mahurangi College and son Peter is currently in year 10. I'm a keen runner.
LORI YAU I recently joined Mahurangi College at the start of Term 2 working in the Careers Office, having had a break from working in education during my transition from the UK to New Zealand. I love living in New Zealand and the lifestyle it offers. I have been made to feel extremely welcome at Mahurangi College by staff and students. I am excited about the new challenges ahead and look forward to supporting the students and see them grow into young adults.
DEBBIE HODDER Food has always been my passion. At the age of 13, I loved Home Ec so much that I started cooking dinner for my family for $1/meal. In my 20s, I made more money working as a nutritional counsellor. Later I married a Kiwi bloke and moved to New Zealand and began milking cows. I enjoyed NZ foods and had hungry farmers to feed. Eventually I became self-employed with coffee, cafes and catering.
ELISE JAMES I completed my Graduate Diploma of Teaching at Auckland University, where I also completed my Bachelor of Arts, majoring in English and Art History. I came to Mahurangi College from Kerikeri High School (the school I went to), so when the opportunity arose to get myself out of my comfort zone, and into a fantastic new location, I had to take it! I noticed some similarities between the Kerikeri and Warkworth, such as the picturesque beaches and lovely locals, so it was an easy decision.
ANTHONY KOERS I finished a Graduate Diploma of Teaching at the University of Waikato while working part-time coaching cricket. I have enjoyed the challenge of teaching a wide variety of year levels, as well as teaching within a co-ed environment. I enjoy playing golf and tennis in my spare time, as well as attending Chiefs rugby and Breakers basketball games. My partner and I (along with her cat that I am allergic to) live in the North Shore, which is a nice escape from the small community of Warkworth.
Originally from the Bay of Plenty, I have been teaching in the local area for the past four years.
I'm a second year teacher. Last year I taught at Timaru Girls' and I'm originally from Dunedin. I'm happy to be living somewhere a bit warmer and am teaching Spanish and English here at Mahurangi.
I have two sons, one in year 5 the other in year 8. My daughter is currently in year 12. My family and I enjoy taking advantage of all the local beaches and the sports that this area provides. One of our favourite activities to do during the school holidays is to spend time in the South Island snowboarding.
I speak German as well as Spanish and love helping students discover the joy of communicating in another language. I play the flute and have enjoyed playing for our school show. I also like rockclimbing, swimming, sailing, knitting, reading, and watching movies.
JUSTIN RUSHMER I am the new teacher in the Junior Department. I was released into the world in 1992. My initial 15 years in this world were spent in South Africa. At the age of 15 I migrated to New Zealand where I decided that I would spend all of my life in school. Once finishing school I did my Bachelors and Graduate degrees at Massey University (Albany). I have had a great first year at Mahurangi.
CARL BREWER Originally from the North Shore, I spent my first four years teaching on the Kapiti Coast, where I taught a range of ages. Having found my niche teaching senior (primary) students, I jumped at the chance to teach Year 8 at Mahu. I have really enjoyed my first year here - it helps having a great bunch of kids to teach - and I love the sense of family that is so noticeable around the school.
MIRREN FREDRICKSON Kia ora koutou! I was fortunate enough to join the Junior department this year teaching a wonderful group of Year 7s. I am a past student of Mahurangi College and have happily returned to Warkworth to enjoy the stunning coastline, great people and relaxed lifestyle. Prior to this I have been teaching for ten years in a range of locations, from Remuera to London to Mangere. I am passionate about passing on a love of learning, a respect for self, others and the environment to students starting in Year 7.
EMILY WOODFIELD I came to Mahu this year after teaching at Takapuna Grammar for the past three years. It has been very exciting to be able to introduce dance as a subject to this school. The production this year was a wonderful opportunity for me to work with our dancers to showcase their skills and talents. Our new Dance club has been another great way for me to get to know more of the talented dancers here.
I teach Textile Technology. I am originally from the UK but I have lived around the world, settling in New Zealand ten years ago.
I have studied at Auckland University obtaining a Bachelor of Science and Diploma in Teaching. I moved up to Warkworth to be close to family, for a great lifestyle and for new opportunities.
I made a career change to become a teacher after working in the garment industry for many years developing clothing ranges for designers, retailers and football teams. I love working with students to develop their interests and skills and I am thoroughly enjoying the Mahurangi School community.
I am passionate about teaching, being involved in sport and also enjoy coaching others. This year I am coaching the 2nd XV Rugby team and am playing for Ponsonby. I have enjoyed my time so far at the college and look forward to getting to know the community.
Mahurangi College provided a good start for our children and we continue to enjoy the spin off from this by way of many evenings at various pubs in the area, TOM & PAM DOWLING listening to the band that two of our lads Over fifty years of “Dowlingness” at play in. The pursuit of musical interests Mahurangi College – fifteen each for was strongly encouraged when they were Tom and Pam, and seven for each of the young teenagers at Mahu. three Dowling boys. We left the South Island with a young There was one interesting year with all family in 1996 and settled in Algies Bay of us there together. It’s not always where the sailboat could be put to good easy having your children in the same use. Both of us taught in a variety of school. You don’t necessarily want to schools in the area before settling in at hear what they have been up to over the Mahurangi in 2003. morning cup of coffee.
with Tom, closely involved in a variety of activities that included the school sailing team for a number of years. Now we both indulge the more genteel (and maybe age appropriate) activity of the Archery club. Now seems the right time for the next move, whatever that happens to be. The South Island is high on the priority list. The decision to call time at this point is bitter/sweet. We know we will miss the uplifting energy that comes from working with young people and a great bunch of colleagues.
The usual round of kid’s sport followed
JENNI SEGEDIN I joined the staff at Mahurangi College mid 2004 after 18 years teaching at Warkworth Primary. I have loved my job as a Guidance Counsellor and have always considered it a huge privilege to help empower young people to live their lives wisely. I have also greatly enjoyed the extra curricular activities I have been involved in, particularly the Senior Show and Year 9 camps. My retirement ends a long and very happy family association with the school spanning more than 40 years.
Farewell Marilyn
room and the Spanish room. I always thought that you guys should have a meal, in the first few balls we only had supper. One year we put up marquees and served dinner there however, you can imagine how cold that was so we didn’t do that the following year. There was some amazing decorations in the school hall over the years, but it was incredibly time consuming. After that, we went to Accession, but that got too small for us. We went to RD6 one year, that was a really good year, however we had to clean up the decorations that night. From there we moved to North Harbour and since then we have been within the city. The move to be an outside venue where we did not have to do the cleanup was huge. Now it is much more of a professional ball. Which was the most memorable prank day? It would have to be the farmyard. They brought in sheep and dressed up as cowgirls and cowboys, converting the school into a farm. However, the sheep got out and went all through the Illingworths property next door and on the main road! That was when it was a much smaller year group. It was never a tradition and it is nice under the health and safety that we can’t do it anymore.
Mrs Newlove has been a massive asset not only to the Head Prefects but to the Careers Office and the Year 13 students. As Head Prefects, we had the privilege to sit down and interview her on the 40 years she has spent at Mahurangi College. We wish you the absolute best for the future and cannot thank you enough for all of the hard work you have contributed to this school.
What is your advice for the up and coming Year 13's? The best advice I could give would be to make the most of it and enjoy it. To take every opportunity they can, setting their goals early and aiming high so that when it comes to making their decision for the following year, they will have many open doors. What is your favourite event of the year? That is very hard for me to say, there are lots of things. I do enjoy the ball because I
As the Year 13 Dean, what is the highlight of the year? It’s always getting to know the Year 13 students; making that connection with them not only as students, but also as people. That’s the important thing to me. I really like to get to know the Head Prefects, they make my year. I’m not saying that because you guys are interviewing me but the Head Prefects are the first people that I get to really meet. What other roles have you been within the school? When I started back in ‘78, I was employed on a one-year contract as a science teacher. I also had a math class and that was the subject I was really passionate about. Gradually I became a full-time maths teacher. Then I decided that I would like to get into Careers, so when an opportunity came up I took it. I did have a turn being an Assistant Principal, however, I didn’t particularly like it as much. My excuse was that if I became an Assistant Principal I wouldn’t be able to teach maths and I still liked teaching. Over the years, Careers became a much bigger job with the likes of Gateway and so my hours teaching decreased. It was about 25 years ago that I became the Year 13 Dean. School Balls - How many have you done? Where have you gone? What’s been the best? This year was my 25th school ball. I never have a best, I always tell you guys that yours is the best, but I say that year after year. Originally it was done at our school and I would give up the July holidays to assist with the decorations. We would convert the whole auditorium area, then when the numbers grew, the decoration expanded into the Music
can see everything that you guys do behind the scenes. Another highlight would be to celebrate the success of the students. What has been the biggest change to the school since you first started? The student and staff numbers, when I started teaching here, there was 656 students and 35 staff. We now have over 100 staff and more than double students. The other thing would be the grounds and the buildings. I think that has been the biggest thing that I have noticed. The look of the school now is just beautiful. As for the students, I think the students are just wonderful and haven’t changed that much. What are your plans for the future? My plans are to enjoy myself, I am not one to set down many plans, and to take as many opportunities that come my way. I love my garden and to be working in my garden. I love my crafts, so look forward to being able to do that more frequently. What are you going to miss the most about Mahurangi? I am going to miss the companionship from the staff, particularly my office and the students. 40 years is a lot, most of my life has been at school. My own children use to say to me “Are you ever going to leave school Mum? You’ve been there since you’ve been 5!”
Staff 2017 Senior Management
Board of Trustees
Principal Mr D Macleod
Assistant Principals Mrs C Johnston
Board Chair Mr D Iverson
Board Secretary & EO Carla Strachan
Deputy Principal Mr A Elder
Mr J Blyth
Deputy Chair Mr S Garner Staff Representative Mrs N Norrington Dip FA, Dip
Trustees Ms T Martin Mr I Heke Mr J Neely
B.Com, B.A, Dip Tch
B.A, Dip Tch
B.A, Dip Tch B.A, Dip Tch
Miss C Merrick
B.Ed, Dip Tch, PostGrad Ed Leadership
Student Representative Bethany Sanders (outgoing)
Support Staff Executive Officer Mrs C Strachan B.Com (SA) Principal’s PA Mrs L Bissett Accounts Administrator Mrs C Meek Senior Managment PA Mrs S O’Reilly Assistant Secretary Miss T Beer Ancillary Mrs P Bartlett Ms L Yau Mrs E Bingham Mrs T Eria Miss K Hall Mr R Jensen Mr K Kouka Mr F Kouka Mrs T Butler Mr I Toantabanga Ms M Nabooi Student Services Mrs M Mason Mrs K Lyttle
Sports Co-ordinators Mrs S Hawken Mrs K Stanbra Arts Co-ordinator Mrs S Harper Dip Tch, Dip
Ed, B.Ed, PGcert eEd
Grants and Fundraising Co-ordinator Mrs T Butler International Student Director Mr P Johnston M.A, Dip Tch, Dip SLT
International Student Office Mrs N O’Flaherty Mrs M Endo International Student Homestay Co-ordinator Mrs H Smith
Itinerant Music Teachers Ms T Lile Ms M Waring
Mrs S Hayday Mrs D Flack Canteen Mrs J Evans Ms R Fell Mrs G Johnston Mrs V Davies I.T. Manager Mr V Dempster B.Sc, Dip Tch I.T. Administration Mrs B Howson Mrs K Roscoe Mrs C Whitham Library Manager Mrs J Cornege-Dill Librarians Mrs C Lane Ms P Lyons
BC, Dip Tch
Laboratory Technician Mrs V Paterson NZCS (Biology)
School Nurse / House Leaders’ Assistant
Mrs P Wood Property Manager Mr M Haining Groundsmen Mr G Hitchcock Mr A Dunn Teaching Assistants Mrs L Benwell Mrs S Fenton Mrs J Jordan Mrs H Marsh Mrs K Chittenden Mrs M Mackenzie Mrs G Murphy Ms S Neleta Ms S Heslop Ms A Phillips Mrs K Witberg Mrs S Martin Ms G Verheul Ms V Pollen
Teaching Staff ARTS FACULTY
Head of Faculty
Head of Faculty Mrs C Wynne M.A (Hons), Dip Tch
Head of Faculty
Ms S Maday B.FA, Dip Tch Ms S Pringle B.VA, Dip Tch Mr B Scott B.VAD, Grad Dip Tch Mrs L Dashper B.A, Grad Dip Tch
Teachers in charge of ESOL
Ms C Campbell B.Sc, Grad.Dip Tch Sci Mr B Howson Dip Tch, Grad.Dip ICT Ms N Caldwell B.Sc, Dip Tch Mrs C Waugh HDE, Senior Secondary Mr S Yates B.Eng, PGCE Miss C McMillan, B.Sc, Grad Dip Tch Mr D Pollock B.Sc (Hons), Grad Dip Tch Ln Miss S Morrison B.Sc (Hons), M.Res, PGCE Sec
Mrs N Norrington Dip FA, Dip Tch
Heads of Music
Mrs L Dashper B.A, Grad Dip Tch Mrs W Sutherland Dip Tch Teacher in charge of Drama
Mr J Dutton B.A (Hons), Grad Dip Tch Sec Teacher in charge of Dance
Miss E Woodfield
HEALTH & PE FACULTY Head of Faculty
Ms G Kearins B.Sc (Hons), PGCE Mr W Frost B.Ed, Dip Tch T.T.C. Mrs N Rhodes B.PE Mr K Ganley B.Sport Science, Dip Tch Mrs M Drost B.Ed, Grad Dip Tch Ln Mr J McLagan B.Sc, P.G Dip Tch Mr A Koers B.A Sport & Exercise Science, Grad Dip Tch Sec
Mrs K Stanbra B.A Sport & Recreation, Dip Tch Ms M Subritzky B.Sci, Exercise Science
Ms T Jensen B.A, Dip Tch, M.A (TESSOL) Mrs A Moncrieff B.A, Dip Tch, Dip TESSOL Teacher in charge of Maori
Mr M Winiana B.A, Dip Tch, Cert PE
Teacher in charge of Media Studies
Mr D King M.A. (Hons), Dip Tch Teacher in charge of Spanish
Miss A Scadden
Mr L Bostock B.A, Grad Dip Tch Ms R Chitty B.A, Dip Tch Mrs K Ho B.A, Dip Tch Mrs J Jessop B.A (Hons), PGCE Mrs G Kelly-Wakeman B.A, M.A., PGCE Miss L Ruland B.A, B.Tch Mrs G Tahitahi B.A, PGCE, MADMT Mrs A Taylor B.Ed, Dip Tch, GradDip Elite Sprts Cch
Miss E James B.A Eng & Art History, Grad Dip Tch
LEARNING FACULTY Head of Faculty / Careers Advisor
Mrs M J Newlove Dip Tch, Dip Car Guid, Dip Spec Subj
Mrs T Scovell B.A, M.Ed (Hons), Dip Tch Mrs B Tennant H.Dip Ed, Dip Jnr Pri, Dip Remed Mr T Dowling TTC, P.G.Dip Guid, Dip Spec Nds Mrs J Segedin B.Ed, Dip Tch, P.G.Dip
Head of Faculty
Mrs V Rowsell-Starkey B.A, Dip Tch (TLR)
P.G.Dip Ed (Guid&Ed) M Couns
Mr K Tennant B.Ed, Higher Dip Ed
Mrs D Hamer B.A (Hons), PGCE Mr P Ennis B.Sc (Hons), G.DipTch Primary Mrs G Healy Dip Tch Mrs M Marshall B.A, Dip Tch Ms D Turrell B.A, P.G.Dip Arts, G.DipTch Primary
Miss K Jamieson B.Ed (Tchg)Primary, DipEdStuds
Mr A Dockary B.Bus Stud, Dip Tch Ms K Kennard-Gill B.Ed Tch Mr G McNaughten B.Ed (Tchg Prm),
Mr L Bostock B.A, Grad Dip Tch Ms C Parker Miss M Fredrickson B.Ed (Tchg) Primary Mr J Rushmer Grad Dip Tch Mr C Brewer Mrs B Maginley B.Ed (Tchg) Primary
Mrs P Bates P.G.Dip Spec Tchg, B.Ed, Dip Tch Ms P Muir B.A, Dip Grad, Dip Tch,
Mr G Walker B.Ed, Dip Tch, T.T.C
Dr C Duchenes B.Sc (Hons), PG Dip SEC Tch, PhD Biochemistry
Mr I McHale BSc(Hons) Chemistry, PGCE
Mrs C Gipps B.Sc (Hons), PGCE, PGDip Ed Ldrshp Mr J Blyth B.A, Dip Tch Mr I Callachan B.A, Dip Tch Mr A Taylor B.A (Hons), Dip Tch, Cert. SSM Mrs C Johnston B.A, Dip Tch Mr R Stirling B.A, Dip Tch, Cert B.S Mrs A Moncrieff B.A, Dip Tch, Dip TESSOL Ms M Stimson B.A. (Hons) History, PGCE Mr M Tanna M.Com, P.G.Dip Fin Mgt, B.Ed, P.G.Dip
Ms R West M.Sc, B.A. (Hons), PGCE, P.G.Dip Mktg Mr A Gipps
Mr J Craik B.Sc, PCGE, MA Mrs P Dowling B.A, Dip Tch Ms H Edmonds B.Soc Sci, Dip Tch Mrs K Snedden B.Ed Dr L Hudson B.Sc (Hons), M.Sc, H.Ed, B.Ed,
Mrs T Searle B.Ed (Hons) Dr Q Zhang PhD, Dip Tch Ms C Weaver B.Ed
Mr J Corteen B.Eng (Hons), PGCE Teacher in charge of Graphics/DVC
Mr M Stewart B.Des (Hons), Dip ComGrDes, P.G.Dip Tch, Cert GrDes
Teacher in charge of Hospitality
Mrs Y Holdgate Dip Tch, Dip Spec Subj Teacher in charge of Textiles/Fashion & Design
Mrs G Smith Mrs S Carse B.Hm Ec. E.D, B.Ed, Grad Dip TESSOL Mr G Waugh HDE Sec Ed Mr P Henchie B.A, HDE Mr V E Dempster B.Sc, Dip Tch Mr J Schnetler B.Ed Ms S Enefer B.A (Hons), Grad Dip Tch Mr J Drummond B.Des, Dip GrDes, Grad Dip Tch Mrs D Hodder
Hey, thanks! ANOTHER YEAR HAS PASSED AND ANOTHER MAGAZINE GOES TO PRINT Special thanks to - Michael Stewart for such a great hand over of material and information as the outgoing Editor. To Vern, Brenda and Kathy in IT for all their help over the year. Thank you Lisa Bissett for her excellent proof reading skills. Isobel Hobson did an excellent job of getting content to me from the Year 13 students, also Olivia Stevenson for rustling up some much needed content from House Leaders. Thanks to Ben Howson for all the copy and photos he got to me so promptly for hockey and the disco. Thanks to Local Matters for generously allowing me to use photos and copy when needed. To Elliot Snedden for providing me with so many photos and to Theressa Butler for sharing content so promptly. A very big thank you to everyone else who got their copy and photos into me in a timely fashion - it makes a monumental task so much easier. Hope you enjoy it Cally Whitham Editor
Layout & Design: Cally Whitham Photographs: Cally Whitham, Elliot Snedden, Photolife, Cactus Photography, Art Faculty, staff, coaches, students and parents. Article/Stories: Staff and students of Mahurangi College, Mahurangi Matters, coaches and parents. Cover art work: Sage Lee Back cover art work: Sakura Ludolph
Woodcocks Road, PO Box 64, Warkworth 0910, New Zealand Phone +64 9 425 8039 Fax +64 9 425 7275 Email admin@mahurangi.school.nz
www.mahurangi.school .nz
Cover art by Sage Lee - Yr9
Back cover art by Sakura Ludolph