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Tessa Doghor

Lagos, Nigeria

I am creative, intelligent, smart and beautiful. Asides that, I am a possessor of the heritage of the Sons. I go from Faith to Faith, from Glory to Glory because my path shines brighter and brighter until the perfect day. The One that Waits... (i am very patient and then again...) I am dominant in relationships. I always want the last word. Caring. Smart. I could be loud sometimes. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Easy to please. A pushover. I think i know everything and usually do. I am respectful to others but you will quickly lose my respect if you do something untrustworthy towards me and never regain that respect. I forgive easily though it costs me. I am careful, cautious and organized. I can be critical and stubborn about what i believe. You could mistake me for being quiet but i am able to speak well. Calm and cool. Kind and sympathetic. Concerned and detailed. I am diligent at work. Very confident. Sensitive. Excellent memory. I am clever and knowledgeable. I Love to look for information in books or
