Evie & Rose Concept Proposal
The Concept Evie & Rose Narrative Interaction Location Shop frontage Visual Merchandising Concept In-store Visuals Changing Room Experience Changing Room Visuals Floor-Plan Branding Bags Swing Tags In Store Promotions Conclusion
ThefirstEvie&Roselingerieflagshipstorewillembodyawholeconcept:TheEvie & Rose Secret Garden. It will demonstrate the consumer’s journey of femininity, discovery, and story telling. Inspired by the very place that the Evie & Rose girl inhabits,thetraditionalEnglishRosegardenandthemomentssheexperiences within it. The store will provide a haven for women to freely explore their own personalstoriesanddesiresinasafeenvironment.Aspaciousconceptstoresetover two levels it will encompass both the English heritage of the brand while introducingnewinteractiveelements,inadelicateandfeminineenvironment. The store will connect with consumers on a personal level by inviting them to contributetoitsdesignandshapeitsthoughts.AbespokefeaturewallallowingcustomerstoleavetheirownmessagesandstoriestoformthetaleoftheEvie&Rose Girl.Customerswillbediscoveringthestorythatencompassesthebrandthrough their own personal interaction within the store.
The Story of Rose Can you think of a moment, a time when you felt so carefree, where you laughed till you cried, and all the colours just seemed that bit brighter? Evie & Rose is capturing that moment, and making it yours. A place of discovery and exploration, Evie & Rose is a story andyouarethewriter.BaseduponRose,afreespirited beautifulgirlstudyingatUniversity,Rose’smomentin lifewillbeaclearmessageunderlyingeverypartofthe brand.Carefreeandcontent,sheembodieseverything thebrandrepresents,beauty,confidenceandfemininity. Through the Evie & Rose brand experience the consumers will feel an integral part of the Evie & Rose story.Experiential,aspirationalandcurrent,thebrand willevolveandmoulditselffromitsinteractionswithits customers, offering a new experience every time. When you purchase a piece of lingerie from the Evie & Rose collection, not only are you dressing yourself in exquisite lingerie, you are becoming Rose.
Interaction Interactioniscrucialwithinexperientialbranding;consumersnolongersatisfiedwithsimplybeing dictated to need to feel integral to a brand. Evie & Rose will incorporate its consumers in multiple elements most notably with a feature wall. Situatedatthebackofthestore,thebespoke3Dwallpaper,alongwithcreatingastrikingvisual impression,willallowcustomerstoinfluenceandshapethedesignofthestorebyaddingthoughts and memories to the wall itself. Using cards, and Polaroid cameras available at the point of purchase, customers can contribute thoughts and feelings directly to the brand. OriginallyCompiledofcutoutflowers,lovelettersandoldphotographsitalsoreaffirmsEvie& Rose`sassociationsasaheritagebrand.ChosenconsumerscontributionswillbepostedontheEvie &Roseblogandfacebookpage,givingcustomersafeelingofrecognitionandacceptancebythe Evie & Rose brand. The most crucial part of the Evie & Rose brand is the story of Rose, and her friendsThe models used to represent Rose in the promotional material will be casted from store employees and customers, allowing the consumers to feel that, one day, they too could be Rose.
Image depicting interactive 3D wallpaper
Location The Evie & Rose store will be situated at 65 Kings Road, Chelsea, fifty doors downfromtheJackWillsflagshipstore.OneofthemostAffluentandbusyareas inLondon,surroundingstoresincludeAnthropolgie,CathKidstonandBarbour, all complimentary to what Evie & Rose has to offer.
Image depicting store location on Kings Road
Image depicting shop frontage
Shop Frontage
ThewindowdisplayoftheEvie&Roseflagshipstorewillbemanyoftheconsumer’s firstexperienceswiththebrand,andtherefore,mustprojectaclearmessageofthe Evie&Rosestory.Adoublefronted window, the displays will illustrate Rose and her freespiritedandpositiveapproachtolife.PaintedintheEvie&Rosesignaturecolour, thebrandidentityisestablishedatthefirstpointofcontact.Thelingeriewillbeclearly displayed on the mannequins and surrounding walls.
The concept of the shop windows is to project the clear message of Evie’s life. Aspirationalandunique,itwillencouragethecustomerstoexplorethebrandfurther and become Rose themselves. The key pieces from the season will be displayed on the mannequins. Lifestyle photography will be used from the current lookbook, depicting Evie’s lifestyle.
Image depicting left hand side shop window display
The displays will use vintage furniture to re affirm Evie & Rose’s brand message of heritage.Thesecretgardenthemewillbeportrayedthroughtheuseofgrassinthebase ofthewindow.Thelingeriewillbedisplayedonsoftwhitemannequinsinnonuniform postions, projecting Rose`s carefree attitude to life.
Image depicting right hand side shop window display
Visual Merchandising VisualmerchandisingisakeycommunicationmethodbetweenEvie&Roseandits potential client, with the ability to influence their selections, enhance and maximise the potential sales of the store. Thevisualmerchandisingofthestoreissplitupintofourmainsections,thelingerie will be displayed on vintage rails, and upon bespoke wall hangers.To make the displaysaestheticallypleasing, onlytwosizes-largeandsmallofeachgarmentwillbe displayed.Staffwillbeonhandtoretrievetherequiredlingeriefromnearbydrapers drawers, not only functional, this keeps the lingerie in its cleanest form. Throughoutthestoretherewillbekeepsakesandelementswhichprojectthemessage ofRose`slife.Photographsthatdemonstrateherinteractingwithherfriends,atmospheric musicandoldmessagesscrawledontables,allcontributetocreatingthestorybehind the brand. Continuallythroughoutthestorethethemeofthesecretgardenwillbepresent.Ivy, roses,andwornchandelierswillfeaturegivingthestoreafeelingofdepth,meaning and discovery. A focal point of the store will be the journey from the first to second floor.To create a memorableexperienceabespokespiralstaircasesurroundsthetrunkofareplicatree spanningbothfloorsencouragingcustomerstoexplorethedifferentlevelsofthestore.
Upon entry to the store, customers will first be greetedbyavintageirongazebocontainingamannequinwearingthekeypieceofthe season. Mannequins will be placed in un-conventional postions around the store, coveredbyivyandfoliage,suggestingtheyhavebeen“lost�withintheSecretGarden. The lingerie will be displayed within bespoke bookcases and on vintage hooks throughout the store. Drapersdrawerswillbesituatednexttoeverylingerieareaallowingthesalesassistants to retrieve the chosen underwear at ease.
Image depicting downstairs visual merchandising
The 3D wallpaper and staircase is situated at the back of the store, encouraging customers to explore all areas within the ground floor
Imagery from the lookbook will be placed throughout the store, projecting the message of Rose`s aspirational life.
Customerswilltravelupthebespokestaircasearrivingonthetopfloor.Withheavyfoliageanddimlightingitwillclearly define the seperate areas of the store. Nightwear and the changing rooms reside on the second floor.
Flowerswillbeincorporatedthroughoutalldisplays.VintagesuitcasesbrandedwithEvie&Roseprojecttheheritage that underpins the brand and give a feeling of depth.
Changing Room Experience A key element in the store will be the changing room experience, situated on the secondfloor,partiallysectionedoff,itwillgivethecustomersafeelingofcomfortand security. Within the changing room is when the consumer makes her decisions about the lingerie, therefore this must be a completely positive experience. TheEvie&Rosechangingroomswilleachbedistinctandunique,likeyouhavebeen give a key to step into a new world. Four rooms will be situated behind differingvintagedoors,Eachchangingroomwillhaveitsownthemebaseduponthe different elements that make up Rose`s life. As the customer steps into the changing room to try on the lingerie, it is like she is literally stepping into Rose`s world.
The changing room four themes: Original Rose will contain the signature blue and white stripe with the interior complimenting the surrounding store. PartyRosereflectshermoreadventurouslife,posters,scribblesonthewall,clashing prints, all reflect her mischievous side. BoudoirRosereflectsRosesheritage,includinglavishfabricsandrichcolours.Inspiration here is drawn from the English heritage of the brand. PrettyRosewillembodythenaturalbeautyofroseandhercarefreespritandconfidence. Flowers based on the season will decorate the room. Eachfittingroomwillcontainamirrorwithapositivequotewrittenuponit.Thisisso thecustomersubconsciouslyrelatestryingonthelingeriewithapositivefeeling.These will change depending on social and cultural trends. Dimmerswitchesandabellsystemwillbefittedallowingthegarmenttobeseeninall ambiences,andpermittingcustomerstobeassistedwithouthavingtostepoutofthe changing room. BespokeEvie&Rosedressinggownswillbesuppliedineachchangingroomasstandard.
Image depicting changing room area
Image depicting inside of original Rose themed changing room
Image depicting details of positive messages
Floor Plan TheEvie&Roseflagshipstorewillbesituatedovertwofloors.Thefloorplanclearlydepicts where each section will be implemented within the store. 1st floor front - Key collections, cash desk and gazebo 1st floor back - Secondary displays, staircase and wall paper 2nd floor back - Nightwear 2nd floor front - Changing rooms and seating area
Front Window Display
Front Window Display
Changing Rooms
Key Pieces on hooks
Cash Desk
Main Display
Seating Area
Bespoke Bookcases
3D Wallpaper
Image depicting first floor
Spiral Staircase
Image depicting second floor
Mannequin Display
In-store Branding JackWills is an established brand with its own recognisable signature. Evie & Rose brandingwillincorporatethesamevaluesandtraditionalqualitiesassociatedwiththe brand,whileprojectingaclearmessageoffemininitytodifferentiateitself.TheLogo and images from the promotional shoot will be incorporated on all promotional materials and underpin all branding.
Pointofpurchaseiskey.Itmustinvolveallaspectsofthebrand,andsignaltothe consumers about the quality of the product they are purchasing.This will be achievedthroughthequalitypackagingthatEvie&Roseprovides.Thebagsare printed in the Evie & Rose signature stripe. Stickers bearing the Evie & Rose logo will be used to seal the bags.The lingerie will be wrapped in white tissue paperthatwillhavebeensprayedwithEvie&Rose`ssignaturescentsowhen theconsumerunwrapsherpurchasesathomeitisinstinctivelyremindedofthe experience within the store. Promotionalmaterialwillalsobeplacedwithinthebag,dependingonwhatis occurring within store. Containing links to all internet platforms, it will encourage customers to explore the brand further when they return home.
The Evie & Rose branded bag.
Image depicting the front of Evie & Rose swing tag
Image depicting the back of the Evie & Rose swing tag
TheEvie&RoseswingtagewillincorporatethebrandlogoandtheEvie&Rosesignaturestripe.Lasercut and printed on thick quality card, it will signify the quality of the garment it is attatched to.
Throughout the store, promotional material will be placed in selected areas, most notablyatpointofpurchase.Containingthekeyitemsfromtheseason,customerswill be encouraged to take home the free promotional materials. The promotions will also be placed in the Evie & Rose bags when a sale is made.
Image depicting A4 promotional cards
Image depicting Evie & Rose postcard
As Evie & Rose moves forward and grows into a successful brand and moves forward, it will extend into other parts of the UK, initially in areas such as Edinburgh and Leeds where a strong Jack Wills following already exists. Asthebrandgainsinternationalinterestitwillhopetoexpandandstarttrading overseas New product lines including swimwear and home accessories will be incorporated into the Evie & Rose brand to attract a wider customer base and encourage expansion. Evie&Rose`ssuccesswilloccurthroughtheimplementation,launchandthe continued promotion of the brand.
Teresa Ashwin