Evie & Rose Promotions

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Evie & Rose Promotion


This document explains how Evie & Rose, the lifestyle lingerie brand will be promoted. As part of the Jack Wills Ltd group, to retain its exclusivity, Evie & Rose willnotbepromotedviatheconventionalchannelsofcommunicationto.Toattractthe correcttargetmarket,onlineandwordofmouthmarketingonlywillbeusedasbrand communicationandpromotion.Socialmediaplatformsincluding,Facebook,Twitter, the Evie & Rose blog and brand website will be executed and maintained to ensure maximum exposure and promotion of the brand. The creation of the Evie & Rose handbookwillbesentoutthetothepre-existingJackWillscustomers,this,coupled with a Viral advert will ensure Evie & Rose reaches the appropriate audience.

Branding & Identity

A strong, clean, identifiable brand has been created, incorporating the JackWills signature=classicBritishlook,whileprojectingEvie&Rosesethosof femininity.This logo will feature in all promotional outputs and branding of Evie & Rose. Using the clean sans serif font Perputa will ensure the logo is classic in look, easily read and identifiable as part of the Jack Wills Ltd group.

Theaboveimagesshowbrandedpostcardsandbusinesscardswhichwillbedistributed along with a press pack including information about the brand and launch. Each postcard will feature a different image from the Evie & Rose lookbook so the prospective consumer can take a small part of the brand away with them.

Online As explored in previous research, online platforms and particularly social networkingandmediasitesareidealforpromotingthebrandtotheselectedtarget market, particularly pre-existing JackWills consumers and university students. JackWills ltd does not advertise in mainstream outlets, only virally, and through wordofmouth.Thereforethemainonlineplatformsthatwillbeusedtopromotethe launchofEvie&RoseandmaintainpromotionofthebrandwillbeFacebook,Twitter, theEvie&Roseblog,aviraladvertandbrandwebsite.Throughtheseinterfacesthe consumer will be able to interact and shape the Evie & Rose brand.The use of the socialmediaplatformswillallowtheconsumerstochoosewethertobeupdatedon events,andpromotions.Allowingtheconsumertofeelliketheyarepartofthebrand, its message and are not being dictated too. A viral advert will be an effective way of promoting the new Spring Summer collectionandthelaunchofthebrand.Thecollectionswillbeavailabletobuyonline viathewebsite,whichwillhavelinkstoallothermediaplatformsincludingthebrand blog which will give the consumers sneak peeks backstage of the lookbook, aspirationalphotographyandotherinterestsoftheEvie&Rosegirl,toenhancethe brand experience.

Image showing brand website home page

Brand Website Theseimagesshowexamplesofthebrandwebsite.Thelingeriecollectionswillbethe mainfeatureofthewebsite,availabletopurchaseonline,userswillbeabletoeasily explorethewebsite,wherethereareclearlinkstoallEvie&Roseinternetplatforms. Uponenteringthewebsite,thepromotionalvideofortheSpringSummercollection, willstartplaying.Thiswillallowtheusertoseethelingerieuponarealmodel,andadd another interactive dimension to brand experience.

Available to explore at www.evieandrose.com

Product Page


Product detail page

About Evie & Rose

Facebook Facebook is currently one of the most powerful, and cost effective forms of advertising.ThecreationoftheEvie&Rosefanpage,willallowfollowerstobeupdated onthebrandsjourney,oncreationitwillbepostedontheexistingJackWillsFacebook page, instantly alerting the target market of Evie & Rose`s existence.

Twitter Micro-bloggingplatformsareonethequickestwaysforbrandstocommunicatewith their consumers, and has proven a powerful and effective tool with Evie & Roses brother Jack Wills. The Twitter site for Evie & Rose allows fans of the brand to be updatedonwhatiscurrentlyhappeningwithEvie&Rose,promotionaleventsand updatesonthebrandwebsiteandblog,andallowstheconsumertointeractwiththe Evie & Rose brand in a quick and informal manner.

Blog Bloggingisnowanintegralpartofonlinebrandpromotionthishasbeenincorporated into the Evie & Rose brand experience. By creating a brand blog which is accessible through the brand website and other social media platforms the overall brand experienceisincreased.Theblogdocumentsthebrandsjourney,fromthestorelaunch, lookbook photoshoot, through to the brand website going live.This coupled with interestingarticles,photographyandotherelementsofinterestfortheEvie&Rose girl, will include the consumer in all parts of the Brand.

Viral Advert AviraladvertshotonlocationofthelookbookshootwillbereleasedontoYouTubeand postedthroughoutallofEvie&Rose’sinternetplatforms.Keyinprojectingthebrands messageofcapturingacarefreemomentinlife,itwillbeoneofthefirsttouchpoints with the brand

Available to view at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weEbOufWwcM

The Lookbook The JackWills handbook and Aubin &Wills Almanac have become one of the most important and effective promotional tools within Jack Wills Ltd. The Evie & Rose diarylikeitsbrothersthroughlifestylephotographywillprojectthebrandsmessageof capturing a beautiful moment in Rose`s life. Theaspirationalphotography,currentandcreative,willbesomethingthereaderwill besomethingtocovetandplaceupontheirwall,andthemomentsshown,wishedto recreatedinherownlife.Splitintotwosections,thesecondpartwilldemonstratethe productswithintherange,pricesanddetailedshots.LinkstoEvie&Rose’sothermedia platforms such as the website will be situated at the back.

The Diary will be used as one of Evie & Rose`s main promotional tools. Using the JackWillsdatabase,itwillbesentouttothepre-existingJackWillscustomers,before the store launches. A direct and effective way of targeting the correct market, It will containapromotionalpostcard,A3posterand,tomorededicatedcustomers,akeyto the launch.

Additional Promotions A promotional poster and postcard will be sent out with the first Evie & Rose handbook,addingadditionaldimensionstothebrand.Theposterhasakeyimageonthe front,withselectedproductsontheback.Bothpostcardandpostercontainlinkstoall of Evie & Rose`s other platforms.These will also be available to pick up in-store, and placed n customers bags when they purchase an item.

Promotional Poster and Postcard

Press Pack EvieandRosein-housePRteamdealwithalladvertisingandpromotion,includingthe planning of the launch event. A innovative and interesting press pack can successfully gather essential free publicity, Evie & Rose will utilise this tool, targeting selected press, who reach the desiredaudience,whowillbeessentialinmaintainingtheexclusivityofthebrandthat Jack Wills has successfully created. ThePresspackitselfwillinclude,aninvitationtothelaunch,pressrelease,company information,asampleoftheshoot,thestoryofRoseandapromotionalpostcardanda pair of Evie & Rose pants, all presented in a Evie & Rose branded box.

Invitations The Evie & Rose invitation is a key to“unlock the Secret Garden.�Printed with theEvie&Rosesignaturestripe,andmatchingblueribbon,loyalcustomersand press will receive an invite to the evening launch at the flagship store.

Evie & Rose limited edition pants with custom swing tag

Promotional cards with lookbook images and key products.

Press Release

Evie & Rose branded business cards


The launch of Evie & Rose will take place on June 18th. It will be a three part event . Firstlyacastofbeautifulcharacterswillbetakeninthecustom,open-topEvie&Rose bus from the JackWills flagship store in Covent Garden, to the Evie & Rose flagship store.ThemaleandfemalemodelswillbedressedintheEvie&Rosecollections,while generouslygiftingpassers-bywithaselectionofEvie&Rosepants,creatingexcitement, and essentially gathering a following to the new store. The store launch will be a open event to which loyal fans of Jack Wills will have previouslybeeninformed,at11amthedoorswillbeopened.Oncein-storeshoppers willbeimmersedwithinanEnglishteaparty,takingplaceinsidetheEvie&RoseSecret Garden.Bothfemaleandmalemodelsshowcasingthelingeriewilldelightandserve thecustomers.Customerswillalsohavethechancetobecomepartofthenewcastof Evie&Roseasthecastingcrewwillbeonthelook-outforthenewestfacetorepresent the brand. By evening the secret garden will take on a cheekier side. Live music, cocktails, nudity and filmography will be dazzling the strictly over 18s party which will take placewellintothenight.Photographersandfilmcrewwillbepresenttocapturethe launch,which will then be distributed via Evie & Rose’s various media platforms.

Image depicting Evie & Rose flagship launch

Evie & Rose branded bus.

Evie & Rose representatives wearing key pieces, distributing the lingerie.

Goody Bag SelectedcustomerswillbegivenanEvie&Rosegoodybagonthe day of the launch. It will contain, the Evie & Rose Spring diary, promotionalposter,postcardandlimitededitionEvie&Rosepants.

Strategy The Evie & Rose brand will be promoted over an initial time period of 6 – 12 months. In this time key promotional tools will be utilised to communicate the Evie & Rose vision,including:openingoftheflagshipstore,thelaunchofthebrandwebsite,and continual development over various social media platforms.

Future Growth AspirationsfortheEvie&RosebrandaretoextendtootherpartsoftheUK,opening storesinotherareaswithastronguniversitybase.Withhighonlineturnoveroverseas trading shall commence, with intentions to finally open stores outside of the UK. Furtherbrandextensionwillinvolveextendingthelineintoareasincludingaccessories and swimwear.

Teresa Ashwin

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