C O L O U R F U L A u t u m n | W I NT E R 2 0 1 4 | 2 0 1 5 s i z e 3 8 - 6 0
the leading woman... Wa s z eic h n e t d ie m o d i s c h e F rau au s ? E i n i g e s a g e n , s ie d efi n iert i h re n g e s c h m ac k ü b er i h re P er s ö n lic h k ei t u n d A u s s t ra h lu n g . A n d ere b e h aup t e n , e s i s t ei n e Mi s c h u n g au s allta g s erfa h ru n g u n d d e m Tale n t s ic h z ei t g ei s t i g z u k lei d e n , o d er ei n fac h n ur ei n e m a n g e b ore n e n Si n n f ü r S t il . Die A n t wort i s t, wie wir g lau b e n , u n m ö g lic h z u d efi n iere n . W ir k ö n n e n a b er s ic h er s ei n : ei n e s el b s t b ewu s s t e frau m i t all d e n ei g e n s c h af t e n g l ä n z t i m m er – i m Beruf, i n d er F rei z ei t u n d m i t d e n s t y le s u n s erer k olle k t io n . What makes a woman stylish? Some say she is defined by her taste – her personality and charisma. Other claim it is a mixture of everyday experience and talent to dress fashionably, or just having an innate sense of style. The answer -we believe - is impossible to define. However, we can be sure: A confident woman with all these characteristics always shines – at work, in her spare time and with the styles of our collection.
cape/cape 1801/2222 Fb 10 Rolli/Turtleneck 8069/ 7444 FB 05
Hose/Trousers 4305N/9544 FB 10
TOp/top 2007N/7444 Fb 70
TOp/top 2829N/7444 Fb 54
kleid/dress 3237k/2141 Fb 70
shirt/shirt 8383/2120 Fb 10
Pullover/Pullover 1803/2223 Fb 10
bolero/bolero 7487/7444 Fb 54
bolero/bolero 7487/7444 Fb 70
jacke/jacket 7479/2141 Fb 70
leggings/leggings 4469n/7444 Fb 10
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 10
Hose/Trousers 4459N/1111 Fb 70
rock/skirt 5735k/2130 Fb 54
rolli/turtleneck 8069/7444 Fb 54
bluse/blouse 2995/2125 Fb 54
shirt/shirt 8381/2124 Fb 54
longshirt/long shirt 8401/2127 Fb 54
blazer/blazer 6523k/2128 Fb 54
shirt/shirt 8395/2121 Fb 72
jacke/jacket 2981/2147 Fb 10
Hose/Trousers 4385N/1111 Fb 10
Hose/Trousers 4385N/1111 Fb 10
leggings/leggings 4469n/7444 Fb 10
top/top 2575n/9544 Fb 10
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 10
Hose/Trousers 4463N/2126 Fb 75
hose/trousers 4305n/9544 Fb 10
strickjacke/cardigan 1789/2217 Fb 05 hose/trousers 4305n/9544 Fb 10
bluse/Blouse 2987/2123 Fb 54
shirt/shirt 8399/2122 Fb 54
leggings/leggings 4469n/7444 Fb 10
hose/Trousers 4387n/1111 Fb 10
kleid/dress 1791/2217 Fb 54
jacke/jacket 7483/2140 Fb 10
strickjacke/cardigan 1767/2211 Fb 54
top/top 2575n/9544 Fb 10
shirt/shirt 8363/7444 Fb 54
hose/trousers 4305n/9544 Fb 10
leggings/leggings 4469n/7444 Fb 10
shirt/shirt 8361/2156 Fb 80
strickweste/cardigan 1815/2229 Fb 10
blusenjacke/Blouse jacket 2997/2138 Fb 09
kleid/dress 3243/9544 Fb 10
shirt/shirt 8393/2180 Fb 10
blazer/blazer 6201k/2144 Fb 70
Hose/Trousers 4385N/1111 Fb 10
shirt/shirt 8403/2143 Fb 10
Bluse/blouse 2023/2142 Fb 05
bolero/Bolero 2961/2136 Fb 10
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 10
top/top 2993/3254 Fb 06
Hose/Trousers 4387N/1111 Fb 10
hose/trousers 4467n/2138 Fb 09
rock/skirt 5737n/2144 Fb 70
strickjacke/cardigan 1767/2211 Fb 54 shirt/shirt 8363/7444 Fb 54
blusenjacke/Blouse jacket 2985n/2146 Fb 72
blusenjacke/Blouse jacket 2005n/2137 Fb 76
shirt/shirt 8373/2129 Fb 08
shirt/shirt 8421/2208 Fb 10
cape/cape 1801/2222 Fb 10
strickjacke/cardigan 1789/2217 Fb 05
top/top 2813/3254 Fb 10
top/top 2575n/9544 Fb 10
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 10
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 10
shirt/shirt 8071/7444 Fb 10
shirt/shirt 8071/7444 Fb 10
hose/trousers 4305n/9544 Fb 10
hose/trousers 4305n/9544 Fb 10
Leggings/Leggings 4469n/7444 Fb 10
Leggings/Leggings 4469n/7444 Fb 10
shirt/shirt 8391/2155 Fb 39 jacke/jacket 2957/2149 Fb 39
hose/trousers 4471n/2144 Fb 70
longshirt/long shirt 2999/2153 Fb 39
shirt/shirt 8385/2153 Fb 39
Pullover/Pullover 1793/2218 Fb 10
rolli/turtleneck 8069/7444 Fb 10
rolli/turtleneck 8069/7444 Fb 39
shirt/shirt 8391/2155 Fb 39
Leggings/Leggings 4469n/7444 Fb 10
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 10
hose/trousers 4387n/1111 Fb 10
wolljacke/jacket 2991/2167 Fb 39
jacke/jacket 2971/2151 Fb 39
jacke/jacket 2957/2149 Fb 39
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 10
hose/trousers 4387n/1111 Fb 10
hose/trousers 4471n/2144 Fb 70
Pullover/Pullover 1787/2216 Fb 39 Leggings/Leggings 4469n/7444 Fb 10
kleid/dress 3259k/2159 Fb 39
shirt/shirt 8367/2171 Fb 39
bluse/Blouse 2975/2170 Fb 39
hose/trousers 4473n/2131 Fb 40
hose/trousers 4473n/2131 Fb 40
shirt/shirt 8405/7444 Fb 75 wolljacke/jacket 2991/2167 Fb 70 hose/trousers 4461/2166 Fb 70
pullover/pullover 1777/2215 Fb 39 strickjacke/cardigan 1809/2226 Fb 74
leggings/Leggings 4469n/7444 Fb 10
Top/top 2003/2175 Fb 74
shirt/shirt 8413/2173 Fb 39
Pullover/Pullover 1805/2224 Fb 39
Top/top 2829n/7444 Fb 39
shirt/shirt 8405/7444 Fb 43
bluse/Blouse 2955/2150 Fb 71
blazer/Blazer 2959n/2174 Fb 39
hose/trousers 4473n/2131 Fb 40
hose/trousers 4461/2166 Fb 70
jacke/jacket 2969/2176 Fb 43
Pullover/Pullover 1795/2219 Fb 65
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 43
jeans/jeans 4485/2230 Fb 26
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 43
hose/trousers 4473n/2131 Fb 40
shirt/shirt 8365/2160 Fb 73
shirt/shirt 8419/2207 Fb 10
rolli/turtleneck 8069/7444 Fb 05
strickjacke/cardigan 1785/2216 Fb 74
hose/trousers 4387n/1111 Fb 10
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 10
jacke/jacket 2967/2145 Fb 06
leggings/leggings 4469n/7444 Fb 10
hose/trousers 4387n/1111 Fb 10 gehrock/Frock 2009/2169 Fb 74 bluse/Blouse 2023/2142 Fb 05 hose/trousers 4387n/1111 Fb 10
kunstlederjacke/faux leather jacket 2001/2202 Fb 10 shirt/shirt 8405/7444 Fb 43
kleid/dress 3249/2166 Fb 70
strickjacke/cardigan 1809/2226 Fb 74
bluse/Blouse 2011/2177 Fb 74
shirt/shirt 8411/7444 Fb 75
shirt/shirt 8411/7444 Fb 75
Pullover/Pullover 1799/2221 Fb 10
pullover/pullover 1777/2215 Fb 39
weste/waistcoat 1769/2212 Fb 74
weste/waistcoat 7489/2148 Fb 75
blazer/blazer 2979n/2165 Fb 70
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 10
hose/trousers 4465n/1111 Fb 43
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 10
jeans/jeans 4485/2230 Fb 26
hose/trousers 4461/2166 Fb 70
bluse/blouse 2017/2203 Fb 68 pullunder/slipover 1813/2228 Fb 68
leggings/Leggings 4469n/7444 Fb 10
shirt/shirt 8389/2200 Fb 68
longtop/Long Top 2977n/7444 Fb 68
Pullover/Pullover 1779/2215 Fb 68
shirt/shirt 8407/2189 Fb 68
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 10
kunstlederjacke/faux leather jacket 2001/2202 Fb 10
jacke/jacket 7495/2188 Fb 68
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 10
leggings/leggings 4469n/7444 Fb 10
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 10
tunika/tunic 2015/2199 Fb 68 leggings/Leggings 4469n/7444 Fb 10
Pullover/Pullover 1771/2213 Fb 09
bluse/blouse 2965/2184 Fb 63
shirt/shirt 8379/2185 Fb 63
shirt/shirt 8387/2190 Fb 71
Schal mit Felltaschen/ Scarf with fur bags 1773/2214 Fb 09
top/top 2829n/7444 Fb 10
jeans/jeans 4485/2230 Fb 26
weste/waistcoat 7493/2202 Fb 36
jeans/Jeans 4485/2230 Fb 26
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 59
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 59
shirt/shirt 8071/7444 Fb 10 pullunder/slipover 1813/2228 Fb 68
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 10
bluse/blouse 2017/2203 Fb 68
shirt/shirt 8423/2209 Fb 70
strickjacke/cardigan 7501/2209 Fb 70
bluse/blouse 2963/2201 Fb 58
top/top 2829n/7444 Fb 59
jeans/jeans 4485/2230 Fb 26
top/top 2829n/7444 Fb 59
weste/waistcoat 7497/2167 Fb 59
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 59
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 59
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 59
shirt/shirt 8377/2186 Fb 68 weste/waistcoat 7485/2167 Fb 70 hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 59
Pullover/Pullover 1771/2213 Fb 09 Schal mit Felltaschen/ Scarf with fur bags 1773/2214 Fb 09
hose/trousers 4305n/9544 Fb 10
shirt/shirt 8375/2183 Fb 68
bluse/blouse 2989/2195 Fb 10
shirt/shirt 8397/2196 Fb 10
bolero/bolero 7481/2198 Fb 68
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 59
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 10
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 10
longtop/long top 2977n/7444 Fb 68 leggings/leggings 4469n/7444 Fb 59
strickjacke/cardigan 1807/2225 Fb 68 rolli/turtleneck 8069/7444 Fb 68
hose/trousers 4385n/1111 Fb 10
kleid/dress 3245k/7444 Fb 10 weste/waistcoat 7491/2194 Fb 10
kleid/dress 3247/2196 Fb 10
shirt/shirt 8415/7444 Fb 10
kleid/dress 3239k/2181 Fb 68
hose/trousers 4483n/2193 Fb 10
bolero/bolero 7475/2182 Fb 10
shirt/shirt 8369/2182 Fb 10 bolero/bolero 7477/2181 Fb 68 rock/skirt 5727k/2181 Fb 68
Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Niedersachsen, Bremen
Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland
Thomas Gras Am Sportplatz 12 D-27777 Ganderkesee Tel.: +49(0)4221/88002 Fax: +49(0)4221/3980904 Mobil: +49(0)179/3905369 eMail: Thomas.Gras@arcormail.de
Roland Hätty Schulstr. 35 D-77654 Offenburg /Zell Weierbach Fax: +49(0)781/97068753 Mobil: +49(0)171/7726264 eMail: rolandhaetty@t-online.de
Christine TröbnerG HDK III Sindelfingen, 3. Etage Raum 04 Mahdentalstr. 112 D-71065 Sindelfingen Fax: +49(0)7147/274461 Mobil: +49(0)171/7752228 eMail: modeagentur@troebner.com
Fredy Laurenz Fashion House II, 2A 203-205 Danziger Str. 111 D-40468 Düsseldorf Tel: +49(0)211/41848841 Fax:+49(0)211/42492979 Mobil:+49(0)177/3674166 eMail: modeagentur.laurenz@t-online.de
Bayern Agentur Weber Christina Weber Am Osthang 13 D-86356 NeusäSS Mobil: +49(0)178/3575959 agentur.weber@web.de eMail: agentur.weber@web.de
Berlin, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen modeagentur schmidt Tobias Schmidt Strasse der Einheit 129 D-14547 Fichtenwalde Tel.: +49(0)33206/20434 Fax: +49(0)33206/20433 Mobil: +49(0)171/3124914 eMail: chalou@modeagenturschmidt.de www.modeagenturschmidt.de
De Bleser Fashion BVBA Cathy De Bleser I.F.G. J.V. Elewijckstraat 44 B-1853 Strombeek-Bever Tel. : +32(0)2/2671904 Fax : +32(0)2/2671896 Mobil : +32(0)477375724 eMail : debleserfashion@skynet.be
Diffumod Internationale SARL 6, Rue de Forbach B.P. 50170 F-57804 Freyming-Merlebach CEDEX Tel. : +33(0)387047846 Fax : +33(0)387814474 eMail : diffumod@aol.com
Big & Tall S.r.l. –Plus-size concept Franco Peri Via Brondi 16 f I-31055 Quinto di Treviso Tel.: +39/0422454259 Fax: +39/0422951986 Mobil: +39/3294254921 eMail: info@bigandtall.it
Roland Hätty Schulstr. 35 D-77654 Offenburg/Zell Weierbach Fax: +49(0)781/97068753 Mobil: +49(0)171/7726264 eMail: rolandhaetty@t-online.de
Diffumod-Internationale SARL H.S. Mode Martine Marie Franka Pijpers-Stijnen 22, Rue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny Steinderweg 10 F-94370 SUCY EN BRIE NL-6181 AB Elsloo (L) Tel. : +33(0)145904957 Tel.: +31(0)46/4371791 Mobil: +33(0)689519704 Fax: +31(0)46/4420204 eMail: marie.martine65@yahoo.fr Mobil: +31(0)653/731256 eMail : frankapijpers2010@live.nl
GroSSbritannien und Irland Fashion Creations Holiday Inn Regents Park The Cambridge Suite Carburton Street GB-London W1W 5EE
David Lapedus Tel.: +44(0)161/7965081 Mobil: +44(0)7860/795669 email: david@fashioncreations.co.uk Gavin Harding Tel.: +44(0)1275/340134 Mobil: +44(0)7973/863693 email: gavin@fashioncreations.co.uk
Modeagentur Doris Egger Bundestrasse 70 A-6830 Rankweil Tel.: +43(0)5522/75464 Fax: +43(0)5522/73368 Mobil: +43(0)6642837666 eMail: egger-agentur@utanet.at
abc fashion - Markus Eggenberger TMC Showroom 381/382 Thurgauerstr. 117 CH-8152 Glattpark Tel.: +41(0)44/8295151 Fax: +41(0)44/8295159 Mobil: +41(0)79/4214186 eMail: info@abc-fashion.ch
Osbech Fashion Rennie Osbech Kodrivervej 8 DK - 4600 Køge Mobil.: +45(0)408/11221 Fax: +45(0)566/33250 eMail: r.osbech@gmail.com
Gross Tel.: +7/985/1658897 Tel: +7/495/7614901 eMail: chalou.moscow@mail.ru www.chalou.ru
Elena Nicolaus Budapester Str. 33 D-10787 Berlin Tel.: +49(0)30/2118208 Fax: +49((0)30/2118208 Mobil: +49(0)176/30427743 eMail: h-nicolaus@t-online.de
Berger & Berger, Moda consulting Anna Bombala ul. Modlinska 206B PL-05-110 Jablonna Tel.: +48(0)22/7825393 Fax: +48(0)22/7825449 Mobil: +48-601 888 776 eMail: biuro@maximoda.pl www.maximoda.pl
Chalou GmbH Bockhofstrasse 31 D-66909 Herschweiler-Pettersheim Fon +49(0)6384/92180 Fax +49(0)6384/921820 www.chalou.de 路 info@chalou.de