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~ ~1:JGUST 6, 19411 ,.w..."""Ii
Jehovah'sW,itnesses Gathertlere
Thpusands of members of Jehovph's4vritne~s;$""hp4heliev!e jhat the )'Kingdom of Heaven" is soon to be estabLishecj on e'Clrth. gathered at the Arena for pfive.,dClY T,heQCfClticCQRvention. ".mlld. e snm'Clted '#1 (Jr : 18,0ยง{) person 's'WoiJ "'Go n \ 'enflo ,. ,iyYFS ~;q:ff , , There WClS~iacut~ shor.tage;:ofl,rethm$ and" r11'cm"i, me~bers slept IClSt,night]n cClfsandon 'the gl1ou~4at "the ArenaClncJjJi Forest Park. The ~1iIIIIWIi~ fdregroundfs 'rest{ng urnderCln,improvised "
sun, shClcfe. -,
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