Testo 330 Flue Gas Analyser: Firmware History

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Firmware history – testo 330-1,-2,-3, all long life analysers/instruments 23 April 2013

testo 330-1, -2, 3 & all long life analysers/instruments firmware file: t330_vx.xx.bin revision date changes 06/06/2005 V 1.01 retest series 08/02/2005 V 1.02 sw date: 08/01/2005 readout automatic firing device country versions: E, F, TR, GUS, B, CZ, THA, PL USA: with language french 12/09/2005 V 1.03 sw date: 12/09/2005 - initialiazing with picture "Commiting the future" - support of Able printer (0554.0544) - CO2 calculation: the O2 value will not be rounded for O2 calculation - supports industrial sonde: the connector of the company "Hischmann" from the industrial sonde can be connected on the VT socket. The measured teperature value will be displayed as AT in the instrument. - Option added: higher pump fluency 01/23/2006 V 1.04 sw date: 01/20/2006 - Update temperature compensation of CO sonde - Update memory: readout memory (adress field) - Update IrDA stack - Update calibration (error message was displayed permanently) 04/05/2006 V 1.05 sw date: 04/11/2006 - new fuel wood added for country version Spain - new country version Greece - Update Able printer: on some printouts the timestamp was missing - new country versions for Mexiko and Austria for t335 - country version Japanese: dxt-file displayed order of the unit Lambda corrected 08/17/2006 V 1.10 - sw date: 08/17/2006 - Support for long life instruments t320-1LL and t320-2LL - linearisation of the NTC measurement: directly from counts to °C linearised Update: leap year verification at imput of date - NOx calculation at negative NO2 measuring values were not correct

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