testo 875 vs. - Fluke Ti25 - Flir i7 - Irisys 4010
Image comparison
testo 875
Fluke TI25
Flir I7
Irisys 4010
160 x 120 32° x 23°
160 x 120 23° x 17°
140 x 140 25° x 25°
160 x 120
20º x 15º
This image comparison shows how the diffrent FOVs influence the image frame of the individuall camera:
In the first comparison all thermal imagers measure an object from the same distance. So you can see the different image sections you get with several FOV’s of the thermal imagers. In the second comparison we tried to get the same image section for every thermal imager with the different FOV’s. So the objects had to be measured from different distances, depending on the camera. You will see these different distances in the presentation. Testo AG, Image comparison testo 875, 1000len-mkh, 01.07.2013, Confidentiality 1
FOV-comparison 1. Comparison Same distance/ different image section
Switch cabinet - distance 35.4" (90cm)
Testo 875
Fluke Ti25
Flir i7
Irisys 4010
Testo AG, Image comparison testo 875, 1000len-mkh, 01.07.2013, Confidentiality 1
Switch cabinet - distance 23.6" (60cm)
Testo 875
Fluke Ti25
Flir i7
Irisys 4010
Testo AG, Image comparison testo 875, 1000len-mkh, 01.07.2013, Confidentiality 1
Motor - distance 31.5" (80cm)
Testo 875
Fluke Ti25
Flir i7
Irisys 4010
Testo AG, Image comparison testo 875, 1000len-mkh, 01.07.2013, Confidentiality 1
Air heating system – distance 9.8 ft (3m)
Testo 875
Fluke Ti25
Flir i7 Testo AG, Image comparison testo 875, 1000len-mkh, 01.07.2013, Confidentiality 1
Heating loops – distance 9.8 ft (3m)
Testo 875
Fluke Ti25
Irisys 4010 Testo AG, Image comparison testo 875, 1000len-mkh, 01.07.2013, Confidentiality 1
FOV-comparison 2. Comparison Same image section/ different distance
Same field of view: Switch cabinet
Testo 875 - Distance: 90 cm / 35.4“
Fluke Ti25 - Distance: 120 cm / 47.2“
Flir i7 - Distance: 105 cm / 41.3“
Irisys 4010 - Distance: 105 cm / 41.3“
Testo AG, Image comparison testo 875, 1000len-mkh, 01.07.2013, Confidentiality 1
Same field of view: Switch cabinet
Testo 875 - Distance: 60 cm / 23.6“
Fluke Ti25 - Distance: 80 cm / 31.5“
Flir i7 - Distance: 60 cm / 23.6“
Irisys 4010 - Distance: 100 cm / 39.4“
Testo AG, Image comparison testo 875, 1000len-mkh, 01.07.2013, Confidentiality 1
Same field of view: Motor
Testo 875 - Distance: 80 cm / 31.5“
Fluke Ti25 - Distance: 115 cm / 45.3“
Flir i7 - Distance: 80 cm / 31.5“
Irisys 4010 - Distance: 130 cm / 51.2“
Testo AG, Image comparison testo 875, 1000len-mkh, 01.07.2013, Confidentiality 1
Same field of view: Air heating system
Testo 875 - Distance: 3 m / 118.1“
Fluke Ti25 - Distance: 4,1 m / 161.4“
Flir i7 - Distance: 3 m / 118.1“
Irisys 4010 - Distance: 5 m / 196.9“
Testo AG, Image comparison testo 875, 1000len-mkh, 01.07.2013, Confidentiality 1