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6.4 Scheduling
Presented below is a snapshot of the available climate change funds that cover climate adaptation and mitigation. It is important to note the following:
> The VCs and GBI projects have had climate change resilience actions embedded in their proposals, and further recommendations have been made, as per Sections 4.2 and 5. This will aid the projects in accessing funding by demonstrating their significant contribution to climate change actions. > Successfully accessing resources from these funds depends on a good understanding of the funder’s perspective and procedures. A comprehensive grasp of funding criteria as well as the different financial mechanisms and the extent to which they can be combined is important. Existing guidance presents the following principles that need to be generally adhered to. The project activity must:118
> Include a statement of purpose or intent to address or improve climate resilience in order to differentiate between adaptation to current and future climate change and good development; > Set out a context of climate vulnerability (climate data, exposure and sensitivity), considering both the impacts from climate change as well as climate variability related risks, where the UEP Climate Vulnerability
Assessment (Appendix D) provides important considerations here; > Link project activities to the context of climate vulnerability e.g. Socio-economic conditions and geographical location, reflecting only direct contributions to climate resilience. Green Climate Fund (GCF): The GCF seeks to promote a paradigm shift to low emission and climate-resilient development, taking into account the needs of nations that are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts including Africa and Small Island Developing States (SIDs). The GCF aims to deliver equal amounts of funding to mitigation and adaptation and its activities are aligned with the priorities of developing countries through the principle of country ownership. The financial instrument/delivery mechanism for the GCF is grants, loans, equity or guarantees.
The National Treasury: This is the Kenyan National Designated Authority (NDA) for the GCF and developed the Kenya National Green Climate Fund (GCF) Strategy119 which has a vision to increase financial flow from the GCF for a climate-resilient society and low-carbon economy. The Strategy identifies County governments as critical co-financiers who can take the role of Executing Entities and/ or Implementing Entities of climate-resilient and low-carbon initiatives. The Strategy provides a roadmap for stakeholders in harnessing resources from the GCF.
The Adaptation Fund (AF): The AF finances projects and programmes that help vulnerable communities in developing countries adapt to climate change. Initiatives are based on country needs, views and priorities. The financial instrument/ delivery mechanism used by the Adaptation Fund is grants. NEMA is the National Implementing Entity (NIE) for Adaptation Fund in Kenya.
118. http://pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/222771436376720470/010-gcc-mdb-idfc-adaptation-common-principles.pdfIMPLEMENTATION PLAN 126 119. The Kenya National Green Climate Fund (GCF) Strategy https://www.gcfreadinessprogramme.org/sites/default/files/GCF%20Coordination%20Strategy%20Report.pdf