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8.THROUGH RAMBLA DE CASTRO This is one of the most peculiar natural settings of the Canaries. The route starts in the viewpoint of San Pedro, coming from the Northern main road and from there a wonderful overall view of the area can be contemplated. From the viewpoint two roads split up. The first of them, on the left, roams along the line of the ancient royal road which ends in the coast, going across the hermitage of San Pedro, a building which dates from the XVIII century and from its terrace we can observe another majestic view of the coastline.

The return allows us the access to the second footpath, which we will find from the parking area, and in the direction to the coast. In the first turn there are nice panoramic views of both the group of dwellings Las Pamblas del Mar and Babon. The following crossing of the road, taking the turning to the right, leads to one of the most beautiful palm groves of Tenerife, in the central point of the ravine of Castro and a scarcely some metres from its country estate. In the old entailed Estate of Castro, which offers lands of a special charm, the sound of the sea is often passed over in silence by the singing of the birds. Its gardens, with leafy palm trees, where the admiration of many travellers and illustrious visitors, like Berthelot, Lecrercq, Hans Meyer, Carballo Wanguemert, etc. The route, once the palm grove of the ravine is crossed over, goes on through the footpath until the Fortress of San Fernando, a small defensive construction which, due to its strategic position, helped to defend the coastline from the attacks of the corsairs and pirates who very often came to this side of the island, which nowadays has 3 days of the 5 cannons which originally made up its loophole. At this point, there are several choices for the traveler, since there is the possibility of deciding between doing the descent down to the beaches of Castroand La Fajana, visiting the Water Elevator of La Gordejuela, going on through the main footpath to the beach of Los Roques or coming back to the viewpoint of San Pedro, the starting point of this tour.

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