1 minute read
Ngā Uara
Our Values
Te Whakapono
Ng Ture
The knowledge that our actions are morally and ethically right and that we are acting in an honourable manner.
The basis of our beliefs and the confidence that what we are doing is right.
Te Kotahitanga
Unity amongst iwi and other ethnicities; standing as one.
Te Aroha
Having regard for one another and those for whom we are responsible and to whom we are accountable to.
In Review
81% of tauira reported that their use of te reo Māori has increased
25,705 tauira studied with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa in 2022
12,970 people studied te reo Māori in 2022
EFTS for 2022
15,633 registered participants in Mahuru Māori
100.4k Listeners each month for Taringa, the popular podcast
136 average days of cultural leave provided each year
89% of tauira reported sharing their new skills and knowledge with whānau, hapū, iwi or community
1,138 full and part-time kaimahi as at 31 December 2022
35 tauira completed He Waka Hiringa Master of Applied Indigenous Studies programme
$10.7 million Te Wānanga o Aotearoa forgoes $10.7 million in fees income to provide fees free te reo Māori and tikanga Māori courses at Levels 3-7
9% of tauira have a disability
56% Māori tauira
48% aged over 40 years
76% female tauira
Ko ngā whakaaro nui ake ki te Wāhi Ngaro mō āna tauwhirotanga ki a tātou katoa. Māna anō ō tātou ngākau marū i te rirohanga o ō tātou mate e whakamauru, koutou ngā mate tuatini, okioki atu rā. Nō reira koutou ki a koutou o te pō haere mai haere! Tātou ki a tātou o te ao tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā rā koutou katoa.