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Te Huanganui
Outcomes Framework
Te Huanganui is the Outcomes Framework for Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. The title refers to the significant benefits and advantages that result from our work, in essence, the fruits of our labour.
Te Huanganui weaves a relationship between the strategic objectives of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa and our unique contribution to the people of this nation and more broadly, the nation itself. It includes our outputs, their impacts and the ultimate outcomes of our mahi.
This is the first year of reporting against the Te Wānanga o Aotearoa Investment Plan 20222024 that was approved by the Tertiary Education Commission for one year.
For our 2022-2024 Investment Plan we sought to ground Te Huanganui in the context of our relationship with the Crown. To achieve this we have used the WAI 718 Waitangi Tribunal Report which formally relates the three principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, to the Government’s relationship with, and responsibility to, Wānanga.
The following diagram provides a high-level representation of Te Huanganui as approved in the Te Wānanga o Aotearoa Investment Plan 2022-2024.
Please note, the quotes used in the Statement of Service Performance section are from The Wānanga Capital Establishment Report, WAI 718, Waitangi Tribunal Report 1999.
Wānanga and mātauranga Māori are advanced
Our Outcomes
Everyone has access to āhuatanga Māori educational opportunities
We work together to achieve outcomes in bi-cultural Aotearoa
Ngā Panga Our Impact
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Offering a relevant and sustainable programme mix
› We have a strong footprint in the new education and training system

› We are the driving force in bi-cultural Aotearoa
› We are building a tradition of rangahau that advances mātauranga Māori
Putting our tauira at the centre
› Tauira have a holistic, transformative āhuatanga Māori educational experience
› We break down barriers to provide accessible education opportunities
Ensuring sustainability through educational excellence
› Tauira achieve valued outcomes with us
› We are continuously enhancing Ako teaching and learning
› We are sustainable