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Performance measures

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Hei Whakamaumahara

Hei Whakamaumahara

This result is taken from the annual Graduate Survey that is used to track graduate outcomes and the broader holistic impact of studying with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa. The 2022 survey was sent to all tauira (14,083) that graduated in 2021 and 26% (3,631) of them took the opportunity to respond. The Graduate Survey has no margin of error.

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa seeks to positively impact tauira through a holistic approach to teaching and learning. Regardless of what they study, our intention is that tauira leave us confident in who they are, where they have come from and with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the future.

Across the board our holistic impact measures either improved or remained steady in 2022. At 77% the result for improvement in cultural identity exceeded the target and was a 2% increase on 2021. Reflecting the ongoing impact of the pandemic, the result for improvement in health and wellbeing missed the target but remained steady at 70%. The result for improvement in career prospects held up well, meeting the target and showing a 1% increase on 2021.

In the same graduate survey, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa also achieved a tauira satisfaction result of 87% (89% in 2021).

In order to keep shifting the dial on holistic graduate outcomes we will continue to innovate our āhuatanga Māori educational experience over the next plan period. This will include work on our programme offering as well as adapting our delivery model to better fit with tauira wants and needs.

2.2 We break down barriers to provide accessible educational opportunities for all

2.2.1 Expected graduates at Level 1-3 Non-Māori, non-Pasifika graduates

2.2.2 Proportion of total SAC-eligible EFTS enrolled at Level 1-3 Non-Māori, non-Pasifika

2.2.3 Proportion of total SAC-eligible EFTS enrolled at Level 4-7 (non-degree) Non-Māori, non-Pasifika

2.2.4 Proportion of total SAC-eligible EFTS enrolled at Level 7 (degree) Non-Māori, non-Pasifika

2.2.5 Proportion of total SAC-eligible EFTS enrolled at Level 8-10 Non-Māori, non-Pasifika

This section provides the results for performance commitments negotiated with TEC for 2022-2024. Please note, the 2022 results are interim as they are subject to validation by the TEC following submission of the final single data return in April 2023. The 2021 results have been updated to final.

Graduate numbers recovered slightly in 2022 with 12,255 graduates at Level 1-3, an increase of 2,482 graduates on 2021. Despite this recovery, graduate numbers are still well below pre-pandemic levels and this has a consequential impact on other education performance indicators.

The proportion of enrolled EFTS by ethnicity grouping has shifted with the overall reduction in EFTS. At Level 1-3 we exceeded the target for the proportion of tauira Māori by 5% and Pasifika tauira by 1%, but the target for non-Māori, non-Pasifika was not met.

With the majority of our programme provision at sub-degree level, the results for Level 4-7 exceeded the targets across all ethnicity groupings and returned a 1% increase in the proportion of Māori and Pasifika EFTS.

Disappointingly, the results for the degree programmes showed a reduction in the proportion of Māori EFTS at Level 7 (degree). This target was not achieved and was 5% lower than the 2021 result.

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa only has one programme at Level 8-10, the He Waka Hiringa (Master of Applied Indigenous Knowledge). He Waka Hiringa has a small cohort of approximately 40 tauira therefore the ethnicity of one tauira has a big impact on the results for that level grouping.

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