Prospectus 2015 COURSE GUIDE AND ENROLMENT | 0800 Wananga CONTENTS
Mihi Ko te wehi ki a Īhowa te tīmatanga o te whakaaro nui. Kia whakapaingia tōna ingoa! Kia whakanuia ō tātou mātua a Ranginui e tū iho nei, a Papatūānuku e takoto nei. Ko tātou ō rāua uri e takatū nei i tēnei ao. Kia tangihia ō tātou mate. Ko te kōrero mō rātou, kua ngaro ki te pō uriuri, ki te pō tangotango, ki te pō i oti atu, hei whare kōrero, hei whare wānanga mā Hine-nui-i-te-pō e kuku nei te tangata. Te hinganga o te tini, te moenga o te mano. Okioki mai koutou ki te ao wairua, moe mai i roto i te Ariki. E te iwi whānui, tēnā koutou katoa. Tēnei te reo o Te Wānanga o Raukawa te tangi atu nei, te mihi atu nei ki a koutou. Ko Te Wānanga o Raukawa; he kaupapa mātauranga nā ngā iwi i te tonga, nā Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Raukawa me Ngāti Toa Rangatira i whakatū engari nā ngā iwi o te motu i manaaki, i whakarangatira. He wānanga i te mātauranga tōna kaupapa, he whakatupu i te mātauranga tōna whāinga. Mā ō tātou tikanga, mā ō tātou kaupapa e whakapūmau. Kia ora tonu ai ō tātou whānau, ō tātou hapū, ō tātou iwi, tōna koha ki te ao. Kei konei e rārangihia mai ana, ētehi kōrero mō Te Wānanga o Raukawa hei tirohanga, hei whakaarotanga mā koutou. Ko te taumata kōrero, ko te tangata i āta whakangaua ki te kōhatu karā o te whare wānanga o ngā tūpuna he kete kī, he purapura i ruiruia mai i roto o Rangiātea. Kāti i konei. Kia tau ngā manaakitanga ki runga i a tātou katoa.
TE WANANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Content About Te Wānanga o Raukawa
Graduate Destinations
Our Guiding Kaupapa
Student support services
Residental lifestyle at the Ōtaki campus
Theory and Understanding of Wānanga
Marae Based Studies
Tohu offered by Te Wānanga o Raukawa
Whānau Wellness
Environmental Management
Physical Wellbeing
Health Promotion, Sport and Exercise
Literary Performing Arts
Māori Design and Art
Early Childhood Teaching
Mātauranga Māori
Māori Medicine Heke / Diploma
Bilingual Teaching
Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Information Management
Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Poupou / Certificate
Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Poupou / Certificate
Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Poupou / Certificate
Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Animation and Graphic Design
Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Poutāhū / Postgraduate Diploma and Tāhuhu / Master
Mātauranga Māori
Māori and Administration
Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Tāhuhu / Master
Huia Te Reo
Poupou / Certificate
Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Te Reo Māori
Heke / Diploma and Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Tāhuhu / Master
Te Reo Māori
Tāhuhu / Master
Enrolment Process
Te Wānanga o Raukawa Te Wānanga o Raukawa arose from a joint effort of Te Āti Awa, Ngāti Raukawa and Ngāti Toa Rangatira, known also as the ART Confederation. Te Wānanga o Raukawa aims to contribute to the Confederation and the wider community by producing skilled graduates who can move between the Māori and Pākehā worlds effortlessly. Their involvement will enhance the quality of decisionmaking on issues affecting the Confederation as well as on matters affecting the community at large. The Wānanga is a unique centre of higher learning devoted to the world of Māori knowledge, (mātauranga Māori). The Wānanga is a reformulation of an ancient Polynesian institution known as the whare wānanga, which were tribal centres of higher learning. The method of teaching at Te Wānanga o Raukawa is based upon knowledge and wisdom passed on by our ancestors. Through our holistic approach to teaching and learning, you will experience a new and exciting journey into knowledge.
TE WANANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Today, Te Wānanga o Raukawa continues to build on its reputation as the only tertiary institution that offers iwi and hapū studies in depth. The value to whānau, hapū and iwi is inestimable and therefore makes a major contribution to the documentation of the history of Aotearoa New Zealand. An investment in technology in response to student demand and technological change sees us expanding our provision both nationally and internationally. We have increased and improved the use of e-learning and the wider use of technology and reduced the programme workload in such a way that there is no negative impact or compromise of quality. We invite you to journey with us and to see and experience the world through Māori eyes. All courses (excluding poupou/certificate courses) include a specialisation, an iwi and hapū component and te reo Māori. Call us on 0800 WANANGA or email for further information about any of our programmes.
Te Wānanga o Raukawa welcomes you to engage with us in undertaking your education journey. We are a provider that focuses on the needs and aspirations of our people, pitched on provision at undergraduate and postgraduate level with a strong focus on te reo Māori. While providing a model that ensures our students are competent in their understanding of themselves, their history, cultural practices, language and literature Te Wānanga o Raukawa is also committed to educating and empowering students vocationally. Our graduates are able to offer dual competencies in a range of professions. This sets them apart and advantages them when presenting their profile for employment opportunities. Students are well supported at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. There is a network of assistance from both within the organisation and the wider community which includes staff, kaiāwhina, whānau, hapū and iwi, all of whom give of their time and expertise to facilitate and enhance the education pathway. You will see that we have a good range of offerings for your consideration. At any given time new programmes are in development as we strive to respond to current needs and interests. We invite you to join us, to choose Te Wānanga o Raukawa as your tertiary provider. Nau mai rā!
Ko te reo maioha tēnei, haere mai ki Te Wānanga o Raukawa 8
Mereana Selby Tumuaki
Te Ara Whakamua | Graduate Destinations With a focus on employment outcomes and destinations, Te Wānanga o Raukawa educates students for full participation in te ao Māori as well as the workforce. Career pathways for students who come to study with us are integral to a journey of self-discovery. Cultural survivability is woven through the individual programme of study with a strong focus on te reo Māori and researching iwi and hapū connections. This is seen as an enhancement to an individual area of study which may lead to further studies or career opportunities across all vocational sectors.
10 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Our Guiding Kaupapa (Values)
The kaupapa are accepted both individually and collectively as the defining values for Te Wānanga o Raukawa.
These working definitions draw on our own understanding from the body of knowledge, mātauranga Māori and Te Wānanga o Raukawa teachings. Both staff and students discover that they are surrounded by the guiding kaupapa and learn to embrace them as part of the theory and understanding of Wānanga.
For more in-depth information see our website http://www.wananga. com/images/pdf/Guiding_ Kaupapa.pdf (page 6).
Be mindful of the needs of others in the sharing of library books, in the use of computers in the laboratory, in the need for cooperation in communal sleeping areas and so on.
Firmly uphold the principle of rangatiratanga.
Work together towards academic success.
Preserve and protect a safe learning environment.
Excel in maintaining, researching, creating and sharing of knowledge.
Respect an individual’s wish to nourish their spiritual wellbeing.
Strive towards the revival of the Māori language and tikanga.
Accept your studies are an important contribution to the survival of your whānau, hapū and iwi.
Commit to a unified effort towards completion of studies.
Create and contribute to the knowledge continuum for future generations.
Promote good health and resist practices that put your body at risk, including cigarette smoking.
We are obliged to enhance the ability to think clearly and to learn and teach effectively.
Student Support RATONGA ĀKONGA (Student Services) Our student services team will process your enrolment and assist you with your application for Student Loan and Student Allowance. We can also act as an advocate on your behalf when dealing with StudyLink and help you complete the required information for your Training Incentive Allowance and Childcare Subsidy forms for Work and Incomde.
TE WHARE PUKAPUKA (Library) Access to Te Whare Pukapuka services is available to all Te Wānanga o Raukawa students. Based at the Ōtaki campus the library houses a wealth of information relevant to your study and is open almost every day of the week. Hours are arranged to accommodate the noho study schedule.
TE RŌPŪ WHĀITI O NGĀ TAUIRA (Student Association) As a student you also have membership to Te Rōpū Whāiti o Ngā Tauira. This team is working to build forums for information sharing, advocacy and support for students. There are opportunities for you to nominate representatives. Meetings are held monthly.
HOKOMAI CLOTHING SHOP Our students can purchase Te Wānanga o Raukawa branded clothing from the Hokomai shop located at the Ōtaki campus. Shop hours are 1pm-2pm when students are on campus.
Subsidies are available for whānau who are eligible. Our staff can assist with applications. If you are seeking childcare while on noho in Ōtaki please contact us (phone 06 364 8585) at least seven days prior to your arrival to ensure a place is available and the arrival time of your child can be accommodated.
If you become unwell while on noho in Ōtaki, the programme administrator, on approval from the kaihautū, can arrange for you to be seen at the Ōtaki Medical Centre. If you are issued with a prescription you need your student ID card to present at Hamish Barham Pharmacy and the prescription will be issued free of charge to you. (Prescriptions from your doctor or consultation and prescription fees for pre-existing conditions will not be paid for by Te Wānanga o Raukawa).
‘He kōrero, he tohutohu whakamutunga nā te tangata i mua i tona matenga’.
Te Wānanga o Raukawa is a ‘Smoke Free Campus’ and we aim to support those of our students who smoke with the tools and knowledge to be able to work towards a lifestyle that is totally free from smoking. Ultimately, our broader goal is that all Te Wānanga o Raukawa students and graduates will be in a strong position to positively influence whānau in making informed decisions around wellbeing and good health.
Your health and wellbeing is important to us and we have a purpose built facility with two full sized indoor sports courts and full gym facilities which include a range of strength and cardiovascular training equipment that you can use. You can use this facility on presentation of your student ID card as another option for your break time. Appropriate training clothing is required. Subsidies apply for Te Wānanga o Raukawa students.
Te Ohākī represents the embodiment of the dying wish of Ngāpera Wikohika, a former staff member of Te Wānanga o Raukawa. Her request was that we should all learn from her experience in suffering from smoking related illnesses that contributed directly to her loss of life.
“Students are well supported at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. There is a network of assistance from both within the organisation and the wider community...” Mereana Selby Tumuaki
CHILDCARE FACILITY We encourage you to use our childcare facilities ‘He Iti Nā Mōtai’ at the Ōtaki campus. Catering for tamariki 9 months to 4 years old, the daily rate is: : 1 child = $3.95 per hour, 2nd child = $3.45 per hour, 3rd child = $2.95 per hour. 14 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Residental Lifestyle at the Ōtaki Campus Residential seminars, or noho, range from 3-6 days at a time. We provide a range of accommodation options at the Ōtaki campus. There are individual sleeping facilities in a marae setting/open sleeping area, a marae style arrangement with mattresses for larger groups, and a small number of units available to those with medical issues. We supply sheets, pillows and pillowcases. Students bring blankets/sleeping bags plus any personal and/or medical care items. There is a small shopping area five minutes walk from the Wānanga should you require any personal items while on noho. This includes a Countdown supermarket, chemist, public library, Kiwibank/Post Shop, ANZ bank and a number of cafes. Ōtaki beach is approximately 20 minutes walk from the Wānanga if you want to stroll down to the beach in your break. The sandy beach, beautiful river and wide open spaces framed by the majestic Tararua ranges make Ōtaki a great place to unwind. A wireless network service is available in all academic areas across the Ōtaki campus.
16 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Theory and Understanding of Wānanga As Te Wānanga o Raukawa progresses, we continue to refine practices that reflect our evolution within tikanga Māori. These practices, while familiar in concept, will be new territory for those entering our doors for the first time. One set of procedures that applies is described as the kawa of learning, te kawa o te ako. It relates to protecting and maximising the learning and teaching potential of students and staff at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. It aims to curb activity that reduces the capacity to learn and teach. One dimension of te kawa o te ako affirms that anyone who feels unable to forgo the use of drugs or alcohol during noho should not attend. Infringements of the kawa will place the person, and possibly their whānau, hapū and iwi, at risk and possible withdrawal from study at Te Wānanga o Raukawa.
18 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Marae Based Studies At the heart of the philosophy of teaching marae based studies (MBS) is a model where students and teachers alike are taught at home, by home and for home. This fulfils a strategy for the economic health and wealth of Māori with the achievement of formal qualifications a probability for those who engage. Graduates of our programmes are able to contribute directly and immediately to capacity building for hapū and iwi by completing valuable and relevant research whilst studying with Te Wānanga o Raukawa. The success of the marae based model for learning has proven itself over many years as the preferred model for those who wish to learn at home, by home and for home. As the economy improves and the cost of travel rises, having less distance to travel for learning makes economic sense. Marae based studies are located in Pukekohe, Northland and a number of other sites around Aotearoa, New Zealand. Courses are available depending on demand. Contact us to find out more about a marae based studies near you 0800 WANANGA
Tohu Offered by Te Wānanga o Raukawa Poupou – Certificate
Poutāhū – Postgraduate Diploma
Poupou are certificate level qualifications. They are usually short courses or introductory programmes.
Poutāhū is the postgraduate diploma, usually one year of full time study or longer part time.
Heke – Diploma Heke are diploma level courses. Most of the heke at Te Wānanga o Raukawa comprise the first year of a degree programme.
Tāhuhu The tāhuhu is the master degree, the achievement of an advanced level of research and study at postgraduate level. A master’s degree is two years full time study and may also be studied part time.
Poutuarongo – Bachelors Degree Poutuarongo is the term for an undergraduate bachelors degree. The duration is usually three or four years of full time study. It can also be taken part time.
20 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Our Courses
Your guide to study in 2015 22 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
“People are our wealth, develop and retain them.” COURSES 23
Whare Oranga Toiora Whānau (Whānau Wellness) Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Kaitiakitanga Pūtaiao (Environmental Management) Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Pakari Tinana (Physical Wellbeing) Poupou / Certificate
Kawa Oranga (Health Promotion, Sport And Exercise) Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Rongoā (Māori Medicine) Heke / Diploma
Toiora Whānau (Whānau Wellness) Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor Toiora Whānau provides a uniquely Māori perspective on whānau wellness. You will gain the skills and knowledge required to work effectively with Māori to improve the social wellbeing of whānau, hapū and iwi.
One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Four year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Poutuarongo Toiora Whānau is a four year degree accredited by the Social Workers Registration Board. The Heke Toiora Whānau is a one year introduction to the principles of whānau wellness and working in a Māori context.
Residential seminars, self directed learning AND daily classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Mātauranga Māori and whakawhanaungatanga provide the foundations for the promotion of wellbeing, iwi and hapū planning, and hui organisation. You will also develop kaupapa Māori research skills and a working knowledge of social policy, legislation, Māori policy development and practices relevant to whānau wellness.
Fees apply
Iwi and hapū studies and te reo Māori are an integral part of all Toiora Whānau programmes. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit
24 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Start date March
Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations (Heke): –– Whānau, Hapū and Iwi Health Promoter –– Foster Parent –– Healthcare Assistant
Graduate Destinations (Poutuarongo): –– Counselor –– Social Worker –– Rangatahi Health and Education Specialist –– Māori Health and Welbeing Consultant –– Policy Analyst
Kaitiakitanga Pūtaiao (Environmental Management)
Pakari Tinana (Physical Wellbeing)
Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Poupou / Certificate
Kaitiakitanga Pūtaiao studies explore the roles and responsibilities of tangata whenua to ngā taonga tuku iho (our inherited treasures). It also looks at how to uplift and maintain the wellbeing of the environment from a kaupapa Māori perspective.
Poupou Pakari Tinana introduces you to the fundamental aspects of Māori physical wellbeing. A combination of theory and practical activities, including resistance training, cardiovascular exercise and optimal nutrition, will enable you to develop strategies to modify your lifestyle and achieve your wellbeing goals.
Engage with like-minded environmentalists and gain an understanding of a kaupapa Māori approach to horticulture and agriculture. Examine biodiversity on Kāpiti Island and monitor a freshwater body for your hapū. Learn to identify native birds and their calls, indigenous plants and their traditional uses. Sustainable management planning for farms, eel fisheries, wetlands and other natural habitats feature strongly. Build an awareness of alternative methods for sustainable and eco-efficient building construction. At diploma level you are introduced to the foundations of environmental management, iwi and hapū studies and te reo Māori. As a graduate of the degree programme you will be equipped with the tools to support hapū self-determination and development aspirations for te taiao (our environment) within tikanga Māori and other tikanga management frameworks.
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND daily classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date Ōtaki campus: March
Fees apply Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA
Graduate Destinations: –– Iwi Authority Environmental Advisor –– Environmental Management Advisor –– Environmental Impact Assessor for Department of Conservation and/or Regional, District and City Councils –– Rūnanga, Iwi and Hapū Representative
Learn the skills to maintain quality nutrition, sustain regular engagement in physical activity and provide leadership in whakapakari tinana within a whānau context. One of the most important goals of this qualification is to empower students through approrpiate skills, knowledge and practical experience to be able to make informed choices regarding diet, exercise and lifestyle. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit
Duration 12 week certificate (NZQA Level 4)
Start date Course dates vary depending on location. Phone 0800 WANANGA for further information.
Fees apply Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations: As a Poupou Pakari Tinana graduate you can take your studies further with the Kawa Oranga degree and explore career pathways in Māori health promotion, personal training, life coaching, rehabilitation and occupational therapy services.
For more information on papers included in these programmes please visit
26 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Kawa Oranga (Health Promotion, Sport And Exercise) Heke / Diploma And Poutuarongo / Bachelor Heke Kawa Oranga will introduce you to kaupapa and tikanga in relation to healthy lifestyles, and the role of kawa in sport and exercise. These concepts are expanded upon in the Kawa Oranga degree programme , which provides a balance of classroom theory, practical application in a fitness facility, whakatupu mātauranga on hapū and iwi, te reo Māori, and practical experience with sporting groups and organisations in the community.
“For me, people should go to Te Wānanga o Raukawa because it is probably the only establishment that caters for the tinana, wairua, whānau and the hinengaro.”
When Morehu Munro, 53, moved home to Wairoa he knew that he wanted to help his people. He had been a Navy officer, a prison guard and a farmer but he had no idea how to best contribute to his iwi, Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa. So, three years ago he signed up to do the Poutuarongo Kawa Oranga programme at Te Wānanga o Raukawa and now he says he has a better vision on how he can help his people. “I came back to Wairoa from Auckland 12 years ago and all I
28 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
wanted to do was serve my people, but I didn’t know what that meant.” Morehu says he was able to form his vision through his studies with Te Wānanga o Raukawa because of the focus on Māoritanga. “For me, people should go to Te Wānanga o Raukawa because it is probably the only establishment that caters for the tinana, wairua, whānau and the hinengaro – and to me that is what Māori is all about.”
As a graduate of these programmes you will be an agent for the promotion of kawa oranga providing guidance and leadership in te taha tinana within whānau, hapū and iwi. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Start date March
Fees apply Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA
Graduate Destinations (Heke): –– Whānau, Hapū and Iwi Health Promoter –– Youth/Community Worker
Graduate Destinations (Poutuarongo): –– Kaupapa Māori Outdoor Education Specialist –– Rangatahi Health and Education Specialist –– Sports Coach –– Physical Education Trainer –– Māori Health and Wellbeing Consultant/ Researcher –– Diet and Exercise Advisor –– Sports Coordinator –– Event Coordinator –– Educator / Lecturer
Residential seminars, self directed learning AND daily classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Morehu Munro
Whare Toi Whare Tapere (Literary Performing Arts) Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Toi Whakarākai (Māori Design and Art) Rongoā (Māori Medicine)
Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Heke / Diploma
Hiko-Rau (Animation and Graphic Design)
Learn the values, principles and practices of Māori healing, known as rongoā and develop a holistic approach to the promotion of wellbeing. Heke Rongoā provides a solid foundation in mātauranga Māori, te reo Māori and the identification of indigenous plants and their traditional uses for healing. You will participate in the harvesting, preparation and application of rongoā.
Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
One year diploma (NZQA Level 5)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND daily classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
The Heke Rongoā programme aims to contribute to the growing resource of bilingual and bicultural practitioners in traditional and contemporary Māori healing for whānau, hapū and iwi, Māori and non-Māori organisations.
Fees apply Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations (Poutuarongo): For more information on papers included in this programme please visit
30 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
–– Rongoā Practitioner –– Rongoā Advisor –– Whānau, Hapū and Iwi Health Promoter –– Natural Health Therapist
Whare Tapere (Literary Performing Arts) Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor Whare Tapere studies introduces you to the expression of Māori concepts, behaviour and values through song and dance. Learn about the history of whare tapere and develop key performance skills, including haka and waiata. Mātauranga Māori and te reo Māori are a feature of all Whare Tapere progammes. Heke Whare Tapere builds a foundation of knowledge around traditional Māori performance and the application of techniques in a contemporary context. Continue to master your abilities in years two and three of the Poutuarongo Whare Tapere. Further define your connections to te ao Māori through pūrākau, song writing and performance. Whare Tapere aims to produce proficient and active performers with a working knowledge of te reo, composition, choreography and production. As a graduate you will be able to contribute your skills as a bilingual and bicultural performer and composer of performing arts for whānau, hapū and iwi, Māori and non-Māori organisations. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit
32 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND daily classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
Fees apply Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations (Poutuarongo): –– Performing Arts Teacher –– Performing Arts Cultural Advisor –– Entertainer –– Stage Manager –– Tourism / Hospitality Advisor –– Performer –– Kapa Haka Choreographer –– Composer –– Educator / Lecturer
“The tutors are beautiful, the place is beautiful, the kai is beautiful, everything is beautiful.” Rosalind Maraki, 44, didn’t know what she had been missing until she found it at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. By chance Rosalind and her sister had been travelling to Wellington when they called in to the Ōtaki campus. Rosalind, from Ngāti Porou and Taranaki, says that before she knew it they had both packed up their families and moved to Ōtaki to enrol in the Bachelor of Māori Design and Art at the Wānanga, Poutuarongo Toi Whakarākai. Specialising in weaving, Rosalind says it was the best decision she ever made. “It is my first year of doing any study and I couldn’t even spell whānau six months ago. I have learnt so much. “The tutors are beautiful, the place is beautiful, the kai is beautiful, everything is beautiful. It is such a beautiful journey and I just want to share everything that I have learnt.” She says she is enjoying campus life. “I have learnt so much and I think it is the way they teach me. I wasn’t the best at school but the way they put it makes it easier for me – or maybe I just want to learn. “I think it is the mauri, it is just beautiful.”
Rosalind Maraki
Toi Whakarākai (Māori Design and Art)
Hiko-Rau (Animation and Graphic Design)
Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Toi Whakarākai aims to increase the number of Māori artists who are skilled in traditional techniques and who can significantly contribute towards the wellbeing and development of their marae, hapū and whānau. Students will choose between a weaving or carving pathway. Iwi and hapū studies and te reo Māori are a key part of all Toi Whakarākai programmes.
Hiko-Rau studies provides a solid grounding in graphic design, multimedia and animation with an emphasis on the stories and histories of Māori. Gain a new vitality and respect for ngā pūrākau Māori and their associated traditions by researching the kōrero within your hapū and iwi. Develop proficiency in te reo Māori and apply to your creative designs.
Heke Toi Whakarākai introduces you to the methods used in traditional Māori art forms. Explore the journeys of tūpuna Māori to Aotearoa and learn about the harvesting and use of natural materials. You will produce several items, including a kōwhaiwhai piece. Continue to build upon the foundation skills in years two and three of the Poutuarongo Toi Whakarākai and increase your proficiency in whakairo rākau (wood carving), tāniko, whatu and raranga (weaving art forms). You will create several art pieces, undertake indepth research about your marae and hapū and further extend your Māori language skills.
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND daily classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
Fees apply Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations: –– Working Artist –– Exhibition Technician –– Educator / Lecturer –– Curator
Heke Hiko-Rau is a one-year introductory programme to introduce techniques in animation and multimedia production. Carry out a study on your marae and learn the foundations of te reo Māori, including mihimihi, waiata and karakia. Years two and three of the Poutuarongo Hiko-Rau degree include studies in advanced application of design and animation techniques, anatomy, design and production for the web, and an introduction to computer game development. You will also look further into your hapū activites and continue to extend your reo skills. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND daily classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
Fees apply Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations (Poutuarongo): –– Graphic Designer –– Animator –– Game Developer –– Digital Artist –– Educator / Lecturer
For more information on papers included in this programme please visit
34 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Whare Mātauranga Whakaakoranga (Teaching) Poutāhū / Postgraduate Diploma AND Tāhuhu / Master
Whakaakoranga (Teaching) Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Te Rangakura Kaiwhakaako (Bilingual Teaching) Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Whakaakoranga Kōhungahunga (Early Childhood Teaching) Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor The above programmes are approved by the New Zealand Teaching Council.
Whakaakoranga (Teaching) Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor With the rapid growth in kaupapa Māori learning institutions and schools offering kaupapa Māori education programmes, demand is increasing for well trained and qualified Māori teachers. Te Wānanga o Raukawa offers you an innovative three year teaching degree, Poutuarongo Whakaakoranga. This programme produces graduates who can teach people to see the world through Māori eyes and are competent to teach a range of subjects using the Māori language. The Heke Whakaakoranga, Diploma of Education, is awarded to those who successfully complete the first year of study. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND daily classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
Fees apply Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations (Heke): –– Teacher Aide –– Childcare Worker
Graduate Destinations (Poutuarongo): –– Kaiwhakaako Māori –– Education Adviser –– Primary School Teacher –– Secondary School Teacher –– Special Education Teacher –– Tertiary Lecturer –– Policy Analyst
36 TE WANANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
37 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Whakaakoranga (Teaching) Poutāhū / Postgraduate Diploma AND Tāhuhu / Master The Poutāhū and Tāhuhu Whakaakoranga programmes will provide you with the competencies and confidence to take a strong leadership role in both managerial and delivery aspects of kaupapa Māori learning environments. The Poutāhū Whakaakoranga focuses on delivery and teaching, advanced iwi and hapū research and te whakatupu i te reo Māori. The second year of the Master’s programme builds further on these kaupapa and emphasises effective management and leadership within kaupapa Māori learning institutions. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit
38 TE WANANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Duration One year postgraduate diploma (NZQA Level 8) Two year master’s degree (NZQA Level 9)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning
Start date March
Fees apply Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations: –– School Principal –– Tertiary Lecturer –– Māori Education Specialist –– Education Advisor –– Senior Kaiwhakaako Māori –– Policy Analyst –– Policy Advisor –– Māori Language Specialist
“ By the end of the year I felt more confident in the reo and was able to have conversations, which to me is very special.”
Born Robert Tangaroa, Chubb – as he is known to softball fans across the world – is now the the head of the sports department at Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngāti Kahungunu ki Heretaunga and he is continuing to inspire young people. Chubb graduated from Te Wānanga o Raukawa in 2013 with a Poutāhū Whakaakoranga (Postgraduate Diploma in Immersion Teaching), and he says the experience has helped give him a wider perspective.
was able to converse, which to me is very special. I have two of my sons in Kura Kaupapa and they are excelling in the reo. Awesome! Studying the Poutāhū Whakaakoranga course gave me an opportunity to enhance my reo, which I had very little of, and also gave me a chance to have professional development in teaching of the reo to students of our kura.”
Robert ( Chubb) Tangaroa
When I first met my colleagues I thought, ‘is this the right place for me’ as they were all fluent speakers of the reo. By the end of the year I felt more confident in the reo and CONTENTS 39
Te Rangakura Kaiwhakaako (Bilingual Teaching)
Whakaakoranga Kōhungahunga (Early Childhood Teaching)
Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Poutuarongo Te Rangakura Kaiwhakaako will provide you with the necessary knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to access and relay ngā taonga tuku iho. This mātauranga is drawn from the study of iwi and hapū values, knowledge and institutions in a way that is consistent with the notion of a Māori world view curriculum and its application in the kaupapa Māori educational context.
Residential seminars, self directed learning AND daily classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Ka whakahaerehia katoatia te tohu nei mā te reo Maori me te reo Pākehā, ā, ka whakatūria he Whare Kōhanga Akoranga e taketake ake nei i te mātauranga Māori. Mā te mōhio, mā te mātau, mā te mārama ki te mātauranga Māori me te ao Māori e taea ai te whakarite i tētehi marautanga kōhungahunga e tupu ai te aronga Māori ki roto ki ngā tamariki.
The Heke Te Rangakura Whakaakoranga, Diploma of Bilingual Teaching, is awarded to those who successfully complete the first year of study.
Start date
Ka hua mai, ko te pouako:
For more information on papers included in this programme please visit
Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA.
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Fees apply
Graduation Destinations: –– Kaiwhakaako (Bilingual) –– Primary School Teacher –– Private Teacher / Tutor –– Special Education Teacher –– Curriculum Advisor –– Education Union Representative –– Policy Analyst
–– E mārama ana ki ngā taonga tuku iho a ngā tūpuna –– E mātau ana ki te kawe i tētehi marautanga kōhungahunga mā te reo Māori –– E mātau ana ki te whakaako ki ngā kura kōhungahunga –– E mārama ana ki te whakatupu i te mana āhua ake o ia tamaiti, o ia tamaiti –– E mātau ana ki te whakarite, te whakamahere, me te whakahaere i ngā mahi o te kura kōhungahunga e aro ā Māori atu ngā tamariki ki tōna ao –– E mōhio ana ko ngā mātua ngā pouako tuatahi, ā ko te kāinga te kura tuatahi mō ngā tamariki, nō reira me whai wāhi ka tika ngā mātua me te whānau whānui. Āmua, ka taea e te akonga te whakaako i roto i ngā whare kōhungahunga o te motu. Ka taea anō te whai atu i te tohu paerua.
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND daily classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
Fees apply Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations (Heke): –– Teacher Aide –– Childcare Worker
Graduate Destinations (Poutuarongo): –– Kaiwhakaako Māori –– Education Advisor –– Early Childhood Teacher –– Private Teacher / Tutor –– Special Education Teacher –– Tertiary Lecturer
For more information on papers included in this programme please visit 40 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Whare Kōkiri Mātauranga Māori Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Mātauranga Māori Tāhuhu / Master
Toko Mana (Māori And Administration) Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Whakahaere (Management) Tāhuhu / Master
Puna Maumahara (Information Management) Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Karanga Poupou / Certificate
Whaikōrero Poupou / Certificate
“It was much more stimulating, rewarding and challenging than I could have expected.” Tania Te Rangingangana Simpson didn’t realise how much her life would change when she enrolled in the Tāhuhu Mātauranga Māori programme at Te Wānanga o Raukawa. “Through the Master of Mātauranga Māori studies I not only further developed my skills and knowledge, but I also explored a wide range of subjects of close personal interest, and strengthened my relationships with my kaumātua. “This led me into opportunities to engage in hapū and iwi activities with kaumātua that enabled their mātauranga to be shared more widely amongst our iwi. Tania says it was refreshing and inspirational to study in the Māori environment that was provided at Te Wānanga o Raukawa while she was a student. “I loved the values and principles of that underpinned our learning, a Māori context within which to explore knowledge. Tikanga Māori overlays and underpins all activity at Te Wānanga o Raukawa and this learning context reminds us how to be Māori.” “Looking back, I am pleased that I decided to accept and to give it a go. It was much more stimulating, rewarding and challenging than I could have expected. It was an enriching experience. “
Tania Te Rangingangana Simpson
42 TE WANANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Mātauranga Māori
Mātauranga Māori
Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Tāhuhu / Master
Studies in Mātauranga Māori will introduce you to understandings of human behaviour based on concepts handed down through generations of Māori. Te whakamāramatanga o ngā tikanga tuku iho e puta ai te titiro a te Māori ki tōna ao. Learn about kaupapa and tikanga Māori that define the way we view the world as Māori. Explore Māori knowledge as our tūpuna understood it, as we understand it today and as it will be applied tomorrow.
Ko te whāinga nui o tēnei tohu, kia tupu, kia rangatira tā tātou wānanga, me tā tātou kawe i te mātauranga. Hua atu, kia rangatira hoki tā tātou whakaahua i te wānanga nei ki te reo Māori.
The Heke Mātauranga Māori examines ngā tikanga tuku iho, Māori art and design concepts, iwi oral traditions and Te Tiriti o Waitangi. You will undertake research about your marae and develop your te reo Māori skills, including mihimihi, waiata and karakia.
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND daily classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
Fees apply Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations (Heke): The Heke Awa, Raukawa and Toarangatira is a tailored programme specific to mātauranga Māori of the founding iwi of Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Te Āti Awa ki Whakarongotai, Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga and Ngāti Toa Rangatira. Years two and three of the Poutuarongo Mātauranga Māori expand further on ngā taonga tuku iho and incorporate more indepth studies in kaitiakitanga, tohungatanga, roles on the marae, paepae and science and technology in the mātauranga Māori context. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit
44 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
–– Exhibition Technician –– Library Assistant –– Iwiw / Hapū Representative
Graduate Destinations (Poutuarongo): –– Case Manager –– Historian –– Project Researcher –– Cultural Advisor –– Special Education Tutor –– Tertiary Lecturer –– Policy Advisor –– Policy Analyst –– Tourism / Hospitality Advisor
Duration Two years Tāhuhu/Master (NZQA Levels 8 and 9)
E toru ngā akoranga nui o te tohu nei: –– Ngā akoranga o te mātauranga –– Ngā tikanga o te rangahau –– Ngā tikanga o te reo Māori
Residential seminars, self directed learning
Ka tīmata te tau ako i te Poutū-te-rangi, ka mutu ā te Whiringa-ā-nuku. E ono ngā noho i te tau, e whā rā te roa mō te nuinga. Ka whakahaerengia ana ngā wānanga i roto i te reo Māori, ka mutu, me reo Māori hoki ngā tuhinga a ngā ākonga. Mā Te Wānanga o Raukawa koe e whakaruruhau, e whāngai ki te kai inā tae mai koe ki ngā noho
Fees apply
Mō te roanga ake o ngā whakamārama mō tēnei akoranga, toro atu ki
Start date March
Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduation Destinations: –– Kaiwhakaako – kura tuarua, whare wānanga –– Kaitohutohu – tikanga me te reo Māori –– Kaitohutohu tikanga ā-iwi –– Kairangahau –– Kaiwhakapāoho –– Kaiwhakahaere ki ngā rōpū tuku iho
Toko Mana (Māori And Administration)
Whakahaere (Management)
Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Toko Mana will prepare you for administrative leadership and planning roles within organisations and businesses. Learn about kaupapa Māori definitions of management and leadership, and how to develop effective administrative processes to help achieve organisational goals and objectives.
Whakahaere studies will prepare you for executive and senior management roles in any organisation. Learn specialist knowledge in Māori language and tikanga, as well as general and interdisciplinary management skills.
Heke Toko Mana examines the roles of managers and administrators as organisational leaders. You will undertake research about your marae and develop te reo Māori skills, including mihimihi, waiata and karakia. Years two and three of the Poutuarongo Toko Mana expand further on administrative process and leadership in decision making, human resource, Māori enterprise, change management and setting and maintaining organisational standards. You will also carry out indepth studies with your hapū, expand your Māori language skills and learn how to implement te reo Māori as an administrative leader within your organisation.
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND daily classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
Fees apply Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations (Heke): –– Receptionist –– Clerical Worker –– Administrator –– Personal Assistant
For more information on papers included in this programme please visit
46 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Graduate Destinations (Poutuarongo): –– Policy Advisor –– Policy Analyst –– Senior Manager –– Business Owner / Operator
You will conduct comprehensive studies into the way businesses are operated and managed, undertake research on your marae and contribute to the future planning and development of whānau, hapū and iwi resource management. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit
Duration One year postgraduate diploma (NZQA Level 8) Two year masters degree (NZQA Level 9)
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning
Start date March
Fees apply Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations: –– Senior Manager –– Executive Management Consultant –– Self Employment –– Business Analyst –– Business Owner/Operator –– Marketing Advisor –– Communication Advisor –– Chief Executive Officer
Puna Maumahara (Information Management)
Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Poupou / Certificate
Puna Maumahara develops bilingual and bicultural managers of Māori information resources in both Māori and non-Māori organisations. Design, implement and manage information systems to suit whakapapa based rōpū, other Māori groups and organisations.
Using the rich heritage of te iwi Māori you will call upon the knowlege of ngā tūpuna wāhine and examine the values and principles of pūrākau (Māori legend stories) and their relevance to karanga. Poupou Karanga aims to bring forth your creativity and instil a deep appreciation of this traditional art form.
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND daily classes or distance learning (for reo only)
Start date March
The Heke Puna Maumahara is a one year introductory course into the foundations of mātauranga Māori and information management. You will also conduct a study on your marae and build te reo Māori skills, including mihimihi, waiata and karakia. Years two and three of the Poutuarongo Puna Maumahara degree expand on best practice methods for reporting, database administration, file management and storage. Apply kaupapa Māori principles to information management and look further into the activities of your hapū and iwi. Continue to progress in te reo Māori and learn to utilise your skills in hui planning and organisation, and communication management. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit
Fees apply Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations (Heke): –– Exhibition Technician –– Library Assistant –– Information Management Advisor
Graduate Destinations (Poutuarongo): –– Historian –– Project Researcher –– Records / Archives Manager –– Cultural Advisor –– Curator –– Educator / Lecturer –– Librarian
Participate in discussions around karanga and share experiences in a safe and welcoming environment. Draw on the wealth of knowledge from expert kaikaranga and develop your practical skills. Learn how you can support your whānau, hapū and iwi through the karanga art form. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit
Duration Course dates vary depending on location (NZQA Level 4)
Delivery Four weekend residential seminars AND self directed learning
Start date March
Fees apply Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduation Destinations: –– Kaikaranga –– Tutor –– Cultural Advisor
One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
48 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Te Reo Māori Huia Te Reo Poupou / Certificate
Te Reo Māori
Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor
Poupou / Certificate Whaikōrero is both an art form and mode of communication. As an art form, whaikōrero should exhibit all of te ihi (wonder) , te kaha (power), te huatau (elegance), and te wana (the thrill) that Māori performing arts in general achieve and cause the audience to react to in wehi (excitement) and ranga-wairua (inspiration). As a mode of communication, whaikōrero uses poetry, proverb, incantation, metaphor, imagery and symbolism to give gravity and formality to occasions of great importance within te ao Māori. It has its origins in a Māori belief system. This certificate programme is for those who have an intermediate level (or above) ability in Te Reo Māori and some experience in whaikōrero. The aim of the course is to enhance your capability in whaikōrero, both as an art form and mode of communication in various situations. This will be achieved by adding to your kete kōrero in the various sections of whaikōrero and through instruction in the use of voice, stance, rākau and other delivery methods.
Te Reo Māori Delivery
Tāhuhu / Master
Residential seminars, self directed learning
Start date March
Fees apply Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA.
Graduate Destinations: –– Kaikōrero –– Tutor –– Cultural Advisor
For more information on papers included in this programme please visit
Duration Course dates vary depending on location (NZQA Level 4)
50 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
“Being fully immersed in the language and the tikanga has really pushed me and I have loved it.”
Huia Te Reo
Ray Kareko, 44, loves being able to speak to his kids in Te Reo Māori.
Poupou / Certificate Poupou Huia Te Reo is an online Māori language course suited to language learners at the beginner to intermediate level. Follow the daily activities of a real whānau through a series of audio lessons and carry out fun online activities to reinforce your learning. Listen to adaptions of well known fairytales and engage with peers and tutors online. Learn language that you can use in the home, at work and in everyday situations. Discover how to talk about common activities in a way that reflects Māori ways of thinking and doing things.
Duration 13 weeks
Delivery Residential seminars, self directed learning AND daily classes
Start date March
Fees apply Fees apply. Call 0800 WANANGA.
To enrol in this course you will require regular access to the internet and an email address. Course resources are accessed online. Communications for the course occur through email and in online forums. We recommend you dedicate approximately 12 hours a week to listening activities, exercises and online interaction with others. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit
Graduation Destinations: –– Teacher Aide –– Tutor
When he first signed up to the Heke Reo Māori, the Diploma of Te Reo Māori at Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Ray couldn’t speak a word. But since then Ray, from Ngā Puhi, has gone from strength to strength. And he says he has loved it. “I know that I should have had some Māori before I came in but I was prepared to struggle through to get myself up to a decent level.” “It hasn’t been easy, it has been quite difficult but I have also really enjoyed it.” “It was the tutors’ approach – they are very animated. I might not be able to understand everything they say but they talk with their gestures, with their eyes, their hands, their body language and I get it.” “Being fully immersed in the language and the tikanga has really pushed me and I have loved it.” But for Ray it doesn’t stop there. “They all want to impart their knowledge and they just can’t do enough for us. At Te Wānanga o Raukawa it is not just my tutors that are like that, it is everyone.”
Ray Kareko
52 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Te Reo Māori Heke / Diploma AND Poutuarongo / Bachelor The revival and maintenance of te reo and tikanga Māori is a pursuit of Te Wānanga o Raukawa and a key focus of our language programmes. Iwi and hapū studies feature at both the diploma and degree level. You will attend daily classes as well as a number of residential seminars, or noho, throughout the year. Heke Reo Māori introduces you to the Māori language and develops your confidence in speaking, listening and understanding te reo, as well as Māori concepts and values. On completion of year one you will learn the foundations of the language and gain skills in mihimihi, karakia, waiata and kōrero. Poutuarongo Reo Māori expands on the diploma level programme and aims for you to achieve a high proficiency in te reo and tikanga Māori. As a graduate you will be well positioned to enter postgraduate level studies of te reo Māori, or undertake further study towards a range of careers, including teaching, broadcasting, research and policy development. For more information on papers included in this programme please visit www.wananga. com.
Duration One year diploma (NZQA Level 5) Three year bachelor’s degree (NZQA Level 7)
Delivery Daily classes and self directed learning
Start date March
Fees apply Fees apply. Call 0800
Graduate Destinations –– Kaiwhakaako te reo Māori –– Primary School Te Reo Māori Teacher –– Private Teacher / Tutor –– Cultural Advisor –– Lecturer –– Policy Advisor
54 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
Te Reo Māori Tāhuhu / Master He tohu paerua tēnei e pā ana ki te reo Māori, arā tōna ingoa ko te Tāhuhu Reo Māori. E rua tau te roa. He tohu whakatupu i te whakaaro mō te reo Māori o ngā tūpuna. Ka rangahaua ngā kōrero o neherā kia kitea ai te āhua o te reo i a rātou, ā, i tō rātou nā wā. Mā ēnei mahi e whakawhānui te kōrerotanga me te tuhinga o te ākonga. He kaupapa rangahau tōmua tēnei mā te tauira e anga nui mai ana ki ōna. Ā, me whai tohu paetahi, me ōrite rānei ngā pūkenga, ka mutu, me wairua rangahau, me mōhio ki te tuhi i te reo Māori, ā, me mātua mōhio ki te reo Māori. Mō te roanga ake o ngā whakamārama mō tēnei akoranga, toro atu ki
Te Wā Tīmata Poutū-te-rangi
Te Utu He utu mō tēnei akoranga. Waeahia atu ki 0800 WANANGA
Te Ara Whakamua: –– Kaiwhakaako i te reo Māori –– Kaitohutohu Reo Māori –– Kairangahau –– Kaiwhakahaere Kaupapa Mahi –– Kaiwhakawhitiwhiti reo Māori
56 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
“The people are our wealth develop and retain them”
ENROLMENT PROCESS Step One - Kei a koe te kaha -It’s your choice. Decide what study programme you want to enrol in. Information about our programmes are right here in the prospectus, on our website www. or call us on 0800WANANGA (0800 9262642). Step Two - Enrolling Fill out the attached enrolment form and return it to us with either a verified copy of your full birth certificate or a verified copy of your passport. Post to: Te Tomonga PO Box 119 Ōtaki 5512 You can also enrol online at Once we receive your application we will contact you to discuss your enrolment.
Step Three - Fees You need to make sure that your fees are paid before the programme commences. Payment of your fees must be made within six weeks of confirmation of your enrolment. If you are applying for a scholarship grant apply as soon as possible or if you intend to pay for your course by student loan apply to Studylink www.studylink. as soon as you enrol.
A step-by-step guide to enroling for 2015 at Te Wānanga o Raukawa 58 TE WāNANGA O RAUKAWA Prospectus 2015
144 Tasman Rd, PO Box 119, Ōtaki, Aotearoa www.wā 0800 WANANGA