June 6-7, 2014 • Austin, TX
Sponsorship Opportunities Here are a few ways sponsorship will benefit you directly: Sponsorship creates an enhanced image for your company and aids in shaping customer attitudes; sponsorship drives sales; sponsorship creates positive publicity & heightened visibility. The Texas Academy of General Dentistry will promote your sponsorship at every available opportunity during the meeting! Your contributions, particularly in the area of food & beverage, will help us maximize your exposure and face-to-face time with our attendees. Sponsorship is a great way to promote your brand and increase your visibility during the conference. BREAK SPONSOR Friday Only; 2 available $1,800 There are two breaks throughout the Friday lecture which will provide the opportunity for networking in the exhibit area. Sponsorship includes napkins printed with your company logo. In addition to sponsorship signage and recognition during announcements, you will also have three minutes to address the attendees right before the break commences. NAME BADGE NECK WALLETS $2,300 The attendee badge holders are packed with features and your message will be carried with attendees throughout the entire meeting. Attendees are required to wear their badges for entrance into all TAGD New Dentist Conference events. ATTENDEE TOTE BAGS $2,500 Each attendee receives this special tote for convenience in carrying their conference materials. Includes a free insert of your company literature. LUNCHEON SPONSOR Exclusive $4,500 Lunch sponsorship is a chance to showcase your brand to a hungry audience with recognition as our lunch sponsor and 3 minutes to address the crowd during the lunch break. Napkins with your logo will be provided and sponsorship signage will be displayed. You will be recognized during announcements. Includes a 4/C quarter page ad in the TexasGP.
CUSTOM HOTEL ROOM KEY CARDS $5,000 Get the attention of each and every attendee by placing your brand marketing or show special with the hotel room key cards imprinted (front & back) with your message. Meeting attendees will receive their key(s) upon check-in and have a constant reminder of your company’s presence at the conference. SOCIAL BOAT PARTY SPONSOR Exclusive $6,000 Celebrate with attendees at the premiere social event of the weekend on the much anticipated boat party! You will have 3 minutes to address the audience and napkins imprinted with your company logo will be provided. You will be the recognized sponsor on signage at the event and through announcements. Includes three tickets to the event. ATTENDEE GIVEAWAY MUGS Exclusive $1,500 Each attendee will receive a commemorative mug customized with your Logo. *must order by May 8th PIRATE ACTOR Exclusive $2,000 Liven up the conference with a live pirate actor to “crash” Friday’s general session and join in the boat party Friday Evening. CUSTOM COINS Exclusive $3,000 Make a lasting impression with your company’s logo on custom aluminum token coins. Coins will be distributed to attendees by all exhibitors to be used towards a drawing for prizes.
New Dentist, MasterTrack & Master Study Club Conference Sponsorship Agreement June 6 - 7, 2014 FAX application to Robin Morris: Mail Check Payment to:
512-244-0476 Texas Academy of General Dentistry Attn: Robin Morris 409 West Main Street Round Rock, TX 78664
For questions on sponsorship contact Robin Morris at 512-244-0577 or robin@tagd.org Complete all sections of this application. List company name EXACTLY as you want it to appear in printed conference materials: Please send a high resolution logo to Robin at robin@tagd.org to be used for promotional material.
Contact Information Company Name:_________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ( ___________ )____________-_______________ Fax: ( ___________ )____________-_________________ Web site: _______________________________________________________________________________________ List below the person who should receive all future instructions and exhibit information: Contact Name: ____________________________________________ Title:_____________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _________________________________________
E-mail: ___________________________________________
Phone: ( _____________ )______________-_________________
Booth # Requested: __________ , __________ , __________
Sponsorship Fees:
Primary Table* Required for all Sponsorship Levels.................................$1,000 Social Boat Sponsor - One slot available ..................................................$6,000 Hotel Room Key Sponsor ............................................................................$5,000 Sole Luncheon Sponsor ..............................................................................$4,500 Tote Bag Sponsor..........................................................................................$2,500 Neck Badge Sponsor....................................................................................$2,300 Break Sponsors - only 2 slots available .....................................................$1,800 Giveaway Mugs Sponsor..............................................................................$1,500 Custom Coins Sponsor.................................................................................$3,000 Pirate Actor Sponsor ....................................................................................$2,000 Total:
Check enclosed (Payable to Texas Academy of General Dentistry) Visa MasterCard Discover
$ ____________
American Express
Card #: ____________________-___________________-__________________-___________________ Terms and Conditions Cancellation Policy: Sponsors may cancel contracted space by submitting written notice to Robin Morris. Cancellation should be sent in the form of a letter on company letterhead, or a copy of your exhibit space contract noting your intent to cancel, the date and the signature of the person cancelling your space. Such notice must be received in writing no later than March 1, 2014 to receive any available partial refund. Cancellations through December 31, 2013 65% refund Cancellations between January 1 - February 28, 2014: 50% refund Cancellations after March 1, 2014: Non-refundable Statement of Purpose: The program is for scientific and educational purposes only and will not promote the products of any company directly. Control of Content & Selection of Presenters and Moderators: Texas AGD is responsible for control of content and selection of presenters and moderators. The company agrees not to direct the content of the program. The company, or its agents, will respond only to TAGDinitiated requests for suggestions of presenters or sources of possible presenters. The company will suggest more than one name (if possible); will provide speaker qualifications; will disclose financial or other relationships between the company and speaker, and will provide this information in writing. TAGD will record the role of the company or its agents.