TEX SGP Fall 2012, Volume 38, Issue 4
Official Publication of the Texas Academy of General Dentistry
Congratulations to the
2012 Texas Dentist of the Year!
Conference Recap pg. 6-7
Meet the new President pg. 3
2012 Award Recipients pg. 10
Dr. RisĂŠ Martin
TAGD Member Spotlight pg. 13
Get Connected 2012-2013 Board of Directors
2012-2013 Component Presidents
President Mark Peppard, DDS, MAGD Austin
Immediate Past President Joey Cazares, DDS, FAGD McAllen
Brazos Valley AGD Craig Scasta, DDS, FAGD Bryan
Central Texas AGD Ashish Naik, DDS Austin
President Elect Donna Miller, DDS, MAGD Waco
Secretary/Treasurer Paige Sohn, DDS, MAGD Frisco
Dallas AGD Shane Ricci, DDS, FAGD Plano
El Paso AGD Neal Gronich, DDS El Paso
Editor Andrew Lazaris, DDS, FAGD Plano
Director Marko Alanis, DDS Edinburg
Fort Worth AGD Jon Greene, DDS Fort Worth
Houston AGD Gabriel Yammine, DDS, MAGD Houston
Director Kevin Gureckis, DMD, MAGD Boerne
Director Jeffrey Geno, DDS, MAGD League City
Panhandle AGD Tom Karr, DDS, MAGD Amarillo
Rio Grande Valley AGD Joe Zacarias, DDS McAllen
Director Marc Worob, DDS, FAGD Austin
Director Jennifer Bone, DDS, MAGD Kerrville
San Antonio AGD Rita Parma, DDS San Antonio
South Texas AGD Ted Thompson, DDS, FAGD Corpus Christi
Director Wayde Fawcett, DDS, MAGD Houston
National Trustee Douglas Bogan, DDS, FAGD Houston
Regional Director David Tillman, DDS, MAGD Fort Worth
Executive Director Connie Sonnier, CAE Round Rock
Important Contacts
Sandy Frizzell Member Services Director sandy@tagd.org
• TAGD 512-244-0577 877-464-8243 (Toll-free) 512-244-0476 (fax) www.tagd.org
Lindsey Robbins Education Coordinator lindsey@tagd.org Laura Ceglio Communications Coordinator laura@tagd.org Jessica Osterchrist Marketing Coordinator Jessica@tagd.org Syereen Sengari Administrative Manager adm@tagd.org
• AGD 888-243-3368 www.agd.org • ADA 800-621-8099 www.ada.org • TDA 800-832-1145 www.tda.org • TSBDE 512-463-6400 www.tsbde.state.tx.us
Disclaimer: The TAGD does not necessarily endorse opinions or statements contained in articles or editorials published in the TexasGP. The publication of advertisements in the TexasGP does not indicate endorsement for products and services. Texas GP is published quarterly by the Texas Academy of General Dentistry, 409 West Main Street, Round Rock, TX 78664. Address changes should be sent to the TAGD. TexasGP is provided as a member service to members of the TAGD. Nonmember subscription rates are $25.00 individual and $40.00 institutional. Canadian orders add $5.00; outside the U.S. or Canada, add $10.00. Single copy rates are $3.00 to individuals and $4.50 to institutions (orders outside the U.S. add $1.00 postage). All orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars. Printed in U.S.A. Copyright 2012, Texas Academy of General Dentistry, Round Rock, TX. No portion of TexasGP may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the TAGD. The opinions expressed by TexasGP are not necessarily endorsed by the TAGD. The publication of an advertisement in TexasGP does not indicate endorsement for products and services. TAGD/AGD approval for continuing education courses or course sponsors will be clearly stated.
TAGD President’s Message How can one adequately express the honor of being President of
Integrity and Advancement of Education.
the Texas Academy of General Dentistry? I look back on the legacy
Achieving credible action, takes a respected
of this position, and I see the icons of our profession. I am humbled.
lobbyist, David Mintz.
The first honor bestowed on the new President of the Texas
There are approximately 13,800 dentists in Texas, of which
Academy of General Dentistry, is serving as Master of Ceremonies
about 11,000 are General Dentists! About 2,500 are members of
for the Dentist of the Year Gala. Congratulations to all nominees,
TAGD! New member recruitment is critical! We are committed
and especially to Dr. Risé Martin, our 2012 Texas Dentist of the Year.
to the Fellowship Programs developed at our dental schools. Our MasterTrack program is overwhelmingly successful, as is the
As the voice of the General Dentist in Texas, TAGD faces many
evolution of the well respected Master Study Club.
hurdles in State government and regulatory agencies. These include Executive Branch regulatory issues with the Texas State Board of
The power of our voice can only be heard through advocacy! It is
Dental Examiners; Legislative Branch laws submitted to the 83rd
critical to SUPPORT OUR ADVOCACY FUND. It is critical to be a
Legislature, and Judicial Branch oversight of the Medicaid Fraud
part of TDA LEGISLATIVE DAY, February 20, 2013.
issues. TAGD will be approached for opinions about these issues. I am truly honored to be the President of the Texas Academy of We are legitimately sought out due to the validity of our educated
General Dentistry and I pledge to uphold the legacy of those who
and committed voice. We will offer our views about any issue we
have made our organization great.
see affecting the profession of dentistry in Texas. What’s good for the General Dentist is good for all dentistry. TAGD’s Advocacy
Mark Peppard, DDS, MAGD
commands respect because of our commitment to Ethics,
President, Texas Academy of General Dentistry
Table of Contents Editor’s Message .................................................................4 Lone Star Dental Conference Recap ......................... 6-7 Dues Update .........................................................................8
Advocacy News ....................................................................9 Awards & Recognition ..................................................... 10 Jack T. Clark Foundation News ..................................... 11
New Dentist Update.......................................................... 12 Member Spotlight ............................................................. 13 Dr. Joey Cazares – President’s Farewell .................... 14 Calendar of Events ........................................................... 15
p.11 TEX SGP
Editor’s Message Dental Fillins What another great Lone Star Dental Conference! Congratulations to our 2012 Dentist of the Year, Dr. Risé Martin and New Dentist of the Year, Dr. Shane Ricci. I’m sure we all made great memories at the meeting. Here are mine:
Top 10 highlights from 2012 LSDC: 10. Being first in line at the ice cream social. I only had to camp out for 2 days. 9. My friend, Dr. Shane Ricci winning NDOY. 8. Winning the Jack T. Clark Foundation’s Coach Package raffle - yay, me! I’m set for gifts for a long time. 7. Dr. Mark Peppard finding his second calling as an emcee for the Gala. 6. DOY winner, Dr. Risé Martin, remembering my name from when I was in dental school. 5. The feedback on the TexasGP from multiple people - thank you! 4. The fish tacos and french fries from the Westin Austin’s room service, seriously. 3. My worn out right, front tire not having a blowout on the drive from Dallas. 2. Dr. Dan McCauley not having a blowout from me pulling a prank on him during his nomination presentation for DOY.
Enjoy the issue! Andrew Lazaris, DDS, FAGD Editor
...and my #1 highlight is.... 1. TAGD membership meeting
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FALL 2012
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Our distinguished Dentist of the Year Nominees pose for a group photo before the fun of the Gala begins. Congratulations to you all!
Attendees enjoyed good company, appetizers and drinks during the Dentist of the Year Reception prior to the Gala.
Thank You Conference Sponsors
FALL 2012
TAGD Executive Director, Connie Sonnier, and some of our past presidents were up bright and early for a breakfast honoring our past leaders and the farewell of 2011-2012 President, Dr. Joey Cazares.
The New Dentist of the Year nominees were honored during the Leadership Reception on Thursday night and Dr. Shane Ricci (middle) was announced as the 2012 award recipient.
(right) Dr. Katz and his wife dance the night away to the music of the Swingin’ Safari. (far right) TAGD Board Member, Dr. Paige Sohn, and AGD President, Dr. Jeffrey Cole, serve up some ice cream during everyone’s favorite conference event, the ice cream social!
Dr. Dempsey Speer, 2012 Component Leader of the Year, TAGD past president Dr. Joey Cazares, his wife, Arlene, and Dr. Craig Armstrong kicked off the conference festivities at the Leadership Reception.
The Jack T. Clark Foundation chair, Dr. Jerry Bouquot, mixed and mingled with local board members from the Dallas and Houston area at the Dentist of the Year Gala.
Continuing Dental Education
Quick & Easy Registration 713–486–4028
Register On-line http://dentistry.uth.edu/CE November 2, 2012
Untangling the Confusion of Today’s Restorative Materials Presented by: Edward J. Swift, Jr., DMD, MS Course # 2012320 November 2, 2012
Endodontics vs. Implant Therapy Options Presented by: Jaime Lozada, DDS Course # 2012325
As dentists we have a responsibility to our patients and our patients trust in us to take care of them. But what happens when that model of care is interrupted? What happens when we are no longer able to care for our patients with their best interest in mind? What happens when someone else determines what care and how much care a patient will receive? Who takes responsibility for the outcome of the care patients receive? Insurance companies thrive by limiting care and limiting reimbursements. And what about the large corporate chain dental clinics that push dentists to “up sell” treatment and threaten them to produce all in an effort to skim large profits? And what about this new model of dental care in which the so called mid-level provider states that he or she can provide the same quality of care as the dentist with less than half the training?
The Wonderful World of Laser Dentistry:
And finally, what happens when Frontline goes on the air talking about a “broken dental care system?” These are the battles we dentists are currently facing, and the pressure continues to grow.
Presented by: Juliana Barros, DDS, MS; Donald J. Coluzzi, DDS; Charles Hoopingarner DDS and Shalizeh Patel, DDS Course # 2012330
Your Texas Academy of General Dentistry continues to support a higher quality of care for the patient. Your Texas AGD Advocacy Council is continually on the watch and ready to appear and testify at appropriate meetings.
November 9 & 10, 2012
A Standard Proficiency Certification for Dentists, Hygienists and Laser Safety Officers
December 1, 2012
A Simple & Predictable Approach to Inlays/ Onlays & Direct Anterior Composites Applying the Techniques for the Newer Generation of Composites Presented by: Mitch A. Conditt, DDS Course # 2012350 December 6 – 7, 2012
Pit and Fissure Sealant Certification for Dental Assistants and Dental Hygienists Course Coordinator: Harold A. Henson, RDH, MEd Presented by: School of Dentistry Dental Hygiene Faculty Course # 2012360
The University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider
FALL 2012
TAGD has contracted with a lobbyist to help keep us abreast of government actions. We are in this for the patients and for our practices. TAGD has been successful with its efforts to date. However, this does not come without a cost. Your board of directors has determined that in order to fund the type of advocacy campaigns required in today’s dental atmosphere, a $25 increase in state dues is necessary, $15 of which will go specifically to fund advocacy efforts. The remaining portion will be allocated to the general operations budget to prevent us from depleting reserves. We are confident that all our members will find this to be a small price to pay for the tremendous efforts your association does on your behalf. We are confident that with your help dentistry will continue to offer a high quality of care to our patients and will be a great profession for us all. Texas AGD Board of Directors
ADVOCACY NEWS TAGD TOWN HALL RECAP Texas AGD has held six town hall meetings across the state to get member feedback on various issues expected to impact the practice of dentistry. Meetings were held in Austin, South Padre, Houston, Fort Worth, Amarillo and Dallas and were facilitated by TAGD leadership including TAGD President Dr. Mark Peppard, and Advocacy Council members Dr. Craig Armstrong and Dr. Joey Cazares.
Scan the QR code below to visit the TAGD Advocacy page and access the TAGD Position Statements.
Issues discussed included Medicaid, non-dentist owned practices (corporate dentistry), HB 300 implementation and required federal and state privacy law training of all employees, and State Board of Dental Examiners (TSBDE) issues including proposed new rules for advertising. Facilitators reviewed the history of each topic and requested participant input verbally and in writing. Town hall meeting discussions will be relayed to the Advocacy Council to help shape legislative priority recommendations to TAGD’s Board. These recommendations are expected to be considered for the Board at their next meeting. Couldn’t make it to any of the town hall meetings? Express your voice! Town Hall materials including the PowerPoint, hand-outs, and a questionnaire are available at the TAGD Advocacy Page.
Important Upcoming Dates: TSBDE Board Meeting: November 9, 2012
Town hall questionnaires submitted to TAGD by January will be presented to the Advocacy Council and TAGD’s board for deliberation of TAGD’s 2013 legislative agenda.
General Election Dates: First Day of Early Voting: Oct 22 Last Day of Early Voting: Nov 2 Election Day: Nov 6
Dallas AGD member, Dr. Audrey Stansbury, and dental students, Ryan Parnell and Diana Do, mingled with other Dallas members while discussing advocacy at the Dallas AGD Town Hall meeting.
Legislative Session Begins: January 8, 2013 TDA Legislative Day: February 20, 2013
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AWARDS At the Lone Star Dental Conference in September we celebrated the achievements of members and local components across the state. We would like to take the time to once again recognize their accomplishments. Thank you again to all of our nominees and award recipients for your commitment to excellence in dentistry! Congratulations to Dr. Risé Martin, the 2012 Texas Dentist of the Year. Dr. Martin was presented with this award during the Dentist of the Year Gala. She was nominated by the San Antonio Dental Society. Dr. Martin has made it a point to stay active and committed in organized dentistry. Besides running her own successful private practice, she has served on countless committees and boards on the local, state, and national levels. Dr. Martin has also received the Presidential Award from San Antonio Dental Society and the Golden Apple Award for Leadership from the American Dental Association. 2012 Texas Dentist of the Year Dr. Risé Martin Congratulations to Dr. Shane Ricci, who was announced as the recipient of the 2012 New Dentist of the Year award at the Leadership Reception during the annual Lone Star Dental Conference. Dr. Ricci was nominated for the award by the Dallas AGD. Dr. Ricci is a 2006 graduate of the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and now practices in Plano, Texas. He is a member of the Texas Academy of General Dentistry, the Texas Dental Association and the 2011 recipient of the Texas Academy of General Dentistry’s Leadership Award. He is also the President of the Dallas AGD and a founding member of TAGD’s New Dentist Committee.
2012 New Dentist of the Year Dr. Shane Ricci
OTHER LEADERSHIP AWARDS & RECOGNITION Component of the Year Central Texas AGD Component Leader of the Year Dempsey Speer, DDS South Texas AGD CE Award of Excellence Panhandle AGD Component Award of Excellence South Texas AGD For Outstanding Efforts to Revitalize a Local Component of AGD
10 FALL 2012
Advocacy Award of Excellence David Umansky, DDS, MAGD Houston AGD Joey Cazares, DDS, FAGD Rio Grande Valley AGD President’s Award Craig Armstrong, DDS, MAGD Houston AGD
MD Anderson Survey We need all of our members help us make cancer history. You are invited to participate in a short 10 minute study to determine the comfort and knowledge level for treating the oral health needs of cancer patients. This study is being conducted at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in collaboration with the Texas Academy of General Dentistry and the Jack T. Clark Foundation. The results from this survey are critical in helping to secure future funding for the Jack T. Clark Foundation. We need at least 85% participation from the dental community, so please complete the survey now by scanning the QR code.
SCAN HERE AND HELP US MAKE CANCER HISTORY! Another successful Silent Auction! Thank you to all of our donors and participants in the 2012 Jack T. Clark Silent Auction held annually during the Lone Star Dental Conference. Thanks to your generous donations we were able to raise over $13,000, surpassing last year’s auction!
JACK T. CLARK FOUNDATION DONATION FORM In Texas, this year alone, more than 12 people an hour will be diagnosed with CANCER. Did you know that a third of all cancer patients receiving treatment develop significant oral complications some of which cause them to suspend their care? Fortunately, with the proper education and resources for dentists and patients, we can help to alleviate unnecessary pain and complications. By donating to the Jack T. Clark Foundation you are helping us to reach our goal of lessening the burden on cancer patients. Your funds will directly help to support: building a network of dentists willing and
Name ______________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________ City / State / Zip ____________________________________ Phone _____________________________________________ Email ______________________________________________
knowledgeable to provide care to cancer patients, increasing the overall awareness of oral health before beginning any cancer treatment plan, and increasing educational training opportunities for dentists to provide care to cancer patients. Cancer patients deserve the reassurance of assistance to manage the changes to their oral health in the course of treatment and beyond. Please support the Jack T. Clark Foundation today so we can continue to build these resources. Make all checks payable to Jack T. Clark Foundation. Mail this donation form and payment to 409 W. Main St. Round Rock, TX 78664.
Donation Levels Benefactor….. $1000 Supporter……. $500 Fan…………… $250 Friend…………. $100 Other …………. $____
❏ Check enclosed to Jack T. Clark Foundation ❏ Visa ❏ MasterCard ❏ Discover ❏ Amex Card # ________ /________ /________ /________ Exp. Date ___________ Security Code ________
NEW DENTIST UPDATE The New Dentist Study Club debuted with its first meeting on September 26 in Houston. The event was met with a nice turn out for the first meeting and was supported by several Houston AGD and Texas AGD leaders.
topics as well as provide mentorship and fellowship in the AGD style. Young dentists in the Houston area, keep your eyes open for details of the next meeting. Going forward the study club will begin incorporating case presentations and diagnostic round table discussions of cases NDSC attendees would like help with. Join us at the next addition, you will not be disappointed!
Dr. Tor Gotun, TAGD Continuing Education Chair, came down from Austin to support the kickoff. Also in attendance for the inaugural meeting was Houston AGD President, Dr. Gabe Yammine, TAGD Director, Dr. Wayde Fawcett, and HAGD Director, Dr. Dath Collins.
Interested in attending a New Dentist Study Club event in your area?
Attendees earned 3 hours of CE credit as they listened to speaker Dr. Jeffrey Geno present on a variety of topics including implants, Endodontics and practice management.
Clubs are being formed in Houston, San Antonio and Dallas. More information on these meetings will be announced on the TAGD website as they are determined. For questions please call the TAGD office at 512-244-0577.
The NDSC is set to meet six times a year and cover a wide range of
SAVE THE DATE 2013 NEW DENTIST CONFERENCE Presented by the Texas Academy of General Dentistry
Featuring Dr. Bob Margeas Friday & Saturday • June 7- 8, 2013 Omni South Park Hotel • Austin, TX More information coming soon! • Visit www.tagd.org or call 512-244-0577
12 FALL 2012
TAGD MEMBER SPOTLIGHT MEET DRS. RON AND DATH COLLINS When Dr. Dath Collins has a particularly tricky case at work his best solution sometimes is to “go to the mountain.” No, he doesn’t literally travel to the nearest mountain, but it’s a phrase that was coined in his office to describe when he seeks help from his father and fellow dentist, Dr. Ron Collins. Drs. Ron and Dath Collins are a father and son team that own a family practice in Houston. While they are both general dentists, the duo offers a laundry list of services in their practice including implants, cosmetics, oral surgery and pediatrics.
not his son’s initial plan to become a dentist, after working for a year in high school at the practice he realized it was something he also wanted to pursue. Dr. Dath Collins has also followed in his father’s footsteps in becoming involved in organized dentistry. Both have been active in the AGD throughout their careers although the organization has changed greatly since Dr. Ron Collins was a new dentist.
“We both pretty much do everything except my dad is the one that places implants and does sleep dentistry and I do Invisalign.” Dr. Dath Collins described. Since opening his practice in 1979, Dr. Ron Collins has always tried to foster a fun and professional working environment, something that he has maintained since bringing on his son. However they have both gained a great deal of benefits from working with each other.
Dr. Ron Collins and his wife, Sharon, with Dr. Dath Collins, his wife, Angela, and their son, Harrison.
“I have a lot of years of experience in clinical dentistry that Dath can take advantage of,” the elder Collins began. “But on the other side, he brings a lot of new perspectives and also a lot of enthusiasm, which you tend to get complacent with as you get older.” Dr. Dath Collins also shared the advantages he’s gained from working in a family practice. “The biggest benefit has been the sharing of the responsibility in running a practice.” Dr. Dath Collins said. “The confidence that he shares in me and I share in him allows us to overlap [with patients] very easily without much fear on what the outcome will be.”
“The emphasis then was exclusively on continuing education.” he recalls. “I always felt the biggest reason that dentists burn out in the profession is because they don’t continue in their education. To make it fun and interesting you have to be a lifelong learner.” Outside of dentistry Dr. Ron Collins is an avid reader and world traveler, just recently traveling to Vietnam and Cambodia with his wife. Alternately, Dr. Dath Collins stays busy with his family as well as enjoying hunting and woodworking.
It is safe to say that Dr. Dath Collins has surely gained a great deal of knowledge from working in a family practice and “going to the mountain” but the A future dentist in the making! best lesson he has learned from his dad is, “planned Dr. Ron Collins said his early attraction to flexibility – it’s important to roll with the punches, dentistry came from his enjoyment of patient involvement as well keep trucking and always try to do your best.” as the immediate gratification that dentistry provides. While it was
President’s Farewell THE PERFECT STORM As I come to the end of my Presidency of the Texas AGD, I want to leave an important message with our members – beware of the “Perfect Storm” that can change our profession forever, all in the name of access to dental care As dentists, we need to realize that what affects dentists in one area will eventually affect dentists in all areas. In the words of Dr. Michael Vaclav, past TDA President, “Drastic change happens incrementally.” We need to be diligent in our effort to be advocates for Dentistry and those we serve. As always, TAGD continues to be the “go to” for quality CE. In addition, TAGD has been addressing all the important dental issues, from mid-level providers to Medicaid managed care, from restriction of services available to general dentists to proposed advertising and many more. As our high standards seem to be under attack, I believe that the relationships we have formed with each other and with our
(Top left) Dr. Joey Cazares along with Dr. Catherine Flaitz, Dr. Ricardo Padilla, and Dr. Carlos Cruz presented an Oral Cancer CE event and free oral cancer screenings for the public in his hometown of McAllen. (Top right) Dr. Cazares and his wife, Arlene, at the 2011 Dentist of the Year Gala where he served as emcee. (Bottom right) Dr. Cazares gave his final farewell speech as President of TAGD during the 2012 Lone Star Dental Conference in September. Thank you for all your incredible work for our organization!
14 FALL 2012
patients can win over impersonal and lesser-trained practice modalities. The feeling of trust and confidence that our patients have in us is priceless. Help preserve the profession that is our life’s work. Don’t just be a member of TAGD, but become an integral part of TAGD. We need you to ensure that the profession stays strong and true to the values that we all cherish. Call TAGD and ask us how you can become more involved. If you do not take care of your profession, someone else will. As I leave as President of the TAGD, I promise to keep the fire burning for those younger dentists that will come after me. Join me in working for our profession... Our future is in our hands. Respectfully submitted,
Joey Cazares, DDS, FAGD Immediate Past President
Calendar of Events TAGD & Component Calendar Wednesday, November 7 San Antonio AGD Town Hall Meeting San Antonio, TX
Friday, November 16 Fort Worth AGD Esthetics & Implant Dentistry w/ Dr. Dennis Tarnow Fort Worth, TX
Wednesday, November 7 Houston AGD FellowTrack Houston, TX
Wednesday, November 28 Fort Worth AGD Dinner CE w/ Dr. Brian Mulhall Fort Worth, TX
Wednesday, November 7 San Antonio AGD FellowTrack San Antonio, TX
Friday, November 30 Dallas AGD Risk Management Dallas, TX
Thursday – Sunday, Nov 8 - 11 MasterTrack Fixed Prosthodontics w/ Dr. Robert Lowe Oral Medicine w/ Dr. Harvey Levy Omni Southpark Austin, TX
Friday – Sunday, Nov 9 - 11 Master Study Club Fixed Prosthodontics + WS w/ Dr. Robert Lowe Omni Southpark Austin, TX Friday, November 9 Houston AGD Surgical & Medical Update w/ Dr. Nagi Demian Houston, TX
Wednesday, December 12 Houston AGD New Dentist Study Club Speaker TBD Houston, TX
JANUARY 2013 January 17-19 Southwest Dental Conference Dallas, TX
Wednesday, December 5 San Antonio AGD FellowTrack San Antonio, TX Thursday, December 6 Dallas AGD New Dentist Study Club Dallas, TX Friday, December 7 Texas AGD – East Texas Tough Times Call for Tough Strategies w/ Linda Miles Tyler, TX
Friday & Saturday, February 1 & 2 Houston AGD Treating Aging America w/ Dr. Gregory Folse Houston, TX Friday, February 8 Texas AGD – Beaumont w/ Dr. Nasser Barghi Beaumont, TX For more information or to register for the courses listed please call the TAGD at 512-244-0577 or visit www.tagd.org
New! State and Federal Privacy Law Training As required by HB 300 Don’t get caught without your mandatory HB 300 training! House Bill 300 requires all dental office personnel that come into contact with protected health information (any information related to patient record or payment) to receive training on state and federal privacy laws within 60 days of employment and every two years. Get your whole office trained with TAGD’s new online course!
ne Educatio nli
TAGD Online Courses – Your One Stop Shop!
Other Online Offerings • Fellowship Exam Review Course • Dental Assistant Course & Exam • Oral Cancer, Precancer & Differential Diagnosis of Common Oral Lesions • Advanced Rejuvenation • OSHA • Blood-borne Pathogens Annual Training and HIPAA Reminders For more information or to register for any of these online courses please visit www.tagd.org/onlineCE
Texas Academy of General Dentistry 409 West Main Street Round Rock, TX 78664 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED
SEPTEMBER 26 - 28, 2013 Westin Hotel at the Domain | Austin, TX
Dr. John C. Cranham “Building, Marketing and Managing the Cosmetic/Restorative Practice” More information coming soon! Visit www.tagd.org or call 512-244-0577
Learn • Connect • Succeed