O ffi c ial P u b li c atio n of t h e T e x as A c adem y of G e n eral D e n tistr y
Congratulations to the 2011 Texas Dentist of the Year
Dr. Warren Branch Also in this issue:
TAGD Advocacy • Medicaid update
Lone Star Dental Conference Wrap-up
Shoulder to Shoulder
Texas AGD MasterTrack • How Close Are You?
TAGD wants to help you on the road to Fellowship and Mastership
If you received your Fellowship before 2003 some of your CE hours might be lost from your transcript. Contact the TAGD office and we will help you recover those hours; you may be closer to Mastership than you think!
2012 MasterTrack Schedule: June 7 - 10, 2012 Omni Southpark Hotel • Austin, TX
November 8 - 11, 2012 Omni Southpark Hotel • Austin, TX
Removable Prosthodontics Presented by Dr. Joseph Massad
Fixed Prosthodontics
Orthodontics Presented by Dr. David Jackson
Oral Medicine Speakers will be announced soon
Texas AGD has worked to make the MasterTrack seminars a true benefit for TAGD members. Each session is $995 for 48 hours of participation CE For more information visit www.tagd.org or call the TAGD office at 512.244.0577
FAGD/MAGD Credit Provider #219328 1/1/11-12/31/15
A Lasting Partnership to Beneet Your Practice and Your Patients To learn more or join our network, call (866) 529-4827 or visit our Web site at www.UnitedConcordia.com
For nearly 40 years, United Concordia has been a responsible, exible partner. Today, we insure more than 8 million members and serve over 28,000 commercial and government accounts - including the TRICARE Dental Program and Active Duty Dental Program. We invite you to join our network and receive access to new patients, competitive reimbursements, convenient tools and information, discount programs for your practice, exceptional service, and more. Plus, we’ll support you in promoting good oral health and its contribution to improved general health to your United Concordia patients.
2011 - 2012 OFFICERS President Joey Cazares, DDS, FAGD McAllen President-Elect Mark Peppard, DDS, MAGD Austin Immediate Past-President Craig Armstrong, DDS, MAGD Houston Secretary/Treasurer Carlos Garcia, DMD Weslaco
AGD National Trustee Douglas Bogan, DDS, FAGD Houston Executive Director Connie Sonnier, CAE Round Rock
TAGD Staff Laura Ceglio • Communications Assistant Sandy Frizzell • Member Services Director Amy Knitt • Communications Director Lindsey Robbins • Administrative Assistant Fall 2011
F all 2 0 1 1
Thank you for your support of the Jack T. Clark Foundation!
Medicaid Update
Director Kevin Gureckis, DMD, MAGD, ABGD San Antonio
AGD Regional Director David Tillman, DDS, MAGD Fort Worth
Director Paige Sohn, DDS, MAGD Frisco
Director Marc Worob, DDS, FAGD Austin
2011 Lone Star Dental Conference
Director Marko Alanis, DDS Edinburg
Director Christopher Perry, DMD, FAGD San Antonio
Editor Andrew Lazaris, DDS, FAGD Plano
Director Jennifer Bone, DDS, MAGD Kerrville
Dental Fillins ......................................................................................4 President's Message............................................................................5 Pearls of Wisdom.................................................................................6 A Dental Student's Perspective............................................................7 TAGD Calendar Update......................................................................10 Component Update...........................................................................11
TAGD Calendar Information change request: Send your new address, phone, fax and e-mail to Amy@TAGD.org Disclaimer: The TAGD does not necessarily endorse opinions or statements contained in articles or editorials published in the TexasGP. The publication of advertisements in the TexasGP does not indicate endorsement for products and services. Texas GP is published quarterly by the Texas Academy of General Dentistry, 409 West Main Street, Round Rock, TX 78664. Address changes should be sent to the TAGD. TexasGP is provided as a member service to members of the TAGD. Nonmember subscription rates are $25.00 individual and $40.00 institutional. Canadian orders add $5.00; outside the U.S. or Canada, add $10.00. Single copy rates are $3.00 to individuals and $4.50 to institutions (orders outside the U.S. add $1.00 postage). All orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars. Printed in U.S.A. Copyright 2011, Texas Academy of General Dentistry, Round Rock, TX. No portion of TexasGP may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the TAGD. The opinions expressed by TexasGP are not necessarily endorsed by the TAGD. The publication of an advertisement in TexasGP does not indicate endorsement for products and services. TAGD/AGD approval for continuing education courses or course sponsors will be clearly stated.
Important Contacts TAGD
512-244-0577 877-464-8243 (Toll-free) 512-244-0476 (Fax) www.tagd.org
888-243-3368 www.agd.org
800-621-8099 www.ada.org
800-832-1145 www.tda.org
TSBDE 512-463-6400 www.tsbde.state.tx.us 3
DENTAL FILLINS • Perspective D
uring a conversation which seems like it just happened yesterday, Jeff Roy invited me to attend a Dallas AGD board meeting. Not knowing what I was getting into, I naively went thinking I would check things out. Bam! I’m on the DAGD board. “Andrew,” Jeff says, “you have to go to TDA Legislative Day.” So I went. Now here I am, years later, writing my first editorial, following in the footsteps of Jeff Roy yet again. Participating in organized dentistry has really made such an incredible impact on me professionally and personally. So, thank you. I have some really big footsteps to follow with Dr. Roy being recognized nationally for his work on the TexasGP, winning the ACE award at the AGD Annual Meeting in San Diego this past summer. Depending on the practice model we have chosen, we all have a different perspective to bring to the table. Your TAGD is working hard to advocate for you and your patients in the ever changing world of health care. There is a TAGD presence at most important meetings such as Medicaid stakeholders meeting and state board meetings. The AGD and TAGD are your voice as a general dentist. Through ongoing efforts we make sure we have a seat at the table. My goal as editor is to give you insight on what is going on with your Texas Academy of General Dentistry. We are able to work in such an amazing profession because of constant vigilance and hard work of some outstanding, dedicated individuals. Immediate past president, Craig Armstrong, was really instrumental in kicking off and
Spotlight on the President Dr. Cazares, congratulations on being the new President of TAGD. Tell us a little about yourself and your family so that the members can get to know you personally. I am an Aggie, class of 1981 and a 1985 graduate of Baylor College of Dentistry. I am married to Arlene and have a college 4
promoting the advocacy message to our members. For the upcoming year, we are certainly in capable hands with incoming president, Joey Cazares, who is addressing the members in this issue. TAGD is celebrating it’s 50th anniversary this year. And just like everything in Texas, we did it big. Texas was recognized nationally as the Constituent of the Year. The New Dentist Committee organized and hosted the first-ever Texas New Dentist Conference. We all got our CE on in Austin at the Lone Star Dental Conference. Ralph Cooley is helping to increase public awareness for our Jack T. Clark Foundation. Jamie Bone established the Master Study Club with the help of Jeff Geno. All three dental schools have active FellowTrack programs. Craig Armstrong and others led a number of Town Hall meetings throughout the state to increase awareness of advocacy issues. Congratulations to this year’s Texas Dentist of the Year winner, Warren Branch and New Dentist of the Year, Ensy Atarod. The slate of nominees was truly outstanding. Thank you all for what you do. We are all better for it. On a personal note, I was really happy to see and visit with two of my “heroes” from dental school in San Antonio at this year’s Lone Star Dental Conference - Dentist of the Year nominee James Summitt and Maria Howell. It was great to see you both again. It made my day. Also, I would like to recognize my newest partner at work, DAGD President Shane Ricci, on being nominated for New Dentist of the Year and sophomore daughter, Ali; a high school sophomore son; Bryan; and two-year old twins, little Joey and Arlene. Do you have any hobbies? What do you do in your spare time? My hobbies include playing the piano and motorcycles. I like both street bikes, dirt bikes and ATVs. We often plan family outings together. Everyone has something to
also for receiving the TAGD Leadership Award. This issue of the TexasGP is the first to feature a student editorial. Robbie Davis is a third year dental student at Baylor and an Andrew Lazaris, DDS, FAGD active FellowTrack participant. One of the most rewarding things you can benefit from as a member is being able to network with other AGD members. Your local components have a number of continuing education opportunities for you this year. San Antonio started a popular new Back to Basics CE series. Dallas hosts a Fellowship Review Course annually. If you can’t make it, TAGD also offers the course online. Now is the perfect time to work towards your next award – FAGD, MAGD or LLSR. Jack T. Clark Foundation offers numerous volunteer opportunities throughout the year in all corners of the state. Remember, this is your organization and your profession. Be active and involved. The time of practicing in isolation is over. Dentistry is changing whether we like it or not. Learn the advocacy issues, earn your Fellowship or Mastership, recruit a new member, join your local AGD board, and donate to the advocacy and Jack T. Clark funds.
Your questions and comments are welcome. Please contact me at: laz2684@aol.com. ride. I also have a beach buggy that I enjoy taking my twins on their daily ride around the neighborhood. I say "Buggy", and they run out the door. How did you become involved in AGD/TAGD? I became a member right out of dental school, but really became active when Dr. Roberto Diaz and Dr. Tim Brann asked me to help them "revive" our local chapter, JOURNAL OF THE TEXAS ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY
s I begin my year as President of this great organization, I first want to thank my wife Arlene for never leaving my side during the last few years as I encountered some very rough times. When I was on the verge of giving up, she kept me motivated, being my inspiration for continuing on. Now, I feel as strong as ever, physically and emotionally.
As maybe the only person in the history of TAGD that has served as TAGD Presidentelect twice, I have had the unique opportunity of serving under two great Presidents, Dr. Craig Armstrong and Dr. Dan McCauley. The spark and fire that Dr. Armstrong has in everything he does, and the neverending visions of Dr. McCauley will help shape my upcoming year. I will always remember the great accomplishments and vision of those who have come before me. I was inducted as President the same weekend as the 50th anniversary celebration of the Texas AGD
during the Lone Star Conference. I was honored to have been able to meet many past leaders of the TAGD; especially impressive was Dr. Sam Rogers. To be able to talk about our current issues in dentistry with him, only to find out that the he faced many of those same issues during his time was surprising. Decisions that were made during his terms years ago have molded our profession into what it is today. I thank all those past leaders for their dedication and foresight. I tend to carry on those same visions into the start of the next 50 years of the TAGD. Advocacy is currently a big component of the Texas Academy of General Dentistry. TAGD will continue to be a voice for general dentistry at the Capitol in Austin to ensure that not only the issues of the general dentist are heard, but to have our legislators understand that we do truly have the best interests of the patient at hand. Once that is communicated, we will no doubt be more effective. Access to Care is another issue where TAGD will continue to be at the table. We will be at every front, advocating the values, ethics and professionalism that TAGD stands for. We will not compromise on those standards. All Texans need the best trained dentists providing irreversible dental procedures. We will not allow our fellow man to be treated by providers who are less trained, less knowledgeable and less competent.
Dr. Joey Cazares with TAGD Past Presidents, Dr. Rene Rosas and Dr. Sam Rogers
the RGV AGD. We worked very hard at it, and actually won the first ever Component of the Year award from the Texas AGD. Afterward, I was nominated to serve a one-year term on the TAGD board. I then served on the Texas Dental Association Board of Directors and once that was completed returned to the TAGD Board of Directors. Fall 2011
The Jack T. Clark foundation will become more of a household name this year. The Tell us about your dental practice. I practice in my hometown of McAllen, with two satellite offices, one in La Joya and one in Mercedes. There are a total of five dentists working within the three offices. I treat patients of all ages, but I do have more an emphasis on adult care, but I do enjoy the little ones.
Foundation has a new mission - oral health care for all cancer patients. We had a very successful weekend in my hometown of McAllen. A CE program, presented by Dr. Catherine Joey Cazares, DDS, FAGD Flaitz and Dr. Ricardo Padilla, for dentists, physicians and their respective teams was provided. Approximately 90 people were in attendance. About 200 attended a social fundraiser that evening, and 175 members of the public came for oral cancer screenings the next morning. Working with Renaissance Hospital, oral surgeons and physicians was the key to the success of this event. I hope to see this replicated in all parts of Texas. See our message on YouTube at JTC Foundation. Increasing membership is always a goal of the TAGD. We will continue to preach the value of becoming a member of the Texas AGD. I am happy to announce the addition of a new component of the TAGD, the South Texas Academy of General Dentistry based in the Corpus Christi area. Congratulations to the dentists of that area who had the vision and acted on it. I am honored to serve you, the members of the Texas Academy of General Dentistry. I will do my part to help propel TAGD into the next 50 years. I cannot do it alone. I will need all of you to help preserve the great profession that we enjoy today and be ambassadors for the TAGD.ď‚ą What other organizations are you involved in? I am a board member of Dentists Who Care. I am the only original board member that is still serving 15 years later. I have served as Treasurer and President. As dentists, we have volunteered close to $2 million dollars of care within that time span. We hold a golf tournament and a Charity Dental Conference annually. 5
trapolate the results over the typical dental career.
Every state or national dental meeting has multiple practice management programs on the agenda. Inevitably, these are among the most well-attended seminars at the meeting. You will find common themes throughout many of these courses: improve your recall system, your case presentations, follow-up systems, phone skills, scheduling, marketing, etc. Dentists and their teams leave most of these programs excited for all of the changes they are going to make and over time the excitement and the follow-through wanes. You don’t leave the programs, though, with any concrete changes to implement nor true idea of the financial implications of their suggestions. However, the best systems in the world are only as effective as the dentistry that was diagnosed and of which the patient was educated. Even the best office manager or schedule coordinator cannot put patients on the books for treatment that wasn’t diagnosed. The goal of this series of articles is to open doctors’ and staff’s eyes to all the dentistry that is right in front of them. There is so much dentistry that is available to do on your current patient pool and so many under-utilized treatment procedures and codes it is astounding. In each article of this series we will discuss one or two treatments or practice management suggestions that you can utilize the second you put down the article. We will look at the financial implications of each and ex6
Each of the tips will be accompanied by clinical photos or case reports to support the concept. The goal is that every idea turns into a win-win situation. It is amazing how thorough, thoughtful dentistry not only turns out to be best for the patient, but also adds to the production of the practice. We will discuss concepts that benefit the patient, protects the dentistry you perform and enhances everyone’s quality of life by decreasing patient’s chair time and adding to your bottom line. Let us begin with your hygiene department and available treatment that can be produced. In the vast majority of practices in the United States, patients receive prophylaxes twice a year. In a typical practice, dentists obtain radiographs once a year; the question is what form do these updated radiographs take? If yours is like most practices, you perform 4 horizontal bitewings, which look something like this:
Here we see anterior teeth and we can see much further apically. This is the 7 vertical bitewing series. This series not only helps us examine the upper and lower anterior teeth, but also shows us the crestal bone in much greater depth and detail. Compare the vertical bitewing of the #3 and 30 areas to the horizontal radiographs of the same area. It is clear how deep the periodontal defect is. You cannot appreciate this on the horizontal bitewing. This series of radiographs is better for the patient as it gives us more diagnostic information. It turns out that we can charge, and insurance pays, more for this series of radiographs. This is the definition of a win-win situation; better diagnostic information benefits the patient’s oral health; a greater fee benefits the practice. Let us examine the immediate impact the implementation of 7 vertical bitewings can have for your practice. Our calculation is based on the following assumptions: 8 hygiene patients a day (we will assume ½ of the patients in a typical day are due for radiographs), 200 hygiene days a year, a fee difference between 4 bitewings and 7 vertical bitewings of $30. You can, of course, plug your own numbers into this equation: Our Calculation: 4 (one half number of hygiene patients a day) x 200 (hygiene days a year)
This is the classic four bitewing series, ADA code D0274. What do you notice as you look, however, at this next series of radiographs?
x $30 (fee difference between 4 BW’s & 7 VBW’s) _________ $24,000 increased production by converting to 7 vertical bitewings. By simply changing your protocol so that you take 7 vertical bitewings instead of 4 bitewings, you can easily generate an extra $24,000 in production per year in our example. This doesn’t even take into consideration the difference in diagnostic information and increased treatment you will find during your exams. This calculaJOURNAL OF THE TEXAS ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY
tion is based on the conservative assumptions of 8 hygiene patients per day and a fee difference of $30 between the two series. For many of you this increased production will be many times this amount. Extrapolated over the average 35 year career of a dentist, this would result in an extra $840,000 in production with this same set of conservative assumptions and no fee increase. This is certainly a nice start for a
A Dental Student's Perspective
comfortable retirement. This is the first of a number of suggestions we will present over the coming series of articles. In the next issue, we will step back and start where all patient relationships begin: the new patient experience. We will discuss how to maximize this critical event and make it more financially productive and decrease the lost overhead of
The schedule didn’t look that busy. Class from 8:00-9:50, endo on tooth #27 at 10:00, and a PFM crown prep on #19 at 1:00. However, things never go exactly as planned.
By 3:00 I’d finished the prep and spent the next hour making a Caulk temporary. I took my final PVS impression at 4:10 with anesthesia wearing off and praying I captured all the margins. The patient was dismissed at 4:25, just five minutes before the clinic closed.
By the time I got my chair set up for endo, it was 10:15. I seated my patient and got start checks by 10:30. After my access, working length, cleaning, shaping, and obturation, it was 12:15. I temporized with IRM and released the patient by 12:40. After clean-up, instrument return, new instrument checkout, and new chair set-up (with no lunch break), I started #19 at 1:45.
If there’s one thing that dental school has taught me, it’s that you’re always running behind. Procedures take longer than you think they will. You have to remake a temporary. An emergency patient comes in. Your scheduled patient comes in 15 minutes late. The further behind you get, the harder you try to get back on schedule. However, as dentists we cannot sacrifice
Fall 2011
new patient no-shows. As we progress over the series we will speak about specific treatments, under-utilized ADA codes such as D0277 above, and missed diagnoses that will add production and profitability. Until next time, open your eyes to the possibilities. The TAGD does not necessarily endorse opinions or statements contained in articles or editorials published in the TexasGP.
patient care for the sake of saving time. We have to learn how to work under pressure, to be under time constraints, and to juggle multiple responsibilities all in a day’s work. Though a canine endo and a single unit crown may not seem like much, it was a challenge for me. I was hungry and exhausted, but I believe that I’m better because of it. Dental school not only trains students to fill teeth and prep crowns but also how to manage time and work under pressure. Here’s to the busy days. Robert Davis D3, Baylor College of Dentistry 7
Lone Star Dental Conference
2. 3. 8
Drs. Eugene Allen, Rusty Schlattman, Past TAGD ED Bertha Harris, Drs. Kevin Seidler, John Chandler and Mike Stuart at the anniversary luncheon Dr. Kevin Seidler receives the TAGD humanitarian award
CenTex AGD leaders, Drs. Jerry Katz and Marc Worob at Dr. Brucia's workshop.
Dental school buddies, Dr. T. Bob Davis and AGD President Dr. Howard Gamble Our 2011 New Dentist of the Year nominees along with the 2011 award winner Dr. Ensy Atarod and the 2010 recipient, Dr. Josh Austin Everyone's favorite afternoon ice cream break during Lone Star
7. 8.
Dr. Jeff Roy receives the President's Award at the Leadership Reception TAGD's past and present executive directors, Bertha Harris, Linda Doll (ED of Houston AGD), Connie Sonnier, and Ginny Newton TAGD past presidents, Drs. Mike Stuart, Sam Rogers and Rene Rosas
10. Dr. Carlos Garcia receives the President's Award 11. JTCF Chair, Dr. Ralph Cooley accepts donations from TAGD's components 12. Dr. Tor Gotun at Dr. Brucia's workshop 13. Dr. Gary Jennings and Dr. Wayde Fawcett at the 3D Imaging workshop JOURNAL OF THE TEXAS ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY
Texas Dentist of the Year Gala
DOY recipients Drs. Bill Robbins, Warren Branch, Leighton Wier and Glenn Walters
TAGD board member, Dr. Paige Sohn with Dr. Steven Bender and Dallas AGD President, Dr. Shane Ricci
Past TAGD board member, Dr. Donna
Fall 2011
Miller with K. Paul Holt A guest with DOY nominees Dr. John Shultz and Dr. Xochitl Anderton Dr. Dath Collins with his wife, alongside past JTCF Chair, Dr. Catherine Flaitz; and TAGD past president Dr. Cindy Flanagan TAGD President, Dr. Joey Cazares with
7. 8.
his family Some of our 2011 Texas Dentist of the Year nominees
TDA Executive Director Mary Kay Linn, alongside Drs. Warren Branch, TDA President, Preston Coleman; TDA immediate past president, Ron Rhea; and TAGD immediate past president, Craig
10. UT Dental School Dean, Dr. John Valenza with Jack T. Clark Chairman, Dr. Ralph Cooley and guests
Armstrong TAGD's 2011 Board of Directors joined by AGD President, Dr. Howard Gamble; and TAGD Executive Director Connie Sonnier.
T hank You for J oining U s 2011 Lone Star Dental Conference
Celebrating 50 Years
A d v a n c i n g E x c e ll e n c e
Thank you to our sponsors for your support!!!
S ave the D ate for N ext Year!
S eptember 13 - 15, 2012 10
Jack T. Clark Foundation
Fundraising Weekend in the Valley
September has been a month of great support and success for the Jack T. Clark Foundation. On September 15 and 16 the Foundation held its annual silent auction in conjunction with the Lone Star Dental Conference in Austin, Texas. Shortly after, the Rio Grande Valley AGD hosted a threeevent weekend benefitting the Foundation. These consecutive events brought in not only an incredible outpouring of support but also a cumulative amount of more than $35,000 for the Foundation.
Lone Star Dental Conference Silent Auction
This year marked the largest silent auction to date with more than 50 amazing items up for bid. From weekend getaways, fine jewelry, wine and sports memorabilia, the auction contained a full spectrum of must-have items. In previous years, the silent auction was only available to attendees of the Lone Star Dental Conference. However, this year’s auction offered the opportunity for all TAGD members to get in on the action with the debut of the Foundation’s first-ever online auction where a select number of featured auction items opened for early bidding. The bidding then continued with a “live” silent auction at Texas AGD’s annual meeting, finally concluding at the Texas Dentist of the Year Gala on Friday, September 16. Throughout the entire auction 150 bidders made nearly 350 bids ultimately raising more than $11,000. Fall 2011
The Rio Grande Valley AGD also hosted a weekend of even greater success for the Foundation with the help of the Cancer Center at Renaissance. The CE course “Overview of Oral Cancer for the Health Care Provider,” presented by Dr. Catherine Flaitz and Dr. Ricardo Padilla, kicked off the weekend. The course brought 88 dentists, MDs and medical team members together in support of oral health education. Following the CE course was a night of live music and some of the finest restaurants in the valley at the “Taste of McAllen” fundraiser, hosted at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Joey Cazares. More than 150 people showed up in support. Their monetary donations and bids in the McAllen silent auction totaled nearly $16,000. The McAllen weekend wrapped up with a free oral cancer screening event at the Cancer Center at Renaissance. On Saturday, October 1, volunteers screened approximately 165 individuals. Of those screened 47, or about 28%, had some kind of suspicious area or need for follow-up care demonstrating the continuing need for oral health awareness. The McAllen weekend extravaganza brought in a collective amount of nearly $25,000 entirely benefitting the Jack T. Clark Foundation.
Thank You!
Never has the need for oral cancer awareness been so prevalent and the Jack T. Clark Foundation strives to be the driving force for supporting the oral health for all Texans affected by cancer. The Foundation would like to thank all donors and bidders who participated in these two weekend events. The immense support and dedication to oral cancer awareness from our recent events will aid the Foundation in continuing its mission and providing even more support for the Foundation’s efforts in oral health. 11
TAGD Advocacy • Texas Medicaid Update The Voice of the General Dentist
Texas AGD
Advocacy Fund Because no other organization solely represents the interests of general dentists in Texas Whether it is a discussion regarding the use of mid-level providers, changes in Medicaid reimbursement rates, insurance fees, or government regulations, it is essential our perspective is heard. Just one misguided law or regulation can have a major impact on your ability to provide services, the cost of running your practice, and even the quality of patient care. Your financial investment is needed to help continue effective representation of Texas general dentists.
Visit www.tagd.org to donate today.
Shoulder to Shoulder 12
The Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has announced three tentative contract awards for Texas Medicaid and the Children's' Health Insurance Program (CHIP). These providers include: 1. Delta Dental 2. DentaQuest USA Insurance Company, Inc. 3. MCNA Insurance Company HHSC will soon post the dates for scheduled educational events around the state for affected families and providers. According to State Dental Director Dr. Linda Altenhoff current Medicaid providers should either begin to contact these
health plans directly or sign letters of intent with one of these three companies. HHSC submitted a request for proposals last year after a managed care delivery system was suggested to the legislature as a possible means of cost savings. The legislature has since directed the commission to move forward with this plan, and the state plans to transition to a managed care delivery system for Dental Medicaid and CHIP dental services as of March 1, 2012. Texas AGD submitted questions to HHSC and suggested particular changes to the proposed contracts in January, and will continue to inform members of any updates.
Reminder: Supporting Documentation Required for Orthodontic Services Prior Authorization Requests
• Full series of radiographs or a panoramic radiograph • Diagnostic casts (dental models) (required as of October 1, 2011)
Before TMHP will consider an orthodontic prior authorization request based on medical need, providers must submit all required supporting documentation with the prior authorization request. If any of the required supporting documentation is not included with the request, TMHP will deny the request and notify the provider that the request is incomplete.
Note: Providers must submit diagnostic casts as of October 1, 2011. Copies of the cephalometric radiographs with tracing models, facial photographs, and radiographs will be accepted. All required supporting documentation must be submitted together in one package. Diagnostic models, radiographs, and any other paper diagnostic tools submitted to TMHP will be returned to the submitting provider.
Information posted October 14, 2011
In addition to a completed THSteps Dental Mandatory Prior Authorization Request form, the following supporting documentation must be included with all requests for orthodontic services: • An orthodontic treatment plan • Cephalometric radiograph with tracing models • Completed and scored Handicapping Labio-lingual Deviation (HLD) sheet with diagnosis of Angle class (except for crossbite therapy) • Facial photographs
If any of the supporting documentation is not received in one package with the prior authorization request, or if the request is submitted with damaged diagnostic models, TMHP will deny the request for services and notify the provider the request has been denied as incomplete. If the request is returned to TMHP with all the required supporting documentation in one package, TMHP will consider the request based on medical need. For more information, call the TMHP THSteps Dental Inquiries department at 1-800-568-2460. JOURNAL OF THE TEXAS ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY
TAGD & Component Calendar Tuesday, November 22 Fort Worth AGD Updates and Overview of Head & Neck Carcinoma w/ Dr. Yadro Ducic Reata Restaurant • Fort Worth
-------------2012------------Thursday, January 5 San Antonio AGD Back to Basics - Session 3 Two Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment Planning w/ Dr. Jack Shirley & Dr. Bill Robbins Aldino’s Restaurant • San Antonio Thursday - Saturday January 12-14 Dallas County Dental Society Southwest Dental Conference Dallas, TX Friday, January 27 Panhandle AGD Restorative Dentistry w/ Dr. Allen Atlas Amarillo
Friday, January 27 Texas AGD – Southeast TX Implants in the Esthetic Zone & Occlusion Made Simple w/ Dr. Jack Shirley Beaumont
Thursday, March 15 San Antonio AGD Back to Basics - Session 5 Resident’s Round Table w/ the Wilford Hall AEGD Residents La Fonda • San Antonio
Thursday, February 9 San Antonio AGD Back to Basics - Session 4 The Perio vs. Endo Debate w/ Dr. Rick Schwartz & Dr. Clint Falk Pappadeaux’s • San Antonio
Thursday - Saturday March 29 - 31 Greater Houston Dental Society Star of the South Dental Meeting Houston, TX
Friday, February 17 CenTex AGD The Expansion of Esthetic Vision w/ Dr. David Sarver UT Commons Learning Center Austin Friday, February 17 Houston AGD What’s Hot and Getting Hotter w/ Dr. Howard Glazer Hilton Westchase • Houston
Friday, April 13 Panhandle AGD Practice Management w/ Dr. Roger Levin Amarillo, TX Thursday - Sunday, May 3 - 6 Texas Dental Association TEXAS Meeting San Antonio, TX Thursday – Saturday, June 7 - 10 TAGD MasterTrack Removable Prosthodontics w/ Dr. Joseph Massad Orthodontics w/ Dr. David Jackson Omni Southpark • Austin
Friday & Saturday, June 8 & 9 New Dentist Conference Removable Prosthodontics w/ Dr. Joseph Massad Omni Southpark • Austin, TX Thursday – Saturday September 13 - 15 TAGD Lone Star Dental Conference AT&T Conference Center • Austin, TX Friday, October 5 Panhandle AGD Pediatrics for the GP w/ Dr. Greg Psaltis Amarillo, TX Thursday – Sunday, November 8 - 11 TAGD MasterTrack Fixed Prosthodontics & Oral Medicine Omni Southpark • Austin For more information or to register for the courses listed call the TAGD at 512-244-0577 or visit www.tagd.org
Attend CE from the Comfort of your home
Can’t make it to a meeting? TAGD offers CE online! Visit web site and click “TAGD Online CE" under the Continuing Education tab.
TAGD Online Courses • Fellowship Exam Review Course • Oral Cancer, Precancer & Differential Diagnosis of Common Oral Lesions • Advanced Rejuvenation • OSHA Update • Blood-borne Pathogens Annual Training and HIPAA Reminders Fall 2011
TAGD Components Are on the Go! Featured Components:
CenTex AGD
Congratulations to CenTex AGD for receiving the 2011 CE Award of Excellence at the Leadership Reception held during the Lone Star Dental Conference. They earned this award for their innovation creating a new CE model, bringing in renowned interdisciplinary speakers such as Dr. Dennis Tarnow and Dr. David Sarver, and creating courses that are marketed toward general dentists and their referring specialists. CenTex AGD board of directors have been working hard and are busy as ever working on this large-scale series as well as their dinner Wine and CE series, with Dr. Eric Rindler and Dr. Bill Robbins. In addition to their ongoing CE courses, CenTex AGD has also continued their quarterly happy hours to offer members a fun and relaxing chance to get together.
Dallas AGD
Special recognition was given this year to DAGD President, Dr. Shane Ricci during
the Leadership Reception. AGD Regional Director, Dr. David Tillman awarded Dr. Ricci with the TAGD Leadership Award for not only the work he has done for the Dallas component but also his work with the New Dentist Conference and his volunteerism with the Texas AGD. Dallas AGD continues to maintain and grow the vital programs they have throughout the year. The Baylor FellowTrack continues to expand each month and is now held in the dental school and the DAGD continues to provide one of only three live Fellowship Exam Review Courses in the country. The course is held every year in the fall so be sure to check for 2012 dates.
El Paso AGD
El Paso AGD is working to bring CE to members in the area. They held a "Management of Dental Office Emergencies & Enteral Sedation Renewal" presented by Dr. David Canfield this past April and will soon host a dental technology course with Dr. Eugene Antenucci. Check the TAGD web site for details.
HAGD also has their FellowTrack course up and running gearing up for another successful school year. Special thanks to Dr. Gabriel Yammine, Dr. Jeff Geno and Dr. Veronique Delattre for all of their help growing this great program.
Panhandle AGD
Panhandle AGD is bringing lots of big speakers to Amarillo. Teaming up with the hygiene school they've held very successful courses over the last few years. Panhandle AGD recently had Dr. Eric Rindler travel to the panhandle for a successful periodontic lecture and the component has their 2012 schedule set bringing renowned speakers like Dr. Allen Atlas, Dr. Roger Levin and Dr. Greg Psaltis.
Rio Grande Valley AGD
Fort Worth AGD
Fort Worth AGD has provided a steady stream of continuing education courses for their membership for the last few years. Dinner CE meetings are held just about every other month and larger, full-day Friday meetings are scheduled quarterly. Fort Worth AGD will also host Dr. Carl Misch early next year to offer general dentists, and specialists, a great interdisciplinary course.
Houston AGD
There's been a lot of activity in Houston for the past few months. The HAGD has provided members with CE opportunities from renowned speakers including Dr. Carl Misch, Dr. Howard Farran and next February they will have a course presented by Dr. Howard Glazer. Be 14
sure to visit Houston AGD's web site www.HoustonAGD.com for all of the latest news and events.
The Rio Grande Valley AGD was awarded for their grassroots advocacy efforts with TAGD's Golden Root Award that was presented to them at the Leadership Reception. RGV AGD has done an outstanding job keeping members informed and involved at the local level through many activities including participating in TDA's Legislative Day, as well as or their own visits to the Capitol, and supporting their legislators by hosting local fundraisers. The Rio Grande Valley AGD recently went above and beyond in support of the Jack T. Clark Foundation. The component held one of the most successful CE and fundraising events to date for the Foundation, JOURNAL OF THE TEXAS ACADEMY OF GENERAL DENTISTRY
helping to raise over $25,000 in just one weekend. The events included a CE course, presented by Dr. Catherine Flaitz and Dr. Ricardo Padilla, which was attended by over 85 dentists, medical doctors and staff. The day continued with a party hosted by Dr. and Mrs. Joey Cazares who hosted over 150 guests, offering them tastings from McAllen's top restaurants and a silent auction. The weekend concluded with an oral cancer screening event held at the Cancer Center at Renaissance where over 165 people were given free oral cancer screenings by volunteers.
River District AGD
The River District area is in the midst of a resurgence. On Friday, October 21 the component hosted a CE course presented by Dr. Tor Gotun. This was one of the first CE events held in the last few years in this area and thanks to Dr. David Crowe's help members were able to reconnect and discuss what type of events they would like to have for their component. New meetings will be scheduled soon as this component gets back on track.
is a home-away-from-home for the families of seriously ill or injured patients receiving treatment at Wilford Hall Medical Center, a major Air Force medical facility. This year all proceeds from the Back To Basics series will be donated to the Jack T. Clark Foundation and the San Antonio Police Officers Association.
For all of their great activities, SA AGD was the recipient of our two top component awards; Component of the Year and SA AGD President, Dr. Jennifer Bone, received the Component Leader of the Year award.
South Texas AGD
The Corpus Christi AGD has undergone some big changes! After reorganizing and reinvigorating the component it officially returns as the South Texas AGD. Through this new component the Corpus Christi area will now be able to provide members with the quality continuing education courses TAGD is known for on a continual basis. Members and leadership can also get back to enjoying camaraderie between members, and have a voice within the organization and legislatively.
During one of their first meetings an officer installation was held, led by TAGD president-elect, Dr. Mark Peppard who introduced the new South Texas AGD officers:
San Antonio AGD
San Antonio AGD has done an outstanding job of diversifying their component activities. Their first FellowTrack session of the year started off with a bang, having 90 juniors and seniors in attendance. SA AGD has also had many supporters of the Back to Basics CE series, a five-session continuum covering a wide range of subjects for general dentists. All proceeds from the 20102011 series were split between TAGD's Advocacy Fund and the Fisher House which
Dental Society. Early next year the group will have a course with Dr. Jack Shirley who will present "Implants in the Esthetic Zone" and "Occlusion Made Simple."
South East Texas AGD
Another component that is currently working toward reactivation is the South East Texas AGD. The group recently hosted a happy hour in conjunction with a CE meeting held by the South East Texas District
President..................... Dr. Dempsey Speer President-Elect............ Dr. Ted Thompson Secretary/Treasurer................ Dr. Ben Vela Director......................... Dr. John Baucum Director............................ Dr. Fred Philips Membership Chair.......... Dr. J. R. Valadez ST AGD has already held its first successful meeting when they had Dr. Nasser Barghi present a CE course on October 21 with many more to come.
We have got a surprise in store for our members! Check the TAGD web site in December to see some BIG changes.
Fall 2011
Texas Academy of General Dentistry 409 West Main Street Round Rock, TX 78664 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED
Join us in Celebrating 50 Years of Advancing Excellence 3. Send in your application and dues 2012 Texas AGD Membership Application 1. Choose your interests Check any areas of interest that you would like to know more about or participate in: Educational Programs Advocacy
Fellowship/Mastership Award
Jack T. Clark Foundation/Volunteering Other:___________________________________________
If you sign up now the rest of 2011 is free and all of 2012 will be covered! 2012 Academy Dues - State & National ..................$546 Student Dues............................................................$16 Or New Dentist Special Dues Rates - State & National 2011/1st year Graduate or Resident.........$ 151 2010 Graduate..................................................$ 254 2009 Graduate..................................................$ 365 2008 Graduate..................................................$ 475
Local Component Dues $_________ Dues vary by component area, see chart
2. Tell us about you Name______________________________________________ Address____________________________________________ City, State, Zip_______________________________________ Phone______-______-________ Fax______-______-_______ E-mail______________________________________ Date of Birth _______/_______/_________ M
License #_______________ Year of Graduation*___________
Brazos Valley AGD..............$25
Panhandle AGD..................$ 0
Central Texas AGD.............$45
Rio Grande Valley AGD....$40
Dallas AGD...........................$45
San Antonio AGD..............$50
East Texas AGD...................$25
Houston AGD.....................$50
El Paso AGD.........................$10
2011 Graduate..................$25
Fort Worth AGD.................$40
2010 Graduate..................$35
Heart of Texas AGD..........$15
2009 Graduate..................$45
Dental School___________________________ New Dentist?* *If you graduated less than five years ago your dues are less (see special rates on the right)
Total Amount Due
Payment Information Check Enclosed (Payable to Texas AGD)
Type of Practice - Check all that apply
Solo Associateship
Card #__________-____________-___________-___________
Master Card
Federal Services (specify)____________________________ Card Expiration Date________/_________ Specialist (specify)__________________________________ Signature___________________________________________ Mail or fax your completed form to: Texas Academy of General Dentistry • 409 West Main Street • Round Rock, TX 78664 • Fax 512-244-0476