texas academy
Mission Complete
3 Key Conversations For Success
Major Philip Estes, DDS, FAGD
Amy Morgan, CEO
Case Study: Composites
Terence Cook, DDS, MAGD
“Try not to become a man of success, but rather a man of value.” – Albert Einstein
In line with Albert, I would rather not see the Texas Academy of General
Dentistry as a successful organization, but rather as a valuable organization. That does not mean I want the Texas AGD to be unsuccessful, but I believe if we bring value to our members, we will be successful. That is the mission of the Texas AGD…Helping General Dentists Succeed! So what is value? Is it the importance, worth, or usefulness of something? Or is it the monetary worth of something? Or could it be a person’s principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgment of what is important in life? Value can mean different things to different people. Regardless of how you define it, value does mean something of merit to all of us.
“Unless you have a sense of values that’s shared by people and turns them loose to do certain things on their own within those sets of values, the organization, whether a nation or corporation or citizen group, just doesn’t work very well.”–Alan Cranston, American politician How does the Texas AGD bring value to you? Is it through its great educational offerings? Is it because of its awards and recognitions such as Fellowship, Mastership and LLSR (Lifelong Learning and Service Recognition)? Could it be the mentoring opportunities, or maybe that the Texas AGD represents and advocates for the general dentist? The Texas AGD does many things to bring value to its members, but in order for us to put most of our efforts towards what is most important, we need to know what is most important to our members. If we just knew what mattered to most of our members, we could ensure that we are putting the majority of our efforts and resources into those areas. In essence, we could do that job better than anyone else and even beyond what any member could imagine—only if! This spring, the Texas AGD will be going through a process to identify our most valuable assets and how we deliver that value to our members. We’ll also discuss how to encourage non-members who value the same things to join our organization. We are trying to identify the particular products or services that add more value or better solve a problem, a need, more than any other can. This is our “Value Proposition!” I believe that if we can keep our organization focused on those things we do best, we can keep from getting lost in the weeds of many other distractions. In order to really accomplish this, we need to hear from you. I ask each of you to send me the one or two most important things that the Texas AGD does for you or means to you. Email me here. Just type “Value Proposition” in the subject line. “Consistent alignment of capabilities and internal processes with the customer value proposition is the core of any strategy execution.” – Robert Kaplan Looking forward to a full email inbox! James S. Bone, MS, DDS, MAGD President, Texas AGD
DISCLAIMER: The TAGD does not necessarily endorse opinions or statements contained in articles or editorials published in the TexasGP. The publication of advertisements in the TexasGP does not indicate endorsement for products and services. TexasGP is published quarterly by the Texas Academy of General Dentistry, 1016 La Posada Dr. Suite 200, Austin TX 78752. Address changes should be sent to the TAGD. TexasGP is provided as a member service to members of the TAGD. Nonmember subscription rates are $25.00 individual and $40.00 institutional. Canadian orders add $5.00; outside the U.S. or Canada, add $10.00. Single copy rates are $3.00 to individuals and $4.50 to institutions (orders outside the U.S. add $1.00 postage). All orders must be prepaid in U.S. dollars. Printed in U.S.A. Copyright 2016, Texas Academy of General Dentistry, Austin, TX. No portion of TexasGP may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the TAGD. The opinions expressed by TexasGP are not necessarily endorsed by the TAGD.The publication of an advertisement in TexasGP does not indicate endorsement for products and services. TAGD/AGD approval for continuing education courses or course sponsors will be clearly stated.
2 | Summer 2016
DIRECTORS Randall Farmer, DDS, FAGD Houston Bryan Moore, DDS Dallas Mary Mellard, DDS, MAGD San Antonio Shane Ricci, DDS, FAGD Plano J. Dempsey Speer, DDS, FAGD Corpus Christi Tor Gotun, DDS, MAGD Austin NATIONAL TRUSTEE Douglas Bogan, DDS, FAGD Houston REGIONAL DIRECTOR David Tillman, DDS, MAGD Fort Worth
TABLE OF CONTENTS Advocacy Pulse – Sunset Commission
Pg. 4
Mission Complete
Pg. 5
3 Key Conversations of Success
Pg. 6
Lone Star Dental Conference
Pg. 8
Texas Dentist of the Year™ Nominees
Pg. 12
New Dentist of the Year Nominees
Pg. 14
Case Study: Composites
Pg. 16
Benefits Designed to Enhance Your Career
Pg. 19
Welcome New Members
Pg. 20
Calendar of Events
Pg. 21
HOUSTON AGD Dath Collins, DDS, FAGD Houston
CENTRAL TEXAS AGD Ashley Strickland, DDS Buda
PANHANDLE AGD Thomas Karr, DDS, MAGD Amarillo
DALLAS AGD Jeema Dad, DDS Plano
SAN ANTONIO AGD Kristen McBride, DDS, FAGD San Antonio
EL PASO AGD Patrick Mitchell, DDS, FAGD El Paso
SOUTH TEXAS AGD Benjamin Vela, DDS Corpus Christi
FORT WORTH AGD Marie Holliday, DMD Fort Worth
WEST TEXAS AGD Thomas Campagna, DMD, MAGD Midland
CONTACT TAGD 1016 La Posada Drive, Suite 200 Austin, Texas 78752 T
For my commute every day, I have to make a decision as to which of two routes that I can take to work. To quote the parable, “there is the short, long way or the long, short way.” This quote has stuck in my head and I think about it often. To elaborate, I can choose the short, direct route with two crossing guards and multiple school zones, or I can choose the longer route with only one short school zone and arrive in less time. The long, short way is usually wiser. In dental practice, we help patients make these decisions routinely. For example, a patient complaining of a toothache who seeks our expertise. Two common treatment options would be a root canal or extraction. We diagnose, inform and make recommendations, but ultimately it is up to the patient to decide what is best for them. Despite our attempts to educate the patients, they may say, “Just take it out, I’ll worry about it later.” There are a million different reasons the patient reaches this decision, and you often don’t know their rationale. But, this is the short, long way and they have to deal with the consequences eventually. Other patients opt to take antibiotics, wait to feel better, then return for treatment, and again for the final restoration. Its more time consuming and more expensive in the short term, but usually better in the long term by resolving the pain and allowing them to keep their tooth. This is the long, short way. As you read this issue, take inspiration from our amazing fellow TAGD’ers, such as Dr. Phil Estes, Texas New Dentist of the Year and Texas Dentist of the Year™ nominees, to name a few. Years of hard work and dedication have paid off. Thank you for taking the long, short way.
Summer 2016 | 3
ADVOCACY PULSE – SUNSET COMMISSION By Fred Philips, DDS & David Mintz, Advocacy Consultant
A year from now it will be over. Legislators will have decided the future of the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners, which is under review by the Sunset Commission.
While no one knows how the final legislation will read, I can tell you that for the past several months TAGD’s Sunset Task Force has been working to ensure the interests of general dentists and our patients are well-represented in the process. To date, we only have the Sunset Commission staff’s recommendations to the legislators and public members who serve on it. However, by the end of the summer, we should have a pretty clear idea of what recommendations will be part of legislation that will be introduced when the Legislature convenes in January 2017. Here’s a brief summary of the TAGD Sunset Task Force’s positions on some of the major issues in the Sunset staff report: •
Reduce the size of the board from 15 to nine members and adjust its composition to consist of four dentists, two dental hygienists and three public members – Oppose The TAGD Sunset Task Force opposes this recommendation since, if adopted, the majority of board members voting on rules affecting regulation of dentists would be non-dentists. Reducing the number of dentists on the board in half could significantly hinder debate on proposed rules. The TAGD Sunset Task Force could support reducing the size of the board to 13 members provided a majority of the voting members are dentists.
Discontinue the board’s dental assistant certificate programs – Oppose The TAGD Sunset Task Force opposes eliminating dental assistant certificate programs. While there have been few enforcement actions involving dental assistants, the state certification process helps provide some measure of quality assurance for dentists employing dental assistants and, by extension, protection for the public. The TAGD task force agrees, however, that the current multi-layered certification system is not efficient and that it should be streamlined.
Authorize the board to conduct inspections of dentists administering parenteral anesthesia in office settings – Modify TAGD’s Sunset Task Force fully supports giving the board sufficient authority to ensure that dentists administering parenteral anesthesia are qualified to do so. However, the focus of any such efforts should be on ensuring the proficiency and competency of providers of all levels of anesthesia and sedation. The details of how to implement an effective and efficient inspection program that demonstrably contributes to patient safety raises many issues that need further study. The TAGD task force will be providing additional recommendations throughout the Sunset process.
The TAGD Sunset Task Force supports several Sunset Commission staff recommendations, including to: direct the board to adopt rules requiring dentists with anesthesia permits to have written emergency response plans; require the board to monitor licensees for adverse licensure actions in other states; authorize the board to deny license renewal applications if an applicant has not complied with a board order; direct the board to make information about enforcement activity publicly available on its website; and continue the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners for 12 years.
4 | Summer 2016
For Members Only:
Advocacy and Legislative Updates To stay current on legislative updates check the Gatekeeper section in the TAGD monthly newsletter or visit to get caught up!
Advocacy Council Members Chair - Brooke Loftis Elmore, DDS, FAGD Advocacy Consultant - David Mintz Fred Philips, DDS Susan Putthoff, DDS Dave Roberts, DDS Jennifer Bone, DDS, MAGD Shane Ricci, DDS, FAGD Donna Miller, DDS, MAGD James Bone, DDS, MAGD
Need a primer on the Sunset process or want to see all of the staff recommendations and other related reports? More information can be found here.
Mission Complete: DR. PHILIP ESTES RETURNS FROM OVERSEAS DEPLOYMENT Major Philip Estes, DDS, FAGD is a member of the Texas Academy of General Dentistry and fifteen year member of the United States Army Reserves. He deployed overseas in support of the NATO mission in Kosovo from December 2015 through March 2016. During his three month deployment, he treated nearly two hundred soldiers and civilians from six different countries. Dr. Estes provided emergency care, surgical extractions, wisdom tooth extractions, temporomandibular disorder treatment with occlusal bite splint therapy, root canals, direct restorations, periodontal maintenance, removable prosthodontics repair, orthodontic repair and
Dr. Philip Estes in Dramjak (2001)
management of oral trauma. In addition to treating dental problems, Dr. Estes lead his team to local Kosovar villages to educate children on oral hygiene and to hand out oral hygiene supplies. While advocating prevention of oral disease and choosing healthy foods, Dr. Estes’ team also helped support the overall mission by forging relationships with the people. Being his second trip to Kosovo fifteen years later (Dr. Estes deployed to Kosovo in 2000-2001), Dr. Estes left feeling good about the mission to provide a safe and secure environment in Kosovo. The mission results have been democratic progress, improved health, and safety for civilians,
Dr. Philip Estes in Dramjak (2016)
regardless of their ethnicity or religion. He is proud to have contributed to accomplishing this mission. Dr. Estes practices dentistry in Frisco, Texas and is an active member of the dental community including his involvement as past president and vice president of the Dallas AGD and president elect of the North Texas Dental Society. In 2015, he was awarded the Texas New Dentist of the Year award which is considered the most prestigious honor a recent graduate in Texas can earn. In the photos to the right, note the school building improvements from 2001 to 2016.
Dr. Philip Estes in Dramjak (2016)
Summer 2016 | 5
Most everyone has heard the quote most often attributed to Ben Franklin, “When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” As President and CEO of Pride Institute, we sadly often see this quote come to life in the many dental practices that we touch through our programs, products and services. In order to feel in control of your professional life - present and future, it is essential to work on the business not just in the business. When dentists or practice owners find themselves in the last quarter of the year (whether they are experiencing huge success or daunting obstacles) and beginning to look at the opportunities and challenges of a new year, it is essential that 3 key conversations occur always, always, always!
A Conversation with Your
A Conversation with Your
A Conversation with Your
(accountants, financial planners, consultants, marketing experts & vendors)
Leadership is something you do with people, not to people. It has to be a dialogue, not a monologue, if you want to inspire your team to self-direction and excellent outcomes. Your team is on the front line. They are the ones who answer the phones, deliver ideal clinical care, handle financial objections, and try to resolve last minute no shows and cancellations – so they have the most insightful view of your successes and challenges. If the last quarter of the year is comparable to the last several miles of a marathon race, then you have to make sure the runners have a strategy to cross the finish line in world record pace, with an eye on the next race! Strategic retreats scheduled at some point between the months of October and the end of the year are mandatory if you want to embrace a culture of continuous improvement. Your strategic retreat should always follow a clear agenda that includes: • Introductions and expectations – The entire team must be given the opportunity to name: What do we want/hope to achieve from the retreat? What do we think are the most important issues to work on? • Story so far - An opportunity to review highlights and strengths of the past and celebrate successes both big and small. 6 | Summer 2016
The picture now and next - An overview of current services, systems and outcomes, including any challenges the team is facing currently or expected in the new year. The goals for the new race – An opportunity to set benchmarks for both quantitative and qualitative goals and outcomes for the last quarter and the new year. Problem-solving and action planning for current and future opportunities and challenges - What needs to be achieved? Who needs to do what and when to make it happen? A “From this Day Forward” consensus and commitment – An invitation to close the door on the past and a commitment to follow through on a desirable future.
Creating team consensus and a real coalition for change always increases your chances for goal achievement!
CONVERSATION WITH YOUR PATIENTS A dental practice’s greatest asset, its goodwill, fosters the relationships that they have with new and existing patients! The difference between a satisfied patient and a highly satisfied patient can very often include whether the patient will rise above an insurance mind-set and financial obstacles and say yes to treatment, enthusiastically act as an ambassador to your care, and remain loyal and committed through any and all
“Creating team consensus and a real coalition for change always increases your chances of goal achievement!”
economies. Whether or not you are utilizing post appointment online surveys and testimonials on an on-going basis, the last quarter of the year is the perfect opportunity to formally survey your patients. Conduct focus groups on what they would like to see offered in the practice in the new year including “State of the Nation” letter/e-blast campaigns. Utilize these campaigns to highlight what the practice has accomplished and to invite feedback for future enhancements in services, clinical offerings or new technology. This involves patients as true partners in their long term care. Before you make any decision about new initiatives or purchases, ask your patients! If you are excited about cone beam scanners, don’t assume that your patients are going to automatically line up to be first on their block to participate! Your surveys can, and should, include questions like: • • • • •
What have you enjoyed most at our practice? What have been obstacles to your ideal care? What would you like to see in regards to new technology or clinical innovations? What would you like to see improve in our customer service? Do you have friends or family members that you would like to see become patients at our practice?
Creating marketing buzz is the key to implementing any new innovations successfully with certain Return on Investment (ROI).
CONVERSATION WITH YOUR EXPERTS A common complaint we hear from dentists is…“I didn’t go to school to be a _________”(fill in the blank: leader, practice management expert, accountant, H.R. specialist, marketing ad executive, social media guru, etc.). The truth is… that is the fact. What we also know is that every dentist has the responsibility to educate themselves enough to be able to fully utilize industry experts and recognize good advice from bad. Dentists have so much access to information through their periodicals, online sites, CE, study club events and associations, that it is easy to develop analysis paralysis and shut down. At the end of each year and the beginning of a new year, there is an opportunity to change behaviors and change results! The only way to achieve that is to gain access to new models and new methods. Having strong experts you trust, and who understand your unique practice makes access to new information easy. Having a sit down discussion with your experts once a year is essential. Here are some examples of questions to ask different experts:
Accountants/Financial Planners What are the changes in tax, retirement, insurance and cash flow strategies? How can I fund more savings? How can I improve my financial statements? Practice Management Consultants How can my practice become more productive and profitable? How can I reduce stress and increase efficiency and balance? How should I reward/compensate my team? What goals can we set for the new year? Marketing/Social Media Experts What is my brand identity and does my existing marketing communicate that? Who is my target profile patient? Is my website and SEO strategy attracting and engaging new and existing patients? How can I utilize social media to create an online community? What are my new patient and conversion goals for the new year?
Having that “outside paradigm shifter” allows the team to break old habits and focus on new opportunities. Once a dentist has engaged in these 3 key conversations, setting a realistic strategy for finishing the year and projecting success for the new year becomes a simple, black and white process. Dental practices don’t fail because of the economy, changes in insurance or demographic shifts – they fail because they do not plan for success. Amy Morgan, CEO and owner of Pride Institute has had the privilege of serving the dental community as part of the team at Pride Institute since 1993. She counts herself lucky to have been hired and mentored by Dr. Jim Pride as she moved up from a consultant/ trainer to CEO in 1999. Since 2004 when Dr. Pride passed his legacy to Amy and the ownership team, it has been their goal to honor his contributions and his core values while implementing new models and methods for modern solutions for a modern world!
Want to learn more? Meet Amy Morgan at the Lone Star Dental Conference this September! Register online now! (Or see page 22 for registration form.)
Summer 2016 | 7
What’s New?
- Anne Lyon, DDS, FAGD Sometimes it is a small thing that can make a great impact on the success of a conference. I am very excited to tell you that our Lunch & Learn program has been extended to two days AND it will include topics for our team members to attend! Also new is the participation of some of our exhibitors at the Lunch & Learns.
- Bill Nantz, DDS, MAGD,
The Lone Star Dental Conference i a small environment, engage and exhibitors and sponsors. In many w
Nationally recognized speakers, Dr and techniques dentists can take b
Don’t forget to extended the invit provide both dentists and team m and help improve overall managem
Lunch & Learn Sessions: Customized sessions providing one on one time with the experts in dentistry.
How Will the Educational Sessions Help You? - Saskia Vaughan, DDS, MAGD The educational programs give dentists and their staff a great selection of clinical as well as practice management courses. My 27 years in practice has taught me that any opportunity to give our staff a chance to learn new skills will help them better represent us to our patients. In all the years I have attended the LSDC, I always brought home some pearls to help me provide a better service to my patients, or to make my life easier. TAGD is committed to providing a more intimate learning experience, which allows dentists to learn from and interact with the speakers and build valuable relationships with colleagues.
8 placeholder 8 | Summer 2016
If you have attended Lone Star in t been to the meeting, please consi Experience it at its best!
What’s Your Favorite Part?
- Summer Ketron, DDS It is in Austin! Such a fun city to hang out in and a great place for a conference. Lone Star is a wonderful place to network and the size of the meeting provides the perfect opportunity for mentorship and community. Professionally, it gives me confidence in my ability to perfect patient care and in the development of how we’re going to practice in the future.
, Lone Star Dental Conference Chair
is Texas AGD’s premier educational event! Earn first-class CE in re-engage with dental friends, and visit with our supporting ways, the size of the meeting is its greatest advantage.
r. Jeske and Dr. Douglas, will offer in-depth lectures with tips back and implement in their practice the very next day.
ation to your team! Nancy Dewhirst and Amy Morgan will members the opportunity to enhance the office experience ment of your practice.
the past, I encourage you to join us again. If you have never ider what the Texas AGD offers. It’s your organization. Dentalosophy: Learn tips and tricks that it takes other dentists years to learn from a variety of business and dental experts.
Why Bring Your Team? - Donna Miller, DDS, MAGD Including my entire team at the Lone Star Dental Conference has been very beneficial for my practice. This has increased unity among my staff and helped keep everyone “rowing in the same direction.” Attending a CE meeting together, especially out of town, encourages more in depth bonding and team-building. I am a huge proponent of my team attending CE as it encourages individual team members’ growth and knowledge on the latest materials, procedures and marketing trends. This translates to support for me and my efforts to provide the highest level of care to my patients. My team likes Lone Star because it is a smaller meeting which allows more time to be together and greater opportunities to visit individually with speakers and vendors.
9 placeholder
Summer 2016 | 9
Friday, September 23 Dr. Alan Scott Douglas Sponsored by Dentsply Sirona Implants
Saturday, September 24 Dr. Arthur Jeske
Implant Design: Simple Prosthetics for Great & Predictable Esthetics
3 hrs Lecture | Subject Code: 340
Saturday AM
Friday AM
3 hrs Lecture | Subject Code: 690
As implant dentistry increases in demand, it is important to understand how implant design can influence the overall success rate and the final esthetic result. Learn new products, procedures and treatment options to help you achieve optimal esthetic results.
3 hrs Lecture | Subject Code: 690
Discover the simplicity and reliability of patient-specific abutments and CAD/CAM implant supported suprastructures and what they can bring to the restorative process to provide functional and esthetic results. You’ll be introduced to the most advanced computer technology, patient-specific solutions that are available for all major implant systems. Academy of General Dentistry Approved PACE Program Provider FAGD/MAGD Credit Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. Provider #219328 1/1/15-12/31/18 Early Bird Registration Ends September 2nd Registration Closes September 15th
Saturday PM
Evidence-Based Local Anesthesia in 2016 This course is designed to update the practitioner in these and other areas of dental local anesthesia, with an emphasis on high-quality scientific evidence. This course will help you make scientifically-based decisions to improve pain control and avoid unnecessary repetition of injections. Saturday AM & PM
DENTALOSOPHY Presented by G. Kent Mangelson, Dr. Gregory Oxford, Dr. Bryce Chandler 6 hrs Lecture | Subject Code: 550/750 Dentalosophy will cover a variety of topics designed to empower dentists to create their own successful career path. Learn the tips and tricks that it takes other dentists years to learn, from a variety of business and dental experts.
Friday-Saturday, September 23-24 Nancy Dewhirst, RDH Sponsored by Nordent, Orascoptic, TotalCare Dental
Friday-Saturday, September 23-24 Amy Morgan Sponsored by CareCredit
Friday AM
Friday AM
Ergonomics (Wear comfortable clothes for stretching) 3 hrs Participation | Subject Code: 130
Friday PM
Instrument Sharpening, Never a Dull Moment (Bring loupes & headlights) 3.5 hrs Participation | Subject Code: 130
Saturday AM
Standing Up to Emerging Diseases 4 hrs Lecture | Subject Code: 130
10 | Summer 2016 2015
This seminar is designed to familiarize dentists and dental team members with current, important issues in the use of drug therapy, with an emphasis on scientific evidence to support therapeutic decisions.
3 hrs Lecture | Subject Code: 340
Friday PM
Antibiotics & Pain Medication
Marketing Musts
3 hrs Lecture | Subject Code: 550
Friday PM
The Magic of a Self-Directed Team: The Keys to Creating Inspiration, Motivation and Results! 3.5 hrs Lecture | Subject Code: 550
Saturday AM
Plugging the Holes in Your Bucket: The Secret to Engaging, Converting and Retaining a Healthy Patient Base 4 hrs Lecture | Subject Code: 550
NEW! FRIDAY & SATURDAY LUNCH & LEARN SESSIONS Dentists, Hygienists & Team Choose from multiple topics for an interactive lunch session with colleagues. Register early. First-come, first-serve! All registered attendees are welcome to attend at no charge. Lunch is included. See all offerings at
Select one for each day.
Dentists Recommended
Dentists, Hygienists & Team
11:30 am - 1:00 pm | 1 hr Lecture Credit
A Fueling Your Growth Through Strategic Business Credit
F 3D Digital Dentistry
Subject Code 550 w/ Ryan Melendez, BB&T
B Gaining Confidence in Case Presentation
K Understanding and Managing Your Human Resources
Subject Code 130 w/ Kevin Petereit, LED Dental/ Velscope
Subject Code 550 w/ Courtney Myers, CareCredit
L Case Acceptance: Getting the Patients to Think Long Term
Subject Code TBD w/ Dr. Mac McDonald
C Complex Case Treatment Challenges...Start to Finish Part 1 H Selling a Dental Practice: Transition Strategies & Subject Code 250 w/ Dr. Dale Gallagher
D Why I Stopped Doing Immediate Implant Placements in
Keys to Maximize Value Subject Code 550 w/ Brannon Moncrief, McLerran & Associates
I Implant Restorations w/ Hands-on Workshop
the Esthetic Zone Subject Code 690 w/ Dr. Jeff Geno & Tor Gotun
E Treatment Planning All-On-4 Style Dental Implant Cases Subject Code 690 w/ Dr. Dan Holtzclaw
Aw ards
SATURDAY ONL Y Subject Code 550 w/ Kara Kelly, Parkhurst & Associates CPA PC
Subject Code 690 w/ Alan Prewitt, Nobel Biocare
J Best Practices for Measuring & Managing Practice
Subject Code 550 w/ Patterson Dental Supply Inc
M Whitening: Beyond the Basics Subject Code 780 w/ Cathy Stewart, Philips Oral Healthcare
N Mind Over Money Subject Code 550 w/ Becky Walker Wealth Strategies
Overhead FRIDAY ONLY Subject Code 550 w/ Brandon Parkhurst, Parkhurst & Associates CPA PC
Texas academy
Pre-Party Celebration - Join us for this complimentary energetic pre-party celebration with entertainment and hors d’oeuvres as the New Dentist of the Year Winner is announced! Cash Bar. Presentation & Dinner - Enjoy a full evening of entertainment including a formal dinner and the TAGD board installation as the 2016 Texas Dentist of the Year™ is announced. Tickets available for purchase $95/each. Cash Bar.
Sponsors & Exhibitors
Friday September 23, 2016 The Westin Austin at the Domain 5:30 PM Pre-Party Celebration - New Dentist of the Year Awards 7:00 PM Presentation & Dinner - Texas Dentist of the Year™ Awards Business or cocktail attire/black tie optional RSVP for Pre-Party (Print or electronic confirmation required for entry) Purchase Tickets for Presentation & Dinner (Print or electronic confirmation required for entry)
HOTEL INFORMATION The Westin Austin is a four-star hotel located in the heart of The Domain, one of Austin’s premiere destinations with 1.3 million square feet of retail, dining and entertainment venues. Only a limited number of rooms are available at the discounted rate. The Westin at the Domain 11301 Domain Dr Austin, TX 78758 Book by September 5th, by calling (512) 832-4197 and requesting the TAGD Lone Star Dental Room block or book online at\lsdc
BB&T | Dentsply Sirona Implants | Carecredit | Carestream Dental | Crosstex International | Garfield Refining | H&M General Contractors | LED Dental | Lending Club Patient Solutions | McLerran & Associates | Midwest Dental | Nobel Biocare | Parkhurst & Associates CPA PC | Patterson Dental Supply, Inc. | Philips Oral Healthcare | Thomas Allen Healthcare Real Estate | Wallace Specialty Insurance Group | Wealth Strategies | Weave
Summer 2016 2015 | 11
Texas Academy Ba
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TEXAS DENTIST OF THE YEAR ™ NOMINEES Friday, September 23rd, 7:00 pm Presentation & Dinner for Texas Dentist of the Year™ Award “And the winner is....Don’t miss the biggest event in Texas Dentistry. The Texas Academy Awards is the event that must be on your September calendar. Come help us celebrate the past year while we honor the best and brightest of our colleagues. Let’s make it the biggest celebration yet! I look forward to seeing everyone there.”
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- Marc Worob, DDS, FAGD, Texas Academy Awards Chair
Purchase Your Tickets Today!
Summer 2016 | 13
Texas Academy
Texas Academy Awards Pre-Party
Awa rds
Friday, September 23rd, 5:30pm
New Dentist of the Year Award (complimentary event)
Join in on this fun and energetic pre-party celebration with drinks, entertainment and hors d’oeuvres as the New Dentist of the Year Winner is announced!
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CALL FOR PHOTO SUBMISSIONS! Texas AGD is hosting their annual photo contest! You can submit up to three high resolution photos. Submissions will be displayed at the Lone Star Dental Conference! Deadline to participate is August 15th. For more information and rules please click here.
LEARN IT. REVIEW IT. JUST TAKE IT. LIVE FELLOWSHIP REVIEW EX AM Hosted by Dallas AGD Friday - Saturday, October 21st - 22nd 16 Hours Lecture Credit Get more information at
Summer 2016 | 15
While in dental college, we placed Adaptic and other Bis-GMA type composites with a light, not LED style but quartz light. The lights did not last long due to the battery. There was much shrinkage in placing the composites depending on the surface areas involved. The most surface areas involved was a Class I occlusal surface which involved 5 surfaces and the shrinkage that one had to deal with on all the surfaces. With the shrinkage we had to deal with the sensitivity of the composites to the tooth structure. Many companies are now changing the sensitivity factor in placing composites. The complexity of shrinkage changes with the complexity of the cavity preparation. From Class I, II, III, IV, V to VI type restorations. Each has a degree of shrinkage and sensitivity. Heraeus Kulzer has developed a material called GLUMA which decreases the sensitivity of composites and amalgams. Composite companies are changing the chemical composition of the composites e.g. 3M Filtek has the Silorane ring now which decreases shrinkage. The case presented on the patient, shows two restorations on #6 and #7 teeth. The dentition was cleaned with Dentsply prophy paste. A rubber dam and clamps were place over the teeth. The caries were removed. Acid etch for dentin bonding is very limited in the bond strength. Simply to remove the caries and use 37% phosphoric acid as Dr. Buonocore of UCLA has taught helps but the best bond is to use the enamel structure because the electron microscope gives an enormous more bond strength. The book Aesthetics by Dr. Douglas Terry and Willi Greller there are many pointers and recommendation for improving bonding and technique. The teeth were prepared. Enamel was prepared by a diamond bur to create a roughness for bonding, not just for the area of tooth structure destroyed by caries. Thus, the bonding was into the dentin and also over the enamel structure. VOCO recommends acid etching the enamel for sealants for one hour or more to create a better bond. Acid etched #6 and #7 for one minute. Then placed GLUMA over the area to prevent sensitivity. Dr. Charles Wakefield, DDS, MS, ABGD in the
16 | Summer 2016
TDA Meeting presentation recommends, more than any other bonding program Kerr products-especially RSX Primer and RSX Bonder OptiBond. Dr. Wakefield states that the advanced generations of prime and bond do not work effectively. Curing with the LED light originally was for 20 seconds but Aesthetics by Dr. Terry recommends 20 seconds using VOCO and Kerr products. After the bonding is done, then a layer of flowable composite is placed over the bonding to remove sensitivity and shrinkage effects. Many dentists and prominent authors call this the “Sandwich Effect.” After this initial preparation, shade matching is done for the particular tooth. The cementoenamel junction (CEJ) is the darkest area which is blended toward the incisal to the lightest shade of the tooth. In the case of #6 and #7, the darkest shade was A-4 Filtek™. The flowable composite was VOCO A-3. Toward the incisal edge, a Filtek shade of A-3 to A-2 was used and blended with a plastic instrument. Each layer of 2 mm composite material was cured for 30 seconds. After the composite was added, a Brasseler fluted bur was used to reduce and polish off the roughness of the composite. Many companies have their own appropriate rubber wheels, discs, fiber brushes and fine goat hair brushes. VOCO materials and Ultradent products were used here. In the end Prisma Gloss or diamond paste was used to bring to a fine luster.
From Amarillo, to Lubbock, Texas into Mexico as far as Durango, Mexico, many people have discolored teeth due to hyperfluorosis in the natural water aquifers. This patient is not as stained as others have been. The patient wants #7 through #11 treated. An 851 straight, thin diamond bur was used to remove the dark brown stains. First, #7 was done to check the value of making the changes. #7 was acid etched with 37% phosphoric acid for one or more minutes. Prime bond and OptiBond were used and bonded separately for 30 seconds. VOCO flowable composite A-2 was used and then several layers of shade A-2 composite cured each time twice for 30 seconds. Upon returning in 3 weeks, #7 changed to A-3 color. #8 and #9 were done = diamond alteration by removing 3 to 4 mm of enamel = to remove the brown stain. 37% phosphoric acid used before prime bond and OptiBond were used to bond for 30 seconds each. Then a layer of VOCO flowable composite shade A-1 was cured for 30 seconds. Successful layers of VOCO A-1 composite each cured 30 seconds twice.
2 mm of composite was pressed by finger pressure into the enamel bond, blending and blending for shade A-1. Polished with rubber wheels, and discs, mesial and distal trimming by fluted instruments, finished with goat hair brush. Fortify by Bisco was used for 2 coats for 30 seconds each. Then, #7 and #10 were done to blend in with #8 and #9 for the same color, texture etc. All finished with VOCO A-1. The patient returned in one month. All 4 teeth retained the same VOCO A-1 color. None returned to a darker A-2 shade. We were all elated that all teeth retained A-1 color.
About Terence Cook, DDS, MAGD Terence Cook, DDS, MAGD graduated dental school from the University of Illinois in1972. He did a 6 month internship at West Side V.A. then moved to Shamrock, TX to establish his own practice. He worked for the Texas Department of Corrections at Rusk, TX from 1990 to 1994 then purchased his own practice in Pittsburg, TX where he practices still today. In pursuit of continuous education, Dr. Cook obtained his Fellowship, Mastership and Lifelong Learning & Service Recognition (LLSR) Award from the Texas Academy of General Dentistry.
Fast Track to Mastership Interested in receiving 96 hands-on hours this year? The MasterTrack program is for YOU! By joining, you’ll have access to high quality, affordable continuing education and one-on-one staff support. MasterTrack fulfills all of the subject code participation requirements needed for Mastership in four years. The program brings together service oriented and business savvy decision makers with a dedication to excellence. People just like YOU. Call now to reserve your space! For any questions about the MasterTrack Program, please contact Lindsey Robbins by email or at 512-371-7144. Already a Master? Check out the Master Study Club – a program created by Masters for Masters! Earn hours towards LLSR and stay connected with your peers.
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Summer 2016 | 17
THE PATH FROM FELLOWSHIP TO MASTERSHIP Are you ready to take the next step? The MasterTrack® program allows you to get the participation credit you need to obtain your Mastership. The directors and staff provide one-on-one support to guide you through the entire four year program.
• • •
Affordability: MasterTrack offers up to 96 CE hours a year at a low cost to you. Guidance: One-on-one support and an assortment of resources are available to navigate you through the program. Transcript Monitoring: Staff will review your transcript to discuss the subject codes you need to target. Connecting with Peers: Enhance relationships with your colleagues and learn together in a supportive environment.
UPCOMING TOPICS *Limited seats available September 2017 Myofascial Pain Occlusion Esthetics Questions? Email Lindsey at or call 512.371.7144 | September 2016 Implants w/ Dr. Alan Scott Douglas Anesthesia w/ Dr. Arthur Jeske
June 2017 Endodontics Electives
“MasterTrack is not a single event, it is a series of events that tracks your progress across the whole spectrum of specialties and areas that you want to improve within your practice. Being it’s not a one-time event, it sticks. It’s repetition. It’s also meeting with colleagues and going over what they’ve learned in their practice, and how you’ve applied it to your practice.” - Phil Estes, DDS, FAGD
“MasterTrack is unique in that we guide you through the process. You have a team of people behind you, helping you to achieve your goal of Mastership.”
- Ben Bratcher, DDS, MAGD, MasterTrack Director
“The MasterTrack program is unique in the sense that when you came to it, you came with the purpose of trying to get your Masters but you left with much more. The friendships, the comradery that you gain during this, is something you can’t get anywhere else.”
- James Bone, DDS, MAGD, TAGD President
18 | Summer 2015
Benefits Designed to Enhance Your Career
Study Tracks & Study Clubs Face-to-Face & Online CE According to you, this is the #1 benefit of being a TAGD member. TAGD offered a total of 477 CE hours throughout the state of Texas in 2015 and that number is only going to grow! As a member you can take advantage of CE in your local area, statewide at the TAGD Lone Star Dental Conference and New Dentist Conference in Austin, TX or through our online CE courses.
TAGD is about YOU!
The TAGD has multiple study tracks and study clubs available for your benefit. FellowTrack for student members, New Dentist Study Clubs for recent graduates, MasterTrack for those who have the goal of earning their Mastership, and Master Study Club for Masters who want to continue with a group that provides quality CE and community. Each study track or club is offered to you at a great price.
Fostering a community of general dentists. A Voice
Award Recognition
The Texas AGD Advocacy Council works
As a member, you have the opportunity to earn your Fellowship or Mastership in the AGD. Only 6% of general dentists in Texas hold their Fellowship in the AGD and only 2% have their Mastership in the AGD. These prestigious professional awards reflect a general dentist’s ongoing commitment to providing quality patient care through continuing education.
to represent YOU as the voice of the general dentist. Through testifying before legislative committees, supporting appointment of general dentists to the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners, and providing grass roots training to members, the TAGD has already made an impact.
Transcripts The licensing and board transcript recording are available for all TAGD members so that you can easily keep track of your CE hours. This transcript is accepted by the State Board in case of an audit, so there is no need to worry about keeping those extra CE certificates as long as you have submitted them to AGD and you see them on your transcript.
Summer 2016 | 19
Welcome New Members March 15, 2016 - May 15, 2016 The members of the Texas Academy of General Dentistry (TAGD) make up a community of over 2,800 general dentists. We are proud to be the largest constituent of the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) and we continuously serve our members through high quality continuing education, advocating for general dentists, and overall helping general dentists succeed. We would like to recognize and welcome the members below who have recently joined the TAGD. These members joined between March 15th, 2016 and May 15, 2016. Centr al Texas AGD
Fort Worth AGD
Panhandle AGD
Christina Shaw, DMD
Eric Fisher, DDS
Jake Modery, DDS
Fort Worth
Dharti Shyani, DDS
Donghyun Kim, DMD
Fort Worth
San Antonio AGD
Dallas AGD
Joshua McPhee, DDS
Bijal Patel, DMD
San Antonio
Jordan Antonisse, DDS Frisco
Houston AGD
Ritu Punia, DMD
Samuel Carrell, DDS
Thien Tran, DMD
Divya Gulati, DDS
East TX AGD Pavani Inapuri, DMD
Emilyann Nguyen, DMD
Johnny Nguyen, DDS Sugarland
See what members are saying about TAGD How can we help you be successful?
What TAGD benefit do you appreciate the most?
Study Tracks
Events - More Communication Advocacy - More Communication
Advocacy Monitoring
Access to Case Studies
Exchanging Best Practices Online CE More Hands-On CE In-Person CE
More Face-to-Face CE More Online CE
5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%
5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%
As part of our ongoing effort to improve your benefits, we want to know how we can help better meet your professional goals. Have you taken our survey? Please take our quick 2-Minute Survey!
Calendar of Events JULY 2016 Monday, July 4 TAGD Office Closed – Independence Day Friday, July 15 South TX AGD Bread and Butter Implant Dentistry/All on Four: The Third Detention w/ Dr. Alfonso Monarres Thursday-Sunday, July 14-17 AGD Annual Meeting in Boston Wednesday, July 27 San Antonio AGD New Dentist Study Club Guided Surgeries w/ Implant Concierge w/ Bret Royale
AUGUST 2016 Friday, August 5 San Antonio AGD From the Hunger Games to the Super General Dental Practice w/ Dr. Mike Abernathy Friday, August 19 Southeast TX AGD How to Overcome Barriers to Care for Vulnerable Patients, Enjoy it and Get Paid w/ Dr. David Fray Friday, August 19 TAGD Board Meeting Wednesday, August 24 Houston AGD Wine & CE Series Pints & Pointers w/ Dr. Scott Coleman
Wednesday, August 24 San Antonio AGD New Dentist Study Club The Monday Morning Businessman w/ Dr. Bryce Chandler Thursday, August 25 Dallas AGD New Dentist Study Club Online Reputation Management: The Wild West of Internet Review Sites w/ Dr. Josh Austin Friday, August 26 West Texas AGD Dental Implants and Surgical Stents/ Understanding Dental Ceramics w/ Dr. John Dominici and Dr. Rodrigo Fuentealba
SEPTEMBER 2016 Monday, September 5 TAGD Office Closed – Labor Day Thursday, September 8 Dallas AGD Wine & CE Series Functional Esthetics: Smile Design for the General Dentist w/ Dr. Charles Wakefield Thursday, September 8 San Antonio AGD Back to the Basics: Low Level Laser Therapy & TMD Management w/ Dr. Tor Gotun Wednesday, September 21 Fort Worth AGD Reata Night , TBD w/ Dr. Aly Sergie
Thursday-Sunday, September 22-25 MasterTrack, Austin Friday-Saturday, September 23-24 TAGD Lone Star Dental Conference, Austin Wednesday, September 28 San Antonio AGD SAFE: Oral & Maxillofacial w/ Dr. Andrew Verrett
OCTOBER 2016 Friday, October 14 Fort Worth AGD TBD w/ Madow Brothers Friday-Saturday, October 21-22 Master Study Club Destination CE Port Royal Resort in Port Aransas, TX Friday-Saturday, October 21-22 Dallas AGD Dallas Fellowship Exam Review Wednesday, October 26 San Antonio AGD New Dentist Study Club Master Panels Friday, October 28 Houston AGD Making it Easy for Patients to Say “Yes” w/ Dr. Paul Homoly Friday, October 28 South Texas AGD Installation & Speaker TBA
For more info or to register call the TAGD office at 512-371-7144 or visit
Want to Ace the Fellowship Exam? The Online Fellowship Exam Review Course aims to prepare members in pursuit of their Fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry (FAGD) to successfully complete the Fellowship Exam. This course is designed to: • Provide convenient online training in the comfort of your home or office • Instruct you on how to prepare for the exam • Familiarize you with the exam format • Offer a preview of material from sections in the exam
STATEWIDE EducationPartners
TAGD Online Courses Want to earn CE’s to continue your lifelong learning, but don’t have the time to leave your practice? Avoid travel time by earning CE from the convenience of your home or practice. View our full list of online courses at
Summer 2016 | 21
Register Now - Registration Closes September 15th On site registration will NOT be available Date:______/______/_______ Team/Spouse/Hygienist Registrants & Pricing
Dentist/Student Registrant Name(Dr): ________________________________________ Badge Name (if desired): _____________ AGD #: ______________ E-mail (required): ___________________________________ Spouse’s Email (for spouse’s brunch)_________________________ Phone: ______________-_____________-______________
1. Name: ___________________________________________ Email (required): _____________________________________ Badge Name: _________________ Circle one: Team/Spouse/Hyg Friday Course: Douglas Dewhirst Morgan Friday Lunch & Learn Yes, I will attend(G, M ,N or L): __________ See page 11
Fax: _______________-______________-______________
No thanks, don’t count me in for lunch
Address: _________________________________________
Saturday Course: Jeske
City, State, Zip: _____________________________________ Pricing for Dentists/Students Check one that applies: DDS AGD Member ............................. DDS Non Member ............................. New DDS*/Emeritus AGD Member..... Student AGD Member ...................... Student Non Member .......................
Expires 9/2
Ends 9/15
Early Bird Regular $545 $395 $695 $545 $295 $195 $25 $0 $95 $45
(PRINT OR ELECTRONIC TICKET REQUIRED FOR ENTRY) Pre-Party Celebration RSVP.............................. $0 Quantity ______ (PRINT OR ELECTRONIC TICKET REQUIRED FOR ENTRY) Indicate Course Preference (required) Check one speaker for each day: Friday Course: Douglas Dewhirst Morgan Friday Lunch & Learn (See page 11 for corresponding letter A-N)_______ Saturday Course: Jeske Dewhirst Morgan Dentalosophy Saturday Lunch & Learn (See page 11 for corresponding letter A-N) : ______
Yes, I would like to receive special offers from conference sponsors
2nd Team/Spouse/Hyg..............................$210 |$260
2. Name: ___________________________________________ Email (required): _____________________________________ Badge Name: _________________ Circle one: Team/Spouse/Hyg Friday Course: Douglas Dewhirst Morgan Friday Lunch & Learn Yes, I will attend(G, M ,N or L): __________ See page 11
No thanks, don’t count me in for lunch Saturday Course: Jeske
*Graduated 2009 or later & AGD member to qualify for new dentist rate
Texas Academy Awards Dinner Ticket ............ $95 Quantity ______
Early Bird | Regular 1st Team/Spouse/Hyg..............................$210 |$260
3rd Team/Spouse/Hyg..... ........................$210 |$260
3. Name: ___________________________________________ Email (required):_____________________________________ Badge Name: _________________ Circle one: Team/Spouse/Hyg 1
Friday Course: Douglas Dewhirst Morgan Friday Lunch & Learn Yes, I will attend(G, M ,N or L): __________ See page 11
No thanks, don’t count me in for lunch Saturday Course: Jeske
*Rate for all team/spouse if registering 4 or more Multi rate discount only applies for early bird 4. Name: __________________________________________
4th Team/Spouse/Hyg.............................$189
How did you hear about the LSDC? TAGD website TAGD mailer Facebook TAGD email Friend or Colleague AGD website
Email (required): _____________________________________
Friday Course: Douglas Dewhirst Morgan Friday Lunch & Learn Yes, I will attend(G, M ,N or L): __________
Check enclosed (Payable to Texas AGD) Visa
Discover American Express
Name on Card: _____________________________________ Card Number: _________-_________-_________-_________ Expiration Date: ________/_______ Security Code: ___________
Total Payment.......................$__________
Badge Name: _________________ Circle one: Team/Spouse/Hyg
See page 11
No thanks, don’t count me in for lunch Saturday Course: Jeske
Mail or fax your registration form to: 1016 La Posada Dr. Ste 200 Austin, TX 78752 • 512-371-7178 (fax)
REGISTER ONLINE at For questions please call TAGD at 512.371.7144
If special accommodations are needed, please call TAGD. Cancellations received in writing up to five (5) business days prior to the event date will receive a refund - minus a 20% percent handling fee. If you do not cancel prior to 9/17/16, the entire fee is non-refundable. For more information call the TAGD office at 512-371-7144.