2019 Annual Meeting Second Day Bulletin

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VOLUME 134, NO. 2 I WACO I NOVEMBER 19, 2019

Texas Baptists address foster care crisis through Faith Fosters Texas launch By Kalie Lowrie, News Director WACO—Executive Director David Hardage introduced a new, faith-based initiative aimed at improving the state’s foster care crisis during the Monday evening worship service of the 134th Annual Meeting. The initiative, named “Faith Fosters Texas,” represents a collaborative effort between multiple state and national Baptist entities who have committed to a multi-year effort to educate, equip and engage Texas Baptist churches and families to make a positive impact in the lives of vulnerable children. Hardage initially called ministry partners to a foster and adoption summit after learning that more than 50,000 children were

including a guide to create a Ministry Action Plan and access to information on regional support ministries.

placed in foster care in 2018 in Texas alone. Of those children, only 5,823 adoptions were completed. Monday’s launch was the result of many months of preparation and provided opportunities for everyone to bring hope to children in need and those who foster them.

Coalition members include Buckner International, Children At Heart Ministries, STARRY, STCH Ministries, Texas Baptists, Baylor University’s Diana R. Garland School of Social Work and George W. Truett Theological Seminary. Coalition members are also working with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. The initiative will be led by David Ummel.

The three main objectives of Faith Fosters Texas are to educate and equip the church to fulfill the biblical mandate of caring for vulnerable children and families, to engage churches to embrace and support children in foster care and to leverage resources to make a positive macro-impact on foster care. Churches can visit faithfosterstexas.org to register and receive access to resources,

Hardage also shared a proclamation from Texas Governor Greg Abbott affirming the new initiative. “I commend Faith Fosters Texas for its mission to transform the lives of vulnerable children and to work with local churches to positively impact their communities through engagement centered on foster children and their families,” Abbott said.


Faith Fosters Texas initiative Churches that want to answer the statewide foster care crisis through foster care and adoption can find resources at faithfosterstexas.org. Churches can register at the website, where they will find a church engagement toolkit that will walk them through the engagement process.

Go to faithfosterstexas.org and register your church.

Receive access to resources and a church guide.

CONTACT Pray, plan and develop a Ministry Action Plan on how your church will support foster care and foster families.

David C. Ummel Church and Network Relations Faith Fosters Texas Buckner International 903.495.2838 dummel@buckner.org

GOAL 540 churches involved in foster care initiatives across Texas



Workshops 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM SESSION 4




7:00 am: Breakfast/Special Meal

Doing Life with your Adult Children: Keep your Mouth Shut and the Welcome Mat Out

Jim Burns

Hilton Hotel Lavaca

Creating a Missional Culture for Global Disciple Making

Phillip Nation

Hilton Hotel Sabine

Why Apologetics is Needed for the Millennial Generation

Eric Hernandez

Hilton Hotel Guadalupe

8:00 – 10:00 am: Registration Open 8:00 – 10:30 am: Exhibits Open 8:30 – 9:30 am: Workshops – Session 4 9:45 – 11:00 am: B usiness – Session 2 11:15 am – 12:15 pm: W orship – Session 3

“We will make a difference in the lives of children for their sake and the sake of the Gospel.” — David Hardage Executive Director


Annual Meeting Waco, Texas Proceedings NOV. 17, 2019 Monday Morning Business Session 1 1. BGCT President Michael Evans declared the 134th Annual Meeting of the Baptist General Convention of Texas come to order. 2. Jonathan Kim, messenger, New Song Baptist Church, Carrollton, read from Acts 20:22-24 and led the opening prayer. 3. Evans reminded messengers that the taking of votes during business meetings will be conducted by the Chair by asking the messengers to raise and lower ballots or by standing unless a ballot vote is necessary. 4. Evans recognized Chris McLain, chair, Committee on Credentials, for a report. 5. McLain announced as of 9:15 a.m., November 18, there were 769 messengers enrolled and 259 visitors duly registered. He moved that the messengers who have been enrolled as of this time be seated. Motion was approved. 6. Evans recognized Jeff Burnett, chair, Committee on Annual Meeting (COAM). Burnett moved the Standing Rules of the Convention as printed on page 33 of the Bulletin be approved for the Annual Meeting. Motion was approved. 7. Burnett then moved that the Order of Business as printed on pages 8-12 of the Bulletin be adopted for the Convention. Evans mentioned the times stated were general orders and were intended for guidance only. The order of business was adopted. 4

8. Evans asked anyone planning to make a nomination for president and first vice president to come to the stage. All voting would be conducted by raising the ballot, or as otherwise determined by the Chair. 9. Evans said anyone desiring to make a motion should refer to page 34. He noted that a motion will not be considered by the convention until a messenger has submitted it to the delegates during the Annual Meeting. 10. Evans recognized students from San Marcos Academy for serving as pages at the microphones. 11. Evans reminded messengers that anyone who desired to offer a resolution should remember that a resolution is defined as an expression of opinion as opposed to a motion calling for action. Additional information was in the Bulletin on page 32. Any resolution must be received by the Resolutions Committee no later than noon on Monday. Representatives of the Resolutions Committee would be available at the front of the stage following the business meeting. 12. First Vice President Jason Burden announced the time for the election of the BGCT President for the year 2019– 2020. Burden recognized Carlos Francis, messenger, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Mansfield. 13. Francis nominated Michael Evans, pastor, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Mansfield. There were no other nominations for President. Evans was elected by acclamation for the 2019–2020 term. 14. Evans called for nominations for candidates for First Vice President.

15. Ward Hayes, messenger, Valley Grove Baptist Church, Stephenville, nominated Jason Burden, pastor, First Baptist Church, Nederland for First Vice President for the 2019 – 2020 term. There were no other nominations for first vice president. Burden was elected by acclamation. 16. President Evans recognized Dennis Young, BGCT Executive Board chair, for a report from the Executive Board. Young highlighted business from the executive board for 2019 including a change in the certificate of formation for the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor; funding for church starting and campus missionary interns; a one-time bonus for BGCT staff of up to $1.2 million; reallocation of J.K. Wadley Endowment fund earnings to support MinistrySafe programs, Collegiate Ministries building maintenance, campus missionary interns, Western Heritage, mission work to Muslims; and renaming of a Counseling Subsidy for Clergy Sexual Abuse quasi-endowment. 17. Young introduced Jim Reed, controller/ assistant treasurer, Texas Baptists, to present the Treasurer’s report for 2018. 18. Reed presented the Treasurer’s Report for 2018. A video highlighting Texas Baptists River Ministry was shown. Reed shared that eight days ago, River Ministry Director Daniel Rangel passed away. He asked for prayer for the Rangel family. Reed also shared about the work of Baptist Student Ministry in 2018-2019, which included spiritual conversations with 28,884 people and 376 professions of faith 19. Reed brought a report on the proposed 2020 Budget. 20. Young moved on behalf of the Executive Board the adoption of the proposed budget for 2020 of $35,100,467 and the continuation of 79% BGCT and 21% Worldwide with each church selecting the recipients. The recommendation appears on page 53 of the Bulletin.

21. Evans asked for any discussion. Motion passed. 22. Young moved on behalf of the Executive Board to adopt the 2020 Texas World Missions Initiative and Partnerships Allocation in the amount of $1,150,000 as detailed on page 54 of the Bulletin. 23. Evans asked for any discussion. Motion passed. 24. Young moved on behalf of the Executive Board the adoption of the recommendation to approve the change to the Relationship Agreement between the Baptist Church Loan Corporation and the Baptist General Convention of Texas as shown on pages 56 - 58 of the Bulletin.

found on Page 34 of the Bulletin. Motions to amend the Constitution and Bylaws could also be made at this time. Motions made on Monday would not be acted upon until the business meeting on Tuesday. They would be discussed in the order in which they were made. 27. Janice Trujillo, messenger from Second Baptist Church, Corpus Christi, made a motion for consideration. “I move that the Texas Baptists River Ministry and the Executive Board of the Baptist General Convention of Texas study, at their earliest discretion, a ‘Texas Churches Care’ day. On this day all churches across Texas will be encouraged to take an offering specifically for the missionaries

29. Evans recognized David Petton, chair, Committee to Nominate Executive Board Directors, who moved for the election of the persons nominated by the CNEB found on pages 41 – 42 of the Bulletin. The persons nominated were elected. 30. Evans recognized Seth Witcher, chair, Committee on Nominations for Boards of Affiliated Ministries, who moved for the election of the persons nominated by the committee found on pages 42 – 46 of the Bulletin. Witcher noted a correction to the report on page 43 under Baylor University. “There is no 2021 term nominee, and we will be voting only on the 2023 term nominees,” he said. The persons nominated were elected. 31. Evans recognized David Adams, director of Discipleship/Adult Specialist, Texas Baptists. 32. Adams introduced members of Leadership Texas Baptists Cohort 5 – Deon Archer, Bill Barrera, Jr., Joshua Conner, Nathan Escamilla, Eric Hernandez, Israel Loachamin, Brandon McCarroll, Richard Nassar, Jassmine Posada, Omar Rivera, Christopher Willis II, Cameron Wilson and Morgan Woodard. 33. Evans called for nominations for candidates for Second Vice President.

2019-2020 Convention Officers: Second Vice President Jason Atchley (Lubbock), President Michael Evans (Mansfield) and First Vice President Jason Burden (Nederland).

25. Evans asked for any discussion. Motion passed. 26. President Evans introduced the time for Miscellaneous Business and opened the floor for messengers to make motions that were germane to the Convention. Motions could be made at this time on any topic except those issues that were otherwise delegated by the Constitution and Bylaws. Further information can be

and ministers of the River Ministry as they serve to meet the needs of migrant families along the border.” 28. Evans recognized Greg Wallace, chair, Committee on Committees, who moved for the election of the persons nominated by this Committee found on page 41 of the Bulletin. The persons nominated were elected.

34. Michael Evans, messenger from Bethlehem Baptist Church in Mansfield, nominated Jason Atchley, pastor, Bacon Heights Baptist Church, Lubbock. There were no other nominations. Atchley was elected by acclamation as Second Vice President. 35. Kimberly Wirt, Mission and Mature Adults minister, First Baptist Church, Hurst, led the benediction.

Monday Morning Worship Session 1 36. Pre-session music provided by a combined choir of the six chapters of the Singing Men of Texas. 37. Amy Samuel, messenger from First Baptist Church, McKinney, read Luke 10:1-4 and opened in prayer. 5

38. Congregational worship was led by the Singing Men of Texas and Dan Baker, minister of music, First Baptist Church, Amarillo. 39. Evans called the morning worship session into order. 40. Executive Director David Hardage introduced Evans for the President’s Report and Sermon. “He loves the Lord, he loves the church and he’s one of the dearest friends I have in this world, Dr. Michael Evans,” said Hardage. 41. Evans preached from Luke 14:16. The banquet table of Christ is for everyone, said Evans, and Texas Baptists are compelled to invite others to join the feast. 42. Benediction was led by Patrick Bradley, COAM, Westside Baptist Church, Lewisville.

Monday Evening Worship Session 2 43. Pre-session music provided by Texas Country Boys. 44. Chris Liebrum, director, Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, presented Cooperative Program challenge and awards. A video highlighted nine churches as 2018 leaders in Texas CP giving. 45. Hardage acknowledged pastors from the churches who were present including Edward Wagner, Cornerstone Baptist Church Killeen, Harker Heights; Mark Fricke, First Baptist Church, Ozona; Mark Roath, Acton Baptist Church, Granbury; Clint Davis, First Baptist Church, Mt. Pleasant; and Dale Pond, minister of missions, Green Acres Baptist Church, Tyler. 46. Evans gave a welcome and emphasized the importance of prayer. 47. Billy Reed, pastor, Dallas County Cowboy Church, read Matthew 28:19-20 and led the opening prayer. 48. Elijah Brown, general secretary, Baptist World Alliance, brought greetings from BWA. He celebrated the growth of Christianity, but also said there was more to do.


49. Mark Jones, director, Texas Baptists Collegiate Ministry, recognized 100 years of student work in Texas. Four BSM directors shared about ministry on their campuses including Jamie Russell, BSM director, Texas Southern University; Robert Rueda, BSM director, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, and Tien, an international BSM student; Morgan Little, BSM director, Tarleton State University— Fort Worth; and Charlie Ramsey, BSM director, Baylor University. 50. Texas Country Boys led congregational singing. 51. David Hardage, Texas Baptists executive director, presented an address. He praised the work BSMs do on college campuses. Hardage highlighted the convention’s relationship with MinistrySafe. He then introduced Baptist Health Foundation of San Antonio President and CEO Cody S. Knowlton; Northwest Baptist Convention, Executive Director Randy Adams; Baptist State Convention of Michigan Executive Director Tim Patterson (not present); Leo Wendell, Executive Director of Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention; and International Commission President Brent Edwards. He also encouraged convention attendees to participate in the National Preaching Conference at Truett Seminary. Hardage also honored Daniel Rangel, director of River Ministry and Mexico Missions, who passed away a week ago. 52. Hardage introduced David Ummel, director of Faith Fosters Texas, a new, faith-based initiative aimed at improving the state’s foster care crisis. Hardage introduced coalition members of affiliated agencies including Felicia Mason-Edwards, division administrator of Faith-based Programs, Texas Department of Family & Protective Services; Eron Green, president and CEO, STCH Ministries; Albert Reyes, president and CEO, Buckner International; Todd Robertson, president and CEO, Children At Heart Ministries; Trevor Woodruff, acting commissioner, Texas Department of Family & Protective Services; Jon Singletary, dean, Diana R. Garland School of Social Work, Baylor University; and Matt Homeyer, assistant dean, External Affairs, George W. Truett Theological Seminary.

53. Hardage introduced speaker Duane Brooks, pastor, Tallowood Baptist Church, Houston. 54. Congregational singing led by Texas Country Boys. 55. Dr. Hardage acknowledged distinguished guests in the audience, Jerry Young, president of the National Baptist Convention, and introduced Joao Marcos Barreto Soares, executive director of the Brazilian World Mission Board; Ney Ladeia, executive director of Brazilian Baptist Fellowship of North America; Milton Monte, institutional representative of Brazilian Home Mission Board; and Eddy Hallock, of Tallowood Baptist Church, Houston. 56. Katie Frugé, Hunger Offering specialist, Texas Baptists, led the offertory prayer. 57. An offering was taken in support of Texas Baptist Hunger Offering. 58. Brooks based his sermon on Paul’s passage in Colossians 1:24-29. “God has chosen to make known this mystery: Christ in you, the hope of glory,” he quoted. 59. Benediction was led by Meghan Hendrickson, student, George W. Truett Seminary.

The Texas Baptists Bulletin is published on the second day of the Annual Meeting by the Communications Department of the Baptist General Convention of Texas. The Bulletin includes announcements, committee reports and proceedings. David Hardage Executive Director Steve Vernon Associate Executive Director Jim Reed Controller / Assistant Treasurer Coleen Wall Director, Conference & Event Planning Joshua Minatrea Director, Communications Kalie Lowrie Editor/News Director Jeremy Honea Art Director Maritza Solano Production Designer Caleb Arndt Graphic Designer Bonnie Siess News Writer Neil Williams Multimedia Specialist


Resolutions 2019 RESOLUTION I Appreciation of Hosts WHEREAS, churches and members of Waco Regional Baptist Association have been gracious hosts for the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Baptist General Convention of Texas in Waco; and WHEREAS, Texas Baptists as a whole desire to affirm the work of Baptists in the Waco area; BE IT RESOLVED that the messengers to the 2019 annual meeting of the Baptist General Convention of Texas in Waco express their appreciation to the churches and members of Waco Regional Baptist Association; and

Baptist Church in Lubbock, second vice president; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we express our appreciation to David Hardage, executive director, and to the men and women who work on the BGCT staff for their faithful labor on behalf of Texas Baptists; and



WHEREAS Scripture has much to say about the importance of ministering to vulnerable children, especially those who are victims of family breakdown, including the following:

Gratitude for Executive Leaders--Steve Vernon and Jill Larsen WHEREAS Steve Vernon and Jill Larsen effectively served Texas Baptists for more than a decade in executive leadership roles; and


WHEREAS Dr. Vernon has served Texas Baptists as Associate Executive Director since October 29, 2008, and will retire January 2, 2020; and

WHEREAS, those serving as officers of the Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT) have given their time and energy to lead Texas Baptists this past year; and WHEREAS they have diligently and faithfully served the offices to which they were elected; and WHEREAS the staff of the BGCT has faithfully served Texas Baptists during this past year; BE IT RESOLVED that the messengers to the 2019 annual meeting of the Baptist General Convention of Texas in Waco express our appreciation to the officers of the convention who have served during the past year: Michael Evans, Bethlehem Baptist Church in Mansfield, president; Jason Burden, First Baptist Church in Nederland, first vice president; and Jason Atchley, Bacon Heights 8

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we express our gratitude for their service in Texas churches.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we continue our prayerful and loving support to encourage these leaders in their work and leadership.

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we express our gratitude to the members of the Committee on Annual Meeting and their important contributions.

Appreciation to Convention Officers and Staff

deep gratitude to Steve Vernon and Jill Larsen for their faithful service to Christ through Texas Baptists for more than a decade; and

WHEREAS he served as president of the Baptist General Convention of Texas 20062007; and WHEREAS he served as pastor of First Baptist Church in Levelland before becoming Associate Executive Director; and WHEREAS Ms. Larsen served Texas Baptists as Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer from October 15, 2008, until July 31, 2019; and WHEREAS she previously served Texas Baptists as Controller/Assistant Treasurer (2004-2008); and WHEREAS she has served as a layperson in The Heights Church in Richardson; BE IT RESOLVED that the messengers to the 2019 annual meeting of the Baptist General Convention of Texas in Waco express our

On Helping Vulnerable Children in Texas

See to it that you don’t despise one of these little ones, because I tell you that in heaven their angels continually view the face of my Father in heaven (Matthew 18:10, CSB). Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained from the world (James 1:27, CSB). God in his holy dwelling is a father of the fatherless and a champion of widows (Psalm 68:5, CSB). The Lord protects resident aliens and helps the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked (Psalm 146:9, CSB). WHEREAS a quarter of a million Texas children may be in dangerous circumstances and thousands are in the foster care system, as illustrated by the following statistics from Texas Child Protective Services: -- Alleged victims of child abuse/neglect: 280,911 -- Confirmed victims of child abuse/neglect: 66,382 -- Families receiving preservation services: 30,378

-- Children in foster care: 17,500 WHEREAS Texas Baptists are launching Faith Fosters Texas at the 2019 Annual Meeting; and WHEREAS Faith Fosters Texas will strive to educate and equip churches to fulfill the biblical mandate of caring for vulnerable children and families; and

(BGCT), key Texas Baptist institutions (Buckner International, Children at Heart Ministries, STCH Ministries, STARRY, Baylor University’s Garland School of Social Work, and Baylor University’s Truett Theological Seminary), and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services;

WHEREAS Faith Fosters Texas will work to engage churches to embrace and support children in foster care; and

BE IT RESOLVED that the messengers to the 2019 annual meeting of the Baptist General Convention of Texas in Waco encourage Texas Baptist churches to engage in the Faith Fosters Texas initiative; and

WHEREAS Faith Fosters Texas will endeavor


to leverage resources to make a positive macro-impact on foster care; and WHEREAS Faith Fosters Texas will involve the Baptist General Convention of Texas

encourage Texas Baptist churches to make prayer for suffering and struggling children in Texas a priority in their preaching, teaching, worship, and service; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we encourage individual Texas Baptists to pray about and consider how they may respond personally to the crisis involving foster care in Texas. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we encourage increasing financial support for all of the Texas Baptist institutions involved in this important effort -- BGCT, Buckner International, Children at Heart Ministries, STCH Ministries, STARRY, Baylor University’s Garland School of Social Work, and Baylor University’s Truett Theological Seminary.


Giving BEYOND Texas The Texas Baptists Worldwide offering gives churches the opportunity to do missions and ministry from the heart of Texas to the ends of the earth. Worldwide gifts are above and beyond Cooperative Program giving, and allow churches the opportunity to work with a trusted partner to make a Kingdom impact across the world.

Find out more at txb.org/worldwide 10

“Do everything you can to compel the lost to Christ!” — Michael Evans, President


the mission field is all around you



When you hear mission field, what do you think of? Some place far away? We believe God compels us to serve at home, in the office, at school and around our own communities. Where are you compelled to serve?

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