2018-2019 Missions & Ministries
Whether you are a third-generation Texas Baptists, someone who’s never even heard of the Convention, or somewhere in between, this booklet is for you.
Sea que usted es tercera generación de Bautistas de Texas, alguien que nunca ha oído de la Convención, o alguien entre los dos, este librito es para usted.
Every day, we tell the remarkable story of what God is doing through Texas Baptists, and we tell people about our ministry makeup, but we’ve never put the two together in a concise way. What follows is our best attempt at an inspiring introduction, or reintroduction, to the missions and ministries of Texas Baptists.
Cada día, contamos la historia maravillosa de lo que Dios está haciendo a través de los Bautistas de Texas, y compartimos cómo está compuesto nuestro ministerio, pero nunca hemos puesto ambas cosas juntas de una manera concisa. Lo que sigue a continuación es nuestro mejor intento por inspirar una introducción, o re-introducción, a la misión y los ministerios de los Bautistas de Texas.
We hope that as you peruse these pages, you will prayerfully consider how to engage, or reengage in cooperative ministry with us. I sincerely thank the pastors, churches, associations, and other ministry partners who work together each day to share Christ and show love with a lost and hurting world. I know that, through our cooperative ministry work, our brightest days are yet to come. Blessings as you read,
Esperamos que según usted da un vistazo a estas páginas, considerará en oración cómo participar, o reintegrarse, en un ministerio cooperativo con nosotros. Agradezco sinceramente a los pastores, iglesias, asociaciones, y otros compañeros de ministerio que trabajan juntos cada día para compartir a Cristo y demostrar amor con un mundo perdido y herido. Yo sé que, por medio de nuestro trabajo de ministerio cooperativo, días más radiantes están por venir. Dios le bendiga según lee,
Cultural Engagement Team
Great Commission Team
Missions Team
Christian Life Commission
Matching and Protection Benefit Program
Connections Team
Collegiate Ministry Team
The Bible teaches to not merely listen to the word, but do what it says. Since 1886, we have been putting God’s word to work, inspiring the greatest possible activity in evangelism, missions, Christian education and benevolent work. Together, we are pushing back the lostness of our state. Together, we are sharing Christ and showing love.
Object of the Convention “The object of this Convention shall be to awaken and stimulate among the churches the greatest possible activity in evangelism, missions, Christian education and benevolent work and enterprises; to cultivate a closer cooperation among the churches and promote harmony of feeling and concert of action in advancing all the interests of the Redeemer’s Kingdom.” Article II - Object, Constitution of the Baptist General Convention of Texas
History of Texas Baptists Baptist work in Texas is older than the state itself. The first Baptist service was held in 1820, and the first Baptist church was established in 1834, when Daniel Parker led a Primitive Baptist congregation from Illinois. Over the next six years, numerous Baptist churches were formed. In 1840, three churches organized the Union Baptist Association, the first in Texas. By 1848, many churches saw the need for a statewide body. Representatives of these churches gathered and formed the Baptist State Convention. In the 1850’s and 1860’s, other statewide bodies were formed, the strongest of these new groups being the Baptist General Association. By the 1880’s, many believed that Baptist work in the state could be strengthened if the statewide bodies would unite. The Baptist State Convention and the Baptist General Association began formal merger talks in the fall of 1885. A special committee agreed to form a new consolidated body to be called the Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT), and on June 29, 1886, the first session of this new convention was held. From its inception in 1886, the BGCT has been actively involved in evangelism, missions, Christian education and benevolent ministries. The BGCT has supported and established numerous schools and seminaries, assisted in the development of seven hospitals, four children’s homes and five homes for the aged, and continues to help in starting numerous new churches each year as it strives to share Christ with every person in the state. Throughout its existence, the BGCT has weathered controversies, recessions, a major depression and wars to become the largest state convention of its kind.
In addition, we proudly partner with numerous education, health and human care institutions around Texas.
What makes up the Convention and Annual Meeting Well, you do. The people in the 5,300 Texas Baptist churches. The 2.3 million of you. The Convention meets together each year at the Annual Meeting - not all 2.3 million church members go to Annual Meeting, but the messengers voted on by your church represent you. These messengers vote on the Convention’s annual budget, help direct future action and missions of the BGCT, and voice any direction or concern from your church to the greater body of Texas Baptists. An Executive Board of 90 members is elected at the Annual Meeting and oversees the work of the Convention the remainder of the year. Each church is entitled to two messengers just by working alongside the BGCT. That number increases based on the size of your church and annual contributions to the BGCT’s Cooperative Program, the funding source for mission work in Texas and beyond.
Who we are For more than 130 years, Texas Baptists (Baptist General Convention of Texas) has helped churches fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. Today, we are more than 5,300 churches on mission with God, sharing Christ and showing love. The ministry of the Convention is organized into six teams–Great Commission, Missions, Christian Life Commission, Connections, Collegiate Ministry, and Cultural Engagement–that inform and inspire churches through live events, consultations, resources, ministry opportunities, and more.
Great Commission Team
The Great Commission Team brings discipleship, evangelism and music & worship together under one umbrella to help churches train believers and reach unbelievers of all ages. Central Baptist Church in Carthage realized their need for discipleship training. They called on the Great Commission Team (GCT) to help them train the ministers, leaders and teachers in their church. Several other churches in the Carthage area came together for a weekend of lessons, sessions and scripture from GCT staff. Phil Miller, associate GCT director, reported a great turnout of people of all ages and CBC Carthage’s desire for the training to become an
annual event. The Great Commission Team responds to calls of need from Texas Baptists churches, especially those churches with limited resources and the desire to make an impact in their communities. Trainings like these are made possible for our churches though participation in the Cooperative Program.
Ministries • Discipleship • Evangelism • Music & Worship
Support for the Church • On-site church
• Training
opportunities for volunteers and leaders
• Events and resources
for age-specific church ministry
2018 Highlights
13,736 Texas Baptists equipped by Discipleship, Evangelism and Music & Worship through the Great Commission Team
663 youth ministers and workers equipped in ministry through the annual Youth+Family+NextGen Ministry Conclave
9,550 participants trained in evangelism through events such as [un]Apologetic, ENGAGE, Congreso and Super Summer
Contact Info
Missions Team
The Missions Team is a specialized unit that connects local churches with mission opportunities in their neighborhoods, across Texas, along the border and around the world. When Terry Johnston, pastor of First Baptist Church of McGregor, met his adopted missionary on the Amazon River, it was an emotional experience. Terry’s church adopted Rhuan Kaique exactly one year before through Texas Baptists’ Missionary Adoption Program (MAP). Members at FBC McGregor prayed fervently for Rhuan’s work and when he walked onto the boat, Terry immediately recognized him and ran to embrace him. Throughout the week-long Texas Baptists Amazon mission trip in the summer of 2018, the men worked alongside one another. 8
“I got to see Rhuan in action,” Terry said. “He was interacting with young men in the communities we visited. I could see his heart for the riverine communities through the way he built bridges and relationships.” Rhuan is one of 50 missionaries in the Amazon who are supported by Texas Baptists churches through the MAP partnership with Brazilian churches in the Brazilian Baptist Convention.
Ministries • BOUNCE Student Disaster Recovery • Church Starting • Minister of Missions • Missionary Adoption Program • Multi-Housing/House Congregations • Replanting Churches • River Ministry/Mexico Missions • Urban Missions/ Partnerships
Support for the Church • Mission and cross-cultural training for church leaders • Opportunities to partner with indigenous missionaries • Community outreach and assessment training • Student missions opportunities • Financial resources for missions projects
2018 Highlights
new churches started, resulting in 10,955 professions of faith
76,581 people ministered to by Texas Baptists Missionaries with 84 professions of faith
41,439 people impacted by River Ministry, resulting in 2,351 professions of faith
Contact Info
Christian Life Commission
The Christian Life Commission is the ethics, public policy and community impact ministry of Texas Baptists. The CLC challenges Christ-followers to boldly live out biblical commands to pursue righteousness, seek justice, and serve others. The Impact Center at Christian Family Baptist Church in San Antonio ministers to local military members and their families each month through a feeding center.
Gospel. They distribute approximately 20,000 lbs. of food per month, purchased through the San Antonio Food Bank, which feeds about 400-500 people.
“We work with veterans and active duty military—those are our primary clients,” said Christian Family Baptist Church Pastor Rob Johnson, a retired military veteran. “That’s always been the DNA of our ministry going on 15 years.”
“It’s more than just a food pantry,” he said. “What we do is help families. We equip families to share Jesus Christ and we teach them to use their Bibles. We are mentors to them and we are developing people into Christ-centered followers.”
The Impact Center, which is a Texas Baptist Hunger Offering recipient, aims to feed clients and share the 10
Ministries • Ethics and Justice • Hunger and Care
Public Policy
Support for the Church • Biblically-based
resources on important cultural issues
• Addressing hunger
and poverty needs in Texas and beyond
roviding a voice in P the state legislature on important issues
2018 Highlights
300 people met in the Houston area (Sugar Land) for the Micah 6:8 conference to learn about living for Christ while pursuing the common good through community ministry and public policy
37 Texas communities and 30 nations received anti-poverty support through the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering
$650,000 raised by CP-supported staff for hunger relief and development projects through the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering
Contact Info
Connections Team
The Connections Team is the primary intersection between pastors and the array of resources and ministries available through Texas Baptists. Sometimes churches face hard times or need guidance. This is when Texas Baptists Area Representatives are available to help. For the area from San Antonio to Corpus Christi, this person is Fred Ater. Fred assists churches in his area with any problems or needs that may arise, such as ministerial staffing, community evangelism or new building projects. In the fall of 2017, Fred’s work included ministering alongside hundreds of churches through the impact of Hurricane Harvey and the continued recovery efforts. Pastor T. Wayne Price, from First Baptist Church in Refugio,
saw God’s provision and felt encouragement through meetings with Fred and other Texas Baptists churches. Fred also meets with new pastors and helps them transition to their new fields of ministry. He helps them learn how involvement with Texas Baptists can broaden their church’s mission reach and offer support to their ministries. Fred says that the Cooperative Program “makes everything possible,” as it helps to fund not only his ministry, but various ministries he connects churches with through the Cooperative Program.
Ministries • Area
• Bivocational
Pastors Ministry
• Center for Ministerial
• Counseling Services • Interim Church
• Western Heritage
Support for the Church •
ine experienced N area representatives located around the state to help with any aspect of the local church
• Web-based Minister
Connection, a place to post ministry openings and resumé sharing
Area Reps Area 1 - Panhandle Charles Davenport charles.davenport@texasbaptists.org 806.290.4087
Area 2 - West Texas Robert Cuellar robert.cuellar@texasbaptists.org 325.201.6153
Area 3 - Rio Grande Valley Daniel DeLeon daniel.deleon@texasbaptists.org 956.340.6814
Area 4 - San Antonio Fred Ater fred.ater@texasbaptists.org 210.913.1891
Area 5 - Houston Ernest Dagohoy ernest.dagohoy@texasbaptists.org 832.646.4965
2018 Highlights
Area 6 - Central Texas Tim Marrow tim.marrow@texasbaptists.org 254.315.2667
Area 7 - East Texas Tim Watson, Director tim.watson@texabaptists.org 903.261.1929
contacts with church and Associational staff
Area 8 - Dallas Steve Dominy steve.dominy@texasbaptists.org 405.765.7880
in awards and grants provided to 70 ministers to ease financial burdens
Area 9 - Fort Worth Dan Curry dan.curry@texasbaptists.org 817.781.2440
counseling contacts made through Counseling Services
Contact Info
Collegiate Ministry Team
The Collegiate Ministry Team (Texas BSM) seeks to engage more than 1.6 million Texas college students to follow Christ and transform the world. Before stepping onto the University of Texas at Arlington campus as a freshman, Ashleigh Hood had a lack of confidence in her relationship with Jesus. Though she had been exposed to the Gospel and attended church semi-regularly, Ashleigh felt her faith had never been her own. During orientation week, she approached the Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) table, and was instantly met with warmth and kindness. Jaclyn Sugg, a campus missionary for UTA’s BSM, called Ashleigh within the week, asking her to meet one-on-one.
The kind gesture showed Ashleigh the love of Christ. After their meeting, she was not only certain that she wanted to join the BSM, but she decided to fully commit her life to Christ. Jaclyn saw Ashleigh become involved in the BSM throughout the semester. She joined a small group and attended Bible studies and every BSM event. The following year, Ashleigh began leading in numerous ways.
Ministries • Texas BSM •
College Church
Go Now Missions
Support for the Church • Ability to help reach
1 in every 10 college students in Texas
• Partnering to reach
the next generations for Christ
• Training and
resources for starting collegiate ministry in your church
2018 Highlights
124,165 students reached on 114 campuses in 2018
14,826 students involved weekly in BSM
2,170 students enlisted and trained as leaders to invest and serve in the lives of other students
Contact Info
Cultural Engagement Team
Texas grows more culturally diverse each year. Through African American, Hispanic and Intercultural Ministries, Texas Baptists churches are reaching around the world, beginning in Texas. Every year, first and second generation African and Asian students from Texas Baptists Intercultural churches come together to grow their faith at Camp Fusion. It is a powerful time for these students to bond with each other. Students are immersed in worship, small groups, devotion, recreational games and workshops. In every aspect of Camp Fusion, the aim is to connect a culturally diverse group of 6-12th grade students through fellowship and discipleship. “Our Texas Baptists Intercultural churches face a unique challenge reaching and equipping their youth,” stated Mark Heavener, Camp Fusion director. “Our church leaders, who are born overseas, recognize the need to 16
connect and develop the American-born youth and those who come to the US at an early age. These young people live between two worlds and face complex challenges as they navigate their cultural environment. The Office of Intercultural Ministries has developed statewide programs that specifically address and celebrate the uniqueness of students.” Camp Fusion aims to help students realize their identities are rooted in Christ as they embrace their own cultural identity. Yearly, Camp Fusion reaches across 13-15 cultures, serving more than 300 campers so that these bi-cultural youths hear and respond to the Gospel in their own context.
Ministries • African American
• Associational
• Hispanic Ministries • Intercultural
Support for the Church • Connecting 45% of
affiliated churches with Convention resources
• Highly contextual-
ized missions and ministry to reach people in their own language and context
2018 Highlights
different language groups equipped in leadership and pastoral skills appropriate for their cultures
7,300 church leaders trained to help them pursue even greater works in missions and ministry
1,200 churches equipped to impact their church, their community, and beyond
Contact Info
Affiliation Why to affiliate
How to affiliate
As a fellowship of transformational churches, we are proud to engage in cooperative ministry. We believe we can do more together than we can apart. If you are ready to join, or rejoin in the work of the Convention, there are a number of benefits for churches and ministers:
Follow these simple steps to become an active member of the largest state convention of its kind. It’s as easy as one, two, three:
Potential inclusion in the BGCT’s 501(c)3 group ruling
Potential eligibility for the Church Matching and Protection Benefit Plan in partnership with Guidestone® Financial Resources
Free materials from BaptistWay Press
Opportunity to send messengers to the Texas Baptists Annual Meeting
No-cost consultation for your church missions and ministries
Mission connections through our Missions Team
Church architectural and building use consultation and plans
1. Return the completed Affiliation Form (opposite page) and an initial contribution to the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program per the instructions on the form. (A church will be considered affiliated with the BGCT once their affiliation form has been received and approved.) 2. Receive confirmation of your first gift, personalized giving forms, and information on how to actively engage with Texas Baptists around the state. 3. Attend events, contact staff, schedule consultations, order resources, participate in missions and ministry opportunities, send voting messengers to the Texas Baptists Annual Meeting, and realize the benefits of more than 5,300 churches working together in harmonious cooperation to reach the world for Christ. Learn more at texasbaptists.org/affiliate
Texas Baptists hold to the beliefs listed below:
We believe
Christ is the head of the church
In the Bible
In the virgin birth of Christ, that He died for our sins, and that He was resurrected
In the Priesthood of each believer and of all believers
Salvation comes from Christ alone
In reaching a lost and hurting world
In helping churches connect with ministry partners
In distributing BGCT Cooperative Program funds as directed by each church
In the sanctity of human life
Marriage between a man and woman is the proper context for sex
For more information on specific issues dealing with beliefs, please visit texasbaptists.org/about
Texas Baptists Affiliation Form Method of Affiliation We invite any Baptist church desiring affiliation with the Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT) to complete this form and make an initial contribution to the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program. Please complete the following:
Church Name Mailing Address Physical Address City
Zip Code
Local Baptist Association Church Phone
Primary Language
Church Website
We affirm that:
• We are an autonomous Baptist church that makes its own decisions.
• We will contribute to the BGCT in an identifiable way from our own resources.
• We are identified as a body of believers separate from any church or churches who sponsor us.
• We will work in harmonious cooperation with the BGCT. • We desire to affiliate with the BGCT.
• We regularly practice the ordinances of believer’s baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper.
It is the desire of our church to affiliate with the BGCT and partner through support with an initial contribution of $ . (A church will be considered affiliated with the BGCT once their affiliation form has been received and approved.)
Please complete the following:
Signature of church official Printed name of church official Title Pastor’s Name (please print)
Mail to: Texas Baptists, Executive Director’s Office | 7557 Rambler Road, Suite 1200 | Dallas, Texas 75231
Texas Baptists Giving Form Church Name Address
I. COOPERATIVE PROGRAM (Reported as CP Gifts) Please choose plan(s) to voluntarily send a Cooperative Program Church gift to the BGCT and/or Worldwide Recipient(s) for missions and ministries. A. Texas Adopted Plan 79% BGCT 21% your choice of worldwide recipient(s)
7 9 % $
B. Church Designed Plan Your choice of recipient(s)
Choose Worldwide Recipient(s)
Choose Worldwide Recipient(s)
% $
% $
. .
% $
% $
% $
Total Exclusions if desired, limit 5
Group 1 Total
II. Special Mission Offerings (Reported as Designated Offerings) $
Lottie Moon International Missions (SBC)
Annie Armstrong North American Missions (SBC)
Texas Baptist Hunger Offering (BGCT)
Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions (BGCT and Texas WMU)
Group 2 Total
III. Church Directed Gifts (As Church Directs – Reported as Designated) Other Baptist Causes:
Signature-Church Treasurer/Financial Secretary
Phone # Check here if new forms are needed
Group 3 Total .
Make checks payable to the Baptist General Convention of Texas.
Grand Total
Printed Name-Church Treasurer/Financial Secretary
Email Marque aqui para formularios en Español
Thank you for your voluntary cooperative gifts. 20
Mail to: Texas Baptists, Executive Director’s Office | 7557 Rambler Road, Suite 1200 | Dallas, Texas 75231
Giving Opportunities Texas Baptists Cooperative Program The Texas Baptists Cooperative Program combines resources to enable more missions and ministry throughout Texas and beyond. Gifts given through CP allow your church to reach farther and do more than it could alone. Learn more about this primary missions and ministry funding source at texasbaptists.org/cp
Where Does It Go? 4%
For a complete listing of Texas Baptists Missions and Ministries and detailed 2019 Budget and Reports, including the CP Annual Report, go to texasbaptists.org/cp Missions - 38% Education & Human Care Ministries - 28% Ministries - 17% Administration - 11% Communications - 4% Christian Life Commission - 2%
Education & Human Care Ministries
Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions Gifts to the WMU of Texas’ Mary Hill Davis Offering® have empowered state missions efforts for Texas Baptists since 1910. Because you give, ministries and missionaries are mobilized to go and make disciples, and multiply churches among all peoples for the glory of God.
Christian Life Commision
Texas Baptists WorldWide Worldwide gifts are above and beyond Cooperative Program giving, and allow churches the opportunity to work with a trusted partner to make a Kingdom impact across the world. Learn more at texasbaptists.org/worldwide
Learn more at wmutx.org
Texas Baptists Church Matching and Protection Benefit Program Doing God’s work leaves little time for matters such as insurance, disability protection, and retirement planning. That’s why we joined with GuideStone® Financial Resources to offer the Church Matching and Protection Benefit Program. It’s a simple, yet comprehensive, way to give your church leaders and employees access to a retirement plan and coverage against uncertainties of the future.
Benefits The opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the Church Matching & Protection Benefit Program is a result of participation in the GuideStone Church Retirement Plan. This 403(b)(9) retirement program has been designed specifically for Baptist churches. The Church Retirement Plan helps participants legally reduce taxes while saving for retirement. If your church or association contributes undesignated gifts through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, your pastor, ministers, and non-ministerial staff may qualify for a variety of benefits, including: • Matching Convention funds to the Church Retirement Plan • Disability insurance • Survivor protection benefits
Matching Funds
Pastors and eligible staff may have their contributions to the retirement plan augmented by matching funds from the Convention. After the church or minister contributes $52.50 per month to the retirement plan, Texas Baptists provides matching on the next $52.50 that is contributed. Current rules allow a $1 match for every $3 contributed by the minister or church, up to a maximum match of $17.50 per month. Matching is available for pastors and ministerial staff only.
You and your church can start offering the plan simply by making the qualifying yearly contributions to the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program.*
Disability Insurance Coverage This benefit provides monthly income of up to $500 per month if the covered employee becomes disabled, as well as a monthly contribution to his or her retirement account.
Participants & Contributions For every participant your church desires to offer the plan, $500 in qualifying contributions must be given each year.
Who qualifies for protection? All benefits – matching funds, disability coverage, and survivor benefits – are available to: • Pastors
Up to $100,000 in Survivor Protection Whether treated as primary coverage (for younger church staff members) or supplementary to existing life insurance, this offers important protection for that person’s family – paying the benefit to the spouse or other named beneficiary at the death of the covered employee.
• Ministerial Staff • Encampment leaders and staff Disability insurance and survivor benefits only are available to non-ministerial staff members who: • Have at least three years of paid service with the eligible church or organization • Work an average of 20 hours per week
Age at Death
Maximum Benefit
35 and under
71 and over
Church school or daycare employees are not eligible.
*GuideStone® Financial Resources requires each participant to be participating in the Church Retirement Plan. For more information on the Church Retirement plan, please contact GuideStone at 1-888-98-GUIDE (1-888-984-8433). For more information, go to texasbaptists.org/mpp or call Texas Baptists at 888-244-9400
Baptist General Convention of Texas 2019 Budget 2019 TEXAS CP BUDGET
175,648 756,213 237,870 758,322
0.5% 2.3% 0.7% 2.3%
265,993 1,721,483
0.8% 5.2%
502,495 869,803 93,958
1.5% 2.6% 0.3%
Collegiate Ministries (1)
Executive Director Office
307,115 506,651 191,879 90,446 1,244,096 436,470 339,000
0.9% 1.5% 0.6% 0.3% 3.7% 1.3% 1.0%
469,051 115,208 89,784 57,096 78,870 3,113,219 13,000 303,204 352,869 232,556 215,213 238,613
1.4% 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% 0.2% 9.4% 0.0% 0.9% 1.1% 0.7% 0.6% 0.7%
589,000 282,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 282,000 589,000 589,000 589,000 181,420 23,500
1.8% 0.8% 1.8% 1.8% 1.8% 0.8% 1.8% 1.8% 1.8% 0.5% 0.1%
112,800 235,000 549,900 549,900 162,867 162,867 162,867 162,867 25,850 158,465 94,000
0.3% 0.7% 1.7% 1.7% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.1% 0.5% 0.3%
Great Commission Team Great Commission Evangelism Music and Worship Discipleship
Financial Management & Support Team $
Missions Team (1) Church Starters
Christian Life Commission Connections Area Representatives Bivocational
Cooperative Program Texas Baptist Missions Foundation Special Projects San Antonio Regional Communications Historical Collection Texas Baptist Men
Associate Executive Director Chaplaincy (1) BaptistWay Press Committees Institutional Ministries Theological Education Decision Support Church Architecture Cultural Engagement African American Hispanic Work Intercultural
Educational Institutions Baptist University of the Americas Baylor University Dallas Baptist University East Texas Baptist University Hardin-Simmons University Houston Baptist University Howard Payne University University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Wayland Baptist University San Marcos Baptist Academy Valley Baptist Missions Education Center
Advocacy/Care Institutions Baptist Child & Family Services Buckner Children and Family Services Children at Heart Ministries South Texas Children’s Home Ministries Baylor Health Care System (2) Hendrick Health System (2) Hillcrest Baptist Health System (2) Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas (2) Baptist Community Services, Amarillo Baptist Memorials Ministries Breckenridge Village Scholarships
Grand Total
1.9% 1.0% 0.8% 3.6% 5.3% 1.0% 0.8% 4.7%
621,138 326,932 282,330 1,182,777 1,778,219 345,395 261,939 1,607,486
Treasurer's Office Human Resources Events & Conferences Finance & Accounting Information Technology Building Support Building Operations Church & Retiree Benefits
International Mission Board North American Mission Board Seminaries Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Gateway Seminary of SBC Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Historical Library and Archives Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission SBC Operating
4.0% 2.1% 2.9% 3.7% 4.0% 5.2% 0.2% 1.7% 3.0%
Total Southern Baptist Convention
TEXAS WORLDWIDE MISSIONS INITIATIVES and PARTNERSHIPS Missions and Partnerships Missions Mobilization River Ministry & Mexico Endeavors Texas Partnerships Baptist World Alliance Intercultural International Initiatives Go Now Missions
325,000 196,000 122,000 65,000 46,000 180,000
32.5% 19.6% 12.2% 6.5% 4.6% 18.0%
34,000 32,000
3.4% 3.2%
Texas Baptist Initiatives Hispanic Education Task Force Chaplaincy
Total Texas World Missions Initiatives
*Worldwide Missions and Ministry funds will be distributed according to the church’s choice as directed on the front of the Gift Remittance form. 1 Additonal support provided through Cooperative Program - Worldwide designated to BGCT. 2 Cooperative Program funds are designated entirely for Chaplaincy support at this institution.
Contact Main Number....................................... (888) 244-9400 Adult Discipleship................................. (214) 828-5206 African American Ministries ................ (214) 828-5130
BaptistWay Press As the publishing arm of Texas Baptists, BaptistWay Press serves churches by producing quality Bible study materials that help connect people to God’s word.
Area Representatives............................ (903) 261-1929 Associations ......................................... (214) 828-5345 BaptistWay Press .................................(214) 828-5487 Bivocational Ministry ............................ (832) 472-7399 BOUNCE/Student Disaster Recovery ........(214) 828-5123 Center for Ministerial Excellence ........ (214) 828-5136
Connect 360 exists to show all the Bible as instrumental in revealing God’s purpose and plan for life. baptistway@texasbaptists.org • baptistwaypress.org
Chaplaincy Relations ........................... (214) 828-5381 Childhood Discipleship ......................... (214) 828-5287 Christian Life Commission ................... (512) 473-2288 Church Administration ......................... (214) 828-5253 Church Architecture ............................ (214) 828-5127 Church Replanting ................................ (214) 828-5278
Chaplaincy Relations Texas Baptists Chaplaincy Relations endorses, supports and trains chaplains to provide pastoral care in specialized settings including: • Healthcare
• Crisis Resiliency
Church Starting ..................................... (214) 828-5217
• Military • Corrections
• Public Safety • Biker Community
Collegiate Ministry ................................ (214) 828-5256
• Pastoral Counseling
• Life Coaching
Church Revitalization ............................ (214) 828-5213
Communications ................................... (214) 887-5473 Conferences and Events ....................... (214) 828-5228 Cooperative Program Ministry ............. (214) 828-5292 Counseling Services .............................. (214) 887-5488 Ethics & Justice ..................................... (512) 473-2288 Evangelism ............................................. (214) 828-5120
• Marketplace
Chaplaincy Relations endorsed more than 900 chaplains in 2017. To learn more about calling and endorsement, pastoral care and support, and chaplain training, go to texasbaptists.org/chaplaincy. chaplaincy@texabaptists.org • texasbaptists.org/chaplaincy
Go Now Missions .................................. (817) 277-4077 Hispanic Ministries .............................. (214) 887-5425 Historical Collection ............................ (254) 754-9446 Hunger & Care Ministries ..................... (512) 473-2288 Intercultural Ministries ........................ (214) 828-5372 Missionary Adoption Program ............. (713) 494-2841 Missions ................................................. (214) 828-5212 Multi-Housing/House Congregations ....... (214) 828-5389 Music & Worship ................................... (214) 828-5238 Project: Start ......................................... (817) 773-1097 Public Policy ........................................... (512) 473-2288
Church Architecture We assist churches of all sizes and ministry styles by providing on-site consultations, website information, printed resources and full color drawing studies for strategic facility planning. Our services include the following: • Publications • Website
• Space Planning
• Consultation
• Loans • Grants
• Master Planning
• Disaster Response
River Ministry ........................................ (214) 828-5394
Ask questions, explore resources, and learn more at texasbaptists.org/architecture
Texas Baptist Missions Foundation....... (214) 828-5343
architecture@texasbaptists.org - texasbaptists.org/archicture
Urban Missions ..................................... (214) 828-5278 Western Heritage ..................................(903) 480-1386 Youth Discipleship ................................. (214) 828-5215 Youth Events/Camp .............................. (214) 828-5265 25
2019 Events Texas Baptists produces more than one hundred events each year to inform and inspire your church to share Christ and show love. For a complete listing of events, please visit texasbaptists.org/events.
14–15 P reschool and Children’s Ministers’ Retreat
001–2 E verlasting Choir Celebration
09–10 C hildhood and Family Ministry Summit
00–16 C hildhood Ministry Certification Program
005–6 B ible Drill and Speakers’ Tournament
00–18 Texas Baptist Men Day
18–19 C hildren’s Worship University
005–6 WMU Annual Meeting
08–10 T exas Baptist Educators Retreat
006–7 R E:CHARGE African American Evangelism Conference
00–22 C hurch Safety Workshop: Sexual Abuse Prevention 00–29 Worship Summit
12–13 C onference Hispana de Predicacion
12–13 B ible Drill & Speakers’ Tournament
08–15 W eek of Prayer for Texas Missions & the Mary Hill Davis Offering
18–20 Congreso
13–14 Special Friends Retreat
26–27 B ible Drill and Speakers’ Tournament
17–20 T exas Baptist Chaplaincy Training
00–29 Texas Baptists Golf Classic
19–20 C hildhood Ministry Certification Program
24–26 N ational African American Preaching Conference
003–4 Retiro de Pastores y Esposa 00–04 Bible Drill and Speakers’ Tournament
27–28 Retiro de Varones
001–2 A bide Collegiate Prayer Retreat 00–12 VBS Overview 15–17 G o Now Discovery Weekend 00–16 VBS Overview 00–23 [un]Apologetics Conference 00–23 C rossroads Bivocational/ Small Church and Leadership Workshop
00–19 Go Now Commissioning
October 004–5 Special Friends Retreat
00–02 Instrumental Convergence
10–11 Childhood Ministry Certification Program
10–14 S uper Summer Sessions 1 & 2
21–23 Boomer Life Regional Rallies
007–8 C hildhood Ministry Certification Program
10–15 BOUNCE Summer Mission 1
008–9 A frican American Leadership Workshop
14–16 Y outh+Family+Next Gen Ministry Conclave
16–25 M AP/Texas Baptists Mission Trip to Brazil
09–15 Beach Reach Week 1
25–26 Conferencia Hispana de Liderazgo
17–21 S uper Summer Sessions 3 & 4
10–13 B OUNCE Spring Break Mission 1
17–21 Camp Fusion 17–22 BOUNCE Summer Mission 2
001–2 T exas Baptists Handbell Festival
16–22 Beach Reach Week 2
20–22 S WOT 25th Anniversary Concert and Recording
00–17 Rally Hispano
25–26 E verlasting Choir Celebration
24–28 Super Summer Session 5
13–16 B OUNCE Spring Break Mission 2
26–27 C hristian Life Commission Advocacy Day 28–29 E verlasting Choir Celebration
24–28 I ntentional Interim Ministry Training 24–28 BOUNCE Summer Mission 3
17–19 Annual Meeting
December 00–05 Open House
July 005–9 Camp Exalted 08–11 African American Fellowship Conference 08–12 Super Summer Session 6 08–13 BOUNCE Summer Mission 4 15–20 BOUNCE Summer Mission 5 23–28 BOUNCE Summer Mission 6 00–29 Annual BSM Staff Retreat
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(888) 244-9400
7557 Rambler Road, Suite 1200 Dallas, TX 75231-2388
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Facebook @TexasBaptistsCP
Share Christ. Show Love.