from the
Greetings! Thank you Texas Baptists! Because of your faithfulness and generosity, your Texas Baptists Convention experienced a positive and effective year of missions and ministry. Together, we have managed through another pandemic year and have continued to see the Lord at work! As always, we celebrate the thousands of lives that have been transformed through the preaching and teaching of your church. And, we celebrate the many who have come to a saving faith in Jesus through our cooperative ministries. For example, all year along the Texas/Mexico border and in the interior of Mexico, over 40 missionaries have impacted the lives of thousands, and hundreds have made personal professions of faith. Through our Church Starting team, more than 100 new traditional and house churches started this year. Hundreds of people came to know Jesus as their Savior through these church plants and re-plants. Through our BOUNCE Student Disaster Recovery and Student Church Planting ministry, hundreds of people were helped, and many said "yes" to Jesus. I could go on, but you get the idea; BGCT is all about making disciples. BGCT is also all about loving God and loving others. Your Texas Baptist Hunger Offering provided assistance to thousands of people in Texas, the country and the world. Your Christian Life Commission advocated for "the least of these" during this legislative year in God-honoring and Biblically consistent ways. Your Counseling Services office helped many pastors and their families through difficult times, and the Financial Health team helped financially struggling pastors get back on their feet and continue their ministry. Collectively, we are making a difference.
This was a year when GC2 – the two “GC’s” of the Great Commission and the Great Commandment – became a calling card to our churches, institutions and other friends around this state and beyond that striving towards the Great Commandment and the Great Commission is the right work to
gather, bond and serve around. In today's world, there is a lot of noise, distraction and confusion. Our desire to rise above, move beyond and stay focused on primary New Testament callings is keeping us focused, balanced and centered. So, again, Thank you Texas Baptists! As this year comes to a close, we anticipate an even better 2022. Our staff is dedicated to the Lord and His Church and stands ready to assist you however you or your church might need.
¡Saludos! ¡Gracias, Bautistas de Texas! Debido a su fidelidad y generosidad, su Convención Bautistas de Texas experimentó un año de misiones y ministerio positivo y efectivo. ¡Juntos, hemos logrado pasar por otro año de pandemia y hemos continuado ver al Señor obrar! Como siempre, celebramos miles de vidas que han sido transformadas por medio de la predicación y la enseñanza en su iglesia. Y, celebramos los muchos que han depositado su fe en Jesús por medio de nuestros ministerios cooperativos. Por ejemplo, durante todo el año, en la frontera de Texas/México y en el interior de México, más de 40 misioneros han hecho un impacto en las vidas de miles y cientos han hecho profesiones de fe. Por medio de nuestro equipo de Plantar Iglesias, más de 100 iglesias tradicionales e Iglesias en hogares fueron iniciadas este año. Cientos de personas han llegado a conocer a Jesús como Salvador por medio de estas iglesias. A través de nuestro Ministerio BOUNCE, un ministerio para adolescentes para proveer ayuda en desastre y plantación de Iglesias, cientos de personas recibieron ayuda, y muchos dijeron “sí” a Jesús. Puedo compartir mucho más, pero usted entiende: BGCT se trata de hacer discípulos. BGCT también se trata de amar a Dios y amar a otros. La Ofrenda contra el hambre
auspiciada por los Bautistas de Texas proveyó ayuda a miles de personas en Texas, la nación, y el mundo. Su Comisión para la Vida Cristiana abogó por “estos hermanos más pequeños” durante el año legislativo de maneras bíblicamente consistentes y que honran a Dios. La oficina de Servicios de Consejería ayudó a muchos pastores y sus familias pasando por tiempos difíciles, y el equipo de Salud Financiera ayudó a pastores en dificultades económicas a recuperarse y continuar su ministerio. Colectivamente, estamos hacienda una diferencia. Este fue el año cuando nuestra consigna GC2- la Gran Comisión y el Gran Mandamiento- se convirtió en una marca o sello para nuestras Iglesias, instituciones y otros amigos alrededor del estado y más allá al saber que, esforzarse en la Gran Comisión y el Gran Mandamiento es la labor correcta alrededor de la cual reunirse, conectarse, y servir. En el mundo de hoy, hay mucho ruido, distracción, y confusión. Nuestro deseo es trascender, movernos más allá y el permanecer enfocados en el llamado principal del Nuevo Testamento nos mantiene enfocados, balanceados, y centrados. Por eso, otra vez, ¡gracias Bautistas de Texas! Según este año concluye, anticipamos un mejor 2022. Nuestro personal ministerial está dedicado al Señor, Su Iglesia, y está listo para ayudarle de la manera en que usted y su iglesia lo necesiten. Bendiciones,
Contents 4|
Who We Are
20 |
What We Do
22 |
Matching & Protection Benefit Program
Center for Church Health
24 |
2021 Budget
Center for Ministerial Health
25 |
Texas Baptists en Español
Center for Cultural Engagement
28 |
Center for Missional Engagement
30 |
Center for Collegiate Ministry
32 |
Contact Information
18 |
Texas Baptists is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture, and connecting the nations to Jesus.
Who makes up the convention? You do. The people in the 5,300 Texas Baptists churches. The 2.3 million of you. The Convention meets together each year at the Annual Meeting - not all 2.3 million church members go to Annual Meeting, but the messengers voted on by your church represent you. These messengers vote on the Convention’s annual budget, help direct future action and missions of the Texas Baptists and voice any direction or concern from your church to the greater body of Texas Baptists. An Executive Board of 90 members is elected at the Annual Meeting and oversees the work of the Convention the remainder of the year.
Object of the Convention Each church is entitled to two messengers just by working alongside the Texas Baptists. That number increases based on the size of your church and annual contributions to the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, the funding source for mission work in Texas and beyond. The ministry of the Convention is organized into five centers - Church Health, Ministerial Health, Cultural Engagement, Missional Engagement and Collegiate Ministry - that inform and inspire through live events, consultations, resources, ministry opportunities and more.
We proudly partner with a number of education, health, human care and other institutions around Texas.
“The object of this Convention shall be to awaken and stimulate among the churches the greatest possible activity in evangelism, missions, Christian education and benevolent work and enterprises; to cultivate a closer cooperation among the churches and promote harmony of feeling and concert of action in advancing all the interests of the Redeemer’s Kingdom.” Article II - Object, Constitution of the Baptist General Convention of Texas
History of the Convention Baptist work in Texas is older than the state itself. The first Baptist service was held in 1820, and the first Baptist church was established in 1834, when Daniel Parker led a Primitive Baptist congregation to Texas from Illinois. Over the next six years, numerous Baptist churches were formed. In 1840, three churches organized the Union Baptist Association, the first in Texas. By 1848, many churches saw the need for a statewide body. Representatives of these churches gathered and formed the Baptist State Convention. In the 1850s and 1860s, other statewide bodies were formed, the strongest of these new groups being the Baptist General Association.
From its inception in 1886, the BGCT has been actively involved in evangelism, missions, Christian education and benevolent ministries. The BGCT has supported and established numerous schools and seminaries, assisted in the development of hospitals, children’s homes and homes for the aged, and continues to help start and strengthen churches that seek to share Christ and show love with every person in the state. Throughout its existence, the BGCT has weathered controversies, recessions, a major depression and wars to become the largest state convention of its kind. Today, we are more than 5,300 churches on mission with God, sharing Christ and showing love.
By the 1880s, many believed that Baptist work in the state could be strengthened if the statewide bodies would unite. The Baptist State Convention and the Baptist General Association began formal merger talks in the fall of 1885. From those talks, a special committee agreed to form a new consolidated body to be called the Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT), and on June 29, 1886, the first session of this new convention was held.
GC2 is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love. Our driving passion is to follow the LORD’s call to fulfill the Great Commission “to share Christ” and the Great Commandments “to show love.” The Great Commission and the Great Commandments form the two “GCs,” or GC2. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded Christians across Texas and beyond through this exciting organic movement.
gc2movement.com | #gc2
THE GC2 MOVEMENT AFFIRMS • There is one God who is revealed in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; • Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church; • The virgin birth of Christ, the eternal Son of God, who died for our sins, was resurrected the third day, ascended to heaven, and is coming back; • The Bible is God’s Word and truth without mixture of error; • Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone; • The priesthood of every believer and of all believers;
• The urgent need to reach the lost with the Good News of Jesus; • The sanctity of human life from conception to natural death; • Gender is a gift from God who creates humankind male and female in the Divine image and likeness (Gen. 1:27); • Biblical marriage as one man and one woman in a covenant relationship with the Lord and with one another; • The ordinances of the church are the Lord’s Supper and believer’s baptism; • The autonomy of the local church in governance and ordination. 7
Thinking about church health in the aftermath of a pandemic by Valeria Ramazzini The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many churches to get creative in order to adapt to their specific community’s needs; many of them have gone through remarkable changes just to be able to keep their doors open. In the aftermath of COVID-19, reflecting on the health of the church may provide clarity and direction for many congregations. While church health might look differently for each congregation, Texas Baptists seeks to encourage and facilitate churches in their work to fulfill God’s mission. “I believe highlighting healthy churches of every size gives pastors around the state hope,” said Jonathan Smith, director of Church Health Strategy. One such example is Flatonia Baptist Church in Flatonia, Texas. Under the leadership of Pastor Dr. Tim Rowell, Flatonia Baptist Church has consistently grown and persevered in its mission for over 15 years. The church centered their health around Biblical examples.
For Rowell and Flatonia Baptist Church, reaching the level of growth and health that they now enjoy has been part of a slow, steady and continuous journey. Rowell has served Flatonia Baptist Church for 18 years and has seen the congregation prosper during his time as pastor. While there is not one specific thing that has encouraged the growth of this church, Rowell credits the excellent leadership and the people’s willingness to work hard to follow the Lord. Rowell explained that over the last year, the church implemented a discipleship program in order to enable people to go deeper and grow in their faith. The church leadership created a strategic team to develop the idea of discipleship beyond the traditional Sunday school and worship service. In the end, the team came together to create discipleship groups meant for deeper Bible studies, close fellowship communion and discipleship to help each other grow in the faith. “We call them Abide in Me (AIM) Groups from John 15,” shared Rowell. “This is not something that I would have been
able to come up with on my own. The fact that we all developed that together was very meaningful for us. God used all of us together to come up with this idea – it wasn’t just one person’s idea.” “A healthy church is one that isn’t focused on itself; it’s a church that is focused on loving God, each other, and the community,” he concluded. When asked about maintaining a focus on church health in spite of the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, Rowell shared, “Although we’re in a small town in Texas and have a pretty simple structure for our church, even we have had to rethink some things during this process and focus on the silver lining.” “However, we can’t forget that the work of God is still happening. We can’t lose sight of that fact,” Rowell explained. “This is what we signed up for when we said we would follow Christ. So, let’s keep going and let’s keep doing the work that God’s called us to do.”
c ent er for
individuals trained through consultations, events and meetings both virtual and in-person
individuals trained in Discipleship through both virtual and in-person events
attended virtual training events for Music & Worship
churches were assisted by Church Architecture with $95,750 in grants and loans
Churches have received consultations and 27 pastors have participated in trainings with Church Health Strategy
Preparing for the future by Bonnie Shaw
For Jorge Vazquez, the call to full-time pastoring came during his time at seminary. Over 17 years later, his passion for ministry is still going strong. He has been the leading pastor of Agape Baptist Church alongside his wife, Dahlia, for the past six years. The church, which is located in San Antonio, is a predominantly Hispanic church dedicated to cross-cultural outreach and evangelism. The Vazquezs recently began looking toward the future. Though they plan to continue ministering for many more years, they knew that they needed to save for retirement. They also knew they probably should have started saving earlier, but they were not completely sure how to get started. A pastor in the Vazquez’s community recommended that they look at the Texas Baptists website for possible resources. While on the site, he found the Ministers Financial Health (MFH) team. Led by Director Tammy Tervooren, the Financial Health team 10
provides support for pastors through grant funds, low-interest loans and financial literacy resources. One of those grants is the Ministers Financial Health Grant, a grant designed to help pastors struggling with debt, bills or retirement savings. The Ministers Financial Health Grant allows eligible Texas Baptists pastors and church ministers to apply for a matching grant. Texas Baptists match, dollar for dollar, up to $2,500 that is raised by the church or the pastor. For Vazquez, the match was provided by the Pastor Strong Initiative of Greater San Antonio, which aims to support pastors to greater health in every aspect of their lives. Along with the grant, Vazquez was also given access to online financial literacy courses and personal financial counseling. Tervooren explained that retirement savings are an area of struggle for many pastors. In a survey Texas Baptists conducted in 2018, 26% of pastors said they had no retirement savings.
Sixty-four percent said that they were not offered retirement benefits. Tervooren said that this is a huge stressor for many pastors. “We wanted the grant to be utilized for retirement because, after the survey, we realized retirement savings was one of the biggest problems,” she said. “Retirement savings is an important piece of financial health because as much as we want to work for as long as possible, eventually we are no longer able to, and it’s important to be prepared and cared for then.” For the Vazquez family, the grant was proof that they were following the path God intended for them. “At the end of the day, God is going to provide wherever He takes us, and that’s one of the things that grounds us and keeps us going and doing the things that we do,” Vazquez shared. “I love that Texas Baptists has taken an initiative to pursue this and share resources with their pastors.”
c ent er for
contacts made regarding counseling resources
contacts made by Area Representatives over the past 12 months
533 church contacts through Interim Church Services
distributed directly to Texas Baptists pastors and ministers through Ministers Financial Health
provided to assist our minsiters/ministry families in connecting with counseling resources
Reaching out to a new community by Bonnie Shaw
This year, Viento Fuerte Church celebrated Cinco de Mayo with a 5k run, complete with trophies and free food for all who attended. Last year, they did a drive-thru celebration, handing out candy and Mexican treats to children in cars and singing Spanish songs. For the church, the events were less about what happened and more about reaching their community for Christ. For the last 15 years, Viento Fuerte Church has been dedicated to ministering to Hispanics in Waco. Two years ago they relocated from south Waco to west Waco, partnering with Woodway Baptist Church. Initially, Pastor Tom Guttierez was apprehensive about the move, until he realized that there were nine Hispanic churches within a mile of their south Waco location and none in West Waco. “From there, it was a no-brainer,” he said. “We had to come out here.” Since then, Viento Fuerte has been invested in getting to know their new community and building up trust with those that live nearby. Gutierrez explained that one of their primary 12
ways of engaging new people is through the various events they do throughout the year.
were so impacted by the play, they have now visited the church and kept in contact with church staff.
These events include the Cinco de Mayo celebrations, a pooch parade and dinners after each Sunday service. Guiterrez and his team plan events around what they see the community wanting to participate in. They are not just about providing fun for the church family, they are about drawing in people who would not go to the church otherwise.
Though Viento Fuerte puts on many events at the church, they also go outside of their walls and into the communities. Gutierrez explained that in order to reach people who may be distrustful or uninterested in church, forming relationships somewhere they felt comfortable was essential. That is why he and some of the church members go to apartment complexes around Waco, bringing a grill with free food for all.
Guiterrez shared the story of one reluctant church-goer, Jaden, who came to Viento Fuerte at the invitation of some friends from school. He was from a Catholic background, and he only came to the church to be with friends. Not only did he participate, but his whole family came to the church for the first time to watch him perform. Gutierrez explained that for many people, attending outreach events is the first step to connecting with the church and hearing the Gospel. The Passion Play drew approximately 350 people this year. Several families
As residents enjoy the food, church members get to know them and form relationships. Once again, Gutierrez emphasized that in order to bring people into the church, they first had to prove that they were someone the community could trust. “You can preach and preach, but you have to build those relationships,” he said. “We’ll do whatever we can to reach the community, especially with evangelism. We’ll do anything.”
c ent er for
affiliated African American churches
Texas Baptist Intercultural Churches impacted through Camp Fusion
44 chaplains endorsed in 2020; 1,043 total between 2002-2020
55 webinars held by Texas Baptists en Español in more than 20 countries
4,416,342 individuals served through Hunger Offering
From church start to massive ministry by Bonnie Shaw
In 2003, Canady quit his job to plant a new church with no building, no members and no funds. He had faith, however, that the Lord would provide. That afternoon he went to the gym, where he ran into Charlie Wilson, who was serving as executive pastor of Sunnyvale FBC and director of Evangelism at Texas Baptists at the time. When Wilson heard about Canady’s ambitions, he got excited. They shared the same vision to start a church in Southeast Dallas county. Dr. Wilson wanted to plant a church to reach those outside of the walls of Sunnyvale FBC. Wilson told him that Sunnyvale FBC had a building they had recently acquired that they could meet at, people who would serve in their ministries and funds to get them started. “I couldn’t believe it,” Canady said. “You know that was all God.” God had provided Wilson with the resources to fund the vision He had given Canady. With that, All Nations 14
Fellowship (ANF) was born in Garland, a small Texas Baptists church start with 12 initial members. Now, over 18 years since ANF’s inception, the church grew from the 12 original members to almost 800 in early 2020. They are involved in ministry in all aspects of their community, striving to meet people where they are at and improving their lives. One of their biggest ministries is Next Level Life, which is led by Stephanie Canady, Robert’s wife. Next Level Life is designed to help local students prepare for the “next level” of life, whether that is college or the workforce. Canady explained that Next Level Life seeks to educate them on real-life issues, from finances to resumes to healthcare. A prostate cancer diagnosis in late 2020 opened Canady’s eyes to even more opportunities for local ministry. He learned that African American men are at an increased risk for developing prostate cancer. As Canady went
through his doctor appointments, surgery and recovery, Canady felt God calling him to start a new component of their ministry, the Next Level Life Men’s Health. The ministry, Canady explained, will educate men in their community, the majority of whom are African American, about health issues, particularly prostate cancer. They will also help those who cannot afford medical care get check-ups and anything else they need to stay healthy. “God took me around the long way to get me to see what he wanted me to see,” Canady said of his own cancer. “The pandemic has taught us that we don’t need a big church, we just need a big ministry. Our goal is to do massive ministry by reaching the masses.”
c ent er for
177,748 77,902 people served
Gospel/Spiritual conversations
monthly ministries
10,159 professions of Faith
Aggie BSM celebrates 100 years and looks forward to the next 100 by Bonnie Shaw On June 11-13, approximately 500 current and former students of the Aggie Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) gathered together to celebrate the BSM’s 100th anniversary. The event drew people from around the country to reflect and celebrate the impact that the Aggie BSM has had on generations of college students. The celebration, which was originally planned for 2020, was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Aggie BSM was founded at Texas A&M University in 1920 and was one of the first BSMs in Texas. “It was a real celebration of God and what He’s done,” Joel Bratcher, director of the Aggie BSM, said. “It was a reminder of how powerful the college years are and how God can work and impact people’s lives and then use them for a lifetime. It was amazing to look around and hear all the stories and realize that God has used these people in such amazing ways and in so many different fields.” The celebration kicked off on Friday night with a Coffeehouse, a BSM tradition that started in the 1990s as an outreach event 16
during Howdy Week. The come-and-go gathering features live music performed by students and has been a popular tradition since its inception. In addition to the live music, alumni were able to fellowship over coffee and desserts. Bratcher explained attendees were encouraged to reflect on their journeys since college. “I think one of the real highlights for the people who came was being able to see friends and be reminded of ways that God worked in their lives during college. I think that was really faith-building for a lot of them,” Bratcher said.
a unique medley of worship songs that were popular from the 1960s through current times. Sam Douglass, class of 1970, was the keynote speaker, and he spoke about looking forward to the future and reaching future generations of college students through the Aggie BSM. Bratcher shared how the BSM plans on reaching the expanding Texas A&M University through the Next Century Endowment Fund. The fund will allow the BSM to provide more staff and ministry to the university, as well as the Rellis campus, Prairie View A&M University and the nearby Blinn College.
Throughout the weekend five smaller gatherings were held for different BSM “As the population explodes here we “eras.” These groups were pre-1973, really want God to use us,” he explained. Director Ron Wells, Director Mike Graham, “This fund celebrates the past 100 years Director Bob Mayfield and Bratcher. and looks to the future.” On Saturday, the 100th Anniversary Celebration Lunch and Program was held in a local hotel ballroom. The program centered around remembering, rejoicing and reaching towards the future. Worship was led by Frank Aragon, an Aggie BSM alum, and the Upstream Band. They played
For more information about the Aggie BSM, go to aggiebsm.org.
c ent er for
138,402 18,800 students reached on 133 campuses
students involved in BSM
spiritual conversations
short term missionaries
427 new believers
AFFILIATION Why affiliate? For the good news of Jesus Christ to reach our state and world, churches must work together. This convention is a movement of God’s people loving the world to Jesus by strengthening churches, transforming communities and connecting nations to Christ. We are excited to offer your church the opportunity to join this movement, collaborate with over 5,300 churches, and enjoy numerous benefits including: • F ree church revitalization and church health consultations • C ontextualized assistance in evangelism, apologetics, discipleship, worship, children, youth, millennial, adult, senior adult, multi-ethnic and community ministry • C lergy health resources such as loans, grants, scholarships and a statewide network of pastoral care counselors and encouragers
• S mall-group Bible study curriculum written by some of Texas Baptists’ best authors • C onferences and retreats for spiritual growth and renewal • A ccess to Church Matching and Protection Benefits Plan through Guidestone Financial Resources (pg. 22)
• O pportunity to apply for church loans with Baptist Church Loan Corporation • F ree estate planning through Texas Baptist Missions Foundation
Follow these simple steps to become an active member of the largest state. It’s as easy as one, two, three: 1.
Return the completed Affiliation Form (opposite page) and an initial contribution to the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program per the instructions on the form. (A church will be considered affiliated with the BGCT once their affiliation form has been received and approved.)
What we believe
The Bible is God’s Word and truth without mixture of error
Texas Baptists affirm the following beliefs:
Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone
The priesthood of every believer and of all believers
The urgent need to reach the lost with the Good News of Jesus
The sanctity of human life from conception to natural death
Gender is a gift from God who creates humankind male and female in the Divine image and likeness (Gen. 1:27)
Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church
The virgin birth of Christ, the eternal Son of God, who died for our sins, was resurrected the third day, and is coming back
Attend events, contact staff, schedule consultations, order resources, participate in missions and ministry opportunities, send voting messengers to the Texas Baptists Annual Meeting and realize the benefits of more than 5,300 churches working together in harmonious cooperation to reach the world for Christ.
Learn more at txb.org/affiliate.
How to affiliate
• L ow-cost church architecture consultations for building use plans
• I RS protections under the BGCT’s 501(c)3 umbrella
• O pportunity to receive scholarships to our Texas Baptists universities and seminaries
There is one God who is revealed in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
2. Receive confirmation of your first gift, personalized giving forms and information on how to actively engage with Texas Baptists around the state and beyond.
Biblical marriage as one man and one woman in a covenant relationship with the Lord and with one another
The ordinances of the church are the Lord’s Supper and believer’s baptism
The autonomy of the local church in governance and ordination
Texas Baptists Affiliation Form Method of Affiliation We invite any Baptist church desiring affiliation with the Baptist General Convention of Texas (BGCT) to complete this form and make an initial contribution to the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program. Please complete the following: Church Name Mailing Address Physical Address City
Zip Code
Local Baptist Association Church Phone
Primary Language
Church Website
We affirm that: •
We are an autonomous Baptist church that makes its own decisions.
We will work in harmonious cooperation with the BGCT.
We are identified as a body of believers separate from any church or churches who sponsor us.
We desire to affiliate with the BGCT.
We hold to traditional Baptist beliefs as generally stated in either the 1963 or 2000 Baptist Faith and Message, or similar confessional statement.
We regularly practice the ordinances of believer’s baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper.
We will contribute to the BGCT in an identifiable way from our own resources.
It is the desire of our church to affiliate with Texas Baptists and partner through support with an initial contribution of $
(A church will be considered affiliated with the BGCT once their affiliation form has been received and approved.)
Please complete the following: Signature of church official Printed name of church official Title Pastor’s Name (please print)
Mail to: Texas Baptists, Executive Director’s Office | 7557 Rambler Road, Suite 1200 | Dallas, Texas 75231-2310
Texas Baptists Giving Form Church Name Address
I. COOPERATIVE PROGRAM (Reported as CP Gifts) Please choose plan(s) to voluntarily send a Cooperative Program church gift to the TXB and/or Worldwide Recipient(s) for missions and ministries. n
A . Texas Adopted Plan 79% TXB
21% your choice of worldwide recipient(s) TXB
7 9 % $
% $
Choose Worldwide Recipient(s)
Choose Worldwide Recipient(s)
% $
% $
. .
B. Church Designed Plan Your choice of recipient(s)
% $
% $
Total Exclusions if desired, limit 5
Group 1 Total
II. Special Mission Offerings (Reported as Designated Offerings) Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions (TXB and Texas WMU) Lottie Moon International Missions (SBC)
Annie Armstrong North American Missions (SBC)
Texas Baptist Hunger Offering (TXB)
Group 2 Total
III. Church Directed Gifts (As Church Directs – Reported as Designated) Other Baptist Causes:
Check here if new forms are needed
. Grand Total
Signature-Church Treasurer/Financial Secretary
Phone #
Group 3 Total
Make checks payable to Texas Baptists.
Printed Name-Church Treasurer/Financial Secretary
Email Marque aqui para formularios en Español
Thank you for your voluntary cooperative gifts. 20
Mail to: Texas Baptists | 7557 Rambler Road, Suite 1100 | Dallas, Texas 75231-2310
GIVING OPPORTUNITIES Texas Baptists Cooperative Program The Texas Baptists Cooperative Program combines resources to enable more missions and ministry throughout Texas and beyond. Gifts given through CP allow your church to reach farther and do more than it could alone. Learn more about this primary missions and ministry funding source at txb.org/cp.
Mary Hill Davis Offering® for Texas Missions
Where Do CP Dollars Go? 37% MISSIONS
Gifts to the WMU of Texas’ Mary Hill Davis Offering® have empowered state missions efforts for Texas Baptists since 1910. Because you give, ministries and missionaries are mobilized to go and make disciples, and multiply churches among all peoples for the glory of God.
Learn more at iamtexasmissions.org.
Texas Baptists Missions Foundation The Missions Foundation works with individual donors who want to support the ministries of Texas Baptists in this state and around the world. The TBMF staff can also provide assistance as you seek to ensure your legacy is fulfilled through your estate plan, including providing the opportunity to create a will at no cost to you at FreeWill.com/MissionsFoundation. Learn more at missionsfoundation.org.
Texas Baptists Worldwide
Hunger Offering The Texas Baptist Hunger Offering unites the body of Christ to end hunger and poverty and promote holistic transformation in the name of Jesus. You and your church give to the Hunger Offering, and the Hunger Offering then disperses funds through partners to over 100 hunger relief and development ministries across Texas and around the world. Learn more at hungeroffering.org.
Worldwide gifts are above and beyond Cooperative Program giving, and allow churches the opportunity to work with a trusted partner to make a Kingdom impact across the world. Learn more at txb.org/worldwide. 21
Texas Baptists Church Matching and Protection Benefit Program Doing God’s work leaves little time for matters such as insurance, disability protection and retirement planning. That’s why we joined with GuideStone® Financial Resources to offer the Church Matching and Protection Benefit Program. It’s a simple, yet comprehensive, way to give your church leaders and employees access to a retirement plan and coverage against uncertainties of the future.
The opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the Church Matching & Protection Benefit Program is a result of participation in the GuideStone Church Retirement Plan. This 403(b)(9) retirement program has been designed specifically for Baptist churches. The Church Retirement Plan helps participants legally reduce taxes while saving for retirement. If your church or association contributes undesignated gifts through the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program, your pastor, ministers and non-ministerial staff may qualify for a variety of benefits, including:
You and your church can start offering the plan simply by making the qualifying yearly contributions to the Texas Baptists Cooperative Program.*
• Matching Convention funds to the Church Retirement Plan
Number of Participants
Qualifying Contributions
Each additional person
Additional $500/yr
Participants & Contributions
• Disability insurance
For every participant your church desires to offer the plan, $1,200 in qualifying contributions must be given each year.
• Survivor protection benefits
Matching Funds
Who qualifies for protection?
Pastors and eligible staff may have their contributions to the retirement plan augmented by matching funds from the Convention. After the church or minister contributes $1,200 per year to the retirement plan, Texas Baptists provides matching funds of $250 per year. Matching is available for pastors and ministerial staff only.
All benefits – matching funds, disability coverage, and survivor benefits – are available to:
Disability Insurance Coverage This benefit provides monthly income of up to $500 per month if the covered employee becomes disabled, as well as a monthly contribution to his or her retirement account.
• Pastors • Ministerial Staff • Encampment leaders and staff Disability insurance and survivor benefits only are available to non-ministerial staff members who: • Have at least three years of paid service with the eligible church or organization • Work an average of 20 hours per week Church school or daycare employees are not eligible.
Up to $100,000 in Survivor Protection Whether treated as primary coverage (for younger church staff members) or supplementary to existing life insurance, this offers important protection for that person’s family – paying the benefit to the spouse or other named beneficiary at the death of the covered employee.
Age at Death
Maximum Benefit
35 and under
71 and over
*GuideStone® Financial Resources requires each participant to be participating in the Church Retirement Plan. For more information on the Church Retirement plan, please contact GuideStone at 1-888-98-GUIDE (1-888-984-8433). For more information, go to txb.org/churchbenefitprogram or call Texas Baptists at 888-244-9400. *This information is effective as of January 1, 2022
TOTAL % 0.5% 2.3% 0.7% 2.3%
Missions Team (1) 267,031 Church Starters 1,721,483
0.8% 5.3%
Grand Total 1.6% 2.6% 0.3% 0.4%
Collegiate Ministries (1)
4,094,993 12.6%
Executive Director Office Cooperative Program Ministry Texas Baptist Missions Foundation Special Projects Ambassador Program San Antonio Regional Historical Collection Communications Texas Baptist Men
600,160 307,115 483,478 19,000 184,964 91,669 399,748 1,256,830 322,050
1.9% 0.9% 1.5% 0.1% 0.6% 0.3% 1.2% 3.9% 1.0%
Associate Executive Director Chaplaincy (1) BaptistWay Press Committees Institutional Ministries Theological Education Church Architecture Cultural Engagement African American Ministry TXB en Español Intercultural Ministry
478,639 96,014 86,288 59,200 83,530 2,848,413 305,348 359,110 203,107 232,069 239,614
1.5% 0.3% 0.3% 0.2% 0.3% 8.8% 0.9% 1.1% 0.6% 0.7% 0.7%
Baptist University of the Americas 535,800 Baylor University 267,900 Dallas Baptist University 535,800 East Texas Baptist University 535,800 Hardin-Simmons University 535,800 Houston Baptist University 267,900 Howard Payne University 535,800 University of Mary Hardin-Baylor 535,800 Wayland Baptist University 535,800 San Marcos Baptist Academy 172,349 Valley Baptist Missions Education Center 22,325
1.6% 0.8% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 0.8% 1.6% 1.6% 1.6% 0.5% 0.1%
Advocacy/Care Institutions Buckner Children and Family Services 223,250 Children at Heart Ministries 522,500 South Texas Children’s Home Ministries 522,500 Baylor Health Care System (2) 154,724 Hendrick Health System (2) 154,724 Hillcrest Baptist Health System (2) 154,724 Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas (2) 154,724 Baptist Community Services, Amarillo 24,558 Baptist Memorials Ministries 150,542 Breckenridge Village Scholarships 91,200
0.7% 1.6% 1.6% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.1% 0.5% 0.3%
Educational Institutions
Treasurer’s Office Human Resources Events & Conference Finance & Accounting Information Technology Building Support Building Operations Church & Retiree Benefits
1,005,290 3.1%
Connections Connections 506,397 Area Representatives 837,720 Bivocational Ministry 109,242 Center for Ministerial Excellence 117,000
Financial Management & Support Team
Great Commission Team Great Commission 175,647 Evangelism 759,598 Music and Worship 237,870 Discipleship 758,322
Christian Life Commission
630,617 335,443 202,256 1,308,750 1,867,682 330,108 534,944 1,492,000
2.0% 1.0% 0.6% 4.0% 5.7% 1.0% 1.6% 4.6%
SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION International Mission Board North American Mission Board
50.4% 22.8%
Seminaries Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Gateway Seminary of SBC Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Historical Library and Archives Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission SBC Operating Total Southern Baptist Convention
4.0% 2.1% 2.9% 3.7% 4.0% 5.2% 0.2% 1.7% 3.0%
TEXAS WORLDWIDE MISSIONS INITIATIVES and PARTNERSHIPS Missions and Partnerships Missions Mobilization $379,000 33.0% River Ministry & Mexico Endeavors 229,000 19.9% Texas Partnerships 142,000 12.3% Baptist World Alliance 65,000 5.7% Intercultural International Initiatives 54,000 4.7% Go Now Missions 210,000 18.3% Texas Baptist Initiatives Hispanic Education Task Force 34,000 3.0% Chaplaincy 37,000 3.2% Total Texas World Missions Initiatives
*Worldwide Missions and Ministry funds will be distributed according to the church’s choice as directed on the front of the Gift Remittance form.
Additonal support provided through Cooperative Program - Worldwide designated to BGCT.
Cooperative Program funds are designated entirely for Chaplaincy support at this institution.
Greetings! Texas Baptists has been intentional in collaborating with Hispanic churches to reach the lost and seeks to do so on an even greater level to continue impacting God’s kingdom. In response to the prayers and listening sessions held with Hispanic leaders across the state, a new effort for Texas Baptists to reach Hispanics has been launched as Texas Baptists en Español. Texas Baptists en Español will place emphasis on eight areas: Discipleship, Evangelism, Church Starting, Reaching the Next Generation, Leadership Development, Missions, Education and Church Health.
I am excited to continue serving our congregations throughout the state and to see the progress we can make through Texas Baptists en Español.
¡Saludos! Texas Baptists ha colaborado intencionalmente con las iglesias hispanas para alcanzar a los perdidos y busca hacerlo en un nivel aún mayor para continuar impactando el reino de Dios. En respuesta a las oraciones y las sesiones que tuvimos con pastores y líderes hispanos en todo el estado, se lanzó un nuevo esfuerzo para continuar alcanzando a los Hispanos para Cristo, “Texas Baptists en Español”.
Texas Baptists en Español pondrá énfasis en ocho áreas: Discipulado, Evangelismo, Plantación de iglesias, Alcanzando a Siguiente Generación, Desarrollo de lideres, Misiones, Educación e Iglesias Saludables. Estoy emocionado de continuar sirviendo a nuestras congregaciones en todo el estado y el progreso que podemos lograr a través de Texas Baptists en Español.
Rolando Rodríguez Director, Texas Baptists en Español
TEXAS BAPTISTS EN ESPAÑOL & GC2 " I believe that a Great Commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission, done with Great Compassion, makes a Great Church and a Great Convention."
" Creo que un gran compromiso al gran mandamiento y a la gran comisión, hecho con gran compasión, hace una gran iglesia y una gran convención." -Rolando Rodríguez Director, Texas Baptists en Español 25
AFILIACIÓN ¿Por qué afiliarse?
• Protección de IRS bajo la cobertura de TXB 501(c)3
Para que las buenas nuevas de Jesús alcancen nuestro estado y el mundo las iglesias debemos trabajar juntas. Esta convención es un movimiento de gente de Dios que demuestran su amor a Cristo por medio del fortalecimiento de las iglesias, transformando comunidades y conectando las naciones de Cristo. Estamos contentos de ofrecer a su iglesia la oportunidad de unirse a este movimiento, colaborando con otras 5,300 iglesias aproximadamente y disfrutando de los numerosos beneficios, que incluyen: • R evitalización de su iglesia y consultas de salud gratis •
Ayuda contextualizada en evangelismo, apologética, discipulado, alabanza, niños, adolescentes, jóvenes adultos, adultos, adulto mayor, diversidad cultural o multiétnica y ministerio a la comunidad
Recursos para la salud de pastores tales como: préstamos, donaciones, becas y una red de cuidado pastoral de consejeros y animadores en todo el estado
• Oportunidad de recibir becas en nuestros seminarios y universidades bautistas
• P lanificación partimonial gratuita por medio de Texas Baptist Missions Foundation
Cómo afiliarse Siga estos simples pasos para convertirse en un miembro activo de la convención estatal más grande de su clase. Es tan fácil como uno, dos, tres: 1. Devuelva el Formulario de afiliación completado (en la página opuesta) y una contribución inicial al Programa Cooperativo de los Bautistas de Texas siguiendo las instrucciones en el formulario. (Una iglesia será considerada como afiliada con BGCT una vez que su formulario de afiliación haya sido recibido y aprobado.) 2. Reciba confirmación de su primera donación, formularios personalizados, e información de cómo participar activamente con los Bautistas de Texas alrededor del estado y más allá. 3. Asista eventos, comuníquese con el personal ministerial, programe consultas, ordene recursos, participe de oportunidades de misiones y ministerio, envíe mensajeros con voto a la Reunión Anual de los Bautistas de Texas, y reconozca los beneficios de más de 5,300 iglesias trabajando cooperando juntas en armonía para alcanzar al mundo para Cristo. cooperation to reach the world for Christ.
• Consultas arquitectónicas de bajo costo para planes de uso de edificios • Currículo de estudio para grupos pequeños escritos por algunos de los mejores autores de la Texas Baptist • Conferencias y retiros para el crecimiento y renuevo espiritual • Acceso a el programa “Church Matching” y al programa de Planes de Beneficios de Protección A través de Recursos financieros de Guidestone (Pg. 22)
• O pportunidad de solicitar prestamos con Baptist Church Loan Corporation
Aprenda más en txb.org/affiliate.
Nosotros creemos
La Biblia como la palabra de Dios y la verdad sin mancha o error
Texas Baptists afirma las siguientes creencias:
La salvación es por gracia solamente, por medio de la fe, en Cristo solamente.
El sacerdocio de cada creyente y de todos los creyentes
La necesidad urgente de alcanzar a los perdidos con la buenas nuevas de Jesús
Hay un solo Dios quien se revela en tres personas: Dios el Padre, Dios el Hijo, y Dios el Espíritu Santo.
Que Cristo es la cabeza de la iglesia
El nacimiento de Jesús por medio de una virgen, él es el hijo eterno de Dios, quién murió por nuestros pecados, y resucitó al tercer día y viene nuevamente
La santidad de la vida humana desde el vientre hasta la tumba
El género es un don de Dios, quien creó a los seres humanos hombre y mujer, a Su imagen y semejanza (Génesis 1:27)
El matrimonio Bíblico hombre y mujer como un pacto de la relación con el Señor
Las ordenanzas de la iglesia como la Santa Cena y el Bautismo.
La autonomía de la iglesia local
Formato de Afiliación a la Texas Baptists Método de afiliación Invitamos a cualquier iglesia bautista que desee afiliación con Texas Baptists a completar este formulario y hacer una contrbución inicial al Programa Cooperativo de Texas Baptists. Por favor, complete lo siguiente: Nombre de la Iglesia Dirección Postal Dirección Física Ciudad
Código Postal
Asociación Bautista Local Número de Teléfono
correo electrónico de la iglesia
Lenguaje Principal
Página Web de la Iglesia
Afirmamos que: •
Somos una iglesia bautista autónoma que toma sus propias decisiones. Estamos identificados como un cuerpo de creyentes separado de cualquier iglesia o iglesias que nos auspicien.
Contribuiremos a TXB de una manera definida de nuestros propios recursos.
Practicamos con regularidad las ordenanzas del bautismo del creyente
por inmersión y la Cena del Señor. Trabajaremos en cooperación armoniosa con TXB.
Deseamos afiliarnos con TXB
Mantenemos la tradicional creencia bautista generalmente escrita en el 1963 o 2000 Mensaje y Fe Bautista (Baptist Faith and Message) o similares escritos confesionales.
Es el deseo de nuestra iglesia afiliarnos con TXB y colaborar a través del sostén con una contribución inicial de $
(Una iglesia será considerada afiliada con TXB una vez su formulario de afiliación ha sido recibido y aprobado.)
Por favor, complete lo siguiente: Firma de un oficial de la iglesia Nombre impreso del oficial de la iglesia Título Nombre del pastor (letra de imprenta)
Enviar por correo a: Texas Baptists, Executive Director’s Office 7557 Rambler Road, Suite 1200 | Dallas, Texas 75231-2310
Texas Baptists - Formulario para ofrendas I. COOPERATIVE PROGRAM (Se informa como Ofrendas P.C.) Por favor, escoja un pan para enviar la ofrenda voluntaria de su iglesia al Programa Cooperativo a la TXB y otros receptores por todo el mundo, para misiones y ministerios. Véase en el reverso los ministerios que sostienen estas selecciones del Programa Cooperativo. n
A . Plan Adoptado Texas (79% TXB, 21% su
selecciÓn de rceptores mundiales) TXB
7 9 % $
% $
Seleccione Receptores Mundiales
Seleccione Receptores Mundiales
% $
% $
. .
B. Designado por la iglesia Su selecciÓn de receptores
% $
% $
Total Exlusiones si lo desea, límites
Grupo 1 Total
II. Ofrendas Misioneras Especiales (Se informan como Ofrendas Designadas) Ofrenda Mary Hill Davis Offering® para Misiones en Texas Missions (TXB and Texas WMU) Ofrenda Lottie Moon Misiones Internacionales (SBC) Ofrenda Annie Armstrong Misiones Norteamericanas (SBC) Ofrenda de los Bautistas de Texas contra el Hambre (TXB)
Grupo 2 Total
III. Ofrendas Dirigidas por Iglesia (Según la iglesia dirija - Se informa como designadas) Otras Causas Bautistas:
Marque aquí si necesita más formularioas
. Gran Total
Firma-Tesorero/Secretaria de Finanzas Iglesia
Telef. #
Grupo 3 Total
Gire cheques pagaderos a Texas Baptists.
Nombre Tesorero/Secretaria de Finanzas Iglesia
Email Mark here for English forms
Gracias por sus ofrendas cooperativas voluntarias 28
Por favor, envíe este formulario con su ofrenda a: 7557 Rambler Road, Ste. 1100, Dallas, Texas 75231-2310 | 888.244.9400
OPORTUNIDADES PARA OFRENDAR Programa Cooperativo de los Bautistas de Texas El Programa Cooperativo de Texas Baptists combina recursos para hacer posible más misiones y ministerios por todo Texas y más allá. Las ofrendas dadas a través del Programa Cooperativo permiten que su iglesia llegue más lejos y haga más de lo que pudiera hacer por sí misma. Aprenda más acerca de esta fuente principal para el financiamiento de misiones y ministerios en txb.org/cp
Ofrenda Mary Hill Davis® para las misiones en Texas
¿A donde va el dinero? 37% MISIONES
Las ofrendas a la Ofrenda Mary Hill Davis® de la UFM de Texas ha hecho posible los esfuerzos de misiones estatales para Texas Baptists desde el 1910. Debido a sus ofrendas, ministerios y misioneros son movilizados para ir y hacer discípulos y multiplicar iglesias entre todos los pueblos para la gloria de Dios.
Conozca más en wmutx.org.
La Fundación de Misiones de los Bautistas de Texas La Fundación de Misiones trabaja con donantes individuales que desean financiar los ministerios de los Bautistas de Texas en este estado y alrededor del mundo. El personal de la Fundación de Misiones también provee ayuda si usted desea asegurar que la disposición de su herencia se cumpla por medio de un plan para su patrimonio, incluyendo la oportunidad para crear un testamento sin costo alguno en FreeWill.com/MissionsFoundation.org. Conozca más en missionsfoundation.org
Texas Baptist Alrededor del Mundo (Texas Baptists WW) Las ofrendas para Alrededor del Mundo son adicionales a las ofrendas del Programa Cooperativo, y permiten a las iglesias la oportunidad de trabajar con un socio de confianza para hacer un impacto en el Reino por todo el mundo. Conozca más en txb.org/worldwide.
Ofrenda contra el Hambre auspiciada por los Bautistas de Texas La Ofrenda contra el Hambre auspiciada por los Bautistas de Texas une al cuerpo de Cristo para acabar con el hambre y la pobreza y promover una transformación integral en el nombre de Jesús. Sus ofrendas son distribuidas entre más de 100 colaboradores por todo Texas y alrededor del mundo. Conozca más en hungeroffering.org.
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CO N TAC T Main Number....................................................... (888) 244-9400 Adult Discipleship................................................. (214) 828-5253 African American Ministries............................... (214) 828-5130 Area Representatives........................................... (903) 261-1929 Associations..........................................................(214) 828-5306 GC2 Press............................................................... (214) 828-5324 Bivocational Ministry........................................... 214) 828-5293 BOUNCE/Student Disaster Recovery............... (214) 828-5123 Center for Ministerial Excellence........................ (214) 828-5136 Chaplaincy Relations........................................... (214) 828-5381 Childhood Discipleship......................................... (214) 828-5253 Christian Life Commission.................................. (512) 473-2288 Church Administration........................................ (214) 828-5253 Church Architecture..............................................(214) 828-5135 Church Health Initiative......................................(210) 262-2449 Church Replanting................................................ (214) 828-5278 Church Health Strategy........................................(214) 828-5315 Church Starting.................................................... (214) 828-5278 Collegiate Ministry............................................... (214) 828-5256 Communications.................................................. (214) 828-5273 Conferences and Events....................................... (214) 828-5228
Cooperative Program Ministry...........................(214) 828-5306 Counseling Services.............................................. (214) 828-5188 Ethics & Justice..................................................... (512) 473-2288 Evangelism............................................................ (214) 828-5120 Go Now Missions................................................... (817) 277-4077 Hispanic Ministries.............................................. (214) 828-5245 Historical Collection.............................................(254) 754-9446 Hunger & Care Ministries................................... (512) 473-2288 Intercultural Ministries....................................... (214) 828-5372 Missionary Adoption Program........................... (214) 828-5297 Missions................................................................. (214) 828-5212 Multi-Housing/House Congregations................(214) 828-5217 Music & Worship.................................................. (214) 828-5238 Project: Start.......................................................... (214)828-5338 Public Policy.......................................................... (512) 473-2288 River Ministry....................................................... (214) 828-5389 Texas Baptist Missions Foundation................... (214) 828-5343 Urban Missions.................................................... (214) 828-5297 Western Heritage.................................................(903) 480-1386 Youth Discipleship................................................ (214) 828-5215 Youth Events/Camp............................................. (214) 828-5265 31
Connect with Us Receive our Texas Baptists Life magazine and newsletter by emailing subscriptions@txb.org. Social Media Facebook @texasbaptists Twitter @texasbaptists instagram Instagram @texasbaptists Contact
(888) 244-9400
7557 Rambler Road, Suite 1200 Dallas, TX 75231-2388
Share Christ. Show Love.