texas baptists

Texas Baptists Church Starting helps assist, train and support church planters as they start new works. We work with churches and associations to identify where new churches should be started and where existing churches need assistance. The heart of our ministry is to connect people to a church where God is present, because when God shows up, good things happen.
A movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love by strengthening churches and ministers, engaging culture and connecting the nations to Jesus.
• That there is one God who is revealed in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit;
• That Jesus Christ is the Head of the church;
• The virgin birth of Christ, the eternal Son of God, who died for the sins of the world, was resurrected the third day, ascended to heaven, and is coming back;
• That the Bible is God’s Word and truth without mixture of error;
• That salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone;
• The Priesthood of every believer and of all believers;
• The urgent need to reach the lost with the good news of Jesus;
• The sanctity of human life from conception to natural death;
• That gender is a gift from God, at birth, who creates every person, of every race, male or female, in the Divine image and likeness;
• That all people, fearfully and wonderfully made by God, have inherent dignity and
inestimable worth and are to be treated with Christlike love;
• That biblical marriage is one man and one woman in a covenant relationship with the Lord and with one another;
• That the ordinances of the church are the Lord’s Supper and believer’s baptism;
• The autonomy of the local church in governance and ordination.
We offer a variety of additional resources. Contact your Church Starting Strategist for more information.
Counseling Services is here for you, whether you have a personal need or want to be better equipped to serve others through increased insight and understanding. Everyone goes through trials in life. We provide counseling and other resources so that those who need comfort may be comforted.
LEARN MORE: txb.org/counseling or email us at counselingservices@texasbaptists.org
Doing God’s work can leave little time for matters such as insurance, disability protection and retirement planning. That is why we joined with GuideStone® Financial Resources to offer the Church Matching and Protection Benefit Program to Texas Baptists church staff.
We want to make sure you have everything you need to launch your church and are here to serve you as you grow every step of the way. Whether your church is portable, multi-site or ready to move into a permanent facility, we have custom designed solutions for your particular needs and budget.
Learn more by contacting: Derrick Jerror (607) 542-9156 derrick@churchplant.com
Church Architecture helps Texas Baptists churches develop buildings and property that enhance ministries and impact communities for Christ.
Basics of the Building Process: A step by step process for planning a building.
Factsheets: Building planning information in English and Spanish.
At your request, a consultant with church ministry and building planning experience will visit your church to discuss the ministry plans of your church, analyze the current buildings and provide resources to assist you in decision making.
Preliminary master site plans and floor plans prepared by professionals who know ministry, building codes and construction.
The Center for Missional Engagement seeks to engage churches in corporate missions through strategic opportunities in Texas and around the world.
Connect with our River Ministry Missionaries serving in the interior of Mexico or partner with us right from where you are at home.
Visit: txb.org/riverministry
Sponsor a prison church to provide Bible study and discipleship materials in the inmate’s preferred language for one year.
Visit: txb.org/philippi
A pre-packaged approach for student missions where we take care of all the logistics including lodging, food, projects and materials.
Visit: txb.org/bounce
An opportunity for churches in the U.S. to partner with churches in a host country to jointly sponsor a missionary.
Visit: txb.org/map
Feeding hungry people and helping people escape poverty.
Visit: hungeroffering.org
A Disaster relief organization offering, water ministry, builders, response teams and more.
Visit: tbmtx.org
A Texas collegiate missions program to share the love of Christ around the world.
Visit: gonowmissions.com
A student-led organization that provides opportunities for spiritual growth, friendship, leadership, service and missions.
Visit: txbsm.org WMU
Woman’s Missionary Union of Texas (WMU of Texas) is passionate about empowering Christ-followers to radically participate in the mission of God. In partnership with national Woman’s Missionary Union®, we offer mission small groups and ministries, enabling every member of the church to learn about missions, become involved in missions, and live a missional lifestyle.
Visit: wmu.com
learn more: txb.org/missions
GC2 is a movement of God’s people to share Christ and show love.
Our driving passion is to follow the LORD’s call to fulfill the Great Commission “to share Christ” and the Great Commandments “to show love.” The Great Commission and the Great Commandments form the two “GCs,” or GC2. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with like-minded Christians across Texas and beyond through this exciting organic movement.