Texas CASA FY 2014 Annual Report

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jack When Jack entered care at age 8, he was appointed a CASA volunteer to represent his best interests. Jack’s CASA volunteer advocated for him to be placed in a foster home in his hometown, and supported him, as well as his entire family, allowing for reunification within a year.

table of contents hearing from our ceo............................................... 2 growing our vision....................................................4 25 years of achievement.......................................6 affecting change.......................................................8 advancing forward.................................................10

the CASA community When a child enters the child welfare system because his or her home is no longer safe due to abuse or neglect, a judge may appoint a committed volunteer to advocate for the best interests of the child in court and other settings. That volunteer is called a Court Appointed Special AdvocateÂŽ, or CASA. At a local level, the 71 CASA programs in Texas do the hands-on work of recruiting, training and supervising volunteers to speak up in court and represent the best interests of children. As the statewide organization, Texas CASA provides financial support and services to help ensure the state's CASA programs operate effectively and can seek out the best possible volunteers who will work tirelessly and diligently to help children, like Jack, find their forever homes. For the past 25 years, the CASA community in Texas has worked together toward providing a CASA volunteer for every child in need, and helping them find safe, permanent and loving homes as quickly as possible.

channeling funds..................................................... 12 powering a movement.......................................... 14 funding the future.................................................. 16 connecting our community................................ 18 sharing our financials........................................... 22 contributing to our cause.................................. 24 CASA programs in Texas.................................... 28 Texas CASA leadership & staff........................ 34

hearing from our ceo Our story started in 1989, when a passionate CASA volunteer from one of our state’s then 13 local CASA programs had a wonderful vision. She imagined a statewide hub – an organization belonging to everyone in Texas working tirelessly in pursuit of the same mission – where member programs could get the funding and expert support they needed to help them achieve their goals. That individual was Jane Quentan Piper, and her idea was, and is, Texas CASA.

Vicki Spriggs, Texas CASA CEO

Today, Texas CASA celebrates 25 successful years shaped by visionaries like Jane as well as volunteers working on the front line of children’s advocacy in Texas. These people make up the CASA network – they’re local program staff and board members, dedicated volunteers, government agencies and elected officials, generous donors and caring community partners. Most importantly, they’re dreamers and creative thinkers who have had the knowledge, compassion and courage to achieve great things. We have grown exponentially since our humble beginnings with a staff of two, working from Jane’s kitchen table, tasked with matching a $25,000 grant within two weeks or risk losing the organization’s only funding. Today, we operate with more than $17.5 million in federal, state and private funds to support the 71 CASA programs across Texas and ensure they can effectively serve the children in their regions. Texas CASA is thankful for the commitment of our staff and board of directors that has allowed us to reach these accomplishments. Everyone


in the CASA network has come together in unprecedented ways over the last 25 years, and we are proud to have been an integral part in advancing the charge. Throughout the pages of this report, you’ll meet some individuals who have played major roles in the growth and success of Texas CASA. These incredible men and women have offered support and guidance through some of the most challenging issues in our community, but what’s most remarkable is that each one of them would acknowledge that they have received more gratification and personal growth from their work with CASA than they ever could have imagined.

local programs to assure a CASA volunteer is available for every child in the child welfare system in Texas. While we have come a long way, there are currently still 22,000 children who need a CASA volunteer to advocate for them. We will continue looking toward the future, offering policy leadership, collaborating with stakeholders and working to expand and strengthen local programs until we achieve this goal. Thank you for playing a vital role in our story and for your continued support as we commit to an even more successful future.

Many things have changed over the years, but Texas CASA has remained focused on one primary mission: to work with


growing our vision Texas CASA remains the statewide hub of the CASA community. Together, in Fiscal Year 2014*, we made great headway toward realizing our vision of having a CASA volunteer for every child who needs one.





24,742 children served

2014 ugust 31, A – 3 1 0 2 , ber 1 * Septem

Jane Quentan Piper, Texas CASA Founding CEO It’s hard to believe that it’s been 25 years since Texas CASA was started, and over 30 since I first served as a CASA volunteer in Dallas. My hope with Texas CASA was to create an organization that would bring local programs together, assist with program expansion and increase statewide awareness of the CASA movement. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that we would grow so much – and in so many ways! In 1989, the CASA network in Texas looked very different than it does today. With only 4

,066 8 CASA volunteers Texas


46,823 children

in DFPS legal custody

applauding CASA 13 programs, there were no agreedupon standards or guidelines for operation and expansion. Most judges had never even heard of CASA, nor had the legislature or the corporate sector. Today, the CASA network is 71 programs strong and has garnered bipartisan support at the Capitol and longstanding relationships with the judiciary as well as other stakeholders in the child welfare community. Some might think Texas CASA’s vision to provide a CASA volunteer for every child who needs one is impossible. But I believe that, if we all work

together, the CASA network possesses the passion and drive necessary to one day make our vision a reality. I may have retired from Texas CASA, but I am extremely proud to say that the same passion and drive I had on day one still exists today. I will continue to support Texas CASA as they work tirelessly and innovatively to provide programs with the resources and support they need to ensure the highest quality advocacy possible for children in care.


of achievement

As a state membership organization, Texas CASA works to connect each part of the CASA community and empower programs to provide a CASA volunteer for every child in need. We are dedicated to expanding, supporting and strengthening the local CASA programs by providing resources and funding, encouraging innovative ideas, monitoring quality of operations, creating materials for volunteer recruitment and advocating in the legislature to advance improvements in the child welfare system.

FY 14 ACHIEVEMENTS The network served 1,121 more children, a 4.7% increase from FY 2013 to FY 2014 Local programs assigned 455 more volunteers than last year, a 6% increase Local programs served nearly 670 more cases than last year



affecting change Expanded Legislative Advocacy Teams (LATs) from 12 to 18 Worked to implement House Bill 915, a watershed in mental health care for foster children, which gave significant oversight to the use of psychotropic medications for children who are in state care • With funding from the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, we coordinated and facilitated the Texas CASA Mental Health Task Force – a group of child welfare experts, stakeholders, advocates and former foster youth. The task force identified significant challenges regarding mental health for children in the child welfare system and developed actionable recommendations for change. Based on those recommendations, we will collaborate with other child advocacy groups to work on legislation that will give youth in care a stronger voice. • We actively participated in the Texas Sunset Commission’s review process of the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) and empowered local programs to do the same. • We testified before multiple legislative committees for interim hearings on policy issues relevant to the child welfare system.

applauding CASA


Greg Abbott, Texas Governor

resource and partner for children in need.

A key focus of mine as Texas’ Attorney General was protecting and fighting for Texas children who were facing difficult and often heartbreaking circumstances.

As Attorney General, my office partnered with Texas CASA repeatedly to raise awareness about child abuse prevention, and it was my great honor to have Texas CASA recognize my commitment to protecting Texas children with its Lone Star Champions for Kids Award in 2007. Through grant funding and project collaboration, together, we have been able to help ensure that all Texas children have a chance to learn, thrive and succeed.

As my office worked to advocate on behalf of these most vulnerable Texans, I came to realize that we needed a strong partner in our effort to help abused and neglected children overcome the challenges they are facing. Whether it was a young child who needed a mentor, or a child who needed a caring guide through what can often be complex legal proceedings, CASA was the partner we were looking for and continues to be an invaluable

However, our work is not finished – a single child in distress is one too many. Texas’ children will always need a strong advocate by their side, and Texas will continue to look to CASA to help lead that effort. Nothing is more important to our great state than the future of our children. That is why as Governor, I will continue to be a strong and vocal advocate for the vital work CASA does and do everything possible to offer my support, assistance and gratitude on behalf of the State of Texas. 9

advancing forward 23 comprehensive quality assurance reviews to increase overall program effectiveness across 85 counties Helped launch 71st local program:

CASA of Titus, Camp & Morris Counties

• With funding from the RGK Foundation, we strengthened the quality assurance monitoring process by providing board training and data management assistance to local programs. • Compared to the previous year, local programs scored better in two key areas that are reviewed during quality assurance visits: volunteer management and minimum expectations of service to a case. • We ensured CASA volunteers and staff have the strongest criminal background checks available by training and assisting all programs in implementation of the fingerprint-based background check system. • We provided 11 local programs with intensive assistance and crisis management through the Program Improvement Project, funded by the Meadows Foundation, helping to avert any disruption of services to children in these programs.

applauding CASA Commissioner John J. Specia, Jr., Texas Department of Family and Protective Services CASA and DFPS have a common mission – to protect the unprotected – and Texas CASA has been a key partner in that mission for the past 25 years. Texas is lucky to have this statewide organization and the 71 local programs providing committed CASA volunteers, staff and board members to ensure our children receive the services they need.


Throughout my career, I have witnessed Texas CASA’s expansion across the state in order to better serve our communities. It is the CASA network’s dedication to providing a voice to the vulnerable children that inspires so many, including myself, to make a difference in the lives of abused and neglected children.

strengthen our relationship so that we can work together in guiding these children to safe, permanent homes where they have the opportunity to succeed. It is a privilege to work alongside Texas CASA and every CASA volunteer as we mold a brighter future for Texas.

Texas CASA has accomplished a lot since its founding, and I look forward to the next 25 years as we continue to


channeling funds Administered $14 million in state and federal grant funds to local CASA programs Funds passed through Texas CASA covered approximately 50% of the local CASA programs’ annual expenses

• We provided oversight for the awarding and reporting of the Crime Victims’ Compensation (CVC) Growth Fund contracts. • We secured Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) funding to reimburse programs for the new fingerprint-based background checks. • Because we closely monitored funding, only 1% of VOCA (federal) and CVC (state) funds awarded went unexpended in 2014.

applauding CASA Michael Piraino, National CASA CEO Texas CASA has grown exponentially since its founding. Four words, to me, account for the organization’s success: professionalism, collaboration, focus and vision. But the greatest of these is vision. Texas CASA’s vision, a CASA volunteer for every child, is at the heart of every conversation and behind every activity. The record of Texas CASA’s 25 years of achievement, however, adds up to so much more than the number of children served. Texas CASA is creating communities that truly care for and protect the most vulnerable children with the highest quality advocacy 12

possible. A robust range of training and quality assurance resources, effective legislative practices, highly visible public policy advocacy and a knowledgeable and responsive staff are the kinds of well-designed practices that have helped CASA programs in the state and in the nation move toward powerful advocacy for all the kids in the child welfare system. When we collaborate effectively, we bring the full knowledge of our collective voices to bear on behalf of the children. Whether in the halls

of the U.S. Congress or the Texas legislature, whether in front of judges or in front of funders—our collective voice is powerful. In the next 25 years, I see our organizations working closely so that the nation understands that CASA is the biggest and best volunteer advocacy movement for abused and neglected children. I look into the future and imagine a growth curve that rises to meet the full need and then declines because, due to our joint advocacy, fewer and fewer children need to be removed from their homes due to maltreatment. 13

powering a movement Screened recruitment Public Service Announcements (PSAs) a total of 727,400 times in 160 movie theaters across Texas More than 3,200 members of the CASA network attended 24 trainings and 16 webinars

• With funding from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, we launched a new Texas CASA website with an updated look and improved functionality, and developed websites for 14 local programs based on our new design. • We provided essential crisis communications support to programs facing potential challenges. • We began work on the first installment of the Fierce Advocacy Series, the Educational Advocacy Toolkit, which aims to help CASA volunteers ensure that all CASA children receive an education that meets their individual needs. • We partnered with the Texas Children’s Commission, DFPS, Texas Appleseed and Casey Family Services to offer four one-day Permanency Values Trainings that explored how partners in the child welfare system can work with children and youth in care to build life-long, supportive relationships.

applauding CASA J. Parker McCollough, Vice President, Government Affairs, Gulf Coast Region, NRG Energy I was a state representative and a member of the Appropriations Committee when I was first approached by Jane Quentan Piper in 1991. We were under a very difficult budget crunch that year, and had to say no to a lot of people. Jane, however, would not take no for an answer. I quickly became familiar with Texas CASA, and because of Jane, its mission became my own. Jane started urging not just me, but my entire office – she was persistent and aggressive in keeping CASA on the front burner as we were 14

writing the budget. She did a great job of explaining how CASA involvement benefits children, the community and society as a whole, leading us to appropriate $250,000 from the state’s Crime Victims’ Compensation Fund for the first two years. Today, it has grown to approximately $10.5 million and is the biggest source of funding in supporting the 71 local CASA programs across Texas. I am grateful that I was able to be a part of the start of such a wonderful organization and have truly valued my relationship with Texas CASA over

the years. I will do whatever I can to help continue the growth of the organization throughout the state. My hope for the next 25 years of Texas CASA would be to have a CASA program in every county and every community across the state, ensuring that every child who needs one will have a CASA volunteer. The day may come when CASA is no longer needed because every child has a safe and loving home, but until then, I am thrilled to continue to support Texas CASA in both a personal and corporate role. 15

funding the future Secured more than $1.7 million in private funding in FY 2014 More than 400 program staff and board members attended 11 webinars to support their fundraising efforts • We cultivated a generous grant from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas and its Healthy Kids, Healthy Families initiative that will help fund a pilot program focused on creating an effective and scalable model to serve every child designated under Permanent Managing Conservatorship (PMC) across the state – children placed in the permanent custody of DFPS. • The Meadows Foundation continued their support for a second year, allowing us to deliver hands-on assistance to another 10 local programs in addition to the 11 programs currently served through their grant, and to expand the network’s ability for legislative advocacy. • We also successfully extended support from RGK Foundation for another year, which increased both the number of onsite board trainings and data management assistance provided by the quality assurance team.

applauding CASA Beverly Levy, Former Dallas CASA Executive Director When I became the executive director of Dallas CASA in 1993, I recognized how much I needed the insight and advice of those who worked in the field. Through its invaluable network, Texas CASA connected me with the truly remarkable CASA executive and program directors across the state. Throughout my 21-year career with Dallas CASA, the broader Texas CASA community was always there for me and the organization, offering encouragement and support. Texas CASA helps local programs across the state provide the best possible environment through their advocates by offering all of us a forum through 16

which we can learn from one another and by encouraging collaboration, particularly with DFPS, the judiciary and other professionals in the foster care system. That collaboration is key to identifying opportunities that benefit the children we serve and negotiating ways of making change possible. As our advocate in the Texas Legislature, Texas CASA then helps to ensure that those improvements are legal and funded. I don’t think there’s any higher calling than to be a part of CASA. It’s quite simply the perfect nonprofit organization. Whether as a volunteer,

staff or board member, everyone who works with CASA serves children who desperately need our help – who are also caught in a system that needs our help. Some people look back on their lives and say, “Why didn’t I do more to help?” I was truly blessed by my years at Dallas CASA, going to work every single day, loving my job and the people with whom I worked because I knew that we were doing extraordinary things for our state’s most vulnerable children. What could be better than that?


connecting our community

2013 Texas CASA Conference: Fierce Advocacy – The CASA Way October 24 – 26, 2013 595 CASA volunteers, staff and board members attended the 2013 Texas CASA Conference to network, learn best practices and leverage the work we all do to help Texas children. The event was especially focused on celebrating the CASA volunteers in attendance – those who truly make our organization a success. The annual conference is our opportunity to bring together passionate, like-minded people and to celebrate the successes of the broader CASA community.

Child Welfare Primer November 19, 2013 CASA volunteers and staff from around the state attended the third annual Texas CASA Child Welfare Primer. The primer consisted of indepth presentations on: • The state budget and how it affects the children we serve • The Sunset process and how to best advocate for improvements to the child welfare system • Policy changes that help promote bonds between children and their family and friends • Trauma-informed care



connecting our community

Advanced Executive Director and Program Director Development Retreat March 6 – 7, 2014

2014 Texas Children Texas Champions Luncheon February 11, 2014 Texas CASA and Child Advocates San Antonio co-hosted the 2014 Texas Children Texas Champions Luncheon and award ceremony at the Pearl Stable in San Antonio. Three San Antonio-area legislators and a corporate sponsor were recognized as champions for children in the child welfare system.

Texas CASA hosted a two-day retreat for local program executive directors (EDs) and program directors (PDs). The first day focused on strategies to build resiliency in themselves and their organizations by maintaining a healthy perspective and avoiding secondary traumatic stress and burnout. The second day consisted of separate tracks, with topics geared toward program administration and governance for EDs and advocacy and volunteer support for PDs.

Legislative Advocacy Team Retreat August 23, 2014 Texas CASA led a Legislative Advocacy Team (LAT) Retreat attended by 39 LAT chairs and staff from 16 CASA programs. The retreat's purpose was to educate and inspire LATs for the 84th Legislative Session. Retreat activities included a "how-to" exercise on testifying before the legislature, a discussion of Texas CASA's draft legislative priorities and an overview of the recommendations of the Texas CASA Mental Health Task Force. In addition, State Representative Larry Gonzales provided excellent insight into the legislative process as well as the Sunset process.

The Legislative Champions awards were presented to Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives Joe Straus, Senator Carlos Uresti and Representative Ruth Jones McClendon. All three legislators have shown exceptional leadership in helping to strengthen CASA programs across Texas and improve outcomes for children in the Texas child welfare system. Union Pacific Railroad was honored as a Corporate Champion for its leadership and support of CASA in San Antonio, as well as programs across Texas.



sharing our financials REVENUE State Funding


Federal Funding


Private Funding




Pass through amount

$13,801,352 87% of government funding Texas CASA receives is awarded to local programs for

EXPENSES Local Program Support Services and Training Volunteer Recruitment and Awareness Grants Management and Development




Public Policy Advocacy






Fiscal Year 2014 began September 1, 2013 and concluded August 31, 2014

recruitment, training and support of volunteers

applauding CASA The Honorable Eva Guzman, Justice, Supreme Court of Texas; Chair, Permanent Judicial Commission for Children, Youth and Families I think that anyone who comes into contact with Texas CASA is inevitably changed and shaped by that experience, and I am no exception. I have had the opportunity to observe the work of Texas CASA from all three levels of the state judiciary, and I know firsthand that it fills a crucial void in our legal system. All judges have cases that they never forget, and for me, that case came well before my appointment to the Texas Supreme Court. It involved a brave 13-year-old girl who had been terribly abused by her mother. The father 22

had stood idly by, allowing the abuse to continue, but the child’s CASA volunteer was the one grounding presence in her life and provided invaluable assistance at a time of critical need. As a judge, I will be forever grateful for CASA’s work in that case, and the countless others where it performs a similar function. Having served on the Texas CASA board of directors, I have had the honor of transitioning from an appreciative observer of the organization’s endeavors to an enthusiastic participant. My work with Texas CASA has been some of the most meaningful

in my career, and I look forward to expanding my involvement as the organization continues its outstanding efforts on behalf of children in the child welfare system. I passionately believe that abused and neglected children should have the support and assistance they need, and I am pleased to be part of a group that has such a positive impact on children going through difficult circumstances. Texas CASA has made tremendous strides over the years and has done heroic work for some of the most vulnerable Texans. 23

contributing to our cause

WISDOM PARTNERS $100,000 – $249,999

An investment made in Texas CASA is an investment made in the future of Texas’ children. Our supporters help create a future where children and families flourish. Their generous contributions allow us to support the 71 local programs, which in turn provide volunteers to serve the children in their local communities. We applaud our donors for allowing us to strengthen our leadership this year, and every year.

The Meadows Foundation

Major Grants for Texas CASA Projects Capacity Building for Local CASA Programs & Public Policy Support The Meadows Foundation

INTEGRITY PARTNERS $25,000 – $99,999

Enhanced Mental Health Advocacy Project Hogg Foundation for Mental Health Online Core Advocacy Skills Training & Quality Assurance Review Program RGK Foundation Healthy Kids Healthy Tomorrows: CASA PMC Pilot Project Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas Healthy Kids, Healthy Families



contributing to our cause

Our donors' contributions make a difference in the lives of the children in our community. We are grateful for their dedication and for working with us to improve the lives of children in need.

FIDELITY PARTNERS $10,000 – $24,999

HONOR PARTNERS (cont.) $1,000 – $4,999

HONOR PARTNERS (cont.) $1,000 – $4,999


Bill Paxton

Renee Day

Nelda Peterson & Patrick Howard

Dechert LLP


Devereaux Texas

John Sampson

Jay Ellwanger

Paige & Michael Sconzo

Veronica Forsyth

Silver Eagle Distributors

Tracey & Ben Franks

Dr. James Speights

Frost Bank San Antonio

Vicki Spriggs

Haynes and Boone

Jana Teis

Amy & Greg Herzog

Holly & Michael Turner

Ivan Jaime


Melissa & Mark Jones

Billy C. Ward

Thomas Jones

Greg Wilhelm

Dr. Yvonne Katz

Fred Williams

John Larkin

Zachry Construction

Suzanne & Don Maloney

FRIENDS $500 – $999

Marathon Oil McCraw Oil/Kwik Chek Jim McReynolds

INSIGHT PARTNERS $5,000 – $9,999

HONOR PARTNERS $1,000 – $4,999 Alpha Capital Management

Merck Partnership for Giving

Altria Client Services Inc.


Mary & Lynn Moak

The Dorset Foundation/ Jane Quentan Piper

Julie Bowling

Holly Munin


Brattain Family Charitable Trust

Susie Moseley

Tassie & Dick Holt

Marina & Patrick Breeland

Becky & Gene Needham


Brandy & Christopher Buck

Trisha & Chaz Neely

Wells Fargo Capital Finance 26

Colleen Barrett Susan & Glenn Brooks Jenny Haynes Ryan Parrish Stefanie Scott Michael Wright

Onshore Resources 27

CASA programs in Texas *100% @ 70%

Program served 100% of the children in its area with at least 70% volunteers

Abilene Big Country CASA (325) 677-7895 www.regionalcrime.org/ bigcountrycasa.html Alpine Frontier CASA (432) 837-7448 www.frontiercasa.org

Bay City CASA of Matagorda & Wharton Counties (979) 245-4958 www.casa-mw.org

Amarillo Amarillo Area CASA, Inc. (806) 373-2272 www.amarillocasa.org

Beaumont CASA of Southeast Texas (409) 832-2272 www.casasetx.org

Angleton CASA of Brazoria County (979) 849-7751 www.yfcs.org

Bonham Fannin County Children's Center (903) 583-4339 www.fanninccc.org

Athens* CASA of Trinity Valley (903) 675-7070 www.casaoftv.org Austin CASA of Travis County (512) 459-2272 www.casatravis.org 28

Bastrop CASA of Bastrop County (512) 303-2272 www.casaofbastrop.org

Brenham CASA for Kids of South Central Texas (979) 277-0088 www.wespeak4kids.org

*100% @ 100%

Program served 100% of the children in its area with 100% volunteers

Brownsville CASA of Cameron & Willacy Counties (956) 546-6545 www.casaofcameronandwillacy.org

Conroe CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County (936) 441-5437 www.casaspeaks4kids.com

Brownwood CASA in the Heart of Texas (325) 643-2557 www.casabrownwood.org

Corpus Christi CASA of the Coastal Bend (361) 884-2272 www.coastalbendcasa. wordpress.com

Bryan Voices for Children, Inc.CASA of Brazos Valley (979) 822-9700 www.voicesforchildreninc.org

Corsicana* CASA of Navarro County (903) 872-3772 www.kidadvocates.org/casa.html

Childress* CASA of the Rolling Plains (940) 937-3180 www.childresscasa.com

Dalhart* CASA 69, Inc. (806) 244-2684 www.casa69.org

Cleburne CASA of Johnson County (817) 558-6995 www.casajohnsoncounty.org

Dallas Dallas CASA (214) 827-8961 www.dallascasa.org


CASA programs in Texas *100% @ 70%

Decatur CASA of Wise & Jack Counties (940) 627-7535 www.casawise.org Denton CASA of Denton County, Inc. (940) 243-2272 www.casadenton.org Edinburg CASA of Hidalgo County (956) 381-0346 www.casaofhidalgo.com El Paso CASA of El Paso (915) 546-8146 www.casaofelpaso.com Fort Worth CASA of Tarrant County (817) 877-5891 www.speakupforachild.org Gainesville CASA of North Texas (940) 665-2244 www.casant.org Galveston CASA of Galveston County (409) 572-2552 www.casagalveston.org


Granbury* CASA of Hood & Somervell Counties (817) 579-6866 www.missiongranbury.org/casa Greenville* CASA for Hunt County (903) 450-4410 www.casaforhuntcounty.org Hereford Great Plains CASA for Kids (806) 363-1211 www.gpcasa.org Houston Child Advocates, Inc. (713) 529-1396 www.childadvocates.org Huntsville CASA of Walker, San Jacinto & Trinity Counties (936) 291-6363 www.casaofwalkercounty.org Kerrville* Hill Country CASA (830) 896-2272 www.hccasa.org

Georgetown CASA of Williamson County (512) 868-2822 www.casawilco.org

Kingsland CASA for the Highland Lakes Area (325) 388-3440 www.highlandlakescasa.com

Graham North Star CASA (940) 549-9829 www.virginiashousetx.org

Kingsville Brush Country CASA (361) 595-7233 www.brushcountrycasa.org

Laredo Voz de Niños (956) 727-8691 www.vozdeninos.org

Program served 100% of the children in its area with at least 70% volunteers

*100% @ 100%

Program served 100% of the children in its area with 100% volunteers

Liberty CASA of Liberty/ Chambers Counties (936) 334-9000 www.casalctx.org

Mount Pleasant CASA of Titus, Camp & Morris Counties (903) 717-8940 www.casatcm.org

Longview East Texas CASA (903) 753-8093 www.easttexascasa.org

Nacogdoches CASA of Deep East Texas (936) 560-4711 www.casaofdet.com

Lubbock CASA of the South Plains (806) 763-2272 www.casaofthesouthplains.org

New Braunfels CASA of Central Texas, Inc. (830) 626-2272 www.casacentex.org

Lufkin* CASA of the Pines (936) 634-6725 www.casapines.org Marshall CASA of Harrison County (903) 923-9224 www.casaharrisoncounty.org Mason Bluebonnet CASA (325) 347-6474 www.bluebonnetcasa.org McKinney* CASA of Collin County (972) 529-2272 www.casaofcollincounty.org Midland CASA of West Texas (432) 683-1114 www.casawtx.org

Odessa CASA of the Permian Basin Area, Inc. (432) 498-4174 www.casapba.org Orange Advocates for Children, Inc. (409) 886-2272 www.advocates-4-children-inc.org Pampa CASA of the High Plains (806) 669-7638 www.casahp.org Paris* CASA for KIDS (903) 737-4346 www.pariscasaforkids.org Pleasanton CASA of South Texas (830) 569-4696 www.casasouthtx.org


CASA programs in Texas *100% @ 70%

Program served 100% of the children in its area with at least 70% volunteers

Rockwall Lone Star CASA (972) 772-5858 www.lonestarcasa.org

Sherman CASA of Grayson County, Inc. (903) 813-5400 www.casagrayson.org

Rosenberg* Child Advocates of Fort Bend (281) 341-9955 www.cafb.org

Stephenville* CASA for the Cross Timbers Area (254) 965-6610 www.casacta.org

San Angelo Children's Advocacy Center of Tom Green County (325) 653-4673 www.cactomgreen.org San Antonio Child Advocates San Antonio (CASA) (210) 225-7070 www.casa-satx.org


Sulphur Springs Lake Country CASA (903) 885-1173 www.lakecountrycasa.org Temple CASA of Bell & Coryell Counties (254) 774-1881

Texarkana CASA of Northeast Texas (870) 775-1252 www.casatexarkana.org Tyler CASA for Kids of East Texas (903) 597-7725 www.casaforkidsofeasttexas.org Uvalde Tri-County CASA (830) 278-7733 Victoria Golden Crescent CASA, Inc. (361) 573-3734 www.goldencrescentcasa.org

*100% @ 100%

Program served 100% of the children in its area with 100% volunteers

Waco CASA of McLennan & Hill Counties (254) 304-7982 www.casaforeverychild.org Waxahachie* CASA of Ellis County (972) 937-1455 www.casaofelliscounty.org Weatherford* CASA - Hope for Children (817) 599-6224 www.casaofparkercounty.com Wichita Falls Child Advocates CASA of Red River (940) 766-0552 www.casawf.org 33

Texas CASA leadership & staff BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Susie Moseley Former Local CASA Executive Director President-Elect Honorable Greg Wilhelm, J.D. Attorney at Law, Law Office of Gregory E. Wilhelm, P.C., Former Judge Past President Billy Ward Former President, Swalm Foundation, Community Volunteer First Vice President Greg Herzog Capelo Law Firm, CASA Volunteer Treasurer Renee Day Healthcare Administration Professional, Baylor Healthcare System Secretary Frederick (Fred) Williams Retired, Marketing Director, Aspen Technologies

Christopher Buck, J.D. Attorney, Buck Law Firm P.L.L.C.

Dan McCoy, M.D. Vice President & Chief Medical Officer, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas Jim McReynolds Former State Representative, Owner, Chapparel Energy, Inc. Holly Munin CEO, Superior HealthPlan Gene Needham Retired, CASA Volunteer Steve Ortega, J.D. Attorney, Law Office of Steve Ortega Jana Teis Banker, Wells Fargo Regional Representatives Alisa De Luna Executive Director, CASA of Williamson County

Joni Garcia Executive Director, CASA of South Texas

Kevin Corbett Partner, Ernst & Young

Jennie Hill Executive Director, CASA of the South Plains

Vivian J. Dorsett, Ph.D. Adjunct Instructor & Private Practitioner, Prairie View A&M University

Ann McAlpin Executive Director, CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery County

E. Ben Franks, J.D. Cattle Rancher, Riata Cattle

Celeste Prather Executive Director, CASA for Hunt County

Jenny Haynes Communications Professional, CASA Volunteer Hedy Helsell Retired, Former Executive Director, Center for Nonprofit Management 34

Ivan Jaime Director of Public Affairs, Union Pacific Railroad

Vicki Robertson Executive Director, CASA of North Texas

TEXAS CASA STAFF Vicki Spriggs Texas CASA CEO Veronica Forsyth Deputy CEO Administration Cathy Cockerham Liaison for Program Development

Program Services Teri Dahl Program Services Director

Deedra Baker Quality Assurance Manager Diana Fonseca Quality Assurance Specialist

Nancy Rodriguez Business Operations Manager

Dorothy Garretson Quality Assurance Assistant

Karen Dvorak Data Manager

Grants Management Glenn Brooks Grants Management Director

Maribel Bowles Events & Meetings Manager Esteban Desantiago Executive Assistant Training & Communications Leslie Palmer Training & Communications Director

Dennise Jackson Training & Outreach Manager Debbie Berins Communications & PR Specialist

Tom Jones Senior Grants Management Specialist Mary Hightower Grants Management Specialist Development Shari Hanrahan Development Director

Alicia Jones Development Associate

Caitlyn Perdue Marketing Technologist

Public Affairs Andrew Homer Public Affairs Director

Sean White Training Technologist

Cristina Masters Legislative Advocacy Coordinator

Emma Ledford Training & Communications Assistant

Sarah Crockett Public Policy Coordinator


Thank you for your continued support in making a difference in Texas. With your help, we will have a CASA volunteer for every Texas child in need.

At Texas CASA, we have an uncompromising belief in

THE CASA WAY: • We can achieve what others think impossible, and • E ach of us is an essential part of the solution.

1501 West Anderson Lane • Suite B-2 Austin, Texas 78757 (512) 473-2627 TexasCASA.org BecomeaCASA.org

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