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Austin Canterbury Experiences Regrowth, New Leadership
After the brunt of the pandemic, the Austin Canterbury has been working to strengthen connections and work to reintroduce the campus ministry to the University of Texas. Throughout the week, the student community at Austin Canterbury (formally called the Episcopal Student Center of Austin) gathered for morning prayer, meals, study, and conversation. Canterbury's “pay-what-you-can" counseling program continued to serve about 75 clients at universities across central Texas.
The Rev. Travis Helms, campus missioner, left Austin Canterbury spring semester 2022. The Rev. Noah Stansbury arrived in August as its new missioner.
“It’s an exciting time to be at the Episcopal Student Center,” said Stansbury, who formerly served as camp missioner at Clemson University in South Carolina.
Stansbury was raised as a Pentecostal in Georgia but discovered the Book of Common Prayer in college and has been on the Canterbury trail ever since. He completed two terms with the Episcopal Service Corps in Philadelphia and slowly discerned a call to ordination before training for the priesthood at Sewanee: The University of the South. Before coming to Texas he also served as assistant rector at Holy Trinity, Clemson, South Carolina. He lives in Austin with his cat Matilda.