1 minute read
Sam Houston State University
The Episcopal Student Center (ESC) at Sam Houston State University continued to meet student needs in 2022 by providing a student staple: the sack lunch.

Students are provided a sack lunch from the student center’s fridge on the front porch during the week. Weekly Bible study groups meet Wednesdays, with Holy Communion each Sunday. Two members of the ESC attended the Discovery Retreat to seek discernment.

The Sam Houston ESC continues to be open to the needs and concerns of all students, regardless of their backgrounds
As example, a request from multiple students led to the ESC hosting the weekly Dungeons and Dragons Game. D&D is a fantasy, tabletop, role-play game which allows players to create their own characters as they embark on adventures with a fantasy setting. From the group of 40 players, the ESC gained four new members in its student center community.
The Sam Houston ESC shares this message: “We are open to how God will use us in our community.”