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First Anniversary, St. Cecilia's, Round Top
Father Bill and Sandy Miller were laying the groundwork for the launch of Saint Cecilia's, Round Top, in summer 2021 by forming relationships and connecting with folks in the small town. However, the formal work began early October 2021.

The organizers secured the historic Haw Creek Chapel, which was built in 1872 and moved to Round Top in the 1960's in the heart of Henkel Square. Saint Cecilia is the patron saint of musicians, so the doors opened with a Saturday evening reception, complete with live music provided by John Breland, former guitarist for Dolly Parton.
The Millers greeted about 75 local folks who turned out to see what Saint Cecilia's was all about. The next day, on Sunday afternoon, the first liturgical event was held. An Animal Blessing was held as the community brought their beasts, and music complimented the event. An outdoor concert with a popular local band the Black Cat Choir followed.
The next Sunday morning, Saint Cecilia's held its first Sunday morning service. At that time, congregants shared the space with the local chamber of commerce and the visitor center. Thirty showed up for the first Sunday morning service.
One year later, on Saturday, Oct. 8, Bishop Kai Ryan joined the community of Saint Cecilia's for a service of confirmation, celebrating the year anniversary. Bill presented 14 candidates for confirmation and reception. Over the course of the first year, he had offered three "Discovery Day" classes for those wanting to learn more about the Christian faith and Anglican tradition. The 14 new members came from a variety of religious backgrounds: Lutheran, Methodist, Catholic, Baptist, and Presbyterian, Evangelical, and non-specific. Several of those confirmed or received had not been an active participant in a faith community since childhood. Even Saint Cecilia's stellar musician, New Orleans native Joey McGee, was received on that special day.

After the service, folks gathered outside under the old live oaks in Henkel Square for a catered reception organized by Sandy Miller. In keeping with Saint Cecilia's celebration of the arts, especially musicians, the great guitarist Darin Layne from Austin performed on the front porch. The celebration continued on Sunday morning with a packed house for the morning service. It would be only a few months until Saint Cecilia's service was so full that the congregation would expand to two Sunday morning services in January. The average Sunday attendance was 75, an amount exceeding the town’s population of 87 residents.