Texas Dog Magazine | Summer 2019

Page 17


STAY COOL ALL SUMMER NETFLIX AND CHILL WITH THESE DOG TALES --------------------------------------------------------BY: TIFFANY DITTO Staff Writer ---------------------------------------------------------As the sum m er heats up, and everyone searches for a way to stay cool, Netflix prom ises a way to chill while taking in the one things we love ? dogs. The first of these binge worthy T.V. shows com es from the 2010 archives, but is still as relevant as the day it first aired.

salvages lim bs plagued by cancer and turns beloved pets ?bionic.? However, if watching m iraculous surgeries isn?t som ething you find pawsom e, Six Puppies and Us aim s to give viewers solace in knowing they?re not the only ones who experience growing pains after adding a new edition to the fam ily.



The Bionic Vet is a BBC Docum entary Television series that centers on the work of veterinary surgeon, Dr. Noel Fitzpatrick. The six-episode series prem iered on the BBC in 2010, but the episodes rem ain tim eless as viewers continue to root for the healing of Fitzpatrick?s patients. In episode two, Fitzpatrick helps a Labrador Retriever with a cancerous tum or on his leg that is eating away at the bone. The doctor replaces the tum or with an im plant that fuses seam lessly with the bone ? thus m aking the dog a bionic pet. Episode four tugs at the heartstrings of dog lovers as the surgeon tries to help an airport sniffer dog regain his m obility after tearing a ligam ent in his knee, and treats a puppy who was tram pled by a horse. The puppy recovery proves problem atic as post-surgery infection sets into the pup?s foot. Fitzpatrick perform s com plex surgeries using cutting-edge technology that m any surgeons wouldn?t even attem pt. Throughout the series, Fitzpatrick perform s m inim ally invasive arthroscopic surgery,

This docuseries, another gift from the BBC, follows six British fam ilies as they adapt to their newly adopted fur fam ily m em bers. Throughout the first year of their lives the pups experience a num ber of challenges from behavioral issues to difficulty toilet training and phobias. Bingers will see a vast array of pup stories from Lola the Labradoodle, who aim s to give her owner m ore freedom as she works to becom e a perfect service dog. M eanwhile, Stewie the Yorkie-poo will steal viewers' hearts as he grows to be his fam ily?s spoiled son. Episode one also introduces viewers to Stan, a Rottweiler M astiff cross, and his owner who work to get over Stan?s phobia of the alley near his house. Border Collie, Jess, works with her owner to learn how to herd cattle, proving that there is nothing that can?t be learned through hard work. The two-episode season m akes it apparent to new pup owners that we?re all in this together.

Twitter: @TiffanyDitto


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