Texas Dog Magazine | Fall 2019

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Doggy DIY: An out of this world Halloween costume

DigDates: Find someone you really dig Quiz: Which dog is your zodiac sign?




SPRING 2019 / VOL. 2/ ISSUE 1





Edit or 's Not e ... pg 7 Advocat es ... pg 8 Pet 's Per spect ive ... pg 9 FEATURES Breed Focus: Greyhound ... pg 10 Mr. Bowtie Boutique ... pg 12 FIDO 411



TV Channel for Dogs & more ... pg 14 FUR FUN What Dog is your Zodiac Sign? ... pg 18 Doggy DIY: Astronaut ... pg 20 OTHER VOICES Guest: Petting Club ... pg 22 Guest: SPCA ... pg 23







Guest: Pacific Paws ... pg 24

Review: Zookies Cookies ... pg 35

Guest: Jay the Toller's Human ... pg 26

Review: Life in the Doghouse ... pg 36

PET M D Vet Talk: Toxic Foods ... pg 28 PUP CULTURE DigDates Dating App ... pg 30 Review: Furbo Dog Camera ... pg 34

Texas Top Dog ... pg 38 Instadogs ... pg 39 Pu pt ow n Dog Even t s ... pg 42 K9 Classif ieds ... pg 43 From the cover: Jay the Toiler is pictured in the great outdoors.

Editor's Note The fall is truly the beginning of the holiday season. The weather cools down, Texans get to enjoy more time outdoors with their dogs and if you?re lucky you even get to join in on Fright Fest at Six Flags over Texas or go on a haunted hayride. For me and Rue, this season has always been a special time, but we feel we have even more to celebrate this year. Rue and I are thankful for our reader base and all the doggos who love and interact with us often. Some of our friends include feature dog @jaythetoller, our Dog of the Year @jackson_the_dalmatian, our gal pals over at @gals.best.friend. We also can?t forget to mention @marilynchihuahua, @1big1small, @_bowiethepup and @wangandozzy. There are so many more friends than that to who we owe so much of our community, but this shortlist must suffice for now. This fall also brings with it so many amazing partnerships and moments for myself and my crew as well. Most recently DigDates and the SPCA of Texas have completely stolen our hearts. We?re also thankful for our continued partnerships with brands like Unleashed Paws, Dog-Friendly Alliance and The French and I, as well as new relationships with brands like Mr. Bowtie Boutique and Pacific Paws. The dog community is so special and we love that there is constantly space for more (and even more) brands who love and support the dogs of Texas (and beyond)! I am tails over paws that going into this cozy and festive season Texas Dog Magazine can firmly establish it?s initiative to share the stories of Texas rescues, nonprofits and other dog-related organizations, as well as the businesses that support them. I would also like to thank my team for collaborating on this initiative and ultimately putting the dogs at the forefront of our media company. On behalf of myself, Ruekah and my team thank you to our readers for your endless support, because of all of you we get to do what we love for the furry companions that we love.

t exasdogm agazin e.com PUBLISHER Bookshelf Builders Press

EDITOR Nealie Sanchez editor@texasdogmagazine.com

ADVERTISING TXDMadvertising@gmail.com

STAFF Alana Holt alanaTXDM@gmail.com Linda Kessler lindaTXDM@gmail.com Tiffany Ditto tiffanyTXDM@gmail.com

222 E. Ren f r o St ., St e. 108 Bu r leson , TX 76028 Š2018 All rights reserved. Volume 1, Issue 2 No Part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher.


Nealie E. Sanchez Founder & Editor TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 7


Sw eetpups This edition, Texas Dog Magazine

If you are interested in supporting

would like to voice its support for

Sweetpups Dog Rescue you can visit

PayPal any amount to

Sweetpups Dog Rescue, Sanctuary

them online at sweetpups.org. To

swe181@sweetpups.org or mail a

and Spay Program. Texas Dog

make a financial donation for the

check of any amount to P.O. Box 446

Magazine received an email about the

medical needs of animals in the care

Vidor, Texas 77670.

rescue from the founder?s son and active service member, Keeton Tucker. After hearing about the organization's humble beginnings and true grit in protecting the animals and supporting its community the TXDM team decided to share the Sweetpups message. This family-run 501(3)(c) rescue organization located in Vidor, Texas was founded in May 2009, celebrating 10 years this past summer. The founder, Glenna Tucker, finally expanded her operation this past August, according to Keeton. Glenna has transported dogs across the country to get them to their forever homes out of the cargo van that was a 45th-anniversary gift from her husband Robert. ?Realizing we needed to do more than just rescue the dogs, we started to reach out into the community in other ways, helping pet owners understand the need to get their pet spayed or neutered and offering as much support as possible toward that end,? the website reads. The organization also stresses routine pet care such as heartworm prevention not only for pets under their care but the pets in the community. 8 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

of Sweetpups Dog Rescue you can


Tex 's bi g new s -------------------------------------BY: TEX Dog Columnist -------------------------------------Howdy hoomans, it me, Tex. I have exciting news. Have you ever wanted to ask a dog a question? Me too. Well, I guess I ask other doggos questions basically all the time. Especially, if they?re gonna eat their scraps. Anyway, if you?ve ever wanted to ask a dog a question? Now is your chance. You can text me, Tex! And my sister Rosie at a new pupper around these parts. Send us any Qs you have about

being a dog or about our magazine and we?ll give you our best A!

Chat with us: (817) 719-TXDM (8936) Terms and conditions apply.


FEA TURES TheGreyhound; an Egyptian treasure -------------------------------------BY: NEALIE SANCHEZ Editor-in-Chief --------------------------------------

to the U.S. where they were still adored

president owned a Greyhound named

for their speed and racing ability.


According to Grey2K USA Worldwide, the

The history of Greyhounds dates back



5,000 years to Egyptian pharaohs?dogs.

Emeryville, Calif., in 1919 and featured a

the company?s site, the Greyhound

The breed can be seen in ancient

mechanical lure to replace the live lures

running dog logo has become one of

Egyptian art dated as early as 2,500 B.C.

used in the past. During this time,

the most recognized brands in the

and is suspected to be featured in

Greyhound racing was still deemed


Homer ?s epic The Odyssey, which was

illegal. The organization also reports

written in the 8th century.

that by 1930 there were 67 illegal dog

becoming a



Greyhounds dog rescue. Greyhounds became the subject of art and literature capturing the attention of Chaucer and Shakespeare both in the Renaissance.

NO VICTORY LAP One of the main struggles the breed


faces is retirement. Once a racing Greyhounds are historically known for their aerodynamic bodies and being masters of speed. The American Kennel Club refers to the Greyhound?s unusual shape as an ?inverted S.? While the most commonly known coat color of a

?I see you stand

Greyhound is gray the breed is actually

like greyhounds in the slips,

found in fawn, black, red, blue, white and various brindle patterns. The AKC

Straining upon the start. The game's afoot; Follow your spirit:

classifies the

ngland and Saint George!? ? William Shakespeare: Henry V Once the age of enlightenment and industrialization put an end to the value of





became a racing dog.

ACROSS THE POND The breed eventually made their way 10 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM




Greyhound as gentle, independent and

Greyhound retires they find themselves abandoned, euthanized



are now several rescue organizations that save Greyhounds from these perils every day and care for them until they find their forever home. A list of Texas Greyhound Rescues we trust: Greyhound Adoption League of Texas galtx.org





Greyhound Rescue Society of Texas called

hypoallergenic dogs, but this is a myth that comes from the Greyhound?s lack of an undercoat. ?

Greyhounds are the fastest dog

breed, reaching speeds up to 45 mph. ? Celebrity YouTube couple Jenna and

Inc. greyhoundsunlimited.org Greyhound Rescue Austin greyhoundrescueaustin.com A Place For Us Greyhounds aplaceforusgreyhounds.org

Julien adopted a rescue greyhound in early 2019. ? Rutherford B. Hayes, the 19th U.S.


laboratories. Across the country, there


and upon this charge, Cry ? God for Harry! E

dog mentioned in the Bible by name.

racing is legal in six states.


owned by royalty, according to Golden

? Greyhounds are the only breed of

tracks across the U.S. Today, Greyhound

in Europe following the Dark Ages, eventually


the name of his bus company to Greyhound Corporation. According to

popularized for their prey hunting skills


commercial in

In the 1700s, Greyhounds became


? In 1929, Carl Earl Wickman changed

Twitter: @NealieSanchez



Keeping Texas?Pooches Trendy Mr. Bowtie Boutique offers custom dog apparel to North Texans -------------------------------------BY: TIFFANY DITTO Staff Writer -------------------------------------Wendy Stark considers herself a ?crazy dog lover ? and she m ay not be wrong. By day she works as a veterinary technician, and in whatever tim e off she has, she operates her


online boutique pet clothier: M r. Bowtie Boutique. Stark m akes custom bandanas and boutique dog collars with flowers and bow ties? em bedding her love of dogs into each stitch. ?I?ve always been crafty, from a young age I rem em ber doing projects with m y m om and sister,? Stark says. ?As I have gotten older and have adopted m any anim als (that need to be dapper) I have com bined m y passion for dogs, sewing and

fabric into

this fun

business. I get so excited when I com e up with a new design or find a fabric that inspires m e.? Stark begins her process at the craft store, searching for fabrics that spark inspiration. She?s known as a regular at her local M cKinney JoAnn?s Fabric store, so m uch so that the em ployees greet her by nam e. After selecting her fabrics, she begins crafting m ultiple collars at

from a client who sim ply asked for a Texas Flag bow tie, m y first attem pt was cute, but the final bow tie is now m y favorite piece,? she says. ?M ost of all, I have m y wonderful fur babies who not only energize m e creatively, they are also m y test subjects. I never sell anything that has not been worn and abused by m y crew.? Stark and her husband are the pet

once? cutting out all of the shapes in the various patterns she plans to

parents to 9 sweet pups and one cat

sew, and then sews them all at once. On average each collar takes her

she refers to as a ?cat-dog.? She prim arily sells her creations online in

about an hour to create, but she can

her Etsy shop, or at local festivals and craft shows. If you?re lucky you

som etim es spend several hours on custom pieces. ?M y m ost recent item was a request 12 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

will see a m em ber of her pack at one of these booths? of course looking like a stud and sporting one of her

fam ous bowties. Collars can be bought

with or

without an accessory, and currently retail for $16-$28. Personalized reversible bandanas can be bought from the boutique for $18-$22. That ?s not all Stark dabbles in though. For the fellow crazy dog parents, she also m akes custom shirts. ?If you are asking about custom shirts for dogs, I have not m ade shirts,? she said. ?I have m ade custom jackets/ coats, but I never was 100% happy with m y design. I do m ake shirts for people and absolutely love when I get a special order


a shirt.

Working with

clients to design a custom shirt m akes m e so happy. The process is so m uch fun and I really get to know the people I am working with, m any are now friends!? The adult t-shirts retail for around $20. Though she doesn?t plan to open a brick and m ortar store, this holiday season Stark will be a vendor at 9 shows or festivals. If you don?t happen to be at one of those events, follow her on social m edia, or visit her shop at: etsy.com / shop/ M rbowtieBoutique. ?I nam ed m y com pany after m y parents dog Stinky, aka M r. Bow Tie,? Stark says. ?I felt like Stinky Boutique m ight not be a great m arketing strategy. Their dog LOVES bow ties, he has over 50! When they change his out he prances and jum ps around, you can actually see him sm ile. I wanted to pay hom age to m y parents who have always supported m e and encouraged m e to create.?

Twitter: @TiffanyDitto Photos courtesy of Wendy Stark. TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 13

FI DO 411 DOGTVnowavailable24/7acrosstheglobe -------------------------------------Staff Reports -------------------------------------LAS VEGAS ? There is now a worldwide devoted to dogs ? DOGTV! Considered a ?new breed? of television, DOGTV was created by scientists and experts exclusively with canines in mind, a press release detailed. This 24/7, digital TV channel aims to provide dogs with ?the right company? when at home alone. DOGTV is available on Xfinity, Directv, SlingTV, RCN, Dish and Cox in the United States, the release explained, adding that the newly created OTT channel can be streamed worldwide on Roku, Amazon FireTV, AppleTV, and on any IOS or Android device. The channel will feature more than 500 hours of content for dogs shot from over 30 locations around the world. "Some of the world's top pet experts spent many years creating special content," said Beke Lubeach, General Manager for DOGTV North America. "This is a TV channel that meets the specific attributes of a dog's sense of vision and hearing and supports their natural behavior patterns. This results in a confident, happy dog who is less likely to develop stress, separation anxiety or other problems associated with spending time alone." DOGTV was designed to support a dog's natural behavior patterns and is divided into three content 14 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

Photo courtesy of DOGTV. categories:

from dogs and other animals.

? Relaxation programs reduce stress with dedicated soothing music and visuals to relax a dog and make them feel at ease.

? Exposure videos include subjects that typically make a dog nervous, i.e. vacuums, car rides, and busy streets, which are introduced gradually to acclimate dogs to these events.

? Stimulation programs encourage movement and playfulness through the use of more engaging videos and sounds

For more information, DOGTV.com/unleashed.


NEW S Lau n ch of CUDDLY ID t o aid pet adopt ion pr ocess SEAL BEACH, Calif. ? CUDDLY Inc., a pet tech leader, has announced the launch of CUDDLY ID. According to a press release, more than 3.3 million dogs and 3.2 million cats are adopted annually from rescues and shelters across the nation. CUDDLY ID aims to ease tracking and verifying pet adoption applicants, streamlining the process for their animal welfare partners. The platform powered by globaliD, a leader in the identity verification space, allows users to prove their identity and reputation for adoption purposes without compromising personal information and documentation. For more cuddlyid.com.



Resear ch f in ds spen din g t im e w it h pet s ben ef it s older adu lt s OMAHA, Neb. ? One in five Americans reports they feel lonely, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. What?s more, according to the University of California San Francisco, 43 percent of seniors say they experience loneliness regularly. But there is good news. A new survey of adults age 65 and older by Home Instead, Inc. found regular interaction with animals can help to reduce these feelings of isolation and loneliness. While there are many benefits to owning or interacting with a pet later in life, Home Instead found unconditional love to be the No. 1 perk of pet ownership, followed closely by company and comfort, a press release noted. Nearly half of pet owners also cited stress relief, sense of purpose and exercise as leading advantages. For more information, including free resources and tips to help seniors incorporate animals into their lives, visit petsandseniors.com. Repor t u n veiled on r edu cin g dog sh oot in gs in police en cou n t er s WASHINGTON ? The National Police

Photo courtesy of dirtydogscontest.com. Foundation and National Canine Research Council are aware of growing awareness and concern over shootings of dogs by law enforcement officers. At the same time, law enforcement leaders acknowledge that their agencies' legitimacy and reputation are tied to community members' perceptions about fairness, trust, and confidence in the police. When pet dogs are shot by police, this can erode public trust and legitimacy? and result in increased risks to bystanders and officers. To shed light on this critical issue, the National Police Foundation and Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Los Angeles(spcaLA), have released a report entitled "An Evidence-Based Approach to Reducing Dog Shootings in Routine Police Encounters: Regulations, Policies, Practices, and Training Implications." The report includes the following four crucial points that all law enforcement officers should know to handle dog encounters safely:

? Circumstances vary widely and misconceptions can lead to shootings that might otherwise be avoided. ? Commonly held beliefs about dog behavior are often inaccurate and based on stereotypes. ? The differences between K-9 dogs and pets need to be better understood. ? All training is not equal and better standards and policies are needed. View the full policefoundation.org.



Th e pow er of gr oom in g STERLING, Ill. ? For a shelter dog, sometimes a good first impression meant the difference between life and death. That?s where the Dirty Dog Contest, the brainchild of pet industry leaders Wahl and GreaterGood.org, comes in. Now in its eighth year, the contest donates funds and grooming supplies to rescues and shelters nationwide so thousands of dogs can have a happy ending. Hundreds of these makeovers are shared through photos in the Dirty Dogs Before & After TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 15

Gallery ? including the Top 10 Shelter Dog Makeovers of 2019. According to a press release, since 2012, Wahl's pet shampoo donations have helped rescues and shelters nationwide transform more than 130,000 dogs and get them ready for adoption. To view the entire gallery, visit dirtydogsgallery.com. Additionally, the site allows visitors to search for


adoptable dogs in their area, learn more about the dogs' backgrounds and stories and share their favorites on social media. To promote the gallery and help get the dogs adopted, Wahl launched launching the eighth annual Dirty Dogs Contest (dirtydogscontest.com), in which 10 of the most dramatic transformations from the gallery received public votes to determine the top three winners. Animal shelters and

rescue groups affiliated with these transformations will receive monetary grants to further support their efforts, with first place taking home $5,000, second place $2,000 and third $1,000. The Dirty Dogs Contest ran Aug. 6-19 with Arlo of Lost Fantasy Rescue taking first, Zorro of the German Shepherd Rescue Orange County in second and Gaston of the National Mill Dog Rescue in third.





Costume Supplies: 2 soda bottles A can of silver spray paint A roll of duck tape Black Felt A printout of the NASA logo 1 piece of elastic or pet shirt Red, orange, and hot pink tissue paper A hot-glue gun and glue sticks Scissors









Prep your jet pack bottles by drinking or dumping the soda out of the bottles and peeling off the labels. Then, rinse out the bottles. Using the silver spray paint, coat the outside of the bottles in paint and let the bottles dry. This part of the process could take 10 minutes to an hour. Next, using your duck tape, tape the two bottles together around the area where the brand labels once were. Now, take your tissue paper and begin cutting out a leaf shape. Be sure to create different sizes in each color that way the flames look more realistic. Layer the different colors of tissue over the top of each other? being sure that they don?t align so that each color can be seen. Using the hot-glue gun, glue the stack of the paper flames inside the drinking end of the bottles. Cover the duck tape area on the bottles with a strip of black felt. This is where your logo will be placed later on. Cut out your NASA logo and place it on top of the black felt in the middle of the two bottles. Lastly, hot-glue your elastic or shirt to the back of the bottles. This will be used to attach your jetpack to your dog, so be sure that your elastic is long enough to fit around your dog?s abdomen if you choose to go that route. Voila ? your pup is now an astronaut!



Dressing up your fur baby for Halloween isn?t a new trend, but it has became more prevalent with the rise of social media. But after buying yourself a costume sure to wow your friends, your Halloween budget may be stretched pretty thin. Stress no more! We?ve DIY-ed an easy costumes you can create for your pet for less than $10.

Pu p-f r ien dly Pu m pk in Pat ch es Here are three dog friendly pup-kin patches you can attend to enjoy fall frolicking with your costumed furry friend. LOVE CREEK ORCHARDS Medina, TX ? Friendly pets are welcome on a leash as long as waste is picked up and dogs are not brought near the petting zoo area. The orchards also ask that dog owners refrain from allowing dogs to use the pumpkins as fire hydrants. Open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every Saturday, Sunday and Monday in October. Admission price is $6 per person. For more information, visit the website. Address: 13558 State Hwy 16 North Website: lovecreekorchards.com Phone: (830) 589-2202 OLD TIM E CHRISTM AS TREE FARM Spring, TX ? Pets are welcome with the family to enjoy crafts, food and fall festivities as long as they are on a leash and picked up after. Open from 4-7 p.m. on Fridays and 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays during the month of October. Admission price is $5 per person ages 2 and up. For more information, visit the website. Address: 7632 Spring Cypress Road Website: oldtimechristmastree.com Phone: (281) 370-9141 FLOWER M OUND PUM PKIN PATCH Flower Mound, TX ? Your pup can come along to enjoy all the free fall activities on a leash as long as they are picked up after, including any accidental pumpkin potties. Open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. from October 1-31. There is a charge for parking: $5 for weekdays and $10 for weekends. Buses are $1 per person, however all activities are free. For more information, visit the website. Address: 5100 Cross Timbers Road Website: flowermoundpumpkinpatch.com Phone: (817) 430-4536 TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 21

OTHER V OI CES Pet pertinent social networking PETTIN G CLUB Facebook : @Pet t in gClu b Tw it t er : @Pet t in gClu b Websit e: pet t in gclu b.com

We are a family of long-time animal lovers. We have two Newfies and three cats and we created an app for dogs and cats lovers, like ourselves. The name of the app is PettingClub (we pet our animals 24/7). With PettingClub it is easy to socialize your dog. You can browse dogs/members in your area and have walks/playdates based on the dogs? breed, friendliness, age and size. You can also find out which are the most popular walking locations, see who is in the dog park right now, get help with lost pets and so much more! The app also has a capability of direct adoptions platform. It brings together people that are looking to adopt and rehome so that the furkids will get adopted from one good home to another without being relinquished to the shelter. The app is free and available for both desktop and mobile (iPhone and Android) at pettingclub.com.

This piece, as well as the art, was a guest contribution by the creators Petting Club. This article is part of TXDM?s initiative to share the stories of Texas rescues, nonprofits and other dog related organizations, as well as the businesses that support them. 22 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM


Rescue, REHAB, Rehome SPCA OF TEXAS Facebook : @spcaof t exaspage Tw it t er : @SPCAof Texas In st agr am : @spcat exas Websit e: spca.or g

Every animal deserves a chance to receive the best possible care, and that?s our mission at the SPCA of Texas, to provide every animal with exceptional care and a loving home. Animals come to the SPCA of Texas after they are rescued from cruel conditions by our Animal Cruelty Investigations Unit, when they are surrendered by their previous owners and by transfer from other animal organizations. However, that?s just the beginning of their road to finding a fur-ever family. After they walk through our doors, some of the animals that come to the SPCA of Texas still need months of rehabilitation, including both medical and behavioral care, before they are ready for adoption. And it?s that rehabilitative care, serving our community?s most vulnerable animals that we celebrate at our Fur Ball gala every year. Fur Ball is a salute to the bond between people and their pets. All money raised from the event goes towards helping the animals in our care. Animals like Mazi. In March, a couple found a young puppy with deformed front legs at a truck stop in Dallas. Nobody claimed her. They believe she was abandoned there because of her legs and they turned to the SPCA of Texas for help. Our medical team examined her and our foster department set to work trying to find her good place to heal and grow. For the past few months, Mazi has been living with her foster family, where

she has received constant care and attention. Her deformed legs haven?t stopped this quirky 6-month-old puppy from getting around. ?You would never think she has something wrong with her legs, she is Miss Independent,? says Mazi?s foster mom. ?She will find a way to get to where she wants to go!? Right now, Mazi still has to use a harness to walk, but we are looking into either a prosthetic or a wheelchair to help this sweet, independent girl get around in the future. Since she is still growing the wheelchair company has suggested the SPCA of Texas wait a few months before figuring out the next steps. Sometimes the healing process for our animals take months and that?s why we are asking for your help! We would love your support to help us care for animals like Mazi, by joining us at our Fur Ball gala on September 21, 2019, from 6:30 p.m. to midnight at the Hyatt Regency Dallas. The elegant, black-tie gala will include dinner, dancing, headline entertainment by Party Machine and live and silent auctions for over 1,000 guests.

This year, the SPCA of Texas is excited to announce a very special partnership for Fur Ball 2019 with a company synonymous with Texas, Tito?s Vodka for Dog People. Together, we will raise money to help rescue more than 3,000 animals from animal cruelty in North Texas, help them heal and find them new forever homes! For over 80 years the SPCA of Texas has operated through the community?s generosity and we look forward to the future! We hope to see you there as we raise money to help animals in the North Texas community! Tickets are available today at www.FurBallDallas.com. Individual tickets are $300 and table sponsorships start at $3,000. For high profile sponsorship opportunities contact Brandi Johnson at 214-461-1832.

This piece, as well as the art, was a guest contribution by the SPCA of Texas. This article is part of TXDM?s initiative to share the stories of Texas rescues, nonprofits and other dog related organizations, as well as the businesses that support them. TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 23


Impacting dogs worldwide PACIFIC PAWS Facebook : @sh oppacif icpaw s Websit e: pacif icpaw s.co

Thanks to its custom ers, this com pany has donated thousands of dog m eals already? M eet Pacific Paws, a lifestyle dog gear com pany based out of Dallas, that donates 10 m eals to dog shelters for every item purchased. By com bining social consciousness with people's natural love for their pups, Pacific Paws allows consum ers to have a direct im pact on pups worldwide. The goal at the com pany is to never let another dog go hungry by using dog gear as a vehicle for change. Every Pacific Paws item is m ade using a blend of sustainable fabrics handwoven in Guatem ala and assem bled in Texas. What inspired you to start Pacific Paws this year? ?We know so m any dog shelters in our local Dallas com m unity who struggle every m onth to feed and care for their pups, let alone m ake rent every m onth.? says Kassidi, co-founder of Pacific Paws. ?There are a lot of pet com panies focused on m aking quality goods but no one focused on giving back in a tangible way. We wanted to bridge the gap and not only help dogs worldwide, but m ake a way for our custom ers to help while still m aintaining the sam e quality of goods. It has always been our the custom er closer to Their purchase is what donate m eals and help 24 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

goal to bring their im pact. allows us to an incredible

num ber of shelters around the nation. We want every custom er to feel em otionally connected to their im pact. Each custom er gets a weekly update on dogs that have been helped through shelters we support which allows them to see their im pact.? Pacific Paws used social m edia platform s such as Instagram and Pinterest to build a dedicated online following. After building their Instagram page to m ore than 35,000

followers in just three m onths of being in business ? this Texas com pany started receiving attention from pet boutiques from around the country. ?The support that we have received so far is a true testam ent to the innate need people have for helping anim als in need.? says Foy. ?We just hope to build on this m om entum by focusing on our core values and building our com m unity.? Although the young com pany has

placed a large focus on building their current com m unity, Pacific Paws is also interested in expanding their reach. After being in business for only three m onths, the Dallas com pany is planning on launching three new products on their site by the end of the year. The products that were m entioned include leashes, collars and dog food and water bowl m ats in addition to their pet apparel.

This article is part of TXDM?s initiative to share the stories of Texas rescues, nonprofits and other dog related organizations, as well as the businesses that support them.

?We?re just hoping to help dogs in need one m eal at a tim e.? To get involved with Pacific Paws and help pups worldwide, you can find their com pany and read m ore about their story and m ission at pacificpaws.co.

This piece, as well as the art, was a guest contribution by Pacific Paws.



M y dog has mor e extr acur r icular s than y our honor student -------------------------------------BY: KATIE ROMIG Guest Contributor -------------------------------------Everyone has their hobbies, right? My aunt recently took up volleyball, m y boss enjoys off-road biking on her days off, and I spend all m y m oney and free tim e com peting with m y dog. Jay is an 18-m onth-old Duck Toller, and before you ask, yes, that ?s a real breed! Tollers look like sm all golden retrievers with the brains & energy of a border collie. He?s a ball of sunshine and teeth wrapped in a red coat and he?s m y absolute best friend. 26 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

There are a lot of reasons to train a dog and m ost of them have an end goal ? training to have m anners, to not jum p on people, to be a service dog, to get a title. Once the goal has been reached, you stop training or you just train to m aintain the behavior. But for m e, and m ost of m y fellow crazy dog sport people, the training is the fun part! I don?t train to com pete, I com pete because I train. Jay and I train for agility, rally and obedience, as well as dabbling in dock diving and hunt training. We aren?t

quite ready for the com petition ring in obedience yet ? that ?s a 2020 goal ? but have intro titles for rally and agility. Com peting gives m e a goal to work toward, standards to hold m y training to and bragging rights once we finally put all the pieces together. There?s just som ething exhilarating about stepping into a com petition ring with m y dog and a leash, knowing that all our hard work is about to pay off. And it is hard work! There are a m illion ways to train a dog, but I always strive to m ake it fun for both ends of the leash. Jay learns and

perform s best when he is happy above all else, so I do everything I can to keep him playing m y silly gam es. As m uch fun as I am , I know there are always other things to sniff, dogs to play with, people to greet and a m illion other things that are m ore enticing than sitting perfectly still at m y side. Agility is m ore inherently fun for him than obedience, but it brings its own challenges ? no, not that tunnel, you need to be on the other side of this jum p and stop barking at m e!

looks happy to be there? Seek those people out and find out where they train! If it seem s like you don?t have anything in com m on with the people there, rem em ber that we?re all in it for the love of dogs. To any aspiring com petitors, I want to pass on som e wise words from the judge at m y first agility trial ? ?Good luck, and rem em ber there?s a fine line

between a hobby and a m ental illness. Most of us crossed it long ago.? With 22,000 events held each year, there?s a dog sport for every dog ? and every owner, the AKC website details. Whether you want to just want to watch or actually participate, it ?s easy to find an event. Visit akc.org/ sports/ events for m ore inform ation.

You?ve probably seen dogs running agility before ? it ?s the obstacle course that they show after Westm inster, and Gabby the papillon?s run there went viral this year. You m ay be less fam iliar with obedience, which is just what it sounds like. Obedience was the first-ever dog sport and involves exercises like heeling, distance position changes, retrieves over the high jum p and handler scent discrim ination. Want an extra challenge? You?re only allowed to give your dog each cue once, with judges take points off for talking to your dog after that. No ?good job,? no ?hurry up,? no talking, period. Jay does okay without encouragem ent, the hard part is rem inding m yself to shut up! Rally has m any of the sam e exercises as obedience, with som e different rules. It ?s a heeling-based sport that involves following a num bered ?course? m ade up of different signs that tell you what to do, like call your dog to front, return to heel, about turn, etc. Rally tends to be m ore fun to com pete in, but obedience is where your training is really put to the test. If any of this sounds like your idea of a good tim e, I highly encourage getting involved! Go watch a trial, volunteer and spend som e tim e talking to the people there. Watch the dogs, but watch the handlers ? who looks confident in their dog?s training? Who TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 27

PET M D Don?t let your holiday celebration turn into a trip to the animal hospital immediately. It is important to bring the package of the xylitol-containing product so your veterinarian can calculate how much your pet may have ingested.? CHOCOLATE

-------------------------------------BY: DR. BEAU BLACK Vet Talk -------------------------------------Dr. Beau Black talks holiday foods that are toxic to your pet : XYLITOL ?This is a sweetener that is often used in ?sugar-free? products, such as sugar-free gum, candies, some brands of peanut butter and baked goods, to name a few. If a pet eats it, their body cannot distinguish the xylitol from a large amount of glucose, so it stimulates a strong release of insulin. The insulin causes a large drop in the pet?s blood glucose, resulting in hypoglycemia. Clinically, this can look a lot like a person who has overdosed on insulin. The pet can act severely lethargic, ataxic (falling over), have seizures, vomiting, diarrhea or even death. If you suspect xylitol exposure, have your pet seen by a veterinarian 28 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

?Chocolate contains theobromines and caffeine, which are toxic to dogs. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea, neurologic abnormalities or, in severe cases, death. The type of chocolate the pet ingests is important. For instance, milk chocolate contains the least amount of the toxic components, while dark chocolate and baking chocolate contain much higher quantities. Have your pet evaluated immediately by a veterinarian, taking the chocolate product packaging to your veterinarian as well.? TURKEY/ CHICKEN/ HAM BONES ?Cooked bone products can splinter as your pet chews or gnaws on them. These splinters can be ingested and result in abdominal pain, damage to the gastrointestinal tract or, in severe cases, obstruction or perforation of the intestines. Do not make the pet throw up; this can result in further damage to the stomach or esophagus. Have the pet evaluated by a veterinarian as soon as possible.? TOXIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ?Some fruits and vegetables are toxic to pets. The most common

toxicities are from grapes, onions and garlic. Grapes can cause damage to kidneys; onions and garlic can cause anemia (loss of red blood cells). It is important to keep these food items out of reach of your pets. If you suspect ingestion, have your pet evaluated by a veterinarian.? ALCOHOL ?Pets can?t tolerate alcohol (ethanol) like humans, so they are susceptible to alcohol poisoning. They can act depressed, become uncoordinated, vomit or become unresponsive. Have your pet evaluated immediately by a veterinarian, and tell your guests to keep their beverages safely out of reach of pets.? HOLIDAY PLANTS ?Lilies are very toxic to cats; it causes acute renal failure (kidney disease). A cat can eat a very small amount or even ingest the water, and still develop kidney disease. Poinsettias are mildly toxic to pets; ingestion rarely requires veterinary care. Christmas tree water can result in a mild gastrointestinal upset in pets.? DR. BEAU BLACK currently practices at Town and Country Animal Hospital in Aubrey, Texas. He has three dogs, two English Labrador Retrievers, Bear and Finn, and a Miniature Longhair Dachshund, Theodore.

PUP CULTURE Dig | The Dog Person?s Dating App ?Find someone you really dig.? DIGDATES Facebook : @DigDat es Tw it t er : @DigDat es In st agr am : @DigDat es Websit e: digdat es.com Pin t er est : / t h edogper son sdat in gapp

-------------------------------------BY: NEALIE SANCHEZ Editor-in-Chief -------------------------------------You can teach your dog to sit, stay and shake ? but what if you could teach your dog to find you love? The dating game has been changed forever by the transition from dating sites to dating apps. Tinder, Bumble, Hinge and other apps have made their way to the forefront of the dating scene. None of


these dating apps had catered to the 55% of pet-owning U.S. singles until DigDates founders Casey and Leigh Isaacson built a dating app that ?connects dog people based on what?s most important to them.?

THEY DIG M E, THEY DIG M E NOT According to a news release, Leigh and Casey created Dig after being duped by fake dog lovers too many times. The final straw seemed to be when a relationship ended after a guy refused to let Casey?s dog Layla in his apartment. The two created the app to be a community of people who care deeply about dogs because ultimately for dog lovers none of the small talk or chemistry matters, ?If the people aren?t on the same page about the dog(s), they just aren?t compatible.?

?Our overall goal with Dig is to provide an easy, fun way to connect dog lovers who are looking to find more love in their life of the two legged variety,? Casey said in the release.

COUNTLESS CANINE CONNECTIONS Dig uses a simple interface to connect local singles who love dogs. Dogless dog lovers rejoice. There is no need to lie about having a dog to use the app. Users can search for singles with a dog or without a dog meaning even if you?re a dogless dog lover, you?ll still be able to find your soulmate on Dig (without posing with your neighbors pooch). ?The only reason [users] are here is because [they] have that commonality. We?re not reinventing the wheel here, there are plenty of apps to go swipe on

all day. People on dating apps use 3-4 dating apps at a time for 8-10 hours a week,? Leigh said. ?You don?t need 4 different types of Tinder to swipe on all day. You recognize that you?re on Dig to have more serious conversations.?

the team found the Most Eligible Dog Mom of Texas. TXDM teammates Linda and Nealie joined in on the fun at the Dig event by interviewing some of Dallas?single dog

parents in search of the most eligible one. After Interviewing nine of the most eligible dog parents the crew took to instagram (@texasdogmagazine) to host a Bachelor/Bachelorette style voting via a poll asking ?Do you give this rose??

Even though they technically can?t keep people from lying about their dog-loving status and there is no certified dog lover test on the market for now, Leigh says it would be pretty hard to pull a fast one on Dig?s dedicated community. ?So here?s the thing, if you are not a dog person who is on a dog person?s dating app you are going to get found out so quickly,? Leigh said. In addition to connecting fido lovers to their one true love, Dig also has features like ?places we dig,? ?daily deals? and the ?tip or trick of the day? to help people plan dog-friendly dates together. The daily deal connects dog owners with a deal from a local business for their pet. ?We have a daily deal on the app so local dog companies can get in front of all the people on Dig,? Leigh said. ?We are giving business owners this unique way to get the most dedicated people who are trying to find the person they want to spend the rest of their life with based on their love for dogs.?

ALL PAWS ON DECK New Orleans based Dig first launched in the New York Metro Area before Valentine's Day 2018. The mobile app has been launched and had users from coast to coast since then but still hosts launch parties for dog lovers in major cities across the nation. The founding duo uses these events as an opportunity to connect with the dog loving communities, which Leigh claims is one of her favorite dualities of their business. ?I think of our business in two different ways the dating industry and the dog industry but this dog world is so much fun,? Leigh said. Dig launched in Austin on Nov. 8, 2018 and invited Texas Dog Magazine out to a launch event in Dallas on Aug. 8 where TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 31

Here are a few of our favorite singles:

Jessica and her pup Rose. ?I?m single because I?m a teacher and I only work with women!?? Jessica Lindsay and her pup Keelee ?I?m single because I?m looking for the right dog father.?? Linsday Diva and her pup JoJo ?I?m single because I like to actually go out and do things!?? Diva Rani and his pup Aspen ?I?m single because I have a dog!?? Rani Josiah and his pup Kona ?I?m single because I just moved to Dallas.?? Josiah Randy and his pup Miso ?I?m single because no one knows my dog as much as I do and I can?t be with someone who isn?t as crazy about dogs as I am!?? Randy


Ultimately our readers chose Victoria and her pup Anderson Cooper! Victoria received the most roses from the TXDM audience and took her throne as Dallas? Most Eligible Dog Mom. The duo took home a basket full of goodies and planned to find their Andy Cohen via the DigDates app! You can check out all of these singles and more on our DigDates Launch Instagram highlight.

HOW OLD IS THAT IN DOG YEARS? According to Leigh most dating apps have pretty specific age groups attached to them. While the dating app does have a dominant 25-30 age range group, the sisters found out that they have indirectly created a space for dog-lovers of all ages to meet. The pair was ecstatic to learn that the first couple to become engaged from meeting via DigDates was a 63-year-old and 70-year-old in Boston.

?We didn?t expect it but we have an incredible community in the 50+ age group. To see that we are filling that need is so so amazing,? Leigh said.

SOM EONE YOU REALLY ?DIG? Ultimately the founders of Dig know that there are a lot of apps users turn to for dating, but they hope to fill dating dog lovers? needs so they can find someone they really ?dig.? ?I truly do believe in this system, I believe in dating apps. Everyone [in the dating app space] is trying to make relationships better,? Leigh said. ?[...] We recognize that we are a part of this larger system just with way more dog photos, so with way more fun!?Dig is available for download wherever you get your mobile apps. For more information, find them on the web at digdates.com or @digdates on your favorite social platform.

Twitter: @NealieSanchez


Keeping pets and their owners interacting all day long -------------------------------------BY: TIFFANY DITTO Staff Writer -------------------------------------Lets face it, we?ve all wondered what our pets do when we?re not home. With the Furbo Dog Camera, not only can you know what they do all day, but you can also get alerts when your dog is barking, talk to them through a two-way microphone, and shoot treats out to your pets for good behavior. Sporting full high-definition video quality, a 160-degree wide-angle lens and night vision, it's no surprise pet lovers with a little cash to spare are trying out the Furbo. The Furbo is a small camera, with a quality plastic build, that plugs into the wall and sits on a table or shelf. Using the Furbo app on any smartphone device, pet owners are able to interact with their pet even when they are at work or away on a trip. The top of the camera has a bamboo lid with a rubber seal on it that detaches so that small treats may be placed inside. Through the app, users are able to make the Furbo shoot treats out of the machine to the dog. The only downside is that the Furbo doesn?t shoot just one treat, but often shoots many. For this reason, users should be cautious not to give your dog too many treats. Though the app is at times glitchy, the other features the Furbo offers makes up for this factor. Two mobile devices may be synced up to the camera so that both pet parents can interact with their dog. The two-way microphone lets you speak to your dog and hear them, as well as interact 34 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

The Furbo Dog Camera. Photo by Tiffany Ditto.

with their toys or other things in their environment. Currently, the Furbo offers the treat tossing feature, the live video stream and barking alerts to users for free. Some premium features are available for $7.99 a month. These features include the ?Furbo Dog Nanny? ? which activates the camera and begins recording any time it senses your pet in motion. The nanny cam then compiles these videos into a short one-minute clip for you to review at the end of the day. These clips are set to a cute song as well? only adding to their appeal. The nanny feature also

takes a selfie of your pet any time they look directly into the camera, and will soon feature emergency alerts in case your pet is getting into trouble while you?re away. Currently, the Furbo Dog Camera retails between $199 and $249. To find more information, or get your paws on a Furbo, visit: www. shopus.furbo.com. We don?t consider the Furbo Dog camera a must-have for pet owners, but it is a fantastic luxury item that will bring dogs and their owners joy. We give the camera four paws up.

Twitter: @TiffanyDitto


ZookiesCookiesextendsa classic family activity tothefur kiddos Staffer Tiffany Ditto made Zookies Cookies with her pup Riley. The duo gives Zookies Cookies 4/4 paws up. Photo by Tiffany Ditto.

-------------------------------------BY: TIFFANY DITTO Staff Writer -------------------------------------Let?s face it, for millennials our dogs are our children, and if there?s one thing we loved doing with our mom growing up, it was baking cookies. Zookies Cookies brings that fun experience to life with your fur baby. After watching an episode of NBC?s Shark Tank where investors struck a $50,000 deal with the creators of Zookies Cookies, we ordered a pack to see what the hype was about. The cookies are sold online on the Zookies Cookies website and are shipped directly to the consumer. Each container of batter makes one

batch of cookies, which according to the packaging is 36 cookies (we got about 20 out of one container, but this was probably user error as I never get the correct amount of muffins or cookies out of my baking mixes). The whole process was as easy as baking boxed cookies, and took about 30-40 min from start to finish. In order to bake the cookies, the baker and their doggo begin by preheating the oven to 350 degrees. Next y'all will combine the cookie mix into a bowl, adding half a cup of water. Stir in the water until dough forms. The dough is thick and kind of dry, but it?s easily pressed into the bone shapes pet owners have come to know and love in their dog treats. Zookies mix even takes care of this aspect for you as well because each package comes with a bone shaped cookie cutter.

limited human grade ingredients, so in theory you can share the treats with your pup when you?re done. We baked the Peanut Barker flavor, and our test dog, a spunky Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Riley, loved them. We did end up trying them ourselves and they were quite dry and crunchy (not quite what the human pallet loves from a cookie), but they were a hit with the pup. As we all know, anything that is a hit with the dogs is a hit with us. Overall we give Zookies Cookies 4/4 paws up. Currently Zookies Cookies are sold in two flavors Cocomutt and Peanut Barker. Each package of cookies retails for $13.99. To order Zookies cookies visit: zookiescookies.com.

Twitter: @TiffanyDitto

Zookies Cookies are made with TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 35 13


2 men, 71 d ogs , 1 hous e Life in the Doghouse reminds us the importance of adoption

-------------------------------------BY: TIFFANY DITTO Staff Writer -------------------------------------Life in the Doghouse is a heartfelt documentary that drops into the lives of two men who share their home with 71 rescue dogs as they search for the perfect forever home for each. The film follows Danny and Ron?s Rescue, run by power couple Danny Robertshaw and Ron Danta, as they travel county to county taking in dogs who are due for euthanasia later that day, or that have special needs that make them hard to adopt out. Viewers will have their heartstrings pulled as they hear how Danny and Ron began their journey as a rescue in 2005 during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The two men rescued and rehomed 600 dogs during this time in an adventure that put them on the path they are on today, having adopted out more than 11,000 dogs to date. Viewers will see the trials and tribulations the couple face as they bring more dogs in need into their home. From the struggle to fund a non-profit, to the amount of work and grit it takes to keep their home clean every day. 36 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

TOP: Netflix screen grab of the Life in the Doghouse page. ABOVE: Danny Robertshaw and Ron Danta of Danny and Ron's Rescue. Photo courtesy of the film's Facebook page. Gone are the dining room table, guest beds, and space for humans. In their place are dozens of dog kennels for the pets who are awaiting their new home, or who have already found their home with Danny and Ron. The film will take movie watchers on a rollercoaster of emotions. Viewers will experience heartbreak as the couple say goodbye to one of their longtime residents who lost his battle with cancer, become filled with worry as the rescue looks for funding to make it to the next month, and find hope that

many of the dogs with unique needs will find a loving home. Danny and Ron express the overall sentiment of the film best, and one that we can all agree with: ?Let's not buy a dog, let's save a dog.? Life in the Doghouse is currently streaming on Netflix. To find more information about Danny and Ron?s Rescue visit https://dannyronsrescue.org.

Twitter: @TiffanyDitto


Dogs of t h e M on t h

Name: Benjamin (goes by Benji) Breed: Pomsky (half Pomeranian, half Husky) Age: 2 years old City: Frisco Favorite treat: Bully Sticks Favorite toy: Anything he can play tug-o-war with Short bio: Benji is a 30-lb Pomsky living the life in Frisco, TX. He loves to be outside and chase other dogs around. Benji knows a handful of tricks like sit, stay, and roll over, as well as shake with both paws, sit pretty, speak, and play dead. Benji also understands that he?s cute and can get away with anything/everything! He?s so smart and it can be easily said that he?s the best dog ever! 38 | TEXASDOGMAGAZINE.COM

#tex asdogsof i nsta




Sat. Sept. 28 from 1-5 p.m. at Best Friends Animal Society, Stude Park, Houston

BOW-WOW LUAU This dog-friendly event will be full of swims, contests, games and prizes. Day-of tickets will be available for $20 and a portion of the proceeds will benefit The Colony Animal Shelter Injured Animal Fund. Sun. Sept. 8 from 1-5 p.m. at Hawaiian Falls Waterparks, 4400 Paige Rd., The Colony

OCTOBER 2ND DOG DAYZ OF DALLAS This public event is hosted by Bull Luv Able Paws and Chi Wawas Rescue and Deep Ellum Art Company. Sat. Oct. 5 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Deep Ellum Art Company, 3200 Commerce St., Dallas

STRUT YOUR M UTT This event is a fundraiser for 18 area rescues. The dog walk will be followed by a carnival with food trucks, music, activities and vendors.


DOG DAYS OF DENTON Admission is free to this event at the North Texas Fair & Rodeo. Sat. Oct. 5 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

at 2217 N. Carroll Blvd., Denton PAWTOBERFEST This is a featured event of Huffines Art Trails. Sat. Oct. 19 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Huffines Park, 300 N. Plano Rd., Richardson

NOVEMBER 3RD FAST AND THE FURRIEST This pet festival is sponsored by Juliane?s Compassion for Critters. Admission is $0-$30 and benefits the Texas Animal Society. Sat. Nov. 9 from 8 a.m. to noon at Tomball High School, 30330 Quinn Rd., Tomball



Pete and Mac?s Pet Resort www.petemac.com


Happy K9 Self-Serve Dog Wash & Grooming



6501 Camp Bowie Blvd B

Toothacres Pet Care Center

Fort Worth, TX

1639 Parker Road

Liv Off Leash


Carrollton, TX

Nevada, TX





(214) 793-1084



Hot Shot Dog Grooming Houston, TX www.hotshotdoggrooming.com 281-849-7999 Salty Dog Wash 1902 Avenue N. Galveston, TX www.saltydogwash.com


PET STORES ---------------------------------------------

MC K9 Training

Daisy And Dog Barktique





Wagg the Dog Trainer

Geaux Fideaux









H ippie Houndz

Noah?s Bark




Bones & Bacon Pet Resort

469-438-6177 Simba?s Barkery

911 W. Commerce St. Dallas, TX

Modern Paw Furniture






817-789-5677 Three Dog Bakery

469-726-2722 Paw Pros

Plano, TX

Daisy?s Dog House



712 Fairview St.




Houston, TX www.daisysdoghouse.com

The French & I



On 4 Legs Wellness



Howl N Woof 10010 Manchaca Road, Ste. C Austin, TX www.howlnwoof.com 512-282-9663





Toothacres Pet Crematory & Cemetery

Pet Tech

1639 Parker Road



Carrollton, TX TEXAS DOG MAGAZINE | 43


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