6 minute read
Texas FFA Alumni and Supporters Updates
The Building Our American agriculture, and recreation. patience, empathy, and we Communities Program found a need for community. (BOAC) was initiated What does your FFA Program We found we missed seeing in 1971 to provide a or FFA Alumni and Supporters family, friends, and co-workers. vehicle for Future Farmers of Affiliate do for your community? We missed attending social America members to make Can you do more? events such as conventions, direct contributions to their conferences, school, church, communities, practice good The Texas FFA Alumni allows concerts, and recreational citizenship, and develop active affiliates the opportunity activities involving more than leadership skills. This to apply for a $500 grant. This 10 people. initiative achieved widespread money is allotted to affiliates to success in the 1980s and was assist their local FFA chapter. I recently had the opportunity incorporated into the National Some programs utilize the to see communities gather in Chapter Award Program. grant to purchase items for the support. One was serving as The National Chapter Award chapter, yet several utilize them the officiant at my nephew and Program recognizes a chapter's in their community. I have seen his beautiful bride’s wedding. work to emphasize growing this money used for nursing We rejoiced in this union with leaders, building communities, home visits, food drives, and our masks on and paying close and strengthening agriculture community beautification attention to COVID protocol. through a chapter's Program of projects to name a few. I also served as the officiant Activities. at the funeral service of the The year has had a great grandmother of an ag family. A study was done to determine impact on communities all I saw the support of friends the effectiveness of the BOAC over the world. We have seen and community. I saw this Program. Two major findings of the impact of COVID-19 and this study were: the devastation it has had on Benefits to FFA members and vocational agriculture programs represented the major program communities through death, economic uncertainty, mental/ emotional health, and more. It “THE TEXAS FFA ALUMNI ALLOWS outcomes. These outcomes were increased citizen participation, increased human brought school closings, virtual conventions, virtual contests, virtual lessons, and more. The ACTIVE AFFILIATES THE OPPORTUNITY relation skills of members, and increased public awareness of the vocational agriculture year has also brought division and negativity. “The greatness of a community TO APPLY FOR A $500 GRANT. THIS program. Students and advisors involved numerous individuals and is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” - Coretta Scott MONEY IS ALLOTTED TO AFFILIATES TO groups in their projects which primarily improved the following community sectors: school/ King Yet, this year has also brought ASSIST THEIR LOCAL FFA CHAPTER.” education, civic facilities, compassion. We learned 42
same support of my own family as I lost my dear precious mother-in-law in October, from communities in Texas and her home town of Natchez, MS.
I mentioned the ag family and the FFA community. I would be amiss if I failed to mention the greatness of and compassionate actions by the members of this community. Recently we lost a fellow ag teacher, John Ford, from Cinco Ranch. His wife, teaching partner, and life partner, Kim, was also injured in the accident. Several of us lost a good friend and we continue to pray for Kim and their family. We saw compassion and the greatness of community as they rallied behind this family, friends, teaching partners, students, and former students. I was lost in the words of praise left by his Facebook community of friends. He touched the lives of many and made a positive difference.
“I believe that American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national life and that I can exert an influence in my home and community which will stand solid for my part in that inspiring task.” E.M. Tiffany
Stand Solid and Inspire.
Responsible land and water use, along with conservation methods, are vital to ensuring the future of natural resources. To help the next generation understand ecology issues and gain experience in the field, Ducks Unlimited has developed the Ecology & Conservation Management Certification.
The certification verifies individuals’ knowledge and skills in the areas of ecological principles and wildlife management, as well as habitat, forest, grasslands, wetlands and waterfowl conservation and management.
The certification exam consists of 100 questions and assesses knowledge and skills from the following weighted industry standards:
20 %
Ecological Principles
Species Identification
40 %
Wildlife Conservation & Management
Habitat Conservation & Management
Ducks Unlimited utilizes iCEV, a division of CEV Multimedia, as the certification testing platform. As the testing platform, iCEV offers optional exam preparation materials, utilizes secure testing technology and provides certification verification to employers.
“It’s important that students understand not only the conservation and ecology of wildlife and wildlife habitat, but also their personal roles as future stewards.”
Mark Horobetz
Manager of Youth & Education Programs Ducks Unlimited

LEARN MORE: www.icevonline.com /ecology

Agriculture Teachers Association of Texas Agriculture Teachers Association of Texas
Teach Ag Tips Teach Ag Tips
1. Classroom Discipline: In order to maintain a respectful classroom environment, Secure Substitutes - Every district has a different system for securing you should have basic rules students must follow. You can have the students help substitutes. Start as early as the start of the school year if possible. Make it create it and call it a contract. a habit of revisiting your calendar at the beginning of each month to be sure there are no necessary revisions. 2. Safety Contracts in Labs: If your students work in any lab situations, signed safety contracts are important for students and parents to recognize the Secure School Vehicles and Trailers - Once again start early, submitting all expectations. Whether it is an ag mechanics shop, floral lab, foods lab, or animal vehicle requests when you secure your substitutes. Revisions can always be lab, your students need to know the safety rules and procedures. made, but the earlier they are done the better!
3. Handling Animals in the Classroom: If you bring or handle animals inside or Leave Good Lesson Plans and Instructions - Leave good plans for classes outside the classroom, make sure all students have permission to be able to do so. and keep them relevant. Always be thorough, because you may not always It is important parents know what types of situations, as their student may be end up with the same substitute. Leave your contact information so if handling them and the issues related to their interactions with them. anyone has questions, they can get ahold of to resolve issues quickly.
4. Lesson Plans: Each school has a different policy on if, when, and how lesson Have a Travel Buddy - If you are attending a stock show, contest, or other plans are submitted. An administrator can ask to see lesson plans at any time and event you are not familiar with, find a friend who has been there to tag they are important for documenting special education students modifications. along with. Those people can help you avoid glitches or lost time. 5. Grading Procedures: Each school district will have grading policies for you to follow. Make sure all students and parents know what your procedures will be for you students to earn grades. Be upfront, fair, and clear on what your grading Thank Your Administrators - Take the time to thank key people for allowing you the opportunity to take students on off campus for various experiences. policy is and that it is in line with the district guidelines. Start early, double check yourself and keep the lines of communication open! Safe travels and good luck this spring!