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Texas Young Farmers Updates
The purpose of the State Association of Young Farmers of Texas is to provide educational programs designed to meet the needs of men and women with a vested interest in agriculture. These interests include, but are not limited to:
Leadership training and experiences for leaders and good citizens.
Participation in civic and community service work designed to improve the way of life in their community, state, and nation.
Cooperation with FFA chapters and their activities.
Cooperation with other organizations and agricultural agencies in programs benefiting agriculture.
Recreation for families.
Although only one of these purposes mentions community, all involve the members of the communities we serve.
2020 has brought on a new meaning to community and serving our communities. The agriculture industry has had to reinvent ways to work as a community and to serve our communities. The Texas Young Farmers are adapting as well!
The Texas Young Farmers have adopted the State of Texas as our community. We want to serve the entire state by having a chapter in every county and community. If you are interested in serving youth and adults interested in agriculture in your community, we invite you to join us! For more information on how to start a Young Farmer chapter in your area, please go to our website www.txyoungfarmers.org or contact our Executive Secretary Sandra Choate txyfaes@gmail.com or 903-286-0520.
If you would like a taste of what the Young Farmer organization is, we invite you to attend our Virtual Conference Saturday, January 9th. For more information visit our website above or follow us on Facebook at Texas Young Farmers, @txyoungfarmersassn.
We want to extend our community to you, your family and friends, and your community. Join us!
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