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Fiona Allen, Heather Cooke Honored with Fuller Award
One of the most prestigious awards in the water profession is the George Warren Fuller Award for distinguished service to the water supply field in "commemoration of the sound engineering skill, the brilliant diplomatic talent and the constructive leadership, which characterized the life of George Warren Fuller."
Because of our membership growth, TAWWA has two Directors on the AWWA Board. With that achievement, we also can award two Fuller awards each year if we have qualified candidates.
This year we are honored to present the George Warren Fuller Award to both Fiona Allen and Heather Cooke. TAWWA recognized them at Texas WaterTM 2023 in Houston and they will also be honored at AWWA ACE in Toronto, Canada, in June.

Allen, a registered professional engineer, has been an AWWA member for more than 35 years, serving in a variety of leadership roles in the Texas Section. She has also helped the Section and AWWA shape State and Federal policies and legislation as the chair of the Section Water Utility Council.

Cooke, the Chief Administrative Officer of Austin Water, has been an AWWA member for more than 15 years. She brings her powerful and thoughtful analytic skills reviewing hundreds of pieces of legislation over the last six legislative sessions to our membership. Cooke presents her information to Texas Section members through the award-winning Legislative Lunchbreak webcasts so Texas Section members can make informed decisions that impact their communities.
We are honored to present Fiona Allen and Heather Cooke with the distinguished George Warren Fuller Award.
Texas Section
American Water Works Association
P.O. Box 80150 Austin, Texas 78708 www.tawwa.org
Amy Middleton, Chair 210-510-0888
Karen Menard, Chair-Elect 817-493-1195

Marisa Vergara, Vice-Chair 210-494-8004
Drew Molly, Imm. Past Chair 361-826-1853
Mike Howe Executive Director/Secretary-Treasurer 512-238-9292 Fax: 512-238-0496 mikehowe@tawwa.org
This publication is distributed bi-monthly to the more than 3,500 members and friends of the Texas Section – American Water Works Association.

Contributing writers can contact the editor:
Elizabeth Rose GCP Association Services, LLC PO Box 676 Pflugerville, TX 78691 512-251-8101 Fax: 512-251-8152 TXh20@tawwa.org
The publication name, TexasH2O: © 1996-2023 Texas Section – American Water Works Association, Inc.
© 2023 Texas Section – American Water Works Association, Inc.