Texas H2O Nov/Dec 2011

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The Official Newsletter of the Texas Section AWWA • THE Water Professionals

Nuestra fiesta más grande ‘Our bigger party’ – Texas Water 2012SM – returns to San Antonio The Texas Water conference is returning to one of its favorite venues, but this time, it’s bigger and bolder than it’s ever been before. The Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio will open its doors again for Texas Water 2012SM April 10-13. Texas Water was there in 2002 and in 2008, but this time the doors will have to open wider. For one thing, the Exhibit Hall has grown to more than 450 booths, up from __ in 2002. Texas Water brings together, under one roof, goods and services for the water industry for the Largest Regional Water Show in the U.S.TM Texas Water 2012SM features a special headliner at its Opening Session on Wednesday, April 11. State Rep. Allan Ritter, chair of the House Natural Resources Committee, will share his insider’s knowledge of how the next Legislature will look at water issues. The Technical Sessions offering is growing, too. This year’s Program Committee, chaired by TAWWA’s Christianne Castleberry and WEAT’s Phil Spitzer, has added an eighth track of topics on Thursday, April 12. This track is specifically geared toward PLEASE SEE TW12, PAGE 19

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