April 11–14, 2023
Brown Convention
George R.
Center Houston,
Conference Program T exas Water TM 2023
Welcome to Houston!
We are excited to welcome you to Houston for this year’s Texas WaterTM 2023 annual conference and exhibition—the Largest Regional Water Conference in the U.S.©!
Texas Water, which is proudly sponsored by both the Texas American Water Works Association (Texas AWWA) and the Water Environment Association of Texas (WEAT), is widely recognized as the premier water and wastewater conference in the Southwest.
We encourage you to maximize your conference experience by participating in the many technical sessions and special events available to you, networking with your industry peers and friends in real life, and visiting the George R. Brown Convention Center Exhibit Hall. With more than 650 booths, so many leading-edge products and services in the waterworks industry will be on display—plus you can experience the excitement of the competitions there, too.
We look forward to seeing you throughout the week. Have a great conference!
Competitions....................................24-27 Conference Highlights......................12-21 Conference Schedule...........................6-7 Exhibit Hall Map................................52-53 Exhibitor List.....................................54-64 Facility Tours..........................................22 Gloyna Breakfast...................................21 Host Committee.....................................46 Maps................................................32-35 Match the Name Game.........................21 Night Out Event ...................................18 Poster Topics.....................................36-37 Where to find... Presenter Contacts..........................67-73 Special Guests....................................8-11 Sponsors...........................................50-51 TAWWA............................................74-75 TCEQ Hours..........................................28 Technical Sessions............................38-45 TW23 App.................................................5 TW24 Info...............................................78 Water For People Silent Auction.............49 WEAT...............................................76-77 Women of Water Breakfast....................14 Venus
Texas Water Co-Chair Texas Section American Water Works Association Liz
Texas Water Co-Chair Water Environment Association of Texas
Fazio Hale
Laredo Austin Round Rock San Antonio Corpus Christi Houston Magnolia Dallas Certainly Not Not Texas Not Texas Nope Not Texas Not Texas Absolutely Not DefinitelyNot Nope Not Texas Not Texas Still No Not Texas Nope Nope No N o No No No N o N o N o N o Not Texas Not Texas Still No Not Texas Nope Not Texas Not Texas NotTexas Almost But No INCLUDING ARDURRA’S COMMITMENT TO CLEAN WATER! Everything's BIGGER in Texas TEXAS Bring this completed ticket to the Ardurra Break Area and enter for a chance to win a prize! NAME EMAIL COMPANY PHONE
Welcome to Texas Water!
On behalf of the Texas American Water Works Association (Texas AWWA) and the Water Environment Association of Texas (WEAT), welcome to the Texas WaterTM 2023 annual conference and exhibition! This year we proudly return to the great city of Houston, graciously hosting our conference attendees, exhibitors, speakers, competitors and volunteers, while offering amazing amenities and cultural experiences.
As the Largest Regional Water Conference in the U.S.©, both TAWWA and WEAT proudly plan, coordinate, and implement the annual conference with an outstanding group of volunteers guided by Venus Price, with the City of Houston, and Liz Fazio Hale, with Gulf Coast Authority, and supported by the dedicated leadership of both organizations.
For those working in the water and wastewater industry, Texas WaterTM 2023 is the premier opportunity to collaborate with a broad range of industry leaders, operators, engineers and manufacturers. We encourage all attendees to visit with exhibitors, attend technical sessions and participate in the many conference events to share knowledge and experience. With a record number of conference exhibitor space, the exhibit hall is bigger and better than ever! And be sure to check out the Innovation Lounge. Located in the Exhibit Hall, the Innovation Lounge will feature some of the newest companies presenting leading edge technologies in our industry.
Download the Texas Water 2023 Conference App
Use your smartphone’s camera or a free QR reader app and scan the QR code below. Your phone should direct you to the Texas Water app in the app store so you can download it for free to your smartphone. Or search for “Texas Water Conference” in the Google Play or Apple’s App Store.
For desktop use, visit the basic version at https://m4.goeshow.com/txawwa/annual/2023.
For iOS/Apple:
For Android:
Special thanks to Harutunian Engineering for sponsoring the TW23 app!
Drew Molly Texas AWWA Chair
Matt Jalbert WEAT President
All events are at the George R. Brown Convention Center, 1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, unless otherwise noted. TUESDAY,
APRIL 11 7:00 am Golf Tournament Memorial Golf Course 7:30 am–2:30 pm Exhibitor Move-In Exhibit Hall 8:30 am–11:30 am Curtis Smalley Environmental Event Buffalo Bayou 1:00 pm–4:00 pm TAWWA Annual Board Meeting 360 1:00 pm–4:00 pm WEAT Annual Board Meeting 370 4:00 pm–6:30 pm Registration Outside Technical Session Rooms 4:00 pm–5:00 pm WEAT Ops Challenge Pre-Meeting 351 BECF 4:30 pm–6:30 pm Meet & Greet Exhibit Hall WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 5:30 am Dodson Drive Fun Run (6:30 am start time) Discovery Green 8:00 am–8:15 am WEAT Ops Challenge Check In 351 BECF 8:00 am–5:00 pm Registration Outside Technical Session Rooms 8:00 am–5:00 pm Speaker Ready/Moderator Check in Room 362 D 8:00 am–5:00 pm Volunteer Room 362 A 8:00 am–5:00 pm Wellness Rooms 380 C & D 8:15 am–8:45 am WEAT Ops Challenge Process Control Event 351 BECF 8:45 am–3:00 pm WEAT Ops Challenge Laboratory, Exhibition and Exhibit Hall Electrical Events 9:00 am–9:30 am TAWWA Hydrant Hysteria Pre-Competition Meeting Exhibit Hall 9:00 am–10:00 am Opening Session General Assembly Theater B 9:00 am–1:30 pm WEAT Student Design Competition 372 B/E 9:30 am–4:00 pm TAWWA Hydrant Hysteria Exhibit Hall 10:00 am–10:30 am TAWWA Business Meeting 360 10:00 am–11:00 am Beverage Break Exhibit Hall 10:00 am–5:00 pm Exhibits/Innovation Lounge/Technical Posters Exhibit Hall 10:00 am–5:00 pm Water For People Silent Auction Outside of the Exhibit Hall 11:30 am–1:00 pm Awards Lunch ‣ TICKET REQUIRED Ballroom ABC 1:00 pm–1:15 pm WEAT Business Meeting Ballroom ABC 1:00 pm–1:30 pm Meter Challenge Pre-Competition Meeting Exhibit Hall 1:00 pm–4:30 pm Meter Challenge (Jr. Meter Challenge 1 pm) Exhibit Hall 1:20 pm–3:00 pm Technical Sessions 361/362/370/371/372 1:20 pm–5:10 pm University Forum 372 A/D 1:20 pm–5:10 pm Young Professionals Technical Session 361 A/D 3:00 pm–3:30 pm Networking Break Exhibit Hall 3:00 pm–3:30 pm Door Prize Drawings Exhibit Hall 3:00 pm–5:00 pm Texas Shoot-Out Saw Cut Competition Exhibit Hall, Ops Challenge area 3:30 pm–5:10 pm Technical Sessions 361/362/370/371/372 5:00 pm Exhibit Hall Closes For Day 5:15 pm–6:15 pm Young Professionals & Student Reception/ 360 Mentoring Program Networking Event THURSDAY, APRIL 13 7:15 am–9:00 am Women of Water Breakfast ‣ TICKET REQUIRED Ballroom B 7:30 am–5:00 pm Registration Outside Technical Session Rooms 8:00 am–2:45 pm WEAT Ops Challenge Safety, Collection System, Exhibit Hall Maintenance and Exhibition Events 8:00 am–5:00 pm Speaker Ready/Moderator Check in Room 362 D 8:00 am–5:00 pm Volunteer Room 362 A 8:00 am–5:00 pm Wellness Rooms 380 C & D 8:30 am–9:30 am Exhibit Hall Break Exhibit Hall 8:30 am–1:15 pm Water For People Silent Auction Outside of the Exhibit Hall
TAWWA/WEAT Committee Meetings
8:30 am–4:00 pm Exhibits/Innovation Lounge/Technical Posters Exhibit Hall 9:00 am–9:30 am TAWWA Top Ops Pre-Competition Meeting Exhibit Hall 9:00 am–9:30 am TAWWA Pipe Tapping Pre-Competition Meeting Exhibit Hall 9:00 am–11:50 am Technical Sessions 361/362/370/371 9:00 am–11:50 am Value of Water Program 361 B/E 9:30 am–1:30 pm TAWWA Top Ops Competition Exhibit Hall 9:30 am–4:00 pm TAWWA Hydrant Hysteria Exhibit Hall 9:30 am–4:00 pm TAWWA Pipe Tapping Competition Exhibit Hall Noon–1:00 pm Box Lunch with Exhibitors ‣ TICKET REQUIRED Exhibit Hall Noon–1:00 pm Awards Celebration Lunch Exhibit Hall TICKET REQUIRED FOR BOX LUNCH 1:00 pm–3:00 pm Mentor/Mentee Meet Up Exhibit Hall, Poster Area 1:10 pm–2:50 pm Technical Sessions 361/362/370/371 1:30 pm–3:00 pm Professional Ethics Workshop for Engineers 351 BCEF 1:30 pm–3:00 pm TAWWA Best-Tasting Drinking Water Event Exhibit Hall, Top Ops Area 2:45 pm–3:45 pm WEAT Operations Awards Ceremony Exhibit Hall 2:50 pm–3:20 pm Networking Break Exhibit Hall 2:50 pm–3:20 pm Door Prize Drawings Exhibit Hall 3:20 pm–5:00 pm Technical Sessions 361/362/370/371 4:00 pm Exhibit Hall Closes/Exhibit Breakdown Exhibit Hall 6:15 pm Gavel Passing Pitch 25 6:30 pm–8:30 pm Conference Night-Out ‣ TICKET REQUIRED Pitch 25 FRIDAY, APRIL 14 7:00 am–8:30 am Gloyna Breakfast ‣ TICKET REQUIRED 360 ABDE 7:00 am–Noon Registration Outside Tech Session Rooms 8:00 am–9:00 am Beverage Break Outside Tech Session Rooms 8:00 am–Noon Facility Tours ‣ TICKET REQUIRED Hilton Hotel Bus Stop 8:00 am–Noon Speaker Ready/Moderator Check in Room 362 D 8:00 am–Noon Volunteer Room 362 A 8:00 am–Noon Wellness Rooms 380 C & D 8:30 am–10:10 am Technical Sessions 361/362/370/371 10:10 am–10:20 am Networking Break Outside Technical Session Rooms 10:20 am–Noon Technical Sessions 361/362/370/371 Noon Conference Adjourns Wednesday, April 12 7:00–8:15 am WEAT Workforce Development Committee ‣ 352 DEF 10:00–11:00 am WEAT Pretreatment Committee ‣ 382 A 10:00–11:00 am WEAT Section Engagement Committee ‣ 352 DEF 10:30–11:30 am TAWWA Scholarship Committee ‣ 381 A 10:30–11:30 am TAWWA Water Conservation/Reuse Division ‣ 381 B 10:30–11:30 am TAWWA Regional Activities Committee ‣ 381 C 12:30–1:15 pm WEAT Biosolids Committee ‣ 370 A/D 1:00–2:00 pm WEAT Advanced Operator Training Committee ‣ 362 C 1:00–2:00 pm WEAT Student Section Committee ‣ 362 B 1:00–2:00 pm WEAT Utility Management Committee ‣ 382 A 3:00–4:00 pm WEAT Collections Committee ‣ 382 A 2:00–2:30 pm TAWWA Water Science & Research Division ‣ 381 A 3:00–4:00 pm WEAT Electrical, Instrumentation and Controls Committee ‣ 362 C 3:00–4:00 pm WEAT Public Communication & Outreach Committee ‣ 362 E 3:00–4:00 pm WEAT Safety, Cyber, and Infrastructure Security Committee ‣ 362 B 3:30–4:00 pm WEAT Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee ‣ 352 DEF 3:30–4:30 pm TAWWA Workforce Committee ‣ 381 B 3:30–4:30 pm WEAT Odor & Corrosion Management Committee ‣ 382 C 4:00–5:00 pm TAWWA Water Resources Division ‣ 381 C 4:00–5:00 pm WEAT InFLOW Program ‣ 352 DEF 5:10–6:00 pm WEAT Government Affairs & Nutrient Committee ‣ 382 B 5:15–6:00 pm WEAT Lab Committee ‣ 382 A 5:15–6:30 pm Texas Water Reuse Association Meeting ‣ 381 A Thursday, April 13 9:00–11:00 am WEAT Scholarship & Endowment Committee ‣ 352 DEF 9:00–11:45 am 217 Office Hours ‣ 381 B 9:15–10:15 am TAWWA Young Professionals Committee ‣ 381 A 12:00–1:00 pm WEAT Asset Management Committee ‣ 371 B/E 2:15–3:30 pm TAWWA Education Division ‣ 381 A 2:20–3:20 pm TAWWA Diversity & Inclusion Committee ‣ 381 C 2:30–3:30 pm TAWWA Small Systems Division ‣ 381 B 4:00–5:00 pm WEAT Ad-hoc Utility Funding Committee ‣ 382 A 5:00–6:00 pm WEAT MRRDC Committee ‣ 382 B Friday, April 14 10:00–11:00 am WEAT Industrial Committee ‣ 382 B
TW23 Welcomes AWWA President
Joseph Jacangelo, president of the American Water Works Association, will represent AWWA at Texas WaterTM 2023.
Dr. Jacangelo is a Vice President and Director of Research for Stantec. He has more than 30 years of experience in the field of environmental health engineering and has specialized in the areas of water quality and treatment, water and wastewater disinfection, membrane technology, water reuse and public health. He has served as technical director, principal investigator, project manager or engineer for more than 80 water and wastewater projects. Dr. Jacangelo has published numerous peer-reviewed technical papers and has held various positions within professional organizations.
For the American Water Works Association (AWWA), he has served as a Board Member, Chair of the Technical and Education Council, Chair of the International Council, and a member of the Board’s Executive Committee. He has served as either chair or member of more than 25 AWWA committees, divisions or councils. He has also participated on numerous advisory or conference planning committees for various water and wastewater organizations. Dr. Jacangelo is also a past Chair of the Board of Directors of WateReuse Research Foundation and a past member of the editorial advisory board for the Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination.
In addition to his role at Stantec, Dr. Jacangelo is an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Environmental Heath and Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. He is a co-founder of the Johns Hopkins/Stantec Alliance. Dr. Jacangelo is a past recipient of the AWWA Golden Spigot Award and two AWWA Best Paper Awards. He received that organization’s Volunteer of the Year Award. Dr. Jacangelo also served three years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Republic of the Congo.
WEF President-Elect Aimeé Killeen will represent the Water Environment Federation at Texas WaterTM 2023.
Killeen is the president-elect and a member of the 2022-23 Board of Trustees for the Water Environment Federation (WEF), an international organization of water quality professionals headquartered in Alexandria, Va.
Killeen is currently a company leader for Providence Engineering and Environmental Group LLC in Baton Rouge, La. At Providence, Killeen leads the Air, Water, Waste, Ground Water, Environmental Engineering and Remediation teams as their company leader, and is responsible for an awesome team of employee owners. Killeen and her team oversee all client efforts related to ambient monitoring and modeling, industrial treatment, client monitoring, remediation, permitting, reporting and regulatory compliance.
Killeen is an active member of the Louisiana Water Environment Association, where she served as president from 2012–13 and currently serves as secretary of the board. She also chairs the MA Public Education Committee, is the MA Stockholm Junior Water Prize representative, and a member of the Select Society of Sanitary Sludge Shovelers.
Killeen spent five years serving WEF in the House of Delegates as a representative of the Louisiana Water Environment Association. During that time, she served as Speaker of the House of Delegates, chaired the Outreach Committee and has been an active member of numerous WEF Committees.
Killeen has been working in the water profession for more than 23 years, including 10 years as a state regulator. She is a 1997 graduate of Louisiana State University.
TEXAS WATERTM 2023 8 Texas
Post to our Social Media Wall with #TXWATER23 or by sending a text to 281-317-6104!
WEF President-Elect visits TW23
WaterTM 2023 is a registered trademark of Texas AWWA for the exclusive use for this joint conference with WEAT. All rights reserved.
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Texas WaterTM 2023 opens with remarks from Mayor Sylvester Turner
Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner will provide the keynote address during Texas Water’s Opening Session at 9 a.m. Wednesday, April 12.
Elected in December 2015 and overwhelmingly re-elected in December 2019, Mayor Turner is serving his second four-year term. He is Houston’s 62nd mayor.
Operating within the city’s fiscal constraints, Mayor Turner has passed five balanced budgets. He also oversaw Houston’s remarkable rebound from Hurricane Harvey, championed historic pension reform, and cheered on the World Series Houston Astros. He also launched Houston’s first Climate Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, meet the Paris Agreement goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, and lead the global energy transition.
In February 2022, Mayor Turner released his One Safe Houston initiative to combat the increase in violence resulting from the pandemic, domestic violence, mental illness and the proliferation of guns on the street.
As the chief executive of the world’s energy capital, Mayor Turner brings a performancedriven approach to the job, creating a more responsive, streamlined, and efficient delivery of city services while shoring up Houston’s financial future. Thanks to his leadership, the Texas Legislature, and local voters approved the pension reform package that reduced the city’s liability by billions of dollars and provided a “fix” that had eluded the city for 17 years.
Before serving as Houston’s mayor, Turner served for 27 years as the Representative for Texas House District 139. He worked on the House Appropriations Committee for 21 years and served as Speaker Pro Tem for three terms. He was appointed to several Budget Conference Committees to balance the state’s budget and serve on the Legislative Budget Board.
Lizanne Douglas, PE
Makenzie Davis, PE
Matt Froelich, PE
Come and Take It! A Utility’s Struggle for Water Independence 10:45 - 11:15 a.m. 2:20 - 2:50 p.m. 3:55 - 4:25 p.m. Using Something Tried and True when You Can’t Build a Pump Station to be Brand New The Decisive Factor Building a Decision Matrix Dashboard for the City of Houston Surface Water Transmission Program
Kate Hallaway, PE
Froelich Danny McGuire (Port O’Connor Improvement District)
Lizanne Douglas Makenzie Davis David Miller (CWA)
Here is what our experts are sharing at this year’s conference Thursday, April 13 Lindsay
bgeinc.com www.txwater.org 11
Kate Hallaway Lindsay Kovar Singarpal Sekhorn (City of Houston)
Kovar, PE
The Texas Water 2023 Scholarship Golf Tournament will be held at the Memorial Golf Course. The tournament benefits the scholarship programs of both TAWWA and WEAT.
TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 8:30 A.M. TO 11:30 A.M. This year the Curtis Smalley Environmental Event is partnering with Buffalo Bayou Parks and involves kayaking to pick up trash and beautify the Bayou. Volunteers will be provided with gloves, trash bags and water; transportation will not be provided.
Texas WaterTM 2023 will host the largest regional water exhibition on the continent. More than 650 exhibit booths are in one place, at one time, in the Exhibit Hall. See pages 54-64 for a list of exhibitors.
The Texas Water™Conference has always promoted innovation and creative design to solve some of our most complex water problems. The Innovation Lounge highlights innovative and advanced technologies from across North America. Don’t miss this opportunity to check out these new technologies while collaborating with your colleagues in the Innovation Lounge inside the Exhibit Hall. There is no additional fee to visit the Innovation Lounge.
Thanks to our sponsors!
TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 4:30 TO 6:30 P.M.
Texas Water attendees Meet & Greet in the Exhibit Hall at the George R. Brown Convention Center for refreshments. Registration opens at 4 p.m., then you can enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of the Exhibit Hall.
Thanks to our sponsors!
The Dodson Drive was created in 2011 to honor the life and work of Kenneth Dodson. Kenny D worked in the wastewater industry for 20 years and was a tireless supporter of YP education and growth. The net proceeds from the registration fees for timed runners benefit our young professionals by providing contributions for scholarships and assisting them to attend the annual Young Professionals summit. All timed-donation participants will receive an official event tech shirt and eligibility for team and single participant awards! Runners are also welcome to join us as untimed participants. There is no fee to run as an untimed participant, however, you are still welcome to make a donation to the Dodson Drive; any amount is appreciated. The route will be a five-loop course around Discovery Green across from the Convention Center. The run will start at 6:30 am Wednesday in front of the Discovery Green parking garage, just a short walk from the Hilton Americas and the JW Marriott. Plan on arriving prior to 6 am to register and warm up. Water will be distributed during the race. Afterwards, join us for a post-race party with breakfast tacos and fruit. A map of the route is provided on page 32. All finishers will receive their very own conference ribbon to display on their badges proudly. Awards will be during the YP Reception! Be sure to follow our social media page for other event updates www.facebook.com/ YPDD5k. Thank you so much to our generous sponsors for their support of this year’s YP Dodson Drive 5k!
Post to our Social Media Wall with #TXWATER23 or by sending a text to 281-317-6104!
Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner will keynote the Opening Session at Texas WaterTM 2023. AWWA President Joseph Jacangelo and WEF President-Elect Aimeé Killeen will also be present.
Thanks to our sponsors!
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 11:30 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M.
Enjoy a great meal with your colleagues at the Awards Lunch. The luncheon will feature the first of the conference award ceremonies, recognizing some of the longtime leaders of our water/wastewater community. Your ticket to the luncheon is included with Full or Wednesday-Only Registration.
Thanks to our sponsors!
Come grab your beverage of choice and good conversation in the exhibit hall during the morning and afternoon Networking/Exhibit Hall Breaks.
Thanks to our sponsors!
Water For People volunteers have been rounding up treasures to offer in the annual silent auction. All proceeds benefit the Water For People effort to assist developing countries in providing safe drinking water and sanitation services for their communities. Check out the offerings in the Exhibit Hall by the entrance. All bidding is through the Handbid app/website. See our ad on page 49 or stop by the auction for more information. The auction ends at 1:15 pm Thursday.
Thanks to our sponsors!
AWWA Membership Awards
TAWWA Young Professional Maverick Award
AWWA Diversity & Inclusion Award
AWWA Dr. John L. Leal Award
AWWA John Lechner Award of Excellence
AWWA Five Under 35 - Outstanding Young Professional Award
AWWA Exemplary Source Water Protection
AWWA Award of Merit
AWWA Honorary Member Award
Outstanding Service to AWWA Award
AWWA Water Industry Hall of Fame Award
AWWA Tenure Awards
AWWA George Warren Fuller Awards
WEAT Emerging Leader Award
WEAT Exemplary Employer Award
WEAT Dennis R. Laskowski Recruitment Award
WEF Outstanding Service Award
WEAT Workforce Development Award
WEF Laboratory Analyst Excellence Award
WEAT Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant of the Year
WEF George W. Burke, Jr. Award
WEAT Ronald B. Sieger Biosolids Management Award
WEF William D. Hatfield Award
WEAT Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Awards
WEF/WEAT Lifetime Members
WEAT Outstanding Public Official Award
WEAT Walter Chiang Lifetime Achievement Award
WEAT Earnest F. Gloyna Pillars of the Profession Award
WEF Arthur Sidney Bedell Award
www.txwater.org 13
THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 7:15 A.M. TO 9:00 A.M.
Each year at the Texas WaterTM Conference, we host the Women of Water breakfast. At this event, the participants will hear from women leaders in the water industry who will share their career stories, leadership successes and challenges, their thoughts on work-life integration, mentorship and much more! This year, Liz Fazio Hale, General Manager for Gulf Coast Authority, will moderate a panel of women leaders that include Jenna Covington, General Manager for North Texas Municipal Water District; Carol Haddock, Director for Houston Public Works; Tina Peterson, Executive Director for Harris County Flood Control District; and Irazema Rojas, Chief of Technical Services at El Paso Water. We look forward to having you join us for breakfast as these women showcase the difference women can make in our water community, while also providing a forum for future leaders to network with seasoned professionals. One ticket is included with Full Registration.
Thanks to our sponsors!
interactive and collaborative environment for all water/ wastewater professionals interested in improving their relationship with rate payers and the general public.
Thursday is a big day at the Texas Water Conference. In addition to the great Technical Programs and the full day of Exhibits, Thursday is also your opportunity to cheer on your favorite team at the Exhibit Hall competitions –Pipe Tapping, Operations Challenge, Hydrant Hysteria or Top Ops. So you won’t miss a minute of the action, we’ll serve a great Box Lunch at numerous locations in the Exhibit Hall. Your Full Registration or Thursday-Only Registration includes a ticket for the Box Lunch; extra tickets are $50.
Thanks to our sponsor!
Texas Water will honor TAWWA and WEAT friends and colleagues who have demonstrated their commitment to the water and wastewater profession. This fast-paced, live and fun event will take place in the Exhibit Hall. Box lunches will be available; box lunch tickets are included in Full Registration and Thursday-Only Registration. Additional box lunch tickets are $50.
Thanks to our sponsor!
THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 9 A.M. TO 11:50 A.M.
ROOM 361 B/E
Join us for a morning of education and FUN at the 2023 Value of Water session highlighting efforts across the state toward MAKING TEXAS WATER RESILIENT. You’ll have the opportunity to participate in special games, win prizes, and engage with speakers through interactive presentations AND a special panel discussion. This year’s lineup includes utility leaders, water resource planners, economists and management consultants who will share their important work of diversifying water supplies and garnering public support for Texas infrastructure. This unique session provides an
Ken Miller Water For People Founders Award Watermark Awards
TAWWA Chapter Awards
TAWWA Water Conservation & Reuse Awards
Texas Clean Water Challenge Awards
5S Awards
Sidney L. Allison Award
Our roots set us apart.
We are rooted in our native Texas, our local communities, our environment, and our dedication to integrity and excellence.
We are rooted in our native Texas, our local communities, our environment, and our dedication to integrity and excellence.
From water treatment to wastewater reuse, we have specialized for four and a half decades in cutting-edge design and construction born from a passion for the places and people we serve.
From water treatment to wastewater reuse, we have specialized for four and a half decades in cutting-edge design and construction born from a passion for the places and people we serve.
Need a water solution?
Need a water solution?
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We’re here to help.
Visit us at booth 1808.
Visit us at booth 1808.
plummer.com Our expert ise runs deep.
THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1:00 P.M. TO 3:00 P.M.
Be a mentor or mentee at Texas WaterTM 2023. Attend the Young Professionals Reception and have the opportunity to meet and connect with the next generation of water and wastewater professionals in Texas. Texas Water has set up a booth in the Exhibit Hall near the poster area for a more intimate discussion of career goals/ aspirations on Thursday between 1 pm and 3 pm. Mentors will also have a purple Mentor ribbon on their badge to help designate them as voluntary mentors throughout the conference.
THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1:30 P.M. TO 3 P.M.
The Texas Water Engineer’s Ethics Seminar is an interactive and thought-provoking session led by Bob Pence and Gina Smith from Freese and Nichols, Inc. While earning one Professional Development Hour and satisfying the annual ethics requirement, you will learn to recognize ethical situations faced by engineers, analyze the issues of ethical situations and discuss how to resolve ethical situations in a creative and professional manner. There is no additional fee or need to preregister for this training.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 9 A.M. TO 1:30 P.M. ROOM 372 B/E
The WEAT Student Design Competition gives students the opportunity to design and present a project based on a realworld wastewater treatment plant design problem. Students will be competing to represent WEAT at the Student Design Competition in Chicago at WEFTEC 2023. The prompt this year is focused around the City of Austin Walnut Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, Austin’s largest WWTP. Students are tasked with developing detailed design alternatives and final recommendations for expansion of the WCWWTP from 75 MGD to 100 MGD Average Annual Daily Flow (AADF) and converting the Conventional Activated Sludge system to a BNR system. Students will have to factor in the industrial loading that sends large loads of ammonia with low concentrations of organics. Additionally, students are to evaluate and present on phosphorus sequestration technology to remove phosphorus from the process streams and ultimate disposal. Recommendations and solutions for plant expansion and to meet permit requirements are presented in a detailed Preliminary Design Report and presentation as described in the Competition Details handout. This year, teams from Texas Tech University, Southern Methodist University, and University of Texas will be competing. Come out and support your alma mater or see some prospective future leaders in the industry!
Thanks to our sponsors!
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1:20 P.M. TO 5:10 P.M. ROOM 361 A/D
Young Professionals will share their knowledge and experiences on an array of matters aimed at engaging YPs and seasoned professionals alike. Reference the program lineup for details.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 5:15 P.M. TO 6:15 P.M. ROOM 360
Join the YPs and seasoned professionals for drinks and hors d’oeuvres during this networking event. We will also recognize the winners of the Student Design Competition, the University Forum and the Dodson Drive Run. The Networking Event will provide Young Professionals an opportunity to meet with Mentors and discuss their career journey. Join us to learn more about the Mentoring Program and how you can participate.
Thanks to our sponsors!
• Water/Wastewater Planning & Treatment • Raw Water Supply, Storage & Conveyance • Wastewater Collection, CMOM & Pumping • Water Distribution, Storage & Pumping • Wastewater Reuse Conveyance & Storage • Electrical/SCADA/Instruments & Control Serving Texas since 1980 Diamond Sponsor & Proud Sponsor of the Walter Chiang Pump Maintenance Operational Challenge Visit us at Booth # 548 & #550 Making Communities Better CP&Y is doing business as
Our conference mixer and night out will take place just a few minutes’ walk away from the convention center at Pitch 25 (2120 Walker St, Houston, TX 77003). Located in East Downtown (EaDo), practically in the shadow of the George R. Brown Convention Center, Pitch 25 is the creation of former Houston Dynamos superstar, Brian Ching. With over 45 screens, multiple bars, patio games, hammocks, and even a miniature indoor soccer field (or pitch), there really is nowhere else like it.
The hallmark of any good sports bar starts with a strong selection of drinks and Pitch 25 definitely does not disappoint. With nearly 100 beers, ciders, and even wines on tap and a 25,000 square-foot venue, you are sure to find the perfect refreshment while visiting with your comrades in the water industry. A drink ticket will be included, followed by a cash/credit bar for those that wish to continue. To keep you satisfied, there will be several amazing food options throughout the event. Vegetarian options will be available as well.
Guests can make the 10-minute walk to the venue or use the free shuttle service. Shuttle transportation will depart from the Hilton Hotel bus stop area on the east side of the Hilton Hotel, across the street from the Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen in the George R. Brown Convention Center.
The Gavel Passing will be held on stage at 6:15 p.m. and the mixer starts at 6:30 p.m. with plenty of food and drinks and a chance to network, mingle, and even jump on the pitch for a game of cornhole.
Signage and volunteers will be stationed near the hotel and conference exits to provide guidance to the shuttle bus pick-up location. The event concludes at 8:30 p.m., and shuttle rides back to the hotel will be provided until that time. A Conference Night Out ticket is included with Full Registration and with the Guest Badge.
Thanks to our sponsors!
403 International Parkway, Suite 500 Richardson, TX 75081 Phone: 469.458.0011 www.felixconstruction.com TRUSTED PARTNER. Proactively providing solutions for the most challenging water and wastewater projects.
Sustainable Infrastructure Solutions for Evolving Communities
Tuesday, April 11
7:00am Join us in supporting the Texas Water 2023 Scholarship golf tournament!
Wednesday, April 12
8:00am Help provide clean drinking water to those in need by participating in the Water for People Silent Auction. Bidding starts at 8 am! LAN is a committed supporter of Water for People:
- Co-Chair: Mackrena Ramos, PE
- Volunteers: Melissa Mack, PE, Christine Kirby, PE
Thursday, April 13
9:00am Celebrate all of the amazing women in the water industry by joining us at the Women of Water Breakfast!
9:00am Sharing Stories: DEI in AWWA Dedra Ecklund, PE
1:45pm Three for One — Alliance Water’s $50 Million Segment A Pipeline Brings Water to Central Texas, Plus 2 Future Pipelines
Travis Michel, PE
Friday, April 14
The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg: Enhancing Non-Potable Water to Improve Flexibility and Resiliency at the Dallas Water Utilities
Central Wastewater Treatment Plant
Alexander Zuniga, EIT, Greg Vaughn, PE; LAN
Lance Philips; Dallas Water Utilities
Tim O’Brien, PE, ENV-SP; Gresham Smith
Booth 1419 www.lan-inc.com
National experience. Texas expertise.
We don’t just work in Texas, we live here. With 11 offices in the Lone Star State, we’re committed to understanding and finding solutions to the water and wastewater issues we face today and anticipating those of tomorrow. We have the cutting-edge technical expertise you need and over a century’s worth of experience you can depend on.
Searching for the best firm?
Look no further; you’ll find the answer here. (Hint: it has six letters, starts with a “G,” and ends with an “R.”)
Complete this word search and return it to booth 657/659 for the chance to win a prize. Circle the words, then circle back with us.
Garver Clarifier Sludge Influent Effluent Digester Oxygen Sewer Conveyor Clearwell Pollutant Membrane I K C O N V E Y O R E D Y W E Q Z R A B Q M T V Z Y E T E E F G R C G A Q E I M E J E U Z L O I B N F D P F N A F X S I Y H Z M G O F Z W E L E K B Y L V R L L S Z B C B I F Z K V U P O L L U T A N T B E H L R R O T R N E S N J S X F U L T M M W A Y Y A E G P N O I D R R N L B F K I L E J H T N D C T Z E I R F E M N M W C N Z R S O T E O K O I T S W O G R H T D R F E M E C O X Y G E N R L I A F N F D M G L J N X E Q U T B A Q K N R Q R Z J I I R U M C M V M G E S T O J V C O A D Z I L P E B Y K X L J D S D W E D I O E W P Q A V N S A C R Z P A K P R X A B Q Z L C T V J T S L U D G E A Q P S S
Rhonda Harris will be the featured speaker at the Gloyna Breakfast at 7 a.m. on Friday, April 14. Harris has more than 45 years of experience in managing and administering a variety of facilities and programs in the water environment sector. Her experience includes developing and implementing training programs for public and private sector personnel, developing regulations for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, knowledge management and management consulting, condition assessments, business practice evaluations, asset management and life cycle costing, engineering design, construction and O&M renewals, and operations for facilities and systems.
Harris is a certified Texas Water and Wastewater Operator and approved Operations Trainer, as well as a licensed Wastewater Operator in Ontario, Canada. She is a registered Professional Engineer in Texas, a P. Eng, in Ontario, a Board-Certified Environmental Engineer (BCEE) from the American Association of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES), a Certified Project Management Professional (PMP), a Diploma-Certified
In the Exhibit Hall, join in the fun and play MATCH THE NAME GAME! Winning one of the great prizes in the Match the Name Game is easy: Match the names on the Game Card with the same name imprinted on a label randomly distributed at exhibitor booths throughout the Exhibit Hall. When all matching labels have been affixed to the Game Card, place your Game Card in the Door Prize Drum, located near the back of the Exhibit Hall. One Game Card is designated for Wednesday and one for Thursday. Drawings will be held both days so you have two chances to win! Game Cards are not interchangeable. You do not need to be present at the time of the drawings; see back of Game Cards for details of drawing times. are not eligible to win. Prizes will be shipped to winners after the conference.
Thanks to our sponsor!
Member of the Institute of Asset Management (MIAM), an Elected Fellow of the Water Environment Federation (F.WEF) and an Honorary Member of AWWA. Harris is a leader in operations management, O&M Issues and asset management, working for change, improvement and enhancement in the global water environment. She served as the 1996-1997 President of the Water Environment Association of Texas and the 1998-1999 President of the Water Environment Federation.
The breakfast honors the long and distinguished career of the late Earnest F. Gloyna, professor of Environmental and Water Resources Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Gloyna’s teaching, research and professional practice have touched a large number of students, educators, engineers and the public leadership not only in Texas but throughout the world. Tickets for the breakfast are $50 and sold separately.
Thanks to our sponsor!
www.txwater.org 21
Attendees who purchased tickets will enjoy one of these tours on Friday morning. Tours will depart at 8 am from the Hilton Hotel bus stop area on the east side of the Hilton Hotel across from the Convention Center on Friday, April 14.
City of Houston Northeast Water Purification Plant Expansion
The City of Houston partnered with four regional water authorities to plan, design and construct a 320 MGD expansion to the Northeast Water Purification Plant. The project has been underway since 2012, design was completed in 2019, and construction is progressing towards start-up of the first phase of operation in 2023 and final completion by mid-2025. The project is being delivered using progressive design-build with a total budget of almost $2 billion. The City, authorities, project advisor and design-builder have worked collaboratively through many challenges to be ready to deliver a new source of drinking water to over 2 million customers in the Houston area. Participants will be guided on a walking tour of the areas that are under construction including pretreatment, intermediate ozonation, filtration, pumping and other support facilities. All participants for this tour will be required to wear approved PPE and must arrive wearing construction-toed shoes. Hard hats, vests, gloves and safety goggles will be available for loan.
8:00 am: Leave from George R. Brown Convention Center
8:45 am: Arrive at Northeast Water Purification Plant
9:00 am: Safety Briefing and Project Overview
9:30 am: Walking Tour of Expansion facilities
10:45 am: Complete tour and leave for Convention Center
11:30 am: Arrive back at George R. Brown Convention Center
Sugar Land Surface Water Treatment Plant & Constellation Stadium
The City of Sugar Land’s surface water treatment plant began delivering water to Sugar Land customers in Nov. 2013. The completion of this plant marked an important milestone in the city’s long-range plans to meet growing water demands and comply with state mandate for groundwater reduction requirements. Water produced by the treatment plant originates from the Brazos River. The plant can deliver 10.86 MGD. Two raw water storage reservoirs can hold 27 MGD. The raw water undergoes robust treatment processes including high-rate plate settlers, membrane filters and granular activated carbon filters. Sugar Land’s water is treated to meet a very high standard. In 2019, the plant received the Best Tasting Water in Texas and the Best Tasting Water in USA. Next, the tour will stop at Constellation Stadium, a state-of-theart field and home of the Sugar Land Space Cowboys, the Triple-A Minor League Baseball affiliate of the Houston Astros. The ballpark’s multi-purpose design features a
variety of settings accommodating everything from intimate events to large festivals. Participants will be required to sign a waiver for Constellation Stadium. Copies will be provided on the bus prior to arrival.
8:00 am: Leave from George R. Brown Convention Center
8:45 am: Arrive at Sugar Land Surface Water Treatment Plant
9:45 am: Complete Tour and Leave from Sugar Land Surface Water Treatment Plant
10:00 am: Arrive at Constellation Stadium
10:45 am: Complete tour and leave for Convention Center
11:30 am: Arrive back at George R. Brown Convention Center
Gulf Coast Authority Bayport Wastewater Treatment Facility & Armand Bayou Nature Center
Bayport Wastewater Treatment Facility is GCA’s largest facility, serving primarily industrial customers via a 2.25mile BioSan pipeline for process wastewater and contaminated storm water runoff and a parallel “Clean Stream” concrete channel for streams that require solids treatment only, such as cooling tower blow-down water. The original plant was built by Friendswood Development Company, then owned by Exxon. GCA acquired the facility in 1974 and has expanded and improved it since. With customers ranging from petrochemical plants, warehouses and transportation cleaning facilities, Bayport WWTF treats one of the most diverse wastewater streams in the GCA system. Participants for this tour will be required to wear closed-toe shoes, long pants, shirts with sleeves and bring their own safety glasses to wear. Next, visit Armand Bayou Nature Center for a Bayou Safari Tour. ABNC is one of the largest urban wilderness preserves in the U.S., containing 2,500 acres of the natural wetlands forest, prairie and marsh habitats once abundant in the area. ABNC is home to over 370 species of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians and offers hiking trails, live animal exhibits and a historic farm site. Stroll down an elevated boardwalk to the Environmental Learning Center. Then board onto electric vehicles to ride through the forest down to the bayou, prairie and farm area. Participants will be required to sign waivers for both tours. Copies will be provided on the bus prior to arrival.
8:00 am: Leave from George R. Brown Convention Center
8:45 am: Arrive at GCA Bayport Wastewater Treatment Facility
9:45 am: Complete Tour and Leave from GCA Bayport Wastewater Treatment Facility
10:00 am: Arrive at Armand Bayou Nature Center
11:00 am: Complete tour and leave for Convention Center
11:45 AM - Arrive back at George R. Brown Convention Center
NO. 2 Water Treatment and Desalination Plant Builder WWW.ARCHERWESTERN.COM General Contracting | Construction Management | Design-Build Your Local Texas Water Experts for 28 Years WWW.WALSHGROUP.COM Wastewater Treatment Plant Builder NO. 1 2022 ENR Contractor Rankings 2022 ENR Contractor Rankings
Operations Challenge
See full event schedule on page 27 Watch the nation’s best operators and maintenance staff compete in the Operations Challenge Competition at Texas WaterTM 2023. The competition returns in person this year and is open to any team that would like to sign up; teams of two to four can compete in as many as seven events. Sign up your utility today! The competition takes place in the Exhibit Hall on Wednesday and Thursday. This multi-day competition showcases each team’s knowledge and skills in Process Control (Sponsored by Freese and Nichols), Laboratory Event (Sponsored by Hartwell Environmental), Walter Chiang Maintenance Event (Sponsored by STV), Collection System (Sponsored by AECOM), Safety (Sponsored by Carollo), and our three exhibition events: Electrical (Sponsored by Gupta), Seepex Exhibition Event (Sponsored by Seepex), and Victaulic Exhibition Event (Sponsored by Victaulic). Non-Utility teams and any person in attendance at the show can sign up and compete in the Exhibition Events where two divisions are available. Division I represents past teams who have competed in all events, and Division II represents new teams competing in any event for the first time. Competitors can receive up to 15 TCEQ CEU hours, t-shirts, entry into the technical sessions and exhibit halls, and bragging rights! The top Texas Teams earn a free trip to the National WEFTEC competition.
Operations Awards Ceremony
Awards for the Operations Challenge Competition, as well as the Three Municipal Treatment Plant of the Year awards and Operator of the Year Award, will be handed out at the Operations Awards Ceremony at 2:45 pm in the Exhibit Hall in the Awards Celebration Lunch area.
Hydrant Hysteria
Wednesday, April 12, 9:30 am-4 pm, Exhibit Hall
Thursday, April 13, 9:30 am-4 pm, Exhibit Hall
Hydrant Hysteria is a fast-paced competition where two member teams assemble a specified hydrant as quickly as they can. The Section winners will compete at AWWA ACE23 in Toronto in June.
Junior Meter Challenge Contest
1 pm-2:30 pm, Exhibit Hall
The Junior Meter Challenge Contest matches students from high school environmental programs for a test of their meter-assembling skills and dexterity. Please support these future water professionals by attending.
Meter Challenge
2:30 pm-4:30 pm, Exhibit Hall
Contestants race to assemble a 5/8-inch meter from loose parts and test for leaks. The winner represents Texas at AWWA ACE23 in Toronto in June.
Texas Shoot Out
3 pm-5 pm, Exhibit Hall, Ops Challenge Area
Who is the fastest draw on cutting a piece of 6- or 8-inch SDR 35 pipe with a hand saw? It’s time to show who really has the quickest hands in Texas at the annual Texas Shoot Out. This competition is designed to demonstrate elements of the Operations Challenge’s Collection event. The event is open to all. The $5 entry fee proceeds go to Curtis Smalley Memorial Fund. First place in all events will receive a plaque. Contact Grace Sober at gdsober@lan-inc.com for more information and to sign up.
Top Ops
9:30 am-1:30 pm, Exhibit Hall
Water operations personnel can impress their coworkers and dazzle their bosses with their technical knowledge by competing in this quiz show-style event. The winning team advances to the National Top Ops Competition in June at AWWA ACE23 in Toronto.
Pipe Tapping Contest
9:30 am-4 pm, Exhibit Hall
Four-person teams from across the state compete to determine who will represent Texas at the National Pipe Tapping Competition at AWWA ACE23 in Toronto.
Best Tasting Drinking Water Contest
1:30 pm-3 pm, Exhibit Hall
The Best Tasting Drinking Water Contest brings together entries representing utilities across Texas. A panel of celebrity judges—including Saint Arnold Brewing Company founder Brock Wagner; former NFL offensive tackle Richmond Webb; Emmy award winning journalist Miya Shay; Houston City Council member Sallie Alcorn; Houston Chronicle restaurant critic Alison Cook; and AWWA President Joseph Jacangelo will grade the samples. Along with Texas bragging rights, the winning entrant competes at AWWA ACE23 in Toronto in June.
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Texas Water 2023 Water Environment Association of Texas Operations Challenge Event Schedule
www.txwater.org 27
EVENT: Pre-Comp Meeting Laboratory Event Exhibit. Event Walter Chiang Maintenance Event Safety Event Safety Event VR Collection System Event Electrical Event Exhibit. Event SPONSOR: Hartwell Envir. Victaulic STV Carollo Carollo AECOM Gupta Seepex LOCATION: 351 BCEF Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Exhibit Hall Tuesday, April 11 8:00 AM Equipment 8:15 AM Move In Freese and Nichols Process Controls 1 5 8:30 AM Exhibit Hall 8 8:45 AM 6 9:00 AM 5 2 1 9 7 9:15 AM 9 3 4 9:30 AM 3 2 8 5 9:45 AM 7 1 10:00 AM 2 4 3 7 2 10:15 AM 5 6 1 10:30 AM 3 5 4 6 10:45 AM 8 9 2 9 11:00 AM 1 6 7 5 11:15 AM 6 3 1 11:30 AM 2 7 5 4 11:45 AM 8 4 9 12:00 PM 8 9 3 6 12:15 PM 12:30 PM 12:45 PM 6 1 3 8 7 4 1:00 PM WEAT BOARD 9 2 1:15 PM MEETING 2 4 6 8 3 1:30 PM 7 1 1:45 PM 9 8 2:00 PM 5 2:15 PM 7 2:30 PM 4 2:45 PM 3:00 PM 3:15 PM 3:30 PM 3:45 PM 4:00 PM 4:15 PM COMPETITION TEAMS: 4:30 PM 1 LA Wrecking Crew 4:45 PM 2 The Fort Worth Regulators 5:00 PM 3 DWU Central Snappers 4 The TRAilblazers 5 Flying SAWSers Chair: Jeff Sober 6 TRA River Guardians Vice Chair: John Bennett 7 NTMWD Centrifugal Force Coordinators: Heather Wootton; Justin Halter; Allison Bennett 8 DWU AquaTechs WEF Staff: Steve Harrison 9 Houston Microbe Masters Pre-Comp Room 351 BCEF OPERATIONS CHALLENGE STAFF:
Wednesday, April 12 Thursday, April 13 8:00 Check-In All Teams Room 351 8:00 Check-In All Teams Exhibit Hall All Teams Room 351 BCEF Lunch Lunch Operations Awards Ceremony (Sponsored by Stantec) (Meter Madness/Awards Celebration Area) EI2 Texas Shoot Out Team and Open Competition
Post to our Social Media Wall with #TXWATER23 or by sending a text to 281-317-6104!
WaterTM 2023 is a registered trademark of Texas AWWA for the exclusive use for this joint conference with WEAT. All rights reserved.
TCEQ has approved Texas WaterTM 2023 for a maximum of 12 hours of Operator Training Certification credit for water and wastewater personnel. Credit hours will be available for attending some technical sessions. Please refer to the schedule on pages 38-45 to see which sessions count for credit hours.
Reporting hours will be done through an online form— you will not have a paper form to turn in (except for competition hours; read more about that below).
Before you leave a technical session, make sure a Texas Water official has scanned your badge. You only need to have your badge scanned if you will be requesting TCEQ credit hours.
Take note of which sessions you attend in your program (mark/circle the ones you attend in the grid) - you are ultimately responsible for keeping track of your attendance. The program will show which sessions count towards w = water, ww = wastewater and w/ww = water and wastewater credit. Each technical session counts as .5 hour.
After the conference, fill out the online form via the link below or scanning the QR code at right with your smartphone:
You only need to submit this form one time after the end of the conference. We’ll need your contact info, license number(s) and the total number of hours you are seeking (both the breakdown of w/ww and the overall total).
All participants of Texas WaterTM 2023 must register. Your badge is proof of registration and must be worn at all times. Your badge is your admission pass for all technical sessions, the Exhibit Hall and non-ticketed conference events. Admission will not be granted without a badge. Replacement of lost badges is available at the Registration Counter at a cost of $10.
Admission tickets to all events, including the Awards Lunch, Women of Water Breakfast, Box Lunch, Conference Night Out Event, Gloyna Breakfast and Facility Tours are the same as cash. Lost tickets will not be replaced.
Completing this online form is your way of “turning in” your hours. We will check the hours you enter with the scan report from the sessions and report the total hours to TCEQ.
The deadline for submitting the online form for hours is May 5, 2023. Please allow up to six weeks for processing hours to TCEQ. Hours will not be processed until payment for the conference is received.
Engineers may also receive licensing CE hours for attending on a self-reporting basis (please note: we will not have Engineering forms on-site and you do not need to fill out the online form; it’s up to you to report your CE hours). The Professional Ethics Workshop for engineers course offered on Wednesday satisfies the Professional Ethics requirement.
WEAT’s Operations Challenge competitors can receive 15 hours of wastewater credit and TAWWA competitors can receive 11.5 hours of water credit. Paper forms will be available to record competition hours (competitors do not need to fill out the online form).
Scan the QR code to be taken to the online form. Please only fill this form out one time after the conference.
For your own health and those Texas WaterTM 2023 attendees around you, we do encourage you to stay home if you’re feeling ill and consider wearing masks as well as social distance whenever possible while inside. We also strongly encourage you to be vaccinated.
Texas WaterTM 2023 will follow all local, state, and federal guidelines regarding COVID-19. Go to https://covid-harriscounty.hub.arcgis.com/ for the latest on COVID risk level in Houston.
We see water differently . ® Beyond the science, beyond the engineering, we see communities. We see families. We see clean drinking water where none exists, and solutions to issues that haven’t arisen yet. Our singular focus on water inspires us to look beyond the surface of what’s doable, into the depth of what’s possible. The results are industry-changing innovations and solutions that impact our communities and our ecosystems. It all comes at a critical time in our industry because while many see uncertainty, we see opportunity. It’s all in how you look at it. 1.800.523.5826 | carollo.com
Sixteenth Annual Texas Shootout
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Entry Details: $5 Per Entry · All Equipment Provided
Pre-Registration + Questions: For pre-registration (recommended, not required)
Which division title will you take home?
Women · Ops Challenge Competitor · Men
Fastest Saw
Competition Schedule of Events: 3:00
Tournament Traditional Head to Head Sawcut 4:30
Traditional Head to Head Sawcut All
Proceeds benefit the Curtis Smalley Memorial Fund All TX Water
– 5:00 p.m.
– 5:00 p.m.
Events Are Open to
The Texas WaterTM 2023 conference hotel and convention center are at the heart of Houston, one of the most exciting cities in the nation. Houston’s Discovery Green Park, Minute Maid Park, and the restaurants along the Avenida De Las Americas are just steps away from your hotel.
Spouses and guests of the registered attendees at Texas Water will have the opportunity to embark in self-guided tours to explore the sights, sounds, and amazing cuisine of the Bayou City in a self-guided program. The Texas WaterTM 2023 Insiders Guidebook that will connect you with Houston’s amazing history, art and museums, sports and outdoor activities, restaurants and shopping. This year, you can plan and visit all the attractions this vibrant city has to offer at your own pace and schedule.
Scan the QR code to access the online Insider’s Guide
All participants of Texas WaterTM 2023 must register. Your badge is proof of registration and must be worn at all times. Your badge is your admission for all technical sessions, the Exhibit Hall and non-ticketed conference events.
Admission will not be granted without a badge. Your badge will also be scanned at technical sessions to track your TCEQ credit hours. Replacement of lost badges is available at the Registration Counter at a cost of $10.
Admission tickets to all events, including the Awards Lunch, Women of Water Breakfast, Box Lunch, Conference Night Out Event, Gloyna Breakfast and Facility Tours are the same as cash. Lost tickets will not be replaced.
Scan to learn more about Kiewit Water and Collaborative Delivery STOP BY BOOTH 438 TO TELL US MORE ABOUT YOUR PROJECT KIEWIT.COM
www.txwater.org 31
The YP Dodson Drive 5K route will be a five-loop course around Discovery Green across from the Convention Center. The run will start at 6:30 am Wednesday, April 12 in front of the Discovery Green parking garage, just a short walk from the Hilton Americas and the JW Marriott. Plan on arriving prior to 6 am to register and warm up. Water will be distributed during the race. Afterwards, join us for a post-race party with breakfast tacos and fruit.
COME VISIT US AT BOOTH #1719 White Rock Lake Spillway | Dallas, TX Proud to be a continued sponsor for Texas Water 2023 Learn more about Stantec at Texas Water
330 322 332 GRAND BALLROOM A B C A B 310 C B 320 PREFUNCTION 330 A C B A F E D B A 322 B A GENERAL ASSEMBLY GENERAL ASSEMBLY STORAGE 575859 6061626364 C B 310 A 320 56 George R. Brown Convention Center 3RD FLOOR WATER FOR PEOPLE AUCTION Awards Lunch (Wednesday) Women of Water Breakfast TO EXHIBIT HALL Opening Session
George R. Brown Convention Center
3RD FLOOR 342 352 362 372 382 351 361 371 350 360 370 381 340 380 C C B A F E D C B A F E D C B A F E D C B A F E D C B A 382 C B A F E D 351 C B A F E D C B A F E D F E D C B A F E D C B A F E D C B A 381 B A C B A B A D C GENERAL ASSEMBLY GENERAL ASSEMBLY WAREHOUSE 6566 SKYBRIDGE TO Volunteer Room Speaker Ready Room YP Reception REGISTRATION Gloyna Breakfast
Texas WaterTM 2023 will give attendees an expanded opportunity to learn with the presentation of posters. The posters give authors the opportunity to display their research topics and to share the information they discovered. The posters will be displayed in the Exhibit Hall of the George R. Brown Convention Center from Wednesday morning through Thursday afternoon. Authors are encouraged to spend time at their posters to answer questions and discuss their results with colleagues. Stop by the technical session hallway to join us for an informal, interactive opportunity to discuss some of the most interesting and challenging projects in our industry.
Are Stormwater Utility Fees Reasonable? A Parcel-Scale Investigation Using an Unmanned Aircraft System and Machine Learning
Hannah Garcia, TAMU-CC
Benefits of Having a Water Distribution Model in an Expanding City
Samantha Agniel, CDM Smith
Building a Fiber Network for a Regional Water District
Rebecca Sandoval, Freese
City of Odessa - Pioneering in Operational Efficiency by Staying Connected with Remote Facilities via Wireless Communication
Kalyani Ganesan, Carollo
Constructability Challenges, Risk Mitigation, and Sequence of Construction and Operations for Gas Scrubber Systems
Renewal at Walnut Creek WWTP
Ehsan Mazinani, Atkins Global
Cost Effective Approach to Convert Extended Aeration
Oxidation Ditch to Conventional Activated Sludge. A Case Study for Increasing BOD Capacity Without Adding New Structures
Charan Tanneru, Tetra Tech
Creating Resiliency for Bachman Lake Dam by Improving its Spillways
Shweta Narkhede, Stantec
Creative Solutions to Design and Construct 23.5 Miles of Canal to Solve Houston’s Drinking Water Challenges
Rajesh Tanwani, Ardurra
Data Analysis of PFAS Samples from Over 250 California Wastewater Treatment Plants
Christopher Gurr, CDM Smith
Delivering a Large Diameter Gravity Flow Treated Effluent Pipeline Through the CMAR Delivery Method
Andy Hawthorne, Garney Construction
Designing a Resilient Water System
Progga Chirontoni, HDR
Development of A Hurricane Storm Surge and River Runoff Model for the Texas Coast
Chayanon Wichitrnithed, UT-Austin
Do I Need Grit Removal?
Eric Tobin, Hydro Int’l
Droughts and Floods: Preparing for the Two Texas Seasons
Jason Afinowicz, Freese and Nichols
From Source Water to Permeate and Concentrate; Multiple Evaluations for the Expansion Design of the Kay Bailey Hutchison Desalination Facility
Sarah Guemez, CDM Smith
Have You Never Been Mellow? Tips and Tricks so that we Can Focus on Water Instead of Politics
Lisa Lattu, Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam
Highway to the Cadiz Zone: A Maverick Approach to Repairing an 80-Year Old Interceptor Under I-35 in Dallas
Erika Cooper, Carollo
How Emerging Technologies can Enhance Lab Operations: A Review of Anions Analysis
Ruth Marfil-Vega, Shimadzu
Increasing Plant Capacity by 6 MGD; How the City of Houston can Increase Flow by 30% with a Minimal Capital Investment
Sydney Criminski, Atkins Global
Indirect Potable Reuse: Making a Drought-Resilient Water Supply a Reality
Hayley Voelkers, Tetra Tech
Lifecycle Cost Analysis of Novel Photobiological Process Followed by Secondary Reverse Osmosis for Enhanced Freshwater Recovery at Brackish Water Desalination Facility
Keisuke Ikehata, Texas State
Making Room for 54,00 Horses: Designing Around 7500 HP AFDs at Phase 2 Bois D’Arc Lake Pump Station
Amanda Powers, Freese and Nichols
Navigating the Design and Permitting of a 36-inch Gravity Sewer Microtunnel Installation Underneath Three Levels of Interstate 45
Ayo Bello, HR Green
North Houston District Wastewater Treatment Plant Consolidation, $150 Million Investment Results in Decommissioning of Four Plants, Persistence and Commitment Pays Off
Robert Thompson, Jacobs
Optimizing Biofiltration Using Smart Configuration and Controls
Ben Fuentes, Kennedy Jenks
PFAS Management in Potable Reuse Projects
Justas Rutkauskas, Freese and Nichols
Preparing the Small and Decentralized Communities to Meet Stringent Nutrient Limits: Retrofit, Design and Operation
Raj Chavan, Atkins Global
Professional Development: From the Classroom Onward
Mark Elkouz, Atkins Global
Show Me the Money! A Practical Guide to Funding Your Next Risk Mitigation Project
Adam Eaton, WSP
Softening Without the Sludge: Piloting Pellet Softening for Drinking Water Treatment
Ashley Pifer, Garver
Solving Red Water Quality Issue for the City of Fulshear, Texas
Keval Satra, HR Green
Staying on Schedule in a Covid World–Will Virtual Witness Testing Become the Standard?
David Briggs, CDM Smith
Tall Tale: Delivering the Tallest Tank in Fort Worth in the Shortest Amount of Time
Ronald King, Halff
Texas Water Data Hub: Making Water Data More Fair (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable)
Taylor Christian, Texas Water Development Board
The Challenges of a Small Texas Water System Planning for Big Texas Growth
Taylor Townes, Kimley-Horn
The Only Constant is Change: Strategies for Managing Cost in Uncertain Times
Tara Delagarza, Burns & McDonnell
www.txwater.org 37 & Exercising
1:201:50 pm
Marisa Martinez Palmer
San Antonio Water System
Matt Berg Jacobs
370 D
Hannah Leppla, Plummer
John Sierzega, Sherwin Williams
Joseph Fielding, Trinity River Authority
Heather Goins, Perkins Consultants
370 E
Carlos Torres, Garver
Ola Wenno, Plummer
Jennifer Nations, City of College Station
Jessica Woods, City of Round Rock
370 F
Michael McBee
Freese and Nichols
Kaylee Waldo
361 D
Biosolids Odor & Corrosion Control Workforce Development Young Professionals
No Redundancy, No Space, No Problem: A Dewatering Solution
Jason Crawley
Freese and Nichols
Tim Walker Town of Little Elm
Spencer Lindsay
Freese and Nichols
Are Your Wet Scrubbers Effective/ Operating - A Working Guide for the Successful Operator!
Richard J Pope Hazen and Sawyer
Planning, Training, Funding –Partnerships and Programs that are Building the Water Workforce of Tomorrow
Chirine Chidiac Arcadis
Mariana Anguiano
Trinity River Authority of Texas
Emerging Membrane Strategies to “Unstick” PFAS from WRF’s
Raul Dominguez
Kimley-Horn and Associates
Jordan Duncan
Kimley-Horn and Associates
Wastewater: A Reflection of Society. The Impact of PFAS on Water Reclamation Facilities
Jane Madden
CDM Smith
Eric Spargimino
CDM Smith
3:00 pm
Fort Worth’s Transition to Thermal Drying of Biosolids
Steven Nutter
City of Fort Worth Water Department
pm A Personality of Its OwnWhat is Sludge Rheology and Why is it Important?
Tracy Chouinard Brown and Caldwell
Shubha Oza Brown and Caldwell
Odor Mitigation in Wastewater Interceptor Collection Systems
Eric Dawson
The Other Type of Severe Wastewater Corrosion (not hydrogen sulfide)
John Mitchell
Austin Water
Rode Mora
Austin Water
A Pipeline For Success: WEAT SDC and Inflow Collaboration Designing a Diverse Workforce for the Future
Tori Haugvoll, Black & Veatch
Caitlin Ruff, Black & Veatch
W/WW 1:552:25 pm
Tanya Miro-Warren, Kimley-Horn and Associates
Tally the Score: Improving Staffing through the Comparison of Benchmark Metrics
Kyle Swank, KIT Professionals
Robert Upton, City of Pearland
Sunil Kommineni, KIT Professionals
Julian Kelly, City of Pearland
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
Pretreatment Program Audits –A TCEQ Perspective
Colleen Cook TCEQ WW
Connecting Conservation and Planning: A Texas Water Story
Shae Luther
Texas Water Development Board W/WW
X-Ray Vision with Advanced Hydraulic Modeling – Conquering Water Quality Issues in Nooks and Crannies of a Water System
Varenya Mehta, KIT Professionals
Debbie Webb, City of Lake Jackson
Sunil Kommineni, KIT Professionals
Justin Bartlett, KIT Professionals
The ABCs of Technical Writing: Improving Readability Using Accuracy, Brevity, and Clarity
Abigail Graves
Jami Castillo
Change Can Be Good: The Story of Aeration Upgrades and Process Changes at Three Oklahoma City WWTPs
Annie Jiang, Ardurra
Joy Kotey, City of Oklahoma City
Megan Martin, Ardurra
Randel West, Ardurra
Innovating City of Austin’s Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant: Design Challenges Behind the First Municipal Deammonification Plant in Texas
Aldo Sotelo, Stantec Consulting Services
Nicole Stephens, Stantec Consulting Services
John Mitchell, Austin Water W/WW
PAD Your Mainstream - A Novel Dual N and P Sidestream Approach
Caitlin Ruff, Black & Veatch
Theo Chan, Trinity River Authority of Texas
Mike Young, Trinity River Authority of Texas
Leon Downing, Black & Veatch
Pretreatment to the Rescue: Emergency Pretreatment Tools for Tackling Industrial Challenges
Peter Reale
Jennifer Moore
Trinity River Authority of Texas WW
When Surcharge Limits Are Not Enough: The Affects of Uncontrolled Overstrength Waste on a Treatment Facility
Natalie Taylor Trinity River Authority of Texas
Sugar Land Leak Detection Program Case Study – Ranking Performance Against the ASTERRA Texas Big 12 Client Base
Merritt Nolte-Roth
City of Sugar Land
W/WW 4:054:35 pm
Gadi Kovarsky ASTERRA W/WW
Water Conservation in 4DX
Kevin Kluge Austin Water
Dive into Virtual Reality: Incorporating 3D Visualization Tools for Design, Client Communications, and Operator Engagement
Tasie Kade
Carollo Engineers
Steven Hand Carollo Engineers W/WW
Know Your Wastewater’s Character Arc - Influence and Impact of Influent Characterization
Prachi Salekar Black & Veatch
- 3:30 PM
4:40 -
5:10 pm
Eric Redmond Black & Veatch WW Pretreatment Water Conservation
Keisuke Ikehata
Texas State University
Jeffrey Lange
Brown and Caldwell
370 D
Denney Howard
Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam
David Milligan
370 E
Water Reuse Resiliency, Safety & Cybersecurity
Stacy Barna
CDM Smith
Kevin Patel
Signature Automation
370 F
Regina Stencel
City of Dallas
Melvin Machayo
City of Dallas
361 D
Small Systems
Proposed Design Criteria
Changes to 30 TAC Chapter 217 Subchapters C and D with Emphasis on Reclaimed Water Distribution Systems
Paul Brochi
Network Asset Visibility –Fundamental for OT Cybersecurity
Randy Petersen
San Jacinto River Authority
TAP into Conservation: A Technical Assistance Program for Water Conservation Plans
Shae Luther
Texas Water Development Board
Climate and Hydrology
Modeling for Austin’s Integrated Water Resource Plan
Helen Gerlach
Austin Water
Sara Eatman
Austin Water
Richard Hoffpauir
Water Resources 9:009:30 am
Hoffpauir Consulting
20 Years in the Making on Mary’s Creek - A New Water Reclamation Facility for the City of Fort Worth
Ellen McDonald Plummer
Chris Harder
City of Fort Worth Water Department
Getting Closer to the Finish Line with El Paso’s Advanced Water Purification Facility
Gianna Aguirre
Carollo Engineers
Harnessing Sustainable Water for Weatherford with Indirect Potable Reuse
Bill Smith
City of Weatherford
Allison Blake Hage
Freese and Nichols
Ryan Opgenorth
Freese and Nichols
am11:50 am
Use and Benefits of GAC Adsorption in Potable Reuse Applications
Zaid Chowdhury Garver
Flood Mitigation Improvements and Funding Resources for Liberty WWTP
Rebekkah Sandt
HR Green
Keval Satra
HR Green
Building Back a Resilient and Sustainable Wastewater System Using Emergency Management Funding to Maximize the Benefit-Cost Ratio
Jeff Pelletier
Atkins North America
Fazle Rabbi
Houston Public Works
Water Sector Federal Cybersecurity Legislation - What You Need To Know to Prepare
Mark McKinney
Tetra Tech
Getting it Right: Utility Resilience Beyond Legislative Requirements
Linda Warren
Launch! Consulting
Texas Sized Needs in Small Communities: Ensuring Small Communities are Represented in Regional Flood Planning
Jenny Bywater, CDM Smith
Travis Pruski, Nueces River Authority
Stacy Barna, CDM Smith
Jessica Watts, CDM Smith
Integrated Wastewater Planning and Financing to Solve the Pains of Rapid Growth
Rachel Adkisson, Freese and Nichols
Gilbert Salas, City of Manvel
Ishita Rahman, Freese and Nichols
Adam Conner, Freese and Nichols
Come and Take It! A Utility’s Struggle for Water Independence
Matt Froehlich
Danny McGuire
Port O’Connor Improvement District
Cloud-Based SCADA Levels the Playing Field for Small Systems
Colin Bunyard
Enhancing CIP Resilience: Lessons Learned for a Tangible Approach to Resilient Planning
Tess Sprague Brown and Caldwell
W/WW 9:3510:05 am
Navigating the Regulatory MazePermitting Lake Ralph Hall, a Look Back
Edward Motley
Upper Trinity Regional Water District
Ronna Hartt
Upper Trinity Regional Water District
Utilizing Reclaimed Water to Sustainably Revitalize Park Land While Aiding in Subsidence
Groundwater Reduction GoalsCity of Rosenberg Seabourne
Creek Reclaimed Water System
Kyle Kaspar
Quiddity Engineering
Rigo Calzoncin
City of Rosenberg
Digging Deep for Long-term Flood Relief: Phase 2
Tunnel Feasibility Study
Jason Becker
Halff Associates
Chris Mueller
Black & Veatch
Scott Elmer
Harris County Flood Control District
10:10 -10:40
10:4511:15 am
Ikram Sayed Garver
Charlie Maddox City of Austin
371 D
Camille Sowells, Trilogy
Kay Bealer, Tetra Tech
Lisa Lattu, LAN
Angela Spevak, Kimley-Horn
371 E
Applied Research Diversity & Inclusion
Investigation of Alternative Management Strategies to Prevent PFAS from Entering Drinking Water Supplies and Wastewater
Kyle Thompson
Carollo Engineers
Eva Steinle-Darling
Carollo Engineers
A Successful Demonstration of Ammonia Based Aeration Control (ABAC) Results in Energy and Chemical Savings via Simultaneous Nitrification and Denitrification (SND)
Ahmed Al-Omari
Brown and Caldwell
Not-So-Forever Chemicals: Field Demonstration of PFAS Destruction by a Pilot-Scale Nanofiltration and UV-Sulfite Treatment Train
Charlie Liu
Kennedy Jenks Consultants
Wastewater Surveillance for Monitoring COVID-19 and Other Infectious Diseases in Houston, Texas
Camille McCall
Rice University
Lauren Stadler
Rice University
Softening Without the Sludge: Piloting Pellet Softening for Drinking Water Treatment
Ashley Pifer Garver
Rick Huggins Garver
Thien Do University of Arkansas
Jessica Johnson Garver
Sharing Stories: DEI in TAWWA
Dedra Ecklund
Lockwood Andrews & Newnam
Assistance that Saves: Let us Count the WaysAn Analysis of Actual Water Savings of the Plumbers to People Program
Chad Cosper
San Antonio Water System
DEI 201: Tools and Resources to Build a Safe and Welcoming Workplace
Ari Copeland Black & Veatch
Xi Zhao Black & Veatch
Empowering Every Colleague: Strategies to Address Intersectionality in Inclusion and Diversity
Isabel Perez Rios Bravo Stantec
Sarang Agarwal Stantec
Making Sense of the Monsoon: Using Storytelling to Build a Foundation of Collaboration to Advance an Equitable Water Future Across Texas
Sarah Robinson, US Water Alliance
Jaynell Nicholson, Austin Water
Greg Wukasch, SAWS
Benny Starr, US Water Alliance
Adam Eaton WSP
Rose Robel Seagull PME
371 F
Watershed Mgmt/ Stormwater
Using Stormwater for Managed Aquifer Recharge
Gretchen Miller Collier Consulting
Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFWIA) – A Resilient
Stormwater Master Plan
Seth Nehrke, CDM Smith
Michael Schmidt, CDM Smith
Eduardo Tovar, Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport
Ada Inda, Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport
Navigating the Implementation of Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) Through Polluted Waters
Samantha Agniel CDM Smith
Cory Sellars City of Beaumont
Regional and State Flood Planning in Texas: A Watershed Based, Bottom-up Approach to Flood Risk Planning and Management
James Bronikowski Texas Water Development Board
Alissa Lockett, San Antonio Water System
Marisa Vergara, STV
Rob Jenkins, Arcadis
361 F
Construction Issues
The Plot Thickens: Maintaining Sludge Processing Operations During Replacement of Gravity Thickener
Joseph Grano
Robert Moss
Austin Water Utility
Two-Headed Monster: Operational Startup Challenges during a MultiOrganizational Startup of a Dual Purpose Pump Station
James McQuery, Dallas Water Utilities
Gabe Trejo, Arcadis
Jeff Haasch, JH Engineering
Lelya Gutierez, Freese and Nichols
A Fast Track With Extra Hurdles: New Braunfels Expands a Water Treatment Plant Amid Economic Volatility
Bansi Khajuria
Freese and Nichols
Ashley Zimmermann New Braunfels Utilities
Kira Iles
Freese and Nichols
What Have You Always Wanted to Ask a Contractor?
Mike Watson, MWH
Shane Simpson, Associated Construction Partners
Brandon Ballengee, Reytec Construction Resources
Fred Dodd, CSA Construction
Resilience Through Stream Restoration: How Fort Worth is Protecting its Critical Infrastructure
Keith Byrne Freese and Nichols
Pratima Poudyal City of Fort Worth
Jonathan Schwartzenberg
Freese and Nichols
Construction in a Volatile Market from an Owner and Design Builder Perspective
Aron Soto
MGC Contractors W/WW
Nyla Langford,Signature Automation
Alicia Smiley, Black & Veatch
Madeline Kull, CDM Smith
361 E
Value of Water
Laying the Foundation for a New Reservoir: Economic Analysis and Financial Planning to Ensure Success
Angie Flores
Brian Kirsch
Water Supply Augmentation to Rio Grande Diversions and Water Conservation
Charles Ortiz
Laguna Madre Water District
San Antonio’s Ever Changing Path to Water Resiliency
Jeffrey Haby San Antonio Water System
Gregg Eckhardt San Antonio Water System
9:009:30 am
The Economic Importance of Your Utility – What Your Customers Need to Know and How to Tell Them
William Zieburtz Stantec
Value of Water Panel Discussion
N/A (not for TCEQ credit)
am -
10:1010:40 am
Angel Leon, City of Laredo
Stephen Johnson, Freese & Nichols
John Sierzega, Sherwin Williams
Pat Brown, Stantec 370 D
Designing the Perfect Storm: Utilizing Historical Rainfall to Validate a Design Storm and Evaluate Your Modeled Collection System
Dan Hilderbrandt, San Jacinto River Authority
Kendall Ryan, Freese and Nichols
Nabeel Khan, Freese and Nichols
Dan Olson Garver
Laura Wilson City of Fort Worth
370 E
Leveraging Asset Life Cycle Data to Optimize Capital and Maintenance Investments
John D’Antoni Black & Veatch
Yongki Shim
KIT Professionals
Mohammed Othman
CDM Smith 370 F
Fast and Furious: Expanding a Membrane Water Treatment Plant through Retrofit while Coping with a Volatile Market
Yue Sun, Ardurra
Brandon Pritchett, City of Pflugerville
Jonathan Degen, Ardurra
Brian Camp, City of Pflugerville
Andrew Shaw
Black & Veatch
Charan Tanneru
Tetra Tech 361 D
Successful Full-Scale Continuous Flow Densification of Activated Sludge at Crooked Creek Water Reclamation Facility Without Physical Selection
Brandt Miller, Hazen and Sawyer
Ron Latimer, Hazen and Sawyer
Gaya Ram Mohan, Hazen and Sawyer
How to See it All: Machine Learning for Prediction of Manhole Condition
Samantha Greivell
Truthiness: Field Data, Model Data, Design Data – Resolving Reality Among Conflicting Sources of Information
Andrew Czubai Trinity River Authority
Nick Dons
Trinity River Authority
Dynamic Water SystemsHow SJRA is Applying Digital Transformation Strategies
Chris Meeks
San Jacinto River Authority
Shawn Dent
Carollo Engineers
Meera Victor Carollo Engineers
How a $200 Air Release Valve Postponed a $2,500,000 Booster Pump Station Project by Years –A Valuable Lesson in Air-Locking
Eric Dole Garver
Houston’s Approach to Preparing and Equipping Staff to Operate and Maintain a New $1.8B, 320 MGD WTP
Paul Walker, Carollo Engineers
Eric Garza, City of Houston
Joey Eickhoff, City of Houston
WW 1:452:15 pm
William Stauber, Carollo Engineers
Optimized Biofilters – How To Get There: Side-by-Side Evaluation at 440 MGD Plant
Kimberlie Brashear City of Dallas Water Utilities
Stories of Carbon Redirection for Energy Efficient Wastewater Treatment in the Age of Advanced Nutrient Removal
Arifur Rahman, Jacobs
Tim Constantine, Jacobs
Emma Shen, Jacobs
Innovative Process Piping Modifications to Enhance Carbon Management in Primary Treatment
Anton Dapcic Carollo Engineers
Tanya Rauch-Williams Carollo Engineers
Dale Gabel Carollo Engineers WW
Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall
E-74 Rosillo Creek Sewer Project: Keeping Sewer in Line with In-line Storage Solutions
Jeffrey Reck
Cristina de la Garza
San Antonio Water System
How the Workforce of Tomorrow Influences City of Houston’s Digital Transformation Today
William Kuehne
Fazle Rabbi
Houston Public Works
Implications of the Reactions Between Monochloramine and Free Chlorine for Water Operations
David Simons
• 2:50 - 3:20 PM 3:203:50 pm
Benefits of Hydrocyclones for WRRF Performance: Better Settling, Improved Nitrification… and Reduced E. coli?!
Alexandra Doody, CDM Smith
Samir Mathur, CDM Smith
Jamie Belden, City of Wichita
Daniel Dair, World Water Works
Quick – The Wastewater is Coming! A Multi-phase System Improvement Approach for a Rapidly Growing Area with High Head Pumping Requirements
Anamika Kumari, CDM Smith
Ana Marie Karamalegos, CDM Smith
Charles Leist, City of Waco Water Utilities
LCRR: Failure to Communicate is a Violation Waiting to Happen
Mary Gugliuzza
City of Fort Worth
That’s Right, You’re Not from Texas but Texas Wants You Anyways: Using an Established Technology that is New to Texas for Iron and Manganese Removal
Joseph Jenkins
Walker Partners
WW 3:554:25 pm
There’s a New (Primary) Sheriff in Town: Evaluating Primary Filters for Texas WRRFs
Dylan Christenson, Black & Veatch
Elaine Hung, Trinity River Authority of Texas
Andrew Moore, Trinity River Authority of Texas
Eric Redmond, Black & Veatch
Collection System Moneyball
Temple Williamson
Pipeline Analysis
Wesley Nebgen City of Corpus Christi
Baking up Fresh Transmission Pipeline Design Standards from Scratch
Ryan Sowa
Kimley-Horn and Associates
Graham Moore
Alliance Regional Water Authority
Equipment and Subsystem Testing on Houston’s First Drinking Water Ozone Disinfection System
Lander Kennedy
CDM Smith
Daniel Bond
CDM Smith
Jasmin Zambrano
WW 4:305:00 pm
City of Houston
Addition by Subtraction –Expanding Lewisville’s Secondary Treatment Capacity From Three Processes to One
Joel Cantwell, HDR
Kelly Rouse, City of Lewisville
Cedric West, City of Lewisville
Collection Utility Management Water Treatment & Operations MRRDC (Wastewater Treatment)
1:40 pm
Frank Stephens
Keval Satra
HR Green
371 D
Performic Acid: The New Kid on the WRRF Disinfection Block
Christine Ngan, CDM Smith
Brian Hilts, CDM Smith
Samir Mathur, CDM Smith
Domenico Santoro, USP Technologies
A Utility Might Not Own That Connection, But They Own What Comes Down It – Getting the Most Out of Trenchless Lateral Rehabilitation
Jeff Maier Garver
When Material/Equipment Delivery Dates Can’t Be Met
Mike Querry Trinity River Authority of Texas Emile Lang
Trinity River Authority of Texas W/WW
In Your Maintenance Wallet? Developing and Implementing a Maintenance Management Strategy to Decrease Risk and Improve Equipment Availability
Laura Moreno Black & Veatch
Simon Watson Black & Veatch
Words Every Engineer Love, but Commissioning Managers Dread… “Largest Installation Ever” /
Kiersten Lee
John D’Antoni, Black & Veatch
George Bowden, Freese & Nichols
Mazen Kawasmi, Freese & Nichols
371 E
Jerry Snead, HDR
Jaime Kypuros, Tetra Tech
Jorge Flores, El Paso Water
371 F
Streamlined Risk Management: Less Intrusive Methods; Same Benefit
Scott Taylor
Trinity River Authority of Texas
John Rice
Trinity River Authority of Texas
From Conceptualization to Reality – Austin
Water’s Vertical Asset Management Program
Lauren King
Austin Water
One Strategic Step for Fort Worth Water, One Practical Leap for Asset Management
Wendy Chi, City of Fort Worth
Nicholas McCormick, Freese and Nichols
Mazen Kawasmi, Freese and Nichols
Jessica Brown, Freese and Nichols Gage
Design of an 84” Water Transmission Line Curved
Tunnel under a Major Texas Highway Interchange
Chris Campbell, Binkley & Barfield
Matt Koziol, Schnabel Engineering
Showri Nandagiri, NHCRWA
Tim McQueary, HB Trenchless
Three For One - Alliance Water’s $50 Million Segment A Pipeline
Brings Water to Central Texas, Plus 2 Future Pipelines
Travis Michel
Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam
Hunter Hanson
Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam
Graham Moore
Alliance Regional Water Authority W/WW
City of Austin Water Service Line Analytics That Identify Highly Frequented Customers
Brent Bassett Austin Water
Houston Implements an Automated Risk-based Capacity and Condition Assessment
Model for its 6000 Miles of Wastewater Gravity Pipes
Jinia Islam
of Houston Fazle Rabbi
of Houston
Try This One Bizarre Trick! How Fort Worth Water Bridged the Gap
During the Replacement of Their Primary Thickening Process
Eduardo Aguirre
City of Fort Worth Water Department
Russell Redder
City of Fort Worth Water Department
Fort Worth’s Storm Drain Rehabilitation Program:
Exploring Artificial Intelligence For Cost-Effective Operations and Planning
Matt Stahl, Halff Associates
Cannon Henry, City of Fort Worth
Cooper Hoffman, Halff Associates
Deployment of
The Decisive Factor: Building a Decision Matrix Dashboard for the City of Houston Surface Water Transmission Program
Kate Hallaway, BGE
Singarpal Sekhorn, City of Houston
Lindsay Kovar, BGE
The Show Ain’t Over Until the Pipeline is Installed: A Case Study on Design Improvements During Construction
Jason Ward, Freese and Nichols
Jared Barber, Freese and Nichols
Nathan McMillan, Freese and Nichols
Chase Juhl, Dannenbaum Engineering Corporation
Randy Palachek
KIT Professionals
Vishakha Kaushik
361 F
If It Ain’t Broke, Do Fix It? Phosphate Demonstration Testing towards Achieving
Compliance with the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions
Justin Bartlett, KIT Professionals
Nicholas Cook, City of Deer Park
Cindy Dong, KIT Professionals
Kyle Swank, KIT Professionals
Coupon Immersion vs. Pipe Loop Study: Two Road Maps for Developing OCCTs
Amlan Ghosh Corona Environmental Consulting
1:101:40 pm
Corrosion Control Study on Harvested Lead and Copper Service Lines
Unregulated Contaminants –Navigating Integration of Advanced Water Treatment Technologies
Sunil Kommineni
KIT Professionals
Kyle Swank
KIT Professionals
Justin Bartlett
KIT Professionals
Estimating the PFAS Price Tag for Drinking Water Utilities: Cost Model Collaboration with AWWA
Adam Feffer
Black & Veatch
Xi Zhao
Black & Veatch
Nicholas Burns
Black & Veatch
3:55 -
4:305:00 pm
Operations & Maintenance Asset Management Water Distribution Drinking Water Quality
W/WW 1:452:15 pm
Muckleroy, GHD W/WW
Lizanne Douglas BGE David Miller CWA Makenzie Davis BGE W/WW
to Tap:
Treatment and
System Operation and Tracking to Prevent Nitrification Tyler Hudson, Hazen and Sawyer Logan Burton, Ardurra Meric Selbes, Hazen and Sawyer Michael Rodgers, City of Laredo W/WW 2:202:50 pm Networking Break in the Exhibit Hall • 2:50 - 3:20 PM What’s
Something Tried and True When you Can’t Build a Pump Station to be Brand New
VASS Solutions W
Static Meters Marty Martinez San Antonio Water System Jeff Evans
W 3:20
Trevin Heisey
& McDonnell
System Integration” /
of its Kind”
4:25 pm
Mike Hagen, Freese & Nichols
Justin Diviney, NTMWD
David Garcia, Aguazé Solutions
Leigh Thomas, WGI
370 D
Freddie Guerra
Kaye Bealer
Tetra Tech
370 E
Keith O’Connor
KIT Professionals
Sina Arjmand
RPS Groups
370 F
Ajay Shrivastav
CDM Smith
Paula Monaco
361 D
Wastewater Collection Utility Management
One Year into the City of Houston’s use of Artificial Intelligence in Automated Defect Recognition and Coding of Sewer Lines, Reflections, Challenges and Lessons Learned
Ayobamidele Bello, HR Green
Fazle Rabbi, Houston Public Works
Bintuan Zhui, Houston Public Works
Water-Cooled New Customer You Have! Understanding Data Centers’ Water Demands and Meeting Them Sustainably
Nissim Gore-Datar
Jim Cooper
Water Treatment & Operations
Evening the Playing Field: Modeling Carrier Water to Optimize Chemical Diffusion
Corey Smith, KIT Professionals
Ravi Kaleyatodi, City of Houston
Jasmin Zambrano, City of Houston
Christopher Fahlin, CDM Smith
Overview of Treatment Technologies Commonly Utilized by Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants in Texas for Total Phosphorus Removal
Baltazar Lucero-Ramirez
MRRDC (Wastewater Treatment) 8:309:00 am
San Antonio’s Transition to Polymer Concrete Sanitary Sewer Structures
Jonathan Vorheis
Jacobs Engineering
Joshua Garcia
San Antonio Water System
HDPE Pipe – It’s Not Just For Waterlines Anymore
Edward Ambler
Alliance for PE Pipe
David Freireich
City of Round Rock
Aaron Davey Alliance for PE Pipe
The Journey to Develop an Executable Wastewater CIP Project
Rebekah Pepper
Austin Water
Poolkeshi Patel Austin Water
Simplifying Force Main Inspections with New Inline Tool
Patrick Hulsebosch
RJN Group
Twice the Lift Station, Half the Space: Lessons Learned from Wastewater Infrastructure Expansion in a Constrained Site
Rami Issa, AECOM
Matthew Abbe, AECOM
Roshan Thapa, North Texas Municipal Water District
Haste To Treat Waste: Fast-Tracking WWTP Expansion in Response to Accelerated Growth
Amy Middleton, Plummer
Amy Uniacke, Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority
Hannah Leppla, Plummer Ana Pena-Tijerina, Plummer
Who’s on First? What’s on Second?
The Pathway to a Prioritized CIP
Robert Hoffman
Marc Cottingame
Dallas Water Utilities
Eva Gorgi
Dallas Water Utilities
Canyon Regional Water Authority: The Strengths and Challenges of Regional Cooperation
Chris Ekrut
NewGen Strategies & Solutions
Humberto Ramos
Canyon Regional Water Authority
Continuous Improvement
Results: Austin Water’s Success Using Effective Utility Management Framework
Matthew Saragosa
Austin Water Utility
Demonstration of a Laser-Focused Utility Diagnostic Tool, Developed for Senior Leadership Training and Work Prioritization
Ben Stanford
Hazen and Sawyer
Smart Utility: What it Means for Planners and Operators? A Case Study of Houston Water!
Satish Tripathi
City of Houston
Jassim Jaf
City of Houston
WW 9:059:35 am
PFAS Treatment at Cape Fear
Public Utility Authority: Design and Commissioning of the Largest
GAC Facility in North Carolina
Adam Feffer, Black & Veatch
Xi Zhao, Black & Veatch
Nicholas Burns, Black & Veatch
Optimizing Filter Backwash Flow Control by Minimizing Cavitation and Modifying Control Technique
Tyler Hudson
Hazen and Sawyer
Mariana Anguiano
Trinity River Authority of Texas
Sid McCain
Trinity River Authority of Texas
Does Your Utility Need a Resiliency Check? Don’t Forget to Give Backup Disinfection a Reality Check
Gail Charles, Arcadis
Derek Littlejohn, Arcadis
Emily Hannon, City of Arlington
Two for the Price of One –Dual-Purpose Centrifuges
Rajeev Datta Kamalampet
CDM Smith
Kenneth Dement
City of Houston
Steve Lynk
CDM Smith
Is Digital Cloning (TWIN) a Reality: Future of Nutrient Removal Optimization and Operation in WRRFs
Raj Chavan Atkins
Bringing Westbank to Central Texas: Expansion and Upgrade of City of Austin Walnut Creek WWTP for Biological Nutrient Removal
Xiaohong He, AECOM
Keith Sears, AECOM
Robert Moss, Austin Water
Ioan Chilarescu, AECOM
Charles Celauro, Austin Water
AGS – (Another Great Solution) (Aerobic Granular sludge)
Perran Hutton
Robert Adams
Baltazar Lucero-Ramirez
My Nitrifiers are Better Than Yours - Low DO Nitrification
Eric Redmond, Black & Veatch
Raudel Juarez, Trinity River Authority of Texas
Monica Ramirez, University of Houston
Mike Young, Trinity River Authority of Texas
Nutrient Removal OperationsA Compilation of Lessons
Learned Over 30 Years
Randall Wirtz
Strand Associates
Kelly Hajek
Strand Associates
Mark Rudolph
Strand Associates
Networking Break in Technical Session Area • 10:10 - 10:20 AM 10:2010:50 am
10:5511:25 am
Mahith Nadella
KIT Professionals
Jennie Almerico
371 D
Wastewater Operations & Maintenance
The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg: Enhancing Non-Potable Water to Improve Flexibility and Resiliency at the Dallas Water Utilities Central
Wastewater Treatment Plant
Alexander Zuniga, LAN
Greg Vaughn, LAN
Lance Phillips, Dallas Water Utilities
Tim O’Brien, Gresham Smith
Out of Space for All Your Waste?
Pressure Cook Your Way Out of Anaerobic Digester Capacity
Issues: Two Case Studies on Thermal Hydrolysis
Manuel Moncholi Stantec
Nicole Stephens Stantec
Anaerobic Digesters Operations –Tricks and Traps
Adam Parmenter HDR WW
Stressed out Because of Your Clarifier’s Performance?
Try our 5-point Plan
Behnaz Jalili Jalalieh, Ardurra
Michael Rodgers, City of Laredo
Ignacio Hinojosa, Ardurra
Tye Jordan, Ardurra
Agile Digester Gas Utilization for Rapidly Changing Energy and Biosolids Markets
Scott Hardy, Hazen and Sawyer
Shannon Dunne, City of Fort Worth
John D’Antoni, Black & Veatch
George Bowden, Freese & Nichols
Mazen Kawasmi, Freese & Nichols
371 E
Austin Water’s Asset Management Maturity Model
Martin Tower
Austin Water
Your Blood Work Came Back, and We Found an Issue with your Babbitt Bearing – Predictive Maintenance for Slow Rotating Equipment
Daniel Halter City of Dallas W/WW
Over 10-years of Houston’s Digital Transformation Journey Led by Domain SpecialistsLessons Learned
Fazle Rabbi Houston Public Works
Pratistha Pradhan Houston Public Works
Jaime Kypuros, Tetra Tech
Bansi Khajuria, Freese & Nichols
Carlos Gularte, Freese & Nichols
371 F
City of Houston’s Large Diameter
Pipe Experience: The Northeast Transmission Line
Shah Rahman, KCI Technologies
Kevin Tran, City of Houston
Ram Chakradhar, City of Houston
Denis Atwood, KCI Technologies
The Importance of Corrosion Analysis, Sampling, and NonDestructive Testing as Part of a Complete Condition Assessment
Jerry Snead HDR Engineering
Beyond the Winter Storm: Using Post-Winter Storm Assessments to Address Broader Risks to Facilities Keller Drozdick
Justin Bartlett
KIT Professionals
Yue Sun
361 F
Austin Water’s Cyanotoxin
Monitoring and Response Plan: Proactive Approach to Safeguard Public Health
Caroline Russell, Carollo Engineers
Stephanie Sue, Austin Water
Kasi Clay, Austin Water
Claire Sembera, CAS Consulting & Services
Blending Chlorinated and Chloraminated Water: Introduction to Disinfection Water Chemistry, TCEQ Exception Requirements, Testing/monitoring Best Practices, and Lessons Learned
HR Green
8:309:00 am
Networking Break in Technical Session Area • 10:10 - 10:20 AM
Fort Worth Water Proactive Leak Survey Program - How We Found Success and What We Learned
Adam Farguson
City of Fort Worth
Billy Coffelt
City of Fort Worth
Technology in Practice. How the City of Galveston Used Pressure Monitoring to Increase Visibility and Make Operational Changes on their Water Network
Trino Pedraza
Flanged Up: How Houston Prepared Transmission & Distribution Systems for Receiving 320 MGD from the Expansion to the NEWPP Jasmin Zambrano, City of Houston Venus Price, City of Houston
Paul Walker, Carollo Engineers
Infrastructure for a “City within a City”: Designing Water and Sewer
Infrastructure to Serve the Fields
Development in Frisco, Texas
Julio Olvera
Kimley-Horn and Associates
James McDonald, City of Fort Worth
Suzanne Abbe, City of Fort Worth
N/A (not for TCEQ credit)
Don’t Get Caught with your Pumps Down… Using Analytics to Improve Pump
Reliability and Performance
Mike Bernard
Specific Energy Pumping Asset Management & Optimization
City of Galveston Water Department
Nicole Kaiser Syrinix
Houston’s Intelligent Planning Tool for Prioritizing and Optimizing Rehabilitation of Gravity Pipe
Jobair Alam
Fazle Rabbi
Houston Public Works
Pratistha Pradhan
Houston Public Works
Jason Grimm City of Frisco
Taking Care of 44 Tanks: Austin’s Strategies for Managing its Water Storage Infrastructure
Charles Kucherka
Freese and Nichols
Ryan Baxter
Austin Water
Clean Water on a DimeCity of Houston’s Emergency Filter Repairs
Yong Wang, City of Houston
Roberto Amezquita, City of Houston
Somnath Chilukuri, Freese and Nichols W
Comprehensive Tools to Develop Service Line Inventories Both Upstream and Downstream of Customer Meters
Emily Baca, Arcadis
Vishakha Kaushik, Arcadis
Ashley Evans, Arcadis
Gail Charles, Arcadis
Wine, not Water, Improves with Age: Using Hydraulic Modeling to Evaluate Solutions to Water Age
Sherif Mabrouk
Heather Lindner
Ivan Langford
Galveston County WCID #1
10:50 am
10:5511:25 am
Asset Management Water Distribution
Drinking Water Quality
W 9:059:35 am
Keval Satra,
Scott Landers, HR Green
Merrick & Company W/WW
Kristin Epstein CDM Smith W 9:40
Best Practices in Lead Service Line Inventories and Replacements – Trenton Water Works Case Study
Venus Price, Houston Public Works (TAWWA)
Liz Fazio Hale, Gulf Coast Authority (WEAT)
Shannon Miftari, Gulf Coast Authority
Jennie Almerico, 5engineering
Kristin O’Neill, Brown and Caldwell
Best-Tasting Drinking Water
Eric Garza, City of Houston
Conference Night Out
Amber Batson, Carollo
Alex Smith, Black & Veatch
Curtis Smalley Environmental Event
Shane Simpson, SJRA
Prachi Salekar, Black & Veatch
Dodson Drive 5K
Kate Hallaway, BGE
Brandy Martinez, Brown and Caldwell
Door Prizes
Connie Curtis, SJRA
Daniel Olson, Garver
Donald Lange, BGE
Brianna Morales, Suez
Pavani Silaparasetty, AECOM
Chris Canonico, Ardurra Group
Hydrant Hysteria
Wendy Lundeen, CDM Smith
Pedro Garibay III, San Antonio Water System
Adam Gonzales, The Texas Water Company
William Littrell, San Antonio Water System
Armando Delgado, San Antonio Water System
Innovation Lounge
Puneet Gupta, Gupta & Associates
Insider’s Guidebook
John D’Antoni, Black & Veath
Lizanne Douglas, BGE
Jeff Masek, AECOM
Chris Munson, Black & Veatch
Meter Challenge/Jr Meter Challenge
Monica Marin, San Antonio Water System
Moderator/Room Monitor
Jonathan Howard, WSP
Camille Sowells, Trilogy Engineering Services
Ops Challenge
Hector Montanez, Houston Public Works
Rae Mills, Houston Public Works
Heather Wootton, Kimley-Horn and Associates
Allison Bennett, Garver
Pipe Tapping
Randy Payton, North Texas Municipal Water District
Wade Parks, Garver
Mitchell Ramon, Houston Public Works Program
Dylan Christenson, Black & Veatch
Karen Menard, City of Dallas Publicity
Heather Ramsey, SJRA
Xi Zhao, Black & Veatch
Jennifer Elms, Odyssey Engineering Group
Matt Acker, USALCO
David Munn, Freese & Nichols
Student Design Competition
Kimberly Chanslor, CDM Smith
Tori Haugvoll, Black & Veatch
Danny Roberts, Ardurra
Top Ops
Roy Aristizabal, Inframark
Jin Ye, Houston Public Works
Lindsey Kovar, BGE
Aaron Schindewolf, SJRA
Yue Sun, Ardurra Group
Paul Walker, Carollo
Drew Castillo, Gulf Coast Authority
Gordon Pederson, Gulf Coast Authority
University Forum
Kayleigh Millerick, Texas Tech University
Sarah Berkey, Carollo
Jason Salas, Houston Public Works
Leilany Vazquez, Houston Public Works
Mickey Solomon, Houston Public Works
Raymond Ramdeo, Houston Public Works
Shane Porter, Atkins
Water For People
Christopher Varnon, CDM Smith
Mackrena Ramos, LAN
Women of Water
Meera Victor, Carollo
Young Professionals
Jose Mendiola, A&S Engineers
Mahith Nadella, KIT
Shane Simpson, SJRA
Staff Support
Mike Howe, TAWWA
Julie Nahrgang, WEAT
Alondra Hernandez, WEAT
Clay Avery, GCP Association Services
Cliff Avery, GCP Association Services
Lisa Nejtek, GCP Association Services
Liz Rose, GCP Association Services
Tracy Wagner, GCP Association Services
Texas WaterTM 2023 is a registered trademark of Texas AWWA for the exclusive use for this joint conference with WEAT. All rights reserved.
Sporting event tickets / original artwork
fly fishing excursion / jewelry / One Water Solutions Start Here
Through holistic planning, we help communities map out a sustainable water future. Our One Water approaches focus on affordable, equitable and implementable design.
Chris Varnon, Raymond
artwork / gift baskets / gadgets / AND MORE!
Sports tickets • Traeger grill • Argentina dove hunt
Gift baskets • Ski condo • Electronics • Steaks
Coolers • ...and more!
Visit us at the auction booth outside the Exhibit Hall, or use Handbid to view and place bids.
Bidding Instructions
This auction uses mobile bidding. Follow these 3 EASY STEPS and breeze through registration!
Our Cause
ALL proceeds will benefit WATER FOR PEOPLE, a global non-profit bringing water and sanitation to every family, every school, and every clinic in which it works, forever!
Texas Water 2023
Water for People Texas
Learn more at www.waterforpeople.org
We will get you setup to bid from tablets at the Auction booth
Raffle tickets are also sold on the app
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Varnon, Co-Chair (CDM Smith)
Co-Chair (City of Houston)
1:15 PM
Raymond Ramdeo,
Texas Water 2023 Sponsors TEXAS WATERTM 2023 50 Diamond
Gold INVENT Environmental Technologies, Inc. NewGen Strategies & Solutions, LLC Olsson, Inc. Raba Kistner Utility Service Group Water Solutions www.txwater.org 51 Silver Bronze 5engineering AMERICAN Black & Veatch CSA Construction Elston Johnson and Associates Enprotec/Hibbs & Todd, Inc. Diamond Felix Construction KCI Technologies Kleinfelder, Inc. Merrick & Company PPG Water Remediation Technology LLC (WRT)
FreemanService Desk OPSCHALLENGE OPENTOBELOW FH DN EXIT EXIT VENT FH EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT 24'WX14'H FRTDOOR 24'WX14'H FRTDOOR DN WOMMEN HANDICAP TOILET DN MEN ELEV A-5 D D FACILITY USE EXIT UP DN A-3 DN A-1 DN EXIT WOM TOPOPS /BTW F&BEarly Food& Beverage F&B F&B 144145 146147 148149 150151 205 207 209 211 213 239 241 243 244245 246247 248249 250251 304305 306307 308309 310311 312313 319 321 322323 325 326327 329 330331 333 338339 340341 342343 344345 346347 348349 350351 404405 406407 408409 410411 412413 418419 420421 422423 424425 426427 428429 430431 432433 438439 440441 442443 444445 446447 448449 450451 504505 506507 508509 510511 512513 518519 520 522 524 526 528 530531 532 538539 540 542543 544545 546547 548549 550551 603 604605 606607 608609 610611 612613 619 621 622623 624625 626627 629 631 633 638639 541640641 642643 644645 646647 648649 650651 655 657 659 661 663 665 667 702703 704705 706707 708709 710711 712713 718719 720721 722723 724725 726727 728729 730731 732733 738739 740741 742743 744745 746747 748749 750751 754755 756757 758759 760761 762763 764765 766767 768769 802803 804805 806807 808809 810811 812813 818819 820 822 824 826 828 830831 832 838839 840841 842843 844845 846847 848849 850851 854855 856 858 860 862 864 866 868 902903 904905 906907 908909 910911 912913 922923 926 938 940 942 944 946 948 950 958959 962 219 F & B F & B 669
Food& Beverage
HYSTERIA MEN WOM. HP D D DN OPENTOBELOW PE HP STOR D D OPENTOBELOW OPEN VENT FRTDOORFRTDOOR 24'WX14'H24'WX14'H HALLB3 DRIVEINDOOR DN DNDN DN B-2 UP B-1 DN UP B-3 DN UP 1 DD 1 CC 1 EE 1 FF 1 GG 1 HH 1 II 1 1 JJ KK 1 LL 1 MM FH FH FH FH EXIT E NTER EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT EXIT 49 515253 DN DN LOADINGAREAG FH EXIT PE HP EXIT FHEXIT EXIT EXIT DN KITCHEN ELEV FRT UP DN A-4 EXIT FRTDOOR 12'WX14'H EXIT DN UP A-2 DN 50 5455 24'WX14'H FRTDOOR NON-LEASABLEAREA ELEVATOR FREIGHT ELEVATOR FREIGHT MARQUIS Innovation Lounge 902903 904905 906907 908909 910911 912913 919 921 922923 925 927 929 931 933 955 957 958959 961 963 965 967 969 10021003 10041005 10061007 10081009 10101011 10121013 10181019 1020 1022 1024 1026 1028 10301031 1032 1054 1056 1058 1060 1062 1064 1066 1068 1102 1104 1106 11081109 1110 1112 1119 1131 1139 1141 1143 1145 1147 1149 1151 12081209 12101211 12121213 1219 1221 1223 12241225 12261227 1229 1231 1233 12381239 12401241 12421243 12441245 12461247 12481249 12501251 13081309 13101311 13121313 13181319 13201321 13221323 13241325 13261327 13281329 13301331 13321333 13381339 13401341 13421343 13441345 13461347 13481349 13501351 14081409 14101411 14121413 14181419 1420 1422 1424 1426 1428 14301431 1432 14381439 14401441 14421443 14441445 14461447 14481449 14501451 1500 1501 1502 1503 1505 1507 15081509 15101511 1512 1519 1521 15221523 15241525 15261527 1529 1531 1533 15381539 15401541 15421543 15441545 15461547 15481549 15501551 15541555 15561557 15581559 15601561 15621563 15641565 15661567 15681569 16001601 16021603 16041605 16061607 16081609 16101611 16181619 16201621 16221623 16241625 16261627 16281629 16301631 16321633 16381639 16421643 16441645 16461647 16481649 16501651 16541655 16561657 16581659 16601661 16621663 16641665 16661667 16681669 17001701 17021703 17041705 17061707 17081709 17101711 17181719 1720 1722 1724 1726 1728 17301731 1732 17381739 1741 17421743 17441745 17461747 17481749 17501751 1754 1756 1758 1760 1762 1764 1766 1768 1800 1802 1804 1806 1808 1810 1819 1821 18221823 18241825 18261827 1829 1831 1833 1838 1840 1842 1844 1846 1848 1850 19181919 19201921 19221923 19241925 19261927 19281929 19301931 19321933 F & B F & B Attendee Lounge ENTER 164016411740 EXIT
A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co.…………….…………………………1844
A.W. Chesterton Co.………………………………….…………350
ACCUCAST LTD…………………………………………………625
Accurate Meter & Supply………………………………………1842
Ace Pipe Cleaning Inc.…………….……….……………………451
ACFM, Inc.………………………………………………………1621
AdEdge Water Technologies, LLC……………………………1344
ADS Environmental Services………………………….….……912
Advance Products & Systems, LLC……………………….…1925
Advanced Process Inc.…………….…….….…………………1744
Advanced Valve Technologies LLC….…………………….…1630
Advanced Water Well Technologies, LLC………….….211 & 213
AECOM……………………………………………………448 & 450
Aegion-Insituform Technologies, LLC-Underground Solutions, Inc.…………………………………….….…219
Aeration Industries………………………………….….………1738
Aerzen, USA………………………………….…………………1328
AIMS Companies….……………………….….…………………856
Alfa Laval………………………………….….…………………1451
Alliance for PE Pipe………….………………961, 963, 965 & 967
Alpha Testing, LLC………………………………………………959
AMCS Group……………………………………….….…………511
AMERICAN……………………………………….………306 & 308
American AVK Company………………….….…………………344
American Innotek -Brief Relief……………………………….…510
Amwell / WACO Products………….……………………………646
Analytical Technology, Inc.………….…………………………1746
Andritz Separation Inc.…………………………………………1331
Anue Water Technologies……………….….…………………1666
Apex Domes……………………………………….……………1643
Aqseptence (Johnson Screens)………………………………1543
Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc.………………………….….……1333
Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc.……………………..……………1542
Aqua-Metric Sales Company…….……………………………1838
Aqua-Zyme Disposal Systems…………………………………669
Aquana, LLC……………………………….…….………………547
Aquatic Informatics………………………………………………410
Aquestia USA……………………………….….….……………1629
Archer Western……………………….….………………………919
Armorock……………………………………….…………703 & 705
Asahi/America, Inc.………………………………………903 & 905
Asset Protection Group……………………………….…………411
Assmann Corporation of America……….……………………1242
ASTERRA……………………………………….….….…420 & 422
Atlas Copco………………………………….….………………1664
Atlas SSI………………………………………….………………808
Autodesk………………………………………….……1210 & 1212
AV Water Technologies…………….……………………………711
Avanti International………………………………………………758
AWC Water Solutions………………….………………………1546
AWI - US…………………………………………………………1541
Badger Meter……………………………………………………1731
Baker Water Systems……………………………………………545
Bartlett & West……………………………………………803 & 805
BDP Industries, Inc.…………………………….….……………848
Beacon WT…………………………………………….…………849
BECK, Harold & Sons, Inc.………….….………………………433
Beehive Industries……………………………….………………413
BenMark Supply Company……….….………………1607 & 1609
Bertrem Products Inc.…………………….……………………1602
BGE, Inc. (Brown & Gay Engineers, Inc.)……………………1512
Big Wave Water Technologies Inc.……………….………..…1239
Bingham & Taylor…………………………….….….……………419
Binkley & Barfield, Inc.……………….….………………………820
BioAir Solutions LLC…………………….….….………………1539
BioCOPE, Inc.……………………………………………………748
Black & Veatch……………………………………………………769
Blacoh Industries…………….…….…….………………………647
Blue-White Industries…………………………………1248 & 1250
Boerger LLC……………………………………………….……1447
Brad Greer & Associates…………………..….….……………1739
Brenntag Southwest……………………………………………1562
Brentwood Industries………………………….….……………1551
Brierley Associates……………………………….….…………1011
BSI Online………………………………….……….….…………663
Burgess & Niple, Inc.………………………….…………………519
C.C. Lynch & Associates, Inc.…………………………………1726
Calgon Carbon Corp - GAC…………………….….….………1544
Carboline Protective Coatings & Linings………………………866
Carollo Engineers, Inc.…………………………………………1918
CB Solutions LP………………………………….….….………1921
CCI Piping Systems……………………………………………1632
Centrisys / CNP……………………….……….…………………539
Please visit www.txwater.org or the conference app for full exhibitor contact information
Charter Machine Company……………………………………1442
Chemical Injection Technologies, Inc.…………………………207
ChemScan, Inc.…………………………………….…….….…1343
Chlorinators Inc. - Regal………….….….……….……………1244
CLS………………………………………………….….1700 & 1702
Coburns Supply Company…….………………………………1850
Collier Consulting, Inc.……………….…….……………………921
Commerce Controls…………………….…….…………………725
Composite Access Products………………………….….……1628
Continental Blower LLC……….….……………………………1340
Continental Carbon Group Inc.…………………….….………1559
Control Panels USA……………………………………………1056
Core and Main…………………………….……………………1013
Cortrol Process Systems, Inc.……………………….….….…1522
CPM Pipelines………….…….….…….….……………………1006
Cretex Speciality Products…………….………………………1819
Crispin Valve………………………………………….…….……428
CST Industries, Inc.……………….……………………………1320
D.R. Cordell & Associates, Inc.…………………………………846
Danby, LLC…………………………………………….…522 & 524
Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc.……………….….….…520
Daniel Company……………….…….…………………………1446
Dehumidification Technologies, LP………………….…………761
Delta Infiltrator Water……………….…….……………………1707
DeNora / NOV Chemineer………………………………………643
DeNora Water Technologies…………………………….….…1319
Detection Instruments Corp.……………………………………512
DFW Plastics, Inc.…………………………………………….…330
Diamond Fiberglass……………………………………………1647
Diesel Fuel Maintenance, Inc.….………………………………749
DN Tanks…………………………….……………………………933
Double E Engineering Sales, Inc.……….…540, 542, 544 & 546
Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association…….…………………504
Dunaway Associates, LLC………………………………………909
Dunham Engineering, LLC………………….….….……………854
Duperon Corporation………………………….………1709 & 1711
DuPont Water Solutions, MEMCOR Products………………1440
DXI/DPC Industries, Inc.………………………………………1351
DXP Enterprises, Inc.…………….……………1309, 1311 & 1313
www.txwater.org 55
Chart Industries……………………….….………………………847
Since 1913, HR Green has provided solutions that build communities and improve lives.
WWTP Flood Protection/Mitigation, Liberty, TX Funded through Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
Dynamatic, DSI…………………………………………….….…649
Dynamic Pump Systems……………………….….……………322
Earth Science Laboratories………………….………….………532
EBAA Iron, Inc.………………………………………….………1745
Ecoverde LLC / Orthos Liquid Systems, Inc.…………………641
ECS Environmental Solutions…………………………………1318
ECS House Industries…………………………………………1660
Edmunds GovTech………………………………………………304
Egger Turo Pumps………………………………….….………1545
EGW Utilities, Inc. - Water & Plumbing Group….…….………439
Electro Scan Inc………………………….…….….……………1145
Electronic Power Design (EPD)…….…….……….……305 & 307
Electrosteel USA…………………………………………………446
Elements XS……………………………….……………………1501
Elston Johnson and Associates…………………….…….……310
Emerald Coast Manufacturing………………….…….….……1241
Emerson Process Management………….….…………………629
Enchanted Rock…………………….….………………………1640
Engineered Textile Products, Inc.……………….……………1549
Enprotec / Hibbs & Todd, Inc.……………………..…1224 & 1226
Enviro Tech Chemical Services, Inc.………………….….……442
Environment One Corporation………………741, 743, 745 & 747
The Water Environment Association of Texas and Texas Section of American Water Works Association are dedicated to providing a safe, harassment-free experience for everyone during Texas WaterTM and official Texas WaterTM conference events.
WEAT and TAWWA will not tolerate harassment of conference attendees, exhibitors, speakers, volunteers, or staff. WEAT and TAWWA prohibit Texas WaterTM participants from intimidating, harassing, unwelcome, abusive, disruptive, violent or offensive conduct. Texas WaterTM participants asked to stop any such behavior must comply immediately. Violators may be subject to expulsion without refund. Harassment should be reported to conference staff immediately.
Please refer to our full Code of Conduct found at www.txwater.org/codeofconduct_2023.cfm for more information including contact information for reporting actions contrary to the Texas WaterTM code of conduct.
Environmental Improvements, Inc. (EI2)…….1642, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1648, 1649, 1651, 1656, 1657, 1658, 1659, 1661, 1662, 1667 & 1668
Essential Equipment……………………….………319, 321 & 323
Evoqua Water Technologies……………………………….….1641
Evoqua Water Technologies LLC……………….….…………1502
Ferguson Waterworks…………………………………….….….831
Filter Magic / ICS…………………….…………………………1554
Five Star Electric…………………………………………………864
Flexim Americas Corp………….………………………………1728
Flo Trend LLC…………………………….….…………………1556
FlowCam by Yokogawa Fluid Imaging Technologies………1346
Flowserve Pump Company……….……….……………………948
Fluence Corp.…………………………………….….…………1558
Force Flow/Halogen Valve Systems…………………………1563
Ford Hall Company………………….…………………………1669
Fortiline Waterworks……………………………….….…505 & 507
Fracta, Inc.………………………………………………….….…431
Freese & Nichols………………………………………….……1019
Fuquay, Inc.……………………………………………1348 & 1350
Future Pipe Industries…………….………….…….……………424
Garney Construction……………………………………………1519
Garver…………………………………………….….……657 & 659
GEA Mechanical Equipment US, Inc.………….….…………1408
GF Piping Systems………………………………………………740
Gicon Pumps and Equipment………………………….….……309
Glasco UV…………………………………………………………640
Global Pump Solutions……………………………441, 443 & 445
Global WET………………………………………………………650
Golden Harvest…………………………………………………1441
Green Equipment Company………………….…………………311
Gryphon Environmental…………………………………………845
Gutermann, Inc.…………………………………..….…………1008
H2O Innovation Inc.……………………………………………1708
Hach……………………………………………………1219 & 1221
Hach-Flow Division/McCrometer………………………….….1223
Hahn Equipment Co., Inc.………………………………………811
Halff Associates, Inc.………………….………………1720 & 1722
Hallsten/Newman Regency Group……………………………1426
visit www.txwater.org or the conference app for full exhibitor contact information
WE BUILD WATER 202 Industrial Blvd, Suite 104 | Sugar Land, TX 77478 P (281) 343-3090 | www.whartonsmith.com PROVIDING SAFE, RELIABLE WATER TO COMMUNITIES THROUGHOUT THE SOUTHEAST & SOUTHWEST
Hanna Instruments………………………………………………543
HARCO Fittings……………………………………….…………759
Harper Brothers Construction….……………………….………766
Hartwell Environmental Corp….….……….…………1330 & 1332
Hayward Flow Control………………………….…….…………333
HB Systems Inc…………………………………………………1227
HDR Engineering……………………………….…….…………868
Headwater Engineered Systems……………………….….…1119
Headworks Inc.…………………………………………………1555
Helix Laboratories, Inc.……….…….….………………………1923
Hellan Strainer Co.………………….….………………………1413
Hendrick Screen Company……………………………………1443
Hidrostal North America…………………………………………551
High Tide Technologies…………….……………………………407
Hobas Pipe USA, Inc.……………………………………………611
Hoffman & Lamson by Gardner Denver………………….….1448
Howden Roots……………………………………………………538
HR Green Inc.……………………….….………………………1619
Huber Technology, Inc.…………………………………………1650
Hugh M. Cunningham Companies - Flow Control Group……………….……342, 343, 345, 346, 347 & 348
Hydraulic Institute…………………………………….….………760
Hydro Gate………………………………………………………1324
Hydro International…………….…………………………………841
Hydro-Dyne, Inc.…………………………………………………830
Hydromax USA…………………………………………………1510
HydroPro Solutions………………………………………………727
IDEXX Laboratories…………………….…….…………………447
Indepth Utility Solutions LLC……………………………631 & 633
Industrial Flow Solutions……………….…….………1505 & 1507
Industrial Service Solutions……………………………………1611
Inland Environmental Resources, Inc.…………………………430
Innovative-IDM / Sunbelt……………….….……………………809
International Flow Technologies, Inc.……….…………………713
Invent Environmental Technologies…….….…………………1341
IPEX USA, LLC………………………………….….……744 & 746
Jacob & Martin, LLC………………………….….………………508
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.……………….…….1010 & 1012
Jaeger Aeration…………………………………………………1706
JCM Industries, Inc.………………………….….………………621
JCS Industries, Inc.…………………….…….……….…810 & 812
JDV Equipment Co.………………………………………….…1327
Jeans Waterproofing of Texas……………………….….….…1347
Jet Stream by Pipelife……………………………………………425
JMI OSSF Consulting…………….……………………………1924
JQ Infrastructure…………………………………………………818
JWC Environmental……………………………………………1342
Kamstrup Water Metering………………………….……802 & 804
Kasco Marine………………………………………….…………408
Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.……….…….….…1804 & 1806
KLP Construction Supply……….…….…….…………………1007
Krofta Technologies……………………….…….….……………907
KSA Engineers, Inc.………………….….………………………518
Kubota Membrane USA Corporation…………………………1638
Kurita (Tonka Water)……………………………………………1665
Kusters Water……………………….……………………………655
Ladtech, Inc.………………………….…………………………1633
Lakeside Equipment Corp…………….………………………1432
Landia Inc.………………………………………………….….…944
Landmark Structures…………………………………1606 & 1608
LCRA Environmental Laboratory Services……………….…1848
Lhoist North America……………………………………………922
Liberty Pumps……………………………………………………946
Lime Association of Texas………………………………………969
Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc.………….…….…….…1419
Lone Star Blower………………………….……………………1639
Lonestar Municipal Equipment……….….…….…906; 908 & 910
Loprest, a division of WRT………………………….…………1561
M.E. Simpson Co., Inc.…………………………………………1143
Macaulay Controls Company…………………………….……1251
Madewell Products Corporation……………….….……………626
Magna Flow Environmental…………….….…1701, 1703 & 1705
Maguire Iron………………………………………………………405
MARS Company………………………………….….…………1511
Master Meter, Inc.…………………….….………………………929
McCain Waterworks Marketing……………………….………1627
www.txwater.org 45
www.txwater.org or the
conference app
full exhibitor contact
McIntire Management Group….….….…………………858 & 860
McWane, Inc.……………………1754, 1756, 1758, 1760 & 1762
Mead & Hunt………………………………….…….……………440
Merrell Bros., Inc.…………………………….……..……902 & 904
Meurer Research Inc.……………………….…………………1322
Midland Scientific……………………………….…….…………423
Mixtec North America………………….………………………1547
Moody Bros., Inc.………………………………1018, 1020 & 1022
MUELLER……….….……1564, 1565, 1566, 1567, 1568 & 1569
Municipal Valve & Equipment Company………………………1026, 1028, 1030 & 1032
Murphy Pipeline Contractors…………………………….……1840
Nanostone Water, Inc.…………………….….…………………839
Neel-Schaffer, Inc.………………………….….….……………1920
Neptune Technology Group, Inc.…………………….…….….1112
Netzsch Pumps USA……………………………….……………754
Newman Regency Group…….…….….………………………1430
Nezat Training & Consulting……………………………………755 Nicor Inc.……………………………………….…………………406
Northwest Pipe Company…….…….….………………………1151
Odessa Pumps & Equipment……………….……..…1139 & 1141
Olea Edge Analytics…………………….….……………………765
Omicron Controls, Inc.…………………………………………1846
OnPing, by Plow Technologies…………………………………764
Orenco Systems, Inc.…………………………………1603 & 1605
Ovivo Water………………………………………………………838
Pacheco Koch, a Westwood Company………………………1533
Pape-Dawson Engineers, Inc.……………………….…955 & 957
Park Process……………………………………………………1321
Patterson Equipment Company…….…….……………338 & 340
Pencco Inc.………………………………………………………1110
Penn Valley Pump Company…………………………….….….707
Performance Services………………….….…….………………541
Phoenix Fabricators & Erectors, LLC……………….…….….1349
Phoenix Process Equip Co……………………………………1548
Pierce Pump-FCX…………………….….………………………923
Pinnacle Industries……………….….…………………………1531
Pipe Tools Inc……………………………………….……665 & 667
Unlock the full potential of your water and wastewater systems with our comprehensive engineering services. From supply and storage to pumping and distribution, we have the expertise to optimize every aspect of your water infrastructure. Contact us today for reliable and innovative solutions.
Pleasant Mount Welding, Inc.………………………….….……828
Plummer Associates, Inc.…………………………….1808 & 1810
PLW Waterworks, LLC……………………………….….339 & 341
Poly Processing………………………………………….….….1663
PowerSeal Pipeline…………………….………………………1208
Prairie Dog Boring Equipment, Inc……………………………1503
Precision Calibrate Meter Service……….…….………………427
Precision Pump Systems………..….…1209, 1211, 1308 & 1310
PreLoad, LLC…………………………………….……1231 & 1233
Premium Pumps & Controls, LLC………………………..….…750
Primary Flow Signal, Inc.………………………………………1626
Prime Controls………………………………….………………1508
Process Control Dynamics, Inc.….….………………1623 & 1625
Process Solutions Corp…………………………………925 & 927
ProMinent Fluid Controls, Inc.……….…………………….….1245
Committed to Excellence Since 1991 Civil Engineering & Surveying AUSTIN | HOUSTON CONTACT US!
www.txwater.org or the
for full
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exhibitor contact information
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Pulsed Hydraulics, Inc.…………………………………………1557
PulseMAC Solutions……………….……………………………327
Pump Solutions, Inc.……….….…728, 729, 730, 731, 732 & 733
Pumps & Controls…………………………….….………718 & 720
Pumps of Houston, Inc.………….….…1521, 1523, 1525 & 1527
Purafil, Inc.………………………………………………………1409
Pureflow Filtration…………………………….…….……………645
Purple Wave Auction…………………………….………………603
Pyxis Lab, Inc.……………………………………………………404
Quiddity Engineering……….…….……………………………1524
RA-Lock Security Solutions, Inc.…………………….…………331
RACO MFG & Engineering, Co.………………………………1742
Rangeline Group…………………………………………………531
Red Flint Sand and Gravel……………….…….….……………862
Red Valve - DeZURIK………………………….………………1655
Reliability Point………………………………………….….……756
RJN Group, Inc.…………………………………………….……855
Roberts Filter Group…………………….….……………………826
Romac Industries, Inc.………………….…….…………………351
Ron Perrin Water Technologies………………………………1600 RootX………………………………………………………………751
Roscoe Moss Company…………………………………………762
Roto Pump………………………………………………………1428
Rotork Dallas - K-TORK……………….………………………1540
RPM Services……………………………………………………329
S&B Technical Products…………………………………………958
S&N Airoflo, Inc.……………………….…….…………………1444
Sage Metering, Inc. / Entech…………………….……………1249
SAK Construction, LLC……….….……………………………1003
SAM Companies…………………………………………………604
SAMCO Leak Detection Services, Inc.……………….….……619
Schnabel Engineering…………………………….….….710 & 712
Schneider Electric…………………………….………1823 & 1825
Schwing Bioset Inc.………………………………….…………1420
Sciphyn Robotics………………………………….……………1710
Seaman Corporation………………………….…………………623
Second Sight Systems, LLC……………………………………757
Seepex, Inc.……………………………………………….……1329
SENTRY Water Monitoring & Controls Inc.….…………………1A
Sheffy & Associates……………….……………………………1751
Sherwin Williams Co.………………….…….…………………1054
ShinMaywa (America), Ltd.………….….………………………806
Siemens Industry Inc.………………………….………………1748
Sigma Corporation………………………………….……………661
Signature Automation……………………………………………612
SIP Industries/Serampore…………….….……………………1822
Smith & Loveless Inc.……………….…….….………1410 & 1412
Smith Pump Company…………………………….….…………950
Southwest Fluid Products, Inc.………………………….….…1740
Specific Energy………………………….….……………………942
Specification Rubber Products, Inc.……………….…………1002
Specified Utility Associates………………………….….622 & 624
Specified Water Systems, LLC…………………………………245
Spirac USA Inc.………………………………………….….……824
SPX Flow - Lightnin…………………….….….…………………822
STA-CON INC……………………………………………………813
Stan Roberts & Associates……………1058, 1060, 1062 & 1064
Star Pipe Products………………….……………………………549
Stenner Pump Company………….….…………………………610
Structural Technologies…………………………………………723
STV………………………………………………….….…548 & 550
SubSurface Leak Detection Inc.………………………………1109
Sulzer Blowers ABS USA……………….………………………651
Sustainable Generation…………………………………………209
Swan Analytical USA……………………………………………239
Synagro Technologies, Inc.……….……………………………962
Syneco Systems, Inc.……………………….…………………1631
Take Care of Texas - TCEQ………….…………………………722
Agilicus FIDO
SENTRY Water Monitoring & Controls Inc
Water Lens, LLC
www.txwater.org 63
or the conference app for full exhibitor contact information
Stop by the Innovation Lounge in the Exhibit Hall to visit these exhibitors!
Tank Builders Inc.………………………………………………1824
Tank Industry Consultants………….…………………………1312
Techstar………………………………………….….…1927 & 1929
TEEX Water & Wastewater Training……………………….….742
Teledyne ISCO………………………….………………………1724
Tesco Controls……………………………………………………312
Tetra Tech………………………………………………….……1718
Texas Aquastore…………………………………………………609
Texas AWWA……………………………………………….….…150
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality…….….………147
Texas Department of State Health Services……….…………144
Texas Municipal Equipment, LLC………………………………513
Texas Tank Services………………….…………………………926
Texas Underground Inc…………………………….……627 & 726
Texas Water Development Board………………………………145
TF Warren/Tarsco………………………………………………1560
Thalle Construction Co., Inc.……………………………………444
The Ford Meter Box Company…………………………….….1919
The Milford Companies…………………………….……605 & 607
The Rios Group, Inc.……………………………………….….1802
The Scruggs Company………………………….….…………1768
The Valve Agency, Inc.……….….……………1431, 1509 & 1826
Thompson Pipe Group-Pressure……….….…1102, 1104 & 1106
Thornton, Musso and Bellemin, Inc.……………….……….….243
Titan Environmental………………….….………………………644
TNEMEC - The Barry Group……………………………………938
TNP, Inc.………………………………………………….….……244
Tomorrow Water……………………….…………………………832
Total Piping Solutions…………….……….……………………1743
Trenton Corporation……………………….….…………………325
Trihedral VTScada……………………………………1622 & 1624
Trimble Water……………………………………………………1243
Trumbull Manufacturing, Inc.……………………….…………1749
U.S. Composite Pipe, Inc.………………………………………739
U.S. Pipe…………………………………………….…1147 & 1149
U.S. Underwater………………………………….….…………1821
UGSI Solutions……………………………….….…….…719 & 721
Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Association…………………………………432
United Blower, Inc.……………………………….…….………1704
US Saws…………………………………………………………1747
USABlueBook……………………….……………………………768 USALCO…………………………….…………………….………241
USP Technologies………………………………………………1024
Utility Defender…………………………….…….………………702
V&A Consulting Engineers, Inc.……………………….….……418
Valve & Equipment Consultants, Inc.…………………………1131
Varec Biogas……………………………………….….…………842
Vaughan Company Inc…………………………………………1438
Vector Controls and Automation
Group…………….………246, 247, 248, 249, 250 & 251
VEGA Americas……………………………………….….704 & 706
Veolia Water Technologies…………….…….….………639 & 738
Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions………………………1766
Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions………………………1339
Victaulic Bermad Technologies………………………….……1213
Viking Chain………………………………………………………850
Wachs Utility Products…………………………………………1732
Walker Partners……………………………………….…………819
Warren Environmental Coatings………………….….….……1618
Water Environment Association of Texas….….………………151
Water Environment Federation…………………………………149
Water Lens, LLC…………………………….……………………4B
WateReuse Association, Texas……….………………………1922
WaterIQ Technologies………….…….……….…………………526
Weisinger Incorporated……………………….…………………349
Wemco Pump…………………………………….………………851
WesTech Engineering, Inc.……………………………………1418
Western Industrial Supply………………….…….…….….……421
Westlake Pipe & Fittings………………………….….1066 & 1068
Wey Valve.………………………………….….………1238 & 1240
Wharton-Smith, Inc.……………………………………………1529
Whipps, Inc.………………………………………………………840
Whitman, Requardt and Associates, LLP………….…….……449
Wigen Water Technologies……………………………………1449
WILO USA LLC…………………………………………………1601
Winters Instruments……………………………………………1500
WL Plastics…………………………………….….….…………1526
XIO, Inc.…………………………………………………………1604
Xylem………1827, 1829, 1831, 1833, 1926, 1928, 1930 & 1932
Xylem Treatment - Leopold/Wedeco…………………………1654
Xylem Treatment Sanitaire……………………………………1338
YSI - Xylem Inc.…………………………………….…1931 & 1933
Zenner USA………………………………………………528 & 530
Please visit www.txwater.org or the conference app for full exhibitor contact information
Drop by and meet your new teammates at the AW Technical Sessions
2:30-3:00 pm
Odor & Corrosion Control
AW Engineer C
AW Engineer C
4:05-4:35 pm
AW Engineer C
4:40-5:10 pm
Water Conservation
AW Division Manager, Water Conservation
9:00-9:30 am
Water Resources
AW Engineer B
Construction Issues
AW Engineer B
1:45-2:15 pm
Asset Management
AW Supervising Engineer
3:20-3:50 pm
Asset Management
AW Supervising Engineer
8:30-9:00 am
Asset Management
AW Managing Engineer
Drinking Water Quality
AW Operations Manager
AW Program Manager, Environmental Policy
9:40-10:10 am
AW Supervising Engineer
AW Managing Engineer
10:20-10:50 am
Wastewater Collection
AW Engineer A
10:55-11:25 am
Utility Management
AW Business Process Consultant
Matthew Abbe
AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
801 Cherry Street, Suite 1050 Fort Worth, TX 76102 matthew.abbe@aecom.com
Hunter Adams City of Wichita Falls/Water Purification
4801 Big Ed Neal Dr Wichita Falls, TX 76310 hunter.adams@wichitafallstx.gov
Rachel Adkisson Freese and Nichols, Inc. 11200 Broadway Suite 2320 Pearland, TX 77584 rachel.adkisson@freese.com
Samantha Agniel CDM Smith 4110 Rio Bravo Drive Suite 201 El Paso, TX 79902 agnielsj@cdmsmith.com
Gianna Aguirre Carollo Engineers
303 N. Oregon Street Suite 300 El Paso, TX 79901 gaguirre@carollo.com
Eduardo Aguirre City of Fort Worth Water Department 200 Texas St Fort Worth, TX 76102 eduardo.aguirre@fortworthtexas.gov
Ahmed Al-Omari Brown and Caldwell 1920 McKinney Ave Ste 700 Dallas, TX 75201 aalomari@brwncald.com
Jobair Alam IMS Engineers 7007 Angel Oaks Ct Richmond, TX 77407 Jobair.Alam@houstontx.gov
Francisco Alcala CDM Smith 101 South Hall Suite 200 Maitland, FL 32751 alcalaf@cdmsmith.com
Edward Ambler Alliance for PE Pipe 833 N. Fulton Street Tulsa, OK 74115 aambler@pepipe.org
Emily Baca Arcadis 98 San Jacinto Blvd, Ste 414 Austin, TX 78701 emily.baca@arcadis.com
Stacy Barna CDM Smith Inc 9430 Research Blvd, Suite 1-200 Austin, TX 78759 barnasl@cdmsmith.com
Justin Bartlett KIT Professionals, Inc. 2000 West Sam Houston Parkway South, Suite 1400 Houston, TX 77042 jbartlett@kitprofs.com
Brent Bassett City of Austin - Austin Water 10208 W Rutland Vlg Austin, TX 78758 brent.bassett@austintexas.gov
Jason Becker Halff Associates, Inc. 14800 St. Mary’s Lane Suite 160 Houston, TX 77079 jbecker@halff.com
Ayobamidele Bello HR Green Inc. 11011 Richmond Ave, Suite 200 Houston, TX 77042 abello@hrgreen.com
Mike Bernard Specific Energy Pumping Asset Management & Optimization 1978 S Austin Ave Georgetown, TX 78626 mike.bernard@specificenergy.com
Kimberlie Brashear City of Dallas Water Utilities 2121 Main Street, Suite 300 Dallas, TX 75201 kimberlie.brashear@dallas.gov
Paul Brochi Texas Commission on Environmental Quality 1200 Park 35 Circle MC-148 Austin, TX 78753 paul.brochi@tceq.texas.gov
James Bronikowski Texas Water Development Board 1700 North Congress Ave Austin, TX 78711 james.bronikowski@twdb.texas.gov
Keith Byrne Freese and Nichols, Inc. 801 Cherry Street, Suite 2800 Fort Worth, TX 76102 keith.byrne@freese.com
Jenny Bywater CDM Smith 12400 Coit Rd, Suite 400 Dallas, TX 75251 bywaterje@cdmsmith.com
Chris Campbell Binkley & Barfield, Inc. 1710 Seamist Dr Houston, TX 77008 clc@binkleybarfield.com
Joel Cantwell
HDR 17111 Preston Rd, Suite 300 Dallas, TX 75248 joel.cantwell@hdrinc.com
Gail Charles Arcadis gail.charles@arcadis.com
Raj Chavan
Atkins, North America 11801 Domain Blvd #500 Austin, TX 78758 raj.chavan@atkinsglobal.com
Wendy Chi City of Fort Worth 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 wendy.chi@fortworthtexas.gov
Chirine Chidiac Arcadis 12400 Coit Road, Ste. 1200 Dallas, TX 75250 chirine.chidiac@arcadis.com
Somnath Chilukuri Freese & Nichols, Inc. 11200 Broadway St. Pearland, TX 77584 somnath.chilukuri@freese.com
Tracy Chouinard Brown and Caldwell 1 Tech Dr, Ste 310 Andover, MA 01810 tchouinard@brwncald.com
Zaid Chowdhury Garver
1620 W. Fountainhead Parkway, Suite 503 Tempe, AZ 85282 zkchowdhury@garverusa.com
Dylan Christenson Black & Veatch 920 Memorial City Way, Suite 600 Houston, TX 77024 christensond@bv.com
Colleen Cook TCEQ
12100 Park 35 Circle Austin, TX 78753 colleen.cook@tceq.texas.gov
Ari Copeland Black & Veatch 4197 Bidwell Drive Fremont, CA 94538 Copelanda@bv.com
Chad Cosper San Antonio Water System 2800 US Highway 281 San Antonio, TX 78212 chad.cosper@saws.org
Andrew Czubai Trinity River Authority 5300 S Collins St Arlington, TX 76018 czubaia@trinityra.org
John Dantoni Black & Veatch 920 Memorial City Way Suite 600 Houston, TX 77024 DantoniJM@bv.com
Anton Dapcic Carollo Engineers, Inc. 14755 Preston Road, Ste 500 Dallas, TX 75254 adapcic@carollo.com
Eric Dawson Parsons 9101 Burnet Road, Suite 210 Austin, TX 78758 Eric.J.Dawson@parsons.com
Eric Dole Garver 5251 DTC Parkway, Suite 420 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 ejdole@garverusa.com
Raul Dominguez Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 801 Cherry St, Ste 1300, Unit 11 Fort Worth, TX 76102 raul.dominguez@kimley-horn.com
Alexandra Doody CDM Smith 9430 Research Blvd Suite 1-200 Austin, TX 78759 DoodyAT@cdmsmith.com
Lizanne Douglas BGE, Inc. 10777 Westheimer Rd. Suite 400 Houston, TX 77042 ldouglas@bgeinc.com
Keller Drozdick Merrick & Company 401 E Sonterra Suite 250 San Antonio, TX 78258 keller.drozdick@merrick.com
Dedra Ecklund Lockwood Andrews & Newnam, Inc. 100 I-45 North, Suite 450 Conroe, TX 77301 DAEcklund@lan-inc.com
Chris Ekrut
NewGen Strategies & Solutions, LLC 275 W Campbell Rd, Ste 440 Richardson, TX 75080 cekrut@newgenstrategies.net
Kristin Epstein CDM Smith 110 Fieldcrest Ave, 6th Floor Edison, NJ 08837 epsteinkc@cdmsmith.com
Adam Farguson City of Fort Worth 200 Texas St. Fort Worth, TX 76102 adam.farguson@fortworthtexas.gov
Adam Feffer Black & Veatch 239 Pinnacle Shores Dr. Mooresville, NC 28117 fefferas@bv.com
Angie Flores Raftelis Financial Consultants 3755 S. Capital of Texas Highway, Ste. 290 Austin, TX 78704 aflores@raftelis.com
Matt Froehlich BGE, Inc. 23501 Cinco Ranch Blvd., Suite A-250 Katy, TX 77494 mlfroehlich@bgeinc.com
Jay Gandhi Metrohm USA 9250 Camden Field Parkway Riverview, FL 33578 events@metrohmusa.com
Helen Gerlach Austin Water 625 E 10th St Austin, TX 78701 helen.gerlach@austintexas.gov
Amlan Ghosh Corona Environmental Consulting, LLC 1600 Shadywood Lane Flower Mound, TX 75028 aghosh@coronaenv.com
Nissim Gore-Datar Arcadis U.S., Inc. 98 San Jacinto Blvd., Ste 414 Austin, TX 78701 nissim.goredatar@arcadis.com
Joseph Grano Arcadis US 98 San Jacinto Blvd, Ste 414 Austin, TX 78701 joseph.grano@arcadis.com
www.txwater.org 67
Abigail Graves Garver LLC
402 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy S # 100 College Station, TX 77845 ALGraves@GarverUSA.com
Samantha Greivell Garver 12141 Wickchester Ln Suite 200 Houston, TX 77079 segreivell@garverusa.com
Kylie Gudgell GBRA - Guadalupe Blanco River Authority 933 East Court Street Seguin, TX 78155 kgudgell@gbra.org
Mary Gugliuzza City of Fort Worth 200 Texas St. Fort Worth, TX 76102 mary.gugliuzza@fortworthtexas.gov
Burns & McDonnell, Inc. 13737 Noel Rd, Suite 700 Dallas, TX 75240 Trevinheisey@gmail.com
Jeffrey Haby San Antonio Water System 2800 US Highway 281 N. San Antonio, TX 78212 Jeff.Haby@saws.org
Kelly Hajek Strand Associates, Inc. 1906 Niebuhr Street Brenham, TX 77833 kelly.hajek@strand.com
Kate Hallaway BGE, Inc. 10777 Westheimer Rd Ste 400 Houston, TX 77042 khallaway@bgeinc.com
Daniel Halter City of Dallas 1020 Sargent Road Mesquite, TX 75203 daniel.halter@dallas.gov
Scott Hardy Hazen and Sawyer 1600 West 7th Street Fort Worth, TX 76226 shardy@hazenandsawyer.com
Tori Haugvoll Black & Veatch 5023 Waterbeck St Fulshear, TX 77441 HaugvollT@bv.com
Xiaohong He AECOM 13640 Briarwick Drive Austin, TX 78729 xiaohong.he@aecom.com
Dan Hilderbrandt San Jacinto River Authority 1577 Dam Site Road Conroe, TX 77304 dhilderbrandt@sjra.net
Robert Hoffman HDR 17111 Preston Rd, Suite 300 Dallas, TX 75248 robert.hoffman@hdrinc.com
Tyler Hudson Hazen and Sawyer 8150 North Central Expressway Suite 700 Dallas, TX 75206 thudson@hazenandsawyer.com
Roel Huerta AECOM Technical Services, Inc. 5444 Westheimer Rd, Ste 400 Houston, TX 77056 roel.huerta@aecom.com
Patrick Hulsebosch RJN Group 2550 Gray Falls Dr., Ste 203 Houston, TX 77077 patrick.hulsebosch@rjnmail.com
Perran Hutton Plummer Associates, Inc. 6300 La Calma Drive, Suite 400 Austin, TX 78752 phutton@plummer.com
Jinia Islam City of HoustonDepartment of Public Works and Engineering 611 Walker St, 18th Floor Katy, TX 77494 Jinia.Islam@houstontx.gov
Rami Issa AECOM 13355 Noel Rd, Ste 400 Dallas, TX 75240 rami.issa@aecom.com
Behnaz Jalili Jalalieh Ardurra 7500 Rialto Blvd, Bldg. 1, Suite 240 Austin, TX 78736 bjalili@ardurra.com
Joseph Jenkins Walker Partners 804 Las Cimas Parkway, Suite 150 Austin, TX 78746 jjenkins@walkerpartners.com
Annie Jiang Ardurra Group 7500 Rialto Blvd Bldg 1, Ste 240 Austin, TX 78735 ajiang@ardurra.com
Kevin Kluge Austin Water-Water Conservation 625 E 10th St Austin, TX 78701 kevin.kluge@austintexas.gov
Tasie Kade Carollo Engineers 14755 Preston Road, Ste 500 Dallas, TX 75254 tkade@carollo.com
Rajeev Datta Kamalampet CDM Smith Inc. 11490 Westheimer Road Suite 700 Houston, TX 77077 kamalampetr@cdmsmith.com
Kyle Kaspar Quiddity Engineering 6330 W Loop South Ste 150 Bellaire, TX 77401 kkaspar@quiddity.com
Lander Kennedy CDM Smith 11490 Westheimer Rd Ste 700 Houston, TX 77077 kennedylb2@cdmsmith.com
Bansi Khajuria Freese & Nichols, Inc 11200 Broadway St, Ste 2320 Pearland, TX 77584 bansi.khajuria@freese.com
Lauren King Austin Water 625 E. 10th St. Austin, TX 78701 lauren.t.king@austintexas.gov
Sunil Kommineni KIT Professionals, Inc. 2000 West Sam Houston Parkway South, Suite 1400 Houston, TX 77042 skommineni@kitprofs.com
Charles Kucherka Freese and Nichols, Inc. 1251 Sadler Drive Building One, Suite 1150 San Marcos, TX 78666 cak@freese.com
Wiliam Kuehne Ardurra
11750 Katy Freeway, Ste 300 Houston, TX 77079 wkuehne@ardurra.com
Anamika Kumari CDM Smith Inc. 11490 Westheimer Road Ste 700 Houston, TX 77077 kumaria@cdmsmith.com
Kiersten Lee MWH Constructors 8001 Arista Pl Suite 500 Broomfield, CO 80021 kiersten.lee@mwhconstructors.com
Charlie Liu Kennedy Jenks Consultants 275 Battery Street, Suite 550 San Francisco, CA 94111 charlieliu@kennedyjenks.com
Baltazar Lucero-Ramirez Texas Commission on Environmental Quality 1200 Park 35 Circle MC-148 Austin, TX 78753 baltazar.lucero-ramirez@ tceq.texas.gov
Shae Luther Texas Water Development Board 1700 North Congress Ave Austin, TX 78701 shae.luther@twdb.texas.gov
Crystal M Broadbent Hazen and Saywer 4011 WestChase Boulevard Suite 500 Raleigh, NC 27513 cbroadbent@hazenandsawyer.com
Sherif Mabrouk HDR, Inc. 4401 West Gate Blvd. Suite 400 Austin, TX 78745 sherif.mabrouk@hdrinc.com
Joanne MacDougall Gulf Coast Authority 910 Bay Area Blvd. Houston, TX 77058 jmacdoug@gcatx.org
Jane Madden CDM Smith 75 State Street, Ste 1000 Boston, MA 02109 maddenje@cdmsmith.com
Jeff Maier Garver 5251 DTC Parkway, Ste 420 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 JRMaier@GarverUSA.com
Marty Martinez San Antonio Water System 2800 U.S. Hwy. 281 North San Antonio, TX 78212 marty.martinez@saws.org
Camille McCall Rice University 6100 Main Street MS-519 Houston, TX 77005 cm95@rice.edu
Ellen McDonald Plummer 1320 S. University Dr., Ste. 300 Fort Worth, TX 76107 emcdonald@plummer.com
Mike McGill WaterPIO 507 North Line Drive Hampstead, NC 28443 mike@waterpio.com
Mark McKinney Tetra Tech 201 E. Pine Street Orlando, FL 32801 mark.mckinney@tetratech.com
James McQuery Dallas Water Utilities 2121 Main Street, Suite 300 Dallas, TX 75201 James.Mcquery@Dallas.gov
Chris Meeks San Jacinto River Authority 2436 Sawdust Rd. The Woodlands, TX 77380 cmeeks@sjra.net
Varenya Mehta KIT Professionals, Inc. 2000 West Sam Houston Parkway South, Suite 1400 Houston, TX 77042 varenyamehta@gmail.com
Travis Michel Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. 2925 Briarpark Dr Ste 400 Houston, TX 77042 TMMichel@lan-inc.com
Amy Middleton Plummer 12500 San Pedro Ave., Suite 401 San Antonio, TX 78216 amiddleton@plummer.com
Brandt Miller Hazen and Sawyer 8150 North Central Expressway, Suite 700 Dallas, TX 75206 bmiller@hazenandsawyer.com
Gretchen Miller Collier Consulting, Inc. 1205 Sam Bass Rd. Building B, Ste. 300 Round Rock, TX 78681 gmiller@collierconsulting.com
Samco Advanced Services include: Pro-Active Leak Detection Preventive Maintenance Programs System-Wide Water Accountability Assessments GIS Mapping and Asset Management Services Drinking Water Regulatory Support Benefits of Utilizing SAMCO Services Reduce water production and distribution costs Improve overall efficiency and gain knowledge of your distribution system Improve water quality and assure adequate pressure to help safeguard public health Improve public water system compliance with State and Federal regulations FULL SERVICE LEAK DETECTION I GIS MAPPING I DRINKING WATER REGULATORY SUPPORT Water is a Precious Resource. How Much Are You Losing? 901 Mopac Expressway South, Suite 300 Austin, TX 78746 512-263-7043 (Office) 512-751-5325 (Mobile) sgodfrey@samco-leakservice.com www.samco-leakservice.com SAMCO
John Mitchell Austin Water - COA 2600 Webberville Rd Austin, TX 78702 john.mitchell@austintexas.gov
Manuel Moncholi Stantec 901 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Miami, FL 33134 manuel.moncholi@stantec.com
Marie Montoya XiO, Inc. 100 Smith Ranch Rd. Suite 120 San Rafael, CA 94903 marieh@xiowater.com
Laura Moreno Black & Veatch 5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 400 Dallas, TX 75240 MorenoL@bv.com
Edward Motley Upper Trinity Regional Water District P.O. Box 305 900 N. Kealy Lewisville, TX 75067 emotley@utrwd.com
Julie Nahrgang WEAT | TACWA 1825 Fort View Road, Suite 108 Austin, TX 78704 julie@weat.org
Seth Nehrke CDM Smith 555 17th Street, Suite 500 Denver, CO 80802 nehrkesm@cdmsmith.com
Christine Ngan CDM Smith 9420 Bunsen Parkway Suite 225 Louisville, KY 40220 nganc@cdmsmith.com
Jacob Niemeier
Vera Aqua Vera Vita 406 Sagebrush Trail Murphy, TX 75094 jniemeier@veraaquaveravita.org
Merritt Nolte-Roth City of Sugar Land 101 Gillingham Lane Sugar Land, TX 77487 mnolteroth@sugarlandtx.gov
Steven Nutter City of Fort Worth Water Department 200 Texas St Fort Worth, TX 76102 steven.nutter@fortworthtexas.gov
Kristin O’Neill Brown and Caldwell 10777 Westheimer Rd Ste 975 Houston, TX 77042 koneill1@brwncald.com
Julio Olvera Kimley-Horn and Associates 13455 Noel Road Two Galleria Office Tower, Suite 700 Dallas, TX 75240 julio.olvera@kimley-horn.com
Charles Ortiz Laguna Madre Water District 105 Port Road Port Isabel, TX 78578 cortiz@lmwd.org
Adam Parmenter HDR 1601 Utica Ave South, Suite 600 Saint Louis Park, MN 55416 adam.parmenter@hdrinc.com
Trino Pedraza City of Galveston Water Department 3015 Market Street Galveston, TX 89014 tpedraza@galvestontx.gov
Jeff Pelletier Atkins North America 482 S. Keller Road Orlando, FL 32810 jeffrey.pelletier@atkinsglobal.com
Rebekah Pepper Austin Water 2600 Webberville Rd Austin, TX 78702 rebekah.pepper@austintexas.gov
Isabel Perez Rios Bravo Stantec 6080 Tennyson Parkway Suite 200 Plano, TX 75024 isabel.perezrios@stantec.com
Randy Petersen San Jacinto River Authority 1577 Dam Site Road Conroe, TX 77304 rpetersen@sjra.net
Richard J Pope Hazen and Sawyer 8150 North Central Expressway, Suite 700 Dallas, TX 75206 rpope@hazenandsawyer.com
Mike Querry Trinity River Authority 5300 South Collins Arlington, TX 76018 querrym@trinityra.org
Fazle Rabbi Houston Public Works Fazle.Rabbi@houstontx.gov
Shah Rahman KCI Technologies 5021 Lakawana Street Suite 501 Dallas, TX 75247 shah.rahman@kci.com
Arifur Rahman Jacobs 1999 Bryan St., Suite 1200 Dallas, TX 75201 arifur.rahman@jacobs.com
Peter Reale Plummer 1320 S University Dr Ste 300 Fort Worth, TX 76107 preale@plummer.com
Jeffrey Reck Arcadis US, Inc. 1777 NE Loop 410, Suite 600 San Antonio, TX 78217 jeffrey.reck@arcadis.com
Michael Redda TCEQ - Water Quality PO Box 13087, MC148 Austin, TX 78711 michael.redda@tceq.texas.gov
Eric Redmond Black & Veatch 2915 Rutland Ave Des Moines, IA 50311 RedmondE@bv.com
Sarah Robinson US Water Alliance 2804 Austin St Houston, TX 77004 srobinson@uswateralliance.org
Caitlin Ruff Black & Veatch 5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 400 Dallas, TX 75240 ruffc2@bv.com
Caroline Russell Carollo Engineers, Inc. 8911 Capital of Texas Hwy North, Suite 2200 Austin, TX 78759 crussell@carollo.com
Prachi Salekar Black & Veatch Houston, TX salekarpa@bv.com
Rebekkah Sandt HR Green, Inc. 11011 Richmond Ave. Ste. 200 Houston, TX 77080 rsandt@hrgreen.com
Matthew Saragosa Austin Water Utility 625 East 10th Street, Suite 100 Austin, TX 78701 matthew.saragosa@austintexas.gov
Keval Satra HR Green Inc. 11011 Richmond Avenue Suite 200 Houston, TX 77042 ksatra@hrgreen.com
Michael Schuster Freese and Nichols 2711 North Haskell Ave. Suite 3300 Dallas, TX 75204 michael.schuster@freese.com
David Simons TCEQ P.O. Box 13087 Austin, TX 78711-3087 david.simons@tceq.texas.gov
Corey Smith KIT Professionals, Inc. 2000 West Sam Houston Parkway South, Suite 1400 Houston, TX 77042 csmith@kitprofs.com
Bill Smith City of Weatherford 917 Eureka Street Weatherford, TX 76086 wsmith@weatherfordtx.gov
Jerry Snead HDR Engineering 17111 Preston Road, Ste 300 Dallas, TX 75248 Jerry.Snead@hdrinc.com
Aldo Sotelo Stantec Consulting Services Inc 1905 Aldrich Street, Suite 300 Austin, TX 78723 aldo.sotelo@stantec.com
Aron Soto MGC Contractors 223 Lucinda Drive New Braunfels, TX 78130 asoto@mgccontractors.com
Ryan Sowa Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 10101 Reunion Place Ste 400 San Antonio, TX 78216 ryan.sowa@kimley-horn.com
Susan Spore Brown and Caldwell 6975 Union Park Center #490 Midvale, UT 84047 sspore@brwncald.com
Tess Sprague Brown and Caldwell 1920 McKinney Ave #700 Dallas, TX 75204 tsprague@brwncald.com
Matt Stahl Halff Associates, Inc. 4000 Fossil Creek Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76137 mstahl@halff.com
Ben Stanford Hazen and Sawyer 143 Union Blvd, Suite 200 Lakewood, CO 80228 bstanford@hazenandsawyer.com
Karly Stelzer City of Houston Karly.Stelzer@houstontx.gov
Yue Sun Ardurra 3115 Allen Parkway, Ste 300 Houston, TX 77019 ysun@ardurra.com
Kyle Swank KIT Professionals, Inc. 2000 West Sam Houston Parkway South, Suite 1400 Houston, TX 77042 kswank@kitprofs.com
Natalie Taylor Trinity River Authority of Texas 6500 W. Singleton Blvd. Dallas, TX 75212 taylorn@trinityra.org
Scott Taylor Trinity River Authority of Texas 11201 Trinity Blvd Euless, TX 76040 taylorsc@trinityra.org
Kyle Thompson Carollo Engineers, Inc. 8911 N Capital of Texas Hwy Austin, TX 78759 kthompson@carollo.com
Martin Tower Austin Water 625 E. 10th St, Suite 701 Austin, TX 78701 martin.tower@austintexas.gov
Gabe Trejo ARCADIS, U.S. 12400 Coit Road, Suite 1200 Dallas, TX 75251 gabe.trejo@arcadis.com
Satish Tripathi Houston Water Planning 611 Walker St Houston, TX 77002 satish.tripathi@houstontx.gov
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Eirik Valseth
The University of Texas at Austin
201 E. 24th St. Stop C0200 Austin, TX 78712 eirik@utexas.edu
Greg Vaughn LAN, Inc. 1300 Summit Ave, Suite 300 Fort Worth, TX 76102 greg.vaughn@vaughneng.com
Jonathan Vorheis Jacobs Engineering 911 Central Pkwy N. Suite 200 San Antonio, TX 78232 jonathan.vorheis@jacobs.com
Paul Walker Carollo Engineers, Inc. 10375 Richmond Ave. Suite 1625 Houston, TX 77042 pwalker@carollo.com
Tim Walker Town of Little Elm 1600 Mark Tree Lane Little Elm, TX 75068 twalker@littleelm.org
Jason Ward Freese and Nichols, Inc. 10497 Town and Country Way, Suite 600 Houston, TX 77024 jvw@freese.com
Linda Warren Launch! Consulting 914 E. Jefferson St., Suite G4 Charlottesville, VA 22902 linda@launch-consulting.com
Mike Watson MWH Constructors 400 E Las Colinas Blvd Suite 620 Irving, TX 75039 mike.watson@mwhconstructors.com
Temple Williamson Pipeline Analysis, LLC 2542 Somerall San Antonio, TX 78248 twilliamson@pipelineanalysis.com
Lauren Willis Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority 933 E. Court Street Seguin, TX 78155 lwillis@gbra.org
Randall Wirtz Strand Associates, Inc. 1906 Niebuhr Street Brenham, TX 77833 randy.wirtz@strand.com
Jasmin Zambrano City of Houston 12550 Water Works Way Humble, TX 77396 jasmin.zambrano@houstontx.gov
William Zieburtz Stantec 229 Peachtree St. NE Suite 1900 Atlanta, GA 30303 william.zieburtz@stantec.com
Alexander Zuniga LAN, Inc. 8350 N US 75-Central Expy 1000, Suite 1400 Dallas, TX 75206 AAZuniga@lan-inc.com
Ashley Zimmermann New Braunfels Utilities 355 FM 306 New Braunfels, TX 78130 ashleyz@nbutexas.com
Texas Water 2023 Conference App
Use your smartphone’s camera or a free QR reader app and scan the QR code below. Your phone should direct you to the Texas Water app in the app store so you can download it for free to your smartphone. Or search for “Texas Water Conference” in the Google Play or Apple’s App Store.
For desktop use, visit the basic version at https://m4.goeshow.com/txawwa/ annual/2023.
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Andrew Molly, Chair City of Corpus Christi drewm@cctexas.com
Amy Middleton, Chair-Elect Plummer Associates, Inc. amiddleton@plummer.com
Karen Menard, Vice-Chair Dallas Water Utilities karen.menard@dallas.gov
Melissa Bryant, Past Chair San Antonio River Authority mbryant@sara-tx.org
Bruce Curtis, AWWA Director EBAA Iron Sales, Inc. brucec@ebaa.com
Daniel Nix, AWWA Director City of Wichita Falls daniel.nix@wichitafallstx.gov
Elston Johnson, AWWA Director-Elect Elston Johnson and Associates elston@ejohnsonconsulting.com
Mike Howe, Executive Director/ Secretary Treasurer Texas AWWA P.O. Box 80150 Austin, TX 78708 512-238-9292 txawwa@gmail.com
Central Texas Region Trustee
Anne Hoskins Freese and Nichols, Inc. anne.hoskins@freese.com
Deputy Trustee Christina Burleson City of Waco christinab@wacotx.gov
Central West Texas Region Trustee Jordan Hibbs eHt jordan.hibbs@e-ht.com
Deputy Trustee Colden Rich eHt colden.rich@e-ht.com
Coastal Bend Region Trustee Logan Burton LNV loganb@lnvinc.com
Deputy Trustee Crystal Ybanez City of Corpus Christi crystaly@cctexas.com
East Texas Region Trustee John Belton Vision Equipment john@visionequipmenttx.net
Deputy Trustee Kate Dietz City of Tyler kdietz@tylertexas.com
North Central Texas Region Trustee Sid McCain Trinity River Authority mccains@trinityra.org
Deputy Trustee Katie Livas HDR katie.livas@hdrinc.com
Panhandle Region Trustee
Jonathan Gresham City of Amarillo jonathan.gresham@amarillo.gov
Deputy Trustee
Damen Ratliff City of Amarillo damen.ratliff@amarillo.gov
Permian Basin Region Trustee Atzuko Reveles Arcadis atzuko.reveles@arcadis.com
Deputy Trustee
Adriana Castillo El Paso Water acastillo@epwater.org
Rio Grande Valley Region Trustee
Javier Santiago McAllen Public Utility info@tawwa.org
Deputy Trustee Open
South Central Texas Region Trustee Rikki Anderson San Antonio River Authority eanderson@sara-tx.org
Deputy Trustee Lance Rothe San Antonio Water System lance.rothe@saws.org
Southeast Texas Region Trustee Lindsey Reid Freese and Nichols, Inc. lindsey.reid@freese.com
Deputy Trustee Chris Campbell Binkley & Barfield, Inc. clc@binkleybarfield.com
West Texas Region Trustee Open
Deputy Trustee Open COUNCILS and DIVISIONS
Jennifer Elms Odyssey Engineering Group jelms@odysseyeg.com
Dan Crowley San Antonio Water System dan.crowley@saws.org
Jaime Kypuros Tetra Tech jaime.kypuros@tetratech.com
EDUCATION DIVISION Christianne Castleberry, Chair Castleberry Engineering & Consulting c.castleberry@castleberryengineering.com
Shae Luther, Collaborations Texas Water Development Board shae.luther@twdb.texas.gov
Gabe Trejo, Competitions Arcadis gabe.trejo@arcadis.com
Raquel Roulin, Consumer Outreach Southwest Water Company rroulin@swwc.com
Greg Wukasch, K-12+ Education San Antonio Water System greg.wukasch@saws.org
Mark Southard, Membership City of Wichita Falls mark.southard@wichitafallstx.gov
Madeline Kull, Value of Water CDM Smith kullm@cdmsmith.com
Rob Jenkins Freese and Nichols, Inc. rob.jenkins@freese.com
Dean Sharp Sharp Consulting Services dean@deansharpconsulting.com
R. Brent Locke Bistone MWSD bistonewater@nctv.com
Michele Risko Texas Commission on Environmental Quality michele.risko@tceq.texas.gov
Steven Walden, Chair
Steve Walden Consulting stevenwalden@sbcglobal.net
Katie Livas, Community Engineering Corps
HDR katie.livas@hdrinc.com
Hannah Leppla, Technical Assistance Plummer hleppla@plummer.com
Stacy Barna, Training & Education Coordination CDM Smith barnasl@cdmsmith.com
Elston Johnson, AWWA Small Systems Division Elston Johnson and Associates elston@ejohnsonconsulting.com
Jessica Woods, Chair City of Round Rock jwoods@roundrocktexas.gov
Robert Stefani, Alternative Water Supplies Austin Water robert.stefani@austintexas.gov
Daniel Nix, Business/ Industrial Water City of Wichita Falls daniel.nix@wichitafallstx.gov
Jennifer Nations, Conservation City of College Station jnations@cstx.gov
Bryce Canady, Reuse Murfee Engineering Company, Inc. bcanady@murfee.com
Sunil Kommineni KIT Professionals, Inc. skommineni@kitprofs.com
Spandana Tummuri Jacobs span.tummuri@jacobs.com
Charles Maddox cmaddox@austin.rr.com
Daniel Nix City of Wichita Falls daniel.nix@wichitafallstx.gov
Sally Wright City of Dallas sally.wright@dallascityhall.com
Melissa Bryant San Antonio River Authority mbryant@sara-tx.org
Crystal Ramsey Benbrook Water Authority cramsey@benbrookwater.com
Dedra Ecklund Lockwood Andrews & Newnam, Inc. daecklund@lan-inc.com
Javier Santiago WWater Tech jsantiago@wwatertechinc.com
Amy Middleton Plummer Associates, Inc. amiddleton@plummer.com
Heather Cooke Austin Water heather.cooke@austintexas.gov
Venus Price Houston Water venus.price@houstontx.gov
Melissa Bryant mbryant@sara-tx.org
Donna Howe Travis County MUD No. 19 donna.margo.howe@gmail.com
Ishita Rahman Freese and Nichols ishita.rahman@freese.com
PROGRAM (Annual Conference)
Karen Menard Dallas Water Utilities karen.menard@dallas.gov
Vanassa Joseph Trinity River Authority of Texas josephv@trinityra.org
Phillip Givens Superior Water Management info@tawwa.org
Stefi Massey AECOM stefanie.massey@aecom.com
Doug Short Trinity River Authority of Texas shortd@trinityra.org
Yongki Shim KIT Professionals, Inc yshim@kitprofs.com
Swapnil Dusane Ardurra sdusane@ardurra.com
Irazema Rojas El Paso Water Utilities isrojas@epwu.org
Michael McBee Freese and Nichols michael.mcbee@freese.com
Year Director Conference City
1971 Atlee Cunningham San Antonio
1972-75 Robert P. Van Dyke San Antonio
1975-78 Richard G. Toler Fort Worth
1979-80 John H. Stacha Dallas
1980-81 Robert P. Van Dyke Baton Rouge
1981-84 John Kubala Corpus Christi
1984-87 Phil Kosub Little Rock
1987-90 Michael D. Meadows Fort Worth
1990-93 Glen A. Doty Houston
1993-96 Kay Kutchins Amarillo
1996-99 Randy Goss Austin
1999-2002 Katie McCain Fort Worth
2002-2005 Jeannie Wiginton San Antonio
2005-2008 Glenda Dunn Arlington
2008-2011 Charles Anderson San Antonio
2011-2014 Charlie Maddox Fort Worth
2014-2017 Dave Scholler Dallas
2017-2020 Bill R. Smith Austin
2019-2022 Jennifer Elms Houston
2020-2023 Bruce Curtis Fort Worth/Virtual
2022-2025 Daniel Nix San Antonio
2019-2020 Elston Johnson Fort Worth/Virtual
2020-2021 Melissa Bryant Austin/Virtual
2021-2022 Drew Molly San Antonio
All participants of Texas WaterTM 2023 must register. Your badge is proof of registration and must be worn at all times. Your badge is your admission pass for all technical sessions, the Exhibit Hall and non-ticketed conference events. Admission will not be granted without a badge. Your badge will also be scanned at sessions to track your TCEQ credit hours. Replacement of lost badges is available at the Registration Counter at a cost of $10.
www.txwater.org 75
Chair Conference City
Springs 1972-73 John Kubala El Paso 1973-74 John H. Stacha Tulsa 1974-75 Charles K. Foster Fort Worth 1975-76 Gordon H. Smith San Antonio 1976-77 George O. Muller Houston 1977-78 Otis Goldman Little Rock 1978-79 Ralph Hardy Dallas 1979-80 Albert Breaux Baton Rouge 1980-81 Phil Kosub Corpus Christi 1981-82 Michael K. Tubbs Oklahoma City 1982-83 Bill Healer San Antonio 1983-84 Tom Tiner Little Rock 1984-85 Mike Meadows Galveston 1985-86 Glen A. Doty New Orleans 1986-87 James Bailey Fort Worth 1987-88 Kay
G. Toler Hot
Dennis L. Allen Arlington
John B. Lowe Little Rock
Lee C.
Jack A.
Randy J. Goss Corpus Christi
Ronny Hyde Austin
Larry W. Webb Arlington
Eduardo Garaña Galveston
Katie McCain Fort Worth
Bill Riley Dallas
Gary Smith Houston
Jeannie Wiginton San Antonio
Charles Anderson Corpus Christ
Glenda Dunn Arlington 2004-2005 Bill Smith Galveston 2005-2006 Dean Sharp Austin 2006-2007 Charles Maddox Fort Worth 2007-2008 Shay Ralls Roalson San Antonio 2008-2009 John Burke Galveston 2009-2010 Mari-Garza Bird Corpus Christi 2010-2011 Richard Talley Fort Worth 2011-2012 Dave Scholler San Antonio 2012-2013 Brent Locke Galveston 2013-2014 Christianne Castleberry Dallas 2014-2015 Alissa Lockett Corpus Christi 2015-2016 Jennifer Elms Fort Worth 2016-2017 Daniel Nix Austin 2017-2018 Bruce Curtis San Antonio 2018-2019 Ron Tamada
WEF 2022-2023 Officers
President: Ifetayo Venner
President Elect: Aimeé R. Killeen
Vice President: Howard Carter
Treasurer: Keith Hobson
Past President: Jamie Eichenberger
Secretary & Executive Director: Walt Marlowe
Water Environment Association of Texas Staff
Executive Director
Julie Nahrgang Water Environment Association of Texas 1825 Fort View Road, Suite 108 Austin, TX 78704 512-693-0060 julie@weat.org
Association Manager
Alondra Hernandez alondra@weat.org
Membership Analyst
Claudia Bradley claudia@weat.org
Operations Coordinator Matias Pasch matias@weat.org
WEAT Officers, Directors and Management Review Committee Members
Kristin O’Neill Brown and Caldwell koneill1@brwncald.com
Vice President Dylan Christenson Black & Veatch christensond@bv.com
Past President & Section Engagement Jeff Caffey Plummer jcaffey@plummer.com
Secretary Jennie Almerico 5engineering jennie@5engineering.com
Treasurer Lance Klement Garver lpklement@garverusa.com
Deputy Treasurer Brianna Morales Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions bri.morales@veolia.com
Historian David Briggs CDM Smith briggsdc@cdmsmith.com
Junior WEF Delegate Kyle Kubista
Senior WEF Delegate
Leigh Thomas WGI, Inc leigh.thomas@wginc.com
Past WEF Delegate
Jeff Sober Garver jlsober@garverusa.com
Professional Wastewater Operator
David Garza McAllen Public Utility dgarza@mcallen.net
Member At Large
Jeff Haby San Antonio Water System jeff.haby@saws.org
Nathan Vassar
Lloyd Gosselink nvassar@lglawfirm.com
Young Professional Kaylee Waldo Kimley-Horn kaylee.waldo@kimley-horn.com
Section Engagement Chair Rick Hidalgo Signature Automation hjhidalgo@sig-auto.com
Section Representatives Panhandle Clayton Scales cscales@ksaeng.com
Lubbock Dr. Kayleigh Millerick Texas Tech University kayleigh.millerick@ttu.edu
North Texas Andy Paulson Signature Automation ajpaulson@sig-auto.com
Northeast Texas Scott Baggett City of Longview sbaggett@longviewtexas.gov
El Paso David Ornelas El Paso Water dornelas@epwater.org
Midland/Odessa Aurora Gonzales Kennedy Jenks auroragonzales@kennedyjenks.com
Central Texas Jason Bybel Walker Partners jbybel@walkerpartners.com
Southeast Texas Pavani Silaparasetty AECOM pavani.silaparasetty@aecom.com
San Antonio Ron Emmons Garcia Infrastructure Consultants remmons@gicstx.com
Bryan/College Station Jennifer Nations City of College Station jnations@cstx.gov
Bryan/College Station
Meg Pierce-Walsh Plummer mpierce-walsh@plummer.com
Middle Rio Grande Ignacio Hinojosa Ardurra ihinojosa@ardurra.com
Rio Grande Valley Carlos Gonzalez McAllen Public Utility cagonzalez@mcallen.net
Cathy Dominguez Brazos River Authority cathyd@brazos.org
Knowledge Committee Chairs
Asset Management Jeff Masek AECOM jeff.masek@aecom.com
John D’Antoni Black & Veatch dantonijm@bv.com
Biosolids Management Matthew Berg Jacobs matt.berg@jacobs.com
Marisa Palmer San Antonio Water System marisa.palmer@saws.org
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Collections Systems
Derek Schwanke Garver dtschwanke@garverusa.com
Raghavender Nednur Houston Public Works raghavender.nednur@houstontx.gov
Christian Annexy Ballard Marine Construction christian.annexy@ballardmc.com
Kristin O’Neill Brown and Caldwell koneill1@brwncald.com
Electrical, Instrumentation & Controls
Sahar Saffar Ardurra ssaffar@ardurra.com
Sean McMillan Quiddity semcmillan@quiddity.com
Jonathan Sandhu Gulf Coast Authority jsandhu@gcatx.org
Tres Koenings
Plummer tkoenings@plummer.com
Laboratory Trinity O’Neal Austin Water trinity.oneal@austintexas.gov
Jennifer Whitaker Trinity River Authority whitakerj@trinityra.org
Manufacturers & Reps
Joju Abraham Global WET jabraham@globalwet.com
Municipal Resource Recovery Design
Nicholas Landes Freese and Nichols nick.landes@freese.com
Samir Mathur CDM Smith mathurss@cdmsmith.com
Nutrient Management
Peter Reale Plummer preale@plummer.com
Chris Pasch Plummer cpasch@plummer.com
Odor & Corrosion Management
Suparna Suvasish Mukhopadhyay Plummer smukhopadhyay@plummer.com
Troy Najar Environmental Group Southwest troy@egsw.us
Operations and Maintenance
Darrell Poore Dallas Water Utility darrell.poore@dallascityhall.com
Fritz Hurst Dallas Water Utility fritz.hurst@dallascityhall.com
Raudel Juarez Trinity River Authority juarezr@trinityra.org
Joseph Fielding Trinity River Authority fieldingjk@trinityra.org
Safety, Cyber and Infrastructure Security
Denney Howard LAN drhoward@lan-inc.com
David Milligan North Texas Municipal Water District dmilligan@ntmwd.com
Stormwater/Watershed Management
Kim Chanslor CDM Smith chanslorkm@cdmsmith.com
Gian Villarreal Seagull PME gvillarreal@seagullpme.com
Utility Management
Dan Olson Garver dnolson@garverusa.com
Water Reuse Quentin Geile Plummer qgeile@plummer.com
Megan Thomas Epic Cleantec megan@epiccleantec.com
Delivery Committee Chairs
Advanced Operator Training Rami Issa AECOM rami.issa@aecom.com
Chris Young Plummer cyoung@plummer.com
John Bennett Trinity River Authority bennettj@trinityra.org
Kim Chanslor CDM Smith chanslorkm@cdmsmith.com
Randy Bush STV randy.bush@stvinc.com
Operations Challenge
Jeff Sober Garver jlsober@garverusa.com
John Bennett Trinity River Authority bennettj@trinityra.org
Philanthropy Christopher Varnon CDM Smith varnonck@cdmsmith.com
Scholarship Carol Serna Stantec carol.serna@stantec.com
Small Systems
Andrew McBride Schertz Seguin Local Government Corporation amcbride@seguintexas.gov
Kevin Patel Signature Automation knpatel@sig-auto.com
Workforce Development
Justin Rackley Garver jarackley@garverusa.com
Dylan Christenson Black & Veatch christensonD@bv.com
Utility Funding Ad-Hoc
Stacy Barna CDM Smith barnasl@cdmsmith.com
Texas Water Steering
Local Host Committee Matthew Jalbert Trinity River Authority jalbertm@trinityra.org
Texas Water Program
Dylan Christenson Black & Veatch ChristensonD@BV.com
Stakeholders Committee Chairs
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Ana Peña-Tijerina Plummer apena-tijerina@plummer.com
Tanya Miro Kimley-Horn tanya.miro@kimley-horn.com
Aurora Gonzales Kennedy Jenks auroragonzales@kennedyjenks.com
Government Affairs
Heather Cooke Austin Water heather.cooke@austintexas.gov
Nathan Vassar Lloyd Gosselink nvassar@lglawfirm.com
Phillip Goodwin Houston Public Works phillip.goodwin@houstontx.gov
Hector Montanez Houston Public Works hector.montanez@houstontx.gov
Public Communication & Outreach
Nyla Langford Signature Automation nblangford@sig-auto.com
Archana Sharma Trigon Associates asharma@trigonassociates.com
Student Sections
Caitlin Ruff Black & Veatch ruffc2@bv.com
Elle Frier Frier Group elle@friergroup.com
The presiding officer was known as a Chairman of a Section from 19281961 and as President since 1962.
Chairman, Sewage Division, Texas Section, Southwest Water Works Association
1928-1931 W.S. Mahlie
1932-1933 Edgar Whedbee
1934-1936 W.S. Mahlie
1937 W.S. Stanley
1938-1943 R.M. Dixon
Chairman, Sewage Division, Texas Water Works and Sewage Short School
1944 E.J.M. Berg
1945 E.M. Dixo
1946 L.C. Billings
1947 J.H. Sorrels
Chair, Sewage and Industrial Waste Section Texas Water and Sewage Works Association
1951 C.H. Connell
1952 A.H. Ullrich
1953 A.C. Bryan
1954 K.E. Mills
1955 W.S. Mahlie
1956 Glen A. Doty
1957 John F. Conlon
1958 Roger Moehlman
1959 T.L. Satterwhite
1960 Cecil Williams
1961 John P. Wold
President, Texas Water Pollution Control Association
1962 W. N. Wells
1963 Robert L. Nichols
1964 S.A. Garza
1965 Harry O. Henkel
1966 M.T. Garrett
1967 Jack Huppert
1968 S.O. Brady
1969 James D. Gof
1970 David G. Chase
1971 Ronald D. Sadow
1972 Curtis E. Johnson
1973 James E. Laughlin
1974 Albert Breaaux
1975 Joe Malina
Student Design Competition
Daniel Roberts Ardurra droberts@ardurra.com
Tori Haugvoll Black & Veatch haugvollt@bv.com
Texas Water University Forum
Kayleigh Millerick Texas Tech University kayleigh.millerick@ttu.edu
Management Committee Chairs
Committee Leadership Council Jeff Caffey Plummer jcaffey@plummer.com
1976 Tom Koederitz
1977 W.W. Wright
1978 D.M. Cochran
1979 Joe P. Teller
1980 P. D. Parks
1981 Robert R. Bustamante
1982 Glen Longley
1983 Marshall Haney
1984 Sharon M. D’orsie
1985 Jim Taaffe
1986 Bert Bates
1987 Bob Derrington
1988 John Cook
1989 Richard Smullen, Jr.
1990 Robert McMillon
1991 Carol Batterton
President, Water Environment Association of Texas
1992 Alice Megna
1993 Gordon Koblitz
1994 Stephen Jenkins
1995 Joe King II
1996 Rhonda Harris
1997 Martha Martin
1998 Ron Mayo
1999 Patty Cleveland
2000 Clyde Burnett
2001 Mary Evans
2002 Jim Joyce
2003 Ron Sieger
2004 Ray Longoria
2005 Richard Eason 2006 Paul Roach
2007 Raj Bhattarai
2008 Brad Castleberry 2009 Betty Jordan
Jody Zabolio
David Briggs
John Bennett
Curtis Smalley
Steve Coonan
Jenna Covington
David Jackson
Jeff Sober
Leigh Cerda
Heather Cooke
Membership Heather Wootton Kimley-Horn heather.wootton@kimley-horn.com
Connie Curtis SJRA ccurtis@sjra.net
Nominating Jeff Caffey Plummer jcaffey@plummer.com
Strategic Planning
Kristin O’Neill Brown and Caldwell koneill1@brwncald.com
www.txwater.org 77
Rick Hidalgo 2021 Jeff Caffey 2022 Matt Jalbert
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