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Selective Enforcement against Legal Hemp-Derived THC Isomers in Texas: Examining Sky&Hobbes, Bee Hippy, and Rio CBD Cases
The issue of selective enforcement against legal hemp-derived THC isomers has been a growing concern, particularly in Texas. This article aims to shed light on incidents involving selective enforcement against three well-known businesses in the state: Sky&Hobbes, Bee Hippy, and Rio CBD. By examining these cases, we can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the hemp industry in Texas.
Understanding Legal Hemp-Derived THC Isomers:
Before delving into the selective enforcement cases, it is crucial to grasp the concept of hemp-derived THC isomers. Hemp is defined as cannabis plants containing 0.3% or less delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC isomers are different variations of THC present in cannabis, including delta-8 THC, delta-9 THC, and other derivatives. Unlike delta-9 THC, hemp-derived THC isomers are non-intoxicating and offer potential health benefits.
The Selective Enforcement on Sky&Hobbes:
Sky&Hobbes, once a reputable hydroponic hemp grower in Corsicana, was subjected to unjust scrutiny by law enforcement agencies in Texas. Raids conducted on their premises have raised concerns about selective enforcement against legal hemp-derived THC isomers. Despite adhering to the 0.3% THC threshold, the company was targeted, resulting in the seizure of their products and disruption of their operations, and felony charges against one of its owners which were later dropped after Texas Hemp Federation counsel David Sergi intervened with the district attorney.
Selective Enforcement against Bee Hippy:
Bee Hippy, another prominent hemp-based business, has also faced selective enforcement actions by law enforcement agencies in Texas. Despite diligently following state and federal regulations, Bee Hippy has been subjected to raids and the confiscation of their hemp-derived products. These actions have caused significant disturbances to the company’s operations.
The Impact on Rio CBD and the Industry:
The case of Rio CBD further illustrates the impact of selective enforcement on businesses operating within the legal boundaries of hemp-derived products in Texas. Rio CBD, known for their high-quality cannabidiol (CBD) offerings, has faced unwarranted attention from law enforcement agencies. Raids and seizures of their legal hemp-derived products have not only affected their operations but also raised concerns about the reliability of regulatory systems. While the owner reported warrants were issued in the last week of June, no action has been taken since THF supplied legal counsel. Regardless the financial stability of its owners is presently at serious risk since Harlingen police seized company’s entire inventory.
Analyzing the Motives Behind Selective Enforcement:
Critics argue that selective enforcement against legal hemp-derived THC isomers might stem from misunderstandings or misinterpretations of legislation. The nuanced differences between hemp-derived THC isomers and other cannabis products with higher THC concentrations may be overlooked, leading to misidentification and unwarranted actions. Additionally, similarities in packaging and appearance among various hemp products on the market can contribute to confusion.
The Importance of Clarity and Consistency:
To combat selective enforcement, it is crucial for stakeholders, including law enforcement agencies, legislators, and the hemp industry, to come together and establish clear guidelines. By ensuring comprehensive training and education for law enforcement officials, misunderstandings and inconsistencies can be minimized. Collaborative efforts are essential to protect legitimate businesses and consumers while preventing the illegal use of cannabis products.
Selective enforcement against legal hemp-derived THC isomers, witnessed in the cases of Sky&Hobbes, Bee Hippy, and Rio CBD, raises concerns about the functioning of the hemp industry in Texas. Achieving clarity in legislation, consistent interpretation, and providing necessary training for law enforcement agencies are vital steps to address this issue. By working together, the industry and regulators can strike a balance between effective regulation and facilitating access to safe and beneficial hemp-derived products, benefitting both businesses and consumers in Texas.
The Texas Hemp Federation, recognizing the need to protect businesses faced with selective enforcement, has taken a significant step forward by establishing a legal defense fund. This fund aims to provide crucial assistance to businesses that have been targeted for selling legal hemp-derived isomers. With the cannabis industry rapidly evolving and hemp gaining legal recognition, the Texas Hemp Federation’s initiative is a timely response to challenges faced by businesses in navigating the complex landscape of hemp regulations. The legal defense fund will undoubtedly prove instrumental in protecting the rights of businesses and ensuring that selective enforcement does not impede the growth and development of the hemp industry in Texas.
For more information, contact Jay Maguire, executive director at maguire@texashempfederation.com of entities such as Rare Earth Genomics, PurIso Labs, CBD Pros, Texas Hemp Coalition, Texas Hemp Reporter Magazine, and Orange Photonics. This collaborative effort has allowed us to award over $5,000 in cannabis scholarships and provide rich educational experiences for our members.

One of the unique aspects of CHIL is our commitment to hands-on learning. We owe a debt of gratitude to Texas A&M alumnus and 4KPharm Owner, Taylor Kirk, who has allowed us access to his greenhouse in Giddings, Texas. His support has facilitated hands-on planting and harvesting days for our members, providing invaluable field experience.
The coming year is already shaping up to be another milestone period for CHIL. Texas A&M University’s President, Katherine Banks, has generously created a scholarship pool of $250,000 for all approved student organizations, and we have been allocated $4,250 for an educational trip to Colorado. This trip, open to members aged 21 and over, will provide a unique oppor- tunity to visit and learn from operational growing facilities, chemical extraction facilities, and business owners in the heart of America’s legal cannabis industry.

As we continue to grow and evolve, CHIL is also excited to venture into collaborative projects. We are partnering with Texas A&M’s Corn Maze to introduce a fiber-type variety of hemp into the maze. Additionally, CHIL is proud to support @CSTATDECRIM, a local movement that seeks to decriminalize cannabis in College Station, Texas.
One of our most exciting developments is the expansion of CHIL to other universities. We are pleased to announce that a CHIL chapter will be launching at Texas State University in Fall 2023, reinforcing our commitment to spreading cannabis education and opportunities across Texas.
Being a part of CHIL offers unparalleled access to the rapidly evolving world of hemp and cannabis. Our members, who hail from a diverse array of disciplines, have had the privilege of learning from industry lead- ers, including engineers, medical doctors, cultivators, chemical extraction specialists, industrial hemp creators, professors, and researchers from Texas A&M’s graduate and undergraduate programs.
Membership for active students starts at $25 per semester or $40 for the academic year. Non-student members can join our meetings online for an annual fee of $40 at CHILclub. com/memberships. We also offer merchandise at CHILclub.com/store, with proceeds contributing to the continuance of our mission.
For those interested in starting a CHIL chapter at their university, we welcome inquiries at chilmembers@gmail.com. Stay connected with us via our social media handles, @ TAMUCHIL and @CHIL.CLUB, or visit our website at CHILclub.com.
At CHIL, we’re not just fostering education and innovation; we’re building a community that advocates for change in the hemp and cannabis sector. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to an exciting new academic year!